standard size of kindergarten furniture

standard size of kindergarten furniture - Hallo friend furniture stands lover, At this time sharing furniture stands entitled standard size of kindergarten furniture, I have provided furniture stands ideas. hopefully content of posts that I wrote this home design, Furniture Decorating, interior, furniture stands can be useful. OK, following its coverage of furniture stands ideas..

About : standard size of kindergarten furniture
Title : standard size of kindergarten furniture

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    standard size of kindergarten furniture

    take out all the's gotta be somewhere here. i'm in the assembler, *68.that's right. they are all's initiated. the dll has loadedfrom some address. if the debugger saves it else-where, it will go in cycles. save it more than onceso you can just click on it. the length is in characters, but if i use unicode,it gets stuck. put it in c++ and don'trecall it. then it won't crash.

    those multi-window programs! window artificial utilityis more like debility. you could also move one byteor move it in a cycle. this thing won't even move.i'm back in the assembler! spray the hard drivewith whip cream. it might be addictedto sugar like you. it doesn't give a fuck about me. this is are you, honzã­k? what day is today? friday?

    i don't know if i can make it.i still have a lot of work. okay, i will try,but i can't promise anything. bye... oh my. have i finished something late,vã¡clav? everything you've done,for as long as i can remember. -what then? tell me...-i'm joking. you're our best programmer, huh? to compress the file in .zip,do i just hit enter? hit shift ctrl c5 alt f6,but not the other way around.

    i haven't seen my son for weeks. i don't know how he looks now. do you think i see mine?my wife asked for a divorce. i will take my work with me.i will finish it in time. that's impossible. it will beso vapid here without you. just saturday... ...and sunday. please... -okay, but stay in touch!-of course! check in!

    hire two psychologists to put together a complexanalysis of the company. honzã­k... -dad!-hi. so where are we going? we are going to our weekendhouse. you are one week late. i couldn't do it.i'm just too busy these days. mom, let me go with dad.i haven't seen him for so long. jarda, should we lethonzã­k go with honza? sure, but he should bring histextbooks with him and work.

    i have a lot of work, too.we will study together. -right?-right. you make a lot of money,don't you? you could pay a bit more,couldn't you? well, i much? two thousand? sure, why not? come back,'re not coming with us. jesus, whose car is this? bingo! okay, then.

    whose cars are these? pests! streams of words and commandscoming from the hi-tech system walls of terms and stares,what is there to believe in file, view, send edit, find, end modify, compare, link enter, confirm, blink replace, check, align

    print, save, define delete, order, sort insert, enter, abort trip out of the city,concrete and grass rolling landscape,trees sway as we pass trip out of the city,network error on the web a spider crawls andspins his thread trip out of the city,walls come down rods whistle andfires surround

    trip out of the city,dust and waste a crane flies and flapsits wings with grace out of the city look, they are flying in a v as if they were signaling something. who gives a fuck? that is how you talkto your dad? fuck! stupid piece of meat!

    we can roast it and eat it. and get a finefor poaching, huh? we have a signal here sowe can ''save'' ourselves. we have a latitude of 49.13degrees on the northern meridian and a longitude of 16.40 degreeson the eastern meridian. dad, where is the tv? i want to see if we can get a signal here. not yet! firstwe will stretch our joints and clear our lungs. okay?

    don't stop! run uphill! catch the sunset. i see jogging is good for you. ahoy... -where are you going?-where the water takes us. so stay here. -dad, guess what i noticed?-what? that your penis is smallerthan jarda's. sometimes it's small,sometimes it's big.

    it depends on the situation. -what games do you have?-let me work. -what are you working on?-the central resident register. what's that? it's a database of everybodyand all their numbers. id number,driver's license number, insurance number,license plate number, shoe size, home address,registration number, social security number,bank account number...

    cunt number! i'm going to make a phone call. not right now!i'm on-line with the company. -what do you mean?-everything i write is transmitted by air frommy cell phone to their computer. and likewise from theirs to mine. i just got a note from bambas. -do you enjoy it?-damn it! i really must concentrate!

    turn off the engine! sorry,we just wanted to stay warm. you are in a national park.that's 3 000 crown fine. we had no idea it was impossible. do you really wantto totally fuck up nature? okay, we'll pay. i don't need a receipt.just let us stay here overnight. come here, honzã­k! man, i'm busy!

    i have something for you. wow, it's full of stuff. dad, there's some castleover there. it's a war bunker. it will be my hideout andyou can try to capture me. -are you trying to kill me?-yeah! i'll beat the shit out of you!i will ''delete'' you! no hitting in the crotch!do you want me to be impotent? you don't need to be have me and that's enough!

    you runt! where are you? fuck man,you fucked up my guitar. you gotta pay for it. now i'm gonna torture you. do you surrender? what is it? let's find out. look, breakfast....

    hi! we can help you pick. are you sure, sir? oh yeah. my name is honza. then you can start, sir. -honzã­k, put them in cases.-this sucks. -are you a local?-it depends... -it depends?-well, it depends... that's right, it depends. man, you hit me in the head!

