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About : standard furniture hialeah court end table
Title : standard furniture hialeah court end table

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standard furniture hialeah court end table

giving thanks to the father who has qualified us qualified us to be partakers of the inheritance of the saints in light as you have received christ jesus the lord so welcome him as you've received him how did you receive him, he did it all you just

received what he had to give you salvation forgiveness of sins your righteousness totally qualify a spirit of sonship he just gave it to you as you received him

so walk how do we walk? we just receive what jesus did see, he did the whole victory all the victory was his that's what we just sang install it g is not up to you you know i have to be good enough

'cause your none of us were as you receive what you've been up toreceive salvation here's receipt so so what today the qualified today yet you qualified today you qualify ideally today it's a done deal

thank you jesus we'll receive where's or do you know wereach the everything he it uh... aunts we are now working for what it is that just makes light of what you'vedone novo we cite the victory with yours you didit all anyway today and not by cuba let's look it so i thank you that these sheets ofyours

all fit cathi because we're feeding a leon you andyou've finished work i thank you jesus for what you've done always lovely or we love you thank you the it just brings up from asmall because we've experienced your love or we

thank you thank you paul writers liking it right now there's nothingbetween uh... c popup their dope barriers it's an open had parades um... thing raids couple this summit which oppose anybody needsone they didn't get one yet put your

hand up and just right back here but linda in the back in the back of their and over here i did get one but that's alright uh... i don't even not no no no no iknow what's in their thank you setback anyway however that for me please there right now where there are fivedifferent nations watching us online

intercept you get him more about that listen ait behavior if you are a if thisis your first time we have connection cards that we give to our first i'm guessingyou just you feel that i mean you take it to theresource table right over there and we have a gift to give you and see what we do if you if you need aconnection car would you just just put your hand

and back here and thank you and backhere thank you so much we're so please you with us today and and if you take that sireesha staywith their you're gonna get a free gift and she need right here who runs ourresearch table is going to get that for you sore after worship just rented overthere which is so pleased that you withstandyour morning with us today thank you for being here uh... i'm gonna ask that if uh... atthis time that you get your uh...

offerings ready value should've they'vebeen given in offering uh... in your bulletin if you need anoffering of envelope again just put your hands up there are uh... russia's that will see to u rickypostures really busy day receipts you make sure you get it now for number andfill those out and as you're doing a and those are online if your car just inviteyou to also support this this workers grace and uh... there's a traveler butnow you can push in it it will take you off screen you'll beable to stay in

continue to watch what's going on as you contribute it's dismissed recently for that uh... hai in the and i was gonna say it is justjust just real quick uh... into weeks in a week-and-a-half on the seventeen thstarting wednesday daddy prints is going to be content and we need to get him praise the lordwe get him wednesday thursday friday

saturday and then he's gonna preachrests on sunday and i mean if you have not heard him youwill the blessed you you're gonna wanna make as many of those evening sessionsas you can is a little meany grace revival going onthat week and then that sunday morning of mind he's just it's going to beawesome so thats that sunday is the twenty first dot com it's gonna start we can actually getsome time to tell friends and family they will not be disappointed you cantell them com you'll be blown away by his messages sopassionate so powerful

okay i want to know if you remember on a call for the video here power vested in me seeking remedies lurk the e uh... your

or his it's unclear jesus yes what he's doneand what my increases really liked after message really enjoy talents ofall my worship together was celebrated union on a share an illustration of what god'sgrace demonstrated repeat what you like crisisorgans that's what grace hopper is all about you know you guys are doing a fantasticjordan jesus

you're enjoying the life of jesus in you slowing down i wonder if you really understand howhard as you say you impact lines over the world where just a small small example com comsusie q to bring the good news message to people like us solana thank you for that there's notgoing to go on i gotta get up and he's on the grillpeople will be arriving soon

classes to take up the offering startingofferings and and and while the offer is beingtaken up i wanna introduce to you in person parking holcomb please put so our carl restless it out here some of us just need more help withconsult with a lot unpopular decisions are so you guyswould recognize the pickup truck haha won't like that as a just fantastic tobe here is so good to have you are and we've been working himself hard sinceyou came

all sites laptop we made golden thriller we make hay the wife are also took him to see thatgoes really well catherine okay that's important buckets right through recently guys here care package with some you know havespot and she's and a christine still nicholson

hyderabad online uh... without and so obviously part of your life tostop sold by recipients alright so first of all thirty eight now select christie whitman field left adultwants right now i know you've been joy canadian stock market the had announcedthat talks is good enough for three cups

of tea for you three next hot historic com dvd call mister longestagrees that report there are six copies of the hundreds ofpast years just about wrecked checker players either one of us youknow that's the chairs that are next to you since we have something that has notcome up with anything you find a have you got it at all that we had a

for that as regard here over their last or here uh... that that's correctly predicting go that's what i've heard fundraiser that you know on passing broadway car

how difficult it or you know what my group in canada hi guys and for thosewho are all over the world watching uh... weaver like for the last sixmonths meaning that eight for warren as we're there and we have breakfast together we sitdown and enjoy her breakfast watson uh... the service and then sometimeswill have uh... with you guys as we do it

or sometimes we just do it on our ownwill help worshipping together nimble siderable talked for half an hour fortyminutes but you know we're just one many people and uh... one of several groups that weknow there could be many more that do similar things about where to stop that starts thismorning thirty seven different countries have your website watch talk to you live streaming or

europe he states fantastic and dot anarchists able to uh... connect with alot of people online uh... on behalf of your grace wilsonthat someone so why not have a contact you watch itonline tray and so on connecting with people up andi'm going to make some comments there service basketball you guys are greatbecause you can feel and hear what's happened people's livesthat you don't even know the desserts

but that you need to you guys next week he desecration laura hart say officiallyour desire international liaison i made that up for healing hands and he and he reaches out that's what hedoes is he reaches out to people do have come to we've got about fifteen seconds but reaches out to people who have reachedout to us from all over the world and we just ibis

