About : tv stands for flat screens corner
Title : tv stands for flat screens corner
tv stands for flat screens corner

what's going on everyone? jeranism again,back with a new video. i'm calling it the flat truth of the new moon. hopefully youguys can help me out. i made a little observation, a new observation about the moon and its phases.and so, i'm going to show that in a little bit, have you guys take a look at it and letme know if you see the same thing i do. which is a major problem with the current structure.so the other thing i wanted to do is just cover real quickly the few people that havebeen writing and are still very confused about "would we fall over the edge?" and i understandthe reason for thinking that. it's been taught to you that it's hilarious to think aboutthese boats or things that got close to the edge and you've seen pictures if you lookup "flat earth" on google you'll see pictures
right away of boats going over the edge andthat's not necessarily the case when it comes to the flat earth model that would be true.the azimuthal equidistant map that you see in front of you which just so happens to bethe exact same map as the logo of the united nations. so, which is also separated into33 sections, as you can see on the screen, four sections, sorry eight sections of fourand then a middle. so that seems peculiar. we hear a lot about the "globalists" movementand what are they doing, is it simply keeping the myth of the globe going? well, in thisnext image you see "operation paperclip" which you might want to do a little research onthat, just to show you where did nasa come from; what is this country, speaking of theunited states, what is their connection to
germany, to rocketry, you know, when did nasacome into existence... it's all basically these german scientists, 1500 of them, thatcame over to the united states at the end of world war 2. you can also see here, veryclearly seen, that the international space station is a strange shape and it is almostidentical to the symbol of baphomet. the same symbol that you will find on the hat of thegrand masters of the 33rd degree [masons] so look into that as well. just to cover againthis is the azimuthal equidistant map. it is used many places. you can- i put a linkdown below for the wikipedia, um, for this particular map, and it tells you that it'sused in radio and how simple it is to use in radio. you just simply turn your radiotransmitter in the direction that the map
says and that's all you have to do. so basicallyit's a map that's used in radar, it's used in sailing, it's used in tons of applications.so you should look into that. um so this next little image that i drew just shows a coupleimportant points- if you kinda see up above at the north spot of the map, you'll see that'sthe sun and how it rotates around the earth in the circle that gives us our day and night.um, if you notice the white box on the right, you'll notice i have a person pointed outand as long as they're facing north, you know, take for instance, if the have a compass intheir hands, if they're facing north then south would be anywhere behind them. and that'strue througout the entire map. so if you're in africa and you are facing north, behindyou would be antarctica which is the same
as on the globe, basically, if you're facingnorth behind you is the edge. if you see down in the lower left-hand corner, this is whatthe ice shelf looks like, or the ice wall. so, no, you can't fall off. no one's really,that we know of, has gone far enough passed this ice wall to know if it ever ends- isit neverending? - does it have another wall? - or a - some people have mentioned possiblya dome-- we don't know. what it comes down to is that we should be paying attention towhat is fake and what is real. what is constructed for us and what do we really see? if theylet us go to the north pole or the south pole, well things might be different, but they don'tlet us go so the question is "why?" this picture here is of einstein, and if younotice he's pointing to his head, he's got
some planets and stuff in the background behindhim. but if you think about it, when someone points to their head, are they telling youthat they think or are they telling you to think?so is einstein here telling us he's really smartquick tips: - ctrl+i adds italic formatting and ctrl+badds bold formatting. - press esc to play/pause, and ctrl+j to insertthe current timestamp. or is he telling us to think? so in my opinionhe's telling us to think. maybe he knew what they were gonna do with his theories and hewanted us to use our heads and not believe everything we're told. because if we do believewhat we are told then you will know that the
sun and the moon look to be the same sizein the sky, especially during an eclipse when one crosses the other they are almost identicalin size. this is because the theory of the sphere earth says the sun is 92 million milesaway and eight-hundred and sixty thousand-something miles across which happens to be 400 timeslarger and 400 times further than the moon. this seems to be a little fantastical to me.whereas if you believe in the flat earth model, the sun is 32 miles in diameter and three-thousandmiles up and the moon is also 32 miles in diameter and also three-thousand miles up.this is something that you can use a sextant tool and measure yourself. see what you comeout with. if you do it, let me know. i would be interested to hear your results. i don'tthink you will come out with 92 million miles
