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who's not ready for this game 5. who's not ready for this game 5.derek jeter will lead it off for derek jeter will lead it off for derek jeter will lead it off forthe yankees. then johnny damon the yankees. then johnny damon the yankees. then johnny damonbats second. mark teixeira hits bats second. mark teixeira hits bats second. mark teixeira hitsthird. alex rodriguez cleans up. third. alex rodriguez cleans up.
third. alex rodriguez cleans up.nick swisher moves up. there's nick swisher moves up. there's nick swisher moves up. there'snews on melky cabrera so swisher news on melky cabrera so swisher news on melky cabrera so swisherbats in the number five spot. bats in the number five spot. bats in the number five spot.robinson cano is at second base. robinson cano is at second base. robinson cano is at second base.brett gardner gets the start.
brett gardner gets the start. brett gardner gets the start.jos㉠molina does the catching jos㉠molina does the catching jos㉠molina does the catchingand aj burnett is his pitcher. and aj burnett is his pitcher. and aj burnett is his pitcher.and there's melky cabrera who and there's melky cabrera who and there's melky cabrera whohas been deactivated for the has been deactivated for the
has been deactivated for theyankees with a bad left yankees with a bad left yankees with a bad lefthamstring, and he looks okay. hamstring, and he looks okay. hamstring, and he looks okay.>> they look like they're 3 and >> they look like they're 3 and >> they look like they're 3 and1 in the world series. 1 in the world series. 1 in the world series.>> he is not available anymore
>> he is not available anymore >> he is not available anymorefor the rest of this world for the rest of this world for the rest of this worldseries to the yankees, as they series to the yankees, as they series to the yankees, as theyhave made the switch and have made the switch and have made the switch andactivated ramiro pena. and activated ramiro pena. and
activated ramiro pena. andhere's cliff lee who this here's cliff lee who this here's cliff lee who thispostseason has been fantastic, postseason has been fantastic, postseason has been fantastic,30 strikeouts compared to only 30 strikeouts compared to only 30 strikeouts compared to onlythree walks, and he went the three walks, and he went the three walks, and he went thefull nine in game 1 of this
full nine in game 1 of this full nine in game 1 of thisworld series at yankee stadium, world series at yankee stadium, world series at yankee stadium,getting the 6 to 1 victory. getting the 6 to 1 victory. getting the 6 to 1 victory.>> cliff lee from denton >> cliff lee from denton >> cliff lee from dentonarkansas, and his opponent arkansas, and his opponent
arkansas, and his opponenttonight, aj burnett, from little tonight, aj burnett, from little tonight, aj burnett, from littlerock arkansas. the first time rock arkansas. the first time rock arkansas. the first timethat two pitchers from arkansas that two pitchers from arkansas that two pitchers from arkansashave ever started a world series have ever started a world series have ever started a world seriesgame. a lightning fast delivery.
game. a lightning fast delivery. game. a lightning fast delivery.he works deep into the game. he he works deep into the game. he he works deep into the game. hehad eight complete games this had eight complete games this had eight complete games thisyear, and he breaks a ton of year, and he breaks a ton of year, and he breaks a ton ofbats, as he did in game 1. bats, as he did in game 1.
bats, as he did in game 1.that spiked curveball is what that spiked curveball is what that spiked curveball is whatwe're looking at right there. in we're looking at right there. in we're looking at right there. infact aj burnett throws a similar fact aj burnett throws a similar fact aj burnett throws a similarpitch where he curls that index pitch where he curls that index pitch where he curls that indexfinger under, and a lot of wrap.
finger under, and a lot of wrap. finger under, and a lot of wrap.game 1 he was unbelievable. game 1 he was unbelievable. game 1 he was unbelievable.>> take a look back. yankee >> take a look back. yankee >> take a look back. yankeestadium, and kept the yankee stadium, and kept the yankee stadium, and kept the yankeehitters off-balance all night. hitters off-balance all night.
hitters off-balance all night.throws 91, maybe 92, but throws 91, maybe 92, but throws 91, maybe 92, butaccording to the yankees it according to the yankees it according to the yankees itappears harder than that. he appears harder than that. he appears harder than that. hehides the ball well and he made hides the ball well and he made hides the ball well and he madethose two very good defensive
those two very good defensive those two very good defensiveplayers. in fact i think that's players. in fact i think that's players. in fact i think that'sthe biggest thing he's got going the biggest thing he's got going the biggest thing he's got goingfor him, something he had on for him, something he had on for him, something he had ondisplay in game 1, and that was display in game 1, and that was
display in game 1, and that waskind of that nonchalant kind of that nonchalant kind of that nonchalantattitude. when you talk to him attitude. when you talk to him attitude. when you talk to himthe next day and you talk about the next day and you talk about the next day and you talk aboutit he was almost unemotional and it he was almost unemotional and it he was almost unemotional andi think that that will serve him
i think that that will serve him i think that that will serve himwell pitching here tonight in well pitching here tonight in well pitching here tonight ingame 5, trying to get this world game 5, trying to get this world game 5, trying to get this worldseries back to new york. i don't series back to new york. i don't series back to new york. i don'tthink he's going to be fazed at think he's going to be fazed at
think he's going to be fazed atall i this assignment. he was all i this assignment. he was all i this assignment. he wascavalier have caught that pop-up cavalier have caught that pop-up cavalier have caught that pop-upin game 1, making that behind in game 1, making that behind in game 1, making that behindthe back play, and let's see how the back play, and let's see how the back play, and let's see howhe gets along here tonight for
he gets along here tonight for he gets along here tonight forbeing dealt to the phillies at being dealt to the phillies at being dealt to the phillies atthe end of july from the the end of july from the the end of july from theindians. tonight's opening pitch indians. tonight's opening pitch indians. tonight's opening pitchbrought to you by budweiser. brought to you by budweiser.
brought to you by budweiser.with full flavor and a crisp with full flavor and a crisp with full flavor and a crispclean finish, it's what we do. clean finish, it's what we do. clean finish, it's what we do.and what derek jeter does in the and what derek jeter does in the and what derek jeter does in thepostseason, and in the world postseason, and in the world postseason, and in the worldseries, is make things happen.
series, is make things happen. series, is make things happen.you can see what he's done, you can see what he's done, you can see what he's done,hitting .412 in this world hitting .412 in this world hitting .412 in this worldseries. he has one rbi that came series. he has one rbi that came series. he has one rbi that camein last night's game, and he in last night's game, and he
in last night's game, and heleads it off for new york. leads it off for new york. leads it off for new york.ball 1 from cliff lee. ball 1 from cliff lee. ball 1 from cliff lee.>>i think your point is well >>i think your point is well >>i think your point is welltaken joe. if cliff lee was taken joe. if cliff lee was taken joe. if cliff lee wasunfazed pitching his first world
unfazed pitching his first world unfazed pitching his first worldseries appearance at yankee series appearance at yankee series appearance at yankeestadium, in the new yankee stadium, in the new yankee stadium, in the new yankeestadium, he's not going to be stadium, he's not going to be stadium, he's not going to befazed pitching at home tonight. fazed pitching at home tonight.
fazed pitching at home tonight.>> here's his 1-0 pitch, and a >> here's his 1-0 pitch, and a >> here's his 1-0 pitch, and aground ball up the middle. utley ground ball up the middle. utley ground ball up the middle. utleyto his right. gloves. throws. to his right. gloves. throws. to his right. gloves. throws.good play for the out. good play for the out. good play for the out.utley had to go a long way to
utley had to go a long way to utley had to go a long way toget it and then ryan howard dug get it and then ryan howard dug get it and then ryan howard dugit out on the other end. it out on the other end. it out on the other end.>> twice in this series derek >> twice in this series derek >> twice in this series derekjeter's led off hitting balls to jeter's led off hitting balls to
jeter's led off hitting balls tothe left of chase utley. he hits the left of chase utley. he hits the left of chase utley. he hitsone to the right. nice play by one to the right. nice play by one to the right. nice play bythe phillies second baseman. the phillies second baseman. the phillies second baseman.>> and that show of respect by >> and that show of respect by >> and that show of respect bythis philly crowd for johnny
this philly crowd for johnny this philly crowd for johnnydamon. they boo him and he was damon. they boo him and he was damon. they boo him and he wasthe one who got the two-out hit the one who got the two-out hit the one who got the two-out hitlast night in the ninth inning last night in the ninth inning last night in the ninth inningthat started a three-run rally. that started a three-run rally.
that started a three-run rally.>> booing can be good. >> booing can be good. >> booing can be good.>> when you're on the road. >> when you're on the road. >> when you're on the road.>> yes. >> yes. >> yes.>> strike 1 from cliff lee. >> strike 1 from cliff lee. >> strike 1 from cliff lee.damon in his career is just 3
damon in his career is just 3 damon in his career is just 3for 26 against this philadelphia for 26 against this philadelphia for 26 against this philadelphialeft-hander. .115 average. he's left-hander. .115 average. he's left-hander. .115 average. he'sonly hit gil meche worse, and only hit gil meche worse, and only hit gil meche worse, andthat misses down and in. 1 ball, that misses down and in. 1 ball,
that misses down and in. 1 ball,1 strike. 1 strike. 1 strike.so among active pitches johnny so among active pitches johnny so among active pitches johnnydamon has dealt with, cliff lee damon has dealt with, cliff lee damon has dealt with, cliff leeis the second toughest average is the second toughest average is the second toughest averagewise for him to face. 1-1 pitch,
wise for him to face. 1-1 pitch, wise for him to face. 1-1 pitch,and that's off the end of the and that's off the end of the and that's off the end of thebat falling into center for a bat falling into center for a bat falling into center for aone-out base hit. one-out base hit. one-out base hit.give you a look at the defense give you a look at the defense
give you a look at the defensefor philadelphia. raul ibanez is for philadelphia. raul ibanez is for philadelphia. raul ibanez isin left. victorino in center. in left. victorino in center. in left. victorino in center.jayson werth in right. feliz, jayson werth in right. feliz, jayson werth in right. feliz,jimmy rollins, chase utley, ryan jimmy rollins, chase utley, ryan jimmy rollins, chase utley, ryanhoward around the infield with
howard around the infield with howard around the infield withruiz doing the catching. a ruiz doing the catching. a ruiz doing the catching. aleft-hander cliff lee. 1 on, 1 left-hander cliff lee. 1 on, 1 left-hander cliff lee. 1 on, 1out. mark teixeira digs in. here out. mark teixeira digs in. here out. mark teixeira digs in. hereare the yankees on the brink of are the yankees on the brink of
are the yankees on the brink ofa world championship, up 3 games a world championship, up 3 games a world championship, up 3 gamesto 1, and their 3-4 combination to 1, and their 3-4 combination to 1, and their 3-4 combinationin their lineup is a combined in their lineup is a combined in their lineup is a combinedaverage of .107. teixeira's 1 average of .107. teixeira's 1 average of .107. teixeira's 1for 14. the guy behind him,
for 14. the guy behind him, for 14. the guy behind him,arod, is 2 for 14, and each has arod, is 2 for 14, and each has arod, is 2 for 14, and each hasa home run. a home run. a home run.in fact the only hit for in fact the only hit for in fact the only hit forteixeira was in game 2. home run teixeira was in game 2. home run
teixeira was in game 2. home runoff pedro. that's in the dirt. 2 off pedro. that's in the dirt. 2 off pedro. that's in the dirt. 2and 0. and 0. and 0.>> of their 26 world titles, the >> of their 26 world titles, the >> of their 26 world titles, theyankees have been up 3 games to yankees have been up 3 games to yankees have been up 3 games to1 eight times. they have never
1 eight times. they have never 1 eight times. they have neverlost a world series after being lost a world series after being lost a world series after beingup 3 wins to 1 loss. up 3 wins to 1 loss. up 3 wins to 1 loss.>> in fact in world series >> in fact in world series >> in fact in world serieshistory, teams up 3 games to 1, history, teams up 3 games to 1,
history, teams up 3 games to 1,have won 36 of the 41 series in have won 36 of the 41 series in have won 36 of the 41 series inthat situation. that is low, and that situation. that is low, and that situation. that is low, andthe count 3 and 0. the count 3 and 0. the count 3 and 0.so a base hit off the end of the so a base hit off the end of the so a base hit off the end of thebat by johnny damon. teixeira
bat by johnny damon. teixeira bat by johnny damon. teixeirawaits for a 3-0 pitch and cliff waits for a 3-0 pitch and cliff waits for a 3-0 pitch and clifflee, all he has to do is peek lee, all he has to do is peek lee, all he has to do is peekinto the on deck circle to see into the on deck circle to see into the on deck circle to seealex rodriguez. there's a alex rodriguez. there's a
alex rodriguez. there's astrike. strike. strike.3 and 1. 3 and 1. 3 and 1.>> well, the yankees want a >> well, the yankees want a >> well, the yankees want aparade, not game six, they want parade, not game six, they want parade, not game six, they wanta parade down the canyon of
a parade down the canyon of a parade down the canyon ofheroes in a couple of days. for heroes in a couple of days. for heroes in a couple of days. forthe phillies, the right guys the phillies, the right guys the phillies, the right guyshave to hit. right guys being have to hit. right guys being have to hit. right guys beingchase utley, jimmy rollins, and chase utley, jimmy rollins, and
chase utley, jimmy rollins, andshane victorino at the top. shane victorino at the top. shane victorino at the top.>> get guys on base for the >> get guys on base for the >> get guys on base for themiddle part of this lineup. lee middle part of this lineup. lee middle part of this lineup. leehas bounced back from the 3-0 has bounced back from the 3-0 has bounced back from the 3-0count, and this crowd has jumped
count, and this crowd has jumped count, and this crowd has jumpedback in. full count on teixeira. back in. full count on teixeira. and a flyball into right. and a flyball into right.easy for werth. easy for werth. easy for werth.2 out. 2 out. and with 2 out, a runner at
and with 2 out, a runner atfirst, here's rodriguez. first, here's rodriguez. first, here's rodriguez.charlie manuel talked to us charlie manuel talked to us charlie manuel talked to usbefore the game. he said yeah, before the game. he said yeah, before the game. he said yeah,damon had a greater bat. yes, he damon had a greater bat. yes, he damon had a greater bat. yes, hestole two bases on one play. he
stole two bases on one play. he stole two bases on one play. hestole second and third but it stole second and third but it stole second and third but itstill took a hit from somebody, still took a hit from somebody, still took a hit from somebody,and the yankees got it last and the yankees got it last and the yankees got it lastnight with 2 out from rodriguez. night with 2 out from rodriguez.
>> talking to karl willis, the >> talking to karl willis, theex pitching coach of lee, and he ex pitching coach of lee, and he ex pitching coach of lee, and hesaid they used to discourage his said they used to discourage his said they used to discourage hismove to first base it was so move to first base it was so move to first base it was sobad. but he gets rid of the ball bad. but he gets rid of the ball
bad. but he gets rid of the ballso quickly he's tough to run so quickly he's tough to run so quickly he's tough to runagainst. against. against.>> that's down and in. ball 1. >> that's down and in. ball 1. >> that's down and in. ball 1.and you're saying that after and you're saying that after and you're saying that afterthat first throw over to first
that first throw over to first that first throw over to firstbase which was more like a lob. base which was more like a lob. base which was more like a lob.with johnny damon over there, with johnny damon over there, with johnny damon over there,damon with his three steals in damon with his three steals in damon with his three steals inthis series, his only three of this series, his only three of
this series, his only three ofthe postseason. the postseason. 1 ball, 1 strike. 1 ball, 1 strike.yankee hitters will tell you yankee hitters will tell you yankee hitters will tell youwhat makes lee tough is that he what makes lee tough is that he what makes lee tough is that hethrows four pitches, at any time throws four pitches, at any time
throws four pitches, at any timein the count, hides the baseball in the count, hides the baseball in the count, hides the baseballwell, is tough to pick up. well, is tough to pick up. well, is tough to pick up.fastball. base hit into the fastball. base hit into the fastball. base hit into theright-field corner. jayson werth right-field corner. jayson werth right-field corner. jayson werthwill get to it. damon is coming
will get to it. damon is coming will get to it. damon is comingaround third. here's the throw around third. here's the throw around third. here's the throwby utley, and, too late. one by utley, and, too late. one by utley, and, too late. onenothing new york in the first nothing new york in the first nothing new york in the firstinning of game 5, and rodriguez inning of game 5, and rodriguez
inning of game 5, and rodriguezdelivers with a two-out rbi delivers with a two-out rbi delivers with a two-out rbidouble. double. double.>> we had mentioned it more than >> we had mentioned it more than >> we had mentioned it more thanonce in the postseason. once in the postseason. once in the postseason.rodriguez last to extend his
rodriguez last to extend his rodriguez last to extend hisarms. great power the other way arms. great power the other way arms. great power the other wayand once this ball gets by and once this ball gets by and once this ball gets byjayson werth in right field, you jayson werth in right field, you jayson werth in right field, youknow damon's gonna to score. know damon's gonna to score.
know damon's gonna to score.werth can't cut it off, the werth can't cut it off, the werth can't cut it off, thecutoff throw is good as damon, cutoff throw is good as damon, cutoff throw is good as damon,pounding around third, waved pounding around third, waved pounding around third, wavedhome by rob thompson, and the home by rob thompson, and the home by rob thompson, and theyankees are on the board.
yankees are on the board. yankees are on the board.>> so rodriguez now has three >> so rodriguez now has three >> so rodriguez now has threehits in this world series. all hits in this world series. all hits in this world series. allthree have produced runs and the three have produced runs and the three have produced runs and theyankees jump on top. yankees jump on top.
yankees jump on top.here is nick swisher. here is nick swisher. here is nick swisher.because burnett is starting, because burnett is starting, because burnett is starting,because his catcher now is jose because his catcher now is jose because his catcher now is josemolina, the bottom part of the molina, the bottom part of the molina, the bottom part of theorder has a much different look
order has a much different look order has a much different lookwithout posada's bat in there, without posada's bat in there, without posada's bat in there,and with the injury to melky and with the injury to melky and with the injury to melkycabrera. swisher is 2 for 9 in cabrera. swisher is 2 for 9 in cabrera. swisher is 2 for 9 inthis series, hitting .146 this this series, hitting .146 this
this series, hitting .146 thispostseason. postseason. postseason.that's over, but low. 2 and 0. that's over, but low. 2 and 0. cliff lee has fallen behind a cliff lee has fallen behind acouple of hitters here in the couple of hitters here in the couple of hitters here in thefirst inning. something he did first inning. something he did
first inning. something he didnot do in that game 1 start, and not do in that game 1 start, and not do in that game 1 start, andnow he's 3 and 0. now he's 3 and 0. now he's 3 and 0.>> had 3 and 0 to mark teixeira >> had 3 and 0 to mark teixeira >> had 3 and 0 to mark teixeiraand now 3 and 0 to nick swisher. and now 3 and 0 to nick swisher. 3 balls, no strikes on nick
3 balls, no strikes on nickswisher. runner at second with swisher. runner at second with swisher. runner at second withtwo out and time called at the two out and time called at the two out and time called at theplate. plate. plate.so the yankees get right after so the yankees get right after so the yankees get right aftercliff lee. and, that's ball 4.
cliff lee. and, that's ball 4. cliff lee. and, that's ball 4.2 on, 2 out. a walk extends the 2 on, 2 out. a walk extends the 2 on, 2 out. a walk extends theinning for cano and now we go inning for cano and now we go inning for cano and now we goback to the slide of johnny back to the slide of johnny back to the slide of johnnydamon who had to touch home damon who had to touch home
damon who had to touch homeplate with his hand. that was plate with his hand. that was plate with his hand. that wasclose. close. close.>> even though i think the heel >> even though i think the heel >> even though i think the heelof the left foot touched home of the left foot touched home of the left foot touched homeplate initially. it was close,
plate initially. it was close, plate initially. it was close,but johnny making sure, but a but johnny making sure, but a but johnny making sure, but agood block of home plate. we've good block of home plate. we've good block of home plate. we'veseen that for ruiz. it's always seen that for ruiz. it's always seen that for ruiz. it's alwaystough to block home plate with a tough to block home plate with a
tough to block home plate with athrow coming in from right-field throw coming in from right-field throw coming in from right-fieldbecause you don't know where the because you don't know where the because you don't know where therunner is. runner is. runner is.>> here is cano. when you talk >> here is cano. when you talk >> here is cano. when you talkabout the struggles of teixeira
about the struggles of teixeira about the struggles of teixeiraand rodriguez, as far as total and rodriguez, as far as total and rodriguez, as far as totalnumber of hits, throw cano in number of hits, throw cano in number of hits, throw cano inthere. 2 out of 15, and has not there. 2 out of 15, and has not there. 2 out of 15, and has notdriven in a run in this world driven in a run in this world
driven in a run in this worldseries. home plate umpire series. home plate umpire series. home plate umpiretonight's dana demuth. joe west tonight's dana demuth. joe west tonight's dana demuth. joe westis at first. jerry davis at is at first. jerry davis at is at first. jerry davis atsecond. jeff nelson at third. second. jeff nelson at third. second. jeff nelson at third.brian gorman down the left-field
brian gorman down the left-field brian gorman down the left-fieldline and mike everitt, who line and mike everitt, who line and mike everitt, whoworked the plate last night, is worked the plate last night, is worked the plate last night, isin right field. in right field. in right field.1 ball, no strikes on cano. 1 ball, no strikes on cano.
