standard furniture rochester panel bed

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standard furniture rochester panel bed

hello, everybody. i'm john weisbarthfrom tiny house nation and tiny house hunting, and i'm happy to saythat the fans have spoken, and we were listening. america is loving living tiny. so that's why we decidedto have a little fun. call it the ultimatesub-compact countdown. while every tiny home we've evertoured, designed, or built

is special in its own way, the ten you're about to see have achieved rock star status. so whether you're alreadya tiny house believer, or you just want to seewhat the fuss is all about, we've got you covered with an hour-long countdown of gold-platedtiny house awesomeness where we set out to prove,here more than anywhere,

size doesn't matter. [upbeat music] ♪ ♪ kicking off the countdownat number 10 is a traveling padnicknamed the big mack in nashville, tennessee. in an effort to stay closeto the mild winters and buzzing music culturein nashville, john and sarah hadtiny house builder joe everson

show them a propertyhe designed. even though it was a littletoo tiny for this couple, the tricked out features of the smallest propertyon our countdown make it worthy of beingin my top ten. what the-- hi, puppy dog. hey, buddy. i'll put him in the truck.

i didn't know you rolledwith a horse. [laughs] take a look inside. whoa. (sarah)i like the high gabled roof. (john)yeah, it addsa lot of character. (joe)okay, the big mack. (weisbarth)every big mack comes standardwith a queen sized loft, a utility shed,

and sustainable bamboo flooring. (sarah)and durable? yes, very durable. (weisbarth)the rest of the homecan be custom tailored. (joe)did y'all check the couch out? it kind of seems likean ordinary couch. but a simple pull upon this guy... you've gota whole extra bed. (sarah)oh, look at that.

(john)oh, nice. so up here,is this the only storage that's in the wholetiny house. (joe)no. okay? you've got tons of storageunderneath the couch. that's great. 6'4",2 foot tall, 2 1/2 foot deep. this is i would saya mid-sized kitchen.

(john)and this is the--this is the standard burner that you use in your models? (joe)yeah, that's a two-burner,and it's propane fired. so you could beoff the grid, not have electricity, and you could still cookand boil water. okay, well, i guess thereis some advantages to that. yeah. (weisbarth)i was really impressed

with how much functionality joe built into the living roomand kitchen. but after tossing inthe pocket sized tub with waterfall showerhead, i was sold on his commitmentto the tiny house movement, not to mention the built-incomposting toilet. (joe)it's for more the greener folk. i'm crunchy,but not that green. (joe)there we go,

but there's tonsof options there. so we know where we entertain,where we cook, and where wedo our business. where do we sleep? well... right over here,we have a ladder. oh, nice,that tucks away well. basically, you just slide itout of the corner. and you're ready to go.

- all right.- wow. (sarah)and the gabled ceiling leavesa little bit of headroom, enough for you to to sit upand kind of maneuver. (john)i mean, if i'm--if i'm waking upearly in the morning, and my alarm goes offat 7:00... ow. ah. okay, i may have gotten uptoo hard on that one. [laughter] how do you get upin the morning.

i don't get up quite soaggressively in the morning. i'm ready to tacklethe day. (weisbarth)my number 10 pick stuffeddistinct living space into just 144 square feet. but as with any tiny home, you got to be carefulwhen you stretch. number 9 on the list is the bohemian escapein cleveland, ohio. (woman)♪ mm-hmm, you got to mix it up ♪

♪ and let it go ♪ (weisbarth)zack and i built this tiny house for a young couple from ohio whose work kept themon the road. sure, they could hole up ina different motel every night, or they could own their ownmotorized mini mansion. so we delivereda road-worthy tiny house that's ready torock and roll. but how do you mash upthe tastes

of a rocker and a quilter? let's just say that we, uh... patched it together? and that's part of whythis place made my list. (angela)look at this color;i love it. i love the green door. it's perfect. the time has finally come. - all right.- all right? you ready?

this house was so breathtaking that we had to givethe couple some alone time to drink it all in. (both)no way. (angela)it looks awesome. this is so us. (hydrect)this is--look,it's a full kitchen. i can't even take this. (weisbarth)but you're thinking,

how are they supposed to reachthose two lofts, fly? well, not quite. even the stairs in this placeare designed to move. oh, i got tocheck this out. (angela)i love the glass. (hydrect)no way. no way! do you hear the acousticsin here? it sounds perfect.