    -get out!-it's me, granny. strangers are here. they're volunteers. pet the applesso they sleep well! let's have some tea. jesus, this tea is so good.what kind is it? it's a mix of valerian root,mint, passionflower, fennel, and one more thing.... chamomile.

    that's builds strength. do you have somethingfor a backache? turn around. man, you need to don't exercise, do you? i mostly sit, but i haveone of those kneeling chairs. that thing sucks! you need to exercise.that's what the body is for. -i don't have time for it.-give me that thing... what do you see?

    -my hand.-time doesn't exist! what's wrong with your eyes?do you like lemonade? -come with me to the cellar.-no... come on, go... -we'll be right back.-let go of me! good little boy. -this is rose hip brandy.-it smells nice. -it's from last year.-oh my god! it's delicious!

    i wonder if you can guesswhat it's made of? it's some kind ofraspberry brandy, isn't it? it's made from sour cherries!you have a weekend house here? no, we happento be here by chance. this is blackberry winefrom last year. -where is your lady?-i'm divorced. too bad. you havesuch a nice little boy. this one is the best! you can drink two liters of ita day if you like,

    but drinking lemonade isn'tenough. you must see nice things. -you mean fairytales?-or me, right? i'm going for a ride and taking some walnut brandy to a rancher. wait a minute, i'm goingwith you! i ride horses, too. oops! why don't you make itfor tomorrow? we got comments about theregister. i'm sending it to you. hi honza, it crashed me as soon as possible.

    he is a retard. man, where are you?we've been calling all day. the server in kolã­n went have to go restart it! why me?quiet, bingo! watch out, baby. he can kick. how long have youbeen riding for? i used to take rehab rides. but my son could usesome riding lessons. -i don't want to ride a horse!-we'll go easy, no galloping!

    we're going to be friends, okay? he would look bettergiving a blow job. shut up and muck out! if you don't seethe sun when it shines if you don't feelthe wind when it chimes what do you dowhen you are not in the woods? what's your job? -i study pedagogy.-that means you'll be a teacher. no, i won't.

    -you won't?-i won't. -you won't?-i won't! -what will you be then?-nothing. let's go!let's break into a gallop. don't worry. i can do it! let's go! hi vã¡clav. no, i didn't have a signal...i was in some valley... i just have to figure out how

    to make the interface intuitive. why me? send bambas. he wasthe one who installed it. hello? are you there? hello... my cell phone! markã©ta, could you pleasego back and call me? -otherwise i won't find it.-let's wait until someone calls. good idea! now i can identify youjust by touch. -what is your prescription?-20/400.

    -i have 20/200.-20/200 sucks. you can see but not really.20/400 vision is much better. my sight is gettingbetter and better! train your eyes andyou will see better, too. it's great! don't bingo! drop it!hello. this is honza. yes, i'm working on it! dad, it was great!i was even going at a trot. all great men can ride horses.

    just that my butt hurts from it.look, mushrooms! it's yellow boletus! it's ''blue'' boletus!see how it's turning blue... portabella mushrooms! -toadstools!-hey, you! no mushroom is a toadstool.just like no flower is a weed! -geez, you are so smart.-and you are so dumb! and you're a bitch! we can grill them.

    dad! smoke is coming outof this mushroom. it's dung! fresh dung! it's not dung. it's a puffball. portabella mushrooms for honzã­k and we get something special. -that's all?-don't worry! soon it will be way too much! -what was it?-it was a deer! i am a deer!

    and i am a frog! ribbit. what's going on here? it's three thousandfor making a fire! and another thousandfor disturbing the peace! and another thousandfor a loose dog! do you want to have him shot? this is yummy. it might be betterto call the madhouse! dad, let's go home!

    you are my little boy,my little son. and i left you, right? dad, dad. it's her! okay, it's grandmother goose. goat's milk! -hi markã©ta!-goat's milk. -here, try it.-yuck. it stinks! but it's good for you!come on, try it! shit! thank you so much!

    it's her fault! -that's right. it's your fault!-how much is the damage, sir? you mean helenka? she'll dry upand be fine. come on, markã©ta!what's up? let's go! bye and give my loveto the city! aren't you going back to school?we can give you a ride. it's more fun here! stupid tractor! we won't probably make itto school in time!

