standard furniture dining room sets

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About : standard furniture dining room sets
Title : standard furniture dining room sets

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    standard furniture dining room sets

    [vehicles honking] [machine clanging] [flames raging] [bell ringing] [steam hissing] [train horn blowing] [machines chugging] [birds squawking] [dogs barking faintly]

    ♪[blues music playing faintly on radio] (prisoner) hey! [whistling] [whistle blowing] [gate slamming shut] [train chugging faintly] [lock clicking] well, this is it. 7474505b.

    what wing? (guard #2) maximum wing, block 9. standard release? parole, three out of five. good behavior. [sighs] give me a minute. [phone ringing] [booking guard sighing] one timex digital watch,broken.

    one unused prophylactic. one soiled. [engine roaring] [car approaching] one black suit jacket. one pair black suit pants. one hat. black. one pair of sunglasses. $23.07.

    sign here. [gate rumbling] [metal gate clanking] ♪[she caught the katy by the blues brothers playing] ♪ she caught the katy ♪ ♪ and left me a mule to ride ♪ ♪ and left me a mule to ride ♪ ♪ now my baby caught the katy ♪ ♪ left me a mule to ride ♪

    ♪ the train pulled out ♪ ♪ i swung on behind ♪ ♪ crazy 'bout her ♪ ♪ that hard-headed woman of mine ♪ what's this? what? this car. this stupid car. where's the cadillac?

    the caddy. where's the caddy? the what? the cadillac we used to have. the bluesmobile. i traded it. you traded the bluesmobile for this? no, for a microphone. a microphone? okay, i can see that.

    what the hell is this? this was a bargain. i picked it up at the mount prospect city police auction last spring. it's an old mount prospect police car. they were practically giving them away. well, thank you, pal. the day i get out of prison, my own brother picks me up in a police car. [boat horn blaring]

    [bell dinging] [chugging] you don't like it? no, i don't like it. [tires screeching] car's got a lot of pickup. it's got a cop motor,a 440 cubic-inch plant. it's got cop tires,cop suspension, cop shocks. it was a model madebefore catalytic converters

    so it'll run good on regular gas. what do you say? is it the new bluesmobile, or what? fix the cigarette lighter. [horn blaring] ♪ well, my baby caught the katy ♪ ♪ crazy 'bout that hard-headed woman ♪ ♪ hard-headed woman of mine ♪ what are we doing here?

    you promisedyou'd visit the penguinthe day you got out. yeah. so, i lied to her. you can't lie to a nun. we gotta go in and visit the penguin. no fucking way. [door creaking] [door slams] (mary) who is it? jake and elwood.

    come in. hello, boys. nice to see you. please, have a seat. no, no, boys. come over here in front of me. i want to see your faces. the county took a tax assessment of this property last month. they want $5,000. doesn't the church have to pay that?

    they would,if they were interestedin keeping the place. but they aren't. the archbishop wants to sell this building outright to the board of education. what's gonna happen to you? i'll be sent to the missions-- forget it. $5,000? no problem. we'll have it for you in the morning. let's go, elwood. no, no. i will not take your filthy, stolen money!

    well, then. i guess you're really up shit creek. [groans] i beg your pardon. what did you say? i offered to help you. mmm-hmm. you refused to take our money. hmm. then i said, "i guess you're really up shit creek."

    ow! christ, jake, take it easy, man. elwood! ow, shit! jesus christ! ow! ow! jesus. shit! goddamn it! son of a bitch!

    son of a bitch. hey, jesus son of a bitch! oh, you fat penguin! [both yelling] fuck this noise, man! [yelling] [jake groaning] ah! ah! oh! oh! [jake yelling]

    (mary) you are such a disappointing pair. i prayed so hard for you. it saddens and hurts me, that the two young men whom i raised to believe in the ten commandments, have returned to meas two thieves with filthy mouths and bad attitudes. get out! and don't come back until you've redeemed yourselves.

    [wind howling] boys, you gotta learn not to talk to nuns that way. jake, elwood. (jake and elwood) curtis! hey, man! [all laughing] you look fine, man! good to see you, man! hey, buy you boys a drink? ♪[shake your moneymakerby elmore jamesplaying on stereo]

    boys, things are bad. they gonna sell this place to the board of education and i'll be out on the street. that money's got to be in the cook county assessor's office within 11 days. they wouldn't turn you out, would they? shit. what's one more old nigger to the board of education? ♪ i've got a gal but she just won't be true ♪ curtis, you and the penguin are the only family we got.

    you're the only one that was ever good to us, singing elmore james tunes and blowing the harp for us down here. well, the sister was right. you boys could use a little churching up. slide on down to the triple rock and catch rev. cleophus. you boys listen to what he's got to say. curtis, i don't want to listento no jive-ass preacher

    talking to me about heaven and hell. jake, you get get to church. ♪[church organ playing gospel music] and now, this week's sermon is from our beloved, the rev. cleophus james! [crowd applauding] ♪[organ playing] ♪[piano playing] (woman) come on, reverend!

    (man) come on, preacher. (cleophus)and now, people. (woman) take your time! take your time! and now, people. [people chattering] when i woke up this morning... [crowd cheering] i heard a disturbing sound. [crowd cheering]

    i said, when i woke up this morning... i heard a disturbing sound! what i heard was the jingle-jangle of a thousand lost souls! i'm talking about the souls of mortal men and women departed from this life! wait a minute! those lost, anguished souls, roaming unseen over the earth... seeking divine light

    they'll not find, because it's too late! too late! yeah! too late for them to ever see again the light they once chose not to follow. all right! all right! don't be lost when your time comes! "for the day of the lord cometh as a thief in the night." ♪ amen ♪ say amen!

    can i get an amen? [crowd shouting]amen. well, well, well! [crowd clapping] ♪[music playing] ♪ let us all ♪ (choir) ♪ all go back ♪ ♪ to the old ♪ ♪ old landmark ♪

    ♪ let us all ♪ ♪ all go back ♪ ♪ to the old ♪ ♪ let us all ♪ (cleophus and choir) ♪ as we stay in the service of the lord ♪ ♪ let us preach ♪ ♪ in the old ♪ ♪ all the way ♪ ♪ got to preach ♪

    ♪ all the way ♪ ♪ preach the word ♪ ♪ preach ♪ (cleophus and chorus) ♪ feel it, know it, i will, it will ♪ ♪ let us preach ♪ ♪ yeah, you gotta take ♪ ♪ take me back ♪ ♪ to that old ♪ ♪ then your voices ♪