they got the padded walls. (weisbarth)one loftis a soundproof music studio, while the other isangela's dream bedroom so she can get some damn sleepwhile he makes all that noise. now i get to go first. oh, my god, you should seethis sconce. (hydrect)this is so roomy. (angela)pretty. (hydrect)like, i hate to even call thisa tiny house,

because it's reallynot that tiny. wow, okay. [angela laughs] think about the viewsthat we're gonna have from these windows. (weisbarth)zack and i were dying to show off all the customfunctionality features we built just for them. i want to start with this.

i really wanted zack to tell youabout your quilting table. (zack)what you wanted wasa large quilting table, and to have a tablethat big really takes upall the space in the area. and you don't getany kind of walkway. so what we didwas leaf the table. you know,it's kind of compact. it's small. it stores right inthe corner.

you can eat on it. and then if youfeel over here, it's got a finger spot, and it's got some leaf supports. (angela)wow. so you canpull those out. you can't even see thosewhen they're closed. wow. just flip it open.

that is beautiful. shut up. that isso beautiful. (zack)the biggest, important part for havinga quilting table is having good storagefor your sewing machine. so if you nowlook here, your sewing machine just canpull right out. can you believe that?

that is incredible. (weisbarth)man, grandma's quilting beenever rocked this hard. angela's multi-functional tablealone would've put this houseon my top ten because a sizable workspacefor a trade like quilting is a real luxuryin a tiny house. almost as luxurious as a kitchenwith all the bells and whistles. kitchen, i want to talk aboutthe kitchen a little bit too, okay?

this is a full-sized kitchen. this is just a formica,but it looks really finished, like marble. and it saved us enough money to be able to get thisreally nice tile. we gave you a full kitchen and a full bathroom. i mean, right? that's what sells,right?

i want to--let's get in there, because this is the thingthat i love. (weisbarth voice-over)building a full-sized bathroom in a tiny homeis no small feat. on average, a tiny housebathroom is 45 square feet. since that's barely enough roomfor all the fixtures, getting creativewith space is y with hooks and shelves, half-sized sinks and toilets,

combination shower tubs, and even wet rooms,where nothing stays dry. come on, right? come in here. look at this thing. (hydrect)you're kidding. look, it's a bathtub. it's a full bathtub. (angela)look at this.

i got my tub. absolutely. i fit. we just need yourbuttery chardonnay, and you're--and you're perfect. but look, it's a reallyhigh-end look, okay? the herringbone tile. (angela)i love it. (weisbarth)throughout the whole house,

we got that clean look and the popsof color. i love it. it's not a bathroomthat feels like it's on wheels. it's--you're at--you're home, you know? (zack)this is the one areawhere we did splurge. there's a bathtub. that's called splurging. (wsbarth)what i love

is that you've gotthe full kitchen, the full bathroom, and yet you still gotall of this room and two lofts. the bedroom is very,like, japanese style, but it's so zen. like, it's perfectfor the bedroom. it's everythingthat we hoped for. (hydrect)everything that we wantedand more.

there's honestly not a lot ofwords i can say right now. it's just--it's huge. it's--like, it's home. it's home. (weisbarth)it's all yours. - enjoy.- thanks. (hydrect)i got to take a lookat this bathroom. this is wild. i can't believe they fit a tubin our tiny house.

(weisbarth)a full-sized tub in a tiny home. these guys cleaned up. number 8 on the countdownis the crib in bethesda, maryland. it's a no-brainer. lose the stuff, squish the square footage, and your carbon footprintgoes from sasquatch to stiletto.

but one tiny wondertakes sustainability into a new dimension. my favorite part? the designer and architectactually modeled the exterior after a traditional structurefor drying corn. (jeff)the crib was originally designed based on the imageof a corn crib. so you'll see in here that the walls are made out ofpolycarbonate panels,

which allow lightto come through in the daytime. (weisbarth)the designincorporates sustainable and recyclable materials that can be fabricated off-site and then transported and quickly assembledwhere desired. (jeff)this buildingis energy efficient. the floor we're standing onis made out of structurally insulated panels,as is the roof.

