standard furniture passages

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    standard furniture passages

    modern christendom twists, perverts and ignoresthe many plain truths of the bible. over the last 2,000 years, it has counterfeited everytrue doctrine and replaced it with a cheap substitute. this has been possible becausecertain more difficult to understand passages can be easily misrepresented to say somethingthey do not. it is these verses that invariably become the vehicle through which a false doctrinecan be introduced—with almost no one able to recognize it all may have begun with asingle wrong scriptural premise. unaware of the most crucial rule of study,most bible students do not build their understanding by beginning with the clearest verses on anysubject. instead they enter god’s word with preconceived ideas and search for passagesthat appear to support what they have assumed

    the bible teaches. this makes them candidatesfor confusion and deception. here are 10 more verses that christianityignores. the world to come. the restored church ofgod presents david c. pack. author of 80 books and booklets. editor-in-chief of the realtruth magazine. read by countless and growing numbers in every nation and territory of theworld. in a violent age full of war, famine, pollution, disease, disasters and economicuncertainty, and ever-worsening bad news. answering life’s greatest questions straightfrom the bible, and announcing the wonderful good news of the world to come. and now, davidc. pack. the apostle peter stated that the apostlepaul wrote “…some things hard to be understood,

    which they that are unlearned and unstablewrest [or twist], as they do also the other scriptures, unto their own destruction.”completely unaware of any of the rules of bible study, but understanding how most peoplethink, teachers and scholars can take advantage of the way certain parts of god’s word arewritten. this applies to verses beyond what paul of the greatest truths about which ministers have deceived billions is the gospel. thisintroduces the eleventh verse largely unnoticed by christians—mark 1:14 and 15: “jesuscame into galilee, preaching the gospel of the kingdom of god, and saying, the time isfulfilled, and the kingdom of god is at hand: repent you, and believe the gospel.”the most butchered teaching in the bible is

    also the most fundamental. different denominationshave invented gospels of healing, salvation and grace, to name a few, but the biggestfalse gospel is the one focusing on christ—the messenger—instead of his message.gospel means “good news”—and this news is far greater than today’s wrong focusabout christ. the word gospel is found 101 times throughout the bible—sometimes it’salone, or with “kingdom,” “kingdom of god” or “kingdom of heaven” (not kingdomin heaven). since “kingdom” is a king james term meaning government, and of denotespossession, kingdom of god can be written as “government of god” or “god’s government.”the “gospel of the kingdom of god” can be expressed as “the good news of god’sgovernment.” how plain! jesus’ announced

    the good news that god’s government wascoming to earth. he did not speak about himself. notice: “jesus… said, my doctrine is notmine, but his that sent me…he that speaks of himself seeks his own glory.”god takes the truth of the gospel seriously. paul warned the first-century church—andall christians thereafter—that some “would pervert the gospel of christ.” he twicedeclared that any who do are cursed! this is a sobering warning! god demands thetrue gospel be taught. jesus christ and christians through the ages were put to death for thismessage. take the time to read this booklet, which is the true gospel?christians are in training for positions in a new and different government. the twelfthverse rejected by christianity is revelation

    18:4. god commands, “come out of [babylon],my people, that you be not partakers of her sins, and that you receive not of her plagues.”babylon means confusion. the true servants of god have come out of this world, and itsbabylonish religions, ways and governments. they have left behind its teachings, division,strife and confusion. paul wrote, “come out from among them [meaning the world], andbe you separate.” let’s understand! just before his crucifixion,jesus reflected in a prayer a central principle to his disciples, “i pray not that you shouldtake them out of the world, but that you should keep them from the evil. they are not of theworld, even as i am not of the world. sanctify them through your truth: your word is truth.”it is the truth sets christians apart (or

    “sanctifies” them) from everyone aroundthem. they are not of this world, and its ways, customs, beliefs and traditions. theyhave come out of it, leaving all of its values, ideas and philosophies behind.christians cannot live in caves or as hermits. some religious zealots misunderstand christand enter monasteries or retreats to avoid contact with people. jesus never did this.he did not mean come out of the physical world, but rather its system of governments and religions.christians practice and believe the truth—the whole truth and nothing but the truth of god’sword—not popular ideas—any of them! although widely missed, the identity of theold testament god is found in the new testament. this introduces the thirteenth passage christianityjust leaves out—i corinthians 10 verses

