standard furniture measurements

standard furniture measurements - Hallo friend furniture stands lover, At this time sharing furniture stands entitled standard furniture measurements, I have provided furniture stands ideas. hopefully content of posts that I wrote this home design, Furniture Decorating, interior, furniture stands can be useful. OK, following its coverage of furniture stands ideas..

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standard furniture measurements

this video is brought to you by sailrite.visit for all your project supplies, tools and instructions.well transform this armchair with new decorative fabric from sailirte to give it an updatedstylish look. in our previous video tutorial we showed youdetailed steps to reupholstered the frame with new fabric. in this video tutorial wewill show how to sew this chair’s removable cushions with brand new decorative fabricfrom sailrite, completing this reupholstered chair project. the first portion of this video tutorial willshow you how to make the seat cushion. then after that the back rest cushion. here’scindi an expert seamstress and upholster to

show you how it’s done. i’m going to put the cushions back in thechair now that the chairs all finished. and make sure that the cushions fit properly beforei cut new ones. if there’s anything that i need to change i can make note of it the main thing i want to check is that these corners look good and it actually looksa little deep. three is a little too much sticking out here. so, i think i am goingto make a note to cut this edge about a half inch shorter than it is now, so this fitsmore squarely onto the chair. so, to remind myself i’m just going to make a line righthere. so i don’t forget when i cut my cushion. other than that i think it looks pretty good.

the front of the cushion is broken down, it’svery squishy right here. that’s not going to be very comfortable. so after we get itapart were going to look at it inside and see what’s going on in there and why thatneeds, why that happened. cindi will start with the seat cushion. thefoam on the inside of this cushion is covered in fabric, first we need to remove the foamfrom the old decorative fabric. we need to inspect the foam so the fabriccover needs to be removed from the foam. in most cushions the foam is not covered in fabricas it is here. because it feels like there is something goingwrong up here in the front were going to open this up and look inside and see if we canrepair that rather than replacing the whole

cushion. often when pulling foam from upholstery applicationit is sometimes a surprise to see how the cushion was stuffed. for this cushion thecreator used polyester batting for the cushion’s “t” or ears. if i we were cutting foamfor this cushion i would cut the foam to include the “t” ears instead of pushing polyesterbatting into the void. however, this does work, so don’t rule this approach out. as you can see the foam is wrapped in polyesterbatting, this gives it the rounded look that is often desired in armchair or sofa cushions. we open this up the foam doesn’t feel anysofter at the front than it does at the back.

so i think the foam is worth keeping and itlooks like, it has just slipped. so what we were feeling at the front of the cushion isall of this. so we are going to tighten that up, so the core of the cushion stays at thefront of the chair. and re-use this foam. cindi has opted to reuse the foam that iswrapped in batting and also the polyester batting for the “t” ears. so she willrestuff the foam into the foam’s fabric cover. since the foam slipped back she willaddress that by stuffing the back edge with more polyester batting, that’s coming up. so i am just pushing these pieces back intothe “t” part of the cushion. so that they are nice and snug and we may have to add moreto these after we get the cushion back together

just to give it a little more life. since we moved that foam up and got rid ofthat real squishy part at the front, now it’s at the back. so i am going to push this all snug in thereand cut a piece of this dacron and fold it up in there to take up that extra space andprevent the cushion from sliding back again. it appears that the foam for this cushionwas cut a little too small for the cover. if we were cutting new foam it would be cutto the correct size, so we would avoid having to stuff the back edge as we are now. withthat said it is amazing how a cushion can be brought back to life and modified by stuffingit with batting or fiberfill.

cindi now checks to be sure all areas of thefoam seem filled appropriately and that there are no bumps or humps that need to be fixedbefore closing up the fabric cover. in perpetrating for sewing the cover closed,she using pins. now i need to sew the cover back up so thatthe stuffing stays in. since this cover will not be visible oncethe cushion is done a simple straight stitch along the edge is all that is required toclose up the cushion. if your cushion will not fit under the arm of your sewing machinethis can be hand sewn easily. now when i make the new cushion, i am justgoing to take apart the old one and use it for my pattern.