and over here is what we callthe dining room. depending on what time of yearyou're using the building, if it's the wintertime, the glass wallcan be pulled down, and the dining roomis inside the building. in the warmer months, it's reasonable to takethe table and move it out to the deck. if you come this way,

this is a custompiece of furniture that was designedto serve several purposes. in this case, it's designedas a television wall. the bigger purposeis to serve as an office. so the entire cabinet opens up to reveal an officethat has built-in cabinetry. so, in essence, what we've donewith this piece of furniture is created another room

that's reallypart of the first room. (weisbarth)it's cool enough whenmulti-functional furniture turns intoanother piece of furniture. but an entire officeout of nowhere? mind blown. and that's another reason the crib cruisesinto my tiny top ten. on this side of the cabinet, you see that we have a ladderclipped to the wall.

so this ladder is designedto give you access to a sleeping loft up above. the loft is really justa very light structure hovering in the space. (weisbarth)lofts or mezzanines can be openor closed in spaces that give the home another levelof storage or living area. whether you utilize the loft as an extra bedroom, bathroom,office, or social area, you're adding more cubic feetof livable space

that would otherwisejust be the air above your head. and now you've seen all250 square feet of the crib. (weisbarth)lucky number 7 on the list is the transformer apartment in new york city. this was a run-downpre-war apartment before one architecttransformed it into a puzzle boxof moving parts that morphs a single space

into a crazy assortmentof different rooms. with presto chango furniture and so many hiddendesign elements, this shoe box is a shoe-infor my best of the best. - hi.- hi. hi, robert.jacqueline. nice to meet you. (robert)hi, david. - nice to meet you.- come on in.

(robert)this isthe transformer loft. (jacqueline)wow. (robert)this space herethat we're in right now is the transformer loft. we called it that becausewe transformed, essentially, a pre-war, dilapidated space. we came in,transformed it completely from the point of view of what it was beforeand what it is now.

so over here yougot the kitchen. everything is kind ofhidden away out of sight when you don't need it. (jacqueline)so being a cook, david, what do you think aboutthe amount of counter space? it would be nice if there wasa counter here. yeah, it's-- this is a little too lowfor prep space. it's kind of--

yeah, it would be nice if there wasa higher counter here, especially givenyour height. well, there's more than meetsthe eye on this table. it actually goes up and down,if you can believe it. this is one of thosefun tricks. (david)i can believe anythingat this point. so you press a button... (jacqueline)you're kidding me.

(robert)it goes up. (weisbarth)okay, a motorized dinner table. what's next, a sofa that turns intoa hovercraft? this tiny rehab has no problemmaking my top ten. one thing that may not beobvious as well is that these sofaskind of move around on wheels, and you can make itinto a queen sized bed. (weisbarth)not exactly a hovercraft,but i'll take it.

this is definitelycustom designed, so it'd make a lot of senseto use it in the space. is this the only bedin the space? would you like another bed?yes. so it just comes downout the wall. you pull on here, and then the feetcome down automatically, which is a nice detail. it's good hardware,for sure.

(weisbarth)murphy beds are a great idea to maximize the square footageof a room. when not in use,they offer convertibility into other pieces of furniturelike couches and desks. they also can helpsolve storage issues by being able to doubleas a closet or two. (robert)so here you havethe dressing area. so, really, what's betweenthe bedroom and the washroom is cabinetry.

step into the bathroom. (jacqueline)wow, this is nice. (robert)and we also havesome storage over here. so this is when thingsstart to get interesting. oh, wow. talking about storage, this thing opens up;there's more. (david)more. (robert)and it gets even better

when you turn aroundover here. you've got the whole wall, you touch it, everything startsto open, you know? you got your linensin there. and then the kind ofpiã©ce de rã©sistance is these laundry hampers. (jacqueline)you've got to be kidding me. he has taken itto a whole new level. this is, like,the bathroom.

(robert)and then these doors,floor to ceiling, open up. full height. everything in walnut, again. let me show you the restof the apartment again, going back to the living room. so you might have thoughtthe whole time this was a wall;it's fixed. (jacqueline)uh-huh.