    -what are we going to do then? -tell mom that we'll come later. good idea!but i will call my boss first. hi vã¡clav, well... i have a big's a family problem! no really, it's serious!actually i'd...damn it... i'd like to take some vacation. i have the right to... -hi...-hi...

    i haven't had any this year.i am going to have a breakdown! -get in. i'll give you a ride.-i have to go to school. i don't because my dad's cool.he's a programmer. thank you, vã¡clav.thank you, my dearest boss. this is a notebook. it doesn'twork, but i can show you a tv. it's so tiny.we have a bigger one at home. this one can be a camera at the same time. i can tape everything. -even me?-i'm taping you right now!

    my bus is coming! hi helenka.i have a big problem. please excuse honzã­kfrom school today. what do you think?the battery is out! are you sleeping in the car?no wonder you are sick! it's as if you were in a cage. diesel stinks like the devil. you are chasing our elves away. i can't get anywherewithout a car.

    what do you have legs for? i can't get anywhere on foot!i can't catch up! what are you trying to catch,your own death? come on, my frantiå¡ek used to come herewhen he was being pigheaded. -it's dry now.-wow, we don't even deserve it. don't worry, you'll work it off.i won't let you remain idle! -where is the plug?-nowhere. -how do you turn the light on?-we don't.

    it's light in the day and darkat night. that's bedtime. it's not a big deal.i can recharge it in the car. -wow! what is it?-a rubber clock. it's nice...up you go... it's gone! grandma, i was wondering... that guy with a markã©ta going out with him? no way,she has a groom in the city. tralali tralala

    two elves on a wooden path go through heath, moss and grass mushrooms seedthe floor like eyes aside dungthat's full of flies the sweet delightsthis forest carries like our basketis full of berries the woods aboundwith life, so jump oh little elf upon a stump the woods havestrange shapes all about

    the elf falls upon his snout go through heath,moss and grass... hi, babes! the rut deer speak the bacon smells sweet the elf and the forester say hi so raise your milk up to the sky go though heath, moss and grass honzã­k, who was that girl?

    which one do you mean? the one who wasin the car with you. -that was aniäka.-she is nice looking. -so what?-nothing. i just said she was nice. that stupid hick! bingo! bingo, what are you doing?that's stealing. you better throw it away, dad.

    we will give itto markã©ta as a present. -what if the hunter sees us?-he won't. grandma, this is great! it wasn't me. it was her.damn it, what's your name again? i don't have a name. bingo takesthe most of the credit. let's thank our lord for dinner. saying a little prayerwouldn't hurt you, either. i pray in a different way.

    you always needsomething special. our father who art in heaven... excuse me? one burp is betterthan ten doctors. for dissolving the grease. dad, helenka is working again, but she doesn't look well. -i'll have a cigar.-yuck. you smoke? they are grandpa's cigars.

    tobacco and smokingare the devil's things! and booze isn't? you have to learneverything from her. it would be a shame not to haveall those potions. a lot of people drankthemselves to death. when i get wasted in the city, i can't go to work next day,but no problems here. -that's why people drink so much. -what else can they do here?

    there is no culture here,no action. look. this is some action. i don't like frogs. you are such a nice froggie.say something... i heard you alreadyhave a groom. really? then why aren't you together? sir, do you really think thatmen are with women? they are under a spell of theirvanity and their career.

    they don't focus their attentionon anything else. but i focus on youquite a lot. until you do me,then you turn off like a lamp. -hi markã©ta.-good evening. taking a walk? -we're going to hit the bottle.-are you going to the pub? -come with us.-i can't. ludva would kill me. -that's out of the question.-he could try! he would. you don't know him.

    what do you havein your hand? throw it away. i'm not looking and you pick upanything you see. hi. anything to drink? -beer.-i mean to drink. -some rum?-i'll have vodka then. -what did you say?-vodka. -what about the gentleman?-the same. -what?-also vodka. thanks. -and some beer?-that too.

    two vodkas and one rum! i heard thatyou are the computer guy. i build programs. -for who?-for clients. for businesses, banks,department stores, lawyers... so they can milk us dryeven more, huh? don't they have computersin the farm co-op? -you are a dumbass.-you have the same abacus they have in a kindergarten.the one with big balls, right?

    of course we have computers.and you know why? so those chicks in the officecan give me shit. i can see it happen! everybodywill sit in front of computers and they will cloudthe entire world, man. and who is gonna work?let me tell you one thing. you can't milk a computer!you can't plow with a computer. computers will do all the work.people won't work anymore. i can't wait. in the future everybodywill just have fun.