we are looking at the inside surface of theold decorative fabric cover. and i only need one piece, so i am going touse the piece that i actually put the mark on, so i don’t have to take the whole thingapart. using the top plate (the one piece) we canmake a pattern from that. ok, theirs my top piece and because i wantto make this that much shorter in the front i am actually just going to cut this off rightat this seam. which will make it a half inch shorter. i want the flower to be centered again onthis piece also. so i am going to fold this in half so i can see where the center is.

i am going to leave it like this when i cutit that way i can fold my cut piece this way and then i have identical sides. to make patterning easier she will pin thetop plate in place over the new decorative fabric. i am also going to put a couple of pins righthere were my fold is so that when i flip it over i have a mark of where the center is. i am going to cut around the original cushion.cutting along this line because i want it to be a half inch smaller. and only cuttingthis half of it. i’m going to remove the pins. and removethe pattern and fold this over until i reach

the point where my pins are and that’s myhalfway point. so i will put a few more pins in it and cutthe other half. there’s one side or our cushion. this righthere is where you can see the where the old cushion was curved up. i am going to try wheni sew my cording on as straight as possible. that should not be that way and when i cutthe next one i am going to cut that straight across their. i’m going to cut me second piece and i wantit to be opposite the first one. so my corners are the same, so i am not going to lay itright side up, i am going to lay it right sides together.

and make sure that my pattern falls in aboutthe same spot. everything is smooth. i’m adding a little bit to this one underneathbecause i do not like the curve of that one. i do not want that to be curved in the frontwhen the cushion is made. so i will compensate for that by stitching the cording a littlecloser to the edge their and this one i am adding too. we did not disassemble the boxing (sometimescalled banding) on the original cushion, so we will just take some measurements off ofit. i am ready to cut the boxing for this i am going to measure from the seam to seam and see how big it is. its 5, i would like to cut my boxing at 6 inches.

because i like to allow for a half inch i am going to cut it 6 inches wide. and this measurement is just a rough measurement,um so that i get it the right length. measure to about the center of the front andthen double that. so, it is 48 which is 96 so i am going to cut my boxing at 100 inchesso i have plenty. and the zipper… i am going to cut at about 27 to give myselfa little extra length it is easier to put the zipper in if it is longer. so the zipper pieces will be 27 inches longand 4 inches wide and i need two of them, to make each half of the zipper. i add aninch at this area to turn under to hold the zipper in place. so that’s how i come upwith the 4 inches, its two inches bigger than

the band / the boxing that’s 6 inches. first i am going to cut the zipper plaquesand we do not need to worry about pattern at all on this because it will always be atthe back of the chair, no one will ever see it. so i am cutting off the salvage edge and iam going to measure my 27 inches… by 4. and i need two of them. now to make the boxing for the front of thecushion. i would really like this flower to match the front of the chair. so, i am goingto measure the width of the front. which is about 31 and a half. and i am going to puta pin in the center of this.

then i am going to come back here and finda reference point along here that i can mark on my fabric over here. and i am going touse the bottom of this leaf, right here as my reference point. so, when i cut my bandit’s going to, this leaf is going to be included in it but it’s going to be comingup this way. so if i use that reference point, which isright here. i am going to put a pin right there. then when i cut i am going to cut ahalf inch down, so my seam ends up right there and it matches right there. so this flowerwill continue right up the front of the band. and i can line that up by putting anotherpin, or using that as my guide line a half inch down from this one also will give mea straight line across my fabric.

please excuse our background noise. that’sour 50 foot plotter table, as the vacuum sucks the fabric to the table so the plotter canmake its marks and cut the fabric to the appropriate size for sail kits. so i don’t have this leaf again over here,but i do have that little dot on the fabric on the flower and i can lay my ruler at thesame spot over here and make sure that my line is still straight. i am going to cut my boxing at 6 inches wideand my ruler is 6 inches wide. so i can just draw a line about that. and square up this end.