(robert)but it actually moves. so what's currentlyan open wide studio becomes a one bedroom when youslide the wall. - get out.- wow. that is amazing. (robert)giving you that privacy that we weretalking about, acoustically,visually. on the side that facesthe living room,

it's painted whitelike everything else. on the back sideand the bed side, it's wood. it's all walnut. so the experienceof the space in the bedroom is very intimate. and then the added benefit,of course, is, you've gotall this storage now that you can use and occupyvery easily. there's even more storageback in here,

long-term storage,suitcases. (weisbarth)whether you're building a home from the ground up or reinventinga ready-made space, creatively planning outthe tiniest details will make a small budgetgo a long way. number 6 on the countdownis the climbing gym in mullica hill, new jersey. oh, my god,i love the outside.

that's not how i thoughtit was gonna look. (weisbarth)with its rustyindustrial patina, this off-the-grid tiny homethat zack and i built for an athletic couple earned its place on my list because it proves how muchgood stuff going tiny affords homeowners. i mean, every detailis ultra personalized. this is your off-the-gridtiny house.

oh, my god, oh, my god,oh, my god. we got a potable water system and propane tanks. a battery system chargedby solar panels with enough kilowatt hoursto run this thing, you know, through the night, through a stormy daywith no sun. and it's mobile. (zack)you guys get to go anywhereyou want

and just betotally self-contained. nice. (weisbarth voice-over)as a sporty couple with tons ofextracurricular activities, vince and sam neededtheir open floor plan to double as a home gym. but why stop with the floors. in the world of tiny, vertical spaceis just as critical.

so instead of stairs leading upto that study loft, you guessed it. oh, my god. oh, my god,oh, my god. what do you guys think? (vince)it's pretty amazing. more than anything i could have everdreamed of. we have rock wallon our wall.

yes, there is. this is one of the neatest partsto this house. i mean, it's a show piecethat says, oh, "athletic,adventurous." but it--but it's also functional. you noticeall the extra spaces? (vince)yeah. (zack)that is so thatyou can change it around. and also you can adjustthe rings too.

(weisbarth)by itself, the rock climbing wallis wild enough to put this tiny padon the countdown, but there's hidden functionalityin almost every nook and cranny. [gasps] (sam)i would have never thoughtto put a desk in the floor. i want to start doing workright now. (weisbarth)below the study loft is a living room nookfor lounging

with a ton of storage space. the only thing missing is the never-ending supplyof nachos. and, see, under here... (sam)oh, we didn't even see that. right, so you have a nicelittle storage area here in the little ottoman. (zack)open up this big panel. (sam)that's what that is.

(zack)completely out of the way. (weisbarth)and this is essentiallya galley-style kitchen. there's a lot of space here that you guys couldactually both be working in. and then back hereis the shower. you've gotspecially designed flooring. it kind of drainsthrough the floor? exactly. it's luxurious.

it is. it's really,really luxurious. i feel spoiledthat this shower was made like thisfor us. (weisbarth)and what i like about it, too, is that it's separatefrom the commode. (weisbarth)this is a-- a large loft. (sam)i love the colors.

you know, a lot of the housesjust have the wood for walls, but i love the print. it's, like,kind of geometrical. - yeah.- i love that. (sam)i don't thinkwords can express how awesome this house is. whoo! (weisbarth)come over here.

i want you guysto check out these stairs. (zack)this is justa series of boxes stacked on topof each other. they look nice, and then you can storeanything you want in the spaces. (sam)that's perfect. (vince)this design is amazing. i love that. (weisbarth) kaidan-dansumeans "cabinet stairs"

and has been aroundsince 1702 in japan. why? people kept expensive belongings on the second floor, and the kaidan-dansumade it possible to conceal a hidden room. in modern times, there aremany uses for kaidan-dansu. they can lead up to a loft or second story in your home,

and can be utilizedto store pantry items, clothing, and tools. this is it. this isyour guys' house. life dream achieved. (weisbarth)okay, zack and i have done plenty of building jobsthat drove us up the wall, but this is a wholedifferent ball game. and to think we did itall carbon neutral.

if that's not enough to landthe number 6 spot, then i give up. number 5 in my tiny top ten is the silo housein phoenix, arizona. taking ona construction project isn't always a viable option for hopeful homeownerswanting to downsize. sometimes, they rely oninventive architects who've taken it upon themselves

to build original spacesfor the tiny real estate market, and sometimes those spacesare insane enough to make my top ten. (woman)hey,, welcome to the silo. - nice.- pretty sweet. (weisbarth)that's right, a silo, as in, well,a silo. it was manufactured in the '60sand owned by a kansas farmer before making its wayto phoenix,

where a local architectconverted it into this tiny treasure. (woman)340 square feet,very tiny, but look at this height. (weisbarth)matthew was tired of crashing on his brother tim's couch. when he told his realtor he wanted a little placeto call his own, he had no ideajust how little it could get

until she showed himone of the most cutting-edge and crazy small homeson my top ten list. (woman)you can see we've gota great layout, very bright and open. we've got our kitchenright behind us with a lot of storage above. i see something missing,though. where's the fridge at? (woman)i think we got a winner.