1 ball, no strikes on cano.and a flyball into left. ibanez and a flyball into left. ibanez and a flyball into left. ibanezis there to end the inning, but is there to end the inning, but is there to end the inning, butthe yankees get a run on two the yankees get a run on two the yankees get a run on twohits, a walk, two left. after a hits, a walk, two left. after a hits, a walk, two left. after ahalf in game 5, one nothing new
half in game 5, one nothing new half in game 5, one nothing newyork york yorkit's take a look at the it's take a look at the it's take a look at thephiladelphia starting lineup. philadelphia starting lineup. philadelphia starting lineup.jimmy rollins leads off, he's jimmy rollins leads off, he's
jimmy rollins leads off, he'sthe shortstop. shane victorino the shortstop. shane victorino the shortstop. shane victorinobats second, in centerfield. bats second, in centerfield. bats second, in centerfield.then chase utley. brian howard then chase utley. brian howard then chase utley. brian howardand jayson werth. raul ibanez is and jayson werth. raul ibanez is and jayson werth. raul ibanez isin left. pedro feliz, carlos
in left. pedro feliz, carlos in left. pedro feliz, carlosruiz and cliff lee. here is aj ruiz and cliff lee. here is aj ruiz and cliff lee. here is ajburnett with his postseason has burnett with his postseason has burnett with his postseason hasmade four starts. he's 1 and 0. made four starts. he's 1 and 0. made four starts. he's 1 and 0.era of 3.55. taken on that era of 3.55. taken on that
era of 3.55. taken on thatlineup. trying to build on what lineup. trying to build on what lineup. trying to build on whathe did in game 2 back in yankee he did in game 2 back in yankee he did in game 2 back in yankeestadium. stadium. stadium.>> and it cannot be stressed >> and it cannot be stressed >> and it cannot be stressedenough that that's first point,
enough that that's first point, enough that that's first point,the first pitch strikes in game the first pitch strikes in game the first pitch strikes in game2, 22 of 26 batters, strike one, 2, 22 of 26 batters, strike one, 2, 22 of 26 batters, strike one,and he's got the best curveball and he's got the best curveball and he's got the best curveballin the game if he's right. in the game if he's right.
in the game if he's right.>> charlie manuel will tell you >> charlie manuel will tell you >> charlie manuel will tell youyou want to be aggressive, you you want to be aggressive, you you want to be aggressive, youdon't want to give him strike don't want to give him strike don't want to give him strikeone, but you also want to see one, but you also want to see one, but you also want to seeearly if he's got his location
early if he's got his location early if he's got his locationand if he is able to throw pitch and if he is able to throw pitch and if he is able to throw pitchone for strike. one for strike. one for strike.>> well he had it in game 2. >> well he had it in game 2. >> pitching on three days rest, >> pitching on three days rest,and rollins goes after one up.
and rollins goes after one up. and rollins goes after one up.strike 1. strike 1. strike 1.>> because of that, you know the >> because of that, you know the >> because of that, you know theplayers are the best scouts, and players are the best scouts, and players are the best scouts, andthe players know he threw 22 of the players know he threw 22 of
the players know he threw 22 of26 pitches for first pitch 26 pitches for first pitch 26 pitches for first pitchstrikes, but rollins swinging at strikes, but rollins swinging at strikes, but rollins swinging ata ball outside the strike zone. a ball outside the strike zone. a ball outside the strike zone.it looked like he was intent on it looked like he was intent on it looked like he was intent onswinging at the fastball then.
swinging at the fastball then. swinging at the fastball then.>> two 93 mile-per-hour >> two 93 mile-per-hour >> two 93 mile-per-hourfastball's. a ball and a strike. fastball's. a ball and a strike. fastball's. a ball and a strike.here are the numbers. 3 and 0. here are the numbers. 3 and 0. here are the numbers. 3 and 0.on three days rest with a 1.64 on three days rest with a 1.64
on three days rest with a 1.64era. three starts in a career of era. three starts in a career of era. three starts in a career ofaj burnett. that's foul, and aj burnett. that's foul, and aj burnett. that's foul, andthat's strike 2. that's strike 2. that's strike 2.victorino on deck and then chase victorino on deck and then chase victorino on deck and then chaseutley.
utley. utley.this phillies team needs a jolt. this phillies team needs a jolt. this phillies team needs a jolt.jimmy rollins 3 for 15 in this jimmy rollins 3 for 15 in this jimmy rollins 3 for 15 in thisseries. series. series.the 1-2. the 1-2.
>> that was a bad breaking ball >> that was a bad breaking ballfrom burnett. though the from burnett. though the from burnett. though thefastball missed up, he still fastball missed up, he still fastball missed up, he stillahead of rollins, but a flat ahead of rollins, but a flat ahead of rollins, but a flatbreaking ball, the first of the breaking ball, the first of the
breaking ball, the first of thenight. night. night.>> another 1-2 pitch, and >> another 1-2 pitch, and >> another 1-2 pitch, andanother foul ball, and another another foul ball, and another another foul ball, and anothercurveball. this one a little curveball. this one a little curveball. this one a littlebetter.
better. better.aj burnett in his first year aj burnett in his first year aj burnett in his first yearwith the yankees, signed a five with the yankees, signed a five with the yankees, signed a fiveyear 82 1/2 million dollar deal, year 82 1/2 million dollar deal, year 82 1/2 million dollar deal,16+ million a season, to come to 16+ million a season, to come to
16+ million a season, to come tonew york. part of that big new york. part of that big new york. part of that bigoff-season investment in three off-season investment in three off-season investment in threemain players, with sabathia and main players, with sabathia and main players, with sabathia andteixeira. teixeira. teixeira.here's a line drive.
here's a line drive. here's a line drive.base hit into center by rollins. base hit into center by rollins. base hit into center by rollins.>> charlie manuel says that >> charlie manuel says that >> charlie manuel says thatjimmy rollins makes offense go. jimmy rollins makes offense go. jimmy rollins makes offense go.we'll see. we'll see.
two seam fastball. he tried to two seam fastball. he tried tocome inside. rollins said uh uh. come inside. rollins said uh uh. >> that was something that joe >> that was something that joegirardi talked about with us girardi talked about with us girardi talked about with usprior to game two. he said when prior to game two. he said when prior to game two. he said whenthat fastball runs back over the
that fastball runs back over the that fastball runs back over theplate like that, aj burnett has plate like that, aj burnett has plate like that, aj burnett hasstruggled in the past. started struggled in the past. started struggled in the past. startedinside, jumped over the heart of inside, jumped over the heart of inside, jumped over the heart ofthe plate, and jimmy rollins the plate, and jimmy rollins
the plate, and jimmy rollinsjumped on it. there he goes, and jumped on it. there he goes, and jumped on it. there he goes, andvictorino is hit by the pitch. victorino is hit by the pitch. victorino is hit by the pitch.they appeal down to third to see they appeal down to third to see they appeal down to third to seeif victorino offered at the if victorino offered at the if victorino offered at thepitch. no was the answer, and
pitch. no was the answer, and pitch. no was the answer, andvictorino will go down to first victorino will go down to first victorino will go down to firstbase, hit by burnett. base, hit by burnett. base, hit by burnett.>> here comes joe girardi. joe >> here comes joe girardi. joe >> here comes joe girardi. joegirardi thought that he may have girardi thought that he may have
girardi thought that he may haveoffered at the ball, for did it offered at the ball, for did it offered at the ball, for did ithit the bat. the right-hand. hit the bat. the right-hand. hit the bat. the right-hand.home plate umpire dana demuth home plate umpire dana demuth home plate umpire dana demuthappeared to have called it appeared to have called it appeared to have called itimmediately. girardi perhaps
immediately. girardi perhaps immediately. girardi perhapsthought it hit, that he bunted thought it hit, that he bunted thought it hit, that he buntedthrough it. it didn't appear through it. it didn't appear through it. it didn't appearthat he did. that he did. that he did.>> i think they got the call >> i think they got the call
>> i think they got the callright. right. right.>> yep. >> yep. >> yep.>> caught victorino on the >> caught victorino on the >> caught victorino on theright-hand, and they're still right-hand, and they're still right-hand, and they're stilllooking at it. meanwhile last
looking at it. meanwhile last looking at it. meanwhile lastnight in the first inning night in the first inning night in the first inningremember, alex rodriguez was hit remember, alex rodriguez was hit remember, alex rodriguez was hitby pitch. that drew a warning by pitch. that drew a warning by pitch. that drew a warningfrom this umpiring crew to each from this umpiring crew to each
from this umpiring crew to eachbench. this is a different bench. this is a different bench. this is a differentsituation. rodriguez had been situation. rodriguez had been situation. rodriguez had beenhit three times, and has been, hit three times, and has been, hit three times, and has been,at that point had been hit three at that point had been hit three at that point had been hit threetimes over the last two nights.
times over the last two nights. times over the last two nights.let's listen. let's listen. let's listen.>>hmmm. that was bone, not wood. >>hmmm. that was bone, not wood. >>hmmm. that was bone, not wood.>> that sounded awful. >> that sounded awful. >> well particularly when that >> well particularly when thathand is pressed against wood,
hand is pressed against wood, hand is pressed against wood,there's no place to give. there's no place to give. there's no place to give.there's no give in that hand. there's no give in that hand. there's no give in that hand.that had to hurt. that had to hurt. that had to hurt.>> here's utley. >> here's utley.
>> here's utley.chase utley went deep again last chase utley went deep again last chase utley went deep again lastnight. he has three home runs in night. he has three home runs in night. he has three home runs inthis world series, all against this world series, all against this world series, all againstsabathia. 2 on, nobody out for sabathia. 2 on, nobody out for sabathia. 2 on, nobody out forphiladelphia.
philadelphia. philadelphia.and a flyball into right. back and a flyball into right. back and a flyball into right. backat the wall. utley, goes deep. at the wall. utley, goes deep. at the wall. utley, goes deep.3-1 philadelphia. 3-1 philadelphia. >> first pitch. struck. remember >> first pitch. struck. rememberthe first point of the scouting
the first point of the scouting the first point of the scoutingreport. 22 of the first 26 report. 22 of the first 26 report. 22 of the first 26batters, strike 1. batters, strike 1. >> now ryan howard, comes up >> now ryan howard, comes upempty. the phillies, had hit empty. the phillies, had hit empty. the phillies, had hitseven home runs in this world
seven home runs in this world seven home runs in this worldseries, but all had been solo series, but all had been solo series, but all had been solohome runs. they get their first home runs. they get their first home runs. they get their firsttwo on here in the first inning, two on here in the first inning, two on here in the first inning,rollins and victorino, and utley rollins and victorino, and utley
rollins and victorino, and utleygoes deep. his fourth home run goes deep. his fourth home run goes deep. his fourth home runof this world series. 3-1 of this world series. 3-1 of this world series. 3-1philadelphia for cliff lee, and philadelphia for cliff lee, and philadelphia for cliff lee, anda 1-1 count on ryan howard. a 1-1 count on ryan howard. a 1-1 count on ryan howard.>> even with runners on base,
>> even with runners on base, >> even with runners on base,chase utley rarely will swing at chase utley rarely will swing at chase utley rarely will swing atthe first pitch. while he did the first pitch. while he did the first pitch. while he didthen to benefit the phillies. then to benefit the phillies. then to benefit the phillies.>> a 1-1 from burnett. >> a 1-1 from burnett.
>> a 1-1 from burnett.2 balls and a strike. 2 balls and a strike. howard loses the bat on strike howard loses the bat on strike2. ryan howard i'm sure is tired 2. ryan howard i'm sure is tired 2. ryan howard i'm sure is tiredof looking up at the scoreboard of looking up at the scoreboard of looking up at the scoreboardand seeing 2 strikes, but he has and seeing 2 strikes, but he has
and seeing 2 strikes, but he hasstruck out 10 times, and is just struck out 10 times, and is just struck out 10 times, and is just3 for 17, one rbi, in this world 3 for 17, one rbi, in this world 3 for 17, one rbi, in this worldseries. series.>>yeah, this is after being the >>yeah, this is after being the >>yeah, this is after being themost valuable player in the most valuable player in the
most valuable player in thenational league championship national league championship national league championshipseries. >> howard checked it. >> howard checked it.full count. full count. the yankees got a run in their the yankees got a run in theirhalf of the first, taking the half of the first, taking the
half of the first, taking thecrowd out of it, chase utley crowd out of it, chase utley crowd out of it, chase utleyjust brought them back in it. just brought them back in it. just brought them back in it.and a 3-2 from burnett. breaking and a 3-2 from burnett. breaking and a 3-2 from burnett. breakingball misses for the walk. ball misses for the walk. and here comes david ireland the
and here comes david ireland thepitching coach for the yankees. pitching coach for the yankees. while they talk, if you think while they talk, if you thinkabout the flow of this world about the flow of this world about the flow of this worldseries and how it's gone through series and how it's gone through series and how it's gone throughthe first four games, the first four games,
the first four games,philadelphia goes to yankee philadelphia goes to yankee philadelphia goes to yankeestadium, they have cliff lee on stadium, they have cliff lee on stadium, they have cliff lee onthe mound who goes nine innings, the mound who goes nine innings, the mound who goes nine innings,and they win that ballgame 6 to and they win that ballgame 6 to and they win that ballgame 6 to1, then it was aj burnett, the
1, then it was aj burnett, the 1, then it was aj burnett, theman on the mound now for new man on the mound now for new man on the mound now for newyork, who was dominant in game 2 york, who was dominant in game 2 york, who was dominant in game 2with rivera pitching the last with rivera pitching the last with rivera pitching the lasttwo innings, it was a struggle, two innings, it was a struggle,
two innings, it was a struggle,but he got the save. then here but he got the save. then here but he got the save. then hereto philadelphia. up three to to philadelphia. up three to to philadelphia. up three tonothing on andy pettit, he nothing on andy pettit, he nothing on andy pettit, hefigures his pitching stuff out, figures his pitching stuff out, figures his pitching stuff out,even gets an rbi base hit, they
even gets an rbi base hit, they even gets an rbi base hit, theyrally to win it after the rally to win it after the rally to win it after thephillies rally to tie game 4 in phillies rally to tie game 4 in phillies rally to tie game 4 inthe eighth inning on a home run the eighth inning on a home run the eighth inning on a home runby pedro feliz, top of the by pedro feliz, top of the
by pedro feliz, top of theninth-inning, a two-out rally, ninth-inning, a two-out rally, ninth-inning, a two-out rally,and then rivera does his thing and then rivera does his thing and then rivera does his thingand just like that the yankees and just like that the yankees and just like that the yankeesare up 3 games to 1. are up 3 games to 1. are up 3 games to 1.now the phillies facing
now the phillies facing now the phillies facingelimination gave up a run in the elimination gave up a run in the elimination gave up a run in thefirst, come back with three in first, come back with three in first, come back with three inthe bottom half. a chance for the bottom half. a chance for the bottom half. a chance formore. strike 1 to werth. more. strike 1 to werth.
there's a strike. and the count there's a strike. and the count0 and 2. aj burnett with only 0 and 2. aj burnett with only 0 and 2. aj burnett with onlyone unintentional walk in seven one unintentional walk in seven one unintentional walk in seveninnings of game 2, and he had innings of game 2, and he had innings of game 2, and he hadhis one here in the first his one here in the first
his one here in the firstinning. cliff lee didn't walk inning. cliff lee didn't walk inning. cliff lee didn't walkanybody in game one. he has a anybody in game one. he has a anybody in game one. he has awalk. ibanez on deck, and then walk. ibanez on deck, and then walk. ibanez on deck, and then0-2 count on werth. 0-2 count on werth. 0-2 count on werth.>> what the yankees tried to do
>> what the yankees tried to do >> what the yankees tried to dowith jason werth, throw the with jason werth, throw the with jason werth, throw thebreaking ball out of the strike breaking ball out of the strike breaking ball out of the strikezone and get him to chase with 2 zone and get him to chase with 2 zone and get him to chase with 2strikes. strikes.
>> molina does a nice job to >> molina does a nice job tokeep it near home plate. keep it near home plate. keep it near home plate.>> that's the, that's the >> that's the, that's the >> that's the, that's theproblem of that particular problem of that particular problem of that particularbreaking ball from burnett. breaking ball from burnett.
breaking ball from burnett.we've said many times that he we've said many times that he we've said many times that heshared the american league lead shared the american league lead shared the american league leadin wild pitches with felix in wild pitches with felix in wild pitches with felixhernandez of the seattle hernandez of the seattle hernandez of the seattlemariners, but very nice play by
mariners, but very nice play by mariners, but very nice play byjose molina to keep howard at jose molina to keep howard at jose molina to keep howard atfirst. first. >> the 1-2 and a strikeout of >> the 1-2 and a strikeout ofjason werth on a good pitch down jason werth on a good pitch down jason werth on a good pitch downand away. 2-out.
and away. 2-out. and away. 2-out.>> that's the scouting report. >> that's the scouting report. >> that's the scouting report.get ahead of jason werth and get ahead of jason werth and get ahead of jason werth andthen through the breaking ball then through the breaking ball then through the breaking ballout of the strike zone out of the strike zone
out of the strike zoneparticularly when you have a particularly when you have a particularly when you have abreaking ball that's as good as breaking ball that's as good as breaking ball that's as good asburnett's. burnett's. burnett's.>> that's out number 1, as jason >> that's out number 1, as jason >> that's out number 1, as jasonwerth went after that ball down
werth went after that ball down werth went after that ball downand away, knocked 2, and ibanez and away, knocked 2, and ibanez and away, knocked 2, and ibanezbats with 1 on, 1 out here in bats with 1 on, 1 out here in bats with 1 on, 1 out here inthe first inning. his phillies the first inning. his phillies the first inning. his philliesup by two. up by two.
ibanez 3 for 16 in this world ibanez 3 for 16 in this worldseries. and a ball outside. series. and a ball outside. the left-handed batters in game the left-handed batters in game2 against aj burnett, the big 2 against aj burnett, the big 2 against aj burnett, the bigbats, a combined 1 for 8, bats, a combined 1 for 8, bats, a combined 1 for 8,between utley, howard, and
between utley, howard, and between utley, howard, andibanez, back in yankee stadium. ibanez, back in yankee stadium. last night howard stole a base. last night howard stole a base.it happened in the fourth, off it happened in the fourth, off it happened in the fourth, offsabathia. ibanez takes outside. sabathia. ibanez takes outside. sabathia. ibanez takes outside.2 and 0.
2 and 0. 2 and 0.>> see what happens when you >> see what happens when you >> see what happens when yousteal a base. they think you're steal a base. they think you're steal a base. they think you'regoing to steal the next night going to steal the next night going to steal the next nighttoo. too.
