standard furniture young parisian ottoman

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About : standard furniture young parisian ottoman
Title : standard furniture young parisian ottoman

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    standard furniture young parisian ottoman

    - i'm john weisbarth, and i'm a huge fanof the tiny house movement that's explodingacross the nation. the average american homeis 2,300 square feet, but lots of people are deciding that biggerisn't necessarily better, and they're choosingto live in homes that are just1/10 the average size. whether they'reafter financial independence

    or desire to live with less, inspired homeowners are starting to thinkoutside the blueprints of everyday building. and that's where i come in. i travel across the countrywith my partner, tiny house expert, zack giffin, and together, we help peoplebuild their mini dream homes. - how am i gonna shave my legs?i'm gonna be like...

    - and get them preparedfor the extreme downsizing it takes to livein under 500 square feet. - do you feel okay about this? - it's part of going tiny, and it's something that i'mjust gonna have to live with. trust me, tiny homesare the next big thing. [upbeat music] ♪ ♪

    from the other bendto upstate new york, this is not what i thoughtit was gonna be. it is absolutely gorgeous. rochester is beautiful. the erie canal goes throughthe middle of town. it's really,really pretty here. tim and shannon,they're a super-fun couple. they're young.they're active. they both of master's degrees.

    - we love to travel, but with our student loansand our mortgage, we just don't have a lotof money left to go anywhere. we want to go tiny so we can payoff our debts and see the world. - but we have two catsand one big dog, and, you know,they just don't get along, so i don't know how they'regonna fit in the tiny house. - zack's already on the job sitegetting started with this $30,000 build.

    with half that budget goingto the purchase of the prefab house, zack will have to come up withsome cost-effective solutions. now it's time for me tomake sure this couple is ready for their big move. - here we are. - tim and shannon are goingfrom a 1,600-square-foot home with 3 bedroomsto a 210-square-foot tiny home with zero bedrooms.

    the modern design they choseis a prefab unit that's a studio-style space. so zack and i will have to carveout a bedroom spot for them. they also need a full kitchen and enough room to entertainall their friends. this one is gonna be a challengeon their $30,000 budget. - john,nice to meet you. - nice to finally meet you.oh, hello. - this is my dog juno.- hi, juno.

    - come on in.- all right, let's do it. how long have you guysbeen here? - been here about four years. - wow,it's big. there's still a lot of paringdown that has to happen here. is this an old convertedfirehouse or something or... - well,i'll let shannon explain that. - this is one of my many formsof exercise. - okay.

    what do you mean by "exercise." - well, i do, like,spins and inversions, upside-down stuff. - i've been known to dosome poling in my day. - okay.- you know. you can just kind ofhop right up and, you know,spin around. - [laughs] not what i thoughtwas gonna happen.

    you're not aprofessional dancer. - no, no. - she's actuallya schoolteacher. - oh. - she's a teacher,and i am in engineering sales, and we met about eight years agoin college and been together ever since. we have ordinary jobs,and we like to make every other aspect of our lifeextraordinary.

    whether it's travelingor moving into a tiny house, we always seize the day. - we've also got two cats. - cats and does that work out? - we have to keep them separatedright now. - there's not really an optionto do that in a tiny house. 210 square feetis what we're talking about. how big is this house? - 1,600.

    whose idea was it and why? - not mine. - definitely my idea. we spend most of our timeeither in the kitchen or in the living room,and, you know, we have guest roomsthat we don't use and all of this space. why do we need two bathrooms? i really started thinking about,"maybe we should downsize."

    - and are you on board? - i have my reservations. i have a lot of stuff,and i love to entertain. you know,we have a very big kitchen, so we like to, you know,have people over, and i don't really knowhow that's gonna work in a tiny house. - this is just the first room in a 1,600-square-foot house,so...

    can we see the rest of it? - yeah.- yeah, come on in. - while i get a look at the restof the big house, zack and his guys are putting upthe first walls of the tiny house. this tiny house is likea model kit. all the prefabricated wallssnap together, so once you get started,it goes up really quick. the walls are builtwith insulation inside of them

    and are more energy-efficient than most standardstick-frame houses. - it's really coming together. - it's moving along really fast. - yeah,these are prefab walls. this space is actuallymuch wider than a lot of the housesthat we've built, and that is fantastic. i don't know exactly what we'regonna do for a kitchen table,

    but kitchen is is gonna take upthis entire wall. - they've got a range.they've got a frigerator. everything involved inthe kitchen is gonna be there. - but tiny.- but tiny. - here's thekitchen-dining room, my favorite room of the house. - this is nice. - well, i would say another oneof my problems with the tiny house is that,you know, i'm the chef,

    and i love to cook, and i loveto use all of my tools, and i-- - and that all takes up space. what's that all about? - that's our inspiration. we want to travelto all these places. well, we need to shrinkour monthly bills, and the tiny house is gonnahave us do that. - i'm really excitedabout the design plan that zack and i have.