(woman)there you are. tiny design'sfull of secrets. you can look behind all the different cubbiesand panels. (matthew)tell me a little bitabout this stove here and how this works. - is this gas?- it is gas. and then there's a grill that's built rightto the side of it.

(matthew)yeah, i really-- i mean, i likethe aesthetics of it. from a design standpoint, i definitely think it wasa slam dunk. it felt a lot largerthan 340 to me because of the utilizationof the space. i think i foundthe bathroom. it's cool, though. i mean,it's done nicely.

look at the shower;the shower's nice. (weisbarth)an ultra-modern, easy to clean bathroom that tucks awaylike a murphy bed? that's a royal flush. but for the ace in the hole,look up-- way up. (woman)the bedroom's just upthat winding stairwell. (tim)is he gonna be able to get uphere after a couple drinks? or get down.

that would bemy concern. cool. oh, i do like it. (woman)total loft. - it is.- absolutely. (woman)what a bachelor pad this is. yeah, there's a lot of reallynice natural light up here. i do like that. where can i put some clothes?

is there more closet space? there is. it extendsall the way across. (matthew)i like that everything can be, like, concealed, i guess. (woman)i don't knowif you guys noticed, but above the bed,we've got a projector, and it just will stream rightonto the wall in front of you. so you can just sit in bed,

watch the news, sports,whatever you want. (matthew)that's a great idea. (weisbarth)hd video right on your wall, just another reasonthis round house is squarely in my final five. so look at thisreally beautiful-- (both)wow. this is--wow, this is slick. does it go all the way?

this kind of solvesthe entertaining thing. - yeah.- i like this. (woman)really extends your living room. i mean, you can just haveyour guests in both areas. (matthew)well, overall, i'm reallyimpressed with the place. it's a silo,for goodness sake. this is awesome. (weisbarth)industrial chic finishes, one killer party patio,

and, let's face it, what's more manly than living ina freaking grain silo? this is the ultimatebachelor pad for a dude with a tiny tastein real estate. down in little rock, arkansas, this honeymoon suiteis feeling the love at number 4 on my list. soon to be wed couplejenna and james asked zack and i to builda 264-square-foot home

on a fifth wheel trailer systeminstead of our usual flatbed. what did we squeeze intothat extra space? a whole lot of romance. what's up, you guys? hi! (weisbarth)zack and i are presenting thisto you guys the day before your wedding, and we're really,really excited. it looksabsolutely amazing.

thank you. tour starts right outhere with... a surprise that'swaiting for you behind door number one. your very ownslide-out grill station. how fun is that? oh, that is so cool. (zack)what i've done is built kind of an extension,

and then the grilldrops over the front. (jenna)this is gorgeous. (weisbarth)you have all this areafor food prep. this can also bea little table if you want tosit out here. and then we gotall this storage in here for spices,the barbecue stuff. (jenna)yes. (james)it's all very cool.

(weisbarth)a built-in grilling station definitely gets thishoneymooners paradise on my tiny top ten, and we haven't evengone inside yet. in the front,same idea, just a whole lot bigger. (both)oh, wow. (jenna)baby, you can put all youroutdoor gear in here. this is your attic.

(weisbarth)i think it's time to showyou the inside of the house. this is your honeymoon suite. it's all yours. go ahead.get in there. have fun, guys. oh, my gosh. (james)oh, wow. (jenna)whoa. this space is amazing.

look at how brightthis kitchen is. (james)this is so cool. - what do you guys think?- it's amazing. what i want tostart with is the designthat i was trying to incorporatefor you guys-- a lot of windowsand a lot of space here to connectto the outdoors. the other thingwas the kitchen.

what you have here is, really,a full-sized kitchen. there's justso much storage. these cabinets are great. (weisbarth)one of the reallycool aspects is what i affectionately callthe cadillac of sinks. when we put in a sinkthis size, we have to make sureit has extra utility, and that's exactly whatthe cutting board is like. i mean, this--now you've gained counter space

that you can prepare on. and if you look inthe bottom of it, you can see a dish rack. it actually gains us somereal estate on the countertop. all right, let's check outthe living room as well. it's a long journey. this couch,great for sitting. this also convertsinto a bed. so this is your guest bedroomwhen you guys have people over.