forward them to you art and art sends out uh... it's called interest touch to plead for and and he's there's some of the pictures that weregoing to be a reading little comments from these peopleallegra sir any second you incur that's what we wantto do is we have

people are out there to serve in thegrace where they had a serve them and you're we want to strengthen themand that's what do you do you connect you support them and courage them andstrengthen them in the word of grace thank you for doing i'm in the thanks for being here way therefore more provided just a fewminutes free jesus statistic although usually if your first timevisitor i don't usually look like this used to it

effect uh... this is mrs has pretty much what i worry every sunday fact not disincentives towork every day specially when you go to like thecatholic hospitals cuz i learned a celtic awfully go anywhere was on the same it helps uh... you know i i not nights dianaalloy make very clear some things are today i wanted to give my testimony

this is for who protests and i and i i do not bookmaking under on and not believe willing at allthose who where the perfect timing it's a matter of personal choice but itell you something way were out what say you would havemeant to me and and i want to tell you 'em what do you want to where that the court you call it the thatbecause you caller itself you know rock

is a symbol it arises from the idea of slavery stands medical run etc which you touched chains to drag your slaves to where you want aslave to go and the way colorantes i was living opt the last

lake of my journey of wearing myself out in the law gone and in my obedience someone a tele talk about that today because i'm not the only one word collar there's over someone refuses romans fiveeight will to start with this

bob demonstrates in the king james version and this isthe way i remember memorizing this when i was a kid we've got commended but commences left in fact the young'sliteral translation says a two-year got commences love toward optus in that while we were still sinners christ

di for us but commandments his love press a greek word means tobring together it means to meet it's like an invitationit's like it's like me saying sicknesses art saleof to our friends it's bringing it's bringing two together so card introduces his love to us

how does he introduces left to us in the death of jesus and the more you understand seek the more you understand god's sacrificing jesus the more you understand what jesus didin his death and his resurrection the more you understand god's love the court layer that is is also true ifyou have a partial understanding of what jesusdid for you on the cross

you will have and only be able to receive a partialunderstanding of god's love for you and that's a position i wasn't because idid not understand what jesus did to me odd was a pastor in the futures fortwenty years never been a time in my life when guard was an apartment another i grew up with god but then it couldhave

my mike my parents took us to church my dad diedwhen i was very young i was nine years old he passed away i've never on my mother coming into our bedroom sitting on the bed that night and she said

god is going to take her place god is going to take him s and uh... and i believed her because i've seen and heard uh... a realsafeguard it on the stand guard at that age but i i saw on her that god was real tiny that god was real to her she spoke it didn't matter what thewalkout early i would get up in the morning

when i went downstairs my mother was safe kitchen table withour bible open and heard notepad and she would be riding in a note that awriting in her bible the things that got us was speaking to her in the word i didn't matter how early i got out shewas there before he dinner bible study and being in prayer with the lord she would with which i remember watchingher worker right the offering checks out

and we have these offering tragedy visasto meet you seem like a lot of money a move would be getting a lot of money or certified check will bug always she was going to get it why because god was real to her she isexemplified that i remember when we got a huge sheik cheapo assault charge when becauseof what a good job you want to go to church sheet was church when went mikey mightwhen nobody else wanted to go to church

in the church she would go to church she will close to both services and then it's like our services worrythat are not where they got other people's childrenis special because only got to go to that shares really have to help out a lot of theoccasion model school she's got to help out with all the peoples vacation bibleschool see if that's how she was israel was visible to me i knew god was real but my understandingof god

was the guy was looking down on me and that is sort of like the santa clausunderstanding of go up and and he's looking to see if i'm nothere nice and i've got a police in you know that's the message that we giveour kids and sunny so we give our kids all kinds of witnesses not miss anyschool not this church but in churches that we've grown up inwe got messages from people well-meaning people but they didn't know they didn't know any better they were asmuch in bondage is we were before we understood what jesus did for us

and they todd's where things cher wastelling me one of the things that she was taught when she was growing up isthat every time she did so great or did something displeased block unity all start off with a mansion inheaven dat she got in that anti-choice safe every time she did something bad dot wetake a break out of her mansion she said i type she was sixteen yearsold she didn't even have a foundation left fit with your parents would say thatthat's absolutely true

but you see what does this mean it it means i do that savers about doing it's not aboutbeing slavery is about what can i do for you sideways about you do best you do that okay it's not it's not about it's not onthat i have to to god it's not about being it's ran uh... at all it's allabout doing i remember i gave my life to jesuschrist is a bit ed billy graham priests

and then i went down there with thousands of others other people itwas overpowering it was beautiful how many of you date your life to jesus said a billygraham crusade anyone else here praise the lord thank god for billygraham i remember saying dada and this is alittle campus is located in all these thousands of people you know wonderingif the pic wondering if if the boss was going to leave withoutme and billy graham always assuring every crowd the bosses are not going toleave without u yeah

and gather and i could get them out tojesus and i felt so colleen felt some loan felt so accepted bright god flow like nothing i've ever felt before iknew i was ok with god i knew god wasn't mad at me i couldn't brutalize any of these thingsi just knew that i i'd just felt good

i felt good i felt hold about the pleasure of going on and anna and i went on this point that iremember just smiling just feeling like console good a week later a week but i believe it was even lessthan a week later i distinctly remember laying in that same bed after havingdone something little of the one eleven-year-old back to having done something

and thinking and must not bc i did something back how can i do something bad and still be safe i mean maybe maybe it didn't take maybethere's something wrong with me there may have you gone to that similarthing and i remember getting up from my bed after having that guilt that guilt wayon the icon the nation way on me

and i went to that window i bet you mineout down there cuz i if i thought was out there and he's going to see me and i gave my life to jesus said and this time i'm going to do and uh... i don't know how long it was after thatbefore i had to do it all again and i went to church camp grove churchcamp had a lot of fun

heard all about jesus more gave my lifeto jesus every chance i could and i don't know how many times i gavemy life to jesus but i i did it over and over againthere's a pattern developing you see paddocks was service that's what'sthat's a slaves do seekers it's all based on my doing trying to please god with my life areyou please god when you do well gotta police refuse when you do well unit you don't even have to say what theother for the flip side of that is