    ♪ raise your voices ♪ ♪ in the old ♪ ♪ feel it, know it, i will, it will, you will ♪ ♪ c'mon, c'mon, hey ♪ ♪ yeah, lordyeah, lord ♪ (cleophus)♪ yeah, lord! yeah, lord! ♪ ♪ yeah, lord! yeah, lord! ♪ jake, are you all right? ♪ oh-oh-oh-oh-oh ♪

    ♪ say it loud ♪ ♪ oh, child ♪ (all)♪ say it loud ♪ ♪ hallelujah ♪ the band. the band. do you see the light? the band! what light?

    have you seen the light? yes! yes! jesus h. tap-dancing christ! i have seen the light! the band, elwood, the band! the band? the band? praise god! and god bless the united states of america. (cleophus)♪ to the old ♪

    ♪ to the old ♪ [all chanting] ♪ feel it, know it, i will it will, it will ♪ ♪ gonna go back ♪ ♪ i ♪ ♪ stay in the service of the lord ♪ [all cheering] ♪ yeah, lord ♪ ♪[music playing] ♪[soothe me by sam and dave playing]

    ♪ soothe me, baby, soothe me ♪ ♪ soothe me with those eyes, yeah ♪ ♪ for you know your powerful loving ♪ we'll put the band back together, do a few gigs. we get some bread. bang. $5,000. yeah, well, getting the band back together might not be that easy, jake. what are you talking about? they split. they all took straight jobs.

    yeah? so you know where they are. you said you were keeping in touch with them. i got a couple of leads, a few phone numbers. but i mean, how many of them visited or even wrote you, huh? they're not the kind of guys who write letters. you were outside. i was inside. you were supposed to keep in touch with the band. i kept asking you if we were gonna play again. w-what was i gonna do, take away your only hope?

    take away the very thing that kept you going in there? i took the liberty of bullshitting you. okay? you lied to me. it wasn't lies. it was just bullshit. ♪ since i met this baby of mine ♪ ♪ i don't like no other girl at all ♪ ♪ yeah! ♪ shit. what?

    rollers. no. yeah. ♪ soothe me with those eyes ♪ ♪ for you know your powerful loving ♪ ♪ is soothing to me ♪ ♪ soothe me, soothe me ♪ ♪ soothe me ♪ ♪ i want you to soothe me ♪

    ♪ soothe me, just soothe me now ♪ ♪ come on, now, lets do this again ♪ ♪ come on, put your hands together, everybody ♪ ♪ soothe me, baby ♪ ♪ you've got to soothe me ♪ what? what did i do? you failed to stop at a red signal. the light was yellow, sir. may i see your license,please?

    [sighing] ♪[hold on i'm comin' by sam and dave playing] goddamn it! man, i haven't been pulled over in 6 months. i bet those cops have got scmods. ♪ well, don't you ever ♪ scmods? state county municipal offender data system. ♪ when the day comes ♪

    ♪ and you are down ♪ ♪ in a river of trouble ♪ ♪ and about to drown ♪ ♪ just hold on ♪ ♪ i'm comin' ♪ ♪ hold on ♪ ♪ i'm goin' my way ♪ elwood, we show your license currently under suspension. step out of the car, please.

    ♪ don't have to worry ♪ ♪ 'cause i'm here ♪ [police siren wailing] first, you trade the cadillac for a microphone. then you lie to me about the band. now you're gonna put me right back in the joint. they're not gonna catch us. we're on a mission from god. [tires skidding]

    elwood. we are in high-speed pursuit northbound on courtland avenue. black-and-white 1974 dodge sedan with illinois plates. request assistance. ♪ hold on, i'm coming ♪ we'll be all rightif we can just get backon the expressway. this don't look like no expressway to me! don't yell at me. what do you want me to do, motorhead?

    well, try not to be so negative all the time. why don't you offer some constructive criticism? you got us into this parking lot, pal. now you get us out! you want out of this parking lot? okay. [police siren wailing continues] will there be anything else? yes. do you have a miss piggy? [people screaming]

    [honking horn] [people clamoring] there's hanson burgers. yeah,lots of space in this mall. [tires squealing] disco pants and haircuts. yeah. baby clothes. this place has got everything.

    new oldsmobiles arein early this year. pier 1 imports. oh, s-shit! [both cops screaming] [both panting] they broke my watch! i'm gonna catch that sucker if it's the last thing i ever do. ♪[peter gunn theme by the blues brothers playing]

    [train clattering] nice place, huh? [bazooka firing] [music stops] ♪[peter gunn theme starts up again] hey, sam. [tv chattering] hey, lloyd. anybody call for me on the phone?

    no. no calls. some guy left this card. cop. said he'd be back. this here's my brother, jake. he just got out of the joint. he's gonna be staying with me for a few weeks. yeah. oh, okay. did you get me my cheez whiz, boy? [train rumbling]

    well, it ain't much, but it's home. how often doesthe train go by? so often you won't even notice it. ♪[let the good times roll by ray charles playing] (jake) how are you gonna get the band back together, mr. hot rodder? those cops got your name, your address. no, they don't got my address. i falsified my renewal.

    i put down 1060 west addison. ♪ hey, everybody ♪ 1060 west addison? ♪ let's have some fun ♪ ♪ you only live but once ♪ that's wrigley field. i gotta hit the sack. hey, you sleaze! my bed! ♪ i don't care if you're young or old ♪

    ♪ you oughta get together and let the good times roll ♪ [train passing] ♪ don't sit there mumbling ♪ ♪ talkin' trash ♪ ♪ if you want to have a ball ♪ ♪ you got to go out and spend some cash ♪ ♪ and let the good times roll now ♪ ♪ let the good times roll ♪ [scratching sound]

    [train approaching] [train whistle blows] [tires screeching] this, gentlemen, is the elegant abode of one elwood blues. yeah, thanks for your help, mr. mercer. you know, i kind of like the wrigley field bit. yeah, real cute. stand back. [door bursts open]

    [explosion] [glass shattering] it's almost 9:00.we've gotta go to work. [buzzer sounding] mrs. toronto? tarantino. ma'am, do you have a thomas malone or louis marini living here? not any more. they moved out a long time ago.

    i don't take in boarders, not for a long time. may we come in, ma'am? please. ♪[anema e core by ezio pinza playing] did they leave a forwarding address? a phone number? no. did they live quietly? what were their personal habits? they were good boys,

    but they made a lot of racket at night. are you the police? no, ma'am. we're musicians. [engine starting] (tarantino) mr. man! mr. man! (tarantino) mr. man! yes, ma'am? they left this card. maybe it'll help you. ♪[quando, quando, quando by murph and the magic tones playing]

    thank you. you're marvelous. you're marvelous. thank you. i'm murph, and these are the magic tones. steve "the colonel" cropper, donald "duck" dunn, willie "too big" halland tom "bones" malone. we'll be back with the magic tones for the armada room's 2-hour disco swing party, after this short break. till then, don't you go changing. ♪[instrumental versionof just the way you areplaying]

    so, jake, you're out. you're free. you're rehabilitated. what's next? what's happening? what you gonna do? you got the money you owe us, motherfucker? look, let's just get something straight here. the reason he got locked in the slam in the first place was for sticking upa gas stationto cover you guys. you're kidding.

    he pulled that job to pay for the band's room service tab from that kiwanis gig in coal city. you did? that's right. so i don't want to hear any more of this small-change shit. we're puttingthe band back together. you were the backbone. the nerve center of a great rhythm-and-blues band. you can make that live,breathe and jump again.