(jenna)love it. zack's got a little surprisefor you in the hallway. a hallway is normallya very dead space. so instead of havinga lot of headroom, what we did was raisethe entire thing up and create storageunderneath. so if you look atthe steps, they're not just steps.

their full-sized drawers. (james)oh, cool. (zack)you can fit at least a few pairs of shoesin there. (james)at least a few. (jenna)i love it. (zack)the top one's a drawer as well, and then a smuggler's hatch. and if you just pullon that pin...

oh, my goodness. look atall this space. gosh, just spaceeverywhere. speaking of spaceeverywhere, let's check out this bedroom, 'cause this is one of the biggest bedroomswe've done before. i love this room so much. it's so big.

(weisbarth)i don't know if you understand the significance of gettinga queen-sized bed into a tiny house. that doesn't happenall the time. and it still gives us roomon either side to be able to get around. and then we gave you a closet and a laundry room. this is both a washerand a dryer.

(jenna)just all in one. (weisbarth)all in one. it's a really cool model. and it's sucha better option than having to dostackables. everything just--it's so homey. and it's the first timei've ever had a place to call, like, home. it's a big deal.

let's go out your door here, and i cannot wait to show youthis roof deck. (jenna)look at this view. picnic baskets. (james)oh, this is so cool. (jenna)look at all of this. this is beautiful. this is amazing. there is one more thing in there

that we wanted to make sureyou can see. go aheadand pick those up. it's the keysto your new house! that's the keysto your first house and the key to your new lifetogether, you guys. i love you. love you, too. (weisbarth)two glasses of rosã©, the sunset,

and your very owntiny roof deck. is it getting hot in here,or is it just me? well, it's about to geteven hotter. stealing the number 3 spot, a secluded backwoods escapein upper wisconsin that pairs mobilitywith luxury and raises the roof on romancelike you wouldn't believe. gentlemen, welcome. you made it.

(weisbarth)busy bostonians gus and kyle pinpointed wisconsin'snorth woods as their go-to spotto escape their daily grind. they bought a tiny gemthat took master builder dan dobrowolski decadesto perfect. you have to get used to the ideaof efficiency of space, that your space is well used. and we like to saythat we take little spaces and make them big.

this is your escape. - it's beautiful.- nice. (weisbarth)the guys were totally smitten with dan's commitmentto extravagant details all wrapped upin a minimalist package inspired by the workof legendary architect frank lloyd wright. (dan)just under 400 square feet. oh, wow,this is nice.

this is--it's beautiful. (dan)now, you can use this fora lot of different purposes. this could bean outdoor living area. and is that storageup there too? (dan)you can use that for storage,absolutely. a lot of people,believe it or not, like to sleep out here. so they consider itkind of a sleeping porch. it's great three-season room.

come on in. great flow. (dan)let me just point outa few quick features. first of all,you have hardwood floors. - great.- fireplace. (dan)and alsothe entertainment system. this is nice and warm,though. now, does this house getheated with this fireplace? (dan)that unit isa sealed combustion fireplace,

which is technicallyalso a furnace. it will easily heatthis entire building. great. (weisbarth)ah, the sealed combustionfireplace, just like abe lincolnused to have. with the perfect balance ofrustic and modern, the design aesthetic alone is enough to getthis tiny dream cabin a spot on my top ten list.

(dan)there's a full-sizedgas convection oven. full-sized microwave. full-sized fridgewith an ice maker. (weisbarth)this contempo cabin also boastssome energy-saving led lighting. and the old-schoolelectric water heater can be swapped out fora tankless gas powered system to save even more spaceand money. you can see the window wall,

which starts right next tothe fireplace, continues along all the wayinto the bedroom. now for the big unveiling. - here we are.- wow. (kyle)the bathroom. look at the shower. (dan)you got heated floors, and a pocket door. (gus)this is amazing.

it is a large bathroomfor a small building. (weisbarth)opulent features in an idyllic vacation spotis all well and good, but at its core, living tinyis about day-to-day living-- maximizingmulti-functional design so you can live large with less. that's what really excites meabout this movement, and that's exactlywhat i've saved for last. in our runner-up spot,

we've got anotherbite-sized apartment in the big apple. it may be micro, but the studioyou're about to see has some big, big secrets. the entire layout,every inch, is multi-functionalto the max. - graham.- how's it going? good, man, good.