because people get it dot is not please with me when i don'tdo well so every time we don't do well god isfound god is not pleased with me i tell you i was a are felt in mind ste in my soul i was a pathetic sir because i wasalways looking to please god and what my focus was always on

was on those places this those fox'swords is actions that the qualifies being of god you hone in on you become sin focusthat's what you see you could do a hundred things right doone thing wrong what are you gonna focus on that wrong thing and i'm not working because of that disqualify myself because of that

and i mean odd i was a straight arrowi'd be a prime you know i i wanted the police car i want you from an early agemy heart was for him i wanted to live right and i worked hard at living rightjustice uh... upon this sermon and dodger mymaster you're my master but i am a bat surveylook at how i've failed and so i would inevitably just redouble my efforts and i i went through that pattern allthe time at and i just already it everytime everytown with that pat it just takes you

down one more level one more level workoutthat you are that's the devil talking with car what did you get anything right this verse became my fingers this is no joke loot luke seventeen ten so likewise u_n_you this is jesus who likewise u_n_ you've done all those things which arecome and did say we are on profitable servants we have done what was our dutyto do

that was mice that was my thing firstfor my life cell likewise when you've got all those things which you are comeand it's a we are unprofitable and they soften the word to us by making it sothat the toward a race lane we are a profitable slaves when you'vegot everything they've done it perfectly bennett absolutely right you just say i've done what was might be that's got same to you dot saying you've got everythingperfectly done everything right going to your slave quarters which isnot going to get the tonight

geez i didn't know that jesus was tryingto get two different things i didn't understand the to cover that so i didnot understand that jesus was trying to show people howbad had a deal the old company lives if coke even if you do it perfect youdon't even get a pat on the air it's like done just what was expected the go on that's the whole covenant that sliver as hard as project is youcan

unless you can do that you're gonna mess up so the and is going to be condemnationand guilt and that's what you're going to live i'm so stupid and how come i can't liveright outcome how come i can't d like these other people that ic_e_o_'s other people ages better at their hypocrisy and in it you can and if your living asthe service if your identity is the slave

you end up in a band and dark place it it just got worse you know my mother uh... found a wonderful manremarried he was a looser and we also we all went from being presbyterians tobeing lutherans so i became lutheran and we went we would get a church allthe time again now that stop you know that my parents love jesus and in the lutheran church

use have to confess your sins you don't have to do it one-on-one witha priest were a little ways here that conflicts weed you just have to jewish en masseyou can do it you know an altogether recall corporate uh... confession absolute absolution and so every sunday you connie anne andhere we go there as well here's what we would say here's what i make people saywhen i became a pastor we off to get a six well together saidi'm in bondage dissonant cannot free

myself i've sinned against you andthought word and deed by what i've done and but what i'd left undone uh... where fly free to you for yourinfinite mercy seeking employment rates parts vessels decline passing except he says is that any says and i said

to those who penny i declare to yoursins are forgiven you on the other hand by the same authority i think that is the quote i declaredtoday in penitent unbelieving for so long as you could see you in yourintended scott is not forgiving unisons and will shortly be insecure inequitiesupon you if you turn on february the ways andcome to repent and faith in christ at a day of grace be ended that's a quote from a list yet hard every week

you know what being cut that means it means being sorry itni it means to be sorry stiches asaro or regret as sometimes are showed more so i regretthat all the times how much sol regret that i need to show before i knew i was forgiven well guess what i'm never knew crichton avenue

i didn't know which categories ended and did you notice they spent a wholelot more time it has absolution telling you the fury uh... talking to himhurting people yeah if you're really worked i've got toget you back here in trinidad their raft island nation yet and we spent a lot more time tellingpeople scary that this is not good news in that that isnot valid anti christ is anti christ but i believe that

because that's all i know that's what the church teaches was at mica nomination i declare pastor i said that i read thatpeople say about it every week your body to send direct youare have been printed in enough i don't know knowing how to answer that question right now suit see here's the fake is there was nounderstanding of the finished work of

price of what's there was not the standard of what jesusfreak the hell macross air go i never experienced god's love for me i never knew his luck you know when i get experiences luck on the floor of the stadium and a billy graham per se i couldn't get back to that place

when you are living as a slave did do good to please dot you will never have to use i've neverhad peace are constantly confess my stand ipossibly walked around the president said crazy here the law makes you crazy i was caustic condemnation casa onworthiness the address on that for me and thatcouple and results that can occur but

they're what one and results is is justblatant hypocrisy and judgmental ism and the people who are fiercelyjudgmental and full of hate inspite but the wet but whether ended up for me where that path led me as a slave to god was self-loathing and i hated myself found no we're gonna see me

ivan and they are it'll just straight arrow now was itwhat seminary went to loosen semi taught all that you know god's gracepart-time lieutenant theology learned a lot more that by the time is good so much of it was good and uh... wit that required chapel youneed to get a chapel well i hung out with like you know batboys who

they dates chapel widened everyone willflock to do that before i thought well that's a school on just gonna skipchapel and we would go to the donut shop up allthe time ok but sometimes we go and outside this donut shop was this bigplate glass window that the reflective glass you know the mir glass to getthere that he of the sun so they wouldn't comein and i remember passing by that whereas we're going in skatingjabil going in to get it done and paid something rose up in me and i on asummer image and i pointed to the any my

hair is you met there and i said i hatethat man mhm him isro sample i mean i was absolutely true from the brittany i drove me it drew me to work harder for god i'venever felt his love i worked i will be caught certain i will becaught seven i will be caught seven-man i've got toplay sir

i've got to put this political ron and iwas like yes this issue i a m i will dixie i will be more sellers as paul said iwill be more seller semi pierce i will please you go i will work hard toplease you out in that either i remember you know your yourself looking becauseof the law what are the places that ends up forended up from it was i couldn't accept