over here i am using the bottom of that littledot to line up the bottom of that little do to keep my line straight going across thefabric. i do still have my center pin in there andi want to leave that there because i want to make sure that this piece is long enoughto go all the way around the front and the corner before i put a seam in it. i do notwant a seam on the front or the side. so since i have plenty of extra fabric uphere i am going to seam this instead of cutting all the way down the length of the fabric. so i am going to check this real quick andmake sure that it is how i want it to be. see how it continues the pattern, continuesup the cushion on the chair.

so now i am just going to cut a couple ofpieces to add onto each end so it is the 100 inches that i need. we already cut the two zipper plaques, nextup we will sew in the zipper. i am going to apply the zipper to the zipperpieces right now. so here’s my two 4 inch pieces that are about 27 inches long and thisis where i allowed for the 1 inch, extra length. so i am just going to pin that down at aninch. and i am going to do it to both sides. i amgoing to take this to the sewing machine and stitch with the edge of my foot right up againstmy zipper teeth all the way down to the end and cut my zipper off.

so i am going line the fold of my fabric upalong the center of the zipper teeth. and then this edge of the foot is going to runright along this ridge of the zipper. we are seeing a straight stitch about 3 to4mm in length here. i am just going to trim my zipper off here at the end of theplaque. and i am going to attach the other side the same way. butting the two fabricpieces up next to each other. so the zipper is attached to the plaque andwe have plenty of extra fabric so its not going to pull out. this should be six inches,just like our band. now i am going to put the slide on. and iget it started and pull the zipper apart, on both sides. move it down a little bit moreand there is your slide. this is the pieces

that i cut for the band and it is not quitelong enough. we wanted that to be about 100 inches. so i am adding a pieces to each end.and then i am just going to straight stitch along that seam on both sides so that it islong enough to go around the cushion. and this is just a half inch seam, is finefor this. next up we will sew on the piping. how tomake your own piping is found in the previous video showing how we recovered the frame ofthis armchair with new decorative fabric from sailrite. we will sew the piping / cording onto thetop and bottom plates. i am going to apply the cording to the cushionwith about a half inch seam all the way around.

then when i come to this corner i am goingto snip right up into the stitching, not snipping the stitching, but right up to it.and stop with the needle a half inch away from this edge. since the cording was cuton the bias it should go nicely around this corner without making any snips in it. and when i come up to this corner i am goingto snip again. now when i get up close to where i startedi am going to go about 3 inches beyond the end of the other one, cut it off and openup the stitching. so that i can pull that back and cut the welting off even with thefirst part. then i am folding that on the bias, you canfold it on the bias or you can fold it back

straight over itself. folding it on the biasleaves less bulk right at this point. then just wrap it around then finish stitchingthis row. the cording is all on this piece. we justhave to do the other pieces. the process for the second plate is the same,let’s move on to assembling the plates and boxing. cindi will lay the top plate on the chairto determine where the flower on the boxing should be positioned. now because i want this the band/boxing tomatch on this i am going to lay my cushion piece right on the base of the chair. andmake sure that my flower lines up with this

flower on the chair. and pin it in a couplespots, so that when i sew it i know it is in the right place. so, if i put a pin in the center that matchesthe pin here and make sure that my leaf is also matching up. then i know that this needsto be sewn with these two pins in line. it does not look like the pins are directlyacross from each other in the video, but they are. when the cushion is finished i should havethese leaves still matching and the flower still matching. next she pins the boxing to the top platewith outside surfaces facing each other and

bottom edge of boxing towards the back (asshown in the video). so when i take it to the machine and startsewing i am going to sew this first. so that i know it’s in place then sew around therest of the cushion. so here’s where i pined it and i am justgoing to sew from here to here. the sailrite ultrafeed ls-1 is a great sewingmachine that is excellent for upholstery applications like this. it has a cording or piping tunnelbuilt into the standard walking foot. so at this point i have only sewn across thefront of the cushion. so i can take it back to the chair and make sure that it is the leaf that i am matching, make sure that it matches on the chair.