    3 and 4: “[they] did all eat the same spiritualmeat [ancient israel]; and did all drink the same spiritual drink: for they drank of thatspiritual rock that followed them: and that rock was christ.” this is plain! jesus christis the god of both the old and new testaments. in both testaments, jesus is described asthe god who never changes (read malachi 3 and verse 6 and hebrews 13:8). new testamentteachings reflect the old. in part one we saw the law of god—the 10 commandments—isstill binding on christians today. what happens when we die, what sin is, the true gospeland so many more doctrines are in complete agreement when compared to the old testament.if these verses were not ignored, they would point to the true god of the bible and, inturn, to the primary purpose of the new testament—the

    establishment and building of god’s church.the fourteenth verse describes how christ built one church. matthew 16:18: “i willbuild my church; and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it.” stating it wouldnever disappear, jesus promised to build his church—singular! not the mass confusionof hundreds of fighting and competing churches, which seemingly cannot agree on anything.your job is to seek out and find one church—jesus’ church! it is only from that church you willreceive true spiritual nourishment, which will allow you to develop and grow in godlycharacter. now ask: why are you hearing these versesnow—in this broadcast? jesus built his church to carry out his commission, and only onefulfills all new testament requirements. it

    is that church from which you are learningthe truth, including about basic bible verses. to understand god’s church, read where isthe true church? -- and its incredible history! the fifteenth verse is mark 2:27-28: “thesabbath was made for man, and not man for the sabbath: therefore the son of man is lordalso of the sabbath.” no other doctrine is as widely accepted andstaunchly defended in the world of traditional christianity than sunday-keeping. though fewwho profess to be christian can agree on biblical teachings, they almost always agree that thesaturday sabbath has been replaced by sunday worship. to be accepted as mainstream, onemust recognize sunday. if asked which day is the christian sabbath,most answer, “sunday.” some falsely believe,

    “jesus rose from the dead that day, so wehonor jesus by observing sunday.” numerous clever arguments exist as to whysunday is supposedly the day christians should assemble and worship god. this unbiblicalpractice has been in effect so long—over 1,600 years—and is so common that few areable—or willing—to recognize clear scriptures that reveal the true sabbath day, and itspermanence. most start with sunday as the “christian sabbath” and then search forverses to support this idea—if they study at all—rather than beginning with an openmind and searching for clear passages on the subject, of which there are many. even a quickstudy of the topic with an open mind will reveal the truth. sadly, most are too steepedin the popular “tradition of men” to leave

    sunday’s powerful many times have you glossed over mark 2:27 and 28? or have you assumed that sincejesus is lord (or master) of the sabbath, he must have changed it from saturday to sunday?be honest. jesus’ statement is simple to understandwhen one considers who created the sabbath day. as the creator of all things (colossians1:16), and god of the old testament, jesus sanctified the sabbath. let’s read: “onthe seventh day god ended his work which he had made; and he rested on the seventh dayfrom all his work which he had made. and god blessed the seventh day, and sanctified it:because that in it [not sunday] he had rested from all his work.”jesus is lord of the sabbath because he created

    it, and set it aside as a day of rest! noverse even hints that he designated sunday, which is why he did not say he is “lordof sunday.” some cite matthew 12 (a parallel account ofmark 2) as proof jesus did away with the sabbath. yet jesus was explaining that it is lawfulfor a person to satisfy immediate hunger on the sabbath, as david did, even though itwas not lawful for anyone other than the levites to eat the showbread (i samuel 21 verses 1to 6 you may read). the pharisees concocted numerous manmade regulationsgoverning the sabbath that made it a burden on people rather than a blessing. this iswhat christ condemned, not the day itself. how do we know? because “the sabbath wasmade for man, and not man for the sabbath.”

    jesus christ created the sabbath for peopleto enjoy. the sabbath is to serve man, not the other way around! the pharisees made itinto a day one must serve—thus making it a burden. the only difference today is thatmisguided religious leaders have made it of no effect at all!resist shallow arguments that the sabbath was “only for the jews” or jesus “didaway with it”! this day has been in effect—as holy time—since the foundation of the has no authority to establish or take away time that god made holy.many will argue they keep the sabbath “in their hearts” or “in jesus.” similarto other plain bible realities, like the kingdom of god, the sabbath is spiritualized away.human reasoning permits a person to keep the

    sabbath as he or she sees fit—rather thanas god commands! read exodus 20 verses 8 to 11. what god wants is ignored. they make hislaw of no effect—just like the pharisees! recall part one of this get full understanding, read saturday or sunday -- which is the sabbath? you will besurprised where sunday-keeping originated and who authorized it.the sixteenth verse virtually no one considers is romans 8:14: “as many as are led by thespirit of god, they are the sons of god.” this verse defines a true christian. and afew verses earlier, “you are not in the flesh, but in the spirit, if so be that thespirit of god dwell in you. now if any man have not the spirit of christ [get this!],he is none of his.” a christian is one who