    notice the big, open area. there really aren't many wallsat all in here. that's great for entertaining. it's a small space,but it makes it feel big. entertaining in a tiny homeis challenging, but there are creative waysto keep your big celebrations from becoming pint-size parties. whether it's a wallthat pulls out to become a full bar and table,

    a hitch shelf that folds downto serve drinks, or a kitchen island that doublesin size for serving food, there's always a way to keepyour friends entertained. the bathroom is another thingi want to point out. that's the showerheadright there right next to the sink. it's kind of a wet room. i am curious,what am i missing? what's really importantfor you guys?

    - the one thing that i don'tsee here, though, is a solution for the dog. we have to have the dogin a crate, 'cause juno has a tendencyto eat lots of stuff that we have laying around. and we've already coughed upsome serious coin on some surgeries to removethose things. - a dog crate. i have no cluewhere that's going.

    - that's a challenge for us,but that's important to know that that is at the topof your list. - we also want to make sureeverything is kind of clean-lined,sort of a modern feel, nice, bright, airy. - yes,so important for tiny living. - and we like the modern feel that we've put intoour own house right now, so if we can incorporatesome of those elements

    into the design... - and we can do that with,you know, modern fixturesand that kind of stuff that would really give itthat pop. you guys mentioned the dog,but right now, i haven't heard anythingabout cats. and they're livingon separate floors here, because they don't get along. there's no second story here,

    so it's somethingto think about. this is looking likea great spot for a bedroom. we've got the closet. - yeah, that's gonna bea little tight. i don't want to make their bedtoo small, so we're probably gonna end uplofting it so we can fit a full-size bedin there. - this is our bedroom. - a gigantic bed.

    - [laughs] i like to,like, spread out, and... - oh, you're one of those. - i don't like anything touchingme when i'm sleeping, so-- - which is great,because i'm a snuggler, so... [laughter] - good news for tim. shannon is gonna have to learnhow to snuggle. we do have to think aboutdownsizing a bed. - you know, i'm 6'1".i'm--so i'm pretty tall.

    and i can't do a lofted bed,because, you know, i'm gonna sit up in the middleof the night and whack my head,and-- - that's definitelya design challenge. - yeah, i think i'm gonnahave to take up snuggling. - this is our basement. and it houses one ofthe most important possessions, my brewing equipment. - oh, look at this.- so a huge passion of mine.

    my father,he's been a brewer for years, so i don't know if there'sany way that this can come with us, but, i mean,if it can, it would meanthe absolutely world to me, because this is--this is, like, my life. and a couple of years ago,you know, unfortunately, my father did pass away. this is a way for meto connect to him, and, you know, it really,you know, means a lot, so...

    - this stuff is super-cool. the only other thingi want to see is where we're gonna putthis tiny house. it's right here in the backyard,right? - yeah. so this is our backyard. - my understanding is thatyou guys have renters moving into your current housein seven days. - we're avoiding zoningand permits costs

    by putting the house on wheels, because it's nota permanent belonging. we're looking for the perfectplot to put the tiny house on, but it's taking longerthan we thought, so we're just taking the plungeand renting the house out. - because it's all happeningto quickly, we haven't had time to secureanother piece of land somewhere. but once it's ready,we just move it on out. - i really like that plan.that's all i need to see.

    - i think tim and shannonare psychologically ready for the move, but i thinkphysically being in the space is gonna be a big reality checkfor them. so i'm gonna bring them to seethis empty shell. but before they see it, i needto see how far zack's got, so now you're laying out. give me an idea of whatwe're talking about here. - basically, you've gotthe kitchen on the far wall, and that whole wallis gonna be the kitchen.

    - that's good, 'cause,obviously, he likes to cook, but what they really wantis a modern feel for everything. - no worry. a lot of the tiny houseswe build have a more rustic feel. but i'm a modern guy, and i canrock a modern look too. - i think this open design really lends itselfto that aesthetic. - well, do you know aboutthe projection screen?