    "murph and the magic tones?" look at you in thosecandy-ass monkey suits. and i thoughti had it bad in joliet. at least we got a change in clothes, sucker. you're wearing the same shit you had on three years ago. (duck) jake ain't lying, though. we had a band powerful enough to turn goat piss into gasoline. but we'll never get that fat sound again. not without some more horns.

    we'll never get mr. fabulous. where is he? (murph) forget it. mr. fabulous is the top maitre d' at the chez paul. he's pulling down six bills a week. yeah, and matt murphyup and got himself married. where is matt "guitar" murphy? (tom) he opened a soul food restaurant with his old lady on maxwell street.

    and he took blue lou with him. you'll never get matt and mr. fabulous out of them high-paying gigs. oh, yeah? well, me and the lord, we got an understanding. mainly french cuisine. no, sir. mayor daley no longer dines here. he's dead, sir. (mr. fabulous) private dining rooms are available.

    oh, no. i thought it was supposed to be 5 years. didn't you get 5 years? uh, no, sir, not you. and your name, sir? rizzolo, for 8 at 11:30. thank you. mr. fabulous, how marvelous it is to see you. you're looking younger than ever. wait. you guys can't come in here. (jake) oh, nonsense, my dear fellow. my brother and i have come to dine

    to celebrate my early release from the service of the state. (mr. fabulous) wait. let's talk outside. let's have a cup of coffee outside. why, heavens, no. we seek a full meal and all the compliments of the house. come, elwood. let us adjourn ourselves to the nearest table and overlookthis establishment'sboard of fare. good evening. chez paul. wait! hey!

    uh, sir, do you mind calling back in about 5 minutes, please? i'm sure, we'll have a table for you in just a few moments. [whistles] excuse me, won't you? give us a bottle of your finest champagne, five shrimp cocktails and some bread for my brother. we have a dom perignon,'71, at $120. that'll be fine, pal. come on. seriously, you guys, the food here is really expensive.

    the soup is fucking $10. come on. let's go outside. i'll buy you a cup of coffee. we're putting the band back together. forget it. no way. we're on a mission from god. hold it, hold it. what's this? waiter? sir? please, waiter?

    yes, sir? how are your salads? the salads are fine. it's just that we'd, uh-- we'd like to move to another table, away from those 2 gentlemen. why? have they been disturbing you? it's just that, well, frankly, they're offensive... smelling. i mean, they smell bad. [man clearing throat] excuse me, sir.

    i'll see if i can locateanother table for you. thank you. [champagne cork pops] wrong glass, sir. [glasses clinking] [both slurping] [slurping] how much for the little girl? the women?how much for the women?

    your women, i want to buy your women. the little girl.your daughters. sell them to me. sell me your children. maitre d'! maitre d'! uh... hey, cut it out,cut it out. the owners are gonna ask me to call the cops. you wouldn't do that to me, would you, man?

    (elwood) he just got out of joliet. he's on parole. you can't call the cops on him, man. i said no. absolutely not! [coughing] you! how much for your wife? [laughing] [coughing] we need you, man. we need your horn.

    i can't. i really can't. we got everybody exceptmatt "guitar" murphyand blue lou, and we're getting them next. no way. if you say no, elwood and i will come here for breakfast, lunch and dinner every day of the week. okay, okay. i'll play. you got me. (man) sir?

    sir! sir! [crowd shouting] (officer) white men! white women! the swastika is calling you! [crowd yelling] the jew is using the black as muscle against you.

    and you are left there, helpless. fuck you! why don't you go back where you belong? well, what are you gonna do about it, whitey? [crowd booing] just sit there? (man) go back where you came from! of course not! sons of bitches! you are going to join with us,

    the members of the american socialist white people's party, an organization of decent, law-abiding white folk just like you. (woman) blow it out your ass, you bastards! go to hell! i pledge allegiance to adolf hitler... (men) i pledge allegiance to adolf hitler...

    the immortal leader of our race... the immortal leader of our race... and to the order for which he stands... and to the order for which he stands... one great cause. one great cause. sacred and invincible. sacred and invincible. hey, what's going on?

    aw, those bums won their court case, so they're marching today. what bums? the fucking nazi party. [scoffs] illinois nazis. [scoffing] i hate illinois nazis. heil hitler! (men) heil hitler!

    attention! [engine revs] [men yelling] gruppenfuhrer! yes, sir! gruppenfuhrer, get that car's license plate number. we're gonna kill that son of a bitch. ♪[boom boom by john lee hooker playing] ♪ boom, boom, boom, boom ♪

    ♪ hmm, hmm ♪ ♪ haw, haw, haw, haw ♪ ♪ hey, hey ♪ ♪ come on home, babe ♪ [sizzling] ♪ when she walk that walk ♪ ♪ and talk that talk ♪ ♪ and whisper in my ear ♪ ♪ tell me that she love me ♪

    ♪ i love that talk ♪ ♪ that baby talk ♪ ♪ when she talk like that ♪ ♪ i can't take it like that ♪ ♪ haw, haw, haw, haw ♪ ♪ hey, hey ♪ ♪ come on home, pretty babe ♪ ♪ walk your walk ♪ ♪ talk your talk ♪

    ♪ talk your talk, baby ♪ ♪ talk ♪ (waitress) can i help you, boys? you got any, uh, white bread? yes. i'll have some toasted white bread, please. you want butter or jam on that toast, honey? no, ma'am. dry. got any fried chicken?

    best damn chicken in the state. bring me 4 fried chickens and a coke. you want chicken wings or chicken legs? 4 fried chickens and a coke. and some dry white toast, please. you all want anything to drink with that? no, ma'am. a coke. be up in a minute.