i have just layed the cushion top onto thechair and if i lift it up, where it will be when there is a cushion in it. i can see thati am really close. so, i am ready to sew the rest of the bandall the way around the rest of the cushion and apply the zipper in the back. i am going to clip the corners of the boxing,just like i did the corners of the cording. so it will go around this corner nicely. i am going around the curve, the inside curveof the cushion and it is just a matter of going slowly and moving your boxing over alittle bit to go around that curve.

this piece is going to be too long and that’sok, we will cut if off after we apply the zipper. so i am going to stop sewing about 5 to 6inches back from the corner, so the zipper will go in there and we will finish that offwhen we put the zipper in. to sew the opposite half cindi flips the assemblyso she can sew the other half of the boxing to the plate. so this time the boxing willbe on the underside as it is sewn onto the top plate. when a corner is reached the needle is positionedat the corner by rolling the balance wheel over by hand then burying the needle in thefabric, lifting the presser foot, rotating

the fabric, then lower the presser foot andcontinuing to sew. now when i get ready to put my zipper in iam going to fold my cushion in half at the back and put a little clip, to mark the center.and i am going to do the same with my zipper. match up my clips at the center and sew myzipper in along the back edge. on this end i can clip it and go around the corner. butnot stitching it all the way to the end. i am just going to stitch it about an inch downthe corner. now because this piece is so long i can foldit back. i am going to trim it off. and stitch these two seams or these two pieces together.and that will leave a fold to protect the end of the zipper. i also need a little scrapof fabric that i am going to lay right over

the bottom of the zipper to stop the slidefrom coming off the end. that will stop the slide from coming off the end when i unzipthe zipper. now that’s too big and that’s were thatfold goes, inside there. which keeps you from seeing the end of the zipper and protectsthe zipper from opening up all the way and breaking. so we are going to start back atthis corner where we stopped and stitch that fold right into the seam. and there is one of you back corners. we willdo the same process on this side, stitch up to the corner then down and attach this longerpiece to it. so here’s my boxing piece that was way toolong. i am going to trim it off leaving an

overlap here again to protect the end of thezipper. and stitch this seam at about a half inch. push my zipper right up next to eachother and i am going to lay another scrap piece of fabric over this to protect the endof the zipper. now i am ready to finish up this seam leavingthat fold in there that will protect the end of the zipper when the zipper is opened. next up we will sew the bottom plate ontothis assembly. before i sew the other side on i am goingto fold at my corners, so that i can make a mark out here when the corner on this oneneeds to hit when i sew it together. so i am going to do the front corners. matchingthese two seams up so they are aligned. and

making a clip here at the two front cornerand the two back corners. now i have a reference point as i go aroundto make sure that my corners are going to come out square. so i start in the back andthis clip that i just made i am going to lay right on this corner. and start stitchinga few inches back. here is where the fold is that we put in toprotect the end of the zipper were going to stitch that fold in on this side also. and here is the clip that i just made andyou can see that it is falling right at the corner of my piping which is exactly wherei want it. i am going to stop now and pull this backand check and see if my clip is falling at

the right spot. if it isn’t i can ease ortug on one of these to make sure that it does fall on the right spot. it looks like my clip is a little bit longerthat i want it to be so i am going to tug on the underneath piece to make it match upa little bit better. here is my fold on the other side. on thisone you can cheat a little bit to get your clip where you need it to be by folding thefold a little bit more or less. and i am pulling it a little bit more. great job! all that is left for this seatbottom cushion is to stuff the foam inside the new cover. that’s coming up next!