>> here's a 2-0 pitch, and a >> here's a 2-0 pitch, and aground ball. what a play by ground ball. what a play by ground ball. what a play byteixeira. flips for the out, and teixeira. flips for the out, and teixeira. flips for the out, andthe throw back is not in time. the throw back is not in time. the throw back is not in time.burnett didn't have his foot on burnett didn't have his foot on
burnett didn't have his foot onthe bag anyway but teixeira the bag anyway but teixeira the bag anyway but teixeiraliterally took a hit away from literally took a hit away from literally took a hit away fromibanez. ibanez. ibanez.>> he will probably win his >> he will probably win his >> he will probably win histhird gold glove this winter and
third gold glove this winter and third gold glove this winter andthe one impressive thing about the one impressive thing about the one impressive thing aboutmark teixeira that we've noticed mark teixeira that we've noticed mark teixeira that we've noticedis his range to his right. the is his range to his right. the is his range to his right. thebackhand from his knees to backhand from his knees to
backhand from his knees tojeter. couldn't get a lot on the jeter. couldn't get a lot on the jeter. couldn't get a lot on thethrow. that prevented the throw. that prevented the throw. that prevented thedouble-play, but a fine play by double-play, but a fine play by double-play, but a fine play bya gold glover. a gold glover. a gold glover.>> that's what the yankees
>> that's what the yankees >> that's what the yankeesbought over the off-season as bought over the off-season as bought over the off-season asthey bring out a tool to get the they bring out a tool to get the they bring out a tool to get thedirt out of the spikes of aj dirt out of the spikes of aj dirt out of the spikes of ajburnett. but they bought a guy burnett. but they bought a guy
burnett. but they bought a guywho eventually led the american who eventually led the american who eventually led the americanleague in home runs and rbis and league in home runs and rbis and league in home runs and rbis andcan be a vacuum at times over at can be a vacuum at times over at can be a vacuum at times over atfirst base, and saves a lot of first base, and saves a lot of first base, and saves a lot ofthrowing errors from the
throwing errors from the throwing errors from theinfielders with what he can do infielders with what he can do infielders with what he can dowith his glove, and his foot on with his glove, and his foot on with his glove, and his foot onthe bag. take a look at the the bag. take a look at the the bag. take a look at thedefense for the yankees. damon. defense for the yankees. damon.
defense for the yankees. damon.gardner is in center with the gardner is in center with the gardner is in center with theinjury to cabrera and nick injury to cabrera and nick injury to cabrera and nickswisher in right. arod, jeter, swisher in right. arod, jeter, swisher in right. arod, jeter,cano, teixeira, jos㉠molina does cano, teixeira, jos㉠molina does cano, teixeira, jos㉠molina doesthe catching for burnett.
the catching for burnett. the catching for burnett.here is pedro feliz. here is pedro feliz. here is pedro feliz.order night last night for order night last night for order night last night forfeliz. two-out rbi single in the feliz. two-out rbi single in the feliz. two-out rbi single in thefourth inning which tied the fourth inning which tied the
fourth inning which tied thegame, and a two-out game-tying game, and a two-out game-tying game, and a two-out game-tyinghome run in the eighth of the home run in the eighth of the home run in the eighth of thejoba chamberlain. joba chamberlain. joba chamberlain.strike 1. 1 on, 2 out. ground ball to 1 on, 2 out. ground ball toshort. jeter picks it up, flips
short. jeter picks it up, flips short. jeter picks it up, flipsfor the out. and we go to the for the out. and we go to the for the out. and we go to thesecond. victorino was hit, but second. victorino was hit, but second. victorino was hit, butit was utley who hurts the it was utley who hurts the it was utley who hurts theyankees in the first. 3-1 yankees in the first. 3-1
yankees in the first. 3-1philadelphia after one in game philadelphia after one in game philadelphia after one in game5. 5. 5.cliff lee heads back to work. cliff lee heads back to work. cliff lee heads back to work.threw 20 pitches in the first threw 20 pitches in the first threw 20 pitches in the firstinning. we look out at shane
inning. we look out at shane inning. we look out at shanevictorino and he really took victorino and he really took victorino and he really tookthat fastball off the knuckles that fastball off the knuckles that fastball off the knuckleswhen he was hit by the pitch, when he was hit by the pitch, when he was hit by the pitch,and he doesn't look good out and he doesn't look good out
and he doesn't look good outthere at all. there at all. there at all.>> that of course his throwing >> that of course his throwing >> that of course his throwinghand. he has a very, very strong hand. he has a very, very strong hand. he has a very, very strongthrowing arm, and the yankees throwing arm, and the yankees throwing arm, and the yankeeswill take that into
will take that into will take that intoconsideration when they're consideration when they're consideration when they'rerunning the bases. running the bases. running the bases.>> it's brett gardner leading it >> it's brett gardner leading it >> it's brett gardner leading itoff, and first pitch misses, not off, and first pitch misses, not
off, and first pitch misses, notonly the strike zone but the only the strike zone but the only the strike zone but theglove of ruiz. ball 1. this is glove of ruiz. ball 1. this is glove of ruiz. ball 1. this iswhere you talk about a where you talk about a where you talk about adifference in the bottom of the difference in the bottom of the difference in the bottom of thelineup for the yankees with the
lineup for the yankees with the lineup for the yankees with theinjury to cabrera, and with injury to cabrera, and with injury to cabrera, and withmolina in there instead of molina in there instead of molina in there instead ofposada. gardner, who has just posada. gardner, who has just posada. gardner, who has justfive at-bats during this five at-bats during this
five at-bats during thispostseason, molina who's just 1 postseason, molina who's just 1 postseason, molina who's just 1for 5 overall this season, and for 5 overall this season, and for 5 overall this season, andthen the pitcher burnett. then the pitcher burnett. then the pitcher burnett.a ball and a strike to gardner. a ball and a strike to gardner. a ball and a strike to gardner.who had a broken thumb that put
who had a broken thumb that put who had a broken thumb that puthim on the disabled list from him on the disabled list from him on the disabled list fromjuly 26 through the first week july 26 through the first week july 26 through the first weekof september. of september. of september.good fastball for strike 2. good fastball for strike 2.
good fastball for strike 2.again cabrera pulling his again cabrera pulling his again cabrera pulling hishamstring. joe girardi telling hamstring. joe girardi telling hamstring. joe girardi tellingus before the game that it was us before the game that it was us before the game that it wasduring the regular-season. it during the regular-season. it during the regular-season. itwas the type of pull that would
was the type of pull that would was the type of pull that wouldhave put cabrera on the disabled have put cabrera on the disabled have put cabrera on the disabledlist for two weeks. reaching for list for two weeks. reaching for list for two weeks. reaching forit, and a ground ball to ryan it, and a ground ball to ryan it, and a ground ball to ryanhoward, and howard wins the howard, and howard wins the
howard, and howard wins therace. 1 out. race. 1 out. race. 1 out.i told you in the first inning i told you in the first inning i told you in the first inningthat ramiro pena, middle infield that ramiro pena, middle infield that ramiro pena, middle infieldtype player, has replaced melki type player, has replaced melki type player, has replaced melkicabrera on the active roster and
cabrera on the active roster and cabrera on the active roster andthat is a change in baseball that is a change in baseball that is a change in baseballsince 2007 were teams, because since 2007 were teams, because since 2007 were teams, becauseof an injury, can make a roster of an injury, can make a roster of an injury, can make a rostermove within a series, as oppose move within a series, as oppose
move within a series, as opposeto between series. to between series. to between series.>> and it has to be a position >> and it has to be a position >> and it has to be a positionplayer for a position player, or player for a position player, or player for a position player, ora pitcher for a pitcher. in a pitcher for a pitcher. in a pitcher for a pitcher. inother words you can't bring a
other words you can't bring a other words you can't bring aposition player in, and take a position player in, and take a position player in, and take apitcher off the list. pitcher off the list. pitcher off the list.>> first pitch strike to jos㉠>> first pitch strike to jos㉠>> first pitch strike to josã‰molina. 0 for 1 in this world molina. 0 for 1 in this world
molina. 0 for 1 in this worldseries. that's inside, and i think the that's inside, and i think theearly returns on the strike zone early returns on the strike zone early returns on the strike zoneof dana demuth was is that he of dana demuth was is that he of dana demuth was is that hewill be tight side to side, will be tight side to side, will be tight side to side,which could be bad news for
which could be bad news for which could be bad news forburnett, who has less control burnett, who has less control burnett, who has less controlthan cliff lee. than cliff lee. than cliff lee.>> just the opposite of last >> just the opposite of last >> just the opposite of lastnight's home plate umpire, mike night's home plate umpire, mike
night's home plate umpire, mikeeveritt. everitt. everitt.>> a 1-1 is popped up right >> a 1-1 is popped up right >> a 1-1 is popped up rightside. foul ball. ryan howard side. foul ball. ryan howard side. foul ball. ryan howardcan't get there. strike 2. can't get there. strike 2. >> joe, we talked about the
>> joe, we talked about thebottom part of the order and bottom part of the order and bottom part of the order andcertainly not as strong as it certainly not as strong as it certainly not as strong as ithas been for the yankees. in the has been for the yankees. in the has been for the yankees. in thenational league you can win with national league you can win with national league you can win withstrength one through six, one
strength one through six, one strength one through six, onethrough seven, if you have good through seven, if you have good through seven, if you have goodpitching. in the american league pitching. in the american league pitching. in the american leagueyou have to be strong one you have to be strong one you have to be strong onethrough nine, as the yankees are through nine, as the yankees are
through nine, as the yankees arewhen they are playing in an when they are playing in an when they are playing in anamerican league park. american league park. american league park.>> 1 ball, 2 strikes, on jos㉠>> 1 ball, 2 strikes, on jos㉠>> 1 ball, 2 strikes, on josã‰molina. molina. molina.and the fastball is up. 2 and 2.
and the fastball is up. 2 and 2. and the fastball is up. 2 and 2.again to earned runs in 33 1/3 again to earned runs in 33 1/3 again to earned runs in 33 1/3innings coming into this start innings coming into this start innings coming into this startfor cliff lee. he allowed a run for cliff lee. he allowed a run for cliff lee. he allowed a runon two hits in the first. he on two hits in the first. he
on two hits in the first. healso walked a batter. 2-2 pitch. also walked a batter. 2-2 pitch. also walked a batter. 2-2 pitch.little pop-up. ryan howard won't little pop-up. ryan howard won't little pop-up. ryan howard won'tget there. foul ball. get there. foul ball. get there. foul ball.still 2 and 2. still 2 and 2. still 2 and 2.chevy and baseball have teamed
chevy and baseball have teamed chevy and baseball have teamedup to give fans a chance to win up to give fans a chance to win up to give fans a chance to wintickets to the postseason, and tickets to the postseason, and tickets to the postseason, andeven better you have a chance to even better you have a chance to even better you have a chance towin a new chevy. just win a new chevy. just
win a new chevy. justregister@worldseries.com/chevy register@worldseries.com/chevy register@worldseries.com/chevyand may the best team win. and may the best team win. and may the best team win.molina broke his bat so he goes molina broke his bat so he goes molina broke his bat so he goesback to the dugout. after molina back to the dugout. after molina back to the dugout. after molinait's the pitcher aj burnett.
it's the pitcher aj burnett. it's the pitcher aj burnett.>> everybody knows about mariano >> everybody knows about mariano >> everybody knows about marianorivera and how he breaks bats rivera and how he breaks bats rivera and how he breaks batsbut few american league hitters but few american league hitters but few american league hittersknow about cliff lee, even know about cliff lee, even
know about cliff lee, eventhough he did pitch with though he did pitch with though he did pitch withcleveland. cliff's a different cleveland. cliff's a different cleveland. cliff's a differentpitcher with the phillies that pitcher with the phillies that pitcher with the phillies thathe was with the indians. he was with the indians. he was with the indians.>>2-2. left side, and feliz can
>>2-2. left side, and feliz can >>2-2. left side, and feliz cantake his time. 2 out. take his time. 2 out. take his time. 2 out.>> we talked about the spikes >> we talked about the spikes >> we talked about the spikescurveball of cliff lee, where he curveball of cliff lee, where he curveball of cliff lee, where hecurls the index finger under. curls the index finger under.
curls the index finger under.well, aj burnett also throws the well, aj burnett also throws the well, aj burnett also throws thespikes curveball. spikes curveball. spikes curveball.a little different grip. looks a little different grip. looks a little different grip. lookslike aj burnett uses the seam to like aj burnett uses the seam to like aj burnett uses the seam toget the break, and cliff lee not
get the break, and cliff lee not get the break, and cliff lee notnecessarily so. necessarily so. necessarily so.>> here is aj burnett who during >> here is aj burnett who during >> here is aj burnett who duringthe regular-season was 1 for 5 the regular-season was 1 for 5 the regular-season was 1 for 5swinging the bat. in his career swinging the bat. in his career
swinging the bat. in his careerhas three home runs. 35 of 266. has three home runs. 35 of 266. has three home runs. 35 of 266.a .132 average. 9 rbis. longtime a .132 average. 9 rbis. longtime a .132 average. 9 rbis. longtimenational leaguer with the national leaguer with the national leaguer with themarlins. there's a strike. marlins. there's a strike. marlins. there's a strike.1 ball, 1 strike. lee signed as,
1 ball, 1 strike. lee signed as, 1 ball, 1 strike. lee signed as,rather burnett signed as a free rather burnett signed as a free rather burnett signed as a freeagent with the blue jays and was agent with the blue jays and was agent with the blue jays and waswith toronto from 06 through 08. with toronto from 06 through 08. with toronto from 06 through 08.now in his first year with the now in his first year with the
now in his first year with theyankees, pretty good rip, but a yankees, pretty good rip, but a yankees, pretty good rip, but a1-2 count with 2 out, nobody on. 1-2 count with 2 out, nobody on. and got him looking. strikeout and got him looking. strikeoutnumber one on the night for number one on the night for number one on the night forcliff lee who sprints off the cliff lee who sprints off the
cliff lee who sprints off themound. bottom of the second in mound. bottom of the second in mound. bottom of the second inphiladelphia. phillies up by philadelphia. phillies up by philadelphia. phillies up bytwo. two. two.>> i got a silent and nod out of >> i got a silent and nod out of >> i got a silent and nod out ofyou over there, tim, and if you
you over there, tim, and if you you over there, tim, and if youwere looking at me you would were looking at me you would were looking at me you wouldhave seen the same thing. have seen the same thing. have seen the same thing.i don't know. i don't know. i don't know.>> yeah, i do not know. >> yeah, i do not know.
>> yeah, i do not know.>> well just wait, and find out >> well just wait, and find out >> well just wait, and find outat some point. as we make our at some point. as we make our at some point. as we make ourway through game number five. way through game number five. way through game number five.here's ruiz the number eight here's ruiz the number eight here's ruiz the number eighthitter. cliff lee the pitcher
hitter. cliff lee the pitcher hitter. cliff lee the pitcherwill follow and then jimmy will follow and then jimmy will follow and then jimmyrollins. rollins. rollins.when you start looking in when you start looking in when you start looking incomparing the bottom of the comparing the bottom of the
comparing the bottom of theorder on each side, now i would order on each side, now i would order on each side, now i wouldsay that the phillies have the say that the phillies have the say that the phillies have theadvantage, the lease with the advantage, the lease with the advantage, the lease with theseven and eight hitter's seven and eight hitter's seven and eight hitter'scompared to what the yankees are
compared to what the yankees are compared to what the yankees arefeaturing, seven and eight. featuring, seven and eight. featuring, seven and eight.first pitch is high and burnett first pitch is high and burnett first pitch is high and burnetthas missed up quite a bit here has missed up quite a bit here has missed up quite a bit hereearly. ruiz is a guy that's hit early. ruiz is a guy that's hit
early. ruiz is a guy that's hit.353 in his last 17 postseason .353 in his last 17 postseason .353 in his last 17 postseasongames, with three home runs. one games, with three home runs. one games, with three home runs. onehome run in this world series home run in this world series home run in this world seriesand that misses, 2 and 0. and that misses, 2 and 0. and that misses, 2 and 0.>> charlie manuel telling us
>> charlie manuel telling us >> charlie manuel telling usbefore the game that just before the game that just before the game that justbecause burnett threw first because burnett threw first because burnett threw firstpitch strikes his last outing, pitch strikes his last outing, pitch strikes his last outing,doesn't mean he's going to throw doesn't mean he's going to throw
doesn't mean he's going to throwfirst pitch strikes tonight. first pitch strikes tonight. first pitch strikes tonight.>> that's high. 3 and 0. >> that's high. 3 and 0. first pitch strikes to five of first pitch strikes to five ofthe eighth faced. the eighth faced. 3 and 0 on ruiz. 3 and 0 on ruiz.and a strike. 3 and 1.
and a strike. 3 and 1. and a strike. 3 and 1.ruiz in his history during ruiz in his history during ruiz in his history duringthe world series, last year the world series, last year the world series, last yearand this, 9 for 28 swinging and this, 9 for 28 swinging and this, 9 for 28 swingingthe bat. 3 for 12 this year. the bat. 3 for 12 this year.
the 3-1. full count, as aj the 3-1. full count, as ajburnett tries to battle back. burnett tries to battle back. 3-2, and a strikeout of ruiz. 3-2, and a strikeout of ruiz.second strikeout for burnett. second strikeout for burnett. second strikeout for burnett.major league baseball encourages major league baseball encourages major league baseball encouragesall fans to support als
all fans to support als all fans to support alscharities. got to mlb.com/4, the charities. got to mlb.com/4, the charities. got to mlb.com/4, thenumber four, als. to learn more number four, als. to learn more number four, als. to learn moreabout this important cause. and about this important cause. and about this important cause. andtonight we tip our cap to tonight we tip our cap to
tonight we tip our cap tomichael goldsmith who inspired michael goldsmith who inspired michael goldsmith who inspiredthis 70th anniversary this 70th anniversary this 70th anniversarycommemoration of lou gehrig's commemoration of lou gehrig's commemoration of lou gehrig'smemorable speech. sadly michael memorable speech. sadly michael memorable speech. sadly michaelpassed away yesterday after a
passed away yesterday after a passed away yesterday after alengthy battle. his legacy lives lengthy battle. his legacy lives lengthy battle. his legacy liveson as we dedicate game 5 of the on as we dedicate game 5 of the on as we dedicate game 5 of theworld series to the mlb mission world series to the mlb mission world series to the mlb missionof assisting in the fight of assisting in the fight
of assisting in the fightagainst als. one pitch to cliff against als. one pitch to cliff against als. one pitch to clifflee. grounds out to teixeira. 2 lee. grounds out to teixeira. 2 lee. grounds out to teixeira. 2out, nobody on, and if there is out, nobody on, and if there is out, nobody on, and if there isanybody who has experienced that anybody who has experienced that anybody who has experienced thatdisease or knowing somebody with
disease or knowing somebody with disease or knowing somebody withals it is a nasty disease. our als it is a nasty disease. our als it is a nasty disease. ourthoughts are with michael's thoughts are with michael's thoughts are with michael'sfamily tonight. 2 out, nobody on family tonight. 2 out, nobody on family tonight. 2 out, nobody onand jimmy rollins, who got it and jimmy rollins, who got it
and jimmy rollins, who got itstarted philly in the first started philly in the first started philly in the firstinning with a single and scored inning with a single and scored inning with a single and scoredon a homer by utley, steps in. on a homer by utley, steps in. a high strike, on a 94 mile an a high strike, on a 94 mile anhour fastball. hour fastball.
hour fastball.>> you may wonder why jimmy >> you may wonder why jimmy >> you may wonder why jimmyrollins uniform is dirty, since rollins uniform is dirty, since rollins uniform is dirty, sincehe scored ahead of the home run he scored ahead of the home run he scored ahead of the home runby chase utley. he was running by chase utley. he was running by chase utley. he was runningand sliding headfirst on the
and sliding headfirst on the and sliding headfirst on theball that hit victorino in the ball that hit victorino in the ball that hit victorino in thefirst inning. first inning. first inning.>> you know it's interesting to >> you know it's interesting to >> you know it's interesting towatch victorino prepare for this watch victorino prepare for this
watch victorino prepare for thisat-bat and it will be really at-bat and it will be really at-bat and it will be reallyinteresting to see him in his interesting to see him in his interesting to see him in hisnext at-bat. hit on the knuckles next at-bat. hit on the knuckles next at-bat. hit on the knuckleshis first time up and we'll see his first time up and we'll see his first time up and we'll seehow he's able to grip it.
how he's able to grip it. how he's able to grip it.>> he's already, as you can see >> he's already, as you can see >> he's already, as you can seeyou there, holding that index you there, holding that index you there, holding that indexfinger off the bat. i wonder if finger off the bat. i wonder if finger off the bat. i wonder ifthat's how he's going to grip that's how he's going to grip
that's how he's going to gripthe, at his next at-bat. the, at his next at-bat. the, at his next at-bat.>> let's go back to him getting >> let's go back to him getting >> let's go back to him gettinghit. as he squared around to hit. as he squared around to hit. as he squared around tobunt in the first. got him on bunt in the first. got him on bunt in the first. got him onthe right hand and right off
the right hand and right off the right hand and right offthat index finger, maybe part of that index finger, maybe part of that index finger, maybe part ofthe middle finger. the middle finger. the middle finger.he is as tough as they come. he is as tough as they come. he is as tough as they come.shane victorino, trying to hang shane victorino, trying to hang
shane victorino, trying to hangin, and that ball misses for in, and that ball misses for in, and that ball misses forball 3 to jimmy rollins. ball 3 to jimmy rollins. and a 2-out walk. second walk by and a 2-out walk. second walk byburnett. back in the first burnett. back in the first burnett. back in the firstinning when victorino was hit inning when victorino was hit
inning when victorino was hitthe question was whether he the question was whether he the question was whether heoffered at the pitch when he offered at the pitch when he offered at the pitch when hebunted, and here's the bunted, and here's the bunted, and here's theconversation between demuth and conversation between demuth and conversation between demuth andthe manager, joe girardi, of the
the manager, joe girardi, of the the manager, joe girardi, of theyankees. yankees. yankees.>> hold on, hold on. i asked if >> hold on, hold on. i asked if >> hold on, hold on. i asked ifhe would, if he attempted for he would, if he attempted for he would, if he attempted forit. i had the inside pitch. i it. i had the inside pitch. i
it. i had the inside pitch. ihad the inside pitch. had the inside pitch. had the inside pitch.>> all right. all right. >> all right. all right. >> all right. all right.>> so i couldn't see if he went >> so i couldn't see if he went >> so i couldn't see if he wentor not and whether he got hit. i or not and whether he got hit. i or not and whether he got hit. ilooked down at my third base and
looked down at my third base and looked down at my third base andasked if he had bunted for it, asked if he had bunted for it, asked if he had bunted for it,and he said no. and he said no. and he said no.the appeal was made to jeff the appeal was made to jeff the appeal was made to jeffnelson, the third-base umpire. nelson, the third-base umpire.
nelson, the third-base umpire.nelson said that victorino did nelson said that victorino did nelson said that victorino didnot offer at that pitch and not offer at that pitch and not offer at that pitch andlooked to us like they got the looked to us like they got the looked to us like they got thecall right. victorino went to call right. victorino went to call right. victorino went tofirst and on the first pitch to
first and on the first pitch to first and on the first pitch toutley he popped a three run utley he popped a three run utley he popped a three runhomer. homer. popped up. victorino shakes out popped up. victorino shakes outthat right hand and jeter puts that right hand and jeter puts that right hand and jeter putsit away to end the inning. a
it away to end the inning. a it away to end the inning. awalk. a man left. the phillies walk. a man left. the phillies walk. a man left. the phillieshave left two. watch victorino. have left two. watch victorino. have left two. watch victorino.third inning. game 5. 3-1 third inning. game 5. 3-1 third inning. game 5. 3-1philadelphia. philadelphia.there is a lot more evidence
there is a lot more evidence there is a lot more evidencethat the right-hand, and in that the right-hand, and in that the right-hand, and inparticular, that right index particular, that right index particular, that right indexfinger for shane victorino is finger for shane victorino is finger for shane victorino ishurt. i wonder if he will be hurt. i wonder if he will be
hurt. i wonder if he will beable to finish this game 5 and able to finish this game 5 and able to finish this game 5 andwhat he would be available for what he would be available for what he would be available forthe rest of this series, that the rest of this series, that the rest of this series, thatwe'll show you some of the we'll show you some of the we'll show you some of thevideo. here it is. here's hit
video. here it is. here's hit video. here it is. here's hitjust taking off his batting just taking off his batting just taking off his battingglove after popping up. glove after popping up. glove after popping up.>> gingerly. >> gingerly. >> gingerly.>> and then the frustration. not >> and then the frustration. not
>> and then the frustration. notable to throw the ball very well able to throw the ball very well able to throw the ball very wellin centerfield either, as jeter in centerfield either, as jeter in centerfield either, as jeterleads it off. top of the order leads it off. top of the order leads it off. top of the orderfor the yankees. down by two for the yankees. down by two for the yankees. down by twohere in the third inning and
here in the third inning and here in the third inning andthere's one inside from lee. a there's one inside from lee. a there's one inside from lee. aball and a strike, and that's ball and a strike, and that's ball and a strike, and that'sjust him trying to grip the just him trying to grip the just him trying to grip thebaseball and throw it. baseball and throw it.
baseball and throw it.>> and once again that could >> and once again that could >> and once again that couldcome into play for good come into play for good come into play for goodbaserunners like like derek baserunners like like derek baserunners like like derekjeter. they'll take advantage of jeter. they'll take advantage of jeter. they'll take advantage ofthat.
that. that.>> there's a fastball for a >> there's a fastball for a >> there's a fastball for astrike from lee to jeter. 1 and strike from lee to jeter. 1 and strike from lee to jeter. 1 and2. so the yankees have lost 2. so the yankees have lost 2. so the yankees have losttheir centerfielder, melky their centerfielder, melky
their centerfielder, melkycabrera, who hits down deeper in cabrera, who hits down deeper in cabrera, who hits down deeper inthe lineup. it would be a big the lineup. it would be a big the lineup. it would be a bigloss for the phillies if they loss for the phillies if they loss for the phillies if theylost the presence of shane lost the presence of shane lost the presence of shanevictorino, their number two
victorino, their number two victorino, their number twohitter, and a very good hitter, and a very good hitter, and a very goodcenterfielder defensively. centerfielder defensively. centerfielder defensively.>> changeup grip, to a fastball. >> changeup grip, to a fastball. >> changeup grip, to a fastball.>> 2 and 2. >> 2 and 2.