    - yeah, i mean,that's over here, right? - yeah, full-sizedmovie theater screen. big old couch over here. it's actually an 8-foot couch. - 8 feet.that's huge. -, it's a little giant. it's actually gonna be morethan 8 feet. it's gonna be 101 inches. - this is greatfor their entertaining,

    because that's a big keyfor them. if you have some big piecesin a tiny space, as long as they're not allbig pieces, a few of them kind ofnormalize a space. you don't feel likeyou're sitting on the doll chair all the time. - john's will fit in the space. and we can use the areaunder the couch for storage. and it will work as a bed too.

    so that's three key featuresfor the price of one. i need to get this bedroomall laid out here. - okay.- here, hold my string. - yeah, absolutely. - maybe you want to give mea hand with chalk line. well, we've gotone more curveball for you. tim didn't want a loft. so we need somethingtransformative. we just can't lose a spacefor just a bed.

    we could make it look could fit. but i don't knowif there's space. - i thought that we had talkedabout that. - well...- um... - i'm okay with tweakingthe design, but before we start the build. this change,it's a really big deal. - i hate to throw another wrenchin the plan for zack, but he's got to solvethe bed problem by tomorrow.

    because that's when tim andshannon will see their place for the first time. plus, his team has to getthe sheetrock up, mark of an entire wallfor the kitchen, and frame out the bathroom. i'm just hoping when timand shannon see all this chaos in their tiny housethey don't run for the hills. how are you guys feelingabout seeing the house? - i'm a little nervous.

    - i'm excited.i'm a little scared. - it's always about space, which is why it's reallyimportant for you guys to continue to downsize. - 210 square feet.i don't know, man. - you don't soundterribly confident in that. - i am not confident in that. - i just need to kind of, like,go for one of everything, on hoodie,one pair of dress pants.

    i don't know. - you have about--i don't know--100 dresses. so how are you going tofix that? - well, one of my friends wastelling me about this website where you can, like,go and, like, rent a dress. - yeah.- i think i might try that. - so you save money,you get the new wardrobe, and you save the space,because you don't have to store all those thingsin your tiny house.

    - more money forthe travel fund. - all right,so here we are. it's important for you guysto see what 210 square feetreally looks like. - oh, my gosh. - makes it a little bit realwhen you finally see it. - that is--that is small. - we've had the catsour whole relationsh - the sheetrock is up,the rooms are blocked out,

    and zack has an innovativesolution for a bed drop. originally,we planned to build a loft bed with a desk underneath. but tim didn't wanta raised bed. so instead, zack is raisingthe floor of the office space so that a full-size bedcan slide underneath. - here we are, you guys. let's do this. what do you guys think?

    - this is...this is a tiny house. - come on.i want to show you the inside. - this is it. - drink it in.- whoa. - yeah, whoa. this is what 210 square feetlooks like. - i don't even knowif they're gonna be able to fit a closet in there. i might have to get ridof more stuff

    than i even thoughti was going to. - it's one thing to hear iton paper. it's another thing to see itand feel it and be in it. you've got to imagine there'sa whole kitchen back here. we've got a big couchthrough this area. this is your bedroom back here. get you used it; rememberyou don't like to snuggle? - yeah,what do you say, shannon? - we have to sleep like this.

    - ahh.- look at this. the bedroom you guys haveright now, it has a king-size bed, a wholebunch of other things in there. this--this is smaller than that. - it's no king. - i'm gonna show you next-door.come on. - oh, boy. - welcome to the bathroom. - whoo.- yeah, go ahead.

    take a step.get in here. - yowza.- oh, my god. - imagine a shower, a sink,a toilet. it's tight,as you guys can see. - i mean,how am i gonna shave my legs? i'm gonna be like... - this is the space,you guys. and you guys have some seriousdownsizing you still have to do. it's an eye-opener.

    - definitely.- right? - this is--this is small. we're definitely not gonnabe able to fit everything we wanted to. - it's definitely gonna bea sacrifice for us to downsize and move into this little house. - it is small,but we're addressing all of tim and shannon'smust-haves for storage and entertainment.

    we're installingan 8-foot-long custom couch with hidden storage that willalso serve as a guest bed. across from the couch, a projection screenwill drop down, so tim and shannon will havea tv when the want to entertain but it will vanishwhen they need extra space. we've even found room for asmall combination washer-dryer. all we have left is to figureout how their dog and cats can live in harmony here.

    tim told me he wants to get hishands dirty with this project, so i sent him over to help zackwith one of the builds. - hi, how are you feelingabout the house? any kind of cold feetor anything about moving into sucha small space? - well,i think when it's all finished, i will hopefully have every--no reservations left, you know. - yeah.i live in a tiny house myself. and before i built it,i was actually very nervous.

    i'd say building or helpingto build your own tiny house, it's the best way to getinto it. - so what exactly is thisgoing to be? - it's gonna bean office cabinet that converts and folds upand turns into a makeup cabinet. so it's gonna have a mirror, some storage spacefor the makeup. - oh,shannon's gonna love this. - and then when you don'tactually want to look at it

    anymore,you just close it up. - that's awesome. - so you wouldn't mindmaking me a cut, would you? i just need one at 16. - 16? you got it.- yep. - ♪ ooh, oh, oh, oh, oh ♪ ♪ ooh, oh, oh, oh, oh ♪ sweet. you wouldn't mind making meanother cut, would you?