as the distance of the sun. this next pictureis just a little image i put up in my last video just to show that the distance betweencalifornia and hawaii would cover 2,471 miles and this distance would have to have 770 milesof curvature. so, if you anything about water; take a cup of water, take a pan of water,take a mile worth of water; that water is always gonna be flat. it'll never be curved.yet they tell us that all the way around the globe [the water] is curved. this next image,i just have a little plane to show you. for those of you who don't know, planes fly bykeeping even with the horizon. which tells you the horizon goes up with your eye level.it's not as if you get up in a plane and the horizon drops way down low, the horizon stayswith you as you go up. and that's how planes
fly. they just stay even [level] with thehorizon. so this image just shows that. this also starts to show you my problem with theglobe. and this is something that is hard to explain and i'll just let you really thinkon it. really picture what it would mean to be on a sphere or on a globe. you have somepeople right-side up, you have some people upside-down, and then with magic, you aretold because of gravity you are both right-side up. another problem i have with this globetheory, is if you watch any of the nasa or now spacex launches you will see that therocket does not go straight up, but it goes up and then to the right. if you ask somebody,an "intellectual", why this happens, they will tell you that because the rocket needsto get enough speed to exit the globe. but
if you really think about a globe, no matterwhere you exit would always be the same. so that's where i'm confused with that one. thereis no difference. you can't go out the side of the dome um or the globe. just as if youthink of yourself being on the globe you have to be in the exact middle of it. never couldyou be on the side of the globe; it would be everyone sees the same thing from theirperspective which to me is pretend. it's not something that's realistic. this image hereshows that someone up near the north pole would be spinning at 150 miles per hour andsomeone at the equator would be spinning at 1,050 miles per hour. quite a difference.and you're telling me that if you flew a plane from one spot to another that when you gotoff the plane you wouldn't notice that you're
now spinning a thousand miles per hour fasterthan you were before. this image here just shows one of the theories or the round earththeory uses the fact that you can see further the higher you are up as a proof of the sphereearth. this is not proof of a sphere, this is proof that somebody who is higher up cansee further. that's the only thing that proves. so if you look at the simple little diagrampicture here, you'll see the person that is in the water, um, can see, obviously, theleast amount of distance. then the next person up, the one on the shore can obviously seefurther than the person in the water. and the next picture of somebody on a ladder whowould obviously see further than the person who is on the shore, who would see furtherthan the person in the water... keep going
further, you have somebody up on a mountainwould be able to see further and ultimately somebody in a plane would be able to the furthest.so this isn't any proof of a sphere, it's simply proof as we said, the higher you areup, the further you can see because the earth is flat. and it is your limited view of perspectiveor your view that decides how far you can see. if you look at this image it's from aplane and you'll see that, you can see just the tip of the sun there. so you'd have tounderstand that somebody on the earth whose at the ground level, at this point, wouldsee night. the only reason that the plane sees the sun still is it's higher up. so thiskind of tells you what happens to the sun; from your vantage point on earth, when yousee it set, somebody in a plane who is right
above you would still see further than youand therefore be able to still see the sun. this is not because we are on a sphere, justhow far you can see depending on how high up you are. and so now, i'll go ahead andgo with my new moon theory. and somebody can help me, comment, please, what i am seeingwrong about this. as you see on the screen this is the path the moon takes as it travelsaround the earth. uh, you can see up in the boxes in the upper left, there's a view ofwhat we see from the night-side and a view of what we see from day-side. so you'll seenow that as the moon gets right behind us, we get a full moon, as it's fully illuminatedby the sun. and then as it comes around the other side, we slowly see less and less ofit until we have just the sliver as they call
this the waning and the waxing of the moon.now here's my issue, is when we get to the point where the moon is in between the sunand the earth, they say this is a new moon and we don't see the moon. my question is,if you see in the upper left there, why is there no black dot in the middle of the day-sky?as the moon should be between us and the sun, and should be blocking out the sun, but wenever see that. so these next images show the same thing. you'll see they always tellyou where the moon is and why we see it they way we do, yet they fail to explain why duringa new moon they just simply say, "well, it's between us and the sun so we don't see it."which could make sense to the night-sky, but does it make any sense to the day-sky side?wouldn't they see the moon being in the sky
and blocking out the sun? so you can see inthis image the same thing that with the rays of the sun fully engulfing the sky, not aimeddirectly at the moon, wouldn't we see in the day-sky, a black spot in the sky? but we don'tsee that. i just put an image up on how us funny human beings think that we lost a planewhich was a few miles in the sky, four, five, six-thousand miles in the sky and we've lostit completely. no one has any idea where it's at. yet we have a robot on mars that takesselfies and is a hundred-fifty million miles away. seems to be a little peculiar. but theyalso tell you that this real; the image you see there of galaxies and this beautiful smoke--this is nothing more than a cgi computer graphics, computer-generated image, nothing real thatwe see. same thing with this image. really