    has the holy spirit. it’s that one acquires the “spirit of christ” begins in mark, which we read earlier: “repentyou, and believe the gospel.” one of jesus’ first commands is to repent,which means to change. this is the perfect summary of christianity. it is a life of constantchange from a carnal mind to one taking on the character of god. as the second step inthe christian walk, it should now be clear why our opening verse about the gospel iscrucial—that you must believe in the only gospel christ preached, the kingdom of god.peter’s sermon in acts 2 adds another element: “repent, and be baptized every one of youin the name of jesus christ for the remission of sins, and you shall receive the gift ofthe holy spirit.” one must be baptized to

    receive the holy spirit.time and again, clear verses reveal the core teachings of the bible. the world to come will continue after thisbrief message. discover more from david c. pack! visit our website seethe world to come broadcasts, read and order books, booklets and articles, all free ofcharge. to continue learning about the topics covered in this broadcast, visit worldtocome.orgtoday! now back to david c. pack. the seventeenth passage christians rejectflat out is john 3:13: “no man has ascended up to heaven, but he that came down from heaven,even the son of man which is in heaven.” the most universally misunderstood bible truthis what happens when you die—whether one

    goes to heaven or hell for eternity, or somethingelse. countless millions believe—and hear their ministers preach—that we must “believein jesus” so we can “enter heaven” and “ride clouds, play harps, walk the streetsof gold in front of the pearly gates, sit in rocking chairs” or just “roll aroundheaven all day.” nearly everyone believes they will go to heavenupon death. yet jesus plainly declares no one has ascended there! no one means no one!now notice what peter stated: “let me freely speak unto you of the patriarch david, thathe is both dead and buried, and his sepulcher is with us unto this day.” this is plain.we might ask: if david didn’t make heaven, who did, or who does?you might next wonder, “if no one is in

    heaven, then what is a christian’s reward?”jesus stated, “i go [back to heaven] to prepare a place for you.” most assume heis referring to preparing a place in heaven. yet in the very next verse, he said, “ifi go and prepare a place for you, i will come again [to earth], and receive you unto myself;that where i am [on earth], there you may be also.” combine this with “blessed arethe meek: for they shall inherit the earth,” and the truth is clear.the reward of god’s saints is future rulership on the earth—as “kings and priests.”reading revelation 5:10 makes this obvious! right now jesus is in heaven preparing a kingdomfor his people to inherit on earth! christians will not join jesus in heaven. he will “comeagain” to earth, where they join him!

    so few understand this fundamental bible teaching.this is because they ignore and reject plain scriptures.will you believe the plain words of jesus christ? will you believe his statement “noman has ascended up to heaven”? to learn what can be your reward—to see an incrediblepicture—read the awesome potential of man. the eighteenth verse christianity dismissesis john 3:3. its explanation is longer. jesus told nicodemus, “verily, verily, i say untoyou, except a man be born again, he cannot see the kingdom of god.” for one to seegod’s kingdom, he must be born again. there is no other way.this confused nicodemus. he could not understand how a human being could experience a secondbirth: “nicodemus said…how can a man be

    born when he is old? can he enter the secondtime into his mother’s womb, and be born?” this is certainly a fair question, one thatwould naturally come to mind when learning one must be born a second is widely taught and believed that, to be a true christian, one must be “born again”by religious experience. millions of professing christians define themselves as having undergonethis experience, claiming it occurs when one accepts jesus as savior. being born againis reduced to a feeling, rather than an actual birth. a series of jesus’ statements injohn are used to support this popular teaching. first jesus expounds on his verse 3 statement:“verily, verily, i say unto you, except a man be born of water and of the spirit,he cannot enter into the kingdom of god.”

    water applies to baptism—being fully immersedin water, which symbolizes a person’s old self being buried in a watery grave. the personis then raised from the water as a new man and is to live the rest of his life in obedienceto god. in effect, such a person is “born of water.”this also refers to the physical birth common to all human beings. while in the mother’swomb, a baby is surrounded and protected by a water-like liquid called amniotic fluid.this cushions the baby to keep it safe and protected from infection. just before birth,this water “breaks,” signaling delivery will be soon. everyone can say he has experiencedthis birth. but the next one is different. jesus’ mention of “the spirit” referencesthe moment of being born again, or born of

    the spirit. again, most believe this happenswhen one accepts jesus, while they remain flesh and blood human beings. jesus’ nextstatement?: “that which is born of the flesh is flesh; and that which is born of the spiritis spirit.” how clear! this means it is impossible for a flesh and blood person tobe born again. those born of the flesh, or of a woman, are flesh—period! but thoseborn of the holy spirit are spirit—period! jesus removes all doubt: “marvel not thati said unto you, you must be born again. the wind blows where it lists, and you hear thesound thereof, but cannot tell whence it comes, and where it goes: so is every one that isborn of the spirit.” you should not marvel either. jesus comparedthose born again to wind. we can see and feel