- thanks for having me over.- yeah. oh. i'm an entrepreneur,essentially, sort of a design-preneur. i studied architectureand product design. (weisbarth)graham is living large in what most people wouldconsider cramped quarters, and his apartment is proof that good thingscome in small packages.

everything in the homehas more than one function. so his420-square-foot floor plan actually gives himmore than 1,000 square feet of useable space. (graham)the beauty of it is thatthis is a nice, large, well-lit room similar to spacesin much larger homes. and it transforms intofive or six different rooms. so it's the living room. it's the office.

it's the master bedroom. and in each iteration,it feels right. you don't feel likeyou're sleeping in the kitchen. all right,so this is what? this isthe living room setup. so this isliving room, yep. so we havethis nice couch. just pull these off. a bunch of storageunderneath here.

often, a couch would haveno storage, right? so, you know, you need to betaking advantage of every inch. and then hidden thereis the bed. and you can see how important,like, for small spaces, you want to get ridof the bed, because it takes upso much space. we don't want someoneto come over here and start eating crackers,right? well, it depends who.

well, i guess so. (weisbarth)well, what happenswhen you have some friends come in from townor something? well, let me show you. there's a little lock here,and then... oh, this whole--this whole wall. this whole wall comes out. so by moving that wall, we split the space in two.

there's a bunch of storage. (weisbarth)and so there's morecloset space. for the guest,we pulled out-- pulled out the wall. we have the masteron the other side. these just come downlike this. like that. really solid. i call top bunk,just p.s.

i think people hear420 square feet, and they go,"oh, it sounds like a prison." i can have a sit down dinnerfor 12 people in my 420-square-footapartment. a lot of people-- hold on, hold on. i'm gonna call youon that. - can you really?- i'll show you. (weisbarth)moving wallsand murphy bunk beds

are just a fewof the reasons this micro apartmentis bringing home our super small silver medal. holy smokes! 10-second chairs, and then theseare the leaves. just lock together. (weisbarth)this isa ridiculously big table. and you could even havea board meeting.

small business,they could-- it totally workson multiple levels. (weisbarth)entertaining in a tiny homeis challenging. but there are creative waysto keep your big celebrations from becomingpint-sized parties. whether it's a wallthat pulls out to become a full bar and table, a hidden shelf that folds downto serve drinks, or a kitchen island that doublesin size for serving food,

there's always a way to keepyour friends entertained. these countertops,which is 95% recycled glass. to keep it really cleanand leave a lot of space, we have theseinduction burners. we have three of them,and they're plug-in. so you just pull out, plug them in, put 'em away whenever you wantto keep them away. this is a drawer dishwasher

appropriately sizedfor the apartment. it uses two gallons. the normal ones will use,like, six. so it's actually moreenergy efficient to use this than to wash them by hand. this is a... a fridge and freezer. and just silly little things like this opens up.

these are spice racks. (weisbarth)yeah. (graham)and we have these urbio planters that stick on. (weisbarth)it's all about stealing space wherever you can get it, wherever--nook and crannyyou can find. what was the motivation? why did you say,"yeah, okay, i can do this"?

my motivation initially,really, was from anenvironmental angle. then when you startthinking about it, you realize that you can makethis really cost effective. it's the $22 billionpersonal storage unit industry. like, we have so much stuff, and i don't thinkit's working for us. a less but but better life is gonna bea happier one.

(weisbarth)i just love how everything nestsand tucks away. cool usage. the whole thingjust feels right. it looks awesome. you did a great job. there's something amazing about every space on my list, but one tiny house embodies the spirit of tiny livingso perfectly for me.

coming in at number 1, the modern studioin rochester, new york. this thing is my ultimatetiny dream home-- a 210-square-foot gem that zack and i builtfor tim and shannon. this couple hada laundry list of stuff to squeezed into theirtiny home, but using inspiration from a super efficient designby minimum homes,

we managed to fit it all in without sacrificingthe clean and modern look. are you ready for this? (tim)i was born ready. show us. we're dying to see it. (tim)holy crap. (shannon)whoa, crazy. (tim)this house is badass.

(shannon)it's awesome. (tim)oh, look at the sign;i love it. seize the day! (shannon)this is our frickin' house! well, let's show yousome of the cool features. let's startwith this beauty. this is zack's big project. i think he knocked itout of the park. (shannon)i love the stain on this.