pretty if it were in fact anything that wesee in real life, but it is not and yet i'm the one that wears the tinfoil hat and peoplebelieve that this is true. next i'm going to take a look at a video, um, i found a site,i linked to it in the description, so you can go there and play with it. basically,it has many different maps and you can see different currents and wave configurationsand these are live. so if you take a look at the image on the screen now you can clickon the link in the description and check out this for yourself. you can turn on, for instance,like i did, wind currents, wave currents and check out what they look like on the globe.so as you can see they are kind of all over the place, uh, going round-abouts for no reasonin some regions. uh, doesn't seem like there's
any rhyme or reason to the path of the wavesor the path of the wind currents. it doesn't make any sense with a spinning earth - noneof it seems to jive with what we see and percieve on a day-to-day basis and - i don't know aboutfor you guys, but i don't have an agenda in all this, um, like others, all i want is thetruth and it seems peculiar to me that there's so many things that can't be explained, uh,in the globe model. yet when we turn it to the flat earth model all of a sudden thesethings are explained. um, you'll see on the screen now, i'm just showing some differentconfigurations and then looking at the way the waves seem to not make any sense, nowyou'll see that i have flipped it to the azimuthal equidistant or the flat earth map, and nowthings seem to make perfect sense. so you
can see everything flowing in a counter-clockwisedirection, um, you could see in the middle, that things change. also you can see wherethe blue is, this would represent the path of the moon and sun. so when we talk aboutthe moon effecting the tides on earth, this would be true in the flat earth model as themoon goes around and carries the water with it. it kind of releases it as it gets furtheralong its path. which by then it will have picked up new water and so on and so forth.what i'm saying is if you go here and just play with some different things, look at thewind, look at the surface temperatures, you'll start to see that the system seems to makesense on the flat earth, but does not on the globe. and these are the things i'm talkingabout - why do all these things not jive with
reality? - why are the moon phases, like thenew moon, that i showed earlier, not realistic? look at this here, this shows the waves, um,you can see that the heaviest waves are right in the red region, which are right where thesun and moon are effecting the tides the most. the yellow and the green represent the mediumwaves or the ones in the middle, the ones in the blue are the smallest waves or theleast active. so you see here you can switch it between the ae which is the azimuthal equidistantor the "o", like "o my god, i don't live there.." or for the globe. you can bring that up asyou can see on the screen now, what made sense before doesn't seem to make a whole lot ofsense now. um, it might, until we decide, that well the earth is tilted and spinningon its axis. and if that were the case, with
the tilt, we would see a much different patternof heavy waves. um, for instance, the earth is prbably tilted a lot like that - as itspins and as we turn the colors back on that this doesn't make any sense. as we are spinning,would this look a lot different than shown? so i challenge you to go and check it outyourself and ask yourself all the questions i've been asking myself - why does the spinningearth make no sense? - and why does gravity make no sense? - how am i supposed to believein curved water when it makes no sense to me? - and why do the timelapse videos we seeof stars make no sense per their model? so these are the kinds of things that i ask myself,that you need to be asking yourself - why is it that to me living on a globe makes nosense? does not jive with my version of reality?
where two people can both be right-side up,but in "reality" one is upside-down... but not really because of gravity. it doesn'tmake any sense to me. why do these wave currents make no sense on a globe? these are the kindsof questions you need ask yourself... why does relativity make no sense? we can measurehow fast the earth is going and we can measure how fast the sun is going but only relativeto each other. the fact that the earth is also going 66,000 miles per hour around thesun, we can't then say how fast the moon is going in comparison with the earth and thesun since it is all relative to your position. which just doesn't jive. so these are thekinds of things i'm talking about. so, on the screen you can see you are able to makesome changes. you can change what view you
are looking at, this one here you can see,seems to make sense, but these are the waves, i believe, but you'll see there are some wavepatterns going down below, and i can't remember exactly what this was, but you can click areason the map and get their exact location, their exact temperature. if you are looking at thetemperature, if you are looking at the air pressure, or you're looking at the surfacetemperature, uh tons of things you can look at. and you'll start to see some things justdon't make sense. why are we getting those kind of rotations down there? then when weswitch it and we go to the azimuthal equidistant we can see here now it starts to make moresense. see the path that everything is taking, that everything jives with the spiral thatwe see in everyday life. almost everywhere.