any compliments i knew i was aware thatany compliments some adult problem msn they do right onit out of my head what i know what to women's aglowmeeting and and and the mike and my first church and my first your state love me didn'tlove me and i anna and i and i love doing youknow i'd love distinct band i love about the preaching about that i loved a lotabout it and and um... this is stunts we want for my much or too

uh... she was like an example to me and she was the president of the women'sopponent for a little town i'll melt you know how to fifty people selling igot all these women his you know the charismatic and there are two o'clock inthe or aren't you never see that resonate with me it was like well here's his with hischarismatic this is all up and speak for us you know and so i was so happy to do that sheetand she said as she got introduced me she said arelook she said i know that this is aloo

on about the same but i believe god gave me these firms from my pastor this is my beloved son him well policed just it's crawl out of my skin and would have was no no no that's nottrue

the agent that any accidentally wrong it's wrong on a lot of levels and i i have my head was down and i waslike largest if i could run out of the rim i got up and did my thing and left did not know that that was and that it's not just troupe wasindustry for me but is absolutely truth here

you are it's been lovely tall and he is well please because you believe in his son and as jesus is so in this world father is as pleased with you as he iswith his son he says that to you right now you're my beloved son i'm so pleased

so please feel my pleasure i couldn't receive delved into work delved into theology thinking and and i was just soumas ellis i was going to be the example

i was i found the people that i found the pastors in that little town puzzle fans vania population forty twohundred when i was on was now who want to know as rain was immensely i found the people who said they wereserious about god and i couldn't get the presbyterian guy could get to know thisgot out to you i did get

i got act like that i gathered togetherthis simply doncaster i got the free uh... free free methodist a free net this passesthat you know there's ellis i got the i got the practice you know pastor you at and i i got and and i got and i got the and there's a kind ofpossibly had consequently bottom on it that's that

come on weenies revival in this town is a patent is a lutheran talkingthroughout we got a pre-event come on you guys letsamalie view well and i came into the tornado tel aviv are getting up at fivethirty in the more you come meet me at my church work try it we're gonna pray everyday we had to meat five thirty because that we all had kids and we had to be back to get ourkids ready for school at seven a_m_ so we met my church at five thirty inthe more we did that for two years i was

a guide there were other democrats andcalled them and cut them out of bed alistair bartender flash ul k_l_p_ to come along simile dot wimps we'll when praying that gilliam mightsearch will walk the streets of plaza we would just we destroy them far dot on at ten

i did better anybody i had more than you fasted i started fasting to get dotfavor i mean the show dot i was approved to get rid of this jump that was in ny and i think the purify myself i wasgonna i was house good buffet my body to getgod's approval and they get this oddly say not only and i've died faster aspect that's itfor three days i start fasting for five idea of week i start due to weak facts iget three-week fast i got my i dot

myself to a place where everywhere iwould fashion tire let ana it wasn't just the forty days away because lettuceforty days plus sunday's i would fast the forty days plus the sundays i classof forty six days every lead i didn't know anybody else doing that one bass driving home future just write overcharge and my whole face more on left side whatknown amide route i'm looking at my face inthe merits suffered a mini stroke in the middle this fast

an odd are pulled over the side of theroad it's scared me i cried out to jesus i put my hand on myface and i pray for healing in my face so that's kind of crazy things you do when you're relating to god by yourdoing crazy stupid thing stupid dumped a fast that long jesus did

god bless gcs he's a savior he can acted stupid i'd one christmas eve uh... i had a i was swallowed up all daynow there's a big deal animal of the church erica's disease service academy candlelight and you know come byat when i come out you know what he's ag and it's a big deal everybody comes inthe charges for christmas eve in the evenings and and i was ac dot kr tonight six ohsix hundred to five p birthright what op

all day and i remember its i want to know the of behavior i waslike alice alex i would i would just declaredacting little products are surrounded well pricksjesus christ tonight uh... out what the church that night and actively was in front of anymore buti can hardly stand and it went through the whole thing youknow i think the hall

i don't know how i got through it but here ok i have to tell you thisstory how do you know what it had been treated of thank you thank you okay public how many don't know what it's ok it's afailed on it's way too okay you'll see these now take a lookfor these at like the house side that reserve atthat bigger circle there's four candles on them

you start lighting those four weeksbefore christmas and it's a way to get ready for christmas you know and youjust repent of your sins more and suck each week he said that you likeanother candle it's the first week you are going tohave a second week you like to thirty like three wicca and thatchristmas their christmas eve there's a camel ride in the middle that's thechrist candle you liked that one a christmas eve gates christmas celebrated and that's what we did webdav lovers butyou know things we do everything right

way we had what you have the uh... but moved her tocall advent res soak a cotton date god in heaven this thing was that salt grasses threefeet diameter it was held in place by thirty footchain around it i mean you know scaffolding everything got just that'show we are annually gateway appendix taken follow it down it's like thismediaeval chandelier right in front of the charge heavy seventy eighty pounds me dick

and it was placing is displaced up atthe alter ariel payson alter where you got your off that so we had hoped itwould put the communion on there and that we have alter railing and allthe people like me a come up to the altar rally in the new york thecontinuing me out what happened to alice the cop thatthat at the line in each person would have alittle tiny little plastic cutting back let him come up with a okay out at the end of the service projectgiving handed

eckhart tolle lacks what propelled intothe chalice and i look at it had like well now i am i going to do head and about the time that my brain dot nowwhat am i going to do that the eclipse lineup and that's oneback yeah but let me again and that was the end of the service i'm going home

i was committed and i was busy and i'd never found rasa i could notrest we gun vacation i couldn't arrest because i always felt guilty about whati wasn't doing add at what i would be doing churchstuff i felt guilty about my family that the church readily set should besacrificed for the second work you know you're on your own you know that's a why did family celexa guilty about notdoing track stuff have a one-man show that this is within us and you know weyou know on the under on the uh... the

guy that that does all the visitationrights either the prison ministry the youth group i did that the by the stateof prayer group home visitation music ministry studying the were all thatstuff when i was doing what i felt guilty about all the rest didn't matterwhat it was it was never good enough and what and i worked and worked as aslave try to please my god with my efforts and i work and i work at work that youknow i wouldn't mind out and friend of mine