    what will they do?they will play on computers. it will createa new virtual world. who told you that? you gotfooled. he is out of it. when you were a baby did youfall and hit your head? computers are everywhere today. in the car, in the fridge,in the oven... you have a tv, right? the world would collapsewithout computers. so what!everything can go to hell.

    then people will startto work again, right? everybody just cooks up waysof screwing people over, laundering money and makingtransfers to foreign accounts. everybody just stealsand nobody works. your programs are nothing but calculation,machination and speculation... and you too! go homeor i will help you! -this sucks.-another beer? what else? do you want usto drink water or what?

    drinks for everybody,even honza. -or you don't drink?-i think i'll be going. chill out and drink.she won't run far. women are slower than you know why? -because they have tits.-because they only have two legs. -very funny.-drink and -don't bother respectable people.-who is bothering who? -warm beer, hot coachman...-are you talking about me? -who else is feeling guests here?-leave me alone...

    man, cover your cockand shut up. -say it again!-i said do it again and.... -shut up!-no way, i'm saying... get into your limo thatyou got with stolen money and go back to the're not gonna make fun of me! -stop it!-go fuck yourself. stop making a fuss. you went too far, you shithead! -what did you tell him?-that he is a hick.

    i am like that, too.i tell people what i think. have a drink fromthe bottle. fuck it. you know this is a's full of weirdos. what else is there to do, man? put that cigarette away... -no work clothes in bed!-it's my bed, damn it! stop spitting here!stop dancing! this is great... don't wake the kids up.give it to me... every man wantsto get married and have kids.

    then he'll get rid of them. i know what you mean.i am divorced myself. and you are such a cute boy. -i don't go for that.-neither do i. -so let go of me!-let's finish it in my trailer. let me show youhow a state coachman lives. -but you won't try hitting on me.-of course not. i won't force must be natural. do you get drunk like thisevery day?

    no way. this is an exception. how can you stand it? i work with trees andthey keep me alive. lugging timber in the woodsin the fresh air where i don't talk toor listen to anybody. the trees won't hurt you! a horse will lunge at youonly if you hurt him. come here, honza... stop it! i told youi'm not like that.

    -you are a spoiled brat!-i'll work with you tomorrow. -but i get up at five a.m.!-i can get up. markã©ta? why didn't you sleep here? because i knew you would getdrunk and try to get in my bed. well, it was pretty wildlast night. it's pretty swollen. now you are an ethanol boozer. what time...

    -i told the coachman i would...-how was it? excuse me? i don't likesleeping with guys. you never know. maybe you should try it. yuck, it stinks here. i only have bad news for you! mom called and said we shouldcome back immediately otherwise she will askthe police to look for us. -what did you tell her?-the exact location of our house. a latitude of 49.13 degreeson the northern meridian.

    and a longitude of 16.40 degreeson the eastern meridian. -your boss called too.-what did you tell him? i told him not to bother youwhen you're in bed with markã©ta. -thank you very much.-let me know the next time you sleep somewhere else so i don't wait up for you all night! -do you want to rock?-rock yourself! shift, delete, okay,five breakpoints, 7 byte long instruction...

    there are seven eggs here.they are still warm. we don't need to cook them. water the flowerbeds andgive some grass to the rabbits. -and give ferda some lime.-who is ferda? that's our walnut tree. lookhow generous he was this year. you can hug him and make a wish. he'll help it to come true.go. i got it. standard... some man is looking for you,mrs. jouzkovã¡ .

    hello. are you the healer? what do you want? i have a neck is stiff. it's from talkingon the phone too much. -be careful. it hurts.-do you have a watch? i do. it's ten after three. on time. come inside,you'll pay with your watch. no problem. will you go on a trip with us?

    i don't knowif my dad will let me go. i got an f at school today. -it's a good grade.-you think so? it's the nicest of's fun forever. i can't make it work. i got it. standard x f x, click, okay... thirteen... now mine is bigger than jarda's. -you are right.-and markã©ta is a ''transvitite''!

    i always wanted to be a man.they have it easier... a woman as beautiful as you doesn't need to do much.any man would impose on her. so stop imposing and chill out. that's easy to say witha corn cob between your legs. it's a cutting machine. let's get out of here! quick! -honey!-can we try it? the honey is gone.i'm winterizing it.

    -we will give you corn for it.-it's just the remains. come out, girls! do i eat the whole thing? i have somethingspecial for men. -mead.-it's an acacia mead. are you the granddaughterof old jouzkovã¡ ? -she also makes yummy things.-come on, she is a quack! she pretends to be a healer,but only fools people. i came to her with bad liver,but she didn't cure a thing.