    we got two honkies out there dressed like hasidic diamond merchants. say what? they look like they're from the cia or something. what they wanna eat? the tall one wants white bread. toast. dry. with nothing on it. and the other one wants 4 whole fried chickens and a coke. and jake! shit!the blues brothers! hi, jake.

    matt! how you doing? how you doing? how was joliet? oh, it's bad. on thursday night they serve a wicked pepper steak. can't be as bad as the cabbage rolls at theterre haute federal pen. or that oatmealat the cook county slammer. they're all pretty bad. matt!

    me and elwood, we're putting the band back together. we need you and blue lou. oh, man. don't talk that way around here. my old lady, she'll kill me. (elwood) ma'am, you gotta understand. this is a lot bigger than any domestic problems you might be experiencing. matt, what the hell is he talking about?

    don't get riled, sugar. don't you, "don't get riled, sugar" me! now, you not going backon the road no more. and you ain't playing any more 2-bit, sleazy dives. you're living with me now. and you're not gonna go sliding around with your oldwhite hoodlum friends. but, babes! this is jake and elwood! the blues brothers!

    the blues brothers! shit! they still owe you money, fool! ma'am, would it make you feel any better if you knew that what we're asking matt here to do is a holy thing? you see, we're on a mission from god. don't you blaspheme in here! don't you blaspheme in here! now, this is my man, this is my restaurant, and you 2 are gonna justwalk right out that door,

    without your dry, white toast, without your 4 fried chickens and without matt "guitar" murphy! now, you listen to me! i love you. but i'm the man and you're the woman. and i'll make the decisions concerning my life! you better think about what you saying. you better think about the consequences of your actions. oh, shut up, woman! ♪[think by aretha franklin playing]

    ♪ you better think ♪ (women) ♪ think ♪ ♪ think about what you're trying to do to me ♪ ♪ yeah, think ♪ (women)♪ think, think ♪ ♪ let your mind go, let yourself be free ♪ ♪ let's go back, let's go back ♪ ♪ let's go way on way back when ♪ ♪ i didn't even know you ♪

    ♪ you couldn't have been too much more than 10 ♪ (women) ♪ just a child ♪ ♪ i ain't no psychiatrist, i ain't no doctor with degrees ♪ ♪ it don't take too much high i.q. ♪ ♪ to see what you're doing to me ♪ ♪ you better think ♪ (women)♪ think ♪ ♪ think ♪ (women)♪ think, think ♪

    ♪ oh, freedom ♪ (women) ♪ freedom ♪ ♪ freedom ♪ ♪ freedom ♪ (together) ♪ yeah, freedom ♪ ♪ right now, freedom ♪ (women)♪ freedom ♪ ♪ freedom ♪ (together) ♪ oh, freedom, right now ♪

    ♪ hey, think about it ♪ ♪ you, think about it ♪ ♪ there ain't nothing you could ask ♪ ♪ i could answer you but i won't ♪ (women)♪ i won't ♪ ♪ but i was gonna change somebody ♪ ♪ if you keep doing things i don't ♪ ♪ hey! ♪ ♪ what you're trying to do to me ♪

    ♪ damn it ♪ ♪ people walking around every day ♪ ♪ playing games and taking score ♪ ♪ tryin' to make other people lose their mind ♪ ♪ well, be careful you don't lose yours ♪ ♪ hey, think ♪ ♪ yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah ♪ ♪ think, think ♪ ♪ you need me ♪

    ♪ need me ♪ ♪ and i need you ♪ ♪ don't you know ♪ ♪ without each other there ain't nothing either can do ♪ ♪ yeah, think about it,babe ♪ ♪ what you trying to do to me ♪ ♪ to the bone, man, think about it right now ♪ ♪ oh, freedom ♪ ♪ freedom ♪

    (together) ♪ yeah, freedom ♪ ♪ freedom ♪ (women) ♪ freedom ♪ (together) ♪ freedom ♪ ♪ right now ♪ ♪ hey ♪ ♪ you, think about it ♪ ♪ there ain't nothing you could ask, i can answer you ♪ ♪ but i won't ♪

    ♪ but i was gonna change my mind ♪ ♪ if you keep doing things i don't ♪ ♪ yeah, think ♪ ♪ think ♪ ♪ need me ♪ ♪ and i need you ♪ ♪ don't you know ♪ ♪ yeah, yeah ♪ ♪ think about it, babe ♪

    (women) ♪ what you're trying to do to me ♪ ♪ to the bone, man ♪ ♪ think about it, baby ♪ ♪ yeah, right now ♪ (women) ♪ to the bone ♪ ♪ for deepness ♪ (women) ♪ to the bone for deepness ♪ ♪ yeah ♪ (women) ♪ to the bone, for deepness, think about it ♪

    (women) ♪ to the bone, for deepness ♪ ♪ right now ♪ ♪ think about it, yeah, yeah, yeah ♪ (women) ♪ to the bone, for deepness, to the bone for deepness ♪ (women) ♪ think about it, for deepness ♪ ♪ think about it ♪ (women) ♪ think about it ♪ ♪ to the bone ♪ ♪ for deepness ♪

    ♪ you're giving me the blues, brother, hey ♪ (women) ♪ you had better ♪ ♪ stop and think about it, think ♪ ♪ think ♪ let's boogie. well, go ahead, damn it! shit! [engine starting] [thunder clapping]

    [thunder rumbling] [children playing] pardon me, but we do have a strict policy concerning the handlingof the instruments. an employee of ray's music exchange must be present. now, may i help you? ray, it's me. joliet jake. i once rented somecolumn speakers from youfor my band, the blues brothers.

    hey, ray. it's me, murph, of murph and the magic tones. (murph) remember me? i bought three fender amps. (ray) oh, we sell a lot of amplifiers. not like these. they were beautiful. upholstered with thick, red shag. oh, right, right! i remember now. as a matter of fact, i'll buy them all back for $350 a piece. $350?

    i paid $800 each, not 6 months ago. well, you-- you know depreciation, man. ray, we're here to buy stuff. we need pianos,amps, mikes, the works. [gun firing] now, go on! get! breaks my heart,a boy that young going bad. ♪[electric piano playing] tell me a little about thiselectric piano, ray.

    oh, you have a good eye, my man. that's the bestin the city of chicago. how much? $2,000 and it's yours. you can take it home with you. matter of fact,i'll throw inthe black keys for free. $2,000 for this chunk of shit? come on, ray! ♪[piano playing]

    i mean, really, ray. it's used. there's no action left in this keyboard. uh, uh, uh, e-excuse me. i don't think there's anything wrong with the action on this piano. ♪[shake a tailfeather by ray charles playing] ♪ well i heard about the fella you've been dancing with ♪ ♪ all over the neighborhood ♪ ♪ so why didn't you ask me baby ♪