>> 2 and 2. so lee starts with a changeup so lee starts with a changeup so lee starts with a changeupgrip of his glove, and then grip of his glove, and then grip of his glove, and thenshifts to a fastball grip, so shifts to a fastball grip, so shifts to a fastball grip, sothese yankee hitters can't pick these yankee hitters can't pick these yankee hitters can't pickup what pitch is coming, and the
up what pitch is coming, and the up what pitch is coming, and thecount 2 and 2. count 2 and 2. count 2 and 2.>> or the first base coach mick >> or the first base coach mick >> or the first base coach mickkelleher, who has the best view kelleher, who has the best view kelleher, who has the best viewof the left-hand of cliff lee. of the left-hand of cliff lee.
of the left-hand of cliff lee.for a right-hander it would be for a right-hander it would be for a right-hander it would bethe third-base coach. the third-base coach. the third-base coach.>> he does it again, and jeter >> he does it again, and jeter >> he does it again, and jetergrounds to third for feliz. grounds to third for feliz. grounds to third for feliz.1 out.
1 out. and the batter will be johnny and the batter will be johnnydamon who singled and scored in damon who singled and scored in damon who singled and scored inthe first. the first. the first.>> by the way, the philadelphia >> by the way, the philadelphia >> by the way, the philadelphiaphillies do have x-ray
phillies do have x-ray phillies do have x-rayfacilities in the ballpark, like facilities in the ballpark, like facilities in the ballpark, likea lot of major league teams in a lot of major league teams in a lot of major league teams insuch a situation where a player such a situation where a player such a situation where a playerhit by a pitch needs to be hit by a pitch needs to be
hit by a pitch needs to bex-rayed. it would certainly be x-rayed. it would certainly be x-rayed. it would certainly bethe cause of action i would the cause of action i would the cause of action i wouldthink of victorino. think of victorino. think of victorino.>> damon, is developing a >> damon, is developing a >> damon, is developing areputation here in philadelphia.
reputation here in philadelphia. reputation here in philadelphia.they boo him again as he digs they boo him again as he digs they boo him again as he digsin. his last two at bats, a in. his last two at bats, a in. his last two at bats, acouple of very important couple of very important couple of very importantsingles. last night in the singles. last night in the
singles. last night in theninth-inning in a tied game to ninth-inning in a tied game to ninth-inning in a tied game tostart a three-run rally, he start a three-run rally, he start a three-run rally, hesingled and scored a run in the singled and scored a run in the singled and scored a run in thefirst inning tonight. he's up on first inning tonight. he's up on first inning tonight. he's up onthe count here, 2 and 0.
the count here, 2 and 0. and the next from cliff lee. and the next from cliff lee.strike 1. damon likes hitting in this damon likes hitting in thispark. in his career 16 of 39 in park. in his career 16 of 39 in park. in his career 16 of 39 incitizens bank park. and he's up citizens bank park. and he's up citizens bank park. and he's upon the count, 3 and 1.
on the count, 3 and 1. on the count, 3 and 1.>> johnny damon the national >> johnny damon the national >> johnny damon the nationalspokesman of the wounded spokesman of the wounded spokesman of the woundedwarriors, a wonderful warriors, a wonderful warriors, a wonderfulorganization, particularly close organization, particularly close
organization, particularly closeto us joe since your dad was to us joe since your dad was to us joe since your dad waswounded at the battle of romagin wounded at the battle of romagin wounded at the battle of romaginin world war ii. my dad fought in world war ii. my dad fought in world war ii. my dad foughtin the south pacific. in the south pacific. in the south pacific.>> 3-1 pitch, is low, and johnny
>> 3-1 pitch, is low, and johnny >> 3-1 pitch, is low, and johnnydamon draws a walk. damon draws a walk. damon draws a walk.so you have to wait no longer so you have to wait no longer so you have to wait no longerfor the answer for our jeep for the answer for our jeep for the answer for our jeeptrivia question. the yankees trivia question. the yankees
trivia question. the yankeeshave won 26 world series titles, have won 26 world series titles, have won 26 world series titles,which american league team has which american league team has which american league team hasthe second most. the athletics the second most. the athletics the second most. the athleticswith 9. with 9. with 9.5 in philadelphia.
5 in philadelphia. 5 in philadelphia.4 in oakland. 4 in oakland. 4 in oakland.in oakland they won 72, 73, 74 in oakland they won 72, 73, 74 in oakland they won 72, 73, 74and 1989. damon takes and 1989. damon takes and 1989. damon takeshis lead, teixeira at the plate, his lead, teixeira at the plate,
his lead, teixeira at the plate,and he rips it foul. one of the and he rips it foul. one of the and he rips it foul. one of thebetter swings we've seen better swings we've seen better swings we've seenteixeira take in this world teixeira take in this world teixeira take in this worldseries. yeah there, you talk series. yeah there, you talk series. yeah there, you talkabout the away from the field
about the away from the field about the away from the fieldefforts that a lot of these efforts that a lot of these efforts that a lot of theseplayers make and you think about players make and you think about players make and you think aboutsomebody like johnny damon who somebody like johnny damon who somebody like johnny damon whois truly one of the good guys of is truly one of the good guys of
is truly one of the good guys ofthis game. this game. this game.>> he is. >> he is. >> he is.>> so valuable to these yankees, >> so valuable to these yankees, >> so valuable to these yankees,and in the final year of his and in the final year of his and in the final year of hisdeal. a free agent to be.
deal. a free agent to be. he can run, he can hit for he can run, he can hit forpower. he hits, for average at power. he hits, for average at power. he hits, for average at.282. he hit 24 home runs, stole .282. he hit 24 home runs, stole .282. he hit 24 home runs, stole12 bases. he stolen three this 12 bases. he stolen three this 12 bases. he stolen three thispostseason, and he's on for the
postseason, and he's on for the postseason, and he's on for thesecond time tonight against second time tonight against second time tonight againstcliff lee. cliff lee. cliff lee.here's a 1-1 to teixeira, and a here's a 1-1 to teixeira, and a here's a 1-1 to teixeira, and agrounder foul. strike 2. grounder foul. strike 2.
grounder foul. strike 2.>> joe girardi the yankee >> joe girardi the yankee >> joe girardi the yankeemanager talking about johnny manager talking about johnny manager talking about johnnydamon said that he remembers a damon said that he remembers a damon said that he remembers askinny little kid running around skinny little kid running around skinny little kid running aroundin the outfield, could run like
in the outfield, could run like in the outfield, could run likethe wind, playing for kansas the wind, playing for kansas the wind, playing for kansascity, a decade ago, but you city, a decade ago, but you city, a decade ago, but youdon't realize how big johnny don't realize how big johnny don't realize how big johnnydamon is. damon is.
>> teixeira chops to third. the >> teixeira chops to third. thehigh hop for feliz. the lead high hop for feliz. the lead high hop for feliz. the leadrunner for one, and that's it. runner for one, and that's it. runner for one, and that's it.the forceout at second. on at the forceout at second. on at the forceout at second. on atfirst is teixeira, for first is teixeira, for
first is teixeira, forrodriguez. rodriguez. rodriguez.we had a play during the alcs we had a play during the alcs we had a play during the alcswith eric eibar around second with eric eibar around second with eric eibar around secondbase bag, not touching the base. base bag, not touching the base. base bag, not touching the base.tough to tell on that replay
tough to tell on that replay tough to tell on that replaywhether utley got his foot on whether utley got his foot on whether utley got his foot onthe bag with the ball in his the bag with the ball in his the bag with the ball in hisglove. glove. glove.>> i don't think he did. he's >> i don't think he did. he's
>> i don't think he did. he'sstraddling the bag. he never straddling the bag. he never straddling the bag. he nevertouched the bag. that's that touched the bag. that's that touched the bag. that's thatneighborhood play that we were neighborhood play that we were neighborhood play that we weretalking about in game 2 of the talking about in game 2 of the talking about in game 2 of theamerican league championship
american league championship american league championshipseries. he may have brushed it series. he may have brushed it series. he may have brushed itwith his left foot. with his left foot. with his left foot.>> there's a strike to >> there's a strike to >> there's a strike torodriguez. rodriguez.>> but normally second base
>> but normally second base >> but normally second baseumpires will give the second umpires will give the second umpires will give the secondbaseman the benefit of the doubt baseman the benefit of the doubt baseman the benefit of the doubtwhen he's close. when he's close. when he's close.>> the call we're talking about >> the call we're talking about
>> the call we're talking aboutwas in that terrific game 2 of was in that terrific game 2 of was in that terrific game 2 ofthe alcs. the alcs. the alcs.that lasted 13 innings. here's that lasted 13 innings. here's that lasted 13 innings. here'srodriguez with a flyball into rodriguez with a flyball into rodriguez with a flyball intoright-center. going to get it is
right-center. going to get it is right-center. going to get it isvictorino. he can catch, the victorino. he can catch, the victorino. he can catch, theglove on his left hand. who's glove on his left hand. who's glove on his left hand. who'scoming up for the phillies. coming up for the phillies. coming up for the phillies.utley, mr. home run, utley, mr. home run,
utley, mr. home run,with four in this world with four in this world with four in this worldseries, howard and werth to series, howard and werth to series, howard and werth tofollow. phillies up by two. follow. phillies up by two. follow. phillies up by two.heart of the order for the heart of the order for the heart of the order for thephillies. that means utley,
phillies. that means utley, phillies. that means utley,first up, now has six career first up, now has six career first up, now has six careerworld series home runs, most all world series home runs, most all world series home runs, most alltime by a second baseman. time by a second baseman. time by a second baseman.he went deep. biggest swing for he went deep. biggest swing for
he went deep. biggest swing forthe phillies so far this the phillies so far this the phillies so far thispostseason. facing elimination postseason. facing elimination postseason. facing eliminationhere tonight, a three run home here tonight, a three run home here tonight, a three run homerun on the first pitch from run on the first pitch from run on the first pitch fromburnett. after victorino was hit
burnett. after victorino was hit burnett. after victorino was hitby pitch, and that followed a by pitch, and that followed a by pitch, and that followed ahit up the middle by jimmy hit up the middle by jimmy hit up the middle by jimmyrollins. in a single world rollins. in a single world rollins. in a single worldseries utley is now tied with series utley is now tied with
series utley is now tied withbonds, dykstra and dukes snider, bonds, dykstra and dukes snider, bonds, dykstra and dukes snider,for the most in national league for the most in national league for the most in national leaguehistory in a single world history in a single world history in a single worldseries. the count's gone to 2 series. the count's gone to 2 series. the count's gone to 2and 0.
and 0.who do you think has the most who do you think has the most who do you think has the mosttim. he's in the park tonight. tim. he's in the park tonight. tim. he's in the park tonight.>> rj. >> rj. >> rj.>> that's how you get the >> that's how you get the >> that's how you get thenickname mr. october.
nickname mr. october. nickname mr. october.>> yep. >> yep.>> reggie jackson. the 2-0 >> reggie jackson. the 2-0 >> reggie jackson. the 2-0pitch. strike. pitch. strike. pitch. strike.reggie who is from philadelphia reggie who is from philadelphia reggie who is from philadelphiabecame mr. october back in 1977.
became mr. october back in 1977. became mr. october back in 1977.against the dodgers, five home against the dodgers, five home against the dodgers, five homeruns, three in successive runs, three in successive runs, three in successiveat-bats, in the sixth and final at-bats, in the sixth and final at-bats, in the sixth and finalgame at yankee stadium. the game at yankee stadium. the
game at yankee stadium. theyankees be the dodgers 4 games yankees be the dodgers 4 games yankees be the dodgers 4 gamesto 2. to 2. to 2.>> reggie jackson and bob gibson >> reggie jackson and bob gibson >> reggie jackson and bob gibsonjust wrote a book called 60'6". just wrote a book called 60'6". just wrote a book called 60'6".i was asked for a blurb in the
i was asked for a blurb in the i was asked for a blurb in thebook and i said mr. october book and i said mr. october book and i said mr. octobermeets mr. october. reggie and meets mr. october. reggie and meets mr. october. reggie andbob gibson two of the great bob gibson two of the great bob gibson two of the greatworld series stars ever. world series stars ever.
world series stars ever.>> here is a 2-1 to utley. >> here is a 2-1 to utley. >> here is a 2-1 to utley.outside. 3 balls and a strike. outside. 3 balls and a strike. burnett has walked two and he burnett has walked two and hethreatens to walk utley. has to threatens to walk utley. has to threatens to walk utley. has tocome into him and that has not come into him and that has not
come into him and that has notgone well for yankee pitching so gone well for yankee pitching so gone well for yankee pitching sofar in this world series. what far in this world series. what far in this world series. whatwill it be on 3 and 1. and it's will it be on 3 and 1. and it's will it be on 3 and 1. and it'sup and away. a leadoff walk. up and away. a leadoff walk. up and away. a leadoff walk.more on shane victorino. even
more on shane victorino. even more on shane victorino. evencatching that flyball to end the catching that flyball to end the catching that flyball to end thetop of this third inning, just top of this third inning, just top of this third inning, justshaking out that right-hand and shaking out that right-hand and shaking out that right-hand andthen gripping it out of his then gripping it out of his
then gripping it out of hisglove, and then okay, we can be glove, and then okay, we can be glove, and then okay, we can beoverdoing it a little bit, but overdoing it a little bit, but overdoing it a little bit, butshane victorino just left the shane victorino just left the shane victorino just left thedugout and they're going to look dugout and they're going to look dugout and they're going to lookat it. yeah, and if the phillies
at it. yeah, and if the phillies at it. yeah, and if the phillieslose victorino tonight, and if lose victorino tonight, and if lose victorino tonight, and ifthere are more games in this there are more games in this there are more games in thisseries, that's a big loss for series, that's a big loss for series, that's a big loss forthis philadelphia team on the this philadelphia team on the
this philadelphia team on thefield emotionally, anyway you field emotionally, anyway you field emotionally, anyway youwant to look at it. want to look at it. want to look at it.>> there have been a lot of >> there have been a lot of >> there have been a lot ofinjuries in baseball were injuries in baseball were injuries in baseball wereplayers have been hit while
players have been hit while players have been hit whilestill holding the bat. still holding the bat. still holding the bat.>> so anything newswise that we >> so anything newswise that we >> so anything newswise that wefind out about victorino, we'll find out about victorino, we'll find out about victorino, we'llpass it along immediately. pass it along immediately.
pass it along immediately.here's ryan howard. 1 on, nobody here's ryan howard. 1 on, nobody here's ryan howard. 1 on, nobodyout, and strike 1. out, and strike 1. out, and strike 1.charlie manuel who really has charlie manuel who really has charlie manuel who really hasmade his name in the big leagues made his name in the big leagues made his name in the big leaguesis one of the better hitting
is one of the better hitting is one of the better hittingcoaches in the big leagues has coaches in the big leagues has coaches in the big leagues hasseen over the past, i don't seen over the past, i don't seen over the past, i don'tknow, 20, 30 years. he talked to know, 20, 30 years. he talked to know, 20, 30 years. he talked tous before the game about how us before the game about how
us before the game about howhoward is almost lunging forward howard is almost lunging forward howard is almost lunging forwardas the pitch is coming to the as the pitch is coming to the as the pitch is coming to theplate instead of being loaded on plate instead of being loaded on plate instead of being loaded onhis back leg, ready to explode his back leg, ready to explode his back leg, ready to explodeinto the pitch.
into the pitch. into the pitch.>> what happens is you're not on >> what happens is you're not on >> what happens is you're not onyour back leg and you're leaning your back leg and you're leaning your back leg and you're leaningforward and what that does it forward and what that does it forward and what that does itsaps the strength out of a saps the strength out of a
saps the strength out of aswing. you have nothing left swing. you have nothing left swing. you have nothing leftwith which to hit but your arms. with which to hit but your arms. with which to hit but your arms.and that is a formidable body and that is a formidable body and that is a formidable bodywhen he unloads on one. but when he unloads on one. but when he unloads on one. butstaying back, one of the key
staying back, one of the key staying back, one of the keythings to hitting. waiting, things to hitting. waiting, things to hitting. waiting,staying back, and having quick staying back, and having quick staying back, and having quickhands. hands. hands.>> and that combination combined >> and that combination combined
>> and that combination combinedfor 47 home runs total, for 47 home runs total, for 47 home runs total,including the postseason, here including the postseason, here including the postseason, herein 2009 for ryan howard. in 2009 for ryan howard. there goes utley. the pitch is there goes utley. the pitch ishigh. throwdown is, not handled high. throwdown is, not handled
high. throwdown is, not handledby jeter has stolen base for by jeter has stolen base for by jeter has stolen base forutley. he's 3 for 3 this utley. he's 3 for 3 this utley. he's 3 for 3 thispostseason tim, and 26 for 26, postseason tim, and 26 for 26, postseason tim, and 26 for 26,utley and stealing bases, in utley and stealing bases, in utley and stealing bases, in2009.