    - oh, sure. there you you need more of those? - thank you. so this is gonna be the piecethat leafs out. you know, i've built housesfor a long time, but now when i'm buildingthe tiny houses, i get to do all these craftyways to fit, you know, more than one usein the same area. so everything that we dois gonna have to have

    more than one use. - ♪ oh, oh, oh, oh ♪ ♪ that's just how she likes it ♪ - day three of our buildis a busy one, and we've got somemajor projects happening. inside,the flooring is being installed, and outside,the crew is ready to get that final siding up. today my focus is ontim's brewing equipment,

    and i'm really hoping we canfind a way to make it fit, but i won't be able to makethat call until i see just how large it isfor the setup. - brewing requires a lot ofdifferent things. i've got my kettle,where i cook everything. i've got my sanitation bucket, where you have to keepthings clean. - what is this bad boy? - so you get some nicecold water going through it.

    and it actually allows the beerto stop cooking. it helps you controlthe flavor of the beer. - taking up a lot of room. - when we first decidedto go tiny, this was immediatelyone of my concerns. i had a brew sittingright next to me, and shannon's,"we should do this. we've got to do this now." "well--well,what am i gonna do with this?"

    so what we're gonna do first is,we have to steep some grains. - does it make you thinkof your dad at all when you're brewing? - oh,every single time. actually,on his birthday every year, i brew a brew that he had alwayswanted to brew. he had talked about it,you know, wanted to do it so bad, and he just never gotthat opportunity.

    so to kind of keephis legacy going, i brew that beer for him;it's a pumpkin ale. - that's really,really cool. it makes me wonderwhat you're gonna do with all of this stuff. to be honest, i don't knowif we'll be able to find space for all this stuff. - yeah, yeah, i'm gonna have toend up giving this to one of my friends that i brewwith on a regular basis.

    i'll still be able to go overto their house and enjoy it and brew with my own stuff. - there are alternativesto paring down. it's not just get rid of itor keep it. and tim founda really good compromise with his beer stuff. you feel okay about this? - and it's one of those thingsthat i've just got to swallow real hard and take it,

    but it's part of going tiny, - i think tim madea great decision with his brewing equipment, but that's not the only toughchoice this couple is facing. how are the pilesworking out here? what's the keep?what's the donate? - this is the keep,so we've got my keep here and tim's keep there. that's the donate,all that right there.

    - i can't help but noticethe cat right now is sitting in the donate pile. this is kind of one ofthe serious situations that we have to tryand figure out, what we're gonna dowith the animals. and i'm curious if you guyshave come to a decision. - we have to try and figure out and i'm curious if you guys have come to a decisionfor the cats.

    - i mean, as much as we wouldlove to have them stay with us, we're gonna have to give themaway to one of our good friends, though they will bein very good hands, and we'll see them all the time. - how do you feel about this? - there's just--it couldn't workin the tiny house with the dog and the cats, and i think the cats are easierfor people to take care of. it's really hard to give upthe cats.

    we've had themour whole relationship. - this is the best decisionfor everyone involved. i think we can feel goodabout that, then. it's day four,and we're almost ready to paint the interior. up top, we want to prevent heatfrom entering or exiting through the gable roof, so we'relaying heavyweight tar paper before we tile the restof the house. hey, zack.

    at is this? - this is the officecabinet/makeup cabinet. - this is what you did with looks good. but i'm hoping you can workyour magic again. - what you got for me? - there's a little bitof an issue with our dog crate situation. tim and shannon right now,what they have is huge. it's 5 feet by 3 feet,

    and they're concernedit's too big for the space, and honestly, i mean,i agree with them. - well, huh, i've seen doghousesin cabinet areas in kitchens before,so if we kind of turn that island a little biggerthan i would have had it, maybe we can fit the dog cratein there. the thing that i likedabout the big island was that it was also gonna bea dinner table. - it's got to bea kitchen island.

    it's got to be a table. and now it's has to also bea doghouse. pets need their own space,even in tiny homes. and there's lots of waysto create room for your furry friends. crates or kennels can be built into existing piecesof furniture. whether it's a litter boxhidden in a bench or a doggie dish tuckedinto a cabinet,

    your dog our cat will haveall the tiny comforts of home. most kitchen islandshave cabinets underneath, but this one is gonna havea dog crate instead storage, so zack will have towiden the base and opening for the door. the door will be madeof metal mesh to provide ventilation,and while zack works on that, i'm gonna catch upwith tim and shannon, who have invited me to hang outwith some of their friends.