    ♪ or didn't you think i could? ♪ ♪ well, i know that the boogaloo is out of sight ♪ ♪ but the shingaling's the thing tonight ♪ ♪ but if that was you and me out there, baby ♪ ♪ i would have shown youhow to do it right ♪ ♪ do it right ♪ (jake and elwood) uh-huh. ♪ do it right ♪ (jake and elwood) ♪ do it right ♪

    (all) ♪ aaah ♪ ♪ twisting ♪ ♪ shake it, shake it, shake it, baby ♪ ♪ here we go, loop-de-loop ♪ ♪ shake it out, baby ♪ (all) ♪ here we go, loop-de-la ♪ (ray) ♪ bend over ♪ ♪ let me see youshake your tailfeather ♪ (elwood and jake) ♪ bend over ♪

    (all) ♪ come on, let me see you shake your tailfeather ♪ ♪ come on, let me see you shake your tailfeather ♪ ♪ aaah ♪ (ray) ♪ come on ♪ ♪ come on, baby ♪ ♪ come on ♪ ♪ yeah, come on, baby ♪ ♪ all right ♪ ♪ do the twist ♪

    ♪ do the fly ♪ ♪ do the swim ♪ [ray laughing] ♪ and do the bird ♪ ♪ do the duck ♪ ♪ do the monkey ♪ ♪ watusi ♪ ♪ and what about the frug? ♪ ♪ do the mashed potato ♪

    ♪ what about the boogaloo? ♪ ♪ the bony maronie ♪ ♪ come on, let's do the twist ♪ ♪ ah, twisting ♪ ♪ shake it, shake it, shake it, shake it, baby ♪ ♪ twisting ♪ ♪ shake it, shake it, shake it, shake it, baby ♪ okay, man. we'll takethese axes.

    naturally. and as usual, i gotta take an i.o.u. ♪[boogie chillun by john lee hooker playing] ♪ well, my mama didn't allow me ♪ ♪ just to stay out all night long ♪ ♪ oh, lord ♪ ♪ i didn't care what she didn't allow ♪ ♪ i would boogie anyhow ♪ (jake) you guys go inside, get yourselves a bite. i've got to make a phone call.

    now, jake, does this phone call concern our first gig? have i ever lied to you? what are we gonna do, man? we don't got no gig. how much money you got? i got a quarter. that's enough for a phone call. come on. what are you doing, elwood?

    you said we were gonna make a call. i said i was gonna make a call. who are you gonna call, jake? do you remember maury sline? sline? booking agent? what about him? he got us some good showcases in the old days. he got us the morgan park, he got us the tick tock. i got him laid. he owes me. give it a shot.

    [brakes screeching] [crashing] hey, jake. there's got to be at least $7 worth of change here. ♪[nazi anthem playing on stereo] [knocking on door] yeah? sir. what did you find out?

    okay. i called a friend at the motor vehicle department. that license plate is like a rash all over the computer. the car belongs to a known traffic menace. what's his name? his name is elwood blues. he's got a record a mile long. and he's a catholic.

    did you get his address? of course. 1060 west addison. let's go. anybody withthat kind of record is gonna make a mistake. i want all party members in the tri-state district to monitor the city, county, and state policeon their c.b.s.

    mr. blues is gonna fuck up. (head nazi) and when he does, he better pray the police get to him before we do. ♪ boogie chillun ♪ all right, man. we've been in this car for three hours now. where the hell is this place? i told you it'd take a little while to get there. what's the nameof the place?

    uh, the name of the place is, uh, bob's country bunker. here we are. bob's country bunker? ♪ one night, i was lying down ♪ ♪ i heard mama and papa talkin' ♪ ♪ i heard papa tell mama ♪ ♪ let that boy boogie-woogie ♪ ♪ it's in him ♪

    ♪ and it got to come out ♪ jake, the sign says, "tonight only, the good ole boys." blues brothers! it should read,"tonight only, the blues brothers' triumphant return." must be some kind of mistake. you guys unload the stuff. elwood, come with me.

    [crickets chirping] ♪[your cheatin' heart by kitty wells playing] ♪ your cheatin' heart ♪ ♪ will make you weep ♪ ♪ you'll cry and cry ♪ well, now, what can i get you boys? you thirsty, you hungry, or are you just driving through? maybe you'd like a beer, or something a little harder?

    hey, you know,we happen to make the state's best pepper steak. no, thank you, ma'am! we may be sucking back a few beers a little later on. we'll be hereall night. you see, we're the band. you are? oh, gee, that's nice! hey, bob, this is the band!

    (bob) all right! uh, what kind of music do you usually have here? oh, we got both kinds. we got countryand western. ♪ you'll toss around ♪ jake, are you sure this is the place? yeah! yeah! sure! sure!this is the place. ♪ you'll walk the floor ♪ hi! are you the good ole boys?

    that's us! the rest of the band'sout in the parking lot getting our stuff together. well, i'm sure glad to have you boys here. i'm bob and this here is my place. well, it's a beautiful place, bob! (bob) i guess you boys wanna get your steel guitars and everything set up on stage, don't you? claire, get over there and turn those stage lights on

    and get these boys going up there. ♪ they'll find someday ♪ chicken wire? [all chattering] man, i don't think we know any of the songs on this list. oh, this list doesn't mean anything. they're just requests. do our regular set.first tune! give me some loving. 1, 2.

    1, 2, 3, 4. [audience booing] what are those damn freak peckerheads playin'? (elwood) good evening, ladies and gentlemen. we're sure glad to be here in kokomo tonight. we're the good old blues brothers boys' band from chicago. we sure hope you like our show. i'm elwood. this is my brother, jake.