2009. 2009.>> the throw low, but you can >> the throw low, but you can >> the throw low, but you canrealize the problems that molina realize the problems that molina realize the problems that molinahad in getting rid of the ball. had in getting rid of the ball. had in getting rid of the ball.it's a lot tougher for a catcher it's a lot tougher for a catcher
it's a lot tougher for a catcherto throw with a left-handed to throw with a left-handed to throw with a left-handedbatter up here, particularly a batter up here, particularly a batter up here, particularly aleft-handed batter that you left-handed batter that you left-handed batter that youalmost have to throw over. for a almost have to throw over. for a almost have to throw over. for ashort hop and utley's in there.
short hop and utley's in there. >> game one was the cliff >> game one was the clifflee-chase utley show at yankee lee-chase utley show at yankee lee-chase utley show at yankeestadium. they're trying to do it stadium. they're trying to do it stadium. they're trying to do ithere again in game 5, as ryan here again in game 5, as ryan here again in game 5, as ryanhoward takes up and away.
howard takes up and away. howard takes up and away.2 and 1. 2 and 1. 2 and 1.nobody out in the inning. a walk nobody out in the inning. a walk nobody out in the inning. a walkand a stolen base. jayson werth and a stolen base. jayson werth and a stolen base. jayson werthon deck. on deck.
scooped up by molina ball three. two veteran left-hander's two veteran left-hander'stalking it over jamie moyer on talking it over jamie moyer on talking it over jamie moyer onthe right, cliff lee tonight's the right, cliff lee tonight's the right, cliff lee tonight'sstarter for the phillies on the starter for the phillies on the starter for the phillies on theleft.
left. >> the lunges at this fastball >> the lunges at this fastballwatch the front part of the watch the front part of the watch the front part of thebody, open up, and ryan fouls it body, open up, and ryan fouls it body, open up, and ryan fouls itoff. in order to solve that off. in order to solve that off. in order to solve thatproblem that's why hitting
problem that's why hitting problem that's why hittingcoaches tell hitters try to take coaches tell hitters try to take coaches tell hitters try to takethe ball the other way, it keeps the ball the other way, it keeps the ball the other way, it keepsthem back. them back. >> 3 2 pitch, and a check >> 3 2 pitch, and a checkswing and a pitch in the dirt
swing and a pitch in the dirt swing and a pitch in the dirttwo walks in the inning. two walks in the inning. and dave ireland is going to and dave ireland is going tocome out and talk with jayson come out and talk with jayson come out and talk with jaysonwerth coming up. werth coming up. werth coming up.>> the yankees are seeing night
>> the yankees are seeing night >> the yankees are seeing nightand day out of aj burnett. great and day out of aj burnett. great and day out of aj burnett. greatcontrol in game two the winning control in game two the winning control in game two the winningpitcher, and clearly his control pitcher, and clearly his control pitcher, and clearly his controloff tonight. off tonight.
off tonight.>> so while they talk on the >> so while they talk on the >> so while they talk on themound we remind you that this mound we remind you that this mound we remind you that thisweek on a very special fox nfl week on a very special fox nfl week on a very special fox nflsunday curt terry howie michael sunday curt terry howie michael sunday curt terry howie michaeland jimmy, head to afghanistan
and jimmy, head to afghanistan and jimmy, head to afghanistanto bring a taste of the nfl to to bring a taste of the nfl to to bring a taste of the nfl tothe brave men and women in our the brave men and women in our the brave men and women in ourarmed forces. it's all on the armed forces. it's all on the armed forces. it's all on theford drive one fox nfl sunday ford drive one fox nfl sunday
ford drive one fox nfl sundaypregame show this week at a pregame show this week at a pregame show this week at aspecial time of 11 am eastern, 8 special time of 11 am eastern, 8 special time of 11 am eastern, 8am pacific only on fox. am pacific only on fox. right-hander dave robertson right-hander dave robertsongetting loose, here in the third getting loose, here in the third
getting loose, here in the thirdinning. inning. two on with nobody out for two on with nobody out forjayson werth, jayson werth, jayson werth,and a ball starts at this and a ball starts at this and a ball starts at thisat-bat. werth with seven at-bat. werth with seven
at-bat. werth with sevenhome runs in this postseason, home runs in this postseason, home runs in this postseason,two in this world series for his two in this world series for his two in this world series for hisonly two rbis, only two rbis, only two rbis,coming in game three. coming in game three. a ball and a strike.
werth comes up empty big swing werth comes up empty big swingstrike two. strike two. you see the 94 mile-per-hour you see the 94 mile-per-hourfastball it gets to the plate at fastball it gets to the plate at fastball it gets to the plate at88, under .4 seconds to react 88, under .4 seconds to react 88, under .4 seconds to reactfor jayson werth who struck out
for jayson werth who struck out for jayson werth who struck outhis first time, two on nobody his first time, two on nobody his first time, two on nobodyout and a base hit up the out and a base hit up the out and a base hit up themiddle. here comes utley, here middle. here comes utley, here middle. here comes utley, hereis the throw by gardner, is the throw by gardner,
is the throw by gardner,cut off, 4 to 1. cut off, 4 to 1. >> you may remember the first >> you may remember the firstbreaking ball with two strikes breaking ball with two strikes breaking ball with two strikesto jayson werth from burnett was to jayson werth from burnett was to jayson werth from burnett waslow and away, out of the strike low and away, out of the strike
low and away, out of the strikezone this one hangs in the zone this one hangs in the zone this one hangs in themiddle, again pitchers can have middle, again pitchers can have middle, again pitchers can havecontrol problems by being too control problems by being too control problems by being toowild in the strikes zone as that wild in the strikes zone as that wild in the strikes zone as thatcurveball was. here is the first
curveball was. here is the first curveball was. here is the firstat-bat with two strikes to get at-bat with two strikes to get at-bat with two strikes to gethim, that last one in the middle him, that last one in the middle him, that last one in the middleof the plate. of the plate. of the plate.>> and driven into center for an >> and driven into center for an
>> and driven into center for anrbi single to score utley. still rbi single to score utley. still rbi single to score utley. stillnobody out here is ibanez, two nobody out here is ibanez, two nobody out here is ibanez, twoon and what a rip by raul ibanez on and what a rip by raul ibanez on and what a rip by raul ibanezhangs his head after not putting hangs his head after not putting hangs his head after not puttingthat on into the seats.
that on into the seats. >> for hitters against pitchers >> for hitters against pitcherswith control problems knowing with control problems knowing with control problems knowingthey have to use the fat part of they have to use the fat part of they have to use the fat part ofthe plate it becomes a feeding the plate it becomes a feeding the plate it becomes a feedingfrenzy.
frenzy. frenzy.>> ibanez bounced into a force >> ibanez bounced into a force >> ibanez bounced into a forceout his first time up and there out his first time up and there out his first time up and thereis a shot in to right, swisher is a shot in to right, swisher is a shot in to right, swisherover to get it ryan howard will over to get it ryan howard will
over to get it ryan howard willscore, its 5 to 1 philadelphia score, its 5 to 1 philadelphia score, its 5 to 1 philadelphiahere in the third. here in the third. here in the third.and that will be it for aj and that will be it for aj and that will be it for ajburnett. burnett. who on three days rest, lasts
who on three days rest, lastsonly 2 plus innings and is only 2 plus innings and is only 2 plus innings and ischased by this from ibanez first chased by this from ibanez first chased by this from ibanez firstand third nobody out, phillies and third nobody out, phillies and third nobody out, philliesfacing elimination up by four. facing elimination up by four. facing elimination up by four.when we came on the air tonight
when we came on the air tonight when we came on the air tonighttalking about these yankee talking about these yankee talking about these yankeepitchers and how good they have pitchers and how good they have pitchers and how good they havebeen, and been good when asked been, and been good when asked been, and been good when askedto pitch on short rest, here to pitch on short rest, here
to pitch on short rest, heretonight aj burnett gets into the tonight aj burnett gets into the tonight aj burnett gets into thethird inning thats all, does not third inning thats all, does not third inning thats all, does notretire anybody in the third we retire anybody in the third we retire anybody in the third wego down to ken rosenthal and go down to ken rosenthal and go down to ken rosenthal andtalk about the pitching plans
talk about the pitching plans talk about the pitching plansnot only coming in to tonight, not only coming in to tonight, not only coming in to tonight,but even beyond tonight for the but even beyond tonight for the but even beyond tonight for theyankees if this series yankees if this series yankees if this seriescontinues. continues.
continues.>> well joe they have to go on >> well joe they have to go on >> well joe they have to go onthree days rest again with andy three days rest again with andy three days rest again with andypetitte in game six if that were petitte in game six if that were petitte in game six if that wereto occur, the phillies will to occur, the phillies will to occur, the phillies willcounter with pedro martinez who
counter with pedro martinez who counter with pedro martinez whowill be pitching on normal rest, will be pitching on normal rest, will be pitching on normal rest,but his two excellent starts in but his two excellent starts in but his two excellent starts inthe postseason were both off the postseason were both off the postseason were both offlong long periods of rest, so we long long periods of rest, so we
long long periods of rest, so wewould have to see how that will would have to see how that will would have to see how that willplay out. game 7 cc sabathia on play out. game 7 cc sabathia on play out. game 7 cc sabathia onthree days rest again, and for three days rest again, and for three days rest again, and forthe phillies there would be a the phillies there would be a the phillies there would be areal question, cole hamels or
real question, cole hamels or real question, cole hamels orjay happ. jay happ. jay happ.>> thank you kenny more to talk >> thank you kenny more to talk >> thank you kenny more to talkabout on that topic as we make about on that topic as we make about on that topic as we makeour way through game five. first our way through game five. first
our way through game five. firstand third nobody out feliz and third nobody out feliz and third nobody out felizdealing with robertson ball one dealing with robertson ball one dealing with robertson ball onein the dirt blocked by molina. in the dirt blocked by molina. in the dirt blocked by molina.it's werth at third it's ibanez it's werth at third it's ibanez it's werth at third it's ibanezat first both with rbi singles
at first both with rbi singles at first both with rbi singlesin this third inning, and its a in this third inning, and its a in this third inning, and its a5 to 1 philadelphia lead. 5 to 1 philadelphia lead. 5 to 1 philadelphia lead.>> the deeper into this >> the deeper into this >> the deeper into thispostseason you go joe girardi's postseason you go joe girardi's
postseason you go joe girardi'splans from early september was plans from early september was plans from early september wasto go with three starters in the to go with three starters in the to go with three starters in thepostseason, and that's what the postseason, and that's what the postseason, and that's what theyankees have done this is game yankees have done this is game yankees have done this is gamefourteen of the postseason, and
fourteen of the postseason, and fourteen of the postseason, andthey have only used three they have only used three they have only used threestarters. so if they get to game starters. so if they get to game starters. so if they get to gamesix and seven my view of that is six and seven my view of that is six and seven my view of that iswhy change. why change.
why change.>> that last pitch an >> that last pitch an >> that last pitch anillustration of the tight strike illustration of the tight strike illustration of the tight strikezone and the count 2 and 0 on zone and the count 2 and 0 on zone and the count 2 and 0 onfeliz. feliz. feliz.here is a 2 0,
here is a 2 0, here is a 2 0,popped up on the infield popped up on the infield popped up on the infieldfor teixeira, and in foul for teixeira, and in foul for teixeira, and in foulterritory that's out number territory that's out number territory that's out numberone and a big out for robertson, one and a big out for robertson,
one and a big out for robertson,who has shown a knack for who has shown a knack for who has shown a knack forgetting out of tight spots, will getting out of tight spots, will getting out of tight spots, willdeal with carlos ruiz with the deal with carlos ruiz with the deal with carlos ruiz with thepitcher to follow. shane pitcher to follow. shane pitcher to follow. shanevictorino back in the dugout and
victorino back in the dugout and victorino back in the dugout andi'm sure telling teammates, what i'm sure telling teammates, what i'm sure telling teammates, whatthey found if they did indeed they found if they did indeed they found if they did indeedx-ray that right-hand, got his x-ray that right-hand, got his x-ray that right-hand, got hisbatting helmet on. right now batting helmet on. right now
batting helmet on. right nowit's the number eight hitter it's the number eight hitter it's the number eight hitterruiz first and third one out, ruiz first and third one out, ruiz first and third one out,and a strike from robertson. and a strike from robertson. and a strike from robertson.first time this entire first time this entire first time this entirepostseason of the yankees
postseason of the yankees postseason of the yankeesstarter did not go at least six starter did not go at least six starter did not go at least sixinnings. and burnett cannot get innings. and burnett cannot get innings. and burnett cannot getout to the third now it's up to out to the third now it's up to out to the third now it's up torobertson 0 1, is fouled back robertson 0 1, is fouled back
robertson 0 1, is fouled backstrike two. and robertson can strike two. and robertson can strike two. and robertson cankeep his team in this game, and keep his team in this game, and keep his team in this game, andmake all of that conversation if make all of that conversation if make all of that conversation ifthe yankees can rally about the yankees can rally about the yankees can rally aboutgames six or seven irrelevant.
games six or seven irrelevant. games six or seven irrelevant.but a tall order for the yankees but a tall order for the yankees but a tall order for the yankeestonight to rally against cliff tonight to rally against cliff tonight to rally against clifflee has settled in, after lee has settled in, after lee has settled in, afterallowing a run on two hits and a allowing a run on two hits and a
allowing a run on two hits and awalk in the first, 0 2, left walk in the first, 0 2, left walk in the first, 0 2, leftside to the plate is werth and side to the plate is werth and side to the plate is werth andthe only out at second, it's 6 the only out at second, it's 6 the only out at second, it's 6to 1. to 1. that's a big run produced by
that's a big run produced byruiz with two strikes and a ruiz with two strikes and a ruiz with two strikes and aforce out. force out. force out.>> a double play situation is >> a double play situation is >> a double play situation isthe strangest things in baseball the strangest things in baseball the strangest things in baseballbecause you want the hitter, to
because you want the hitter, to because you want the hitter, tohit it hard enough to where you hit it hard enough to where you hit it hard enough to where youcould turn to first and third could turn to first and third could turn to first and thirdwith one out if he doesn't hit with one out if he doesn't hit with one out if he doesn't hitit hard enough, the run scores it hard enough, the run scores
it hard enough, the run scoresand that's what happened then. and that's what happened then. and that's what happened then.>> now cliff lee grounded out on >> now cliff lee grounded out on >> now cliff lee grounded out onone pitch back in the second he one pitch back in the second he one pitch back in the second hehas a five-run lead. has a five-run lead. that's outside ball one, the
that's outside ball one, theother name and we heard ken other name and we heard ken other name and we heard kenrosenthal so it's worth talking rosenthal so it's worth talking rosenthal so it's worth talkingabout, with regard to a about, with regard to a about, with regard to apotential game seven in this potential game seven in this potential game seven in thisworld series is the guy at the
world series is the guy at the world series is the guy at theplate, cliff lee. they will all plate, cliff lee. they will all plate, cliff lee. they will allbe available and it would be be available and it would be be available and it would belee's side day as lee hits one lee's side day as lee hits one lee's side day as lee hits oneto right-center field for a base to right-center field for a base
to right-center field for a basehit. and it's two on with two hit. and it's two on with two hit. and it's two on with twoout, and lee gets his third hit out, and lee gets his third hit out, and lee gets his third hitof this postseason. of this postseason. he's trying to do everything for he's trying to do everything forthe phillies to get this series the phillies to get this series
the phillies to get this seriesback to the bronx. back to the bronx. back to the bronx.>> his first game against the >> his first game against the >> his first game against thecolorado rockies in the division colorado rockies in the division colorado rockies in the divisionseries not only did he get a hit series not only did he get a hit series not only did he get a hitbut he stole his first
but he stole his first but he stole his firstmajor-league base, on the advice major-league base, on the advice major-league base, on the adviceof davey lopes the first base of davey lopes the first base of davey lopes the first basecoach of the phillies. and he is coach of the phillies. and he is coach of the phillies. and he isdoing it all. doing it all.
doing it all.>> so now robertson gets a visit >> so now robertson gets a visit >> so now robertson gets a visitfrom molina, it's 6 to 1 and from molina, it's 6 to 1 and from molina, it's 6 to 1 andjimmy rollins whose 1 for 1 with jimmy rollins whose 1 for 1 with jimmy rollins whose 1 for 1 witha single a walk and a run scored a single a walk and a run scored a single a walk and a run scoredsteps in.
steps in. see the 1 through 4 hitters and see the 1 through 4 hitters andwhat they have done tonight what they have done tonight what they have done tonightthey've reached base in 7 of 8 they've reached base in 7 of 8 they've reached base in 7 of 8plate appearances. plate appearances. plate appearances.>> production out of the first
>> production out of the first >> production out of the firstfour that's why the phillies in four that's why the phillies in four that's why the phillies inlarge part are in the world large part are in the world large part are in the worldseries. series.>> there is a strike and a >> there is a strike and a >> there is a strike and abreaking ball. so victorino is
breaking ball. so victorino is breaking ball. so victorino ison deck on deck on deckrollins is at the plate. rollins is at the plate. one ball one strike. robertson stared in after not robertson stared in after notgetting that call. getting that call.
two on two out 1 1 pitch, on two on two out 1 1 pitch, onthe outside corner good pitch by the outside corner good pitch by the outside corner good pitch byrobertson who has made some good robertson who has made some good robertson who has made some goodpitches since entering here in pitches since entering here in pitches since entering here inthe third inning, strike two. the third inning, strike two.
the third inning, strike two.>> joe girardi likes to say >> joe girardi likes to say >> joe girardi likes to sayabout david robertson that he about david robertson that he about david robertson that hehas swing and miss stuff. has swing and miss stuff. has swing and miss stuff.>> talk about demuth being tight >> talk about demuth being tight >> talk about demuth being tightside to side that was a wide
side to side that was a wide side to side that was a widestrike after not giving a low strike after not giving a low strike after not giving a lowstrike the previous pitch, and strike the previous pitch, and strike the previous pitch, andmolina will go out and talk with molina will go out and talk with molina will go out and talk withrobertson. robertson.
robertson.this is the eighth man to bat in this is the eighth man to bat in this is the eighth man to bat inthe inning when the inning the inning when the inning the inning when the inningstarted with walks, to utley and started with walks, to utley and started with walks, to utley andhoward from burnett then rbi howard from burnett then rbi howard from burnett then rbisingles from werth and ibanez
singles from werth and ibanez singles from werth and ibanezburnett gone, responsible for burnett gone, responsible for burnett gone, responsible fornot just the well the six runs not just the well the six runs not just the well the six runsthat have scored, and now with that have scored, and now with that have scored, and now withtwo on and two out a foul ball two on and two out a foul ball
two on and two out a foul balloff the bat of rollins. off the bat of rollins. off the bat of rollins.>> we talked about it so many >> we talked about it so many >> we talked about it so manytimes before that somewhere in a times before that somewhere in a times before that somewhere in amulti-run inning there is a multi-run inning there is a multi-run inning there is awalk.
walk. walk.>> and there were two in this >> and there were two in this >> and there were two in thisinning and burnett is still inning and burnett is still inning and burnett is stillresponsible for one of the responsible for one of the responsible for one of therunners on. runners on.
there is strike three robertson there is strike three robertsongets out of the inning and we go gets out of the inning and we go gets out of the inning and we goto the fourth, game five to the fourth, game five to the fourth, game fivephiladelphia doing what it needs philadelphia doing what it needs philadelphia doing what it needsto do here tonight, three in the to do here tonight, three in the
to do here tonight, three in thefirst three in the third and a 6 first three in the third and a 6 first three in the third and a 6 1 lead here in game five. 1 lead here in game five. 1 lead here in game five.>> cliff lee back to work fourth >> cliff lee back to work fourth >> cliff lee back to work fourththinning 6 1 philadelphia in thinning 6 1 philadelphia in thinning 6 1 philadelphia ingame five. news on shane
game five. news on shane game five. news on shanevictorino for that we go down to victorino for that we go down to victorino for that we go down token rosenthal. ken rosenthal. ken rosenthal.>> joe, shane victorino indeed >> joe, shane victorino indeed >> joe, shane victorino indeedhad the x-rays he looked at me had the x-rays he looked at me
had the x-rays he looked at meand said it's not broken i'm and said it's not broken i'm and said it's not broken i'mfine. fine. fine.>> and that's probably as simple >> and that's probably as simple >> and that's probably as simpleas he repeatedly talked about as he repeatedly talked about as he repeatedly talked abouthis toughness and, a very
his toughness and, a very his toughness and, a veryimportant part of this lineup important part of this lineup important part of this lineupfor charlie manuel now nick for charlie manuel now nick for charlie manuel now nickswisher will lead it off against swisher will lead it off against swisher will lead it off againstcliff lee, lee hasn't allowed a cliff lee, lee hasn't allowed a
cliff lee, lee hasn't allowed ahit since alex rodriguez hit a hit since alex rodriguez hit a hit since alex rodriguez hit arbi double in the first inning rbi double in the first inning rbi double in the first inningwith two out. phillies came back with two out. phillies came back with two out. phillies came backwith three in the first on a with three in the first on a with three in the first on athree run home run by chase
three run home run by chase three run home run by chaseutley, and pushed three across utley, and pushed three across utley, and pushed three acrossin the bottom of the third made in the bottom of the third made in the bottom of the third madeit 6 to 1. it 6 to 1. it 6 to 1.and the first to swisher is up and the first to swisher is up
and the first to swisher is upand away ball one, we just had a and away ball one, we just had a and away ball one, we just had achance to visit with rich dubee chance to visit with rich dubee chance to visit with rich dubeethe pitching coach for the pitching coach for the pitching coach forphiladelphia, we'll give you philadelphia, we'll give you philadelphia, we'll give youthat visit in the top of this
that visit in the top of this that visit in the top of thisfourth. swisher walked his first fourth. swisher walked his first fourth. swisher walked his firsttime, here is a 1 0, time, here is a 1 0, time, here is a 1 0,a ball and a strike. alfredo aceves is getting loose alfredo aceves is getting loosefor the yankees and their pen, for the yankees and their pen,
for the yankees and their pen,that misses ball two, 2 and 1. that misses ball two, 2 and 1. on deck cano and then gardner, on deck cano and then gardner,2 1 pitch, is hit to third 2 1 pitch, is hit to third 2 1 pitch, is hit to thirdcaught by feliz one out. first caught by feliz one out. first caught by feliz one out. firstquestion to rich dubee the question to rich dubee the
question to rich dubee thepitching coach for the phillies pitching coach for the phillies pitching coach for the phillieswas do you like what you're was do you like what you're was do you like what you'reseeing out of cliff lee. seeing out of cliff lee. seeing out of cliff lee.>> very much so you know cliff >> very much so you know cliff >> very much so you know cliffworks with that fast tempo and
works with that fast tempo and works with that fast tempo andpounds the strike zone, so you pounds the strike zone, so you pounds the strike zone, so youknow he's always effective doing know he's always effective doing know he's always effective doingthat, and we always play pretty that, and we always play pretty that, and we always play prettywell behind him of course. well behind him of course.