hand me a book and womack war is over and he had gone through in his walk with jesus wasn't clergy bit the same kind ofstruggles with relay you god bless and behavior based on your performance a register

the war is over god is not mad at you and completely without sorry in fact i he start quoting verses from the scriptures and i preached on preached priest thousands side approach theseverses appreciable started reading these verses okay

and for the first time i live understanding and just just look at the natural reading he'sjust looked at the natural reasons what does it say god was in christ reconcile in the world to himself not counting their sins against you godis not counting your sins against you it was i could two-by-four today

okay had re how could this be so how could this be the price too high priest made onesacrifice for all stand for all time and then start now also known for all time for all peopleand sat down that all my sins are my passions all mypresence and all my future sens all of that he gathered up together with him onthe part of mad dog day is the laptop is taken away this into the well

and i said oh that's the thing that i'vegot a and looking at every guest book acting up again the how could all charge be wrong proper are back education p laplace issetting the freight how could i g the guy who's supposed to know this andnot get it how could that be back at the right and more i read it i'd near the holyspirit he's doing this for you right now

it is the first time urea boli spared pairs witness to get ready jesus has done a tall it is a finishedwork had that leaves you hold any acceptable where the you've got the righteous of dog restingon units and never leave the you have fellowship with jimenez unbroken in factcrisis code joined his spirit with yours he has a card on demand cohen joining he's always in you

and i was reading this and i mean i don't know how they tides i read thatbook but the cheers i mean i redeemed and it tears are kinda hectic i'venotices right and craig i got at his place where are starting tobelieve that i found it reaches side preachy and i don't even know all that i need to know but what else isthat a preacher can say the same things that i've said before expect reaching a sad

and uh... and some people go out andsome people didn't you know that i can you know for the first time i live hard i could read those words had of jesuscome to me all of you who labored or heavy laden iwill give you rest com make money org com itself leads a technical or like might go kids easing my burden islight ike i could never understand that it is the oak was never easy for me itwas never like that not god

the lights will come in all and started receiving this truth and imean it was changed me and it was having such dramatic impacton me and things start a phone in a place inscripture started popping castle stuff i've never seen before i began relating to go based on a different paradigm based on anew company not based upon my it's collections four

when the fullness of time to come got sex with his son born of a woman foreign under the law jesus the law iswhat you did you shall ye shall not jesus was born into that you shall youshall not he was born into that system of doing to redeem goes the purchase helped those who are under the law those whowork in that system of delhi that we might receive the adoption ads

redeem slaves saturns because you are sons dot i said put thespirit of it so that you are not cried out our top that a definitely uh... no longer a slave but son at last on and have god through christ

i have our son wait a minute that means and not a sleigh i am not a slave i am not pass away i have must play i have my son it's hard make is that correct

oblivious offer you today i can never where sick fees first because i know what jesus team nixon how i feel his love pour into me andmore and more i feel his love more and more it's like last week afterthe services let which is kind of land on the bed to keepyourself just relax and just chillin out ship which i was playing this i split adumb computer game a matching game dumb

computer matching it and shared togetherput the hamanaka shayla dot to put them on for our army later and and she left in a m playing thisgame and i felt gee i want to say it eulogies is with me all the time but ifelt his presence i mean it's like jesus entered the room it's like jesus cameright to uni he communicated his left to me i don'tknow how to save except that i felt his love on me i found is out and you know what itwasn't tied to all you did a great service all you get a yet that's so goodi love the way he said that it wasn't

you know it wasn't tied to myperformance at all it was it was that i love you you know how muchi love you do you know how much you pile of you i'dfind my pleasure over you and for five minutes jesus chiswick just i'd justasking the pleasure and love of my lord and when it was over it was like jesussaying okay completely and why stop crying because i wasweeping just in the presence of the lord and and when i try chrysler reorderplayed my game chicken backed up i said you have rice that you have youaccept the starter

i've just had a religious experience hasa hard united community but i do that is sizzler not trying too please you don't have to try to please him just know his pleasure or for youbecause you trust in jesus you have some chip which is being not slavery

which is three one of my greatest desires would be to go back to all the churches and ithink to probably get thrown out of a localbut to be able to say i was wrong no prob saying i was wrongaka jesus is right hahaha and here's what he has done and just listen to this but you know i can't do that

i can at least bellevue and i can tellpeople that i needed and i want to do i don't have to do it i want to do it want to do it i want toget this message out because there are a lot of people they're wearing this and they don't evenknow and i think it's normal to be themselves you fix it

what a message who just want to tell people just wantto get a free square tell them your where the already you're right isalready this is what do you think they look a good news so 'em uh... use i could tell you call it gave me thisthis is our mandate would you do this you know and i can't say that if if it's true that god gave it to meyou put it on your heart and you respond

and to those you don't wanna responseperfectly ok you know how to respond to if it's not stir your heart to doanything you don't have to it's for the people that the spears call intosomething you counsel and i want to tell you that it'scorporation i tend to stats i'm just five more minutes and i'll be there because you know you have those packetsprelude it would you do me a favor and open it up on the left hand side you can read allthe stuff in there later but on the left hand side

is this little bloke and with the envelope is withers a giving cardamom and the otherany other card is a response card and you'll see on that's the one thatsays voice a grace radio and some other things on their checkboxes and i'd just want you to hold that forjust a couple of minutes while i tell you a little bit about what i'm thinking about this this plan that we can do

and i wanna taste this is happeningalready this is not like out there somewhere we're we're gonna make thisthing happen no it's happening it's happening right now parts of it or are taking place rightnow you and i both know we've been in touchwith people who told us we've seen you seen the big picture of the worldpicture and they're saying this message that we're preaching isr is a revolution an arrest for mationthat is it's a wave that is rising all over theworld