    ♪ well, my temperature's rising and my feet on the floor ♪ ♪ crazy people knockin' 'cause they wanted some more ♪ ♪ let me in, brother, i don't know what you've got ♪ ♪ you better take it easy, 'cause this place is hot ♪ ♪ and i'm so glad we made it ♪ that ain't nohank williams song! ♪ give me some loving ♪ (man) get off the stage! ♪ every day ♪

    hey, why'd they turn off the lights? maybe they blew a fuse. (lou) i don't think so, man. those lights are off on purpose. we gotta figure out something these people like, and fast! i got it. remember the theme from rawhide? the old favorite. rowdy yates. what key? a.

    good country key. rawhide in a. [audience shouting] ♪ rollin', rollin', rollin' ♪ ♪ though the streams are swollen ♪ ♪ keep them dogies rollin' ♪ ♪ rawhide ♪ ♪ the rain and wind and weather ♪ ♪ hellbent for leather ♪

    ♪ wishin' my gal was by my side ♪ ♪ all the things i'm missin' ♪ ♪ good vittles, love and kissin' ♪ ♪ are waiting at the end of my ride ♪ ♪ move 'em on ♪ ♪ head 'em up ♪ ♪ head 'em up ♪ ♪ move 'em on ♪ ♪ rawhide, cut 'em out ♪

    ♪ ride 'em in ♪ ♪ cut 'em out ♪ ♪ cut 'em out ♪ ♪ ride 'em in, rawhide ♪ [man whistles] head 'em up ♪ ride 'em in ♪ ♪ cut 'em out ♪ ♪ ride 'em in, rawhide ♪

    [glass breaking] hiya! ♪ rawhide ♪ hiya! [audience cheering] theme from the tv show rawhide. thank you. now we'd like to do a favorite of the horn section. we hope it's one of yours.

    ♪[stand by your man playing] ♪ sometimes it's hard to be a woman ♪ ♪ giving all your love ♪ ♪ to just one man ♪ ♪ and if you love him ♪ ♪ oh, be proud of him ♪ ♪ 'cause after all ♪ ♪ he's just a man ♪ ♪ stand by your man ♪

    ♪ give him two arms to cling to ♪ ♪ and something warm to come to ♪ ♪ when nights are cold and lonely ♪ ♪ and tell the world you love him ♪ ♪ keep giving all the love you can ♪ ♪ baby ♪ (jake) well, folks, it's time to call it a night. but do what you feel, and keep both feet on the wheel.

    you don't have to go home but you can't stay here. so, till next time: let's get the hell out of here. shit, i wanna tell you boys that's some of the best goddamn music we've had at the country bunker in a long time. well, uh, sorry we, uh, couldn't remember "the wreck of the old 97." oh, why, hell!

    you guys can learn it next time when you come back. bob, about, um, our money for tonight. that's right. uh, $200 and you boys drank $300 worth of beer. uh, well, like, when we first came in uh, the bar lady never charged us for the first round, so, like, we figured, you know,

    beer was, like, complimentary for the band, you know. well, i'll just go out and take up a collection from the boys. well, i'll tell you, i sure would appreciate it. i say this trip is nowhere, man. i say we gotta quit. what? quit? well, i wish you guyswould make up your mind. otherwise, i've gotta callmr. ronzini

    at the holiday inn and get our old gig back. back at the armada room? listen, they want us to payfor the beer we drank. so you guys better split. the next gig is gonna be dynamite! huge! you'll see. i say we give the blues brothers just one more chance. why not? if the shit fits, wear it!

    scoot over, goddamn it! boys looka little upset. hey, man. don't worry. we got a couple of days. we'll get the penguin's tax money. i mean, look. we got an appointment to see mr. sline tomorrow. everything'sgonna be all right. let's skate.

    goddamn it. excuse me, gentlemen. are you the good ole boys? yeah, that's right. i'm tucker mcelroy, lead singer, driver of the winnebago. i'd like to talk to you, but we're running very late. my name is jacob stein,american federation of musicians union, local 200. i've been sent hereto see

    if you gentlemen are carrying your permits. our what? your union cards. may i see your cards, please? suppose we ain't got no union cards, and we go in and start playing anyway. what you gonna do about that? you gonna stop us? stein? you gonna look pretty funny trying to eat

    corn on the cob with no fucking teeth! listen, let me talk to bob, the owner. see if we can put your band on contract waivers for tonight. i don't want you to move from this spot. just let me handle this. we'll, uh-- we'll talk to bob. get in the car and start her up.

    you know you boys owe me a lot of money for that beer you drank tonight! goddamn it! bob, we loved playing here tonight. my brother's writing out an american express traveler's cheque to cover the extensive bar tab. well, i sure would appreciate it. i'd better check up,see how he's doing.

    see, i have to sign it, too. i usually sit in the car and write it out on the, uh, glove compartment lid. okay? i need a pencil. [car starts] [car door closes] were them guysfrom the union? union? what the hell union?

    those boysskipped out of here owing me a lotof money for beer. what the hell are you guys all dressed up for? we're the good ole boys! you're the good ole boys? a.f.m. shit! our lady of blessed acceleration, don't fail me now! [both sighing]

    i don't believe it! it's that shitbox dodge again. the bastards are ours now! [siren wailing] holy-- holy shit! [water running] boys, you're in big trouble. maury, you owe me. we'll play anywhere, anytime, for anybody.

    put us in, uh, the double up lounge, or the morgan park theatre, or the crystal. we always knocked them dead in those joints. i don't know, boys. i just don't know. times have changed, you know what i mean? what are you guys gonna do? the same act? you wear the same farchadat suits. you'll scare people away.

    don't you ever wear blue jeans or jumpsuits like-- like wayne cochran and the c.c. riders, huh? maury, you gotta come through for us. we need $5,000, fast. $5,000? who do you think you are? the beatles? hey, you know the size hallyou gotta work to take inthat kind of money, eh? we'll fill any hallin the country.

    you guys familiar with the, uh, the palace hotel ballroom? never heard of it. yeah. nice place up north. built in the '40s on lake wazapamani. that seats 5,000. you guys fill that place, you can make $5,000, easy. book us for tomorrow night. hold it! hold it! tomorrow night?what are you talkin' about?

    a gig like that, you gotta preparethe proper exploitation. i know all about that stuff. i been exploited all my life. ah! forget it. there's no way with you guys. forget about it. say, uh, how's mrs. sline? i might have some information she'd like to know. you blackmailing me, jake?

    if you wanna put it that way. maury, we need this gig! you get us the hall, maury,and i guarantee we'll pack them in from miles around. okay. i'll get you the palace hotel. i'll print up showbills. i'll make the place look real pretty, okay? i don't think you guys are gonna gross dollar one. but if you do,

    i want a taste of the gate, okay? thanks, maury. let's go, boys! listen, you boys heard me talk about jake and elwood. well, they used to live here, just like you. and i used to sing to them,just like with you. tonight, jake and elwood are going out to sing and play to raise money to help you children.

    your lazy butts are in this, too! so get up on that wagon. we're goin' up north to put the word in the streets. ♪[i'm walkin' by fats domino playing] ♪ i'm walkin' ♪ ♪ yes, indeed, i'm talkin' ♪ ♪ about you and me ♪ ♪ i'm hopin' that you'll come back to me, uh-uh ♪