well behind him of course.>> you know we don't know him >> you know we don't know him >> you know we don't know himlike you do, but it seems like like you do, but it seems like like you do, but it seems likejust the overall demeanor of just the overall demeanor of just the overall demeanor ofthis guy is that he's not going this guy is that he's not going this guy is that he's not goingto be fazed by a start like this
to be fazed by a start like this to be fazed by a start like thiswith you guys facing with you guys facing with you guys facingelimination. elimination. elimination.>> no he is very low-key as far >> no he is very low-key as far >> no he is very low-key as faras putting too much pressure on as putting too much pressure on
as putting too much pressure onhimself, he really has no ego at himself, he really has no ego at himself, he really has no ego atall he just goes out there and all he just goes out there and all he just goes out there andhas a lot of fun playing this has a lot of fun playing this has a lot of fun playing thisgame. game. game.>> have you had to check
>> have you had to check >> have you had to checkyourself to think about anymore yourself to think about anymore yourself to think about anymorepitching the rest of the series pitching the rest of the series pitching the rest of the seriesshould this thing continue, or should this thing continue, or should this thing continue, orare you just worrying about are you just worrying about
are you just worrying abouttonight. tonight. tonight.>> no we'll take it one day one >> no we'll take it one day one >> no we'll take it one day oneinning at a time. inning at a time. inning at a time.>> how did i know you were going >> how did i know you were going >> how did i know you were goingto say that rich.
to say that rich. to say that rich.>> well that's the way you got >> well that's the way you got >> well that's the way you gotto look at it. to look at it. to look at it.>> i got you to smile all right >> i got you to smile all right >> i got you to smile all right6 1 here in the fourth inning 6 1 here in the fourth inning
6 1 here in the fourth inningthanks for your time. thanks for your time. thanks for your time.>> alright thanks guys. >> alright thanks guys. >> alright thanks guys.>> it has taken 4 and a half >> it has taken 4 and a half >> it has taken 4 and a halfgames but we made it happen. games but we made it happen. games but we made it happen.right now he's not smiling he is
right now he's not smiling he is right now he's not smiling he isyelling out at the home plate yelling out at the home plate yelling out at the home plateumpire dana demuth, about the umpire dana demuth, about the umpire dana demuth, about thetight strike zone as the count tight strike zone as the count tight strike zone as the countis 2 and 0 on robinson cano who is 2 and 0 on robinson cano who
is 2 and 0 on robinson cano whoflied to left his first time, flied to left his first time, flied to left his first time,with two on in the first inning with two on in the first inning with two on in the first inningthere is a strike 2 and 1. there is a strike 2 and 1. there is a strike 2 and 1.>> charlie manuel telling us >> charlie manuel telling usbefore the game what most people before the game what most people
before the game what most peopleknow that managers can't see know that managers can't see know that managers can't seeoutside or inside from the outside or inside from the outside or inside from thedugout, they can only see high dugout, they can only see high dugout, they can only see highand low, so if you see the and low, so if you see the and low, so if you see thepitching coach or the manager
pitching coach or the manager pitching coach or the manageryelling at the home plate umpire yelling at the home plate umpire yelling at the home plate umpireusually is because of a high or usually is because of a high or usually is because of a high orlow strike. low strike. low strike.>> there is a 2 1 to cano and >> there is a 2 1 to cano and
>> there is a 2 1 to cano andit is in for strike two, cano it is in for strike two, cano it is in for strike two, canothought that was low let's give thought that was low let's give thought that was low let's giveit a look. looked like a strike. it a look. looked like a strike. cano 2 for 16 in this world cano 2 for 16 in this worldseries hits it hard but right at series hits it hard but right at
series hits it hard but right atutley, two out. utley, two out. and with the bases empty brett and with the bases empty brettgardner will be the hitter. gardner will be the hitter. gardner will be the hitter.>> why it's so unusual for cano >> why it's so unusual for cano >> why it's so unusual for canoto be 2 for 17 keep in mind that to be 2 for 17 keep in mind that
to be 2 for 17 keep in mind thatderek jeter, and robinson cano derek jeter, and robinson cano derek jeter, and robinson canoboth with over two hundred hits both with over two hundred hits both with over two hundred hitsas middle infielders it's the as middle infielders it's the as middle infielders it's thefirst time that has happened in first time that has happened in first time that has happened in112 years.
112 years. 112 years.>> you and i read that stat >> you and i read that stat >> you and i read that statcoming into the postseason when coming into the postseason when coming into the postseason whenyou and i picked it up in the you and i picked it up in the you and i picked it up in thealcs i had to read it twice to alcs i had to read it twice to
alcs i had to read it twice tomake sure i had it right. make sure i had it right. make sure i had it right.>> yeah, you are going what! >> yeah, you are going what! >> yeah, you are going what!>> that's it, that's the first >> that's it, that's the first >> that's it, that's the firsttime a middle infield time a middle infield time a middle infieldcombination, did that with the
combination, did that with the combination, did that with thebats 200 plus hits and, cano is bats 200 plus hits and, cano is bats 200 plus hits and, cano isreally struggling. 2 for 17, really struggling. 2 for 17, really struggling. 2 for 17,gardner is in the hole 0 and 2 gardner is in the hole 0 and 2 gardner is in the hole 0 and 2and lee has for sure settled in and lee has for sure settled in
and lee has for sure settled into this game five start, to this game five start, to this game five start,now up by five. now up by five. left side rollins, got a tricky left side rollins, got a trickyhop, shows the arm. a 1 2 3 hop, shows the arm. a 1 2 3 hop, shows the arm. a 1 2 3fourth, cliff lee, a look at fourth, cliff lee, a look at
fourth, cliff lee, a look atcity hall here in philadelphia city hall here in philadelphia city hall here in philadelphiawith the hometown phills up by with the hometown phills up by with the hometown phills up byfive. five. five.>> there is victorino and it's a >> there is victorino and it's a >> there is victorino and it's aball from robertson, nice job by
ball from robertson, nice job by ball from robertson, nice job byrobertson coming in with two on robertson coming in with two on robertson coming in with two onand nobody out in the third and nobody out in the third and nobody out in the thirdinning, made some good pitches inning, made some good pitches inning, made some good pitcheslimited the damage. the line limited the damage. the line
limited the damage. the linefrom burnett 2 plus innings six from burnett 2 plus innings six from burnett 2 plus innings sixruns on four hits four walks, runs on four hits four walks, runs on four hits four walks,big difference from game number big difference from game number big difference from game numbertwo and just two strikeouts, hit two and just two strikeouts, hit two and just two strikeouts, hita batter and allowed a home run.
a batter and allowed a home run. a batter and allowed a home run.the 2 0, 3 and 0 on victorino. the 2 0, 3 and 0 on victorino. the 2 0, 3 and 0 on victorino.>> shane victorino with that >> shane victorino with that >> shane victorino with thatsore right hand i hope the story sore right hand i hope the story sore right hand i hope the storydoes not appear to be does not appear to be
does not appear to beself-serving because it's not self-serving because it's not self-serving because it's notintended to be, but on may 2, intended to be, but on may 2, intended to be, but on may 2,1970 my first year with the 1970 my first year with the 1970 my first year with thephillies i broke my right hand phillies i broke my right hand phillies i broke my right handwith willie mays hitting, in the
with willie mays hitting, in the with willie mays hitting, in thesame inning one out later mike same inning one out later mike same inning one out later mikeryan the other catcher broke his ryan the other catcher broke his ryan the other catcher broke hisleft hand, two broken hands one left hand, two broken hands one left hand, two broken hands oneout apart on may 2, 1970. out apart on may 2, 1970.
out apart on may 2, 1970.>> and we heard the report from >> and we heard the report from >> and we heard the report fromken rosenthal no break in that ken rosenthal no break in that ken rosenthal no break in thathand at least the initial look, hand at least the initial look, hand at least the initial look,and a ground ball to the second and a ground ball to the second and a ground ball to the secondbaseman off the bat of
baseman off the bat of baseman off the bat ofvictorino, one out as cano makes victorino, one out as cano makes victorino, one out as cano makesthe play. and we go to another the play. and we go to another the play. and we go to anothercatcher with that, shaking of catcher with that, shaking of catcher with that, shaking ofthe right hand by victorino hear the right hand by victorino hear
the right hand by victorino hearfrom joe girardi and talk to him from joe girardi and talk to him from joe girardi and talk to himabout the difference between about the difference between about the difference betweenburnett tonight, and in game burnett tonight, and in game burnett tonight, and in gametwo. two.>> well he didn't have the >> well he didn't have the
>> well he didn't have thecommand that he had the other command that he had the other command that he had the othernight his fastball command night his fastball command night his fastball commandwasn't as good and neither was wasn't as good and neither was wasn't as good and neither washis breaking ball, and you know his breaking ball, and you know his breaking ball, and you knowwhat's going to happen with a
what's going to happen with a what's going to happen with aclub like this if you make club like this if you make club like this if you makemistakes they are usually going mistakes they are usually going mistakes they are usually goingto hurt you. to hurt you. to hurt you.>> and we look at the other side >> and we look at the other side
>> and we look at the other sidecliff lee had i guess you could cliff lee had i guess you could cliff lee had i guess you couldcall it a rough first inning he call it a rough first inning he call it a rough first inning helooks like he has settled in looks like he has settled in looks like he has settled innow. now. now.>> oh yeah we have had good
>> oh yeah we have had good >> oh yeah we have had goodat-bats we just hit three balls at-bats we just hit three balls at-bats we just hit three ballshard that inning, and if the hard that inning, and if the hard that inning, and if thegood at-bats continue you hope good at-bats continue you hope good at-bats continue you hopeyou can scratch some runs across you can scratch some runs across
you can scratch some runs acrossand get back in the game. and get back in the game. and get back in the game.>> i think people could overlook >> i think people could overlook >> i think people could overlookthe injury to melki cabrera, it the injury to melki cabrera, it the injury to melki cabrera, itreally changes the look of the really changes the look of the really changes the look of thebottom of your lineup that's a
bottom of your lineup that's a bottom of your lineup that's abig loss for you guys. big loss for you guys. big loss for you guys.>> it does change the dynamic >> it does change the dynamic >> it does change the dynamicbecause he is a switch hitter because he is a switch hitter because he is a switch hitterand we like to have all the and we like to have all the
and we like to have all theswitch hitters in the lineup, switch hitters in the lineup, switch hitters in the lineup,and we are going to miss him and and we are going to miss him and and we are going to miss him andgardy is going to have to step gardy is going to have to step gardy is going to have to stepup. up. up.>> we appreciate your time joe
>> we appreciate your time joe >> we appreciate your time joethanks. thanks. thanks.>> thanks guys. >> thanks guys. >> thanks guys.>> forty-five-year-old manager >> forty-five-year-old manager >> forty-five-year-old managerjoe girardi in his second year, joe girardi in his second year,
joe girardi in his second year,in the corner of the dugout for in the corner of the dugout for in the corner of the dugout forthe yankees 0 1 pitch to utley the yankees 0 1 pitch to utley the yankees 0 1 pitch to utleyskips in, good job by robertson skips in, good job by robertson skips in, good job by robertsonto come back and get victorino to come back and get victorino to come back and get victorinoon a groundout to start the
on a groundout to start the on a groundout to start thebottom of the fourth, and it is bottom of the fourth, and it is bottom of the fourth, and it isa 1 1 count on utley. he has a 1 1 count on utley. he has a 1 1 count on utley. he hashit a three-run homer walked hit a three-run homer walked hit a three-run homer walkedstolen a base and scored a run, stolen a base and scored a run,
stolen a base and scored a run,so he has scored twice and so he has scored twice and so he has scored twice anddriven in three. driven in three. a 1 1 to the shortstop jeter, a 1 1 to the shortstop jeter,gobbles it up throws him out two gobbles it up throws him out two gobbles it up throws him out twoaway. the world series has gone away. the world series has gone
away. the world series has gonethrough a stretch for the first through a stretch for the first through a stretch for the firsttime in world series history, time in world series history, world series has lasted at most world series has lasted at mostfive games going back to the five games going back to the five games going back to thesweep by the red sox of the sweep by the red sox of the
sweep by the red sox of thecardinals in 2004, sweep by the cardinals in 2004, sweep by the cardinals in 2004, sweep by thewhite sox of the astros in 2005, white sox of the astros in 2005, white sox of the astros in 2005,cardinals beat the tigers in 06 cardinals beat the tigers in 06 cardinals beat the tigers in 06in five, boston swept colorado in five, boston swept colorado in five, boston swept coloradoin 07, last year it took five
in 07, last year it took five in 07, last year it took fivegames a lot of days but just games a lot of days but just games a lot of days but justfive games for philadelphia to five games for philadelphia to five games for philadelphia tobeat tampa bay. phillies trying beat tampa bay. phillies trying beat tampa bay. phillies tryingto break that string and force a to break that string and force a
to break that string and force agame six on wednesday night at game six on wednesday night at game six on wednesday night atyankee stadium. ryan howard took yankee stadium. ryan howard took yankee stadium. ryan howard tooka strike, a strike, a strike,and now fouls away and now fouls away and now fouls awayanother 0 and 2.
another 0 and 2. >> david robertson robertsons >> david robertson robertsonsthe pride of tuscaloosa alabama the pride of tuscaloosa alabama the pride of tuscaloosa alabamain fact his dad is here tonight, in fact his dad is here tonight, in fact his dad is here tonight,he couldn't make the games at he couldn't make the games at he couldn't make the games atyankee stadium he was too busy
yankee stadium he was too busy yankee stadium he was too busyas he is a poinsettia farmer, as he is a poinsettia farmer, as he is a poinsettia farmer,boy this is a busy time of year boy this is a busy time of year boy this is a busy time of yearfor david's dad. for david's dad. for david's dad.>> holiday season coming 0 2 >> holiday season coming 0 2
>> holiday season coming 0 2pitch, and upstairs ball one. pitch, and upstairs ball one. pitch, and upstairs ball one.ryan howard tonight has walked ryan howard tonight has walked ryan howard tonight has walkedtwice, scored a run. twice, scored a run. time called by molina. time called by molina.yankees up in this world yankees up in this world
yankees up in this worldseries three games to one, series three games to one, series three games to one,philadelphia leads game five philadelphia leads game five philadelphia leads game five6 to 1, 6 to 1, 6 to 1,and a double hit. and a double hit. and a double hit.>> that was an example of what
>> that was an example of what >> that was an example of whatyou were talking about the last you were talking about the last you were talking about the lasttime ryan howard was up even time ryan howard was up even time ryan howard was up eventhough he has walked twice, that though he has walked twice, that though he has walked twice, thatgetting out in front of the getting out in front of the
getting out in front of thebreaking ball as charlie manuel breaking ball as charlie manuel breaking ball as charlie manuelwas talk about. you can see him was talk about. you can see him was talk about. you can see himcommit with that front side and commit with that front side and commit with that front side andopen up, he fouls the ball off open up, he fouls the ball off open up, he fouls the ball offto stay alive but, you can see
to stay alive but, you can see to stay alive but, you can seeeverything is on the front foot everything is on the front foot everything is on the front footnothing is on the back foot. nothing is on the back foot. >> able to lay off the pitch 2 >> able to lay off the pitch 2and 2. and 2. and 2.favorite player growing up vai
favorite player growing up vai favorite player growing up vaisikahema, who is now a sikahema, who is now a sikahema, who is now atelevision personality at an nbc television personality at an nbc television personality at an nbcaffiliate here in philadelphia, affiliate here in philadelphia, affiliate here in philadelphia,kick and punt returner cardinals kick and punt returner cardinals
kick and punt returner cardinalseagles, here is a 2 2, and a eagles, here is a 2 2, and a eagles, here is a 2 2, and astrikeout for ryan howard that strikeout for ryan howard that strikeout for ryan howard thatis the eleventh time he has is the eleventh time he has is the eleventh time he hasstruck out in this series. a 1 2 struck out in this series. a 1 2 struck out in this series. a 1 23 fourth for robertson now the
3 fourth for robertson now the 3 fourth for robertson now thefifth, 6 1 phillies back after fifth, 6 1 phillies back after fifth, 6 1 phillies back afterthis from your local fox this from your local fox this from your local foxstation. station. station.>> cliff lee has retired ten of >> cliff lee has retired ten of
>> cliff lee has retired ten ofthe last eleven and he will work the last eleven and he will work the last eleven and he will workto jos㉠molina, and now molina to jos㉠molina, and now molina to jos㉠molina, and now molinais being lifted for a is being lifted for a is being lifted for apinch-hitter jorge posada who is pinch-hitter jorge posada who is pinch-hitter jorge posada who isdigging his way in. then the
digging his way in. then the digging his way in. then theyankees will need a pinch-hitter yankees will need a pinch-hitter yankees will need a pinch-hitterand eric hinske is in the on and eric hinske is in the on and eric hinske is in the ondeck circle, so posada is used deck circle, so posada is used deck circle, so posada is usedtrying to get something jump trying to get something jump
trying to get something jumpstarted with the offense there started with the offense there started with the offense thereis joe girardi. is joe girardi. is joe girardi.and here is the first from cliff and here is the first from cliff and here is the first from clifflee, fastball strike one, and lee, fastball strike one, and lee, fastball strike one, andaceves is still getting loose,
aceves is still getting loose, that misses a ball and a strike. that misses a ball and a strike.>> you might think why is joe >> you might think why is joe >> you might think why is joegirardi pinch hitting posada to girardi pinch hitting posada to girardi pinch hitting posada tolead off an inning when the lead off an inning when the lead off an inning when theyankees are five runs down well
yankees are five runs down well yankees are five runs down wellby pinch hitting him now, i by pinch hitting him now, i by pinch hitting him now, ithink what joe is thinking you think what joe is thinking you think what joe is thinking youmay buy another at bat for may buy another at bat for may buy another at bat forposada before his game is over. posada before his game is over.
posada before his game is over.>> there is strike two. >> there is strike two. >> there is strike two.>> if you wait until the seventh >> if you wait until the seventh >> if you wait until the seventhinning or so you may get a inning or so you may get a inning or so you may get asituation where there are only situation where there are only situation where there are onlyone or two at bats by jorge
one or two at bats by jorge one or two at bats by jorgeinstead of three. instead of three. >> ground ball to utley, a >> ground ball to utley, acouple of shuffle steps to his couple of shuffle steps to his couple of shuffle steps to hisright one out. we mentioned the right one out. we mentioned the right one out. we mentioned thegreat food at citizens bank park
great food at citizens bank park great food at citizens bank parklast night, one of the features last night, one of the features last night, one of the featuresis put together by our favorite is put together by our favorite is put together by our favoritephilly greg luzinski and we'll philly greg luzinski and we'll philly greg luzinski and we'llhear from him and take a look at hear from him and take a look at
hear from him and take a look atit after hinske does something it after hinske does something it after hinske does somethinghere with one out nobody on. here with one out nobody on. here with one out nobody on.that means that robertsons night that means that robertsons night that means that robertsons nightis finished and he did a nice is finished and he did a nice is finished and he did a nicejob, he went to innings allowed
job, he went to innings allowed job, he went to innings allowedonly one hit struck out two no only one hit struck out two no only one hit struck out two noruns. runs. runs.and a ball down and away to and a ball down and away to and a ball down and away tohinske, who is at the plate for hinske, who is at the plate for
hinske, who is at the plate forthe first time this postseason. the first time this postseason. the first time this postseason.there is bulls barbecue former there is bulls barbecue former there is bulls barbecue formerteammate of yours greg luzinski, teammate of yours greg luzinski, teammate of yours greg luzinski,1 0 pitch is chopped to the 1 0 pitch is chopped to the 1 0 pitch is chopped to theright side foul.
right side foul. right side foul.>> the bull could hit them as >> the bull could hit them as >> the bull could hit them asfar as anybody. far as anybody. far as anybody.one of the great guys in one of the great guys in one of the great guys inphiladelphia phillies history, philadelphia phillies history,
philadelphia phillies history,very very popular. very very popular. >> cliff lee is dealing and the >> cliff lee is dealing and the1 1 is down and in a bit, 1 1 is down and in a bit, 1 1 is down and in a bit,2 and 1. on deck is jeter. 2 and 1. on deck is jeter. here is the 2 1 from cliff lee here is the 2 1 from cliff leeand that is outside three balls
and that is outside three balls and that is outside three ballsand a strike. and a strike. behind on the count lee brings behind on the count lee bringsit and its ball four, that is it and its ball four, that is it and its ball four, that isthe third walk of the night the third walk of the night the third walk of the nighthanded out by lee. talked about
handed out by lee. talked about handed out by lee. talked aboutgreg luzinski and bulls barbecue greg luzinski and bulls barbecue greg luzinski and bulls barbecuelet's hear from him. let's hear from him. let's hear from him.>> well i don't know how they do >> well i don't know how they do >> well i don't know how they doit in new york this is how we do it in new york this is how we do
it in new york this is how we doit in south philly at bulls it in south philly at bulls it in south philly at bullsbarbecue, we've got the ribs barbecue, we've got the ribs barbecue, we've got the ribshere we turn them we cook them here we turn them we cook them here we turn them we cook themvery slow, they are precooked very slow, they are precooked very slow, they are precookedwith rub on them. as we go down
with rub on them. as we go down with rub on them. as we go downhere we have chicken we do the here we have chicken we do the here we have chicken we do thesame thing with it finish it off same thing with it finish it off same thing with it finish it offwith the sauce, we've got bulls with the sauce, we've got bulls with the sauce, we've got bullsbulldogs here that is bulldogs here that is
bulldogs here that isfull-length and people seem to full-length and people seem to full-length and people seem toenjoy it all. enjoy it all. enjoy it all.>> that's great. >> that's great. >> that's great.>> so now standing at a barbecue >> so now standing at a barbecue >> so now standing at a barbecuepit is greg luzinski one-on-one
pit is greg luzinski one-on-one pit is greg luzinski one-on-oneout for derek jeter as the out for derek jeter as the out for derek jeter as theyankees try to get something yankees try to get something yankees try to get somethinggoing and there is a base hit. going and there is a base hit. going and there is a base hit.and may have just done that and may have just done that
and may have just done thathinske goes first to third as hinske goes first to third as hinske goes first to third asjeter gets a base hit to right, jeter gets a base hit to right, jeter gets a base hit to right,his 8th hit of this world his 8th hit of this world his 8th hit of this worldseries. a walk and a single and series. a walk and a single and series. a walk and a single andjohnny damon is coming up.