(zack)the island is all mahogany. (weisbarth)show 'em what else it is. for the dog. (zack)so there's gonna beplenty of space down here. it's definitely big enough that the dog'sgonna be comfortable. over here we have a drawer, dog food. (shannon)that is so cute.

you like to have guests, so what we did was make thisactually leaf out. what? and there's legsthat pull down. now it turns intoyour kitchen table. so cool. i think the dog crateisland solves so many problemsthat we anticipated: not having a placeto entertain,

not having a placefor the dog to sleep, and it's gorgeous. the whole ideaof this island is that it will bemoveable. so if you pressthese levers, it pops it upon wheels. (weisbarth)by putting this on wheels, we got extra floor spacein the house. now we got to show youthe rest of this area, too,

over here. zack, you got a littlefun thing in here, right? (zack)you got little spacesfor your gizmos, and then when you'reready for it, you know, this opens up, and you have yourlittle makeup counter. (shannon)oh, my god. that is so cool. i love to get dolled upand do my makeup,

so it's just greatto have a place to put all that stuff. that might bemy favorite thing so far. (zack)normally this would just bea bedroom, but fortunately, we managed to fit the bedunderneath your office. (tim)let's pull this thing out. i got to see this. (weisbarth)we had to figure out

what we were gonna dowith the bed when you weren'tlaying in it. (tim)this is awesome. this is the very firstunder-office bed that we've ever done. oh, don't mind me, guys. just gonna takea little nap here. ah. oh, it's comfortable.

the roll-out bedwas a huge surprise to me. i was really particular aboutnot having a loft, and thissolved our problem. when you're done sleeping, you just store itin there. (tim)beautiful. (weisbarth)and then, of course, we've got the bathroom. it's not a large space,

but it has everything that a normal-sized bathroomwould have. (shannon)it's dark, it's modern. the tileis beautiful. this is essentiallya wet room. so, yeah, you canput the dog in there. there's a drainin the middle of the floor. (tim)perfect. let's keep going.

i want to show youthis huge entertaining couch that we have here. (tim)i love it. (weisbarth)just because you're ina small space, doesn't mean you have to havesmall furniture. a couple of big piecesin a tiny house serve to normalize the space. what we've doneis actually give you a whole area where you can storeanything that's unsightly.

(shannon)i love the color of the couch. it just adds to thatbright, open feeling. and it has all thatgreat storage underneath. and that's a huge couch. i want to show youthis little ottoman which is great seatingfor one, right? but that wouldn't be goodfor a tiny house. instead, this is seatingfor five. yeah, it's all about

taking advantageof every inch of space that's available to us. the cushions hereon the side come right offlike this. slide down,lock into place, have a seat. wow, this is comfortable. when people aren't here, you justput it away again.

so smart. great design is the keyto tiny living. so there you go. there's your seating for five that only takes up spacefor one. - that's so cool.- right? let's get into the kitchen. takes upthis whole wall here. you got a full fridge.

when you combine thatwith the extra space from the kitchen island, i mean, you've got yourselfa full kitchen. i got one morehere for you. (weisbarth voice-over)anybody down for a mini-kegger? what's super coolabout this, you can have yourhome brew on tap coming out of here.

oh, my god, this is now my favorite piecein the whole house. this is yourremote control that controlsyour tv screen. (shannon)are you joking right now? (weisbarth)no. and then you gotthe sound system up there. ah! (weisbarth)that will make it feel like

a concert hall. - it's beautiful.- so high-end. it really haseverything we need and more. (weisbarth)i know that you guys wanted to travel,to seize the day. - this is right here.- i love it. you know how people nametheir boats? this is like the nameof our house.

(tim)we are makinga lot of sacrifices, but this reallyis gonna allow us to pay off our student loans and travel the world. (weisbarth)congratulations, guys. you got a new tiny home. come on, let's go,group hug. awesome.thank you so much. (weisbarth)carpe diem is what tiny livingis all about.

getting rid of the stuffthat's weighing you down so you can have the freedomto get out there and seize the day. the tiny house movementis growing bigger by the minute. who knows? after seeing a fewof my favorites, you might be ready to makethe giant leap and step into a small homeof your own. and i just want to say thanksto all of you

for living largeby thinking tiny. so long.

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