    -they should lock her in.-dad! help! a bee stung me. it's instead of a vaccination. you are not aloneyou are not alone... that's a maple. -and what about this?-that's a fern. -and this?-that's an oak. -and this?-a beech tree. and this? where is the dog?

    bingo... bingo, where are you? here he is. where are you? you're gone. where are you? where are you... keep it there untilthe swelling goes down. was bingo namedafter the contest? he watched tv and every timethey showed ''bingo'' he barked.

    don't be sad. we have a lotof new-born kitties. -i can give you one.-really? -aniäka, did you sing?-yes, i did. -did she sing?-yes, she did. then you can go. -how much was there?-i don't know. how much did you take? -three...-three hundred? three thousand...

    what? come here... -where did you put it?-in a slot machine... leave him alone!you'll kill him. let go of him! i might as well kill him! he is a scumbag and a lowlife.i can't believe he is my son. you mean you supporthis actions? -why is your dad beating him?-he stole the priest's money. -what is a priest?-that's mr. hniliäka.

    -he serves masses in our church.-go, bingo. -what kind of sand is this?-that's barley. barley... look, skates! -you can skate?-i sure can. we can skate on the lake inthe winter when it freezes over. we probably won't be herein the winter. sleepytime tea... i'm sorry i opened your...

    go ahead, read's full of nice words. men are masters of talking! what is it made of? that's markã©ta's secret. is that a finch? it doesn't matter what it is. it's my boss. what should i do? -answer it.-why? i'm on vacation. -so turn it off.-i can't.

    i promised i would be... ... reachable. you have a difficult life, sir. frantiå¡ek... frantiå¡ek was an educated man!he was very well read. he wanted people to love eachother. how did he actually die? -he fell under a train.-that's right. when he was coming backfrom the pub. it was bad luck.

    don't worry i'll join you soon. wait for me, don't go anywhere! you will outlive us all. oh yeah, my legs and eyesare fine... frantiå¡ek and i had a lotof fun together. just this... -that's a head.-the head is a bit worse. they are playing! it's beautiful!i'd love to be buried here.

    why not. there is plentyof room for more graves here. let's go and pray to god. i don't give a damnabout your god. do you hear him? blessed are those who believe in what you can not seewith the naked eye. my kingdom belongs to thee. hallelujah. we pray to god to acceptthe victim of his church.

    accept her at your gloryand salvation... in the name of christ, our lord,amen. the body of christ. i'm sorry for whatmy son has done. stealing is human,forgiving is divine. it won't happen again.let's go. jesus christ our lord amen. who is this? it's our markã©ta.she grew into such a beauty... she is a big girl now. she isold enough to get married.

    we can have the weddinghere in our church. forget that... this is not the way you talkto the reverend. today people don't wantto go to church. they prefer staying at home,drinking beer or watching tv. try this instead of incense. it's herbs.they are also sacred. i hope you don't mind thati brought your medicine. -thank you.-careful! it's strong.

    thank you... this churchis probably pretty old, huh? -it's old and falling apart.-god bless you. we don't have money. everythingis so expensive these days. our company is pretty rich.maybe we could sponsor you. -where do you work, son?-at the software house... then we will prayfor your house to prosper. my dad divorced my mom becausehe's a chicken shit. so jarda, his schoolmate,takes care of my mom now.

    so now i have two dads and threegrandmothers, actually four. -you are so lucky.-what is it? they are twigs. the hunterfinds them in the woods. let's go visit him. no, i don't want to see him.he will shoot me! we have visitors.quiet, larisa! i wanted to show your kingdomto the boy. is he your grandson?or your great-grandson? something like that.come on, honzã­k.

    he thinks you killed his dog. every shape means just have to imagine it. everything exists in just have to see it. feel these. they'll last a hundred yearsand will never sag. look at all those beautifulthings, but don't break anything. -your collection is growing.-have some. i would need a castleto store it all. that's right! i almost forgotabout your medicine.

    -mint brandy!-it's good, huh? have some. -what is it? spruce brandy.-it's strong... have you shot karlã­k yet? no way. that slickeris still on the run. you know i saw him the other day. i'm telling you. he is a demon! if you kill him the mountainswill die! so will we! come on,you and your scary visions.

    there is nothing livingin the woods anymore. it used to be full of animals,but you killed them all. i don't nag you about growingforbidden drugs in your garden. what do you mean drugs? marihuana, thorn-apple, henbane. do you know they're hard drugs? no, i don't.markã©ta planted them. exactly! i hope the junkieswon't move here from town! and the drug dealersfollow the junkies.