uh... at like as never happy happy for betty princess the last couple years she's not seenanything like it this thing is getting stronger and bigger and there's no stopping it right because hey when somebody comes into the freedomof cries they never got that right ahead i've never go back to iraqis beforeneither are you you get this you just going to go forward in it and imean this thing is gaining ground that

moment and then it's rising in this car this is a man of god it is a verifiablerafromer mention of the chart we our head them they logically harper pricklyposition and i've believed that there are things that we can't do to uh... encouraged this and to bringthis i get this uh... movement greater voice and i want to add just one of site thereare five

our police five pillars for grace unitedout quickly run through these the first one is is a website on the website has on the website dot grace united dotnet all the resources for all the althoughuh... the the uh... new songs that have beenwritten in a great space songs for worship all the teaching it to sunday schoolmaterials that are great space at his school materials books that are being upput out there uh... written notices fast

as we can read them because people are getting this you knowthe jesus is booked bobbie for that your chrysler right all those books that are beingreviewed is fit to point people all thosematerials adds to answer the question that we haveso often blocking for people who are watching is online istheir church in my that is like your church i want to be a part of fellowshiplike that and i had to has always been i don't know if i wish i knew you

we are answering that question right nowat uh... we have somebody who's investigating church isn'teveryday there's a of the of of of our country and prettysoon to be a map of and on there here sellick it's gonna click theirprofits at because that's like our states c andthen they're gonna they're going to be a lot of funchurches in their cities and just like in our country to put the state andthey're gonna find churches in their community that preach this message and we're goingto be able to answer that question is

there a church in my hair yes they're isgoat here and the ad went what people think ofchrist we want them to think of grace united you we will be the clearing house forgreat we will be the google of grace everything out there that hasrace-related they're gonna come through this website they're gonna find thechances that they are looking for and on this website we will list all theministries not just that churches but the mysteries of your preaching thiswork at all of the events that are going onall the conferences that are happening

all over the world we want people didn't know we wanna for white people to these events thatare going to strengthen them in the word of grace and on this website we're gonna have the voice of grace internet radio twenty four seven all grace all the time bridges from all over the world willsend us thirty minute clip so we will format they put forth that and we'll puton air for any monthly donation from a

pastor that isn't doctoral remit we will put them on will give us a lotharder on them voice operates radio from grace united and we will give them a platform to behurt and how would that be you'd be able toyou'll be laid on your bed at any time of the day you're just going to get adifferent flavor of grace praise the lord

e there's became activity that's goingon in the world is it's it's miraculous i get the area at all might televisionnow i could listen to this on my television want cutting vegetables inthe kitchen well i'm working on the car out in thegarage i can listen to this all the time i can listen to it on my phone we could do all kinds of things thatthat black belt the main point is to have a platform by which passes will beable to get up there will be able to feed

you know all the people that willcollege is one of your grace and you do you get stuck on a certain passedbecause you don't know about it passes are outthere how is that how would that be come on you get the listened to divert pastor all the time so that's happening that and in fact p developed bright now for this websiteright now worth marnie see here

high-stress would you by staying out martin key is that that uh... technicalthrough the eye putting that part of it together and i'll tell you that is gonna happenthat is happening but you know what we need we need peoplewho are going to be able to reach out to passes and said we want toput you on this in a race issue we need we need each a scuffle how much funwould that be combined uh... the two due to scheduling a of theof the program to support the get onto between and say that once mister greggrituals that wonderful

on stuff that you can imagine d we need to fill all these slots if that interests you if you feel thespirit spirit you for your heart being storedjust checked on a box ul voice interest rate i wanna learn more about thisdoesn't connect you to anything except to get more from asia we want to talk toyou via that the second pillar of graceunited are local conferences here's what i know i'd know that'sperfect they are passes out there you aregetting this message in their bravely

and boldly speaking of fourteen their congregationsand pete and their congregations are doing the slide i mean there are people leaving theirchurches beat when i start preaching this i tell people act restructure its ten totwenty people anne that's what happens in the churchwe got to passes they got this in texas they started preaching at out and guesswhat their churches their there are a member started leaving

and a preacher church down but you knowwe were there to encourage and we'll wait those two passes together through great you know i reset your youguys get straight to one another but you know what they need they need more helpthan that because there are people out there whowill come to their church if they knew that they were there because there are people all over thiscountry all right that get this message and theyare looking for churches and i can't tell you where this is ourcheck technical guru people

god decades back they re he's theeclipse on t_v_ he could tell you how many people wouldhave fit not race it also like joseph rates on face book and you could target those people withads in a very low cost in fact we just started doing that three hundred thousand precious we'regiving people in that they're fifty mile race where reaching four thousand people okay with all these multiple crashesbefore you move to singapore check that healing grace church that's our deal

that's showing up right now maybe you'rehere because of that we could do that we could show passeshow to do that we could do for that and so my ideas we have low-cost localconverts is where we take someone like a c who procedures that areabsolute best which she's in territory that it's inthe hostel and she is propriety the good news it's expelling passion to have kept the pasok mail i could seeit it to put her into that where there's aconcert eyes and grace united

to has all the pre printed materialsthat we know it is part of the deal and it cost that church next to nothing allthey gotta do is please put out christy and and feeders she isn't that much itself offerings are taken and that's not stayfor they go to ever get she's going down there given her time and referenda her messages she preacheswhat can we advertise through these these local passes for for next tonothing they're getting a conference and work getting in touch with peopleall around them in the area love this

message already we bring them to theirchurch and one that we got we got charges thatare getting straight a's that's the local conferences we make this a template that we take you for new price united canada grace unite mexico grace unitedunder grace united brazil it goes all over all it takes is oneperson's and why did you see is willing to go

the third the third uh... pillar in grace united some voice ofgrace magazine we this is happening this case have not anew slider okay notmatter tricky day little publication i mean a hot quality charisma like magazine we could all beproud of and where's where's surveillance isstand-up she is the point person she is gonnamake this a reality i think she's