    ♪ i'm lonely as i can be ♪ ♪ i'm waitin' for your company ♪ ♪ i'm hopin' that you'll come back to me ♪ (elwood) tonight only, the fabulous blues brothers, rhythm and blues revue at the palace hotel ballroom, route 16, lake wazapamani. the fabulous blues brothers show band and revue.

    there you go, boy. all right, man! check it out! check it out! tonight only! from chicago! rhythm and blues revue. one night only!the fabulous-- blues brothers show band and revue. (elwood) you! on the motorcycle!

    you two girls! tell your friends! (jake) free parking. (elwood) free parking. $2 cover charge only, folks! that's a lot of entertainment. (jake) for $2. (elwood) for $2. will you please put this in the window, lady,

    because it's real important. ♪ i'm hopin that you'll come back to me ♪ ♪ whatcha gonna do when the well runs dry? ♪ ♪ you gonna sit right down and cry ♪ ♪ whatcha gonna do when i say bye-bye? ♪ ♪ all you're gonna do is dry your eye ♪ (elwood) tonight only, from chicago, the fabulous blues brothers for your dancing pleasure.

    and it's ladies' night tonight at the palace hotel ballroom. "tonight only, the blues brothers "genuine rhythm and blues show and revue. palace hotel ballroom. tonight only." how we doin'? well, so far we covered lake, mchenry and part of dupage county. good. let's get to the gig.

    what is it? we're out of gas. (jake) oh, shit. (murphy) whoa, a classic. what a room! this place is gonna swing tonight. it's a fucking barn. we'll never fill it. we've gotta fillthis hall tonight. a lot of young childrenare dependin' on it. young children? why, what do you mean?

    (owner) we're out of gas. yep. mind if we fill her up? nope. i said we're out of gas. tanker truck's late. should have been here two hours ago. uh, it's always late on thursdays. well, uh, i guess we'll have to wait. yeah.

    ♪[band tuning up] (woman) excuse me, sir. yes, you. could you fill it up with premium, please, and check under the hood? sure. you, uh, want i should, uh, wash the dead bugsoff the windshield? oh, no. don't worry.i'm in kind of a hurry. where in the hell are they?

    so, uh, maybe you'd like to come by and see the show. oh, um, i'm awfully sorry, but i do have a prior dinner engagement. thanks, marvin. debbie, get me troopers daniel and mount. (bob) i don't see those blues brothers. we'll wait. okay, you're all set.

    that'll be, uh, $94. here's $95. thank you, elwood. okay. and that's $1 change. oh, keep the change. oh, thanks. uh, so, look. uh, if your date don't work outtonight for any reason, uh, there's a motelup on the interstate. uh, maybe we could, say, uh, meet

    around, uh, midnight? i'll think about it, elwood, okay? (elwood)yeah. bye. son of a bitch! come on! i always like to perform for angry mobs. you can't quit now. what can they be doing?

    (jake) my head hurts. that night train's a mean wine. (elwood) you'd better get bright, pal! we got a show to do. then we gottafigure out some way to collect that gate money and get it to the cook county assessor's office as soon as they open in the morning. (audience) we want the show!

    we want the show! gentlemen, i'm leaving. man, we were so close. hey, you guys know minnie the moocher? i knew a hooker once named minnie mazola. no! the song minnie the moocher. yeah. so what? hit it! ♪ hey, folks, here's a story 'bout ♪

    ♪ minnie the moocher ♪ ♪ she was a low-down hoochie-coocher ♪ ♪ she was the roughest, toughest frail ♪ ♪ but minnie had a heart ♪ ♪ as big as a whale ♪ ♪ hi de hi de hi de hi ♪ ♪ ho de ho de ho de ho ♪ ♪ he de he de he de he ♪ ♪ hi de hi de hi de ho ♪

    ♪ she had a dream about the king of sweden ♪ ♪ he gave her things that she was needin' ♪ ♪ he gave her a home built of gold and steel ♪ ♪ a diamond car with the platinum wheels ♪ ♪ hi de hi de hi de hi de hi de hi de ha ♪ ♪ hi de hi de hi de hi de hi de hi de ha ♪ ♪ ho de ho de ho de ho de ho de ho de ho ♪ ♪[scatting] ♪[everyone scatting]

    ♪[scatting] this is glue. strong stuff. ♪ poor min, poor min ♪ ♪ poor min ♪ okay, let's take them! now, wait a minute. i've never even heard these boys sing, all right? all right.

    they're not going no place. all right,cover all exits! let's go! come on! hurry up! (mercer)move it! excuse us. [women screaming] good evening, ladies. who wantsan orange whip? orange whip? orange whip?

    three orange whips. [inaudible] now, ladies and gentlemen, it is the distinct pleasure of the management to present to you the evening's star attraction. here they are, back after their exclusive three-year tour of europe, scandinavia and the subcontinent.

    won't you welcome, from calumet city, illinois, the show band of joliet jake and elwood blues, the blues brothers! 1, 2. 1, 2, 3, 4. ♪[music starts playing] we're so glad to see so many of you lovely people here tonight. we'd especially like to welcome

    all the representatives of illinois' law enforcement community who have chosen to join us here in the palace hotel ballroom at this time. we certainly hope you all enjoy the show. and remember, people, that no matter who you are and what you do to live, thrive, and survive, there're still some things that make us all the same. you. me. them. everybody. everybody.

    ♪ everybody ♪ ♪ needs somebody ♪ ♪ needs somebody to love ♪ ♪ someone to love ♪ ♪ sweetheart to miss ♪ (elwood) ♪ sweetheart to miss ♪ (jake) ♪ sugar to kiss ♪ ♪ sugar to kiss ♪ ♪ i need you, you, you ♪

    ♪ in the morning ♪ ♪ you, you, you ♪ ♪ when my soul's on fire ♪ ♪ you, you, you ♪ ♪ sometimes i feel ♪ ♪ i feel a little sad inside ♪ ♪ when my baby mistreats me ♪ ♪ i never, never find a place to hide, i need you ♪ ♪ i never, never, never find a place to hide ♪

    people, when you do find that special somebody, you gotta hold that man, hold that woman, love him, please him, squeeze her, please her! signify your feelings with every gentle caress because it's so important to have that special somebody to hold, to kiss, to miss, to squeeze and please! ♪ everybody needs somebody ♪ ♪ sweetheart to miss ♪

    ♪ sugar to kiss ♪ ♪ in the morning ♪ ♪ when my soul's on fire ♪ ♪ when there ain't no one around ♪ ♪ i need you ♪ thank you. that was for wilson pickett. this is dedicated to the late, great magic sam. 1, 2. 1, 2, 3, 4. ♪ come on over ♪