    - oh, hammer. - i want to see what theirfriends think about going tiny. i've heard you're sort ofa naysayer. - i saw the size of the thing,and i'm like, "i have a camper that's biggerthan your house is gonna be." 210 square feet for 2 people. that's your whole house. he's gonna pack everythingthat he owns into a house that size.

    i said,"ain't gonna happen." - get it.- oh! - oh, there. [all shouting and laughing] - what do you think aboutthis whole situation, the tiny house situation? - it's crazy. - a tiny house.- yeah. - what the heck is a tiny house?

    - i could never livein something that small. - tim wants to travel. this will allow themto do that. - you're selling meon the idea now. i knew you were a fan, man. all right,good stuff. i have a feelingtim and shannon's friends will be total tiny house fans once they seethe finished product.

    but we're not there yet. zack is working onthe dog crate island, and now that it's gonna housethe dog, it's gonna take up more spacein the main living area. but that's okay, because i've seenbig pieces work in tiny spaces. all across the country, tinyhomeowners have been coming up with really smart ways to keeptheir large pieces of furniture without compromisingtheir tiny home design.

    a great example of thisis the izaak walton inn in glacier national park. the inn was built in 1939along the railway and has eight caboosesand one locomotive that have been convertedto guest suites. they've got everythingyou would expect to find in a luxury hotel, and they'reall less than 500 square feet. they're a great example of howa space can be reimagined. notice how well the full-sizedsofa and full-sized kitchen

    work together in this space. although it's narrow,there's plenty of room to relax and to cooka three-course meal too. and the beautifultree slab table serves double-dutyas a cutting board. just past the main living areais a full bathroom with a showerand rustic tile pattern that works really well with theoverall western montana design. and at the back of the train caris a bedroom spacious enough

    to fit a queen bed. a pocket door slides closedto give the room privacy and reveal a hidden closet. back out in the hallway, a ladder leads to a charmingloft-style second bedroom, where windows wrap aroundthe bed making it feel largerand more open than it is. this cozy and cool cabooseproves that you can turn almost anything intoa great living space

    and that you can fit a lotof big stuff into just 468 square feet. and that has me confidentthat we'll be able to fit large pieces in our rochester, and zack is hard at workon one of those big projects. - hey, john.- is this the kitchen island? - this is thekitchen island-dog kennel. if you imagine,the door is on that side. down here, we're gonna havea drawer that pulls out.

    you'll have the dog dishesinside there. - ahh. - they'll stow away nice whenyou don't want to look at it. - doesn't look huge,which is important. - 2 1/2 feet one way. - okay.- 3 1/2 feet the other way. but then what i want to do isactually have a full-size left right to the floor that'sgonna come all the way out and give us a nicebig kitchen table.

    - it's bigger than whatthey actually thought they were gonna get,but our footprint is smaller. and the thing that's beautifulis this leaf idea, because we always talkabout vertical space. and usually,we're talking about the walls, but we don't have that muchin there. so we're using the verticalspace on the furniture. and that's a great way to stealsome space, zack. i love this design.

    now that zack has a new homefor their dog, tim and shannon have to bringtheir cats to their new home. - i had timmy beforei even knew time, and it's just really sad. - they've been in our lifeeight years. - they're almost part of our--part of our life, you know. i mean,they're very important to us. - and the cats will behappier too not have to, like,deal with the dog, you know.

    - they are going toa wonderful home. they're going to our bestderek and sarah's house. we'll be able to see themall the time. we're always over here anyways. - here we go.- come here, pokey. - timmy...- welcome to your new home. - jeez. [cat meows] - you ready for this?

    - i'm ready.the cats love me. i take care of the catswhen they're out of town. i don't know if they're ready,though. - what do you think,pokey? you want to get down,get the lay of the land? - well, it looks like they'realready getting comfortable. how are you feeling now? - well, i'm mean,it's bittersweet. they're going to a good home,but...

    gonna be tough not waking upwith a cat on your face. - i think they'll be happy. - yeah, he's gonna get the lovethat he craves, right? - yeah.- yeah. - we're really gonna miss them. - remember,it's not good-bye forever. - thanks, derek.- the least i could do. - thanks, brother. - you can come see them anytime.