unzip the cover and turn it right side out. we have nice square corners. that match up.and there is the seat cushion. so you can see where the cushion will match when we putthe form in and this flower will be complete on the chair. stuffing the foam in the cover is a tediousjob that does take a little time. we will show only portions of this. once the foamis inside the cover, work your hand inside to the corners to push everything into place. now you can see here i have a little bit ofa flat spot and i want to fill that corner out right there so i am going to use the fiberfill.put it in the areas where i want to fill out

the corners. sailrite sells the fiberfill in a large 10lbbags, it is perfect for this jobs like this, but it’s also great for throw pillow stuffingand more. this is a very fluffy cushion. you can seethat when we took that half inch off this sets back a little bit nicer to the edge ofthe chair. the seat bottom cushion is done and looksgreat! up next the back cushion. the process is almost the same except that you will noticethat the boxing is only on the bottom edge of the cushion along the top edge the platesare sewn together. so, let’s quickly show how this is done.

the cushioning on this one feels pretty good,i do not think we are going to have to do anything to it, except maybe fill the cornersout after we get it sewn. so i am going to take the core out and takethe cushion apart again. you can see that the boxing for this cushionis a little different than the seat cushion was. it does not go all the way around thecushion like the first one did. we have cording around the top of this one instead. so, iam going to leave that as one piece for right now until we get ready to cut it. this cushion has these little tucks at thetop corners. so i am going to take the stitching out of those also so we can replicate thosein our new cushion.

cindi has removed the stitches from the boxingand the plates so she can now pattern from one of the plates and the boxing. with this piece we can utilileze this flowerat the bottom of the fabric. because this part of the cushion is going to curve overthe top, so even though it looks like it is kind of far down on the cushion. when thecore goes in here, it will not be, it will be centered where it should be. so i am goingto fold it in half again to find the center of my flower. so that my seat and my back will match up. when folding the old fabric in half to useas a pattern it is important to pin it to

the new decorative fabric to ensure that itdoes not move and also that it is folded so the edges line up accurately before cutting. i put a couple of pins here in the centerso when i fold it over i have a reference for the center of my flower and the centerof my pattern. then i am just cutting along the lines ofthe old cushion. and i am going to fold it over on itself againand find my pins. and cut the other half of the cushion. i am going to cut a mirror image of this oneand put right sides together. making sure that my flower is centered.

once that is done she will cut the secondplate from the first plate. since this cushion does not use boxing alongthe top and sides we will sew the pleats in and then sewing the plates together with piping. first step is to sew these little cornersback in. these corners or pleats are on both the topand bottom plates. she will pin them together then sewing them together. we will show only sewing one of the four corners.the stitch should be about a half inch away from the edge as shown in the video. this cushion is constructed a little differentthan the last one we did. the cording on this

one is applied around the top only. were notgoing to put cording on here yet. so that’s what i am going to do now is apply the cordingaround the top. this cording or piping was made when we coveredthe armchair wooden frame in fabric, if you need to know how to make your own piping referto that earlier video. and trim it off here at the bottom of theseam. now i am going to sew the front and the backof this cushion together. so i am going to put it right sides together. and match upmy bottom edge and stitch around it again over where i just stitched my cording in.and these two little cuts that we made, should match up at the top.

i am going to check those again and make surethey are pretty close. looks like i can tug on the top pieces a little bit to get thisone, it’s a little bit long, so i am going to tug on the top pieces so that the footpulls the bottom pieces under just a little bit faster. and i have my hand underneathhere to help push that under, faster. if i wasn’t trying to move that faster i wouldbe holding them together. cause i want to ease that a little bit i’ve got my handunderneath. i am going to apply the cording to this pieceinstead of the band. there is a little bit more leeway in the band than in the if anything is too big, i can adjust it here or too small i can adjust it with thispieces rather than on this piece. so i am

going to take the coding off of her and usethe pattern. but when i put the cording back on its going to go on here first and thenwe are going to stitch this to this. cindi is removing the piping / cording fromthe end section only, so she can use that end as a pattern. i am going to measure the size of the zipper,so it needs to be about 22 long and its finished at 4 inches. so i need to add a half inchfor each seam and then the 2 inches for the center. so that is: 7, so if i divide thatby the two pieces i need 3 â½ inch pieces. 3 â½ x 22. this piece of the boxing i am going to justcut out, just like it was cut out the first