    ♪ baby, don't you wanna go ♪ ♪ back to that same old place ♪ ♪ sweet home chicago ♪ ♪ 6 and 3 is 9 ♪ ♪ 9 and 9 is 18 ♪ ♪ look there brother, baby, and you'll see what i seen ♪ ♪ hi-de-hey ♪ ♪ sweet home chicago ♪ the mafia's after us now.

    you guys were hot! you were great! i've got to record you. bullshit. bullshit?i don't bullshit. (klenfner) i'm president of clarion records, the largest recording company on the eastern seaboard. so what? here's $10,000. an advance on yourfirst recording session.

    is it a deal? yeah. sure, it's a deal. yeah, yeah.sure-- sure it's a deal! uh, listen, all these cops out here, they're sort ofwaitin' for us. we gotta get out with nobody seein' us. you know a back door out of this place? sure. i used to be head bouncer here back in the '70s. there's an electrical service duct

    right behind your drummer's riser. listen, do us a favor. take $1,400 and give it to ray's music exchange in calumet city and give the rest to the band. you got it. thanks. bye.

    all right. me and elwood are gonna make a break for it. you and the bandkeep playin'. something's wrong. where's jake? where'd those blues brothers go? i sure hope this thing leads someplace. elwood, we're gone, man. who is that girl?

    [water running] well, jake. you look just fine down there, slithering in the mud like vermin. no problem. you're not gonna get away from me this time. check that out!let's go! it's good to see you, sweetheart! you contemptible pig.

    i remained celibate for you. i stood atthe back of a cathedral waiting, in celibacy, for you with 300 friends and relatives in attendance. my uncle hired the best romanian caterers in the state. to obtain the seven limousines for the wedding party, my father used up his last favors with mad pete trullo.

    so for me, for my mother, my grandmother,my father, my uncle, and for the common good, i must now kill you and your brother. [gun cocks] oh, please don't kill us! please, please, don't kill us. you know i love you, baby! i wouldn't leave you! it wasn't my fault!

    you miserable slug! you think you can talk your way out of this? you betrayed me! no, i didn't. honest! i ran out of gas! i had a flat tire! i didn't have enough money for cab fare! my tux didn't come back from the cleaners. and old friend came in from out of town!

    someone stole my car! there was an earthquake! a terrible flood! locusts! it wasn't my fault, i swear to god! oh, jake... jake, honey. let's go. take it easy. [car engines starting]

    it's 106 miles to chicago. we got a full tank of gas, half a pack of cigarettes, it's dark, and we're wearing sunglasses. hit it. [sirens wailing] (bob) shit, man. can't this damn thing go any faster than this? bob, i think i've got a little problem. goddamn, boy.

    [screaming] [gasping] don't you saya fuckin' word. [all clamoring] (officer) all units, we have a signal 10-79. officers are in pursuit: a black-and-white 1974 dodge sedan southbound on 47. respond to signal 10-79.

    occupants of vehicle: one joliet jake blues one elwood blues. considered... gruppenfuhrer! ...extremely dangerous. hey, jake, jake, i gotta pull over. southbound on state highway 47. hi! wanna hand me the mike? thanks a lot.

    hi. this is car, uh...what number are we? 55. car 55. um, we're in a truck. signal 10-79still engaged. vehicle traveling southbound approaching chicago city limits. commander advises will contact chicago precincts for a local intercept.

    maintain pursuit. use of unnecessary violence in the apprehension of the blues brothers has been approved. [all exclaim] well, this is definitely lower wacker drive. if my estimations are correct we should be very close to the honorablerichard j. daley plaza.

    that's where they got that picasso. [guns firing] there they are. ♪[the ride of the valkyries playing] oh, no! what the fuck was that? the motor. it's thrown a rod. is that serious? yep.

    faster. [brakes screeching] holy shit! i've always loved you. there it is! [horn honking] [metal clanking] come on! [pounding on door]

    sir, where's the office of the assessor of cook county? down the hall, turn right. take the elevator to 1102. thank you, sir. [crowd clamoring] [elevator bell dings] (all) hut, hut, hut, hut. ♪[muzak playing the girl from ipanema] [clamoring]

    ♪[muzak continues] [horse neighing] excuse me. did you see two guys come in here with black suits and black hats, one carrying a briefcase? yeah, i just sent them down there. thank you. hold the door. (soldiers) hut, hut, hut. can i help you?

    this is where they pay the taxes, right? right. this money is for the year's assessment on the st. helen of the blessed shroud orphanage in calumet city, illinois. $5,000. it's all there, pal. (soldier) stand back! fire! and here is your receipt.

    [guns cocking] ♪[jailhouse rock by the blues brothers playing] ♪ warden threw a party in the county jail ♪ ♪ prison band was thereand they began to wail ♪ ♪ the band was jumping and the joint began to swing ♪ ♪ you should have heard ♪ ♪ those knocked-out jailbirds sing ♪ ♪ let's rock ♪ ♪ everybody let's rock ♪

    ♪ everybody on the whole cell block ♪ ♪ was dancing to the jailhouse rock ♪ ♪ spider murphy played the tenor saxophone ♪ ♪ little joe was blowingon the slide trombone ♪ ♪ the drummer boy from illinois ♪ ♪ went crash, boom, bang ♪ ♪ the whole rhythm section was the purple gang ♪ ♪ dancing to the jailhouse rock ♪ ♪ were dancing to the jailhouse rock ♪

    ♪ they were dancing, dancing, dancing, dancing, dancing ♪ ♪ to the jailhouse rock ♪ ♪ they were dancingto the jailhouse rock ♪ ♪ dancingto the jailhouse rock ♪ ♪ sad sack was sitting on a block of stone ♪ ♪ way over in the corner weeping all alone ♪ ♪ the warden said buddy don't you be no square ♪ ♪ if you can't get a partner use a wooden chair ♪ ♪ everybody let's rock ♪

    ♪ everybody on the whole cell block ♪ ♪ was dancing to the jailhouse rock, yeah ♪ ♪ was dancing to the jailhouse rock ♪ ♪ dancing to the jailhouse rock ♪ ♪ everybody on the whole cell block ♪ ♪ was dancing to the jailhouse rock ♪ ♪ they was dancing, dancing, dancing, dancing ♪ ♪ everybody on the whole cell block ♪ ♪ they was dancing to the jailhouse rock ♪

    ♪ everybody on the whole cell block ♪ (jake) 1, 2. 1, 2, 3, 4. ♪ i never, never, never find a place to hide ♪ (elwood) you know, people, when you do find that special somebody, (jake) ♪ everybody needs somebody ♪ ♪ i need you, you, you, you ♪ [audience cheering]

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