    - it's day five of our build. the tiny houseis coming together, and zack's got another greatdesign idea for the dog crate kitchen item. - instead of actually findingone spot, what i thought i'd do is, just put it on wheel. pop the pull up on the caster wheels. boom.put it anywhere you want to go.

    when you're done,pop it back down, can't see the wheels,it's nice and solid. - it's the open floor plan. you put furniture on wheels. now we create floor spacewherever we want it. - mind giving me a hand? just grab some of these boxes. - zack's got the dog crateisland project in great shape, while up top, the roofing tilesare almost complete.

    - yeah, guys. this looks great,and i love these da vinci tiles. - oh, they're beautiful,aren't they? - got the rest of them for you. - oh, perfect.thank you. - we're gonna finish this looks like rain's coming. we've got the kitchen to do, got to finish tilingthe bathroom. just a couple oddball endsdown there.

    it's coming together fast. - well, you guys let me knowif you need anything else. - thanks. - while zack and the crewfinish the roof, i'm heading to timand shannon's, because they're havinga barbecue to celebrate and say good-byeto their big house. poor tim here has had to give uphis hobby. have you thought about findinga home for you hobby?

    i mean, the big polein the living room. - i actually--i think i foundsomebody at my studio that's gonna buy it from me. - are you okay with that? - i mean, i could still goand take classes or... - exactly, i mean,it's not about, you know, taking awayyour hobbies from you. it's just finding a creativespot for them to live. - yeah.- so listen.

    i've got an idea.come on down here. - all right.- grab a couple of those logs. we're gonna pace out the area. just one, two, three. that's nine. about here, and then give me20 feet this way, guys. ready?- one, two, three... - yeah, you pace it out. okay, yeah,we're all gonna get in here.

    just see how cozy it might be. actually, you guys are gonnahave to come a little bit this way;there's a couch here. kitchen is right yeah, here we go. a little differentwhen you actually stand in the space,isn't it? - this kind of putsa little more reality check to us,i suppose. - you realize this is goingto be your living room,

    you kitchen, your bedroom,your bathroom, your office, and your dog. - dog kennel.- hot tub? - hot tub is at your house. you guys still feel goodabout this? - i'm thinking we should havedone this before. - home is where the heart is,right? and, you guys, you've gota great group of friends. when we get them intoa small space like this...

    - it's still a good time.- it's still--it's a great time. so listen,let's christen the tiny house. this is where it's gonna be, so how about to living largein the tiny house? all: cheers. tiny house. cheers. - back at the build, the tiny house is readyto hit the road, and it's finally timefor it's maiden voyage to tim and shannon's backyard.

    you ever moveda tiny house before? - no, this is the first timefor me. - all right,nice and smooth. let's do this bad boy. - ♪ hold on, lover ♪ ♪ hold on, my dear ♪ - yeah,that's the house right there. let's pull up hereand get set to back it in. we were able to move thetiny house without any trouble.

    but anyone who has everplayed golf knows that it's the last 50 yardsthat are the toughest, so we're not gonna celebratejust yet. it's a low curb. that was easy. you're good here.has he got-- is he in the clear here? - yeah.- you're good. you see how softthe ground is.

    i know. oh, boy. [engine revving] oh, man.this is not good. it rained a whole bunchlast night. you can see the tiresare just spinning. look how deep that is. you know,there's nothing you can do when the ground is this soft.

    this is a serious problem here. - i'm pretty dang nervousright now, because this thing is stuckin my yard. - all right. - i mean,i've got a big-ass tow rope. - you want to try it? tim's in to get his truck, and we're gonna set upa tow rope, and maybe with bothof these trucks pulling,

    hopefully, we can get the truckand the tiny house out of here. how we get it back in,i have no idea. - slack's out.we good? [tires squealing] - easy, easy. - it's out. whoo! - [laughs]- yes. - it's what we do.- whoo!

    since the ground is too softto just back the trailer into the yard, we're gonnahave to lay down some wood and hopefully getsome more traction. the plan right now is to laythe wood over the old tracks, back it in with a little bitmore speed. hopefully, we can get itfar enough into the backyard. all right,let's try it again. come on. coming in hot.easy, easy.

    hey. he - come on. coming in hot. - whoa.- easy, easy. you've got about 5 more feet. that was really,really close. i mean,he was coming in so fast. we had him slow down,

    but we're not all the wayin yet. so we're gonna lay downsome more wood and take another run at it. right there. - hold uphup! - he's fine. he's good.- all right. - you're're good. - now he has the board. - there it is.