    -oh my god!-see, you are calling god. the church used to burn peopleon a stake for such things. check out that male goose.i mean gander. see how many ladies he has? back when i waswith my wife helenka, every time i glanced at a womanshe'd make a scene. did you ever cheat on her? -so you did.-and you didn't cheat on petr? i did... with you.

    -with me?-yes, with you. so you are still together? granny! let go of it, honzã­k!stop pulling it, damn it! grandma! i leave your flowers alone. i don't understandwhy she's so crazy. she might have inhaledthe smoke. let's go, granny.

    i inhaled it too andi'm not out of it. -because you were born crazy.-really? you murderer! czech land, my homeland... it's flying!hurray! it's flying! draw it in to have to pull on it. you have to pull on it... -give it to me.-you can't hold it. it's strong. i'm gonna kill him.

    hi mom. -are you out of your mind?-hi helena. we've driving aroundlooking for you. -why don't you answer the phone?-i'm on vacation. i thought you were deador something. -i want to fly a kite...-wait, helenka... leave him alone.don't come near me... help! help! help! -hi jarda.-hi. you really scared us.

    the air here is clean, the water is clean, the food is clean... -my eye even stopped twitching.-and you'll make mine start. how do you want to live here? we already have a place to liveand food is everywhere. the programmingreally erased your brain. you can do whatever you want,but leave the boy out of it. there is no future for him here. he will turn into an ape.

    markã©ta is a teacher. she willstart her own school here. -right?-of course... a college! let honzã­k make his owndecisions. he is a big boy. right, as smart as you are.get in the car! the dog is dead,but he has a nice moss grave. grave, huh? honzã­k! bye... -i'll miss you.-i'll miss you, too. come again.we'll have some fresh syrup.

    -honzã­k!-let's go! what are you doing? come back! come down from that tree. wait till i get you.i'll lay into you. honzã­k! -somebody climb up and get him!-not me. so let him stayif he really wants to. that's great.then it's your responsibility! what were you doing?sure the goose did it.

    you're a goose!you blame everything on geese. it's gotta hurt. you have to keep bandage on itfor a week. you understand? it hurts... you've totally worn me out.are you doing anything, markã©ta? -i'm writing.-to petr... that's good. you can't have two men at thesame time. that's a sin. there is no such thing as a sin! you always needto have the last word.

    -have you picked the pears?-they are sleeping in the cellar. then pick the pumpkinsin the garden. i guess that would be it. now we can save it. come out. it's finished. we can go helpmarkã©ta in the garden. you go.i'm going to play some games. helenka is all yours. this is bullshit.

    where am i? bambas's writing.i don't care about that either. don't bother me, i'm working! we don't needany of this stuff... confirm file delete. that's something... let's celebrate! the harvest is over. the old season endsand a new beginning comes.

    -i finished the program!-really? -and now i will quit my job!-let's drink to it... i will find a job here.i will haul timber. but first... i will pop your pumpkin. you're crazy! yes... i am crazy. attention!

    the local councilis organizing a potato buy. the estimated price isfive crowns a kilo. later on a sale of domesticanimals will take place. we kindly ask residents to stop stealing lights andvases from the cemetery. -hi kids.-god bless you. mushroom picking?god be with you. what's up with you, honza? you aren't going to the pub?

    what kind of an attitudeis that? how many logsdo you normally carry? -what kind of logs do you mean?-wooden logs. wooden ones?about twenty, thirty a day... it depends how muchi drink the night before. i bet you i can also do thirty. and end up in the hospital. i bet you i can do it. if i wini get a full truck of wood. okay, but if i winthen you are mine.

    you wanna bet? -yes.-okay then. let's go home, is staying in the woods. these are the reins, this isyour horse and this is a log. let me show you how to hitch up. you tie the chain around the logright above the branches. then you hook the chaininto the single bar, give a command and go. go å ohaj...

    giddy up... i'm going... you really know how to useit to your advantage. give me one. he will give up soon...i've seen these guys. grandma, we have rose hipsfor you to make syrup. -granny...-mrs. jouzkovã¡ ... grandma... granny...

    grandma? my butterfly... she's sleeping right here.she is cold. -mrs. jouzkovã¡ ...-my butterfly... hello everybody! honza is back from the woods.he won the bet. you were good, but i willget you one day anyway! sure you will. where iseverybody? we have wood... don't go there. it's filledwith sorrow. grandma's dead.

    i beg all patrons and guardians, saint john and saint agnes to show mercyon our sister jiå™ina, a faithful servant of god,and take her into heaven. amen. blessed is the fruitof thy womb. lord is with thee. ashes to ashes, dust to dust. my condolences... my condolences, markã©ta.i'm very sorry.