johnny damon is coming up. johnny damon is coming up.>> you might say well why is >> you might say well why is >> you might say well why isryan howard holding the runner ryan howard holding the runner ryan howard holding the runneron, when the phillies have a on, when the phillies have a on, when the phillies have afive-run lead. there are a lot five-run lead. there are a lot
five-run lead. there are a lotof first baseman who prefer to of first baseman who prefer to of first baseman who prefer toplay in front of the runner, play in front of the runner, play in front of the runner,instead of behind the runner instead of behind the runner instead of behind the runnerbecause the runner at first because the runner at first because the runner at firstblocks their view. that's why
blocks their view. that's why blocks their view. that's whyyou see a lot of first baseman you see a lot of first baseman you see a lot of first basemannow holding runners on even now holding runners on even now holding runners on eventhough their team may be up for though their team may be up for though their team may be up foror five runs in the mid-innings. or five runs in the mid-innings.
or five runs in the mid-innings.>> and with that jeter has now >> and with that jeter has now >> and with that jeter has nowhit safely in 31 of 37 career hit safely in 31 of 37 career hit safely in 31 of 37 careerworld series games. world series games. world series games.>> born for the big stage. >> born for the big stage. >> born for the big stage.>> and its first and third one
>> and its first and third one >> and its first and third oneout for damon who takes a out for damon who takes a out for damon who takes astrike. jeter has hit in all strike. jeter has hit in all strike. jeter has hit in allfive world series games this five world series games this five world series games thisyear. hinske drew walk, jeter a year. hinske drew walk, jeter a
year. hinske drew walk, jeter abase hit. yankees have to hope base hit. yankees have to hope base hit. yankees have to hopethat's the start. that's the start. high and tight one ball one high and tight one ball onestrike. damon has singled and scored and damon has singled and scored andwalked, so he has been on base walked, so he has been on base
walked, so he has been on basetwice. he came in 3 for 26 in twice. he came in 3 for 26 in twice. he came in 3 for 26 inhis career against cliff lee. his career against cliff lee. his career against cliff lee.a 1 1, shattered bat and the a 1 1, shattered bat and the a 1 1, shattered bat and thegrounder is a fair ball and in grounder is a fair ball and in grounder is a fair ball and into score is hinske to make it
to score is hinske to make it to score is hinske to make it6 2. 6 2. 6 2.>> very good baserunning by eric >> very good baserunning by eric >> very good baserunning by erichinske, delaying delaying hinske, delaying delaying hinske, delaying delayingdelaying, and the minute howard delaying, and the minute howard
delaying, and the minute howardturned toward first base eric turned toward first base eric turned toward first base ericcame home. howard thought this came home. howard thought this came home. howard thought thisball was going to go foul but it ball was going to go foul but it ball was going to go foul but itis very much a fair ball, and is very much a fair ball, and is very much a fair ball, andthe minute he turned toward
the minute he turned toward the minute he turned towardfirst base hinske came in. watch first base hinske came in. watch first base hinske came in. watchhim trickle into your screen, him trickle into your screen, him trickle into your screen,stopping now the minute he turns stopping now the minute he turns stopping now the minute he turnshinske scores. hinske scores.
hinske scores.>> and really his initial look >> and really his initial look >> and really his initial lookwas down to second base. was down to second base. was down to second base.>> yeah right. >> yeah right. >> yeah right.>> that ball started foul came >> that ball started foul came >> that ball started foul cameback jeter had to get out of the
back jeter had to get out of the back jeter had to get out of theway of the barrel of the bat, way of the barrel of the bat, way of the barrel of the bat,and it's an rbi for johnny damon and it's an rbi for johnny damon and it's an rbi for johnny damonand a four-run game. now a and a four-run game. now a and a four-run game. now arunner at second jeter two out, runner at second jeter two out,
runner at second jeter two out,for teixeira. for teixeira. and ruiz will go out and chat and ruiz will go out and chatwith cliff lee. we've seen a with cliff lee. we've seen a with cliff lee. we've seen acouple balls down that first couple balls down that first couple balls down that firstbase line in these games here in base line in these games here in
base line in these games here inphiladelphia, start foul and philadelphia, start foul and philadelphia, start foul andalmost come back into fairground almost come back into fairground almost come back into fairgroundand that ball ended up right on and that ball ended up right on and that ball ended up right onthe baseline, when it was picked the baseline, when it was picked the baseline, when it was pickedup by ryan howard.
up by ryan howard. up by ryan howard.>> yeah often with a team with >> yeah often with a team with >> yeah often with a team withspeed and certainly the phillies speed and certainly the phillies speed and certainly the phillieshave a team with speed. have a team with speed. have a team with speed.>> here is a little pop-up into >> here is a little pop-up into
>> here is a little pop-up intoshallow right for jayson werth. shallow right for jayson werth. shallow right for jayson werth.>> those first and third >> those first and third >> those first and thirdbaselines slant inwards to keep baselines slant inwards to keep baselines slant inwards to keepthe ball fair. the ball fair. the ball fair.>> one run in the inning, on a
>> one run in the inning, on a >> one run in the inning, on awalk and a hit for yankees, walk and a hit for yankees, walk and a hit for yankees,halfway through it 6 2 halfway through it 6 2 halfway through it 6 2philadelphia. philadelphia.>> game number five goes into >> game number five goes into >> game number five goes intothe bottom of the fifth jorge
the bottom of the fifth jorge the bottom of the fifth jorgeposada who pinch-hit is in the posada who pinch-hit is in the posada who pinch-hit is in thegame catching no surprise, and game catching no surprise, and game catching no surprise, andthe new pitcher is alfredo the new pitcher is alfredo the new pitcher is alfredoaceves, who has not been in a aceves, who has not been in a
aceves, who has not been in apostseason game since game two postseason game since game two postseason game since game twoof the alcs on october 17th. of the alcs on october 17th. actually made that appearance in actually made that appearance ingame three the 19th two nights game three the 19th two nights game three the 19th two nightslater, and that was the later, and that was the
later, and that was thecontroversial move for aceves so controversial move for aceves so controversial move for aceves soit has been a while. he came on it has been a while. he came on it has been a while. he came onto relieve david robertson in to relieve david robertson in to relieve david robertson inthat game robertson had picked that game robertson had picked that game robertson had pickedup the first two outs of the
up the first two outs of the up the first two outs of theinning, aceves came in and gave inning, aceves came in and gave inning, aceves came in and gaveup a hit to howie kendrick and a up a hit to howie kendrick and a up a hit to howie kendrick and agame ending rbi double to jeff game ending rbi double to jeff game ending rbi double to jeffmathis. he was the loser in that mathis. he was the loser in that
mathis. he was the loser in thatgame and has not been seen since game and has not been seen since game and has not been seen sincein a ball game this postseason in a ball game this postseason in a ball game this postseasonfor new york, but pressed into for new york, but pressed into for new york, but pressed intoduty in the fifth dealing with duty in the fifth dealing with duty in the fifth dealing withjayson werth with a 1 1 count.
jayson werth with a 1 1 count. and aceves wants to talk to and aceves wants to talk toposada. posada. posada.bottom of the fifth inning 6 2 bottom of the fifth inning 6 2 bottom of the fifth inning 6 2philadelphia leads it. get ready philadelphia leads it. get ready philadelphia leads it. get readytelevisions number one show
televisions number one show televisions number one showreturns, millions dream returns, millions dream returns, millions dreamthousands audition but only one thousands audition but only one thousands audition but only onewill become the next american will become the next american will become the next americanidol. a spectacular new season idol. a spectacular new season
idol. a spectacular new seasonbegins this january on fox. begins this january on fox. jayson werth with an rbi single jayson werth with an rbi singleup the middle his last time up, up the middle his last time up, up the middle his last time up,and now puts a charge into one and now puts a charge into one and now puts a charge into oneinto left-center field at the into left-center field at the
into left-center field at thewall, what a catch by gardner, wall, what a catch by gardner, wall, what a catch by gardner,who is down on all fours and who is down on all fours and who is down on all fours andcan't get up. what a grab by can't get up. what a grab by can't get up. what a grab bybrett gardner, and he hit that brett gardner, and he hit that brett gardner, and he hit thatwall hard at full steam the
wall hard at full steam the wall hard at full steam theyankees have already lost yankees have already lost yankees have already lostcabrera. cabrera. cabrera.>> gardner's first game back >> gardner's first game back >> gardner's first game backwhat a play, slamming that right what a play, slamming that right
what a play, slamming that rightshoulder into the fence, brett shoulder into the fence, brett shoulder into the fence, brettgardner was on the disabled list gardner was on the disabled list gardner was on the disabled listwith a broken left thumb for six with a broken left thumb for six with a broken left thumb for sixweeks, not really knowing how weeks, not really knowing how weeks, not really knowing howclose he is the wall makes the
close he is the wall makes the close he is the wall makes thecatch slams into the padding. catch slams into the padding. catch slams into the padding.>> he got a visit from trainer >> he got a visit from trainer >> he got a visit from trainerand joe girardi. and joe girardi. and joe girardi.>> that's steve donahue. >> that's steve donahue.
>> and werth watched as "a" that >> and werth watched as "a" thatball fell short of leaving the ball fell short of leaving the ball fell short of leaving thepark, and "b" gardner caught it park, and "b" gardner caught it park, and "b" gardner caught itand he and joe girardi almost and he and joe girardi almost and he and joe girardi almostcrossed paths as werth just kept crossed paths as werth just kept
crossed paths as werth just kepton going, he has to get back to on going, he has to get back to on going, he has to get back tothe dugout somehow. the dugout somehow. the dugout somehow.>> what a great shot touch them >> what a great shot touch them >> what a great shot touch themall on a fly ball. all on a fly ball. all on a fly ball.>> and an out a loud out to
>> and an out a loud out to >> and an out a loud out tostart the bottom of the fifth as start the bottom of the fifth as start the bottom of the fifth asibanez takes a strike from ibanez takes a strike from ibanez takes a strike fromaceves. aceves. aceves.the numbers for aceves during the numbers for aceves during
the numbers for aceves duringthe regular season, as he gets the regular season, as he gets the regular season, as he getsibanez to ground to teixeira for ibanez to ground to teixeira for ibanez to ground to teixeira forout number two. guys coming out out number two. guys coming out out number two. guys coming outof the bullpen to rack up ten of the bullpen to rack up ten of the bullpen to rack up tenwins some guys are called a
wins some guys are called a wins some guys are called avulture, in that position coming vulture, in that position coming vulture, in that position comingin pitching out of the bullpen in pitching out of the bullpen in pitching out of the bullpenhe was valuable, and had good he was valuable, and had good he was valuable, and had goodnumbers 84 innings pitched 69 numbers 84 innings pitched 69
numbers 84 innings pitched 69hits, struck out 69 walked just hits, struck out 69 walked just hits, struck out 69 walked just16, allowed 10 home runs and was 16, allowed 10 home runs and was 16, allowed 10 home runs and was10 1 aceves, with one start 42 10 1 aceves, with one start 42 10 1 aceves, with one start 42appearances out of the pen appearances out of the pen appearances out of the penduring the regular season.
during the regular season. during the regular season.pitching the bottom of the fifth pitching the bottom of the fifth pitching the bottom of the fifthhere's pedro feliz, and a ground here's pedro feliz, and a ground here's pedro feliz, and a groundball to short jeter takes care ball to short jeter takes care ball to short jeter takes careof feliz. and we go into the of feliz. and we go into the
of feliz. and we go into thesixth game five of this world sixth game five of this world sixth game five of this worldseries philadelphia will take series philadelphia will take series philadelphia will takethe field up by four. the field up by four. the field up by four.>> entertained before the top of >> entertained before the top of >> entertained before the top ofthe sixth inning with a protã‰gã‰.
the sixth inning with a protã‰gã‰. the sixth inning with a protã‰gã‰.and as we go to the sixth inning and as we go to the sixth inning and as we go to the sixth inningit's a 6 2 philadelphia lead it's a 6 2 philadelphia lead it's a 6 2 philadelphia leadtrying to force a game six on trying to force a game six on trying to force a game six onwednesday night, alex rodriguez wednesday night, alex rodriguez
wednesday night, alex rodriguezfirst up rbi double his first first up rbi double his first first up rbi double his firsttime flied to center in the time flied to center in the time flied to center in thethird, and lee brings it, third, and lee brings it, third, and lee brings it,strike one. strike one. strike one.cliff lee in his career has
cliff lee in his career has cliff lee in his career hasnever blown a five-run lead, never blown a five-run lead, never blown a five-run lead,well now it's a four-run lead well now it's a four-run lead well now it's a four-run leadbut it was five he is 41 and 0 but it was five he is 41 and 0 but it was five he is 41 and 0in his career when leading by in his career when leading by
in his career when leading byfive or more runs, five or more runs, five or more runs,0 and 2. 0 and 2. 0 and 2.rodriguez then swisher then rodriguez then swisher then rodriguez then swisher thencano, if anybody gets on brett cano, if anybody gets on brett cano, if anybody gets on brettgardner, on this chilly but
gardner, on this chilly but gardner, on this chilly butprecipitation free night in precipitation free night in precipitation free night inphiladelphia a pop-up, into philadelphia a pop-up, into philadelphia a pop-up, intoright for jayson werth. right for jayson werth. right for jayson werth.one out in the sixth inning one out in the sixth inning
one out in the sixth inningcoming up on 10 o'clock in coming up on 10 o'clock in coming up on 10 o'clock inthe east and tonight's verizon the east and tonight's verizon the east and tonight's verizongame summary, game summary, game summary,utley we talked about the utley we talked about the utley we talked about thephillies needing a jolt, he
phillies needing a jolt, he phillies needing a jolt, hesupplied it bottom of the first supplied it bottom of the first supplied it bottom of the firstinning a three-run shot fourth inning a three-run shot fourth inning a three-run shot fourthhome run this series made it 3 home run this series made it 3 home run this series made it 3to 1. here's the numbers there to 1. here's the numbers there
to 1. here's the numbers thereare the numbers for cliff lee 41 are the numbers for cliff lee 41 are the numbers for cliff lee 41and 0 in his career with a lead and 0 in his career with a lead and 0 in his career with a leadof five or more runs, and the 1 of five or more runs, and the 1 of five or more runs, and the 1through 4 hitters for through 4 hitters for through 4 hitters forphiladelphia, which carried the
philadelphia, which carried the philadelphia, which carried thephillies all the way to this phillies all the way to this phillies all the way to thisworld series are getting it done world series are getting it done world series are getting it donetonight, here is nick swisher 0 tonight, here is nick swisher 0 tonight, here is nick swisher 0for 1 with a walk. for 1 with a walk.
for 1 with a walk.lee fires a strike. lee fires a strike. lee fires a strike.>> nick batting in the five hole >> nick batting in the five hole >> nick batting in the five holebehind alex rodriguez and it's behind alex rodriguez and it's behind alex rodriguez and it'sinteresting to note, that he interesting to note, that he interesting to note, that hehomered for the yankees in seven
homered for the yankees in seven homered for the yankees in sevendifferent lineup positions. different lineup positions. different lineup positions.it shows you his flexibility. it shows you his flexibility. it shows you his flexibility.>> and the majority of his home >> and the majority of his home >> and the majority of his homeruns have come on the road this runs have come on the road this
runs have come on the road thisyear, most road home runs in the year, most road home runs in the year, most road home runs in theamerican league with 22 if you american league with 22 if you american league with 22 if youinclude the one he hit here two include the one he hit here two include the one he hit here twonights ago. and 22 of his 30 nights ago. and 22 of his 30 nights ago. and 22 of his 30have come away from yankee
have come away from yankee have come away from yankeestadium, which surrendered the stadium, which surrendered the stadium, which surrendered themost home runs across the big most home runs across the big most home runs across the bigleagues in 09. the count is 0 leagues in 09. the count is 0 leagues in 09. the count is 0and 2, there is the difference and 2, there is the difference
and 2, there is the differencehome and road for swisher first home and road for swisher first home and road for swisher firstyear with the yankees, after a year with the yankees, after a year with the yankees, after atrade with the white sox brought trade with the white sox brought trade with the white sox broughthim to new york ball one. him to new york ball one. not as dominant as game one for
not as dominant as game one forcliff lee but certainly cliff lee but certainly cliff lee but certainlyeffective. effective. effective.a 1 2, 2 and 2. a 1 2, 2 and 2. a 1 2, 2 and 2.recruited as a safety to notre recruited as a safety to notre dame by bob davie, former head
dame by bob davie, former headcoach there, and the 2 2 pitch coach there, and the 2 2 pitch coach there, and the 2 2 pitchto nick swisher hit foul outside to nick swisher hit foul outside to nick swisher hit foul outsidethird. third. third.>> nick's dad a former major >> nick's dad a former major >> nick's dad a former majorleaguer steve swisher caught for
leaguer steve swisher caught for leaguer steve swisher caught forthe cubs and the cardinals we the cubs and the cardinals we the cubs and the cardinals weran into him the other night. ran into him the other night. ran into him the other night.the commander a great guy lives the commander a great guy lives the commander a great guy livesin west virginia. in west virginia.
in west virginia.>> whose son nick waits for a 2 >> whose son nick waits for a 2 >> whose son nick waits for a 2 2, and hits it into the air to 2, and hits it into the air to 2, and hits it into the air toleft center field, back is left center field, back is left center field, back isvictorino for out number two. victorino for out number two. victorino for out number two.ball is not carrying to
ball is not carrying to ball is not carrying toleft-center, jayson werth knows left-center, jayson werth knows left-center, jayson werth knowsthat after the ball he hit to that after the ball he hit to that after the ball he hit tostart the bottom of the fifth. start the bottom of the fifth. start the bottom of the fifth.we look ahead if there is a game we look ahead if there is a game
we look ahead if there is a gamesix it will be on wednesday six it will be on wednesday six it will be on wednesdaynight from yankee stadium. we night from yankee stadium. we night from yankee stadium. weknow that the yankees will start know that the yankees will start know that the yankees will startandy petitte at least we believe andy petitte at least we believe andy petitte at least we believeso. we are on the air 730
so. we are on the air 730 so. we are on the air 730eastern time 430 pacific the eastern time 430 pacific the eastern time 430 pacific theonly way that petitte would not only way that petitte would not only way that petitte would notget the ball in game six, is if get the ball in game six, is if get the ball in game six, is ifhe told girardi that something he told girardi that something
he told girardi that somethingwasn't right, and joe girardi wasn't right, and joe girardi wasn't right, and joe girarditold us before the game that he told us before the game that he told us before the game that hewouldn't know until petitte got wouldn't know until petitte got wouldn't know until petitte gotto the ballpark today, and to the ballpark today, and to the ballpark today, andprobably wouldn't say anything
probably wouldn't say anything probably wouldn't say anythingon the record until tomorrow. on the record until tomorrow. on the record until tomorrow.meanwhile in the pregame press meanwhile in the pregame press meanwhile in the pregame pressconference charlie manuel the conference charlie manuel the conference charlie manuel themanager for the phillies was manager for the phillies was
manager for the phillies wasasked, in the event that you win asked, in the event that you win asked, in the event that you wintonight do you have a game six tonight do you have a game six tonight do you have a game sixstarter picked out already, starter picked out already, starter picked out already,charlie manuel said yeah we've charlie manuel said yeah we've charlie manuel said yeah we'vegot a starter picked out, but
got a starter picked out, but got a starter picked out, butwe've got to win the game first. we've got to win the game first. we've got to win the game first.here is cano with a base hit here is cano with a base hit here is cano with a base hitinto center it comes with two into center it comes with two into center it comes with twoouts here in the sixth inning, outs here in the sixth inning,
outs here in the sixth inning,and then the follow-up question and then the follow-up question and then the follow-up questionto manuel before you announce it to manuel before you announce it to manuel before you announce itand he said yeah. so he is and he said yeah. so he is and he said yeah. so he iskeeping it quiet i would think keeping it quiet i would think keeping it quiet i would thinkall signs at this point, are on
all signs at this point, are on all signs at this point, are onpedro martinez getting the ball pedro martinez getting the ball pedro martinez getting the ballfor philadelphia in game six if for philadelphia in game six if for philadelphia in game six ifthere is one. there is one. there is one.>> yeah there is an outside >> yeah there is an outside
>> yeah there is an outsidechance that jay happ may be the chance that jay happ may be the chance that jay happ may be thestarter, or if pedro does start starter, or if pedro does start starter, or if pedro does startthat game perhaps happ will that game perhaps happ will that game perhaps happ willstart game seven, and backed up start game seven, and backed up start game seven, and backed upby lee and everybody else.