time. only i am going to make it longer sothat i can make that little fold at the end of the zipper like i did on the seat cushion.and that is where you get a little bit of play, if it is too long or short you can workon it there. and i need two of those. since the zipper is at the back of the cushion,we are not concerned about where the pattern lays since it will not be visible. i am cutting my two 3 â½ x 22 inch pieces.these pieces will make up the zipper plaque. on this one i am going to fold in an inchagain and apply my zipper along this edge. i am putting the slider on as far as it willgo, then i am going to tug on each side until the zipper open up a little bit then it willslide right down.

now i am going to apply the piping to theouter edge of this cushion. notice that the salvage edge was left on.cindi will not use that edge as her guide but instead the printed edge of the fabricto sew the piping / cording in place. and clip it at the corners. when she reaches the top edge were the previouspiping was sewn in place she will sew this piping right over it and continue on. now when i get up to where i started i amgoing to leave about 3 inches beyond, snip it off. and open up the stitching. pull thefabric away so i can snip off the extra cording. and then bring this back around and fold itat an angle and tuck the beginning part back

in and stitch it closed. now all we need to do is join all the assembliestogether to form the casing of the cushion. now i am going to attach these two boxingpieces that we cut to the zipper. these are positioned on the end of the zipperplaque with outside surfaces facing each other and a stitch placed a half inch from the end. and add my little zipper stop in as i do that. these boxing ends may be too long, but thatdoes not matter because cindi will be able to shorten the length when they are finallysewn to the plates in a future step. we’ll show that coming up soon.

i am going to fold this in half and mark thecenter of the zipper, on each side. and i am also going to fold these in half and markthe center at the top. this clip right here will meet where this cording comes togetherand i am going to make clips at the bottom of the cushion for the clips at the centerof my zipper. so i am going to lay the zipper, the centermark of the zipper at the center mark on my cushion. and stitch along here. notice she is sewing only the zipper plaquesection, the other parts of the boxing will be sewn later. cindi has left the salvageedges on some of the panels, if that confuses you i suggest you remove them before assemblingthe cushion sections.

and i am going to do the same thing on theother side with the zipper seam first before i go around the ends. now to do the ends i am going to match thisseam right here up with my cut. and i am going to sew from here and around and finish thisedge. and then i am going to come back and sew from here and around and finish this edge.that makes sure that this curve is in the right place on both sides and that it is evenand balanced. clip to go around the bottom corner. well i am going to have to undo that a littlebit because my zippers longer than it should be. so i am going to bring this up. i am goingto clip it so it will go around the corner

and end the zipper up here. the other option is to be to trim the zipperoff a little bit shorter. there is the finished corner on that side,now i am going to come back up to the top and stitch down the other way and this cornerwill be finished. here the boxing is on the underside, previouslyit was on the top when we were sewing the other side. as discussed earlier this is how the boxingcan be reduced in length, by creating a tuck or fold when sewing it to the plate. all that is left for this back cushion isto stuff the foam inside.

the cushion cover is turned right side out. and this cushion is finished, ready to stuff. the cushion bottom and now the cushion backis now complete and ready to be placed on the armchair. feels pretty cozy! the armchair is now reupholstered and thecushions completed. coming up next is the materials and tools that we used to make thischair’s cushions. you will find hundreds of great indoor decorative fabrics at sailritethat work great for jobs like this. also you can find the tools at sailrite that we usedto make this job a great success! if you would

like to see how the chair’s frame is reupholsteredjust click on the image here to be directed to that video tutorial. for more free videos like this be sure tocheck out the sailrite website or subscribe to the sailrite youtube channel. it’s yourloyal patronage to sailrite that makes these free videos available, thanks for your loyalsupport! i’m eric grant and from all of us here at sailrite, thanks for watching!

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