    -don't cry. we'll all go.-i know. -if you need something...-that's nice of you. my condolences. let me inviteyou to a pork feast. and honza can come, too. grandma, you loved us all,even gay men. -what will we do now?-you are the programmer. my capacityis not big enough for this. unless we go to catch crawfish. -good idea.-i thought so.

    put him back! do you wantto make him into a slipcover? put him where you found him.look how scared he is... -stop poking me.-so let go of him. -put that rabbit back...-fuck you... you only have one year can finish it, can't you? you are nothing withouta college degree! i'm nothing and i don't wantto become something! petr keeps asking about you. why aren't you in touch withhim? why don't you visit him?

    why doesn't he visit me? he is studying to bean assistant professor. he has to do a lot of reading.i doubt you'd understand. probably not. -what do you want?-nothing. stop talking to me like this.what will you do for living? i don't want to do anythingfor living. i want to live! what's wrongwith being a teacher? mom, i really don't wantto be a teacher.

    tell me why! maybe i don't want to beas neurotic as you are. just look at yourself. that's because of you.i do everything for you! and you make fun of me. why don't you tell hersomething! let's go home. we won'tcome to an agreement anyway! wait... i get the house and you can havethe garden and the field.

    that's how mom always wanted it. mom supposedly wanted us totake care of the garden for him, so he could justcome here and chill. that shack will fall apartif i don't put money into it. if he buys us outwe will give it up. i won't give it up. i spentthe best time of my life here. the best time of your life? it'sthe first time i heard that. so buy me out andi will give it up. i'm not gonna pay for somethingthat's already mine.

    you are brothers, but you can'tcome to an agreement? show me what you found. look. -they are mom's recipes.-are they worth something? probably not for you. rose hip marmalade. burdock liniment,gooseberry wine... i give all my possessions andall the recipes in this bottle to my granddaughter markã©ta

    to manage it properly usingher knowledge and beliefs. jiå™inka jouzkovã¡ ... everything is solved! that piece of paperis not even notarized. it's mom's will, you idiot. what if markã©ta wrote it.that's up to lawyers to judge! you mean you wantto take me to court? -stop poking me.-what's up? don't look to meif you don't finish school!

    you won't get a single penny! i'm warning'll regret it. dad, this is gross!i'm gonna throw up. let's go up to the attic. i'm going to cry my eyes out. excuse me... -stop it!-man... give her a hand. you're taping everything on a recorder, right?

    -it's a digital camera.-it's all there. it looks good. we'll have enoughto eat all winter. what about you?why are you bumming around? play with this! -this sucks.-shut up. this a real farm, many people work for you? are you stupid?i work here after work. what a shitty life.

    why don't you sell it? so buy it. i'll sell itto you and move to the city. i'll give you a good price. you don't want it? you know why?you are too lazy to work. i wouldn't sell it would ruin it. my dad wouldn't forgive me.he worked his ass off here, my grandfatherworked his ass off here... and i'll work here, too. somebody has to workin this shitty world.

    the only valuable thing isthe land and what grows on it. the rest are just gadgetsand decadent bullshit. good thing i have my lady... stop it. the kids might see you. yours is nice, too. you justneed to fatten her up a bit. -so you have something to touch.-markã©ta is just fine. -say something.-oh yeah... -say something.-what do you want me to say? -stop it, you wacko.-say something.

    -these pork feasts...-she doesn't know what to say. he always gets so excited... come on, czechs, drink! -one who works too long-one, two, three -shortens his song-one, two, three his hair falls out his teeth move about his old lady she's no baby

    he can't get it up like his shit is stuck come on, nobody cares.this is a cool pub. one time i dancednaked on a table here. he was wooing herfor about a half an hour. he was bowing his headbefore her, so i couldn't shoot. i wanted to wait untilhe'd be done with her. i thought karlã­k should havesome fun for the last time. suddenly a grouse flewover my head and screeched.

    of course both karlã­k andthe doe ran away. -so he got away from me again!-you are a hell of a shot. he really swept me off my feet.i'm exhausted. is my hair messy?give my some beer, sis! -and now 15 more years, ludva.-i will last at least 30 more. -i can't drink anymore.-what do you mean? ludva's celebrationsare unforgettable. cheers! you know what fifteen years is?

    i've been with my manfor twenty-three. don't show off. this is my day. what day? your man isa bigger loser than mine. married for fifteen years...i got divorced after two years. after two years... there is no such thingas divorce. divorce is a failure. -it's a man's failure!-really? so tell me how to stay marriedto one woman for 15 years? you can't argue with her.the man is the master. that's it.