    the effects of wind—trees swaying, debrisbeing tossed through the air, etc.—but cannot see wind itself. likewise, when an individualis born of the spirit, other human beings will not be able to see him, because he willbe composed of spirit—not flesh and blood. god is a spirit and cannot be seen.we have to ask: of those who claim to be born again, are any of them spirit beings? no.they are still flesh! sadly, they wrongly assume they are born again, despite jesus’plain teaching. when is one truly born again? at the resurrectionof the dead, when jesus returns in full power and glory! let’s read: “as in adam alldie, even so in christ shall all be made alive. but every man in his own order: christ thefirstfruits; afterward they that are christ’s

    [get this!] at his coming.” christians areborn again “at his coming”—not before! what happens at the resurrection? paul wrote,“i show you a mystery; we shall not all sleep, but we shall all be changed, in a moment,in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trump [the moment of christ’s return]: for thetrumpet shall sound, and the dead shall be raised incorruptible, and we shall be changed.for this corruptible must put on incorruption, and this mortal [body from human birth] mustput on immortality [a divine body at spirit birth].”one verse prior, paul had stated, “flesh and blood cannot inherit the kingdom of god.”those who believe they are born again and in the kingdom of god now, while in the flesh,err. human beings cannot inherit god’s kingdom

    before they have been changed—born again!—intospirit beings. will you believe your bible?—or cling totraditions of men? my extensive booklet what does “born again” mean? addresses everyquestion you may have. the nineteenth verse ignored by christianityis revelation 1:1: “the revelation of jesus christ, which god gave unto him, to show untohis servants things which must shortly come to pass.”understand. the events recorded in the book of revelation are for god’s servants tounderstand. who are god’s servants? they are those who obey him. this will become moreclear. mark 4 and matthew 13 add understanding tohow jesus teaches. in both places, he explained

    that he spoke in parables so his servantswould understand him—but others would not! let’s carefully read: “when he was alone[with only the disciples], they that were about him with the 12 asked of him the parable.and he said unto them [not to others, or the world as a whole], unto you it is given toknow the mystery of the kingdom of god: but unto them that are without, all these thingsare done in parables: that seeing they may see, and not perceive; and hearing they mayhear, and not understand.” note exactly what jesus said! only his servants could grasphis real meaning. others might think they do—but cannot!jesus christ never leaves his followers in the dark about matters he wants them to understand.but he does record them in ways that keep

    them hidden from the view of all others. thiswill help you see why so few understand a book that has been read by so many.those who have god’s spirit will understand the book of revelation—and all truth. readacts 5:32 and john 16:13. accepting these two verses is vital to every viewer—andreader of revelation. all who do not obey god—however sincere in pursuing the truthof bible prophecy—or anything else—are wasting their time.the twentieth verse that christendom never speaks of is luke 21:36—and it is powerful:“watch you therefore, and pray always, that you may be accounted worthy to escape allthese things that shall come to pass, and to stand before the son of man.”what are true christians told to escape? jesus

    foretold that immediately preceding his returngreat prophecies would slam into a completely unsuspecting, unprepared world. he had justsaid, “as a snare shall it come on all them that dwell on the face of the whole earth.”this coming world punishment is called the great tribulation, including the year-longday of the lord. many verses speak of these earth-shattering events, and in much greaterdetail than most could dream. yet almost none concern themselves with conditions and eventsthat jesus plainly states will affect everyone on the entirety of the planet—and how onecan escape all that is coming. for more on the counterfeit system, read “thewhite horse – “many shall come in my name…” it carries much more understanding about jesus’warning of how false christianity was to appear

    soon after his ascension to heaven.the bible’s meaning and purpose is always greater than what men concoct. now ask: whyhave you not been taught these 20 verses? how can such amazing understanding—so obviousin the bible—remain hidden, and for so long? believe me, there is much more that has beenhidden that we could cover! your eyes have been opened to truths closedto others. will you believe these verses—or common misconceptions and errors taught aboutthem throughout supposed christianity? will you return to deception?—or act on whatyou have learned? the right choice means learning many more marvelous truths from god’s instructionmanual for mankind! get started on the journey. time is short!until next time, this is david c. pack saying,

    “goodbye, friends.” this program was made available by restoredchurch of god members and donors from around the globe. explore our vast library of literatureand other world to come programs, which are all made available free of charge. to orderliterature featured in this program, call toll-free 1-855-828-4646. that number again:1-855-828-4646. 5

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