already start working on it blessed sheneeds help where what were like will get the technology in order and and that'sgonna happen which we need your analysts we need right you're watching a lot weneed your let's all over the place you can write articles and andphotographers and lots of other things that are goingto make this uh... voice address magazine a realityon who will make it a and he can't unite using cube it's going to be afraid it'sgonna be supplicant product keep running into people and send the church is a good and beable to say this is what this

reformation is all about is not aboutthe crazies out there with every reformation you got craziesyou've got people who are you know it posted local park like youknow will were beyond the but not man enough that's not it we argue universalism etnow that is not that we are meal with the bible is i floridian willyou be able to say that he defied the movement and and so this was a grace magazine weneed help that's the third pillar the the fourth one is the national aninternational conferences

we're together you know we could dothings we used to do on our you know you can't go to joseph princeslittle tikes urgency uh... you wanna come to our our churchand in china is not gonna happen but you know what appendix churches i mean a hundredchurches or or a hundred and fifty or two hundredchurches could say we are ready to come on you could go to people like raffledahlia got a people who you want to get them and yet just

detonated the people that will have adrawback and then at a conference that we allow people here is a vision howabout this we allow well pastors and ministers thirty minuteclip sadness and in the conference we do twentytwenty five thirty minute teachings were we hearwhat's happening in the trenches and what god is showing pastors in thetrenches now we have these these these you knowthese the more famous guys out there we get a little bit more time

and they get their perspective so theword of price of the people we're coming to this conference and wehave we have uh... we have workshops to just pouring thepasses imported the passes and those who are who are teachers and and to strengthen den in der end intotransitions that they're making to talk to ya logy and to just give us

just yet uh... just give expression joyfulcelebration to this movement that's happening allaround us and that finally the fifty dollars isthe and we need somebody ahead that i i i have a leader for that i want to see a happy one year one yearfrom right now and national commerce right here and you know they could be anywhere wecan hold out how about jerusalem one odds roussel

how about jerusalem frame internationalconference with abby cool but but will have onehere next year i don't know who's going to do that maybe it's you if if thespirit set on your hard i could do that i've expenses on a hot pull this off wecan do this just check the box if you want moreinformation where you want to help we need a hundred volunteers for that it dumped the overwhelmed with it stillbe around any of this is just if it's in your heart man it's going to happen andyou'll find joy the last thing is the grace bible schoolwhich it will destroy our online

and we've already got courses that areout there courses are being written in fact art has a tremendous idea and he's gotspeakers lined up to do kind of uh... grace boot camp for peoplewho are excited they wanna go deeper and that's going to happen and we could put that on base united wecould we could start pouring into people who want more and that's going to expand to othercourses in that it's gonna expansive

an online grade school and then andmetaphysical school and that's the and bill for thatone-half people comic to this place and being able to be fed if your word ofgrace and taking that out to the nation's everywhere they are that basket and i'mtelling you you know it ilic it only takes people inmoney i preach this field officious dead it says uh... i i i getthis slows field

kono incest said unite there's that it's with every trips business procurement that uh... it's like this is our territory and not about but it's like who r u who r u tobecoming c we have to burn it for us we have to show that this is real

anamika if it's going to happen it's right here and i believe their parts of it which is absolutelyare going to happen in are happening unfolding and that anything except speaking outgot to put it in people's hearts ready effect i've heard it's more than once if god put this in my heart time agothis is my place and i'm so happy fax you just check the box to check itand said yours i want to get like rogers

is here filling that out arches were going to we're gonna receivethose if you want to give money to healinggrace i mean we need we need some money we gotta get our own separate five ohone c_ that cost couple grant that the magazines product and i meanwe're looking at rough numbers but it's prolly gonna be wrapped and ready to doit an issue and she's and that all these things are going to be self-sustainingfinancially is always that they'll be self-sustaining we needa front to do seafront night for a nationalconference

it's all these things can be done and and if if it's units on your heartto give uh... he give generously let's make thisthing happened if it's on your heart and if it's not hate don't worry about it ifit is ok do not feel a bit of guilt not one in gpl nine for putting achin' away andnot doing anything it's cocaine because got split on people's hearts todo the same back to you take a long respond let's

that's free people let's get the caller's often with for credit for them for freedom youvincent for hialeah lilia highly or which come up here whisk in a close with this and we'regoing to be convenient today or missus leah as soon as we collect the responses thatyear

that you're feeling it if you want to be put out to you this ifyou want to do anything else would be cut uh... up on what's going on just put your email on that there's a place for your email on theresponse card you can put that in their dissapear i want to be kept uh... uponwhat's going on will send e-mail updates on what's going on with grace united so make sure you get there isn't if youneed time to fill those otter you're

really one in value not sure what to do getthat's fine too you could take a home is a self-addressed envelope that's intheir descended into a lesser bring it next week at perfectly acceptable here for you and for those of you're watching online if the holy spirit is ministry to u_n_stir in your heart pay just reach out to us this guy righthere is going to get in touch with you and if you feel like you

belong in this place uh... with with grace united a take your place come on let's do thistogether together we can do anything art you've got something really specialshows tonight noah returned this morning we all have different kind of callers

and uh... i threw my away about fiveyears didn't look like grades but it was a restrained color of my life and people that are watching online have been set for you guys because the message that you guys aresending out so i have group because i have friendsthat have uh... written me from all over the world i'm gonna read some of youknow stevie okay so quick to put that picture up on thescreen i don't think that that slide

think these are pictures that haveactually these are the people that have writtenthese emails alright i want this to be a blessing to youbecause uh... god's amazing grace as we know was goingall over the world be review of the people and you guys have a pardon that's why i'm here today so on here's one

uh... i'm just sending a note to all thehealing grace church a lot of things pastor greg sherry christie wong worshipteam technical people behind the scenes who worked so hard for you uh... lightstream the messages love the new look at the website thank you most of all for sharing thegospel of jesus to those of us so many miles away god is doing a mightyworking all of you many blessings to all in my prayers are with you loving jesusleslie from uh... or i'll that's a great considering readings inthe wonderful name accuses we just want