    - good job. - whew. we finally got the house in. i have to say, that was easily the toughesttiny house installation i've ever done. it's day seven,the last day of our build, and it's time forthe finishing touches. - all we have to do is installthe refrigerator,

    adjust the table legson the dog crate island, and finish installingthe concrete cladding around the bottomof the trailer. this will hide the wheels and make it look likea regular home. - yeah, this skirt reallymakes it look a little more permanent, right? - it looks really good. - all right, you guys,

    i know you've been waitinga while. you ready for this? - yes.- i was born ready. - seven days ago,we came to rochester, new york, to help tim and shannon sowingbuild their tiny dream home. on their budget of $30,000, we took this prefab shelland customized it for tim, shannon, and their dog. we helped them downsizetheir belongings

    and make somereally tough decisions to prepare them for life intheir new 210-square-foot home. now it's time to show themwhat we've done and welcome them intothe tiny house community. - so i know you've beenlooking out the windows seeing the outside,but are you ready to see the inside of your new house? - oh, us. we're dying to see it.

    - oh, my god. - ♪ 'cause you're ♪ - oh, my god.- holy crap. - ♪ unbelievable ♪ - this is crazy. - this house is badass. - it's awesome. - oh, look at the sign.i love it. "seize the day."

    - this is our frickin' house. - hey, guys. what do you thinkof the new place? - oh, my gosh.this is awesome. - this is amazing. - well, let's show you some ofthe cool features. let's start with this beauty. this is zack's big project, and i think he knocked itout of the park.

    - i love the stain on this. - the island is all mahogany. - show them what else it is. - for the dog. - so there's gonna be plentyof space down here. it's definitely big enough thatthe dog is gonna be comfortable. - over here,we have a drawer, dog food. - oh, that is so cute. - you like to have guests,so what we did was make this

    actually leaf out... - what?- and then there's legs. pull down, and now it turns intoyour kitchen table. - this is awesome.- so cool. i think the dog crate islandsolves so many problems that we anticipated:not having a place to entertain, not having a placefor the dog to sleep, and it's gorgeous. - the whole idea of this islandis that it will be moveable.

    so if you press these levers,it pops it up on wheels. - by putting this on wheels,we've got extra floor space in the house. now we've got to show you therest of this area too over here. zack, you've got a littlefun thing in here, right? - tim actually gave me a handwith this office storage unit. you've got little spacesfor your gizmos, and then when you're readyfor it, you know,this opens up,

    and you haveyour little makeup counter. that is so cool. - it was kind of nice to see the cabinet that i put togetherwith zack. - i love to get dolled upand do my makeup, so it's just great to havea place to put all that stuff. - that might bemy favorite thing so far. good work.- yep. - normally,this would just be a bedroom,

    but fortunately,we managed to fit the bed underneath your office. - let's pull this thing out.i've got to see this. you didn't want the loft,but we had to figure out what we were gonna dowith the bed when you weren't laying in it. - this is awesome. oh, my gosh. - that is so cool.

    - this is the very firstunder-office bed that we've ever done. - oh, don't mind me, guys. just gonna takea little nap here. ahh.oh, it's comfortable. - you know the best partabout this bed? it's small enoughfor a snuggler. - come on in, shannon.come on in. the roll-out bedwas a huge surprise to me.

    i was really particularabout not having a loft, and this solved our problem. - when you're done sleeping,you just store it in there. - beautiful. - and then, of course,we've got the bathroom. it's not a large space, but it has everything that anormal-size bathroom would have. - it's's modern. - the tile is beautiful.

    - and this is essentiallya wet room, so yeah, you can put the dog in there. there's a drain in the middleof the floor. - perfect.- so let's keep going. i want to show youthis huge entertaining couch that we have here,right. just because you're ina small space doesn't mean you have to havesmall furniture. a couple of big piecesin a tiny house

    serve to normalize the space. - couches in generalare a tremendously underutilized space. so what we've doneis actually give you a whole area where you can storeanything that's unsightly. - i love the color of the couch. it just adds to the bright,open feeling. and it has all the great storageunderneath. - and that's a huge couch.

    - i want to show youthis little ottoman, which is great seating for one,right? but that wouldn't be goodfor a tiny house. instead,this is seating for five. - what?- yeah. it's all about taking advantageof every inch of space that's available to us. the cushions here on the sidecome right off like this, slide down,lock into place.

    have a seat. - wow.this is comfortable. - when people aren't here,you just put it away again. - so smart. - great design is the keyto tiny living. so there you go.there's your seating for five. but it only takes up spacefor one. - that's so cool.- right? let's get into the kitchen.

    it takes upthis whole wall here. you've got a full fridge. when you combine thatwith the extra space from the kitchen island,i mean, you've got yourselfa full kitchen. i've got one more here for you. i know you missedyour brewing equipment, so we installed this bad boy. - what?