you've seen the fibonacci sequence. all thesethings tie together. um, to me i'm asking myself, why does the jetstream not make senseon the globe? why does the nasa role technique not make sense while launching rockets? whydoes losing seven-hundred boxes of moon landing footage, the greatest accomplishment of mankind,not make any sense to me? there's no way you could lose 700 boxes of videos unless youwere trying to get rid of them. um, why does nasa doctor and remove images? you know, there'splenty of examples of them having an image up on their database, somebody finds a mistakewith it or a clear proof of deception and the next thing you know, they remove the image.doesn't seem like a scientific organization that is attempting to distribute facts tome. uh, why is there- if there is no evidence
for the globe model? why is flat earth madefun of? why is it what we were all taught to laugh at and snicker at as soon as someonetalks about flat earth? seems kind of wierd; you can talk about anything you want. butyou talk about flat earth and all of a sudden you should have a tinfoil hat. so this hereis showing some of the temperatures, i believe. um, again doesn't really make a lot of senseon the globe model. things just all seem to kind of act wild or not like you would expectthem. um, but you'll see in a second when i flip it, what a difference it does make.but just keep asking yourself these questions... why can't i go to the north pole? why can'ti go to antarctica? if everything were as they say, there should be no problem withme taking a trip down there, but go ahead
and try and you'll see that you have to havea government guide or a government tour guide... that just seems like a deception. there isno reason for them to require this of me. um, why do all countries own antarctica? thinkabout every location on the globe, and that throughout time it has all been a war to acquireproperty, to acquire a location. everything's about- this owned by the united states now...britain,they took it over from britain- you know, the indians own this and we took over theindians, and the mexicans owned california til the united states took it from mexico.everything is about conquest of land, but then there's antartica, and nobody owns it.it just sits out ther about the edge and nobody makes any claims on it. it's owned equallyby everyone. um, there's a reason for that.
if it was just a splotch of land, believeme, somebody would own it. somebody would have gotten there and staked claim to it andthere would have to be a war in order for us to know for sure, but that seems peculiarto me. now why are all rockets launched near water? this is just another one of those wierdthings that, is it simply because they just go up in the air and go off to the side andget out of our view and dump into the water? this wouldn't be possible if they launchedfrom say colorado where they would launch their rocket... well people either east orwest, which ever way the rocket went, would be able to follow it with their eyes. butwhen they do it from florida and dump it out into the ocean, well there's nobody therewho can verify this. so these are the kinds
of questions you need to ask yourself. i thinkthis map here, tool will really be beneficial to you. if you just go there and play aroundwith it as you see i'm doing and just watch different configurations that seem toalwaysjive with the flat earth but don't jive with the "o-that's-not-where-i-live" map or theglobe map. which just looks like some sort of mess. see here that there's just no waythat the waves just make no sense. if the earth was spinning on this, on the equatorhere, the waves would go the way that you would expect, but they don't. they don't gothat way at all. you even see some below the equator even coming back going with the spinwhile the others are going away. so these are the things that make me say, "hmm, somethingdoesn't seem right..." and i'm just trying
to get you guys to do the same thing. nowwe switch to the globe and we are at 250 which is the height and we are doing the wind, andyou'll see here at 250 up, you can that this doesn't make a whole lot of sense with whatwe see on earth. you can see the heavier stuff just it's going in kinda wierd circles uh,bouncing all over the place. the earth doesn't spin like this right? it spins with a tiltof 2.5â° so this doesn't really seem to jive with what we see. it just kinda looks likea mess. it just doesn't look like it really is working. remember the earth would be tiltedat about up like this. and then it really doesn't seem like it makes sense anymore.why would you have a heavier flow on the bottom? we switch over to the flat earth map and ifyou look at it now, things seem to make more
sense. things along the outside are all goingat a certain speed, and you have the quieter regions which are right with the paths ofthe sun and moon and then you've got the inner regions. but this actually makes sense withwhat i see. so, go there, check it out. play with it a little. you can watch the rest ofthis video, it's just going to be a little bit more of my back and forth playings withthis map, but like i said, click the link below. i have another video coming out ina few hours that will talk about spacex and their most recent launch and the cgi, movie-makingand hollywood crap that they put out and tell you is real. it's not real, folks. watch thevideo and see for yourself, and you'll see that they're faking space. and i don't liketo think about why anymore than you do, but
it certainly is not okay for them to be lyingto the entire world. so let's call them out for it and get it stopped. til then, tellthe truth. ♪♫ (upbeat instrumental music playing) ♪♫ ... ♪♫ (instrumental continuing)♪♫