    who else could have we married?there was no choice here. ludva is not bad... he is not badwhen he doesn't drink. the woman can't fidget. if she gives you a look, you slap her. monday's off for meon tuesday i am free wednesday i will crashthursday just will pass i'll get drunk on friday listen carefully. honza came upwith a bright idea.

    we'll buy out your uncleand keep the house. you would take the chance? sure i would! petr is here. you are in my way, you faggot... he is crazy. let's get outof here, kids. quick! get your fucking gay ass... this is a straight pubfor straight people. stop it...

    you forest fag... nobody loves you here. leavebefore something bad happens. you went too far. what happened to you, ludva?you are bleeding. -lord be with you.-what's wrong? -the horse.-you can see. it is the horse. -it will be okay.-the horse. come, are my sweetheart. you haven't finished your don't even go to school.

    instead you hang out with hicks.what a disgrace. i can hang outwith whoever i want to. i can smell rotting leaves. are you allergic to leaves? not leaves butto mold and mites, hay and cats... that's basically everything. markã©ta, i love you.please finish your school. do it for my sake and yourmother's. you have one year left.

    excuse me. can you leave us alone? you leave us alone! -what's wrong with you, man?-what's up? -stop it!-you are a whore! you hick! you hick... how am i gonna catch fish? once the floatsinks under water, you have to pull on the rod

    and reel in the reel... how come they are not cold? they don't even haveany raincoats or rubber boots. they don't have to go to work. they don't have to go shopping. tomorrow i'm goingto school here with aniäka. her mom arranged it. do whatever you want, honzã­k. hand me the landing net...

    that's a king-size fish! dad! now we have shit. so gentlemen were you have a valid permit? you'll get fined. we didn't catch anything. somefish ripped off our hair-line. it must have been pepa. he isa three-meter long catfish. -three meter long?-nobody got him yet. come here andpick some fish for yourself.

    -here is your bread.-but i don't have any money. it doesn't matter.grandma never paid. here's some sour cherry brandyfor you and syrup for aniäka. it smells nice. you have a contract for ten, but you bought only six. i know, but what can i do? watersprings are all around here. and it's for freeso people drink that instead. why don't we move itin front of the counter?

    that way people have it rightin front of their eyes, right? i don't know if it helps. -thanks!-come here, markã©ta. promise me, you won't leave. i like you very much and i would be very sad without you here. me too. dad, our boat! i don't get it! it must be a sign.

    here he is! our rebel! oh my god! i've never caught so many fish. i have to come back. he is our psychologist. come on in. it's nice here. there isnothing like the country! it's herbal tea, right? valerian root,rose hip, mint and... -chamomile.-i love chamomile!

    here is the is the finished program. take the car keys. i'm afraidthe cell phone is in the pond, so take it off my last paycheck. what are you talking about? i'm quitting. i'm staying here. so we've lostour best programmer. there will be other specialists. i don't knowwhat it was supposed to mean, but 700 megabytes were deletedfrom your computer...

    -715!-715 megabytes. -that's...-over one month of work. we lost our best clientand several million. that's bullshit! bullshit, huh?here is the proof. jesus, this is could it... -you didn't make a backup copy?-don't try to blame it on me! -you should have saved it!-you fucking asshole! stop it, mr. bambas!

    i can't go on like this... let's go out in the will calm you down. i apologize for him.he has a bit of a bad temper. hopefully we can fixeverything, right? have some herbal tea,my little boy. fuck herbs!this is serious! you get it? i could go to jail for it! i'm sorry. i lost my temper.don't be mad at me. my butterfly is back.

    stay here. i'll comesee you on the weekends. i won't stay here by myself. especially not in the winter. so come with me to prague.i'll get you a job. i'll go back to school.good night. honza sucks.i saw it right away. take care. come back for christmasfor the midnight mass. you haven't seenanything like it.

    damn...girl... we can give you a ride, markã©ta. i'm going the other way. -i have to go to school.-bye. i don't see whyyou should go on a bus. i'll take the bus. to pilsen. car hits the road, trees turn to homes and lawns

    footsteps on the pedal, the beauty is gone i turn mountains and gulch into concrete gray mass clouds and water rapids become a wall none can pass i erase everything alive. i deaden my muscles crouch don't dance,

    as the computer room bustles trip out of the woods,the fog and field become one trip out of the woods,the soil seeks the sun trip out of the woods,the long veil goes down covering my heart... this is the last timei let this happen! don't even think aboutspending time with my son again! it's gotta be somewhere here.i'm in the assembler. * 68. this is right. one more time.they are all static...

    what's up with the map?oh, i see. hello? is anybody here? nobody... if you don't see the sunwhen it shines if you don't feel the windwhen it chimes if you don't hearthe bird's lines then you are alone,you are alone...

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