to tell you let you know how much we appreciate youand how thankful we are to be part of the healing graceministries we would like to say a uh... this on behalf of our response in thegroup we sure enjoyed watching healing gracelight stream and being with you all every sunday morning uh... this has been a great journey forus and we are all excited about what's

happen even calls from around the world you are a great incursion into all of usand we are so blessed by your teaching we want to meet her g to keep on thegood work in jesus god is so good you are so blessed in favored lovelydoren and and family from norway you have a great spot for a group innorway your pastor greg christy uh... sherry affecting about givinggrades auto thank you for making your services and teaching available online

i've been watching from toronto canada uh... for little over six months now it is evident that your heart is sopassionate about the good news but we have been made completely freeand jesus all our life or holt all our guests today zorkin morals flow out of the light source that ispure luck this beautiful uh... pure look at jesus

this is what it's done has enabled me tolet go of pastor uh... i've been brace might future in acompletely new way i have not been disqualified by god this truly is good news may we allcontinue to see jesus revealed in us as we live from his life lo in through usand serie karen from voluntary lt i'd like to thank father god forintroducing me to healing grace website i like so many others had over manyyears been indoctrinated into a lifestyle of trying to please godwith my own so it was a breath of fresh air to leakinto this teaching which makes

so much sense and what i'm starting to live out in mydaily life it's a weekly banquet where i couldfeast on the good things jesus is purchased on my behalf blessings to greg and sheri christie inall the others in the family etc and grace your brother sister in the amazingfamily of our wonderful father philip and heather england

and these are from some personal friendsof mine uh... migration bof a group rely all really in your lives uh... relying onour lives have been uh... throughout story really in our lives we've been blessed and encouraged as weit's by the minister of healing gracefulsadat

we have never met the folk at healinggrace face-to-face but we feel we are part of the church family thank you for the insightful teaching ofscripture that has given us a deeper of the full extent of god's love for usthe truth of god's opinion about us and it deeper revelation of the finishedwork of the cross we bless you and prayed for you as we praise and worshipour god with whom nothing is impossible collided patricia from victoria britishcolumbia so folks if you're watching us onlineare one or invite you to connect with us and uh... you can just send me an emailarticle a_t_ and t_ e_ l_ article

at you increased also dot com and i'd love to uh... startcorresponding with you maybe you're going to be a jewelercoupler group of friends together we'd love to connect with you andperchance for you on your own journey in that usa life and the grace of god has for you island here if you need a if you know this is goingon the low if you need to go to play we're gonna celebrate holy communion

feast on jesus himself and i invite you to stay grapes just like jesus minister t_v_ so that we know it's not about you do the comedian it's about jesus serving receiving from pc we keep coming and this refocus us on the great gift ofour lord

and what he's done for us prepares to receive it's wonderful that's the reading found in second corinthians chapter fiveversus sixteen three twenty in a married it to you in the message bible paul said this is it because of thisdecision we don't know that you a people by what they have or how they look we looked at the messiah that way once aweek got it all wrong as you know

we certainly don't look at him that wayanymore now he looked inside and what we see is a even one you ninetyeight with unless i hear gets a fresh start is created new auld lang is gone on your blackberry look all this comes from god who saddle therelationship between passing out and then called us to settle our relationships with each other

god it the old morrow dot click the old world where with himself through the mist sonya didn't know where are all a fresh start by doing what by our free forgiveness ascends

that's what god did d offer the forgiveness absent why so we can put a whole role wanted to be able to look on every humanbeing and have nothing standing between got it made back is the miracle of the new company now this is what it does he's given us the past

everyone freight line it is doing fit came along arctic that we wear it's not about what we're doing prettycom not have great white

doing we arc representatives hadn't gotten success further guesses as to do whatrecently men and women dropped their differences sure into its work making things like that to mean him oppose architect starts hot work

we can't message thank you uh... comprises that's what it is and then it says we're speaking forchrist himself now this is the message that we speak become friends with on he's already unframed with you started beautiful message for communion depardieu you know if you are watchingonline your fear here today and healing

marker month rain is the express image of god indian geeky here as a man to take on the scenes of thewhole world wide decline his rights so that you could he made whole in christ and that's justa that's just a believing in your heartthat disagreeing with black box already done

and if you haven't agreed with that yetif you have it makes you think if you have an acknowledged i'd need help youdo and you know what you u but you can really understand that dontwant to be your friend and you thought like pastor greg did for years picture aslate the people that today and i sabretech i don't mean to comedown here and cried looks all right we don't do planet fitness charts repact is the word that's not no idea things change your mind

change the way you're thinking today youcan get out not good news to change the way right now so we're what's happening in communion me recognize that we had knowledge wehave already been united with him art united medium now we parked dead hisbody we partake of the bradley party about a pity as to what signify anti-aristide all that he has for us so i don't carenetscape oppressing in depression that

has attacked your mind you had beenfreed by the bloody body of jesus christ if fitness indices has attacked yourbody i want you know you had been freed by the body of blood of jesus christthat's the declaration today so we're coming into this unity with him a man amen reader com he has already become a friend to you say you become afriend of his today anything honey

tonight he was betrayed our lord jesusto rent and the right it's it's mine your on the instrument read what i thank you jesus for what you unit that predicted about eight thanks

you all bring saying it's com in my alone shed for you and for all the it's remembrance right leaf son for donor

just said which in itself that then their seemed and b of the the you all of the u that uh... min new

their you no u and the end in the the uh... and in in use their loan the non-air name read well then landed in and in the world and the the middle ofthe

and the with alone the man mana and you've been where the uh... on and i love ladki mama bearing you regain he is a onslow need nine blood on sunday and then

nine you of an mead alone the the uh... man and the world uh... their of below the the the moon man

and the an alarm and man their user well at the uh... on in that the on an there you and he is the constantly donna on air there constantly then the on and

you and an the large blesses you the law it makes it space station and iknew that is great you sent to you the log looks up on you with they've been kids you in indiana the father and it's so hardand the holy spirit are initial on rains bt dot

alleged people raises hallelujah rate that you for coming will it is blessingyou have a wonderful week we'll see youwednesday

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