    - i know you missedyour brewing equipment, so we installeda little home keg. - of everythingthat's super-cool about this, you can have your home brewon tap coming out of here. this is now my favorite piecein the whole house. - right? this your remote controlthat controls your tv screen. - are you joking right now? - no.

    and they've got the sound systemup there. - ahh, yes. - that will make it feellike a concert hall. - it's beautiful.- it's so high-end. - yeah.- and i love it. it really has everythingwe need and more. - and i know that you guyswanted to travel to seize the day. - that's what this isright here.

    - i love it. - you know how people nametheir boat? this is, like,the name of our house. - and we are makinga lot of sacrifices, but this really is gonna allowus to pay off our student loans and travel the world. - congratulations,'ve got a new tiny home. come on. let's hug. group hug. - awesome.thank you so much.

    - as the newest membersof the tiny house movement, tim and shannon are living largeby going small, but how do they liketheir new lifestyle, and do they feelless financial pressure from their student loansand other debts now that they've downsized? we checked in with them a fewmonths after they moved in to find out. - morning, love.- morning.

    the biggest lifestyle changefor me is waking up and having to immediatelymake the bed. - i love that it forces usto make the bed. - does it pass the shannon test? - i think so.- all right. and we can't functionand get around until that bed is pushed in. want some coffee? - yes.

    - i definitely miss havingmy exercise pole, so i kind of had to do yoga. the only con for usliving in the tiny house is the lack of privacywith the bathroom, you know, having a curtainand not a door. [laughs] it would be hard for gueststo kind of get over that. this is closet. we put a lot of work into itsince you guys were here last.

    - so what we wanted to dowas just maximize every square inchof the space here instead of just havethe two shelf with some boxes on it. we've got a big closet rodfor all of our hanging stuff. and shannon has a drawer,i have a drawer. of course, shannon couldn't getrid of all of her big shoes. so we had to make a spacefor her giant boots. every square inch of it count.

    - with our couch, you know, zack built inthe storage underneath, and we have our bootsfor snowboarding, our snow pants,all that stuff is there. and then that makeupstorage cabinet is great. i love it. - and i helped design it myself. i can't toot my horn too hard,but... - i don't think timhas any space in it.

    it's all my stuff. the laundry is done.can you come help me? the innovative ideasthat john and zack were able to pull offreally make the space feel way bigger than it is. oh, it looks like it's allmy clothes, shannon. where's yours? - oh, there's one shirt herefor me. - oh, one shirt of yours.

    i definitely feellike we are living in a luxurious loftin manhattan. hope you're hungry.just in time. soup's on. - it smells good. - what i miss the most is reallyall my different kitchen things, my big pot and pans set, where i could havemy saucepan going, and to be completely honest,

    the sink,it's really small. we're gonna try to see if we canreconfigure it to install a larger one. got some butternut squash soup. - ooh. - so are you gonna sign upfor that pole class? - i think so. i think there's another sessionstarting in a couple weeks. what do you and frank havein the works for the next brew?

    - like, a citrus ipa. - that sounds good. yeah, usually,we sit down to eat at the dog crate island. good girl. - but i think the personwho loves it the most is juno. we definitely have a voidstill in our life with timmy and pokey. - i think about them sometimes,

    but i know that they're happywhere they are. - hello.- come on in. welcome to the tiny house. - i love to sethpeople's reaction when the walk into the house. i think they're expecting itto be a lot tighter. - i filled up our little keggerhere with my home brewer. - that thing's flowing. - i did have to give upmy beer brewing equipment,

    but frank doesn't livetoo far away, and i get to still enjoy itin my new little beer kegerator there. - tim, can you guys maybe putthe leaf out? - we're entertaining more nowthan we used to. just because thatgigantic screen that we have, and the sound systemis awesome, so everybody wants to come overto our place. just like the tininess of it.

    we still cram a lot of peoplein there and have some fun. we've got four-wideon the couch, and we can even fit two more. - i was a skepticof the tiny house at first. seeing it come togetherand watching tim and shannon go through this together,i am a believer. the tiny houseturned into something absolutely spectacular. - so we're still parkedin the backyard,

    but we're actuallyin the process of settling on a piece of land, and we're super-excitedto get the tiny house out there. we could spend the restof our lives like this. if we had kids,it might be a different story. - build a tiny house addition.

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