by lee and everybody else. by lee and everybody else.>> a two-out hit by cano who is >> a two-out hit by cano who is >> a two-out hit by cano who is1 for 3 tonight 3 out of 18 in 1 for 3 tonight 3 out of 18 in 1 for 3 tonight 3 out of 18 inthe series and brett gardner the series and brett gardner the series and brett gardnernow, after losing melki cabrera now, after losing melki cabrera
now, after losing melki cabrerato a pulled hamstring last night to a pulled hamstring last night to a pulled hamstring last nightgirardi thrilled that gardner girardi thrilled that gardner girardi thrilled that gardnereventually got up, after hitting eventually got up, after hitting eventually got up, after hittingthe wall in left-center on a the wall in left-center on a the wall in left-center on aball hit by werth last inning.
ball hit by werth last inning. one ball one strike.the interesting figure looking the interesting figure looking the interesting figure lookingdeeper into this series would deeper into this series would deeper into this series wouldhave to be cole hamels and how have to be cole hamels and how have to be cole hamels and howgreat he was last postseason for great he was last postseason for
great he was last postseason forphiladelphia, and how he has not philadelphia, and how he has not philadelphia, and how he has notbeen this postseason for been this postseason for been this postseason forphiladelphia. there is a strike philadelphia. there is a strike philadelphia. there is a strikenumber two on garner 1 and 2, number two on garner 1 and 2, number two on garner 1 and 2,hamels made the start here on
hamels made the start here on hamels made the start here onsaturday night got into the saturday night got into the saturday night got into thefifth and was knocked out, and fifth and was knocked out, and fifth and was knocked out, andblew a 3 to 0 lead and the blew a 3 to 0 lead and the blew a 3 to 0 lead and theyankees won 8 5 behind the yankees won 8 5 behind the
yankees won 8 5 behind thepetitte. what had to be as petitte. what had to be as petitte. what had to be asdisconcerting to the phillies disconcerting to the phillies disconcerting to the philliesafter that start not just the after that start not just the after that start not just theloss, but what hamels was quoted loss, but what hamels was quoted loss, but what hamels was quotedas saying which will get into at
as saying which will get into at as saying which will get into atsome point, with one out two on some point, with one out two on some point, with one out two on1 and 2 on gardner, and strike 1 and 2 on gardner, and strike 1 and 2 on gardner, and strikethree ends the top of the sixth. three ends the top of the sixth. three ends the top of the sixth.just the second strikeout for just the second strikeout for
just the second strikeout forcliff lee who struck out ten in cliff lee who struck out ten in cliff lee who struck out ten ingame one. bottom of the sixth game one. bottom of the sixth game one. bottom of the sixthinning game five 6 2 phillies. inning game five 6 2 phillies. inning game five 6 2 phillies.>> alfredo aceves back to the >> alfredo aceves back to the >> alfredo aceves back to thehill, it will be carlos ruiz
hill, it will be carlos ruiz hill, it will be carlos ruizthen cliff lee jimmy rollins for then cliff lee jimmy rollins for then cliff lee jimmy rollins forphiladelphia, up 6 2 and a philadelphia, up 6 2 and a philadelphia, up 6 2 and agood breaking ball from aceves good breaking ball from aceves good breaking ball from aceveswho brought good stuff with him who brought good stuff with him
who brought good stuff with himto the mound from the bullpen, to the mound from the bullpen, to the mound from the bullpen,the perfect fifth strike one to the perfect fifth strike one to the perfect fifth strike one toruiz, who has a rbi on a force ruiz, who has a rbi on a force ruiz, who has a rbi on a forceout he hit into back in the out he hit into back in the out he hit into back in thethird. that misses a ball and a
third. that misses a ball and a third. that misses a ball and astrike. line drive into right field well line drive into right field wellhit swisher a good jump and the hit swisher a good jump and the hit swisher a good jump and thecatch to his left. here comes catch to his left. here comes catch to his left. here comescliff lee, cliff lee who has cliff lee, cliff lee who has
cliff lee, cliff lee who hasbeen dazzling so far this been dazzling so far this been dazzling so far thispostseason for philadelphia. the postseason for philadelphia. the postseason for philadelphia. thebiggest pitching reason why the biggest pitching reason why the biggest pitching reason why thephillies are here and playing in phillies are here and playing in phillies are here and playing ingame five of this world series
game five of this world series game five of this world seriesdigs in, he is 1 for 2. kind of digs in, he is 1 for 2. kind of digs in, he is 1 for 2. kind ofteased you and led you in to teased you and led you in to teased you and led you in towhat cole hamels said after that what cole hamels said after that what cole hamels said after thatloss here in game three, we'll loss here in game three, we'll
loss here in game three, we'llbring in ken rosenthal here in bring in ken rosenthal here in bring in ken rosenthal here inthe bottom of the sixth as lee the bottom of the sixth as lee the bottom of the sixth as leefouls away strike one. the quote fouls away strike one. the quote fouls away strike one. the quotei think caught charlie manuel by i think caught charlie manuel by i think caught charlie manuel bysurprise when he basically said,
surprise when he basically said, surprise when he basically said,and i'm paraphrasing, "i can't and i'm paraphrasing, "i can't and i'm paraphrasing, "i can'twait for it to be over", right wait for it to be over", right wait for it to be over", rightken? ken? ken?>> yes that is exactly what he >> yes that is exactly what he
>> yes that is exactly what hesaid joe. cole hamels said i said joe. cole hamels said i said joe. cole hamels said ican't wait for this season to can't wait for this season to can't wait for this season toend, it has been mentally end, it has been mentally end, it has been mentallydraining. so that raises the draining. so that raises the draining. so that raises thequestion how mentally prepared
question how mentally prepared question how mentally preparedwill he be to pitch in game will he be to pitch in game will he be to pitch in gameseven, when he's thinking along seven, when he's thinking along seven, when he's thinking alongthose lines. now maybe he was those lines. now maybe he was those lines. now maybe he wasspeaking out of frustration, but speaking out of frustration, but
speaking out of frustration, butthey're going to have to check they're going to have to check they're going to have to checkin with him obviously if they in with him obviously if they in with him obviously if theyget to that point. get to that point. get to that point.>> he would be in line for the >> he would be in line for the >> he would be in line for thebaseball in game seven if this
baseball in game seven if this baseball in game seven if thisseries got there, cliff lee series got there, cliff lee series got there, cliff leestrikes out and five straight strikes out and five straight strikes out and five straightretired by aceves and lee gets a retired by aceves and lee gets a retired by aceves and lee gets anice hand going back to the nice hand going back to the
nice hand going back to thedugout. dugout. dugout.>> we asked charlie about those >> we asked charlie about those >> we asked charlie about thosecomments the other day and comments the other day and comments the other day andcharlie said you know, i don't charlie said you know, i don't charlie said you know, i don'tknow what he meant by those
know what he meant by those know what he meant by thosewords and i'll have to talk to words and i'll have to talk to words and i'll have to talk tohim to find out, we haven't him to find out, we haven't him to find out, we haven'ttalked to him about that since. talked to him about that since. talked to him about that since.>> but we will. >> but we will.
>> but we will.>> but we will. >> but we will.>> if we get the chance if this >> if we get the chance if this >> if we get the chance if thisseries moves back to new york, series moves back to new york, series moves back to new york,here is jimmy rollins two-out here is jimmy rollins two-out here is jimmy rollins two-outnobody on. rollins singled and nobody on. rollins singled and
nobody on. rollins singled andscored in the first and that scored in the first and that scored in the first and thatsingle got it going for single got it going for single got it going forphiladelphia down one to philadelphia down one to philadelphia down one tonothing. the big shot by utley a nothing. the big shot by utley a nothing. the big shot by utley athree run home run to make it 3
three run home run to make it 3 three run home run to make it 3 1 after one inning, and three 1 after one inning, and three 1 after one inning, and threeruns in the third chasing aj runs in the third chasing aj runs in the third chasing ajburnett yankees got a run in the burnett yankees got a run in the burnett yankees got a run in thefifth and it is 6 2. fifth and it is 6 2.
fifth and it is 6 2.first pitch a ball to rollins. first pitch a ball to rollins. first pitch a ball to rollins.good pitch from aceves, strike good pitch from aceves, strike good pitch from aceves, strikeone. one. bottom of the sixth the yankees bottom of the sixth the yankeesin the seventh will have posada in the seventh will have posada
in the seventh will have posadathen a pinch-hitter remember then a pinch-hitter remember then a pinch-hitter remembermatsui is on the bench, as is matsui is on the bench, as is matsui is on the bench, as ishairston and ramiro pena, and hairston and ramiro pena, and hairston and ramiro pena, andthen derek jeter against cliff then derek jeter against cliff then derek jeter against clifflee. here is a 2 1,
lee. here is a 2 1, off the end of the bat and off the end of the bat andinto center second hit of into center second hit of into center second hit ofthe night third time on base the night third time on base the night third time on basefor jimmy rollins. for jimmy rollins. for jimmy rollins.>> it looked like a billiards
>> it looked like a billiards >> it looked like a billiardsshot to center field eluding shot to center field eluding shot to center field eludingcano. cano. >> so this is the spot where >> so this is the spot wherejimmy rollins will try and run jimmy rollins will try and run jimmy rollins will try and runif he gets a jump and test jorge
if he gets a jump and test jorge if he gets a jump and test jorgeposada, who throughout 22 posada, who throughout 22 posada, who throughout 22percent of potential base percent of potential base percent of potential basestealers during the season. stealers during the season. stealers during the season.rollins stole thirty-one and is rollins stole thirty-one and is
2 for 2 this world series. here 2 for 2 this world series. herecomes dave ireland to talk to comes dave ireland to talk to comes dave ireland to talk toaceves. phil coke gets loose. aceves. phil coke gets loose. the visit and the lefty getting the visit and the lefty gettingloose with chase utley on deck, loose with chase utley on deck, loose with chase utley on deck,in case this inning gets past
in case this inning gets past in case this inning gets pastvictorino and utley steps in. victorino and utley steps in. victorino and utley steps in.>> these have always been odd >> these have always been odd >> these have always been oddvisits because the pitcher on visits because the pitcher on visits because the pitcher onthe mound knows that the the mound knows that the
the mound knows that thepitching coach is talking to pitching coach is talking to pitching coach is talking tohim, to give the guy in the him, to give the guy in the him, to give the guy in thebullpen time to warm up to come bullpen time to warm up to come bullpen time to warm up to comein and releave you. it's a you in and releave you. it's a you in and releave you. it's a youtalk about a diplomatic approach
talk about a diplomatic approach talk about a diplomatic approachthat catchers and pitching that catchers and pitching that catchers and pitchingcoaches have to take, when a coaches have to take, when a coaches have to take, when amanager sends him out to talk to manager sends him out to talk to manager sends him out to talk toa pitcher buying time. a pitcher buying time.
a pitcher buying time.>> the bullpen this postseason >> the bullpen this postseason >> the bullpen this postseasonentering tonight mariano rivera entering tonight mariano rivera entering tonight mariano riverahe has allowed that one earned he has allowed that one earned he has allowed that one earnedrun 14 and a third innings this run 14 and a third innings this run 14 and a third innings thispostseason, the rest of that pen
postseason, the rest of that pen postseason, the rest of that penan era of 4.76 good work tonight an era of 4.76 good work tonight an era of 4.76 good work tonightby robertson, aceves trying to by robertson, aceves trying to by robertson, aceves trying tomatch him, rollins starts and match him, rollins starts and match him, rollins starts andstops and victorino fouls it stops and victorino fouls it
stops and victorino fouls itback. back. victorino hit by a pitch he victorino hit by a pitch hescored a run he has popped up scored a run he has popped up scored a run he has popped upgrounded out, takes a pitch in grounded out, takes a pitch in grounded out, takes a pitch inthe dirt down to second goes the dirt down to second goes
the dirt down to second goesjimmy rollins. again rollins had jimmy rollins. again rollins had jimmy rollins. again rollins hadmade a break and then stopped, made a break and then stopped, made a break and then stopped,and he's down to second on what and he's down to second on what and he's down to second on whatwill be called a wild pitch. will be called a wild pitch. will be called a wild pitch.>> ball kind of crawling up the
>> ball kind of crawling up the >> ball kind of crawling up themitt the chest protector and the mitt the chest protector and the mitt the chest protector and themask of posada as rollins goes mask of posada as rollins goes mask of posada as rollins goesto second base on the wild to second base on the wild to second base on the wildpitch. pitch.
pitch.>> 1 and 1 on victorino trying >> 1 and 1 on victorino trying >> 1 and 1 on victorino tryingto give the phillies their to give the phillies their to give the phillies theirfive-run lead back. five-run lead back. five-run lead back.off the end of the bat, off the end of the bat, off the end of the bat,jeter charges gets a big hop,
jeter charges gets a big hop, jeter charges gets a big hop,and just got him at first. and just got him at first. and just got him at first.inning over, end of the inning over, end of the inning over, end of theseventh game five as they make seventh game five as they make seventh game five as they makesome cheesesteaks here in some cheesesteaks here in
some cheesesteaks here inphiladelphia with the phillies philadelphia with the phillies philadelphia with the philliesleading 6 2. back after this leading 6 2. back after this leading 6 2. back after thisfrom your local fox station. from your local fox station. from your local fox station.>> cliff lee the winner in game >> cliff lee the winner in game >> cliff lee the winner in gameone trying to win game five heck
one trying to win game five heck one trying to win game five heckhe even had a hit tonight, 6 he even had a hit tonight, 6 he even had a hit tonight, 6 2. the phillies lead as we go to 2. the phillies lead as we go to 2. the phillies lead as we go tothe seventh inning and jorge the seventh inning and jorge the seventh inning and jorgeposada is first up and a posada is first up and a
posada is first up and aswinging strike on a fastball, swinging strike on a fastball, swinging strike on a fastball,posada then hairston who right posada then hairston who right posada then hairston who rightnow is in the on deck circle, now is in the on deck circle, now is in the on deck circle,and while they meet on the mound and while they meet on the mound and while they meet on the moundto be get to say hello back to
to be get to say hello back to to be get to say hello back toyou again here in game five and you again here in game five and you again here in game five andas i said last inning, not as as i said last inning, not as as i said last inning, not asdominant but certainly as dominant but certainly as dominant but certainly aseffective for philadelphia with effective for philadelphia with
effective for philadelphia withcliff lee. cliff lee.>> well he is has shown so many >> well he is has shown so many >> well he is has shown so manylooks joe changing speeds, looks joe changing speeds, looks joe changing speeds,spiked curveball fastballs in spiked curveball fastballs in spiked curveball fastballs infastballs away its not much left fastballs away its not much left
fastballs away its not much leftin a repertoire. in a repertoire. in a repertoire.>> well that's it, it's all you >> well that's it, it's all you >> well that's it, it's all youcan do. can do. can do.>> if you are a pitcher. >> if you are a pitcher. >> if you are a pitcher.>> 0 and 1 is the count. and
>> 0 and 1 is the count. and >> 0 and 1 is the count. andjorge posada who grounded out in jorge posada who grounded out in jorge posada who grounded out inhis only at-bat took over for his only at-bat took over for his only at-bat took over formolina in the fifth, molina in the fifth, molina in the fifth,takes a strike. takes a strike.
takes a strike.>> i wonder if posada was >> i wonder if posada was >> i wonder if posada wastalking about him pitching talking about him pitching talking about him pitchingbefore he was ready, he called before he was ready, he called before he was ready, he calledtimeout lee continues to pitch timeout lee continues to pitch timeout lee continues to pitchand the pitch was a strike.
and the pitch was a strike. and the pitch was a strike.>> and the crowd loved it. >> and the crowd loved it. >> and the crowd loved it.>> i think jorge put that right >> i think jorge put that right >> i think jorge put that righthand up too late. hand up too late. hand up too late.>> it's not automatic time has >> it's not automatic time has
>> it's not automatic time hasto be granted by demuth and he to be granted by demuth and he to be granted by demuth and hedidn't and now he rings him up. didn't and now he rings him up. didn't and now he rings him up.strikeout number three for cliff strikeout number three for cliff strikeout number three for clifflee. lee. lee.>> two pitches ago, calling
>> two pitches ago, calling >> two pitches ago, callingtimeout timeout, home plate timeout timeout, home plate timeout timeout, home plateumpire dana demuth said nope umpire dana demuth said nope umpire dana demuth said nopethat's a strike, posada argued that's a strike, posada argued that's a strike, posada arguedand then the next pitch was a and then the next pitch was a
and then the next pitch was astrike on the inside corner. strike on the inside corner. >> and with one out and nobody >> and with one out and nobodyon here is jerry hairston on here is jerry hairston on here is jerry hairstonjunior. he has made a start in junior. he has made a start in junior. he has made a start inthis series so far 1 for 5 this this series so far 1 for 5 this
postseason. that one was a big postseason. that one was a bighit though, it came in his first hit though, it came in his first hit though, it came in his firstpostseason at-bat hairston postseason at-bat hairston postseason at-bat hairstonalmost hopped out of there and almost hopped out of there and almost hopped out of there andtried to call time out and now tried to call time out and now
tried to call time out and nowhe says something to the home he says something to the home he says something to the homeplate umpire he stayed in, he plate umpire he stayed in, he plate umpire he stayed in, hewas watching from the on deck was watching from the on deck was watching from the on deckcircle took a ball. circle took a ball. circle took a ball.>> well our first point of the
>> well our first point of the >> well our first point of thescouting report is about how scouting report is about how scouting report is about howcliff lee works lightning fast, cliff lee works lightning fast, cliff lee works lightning fast,and posada and hairston have and posada and hairston have and posada and hairston haveseen that here in the seventh. seen that here in the seventh.
seen that here in the seventh.>> that's high ball two, 2 and >> that's high ball two, 2 and >> that's high ball two, 2 and0. the hit for hairston came in 0. the hit for hairston came in 0. the hit for hairston came inthe thirteenth inning of game the thirteenth inning of game the thirteenth inning of gametwo of the alcs against the two of the alcs against the two of the alcs against theangels and he scored the winning
angels and he scored the winning angels and he scored the winningrun. run. run.2 0 pitch is over but low 2 0 pitch is over but low 2 0 pitch is over but low3 0. 3 0. 3 0.jeter will follow, as the jeter will follow, as the
jeter will follow, as theyankees are left with two yankees are left with two yankees are left with twoposition players on their bench, position players on their bench, position players on their bench,there is a strike, hideki matsui there is a strike, hideki matsui there is a strike, hideki matsuiwill be back in that lineup if will be back in that lineup if will be back in that lineup ifthere is a game six at yankee
there is a game six at yankee there is a game six at yankeestadium, and ramiro pena who was stadium, and ramiro pena who was stadium, and ramiro pena who wasjust activated when the yankees just activated when the yankees just activated when the yankeestook melki cabrera and his bad took melki cabrera and his bad took melki cabrera and his badhamstring off the active list. hamstring off the active list.
hamstring off the active list.here is a 3 1 to jerry here is a 3 1 to jerry here is a 3 1 to jerryhairston, he's swinging and he hairston, he's swinging and he hairston, he's swinging and hepops up into shallow left-center pops up into shallow left-center pops up into shallow left-centerfor victorino, two out. and that for victorino, two out. and that for victorino, two out. and thatwill bring in derek jeter.
will bring in derek jeter. will bring in derek jeter.>> i could tell by the >> i could tell by the >> i could tell by theinflection of your voice that inflection of your voice that inflection of your voice thatyou were surprised that he was you were surprised that he was you were surprised that he wasswinging i was too, you know swinging i was too, you know
swinging i was too, you knowthirty years ago twenty-five thirty years ago twenty-five thirty years ago twenty-fiveyears ago guys a team trailing years ago guys a team trailing years ago guys a team trailingby 4 5 runs in the middle by 4 5 runs in the middle by 4 5 runs in the middleinnings, you take a 2 0 pitch innings, you take a 2 0 pitch innings, you take a 2 0 pitchyou take a 3 1 pitch but that
you take a 3 1 pitch but that you take a 3 1 pitch but thatis not the case anymore, the is not the case anymore, the is not the case anymore, thegame has changed and that's not game has changed and that's not game has changed and that's notthe only change in the game. the only change in the game. the only change in the game.>> so two out nobody on and >> so two out nobody on and
>> so two out nobody on andjeter who is 1 for 3 steps in. jeter who is 1 for 3 steps in. and a strike, mariano rivera is and a strike, mariano rivera isin the dugout at this point as in the dugout at this point as in the dugout at this point asopposed to out in the bullpen as opposed to out in the bullpen as opposed to out in the bullpen asphil coke continues to get phil coke continues to get
phil coke continues to getloose. loose. loose.pitch number 101 on the night, pitch number 101 on the night, pitch number 101 on the night,and it's inside a ball and a and it's inside a ball and a and it's inside a ball and astrike. strike.cliff lee and that game one cliff lee and that game one
cliff lee and that game onestart nine innings one run it start nine innings one run it start nine innings one run itwas unearned, six hits ten was unearned, six hits ten was unearned, six hits tenstrikeouts and no walks threw strikeouts and no walks threw strikeouts and no walks threw122 pitches. here's number 102 122 pitches. here's number 102 122 pitches. here's number 102tonight, strike two. that game
tonight, strike two. that game tonight, strike two. that gameone performance lee became the one performance lee became the one performance lee became thefirst pitcher in world series first pitcher in world series first pitcher in world serieshistory, in one game to strike history, in one game to strike history, in one game to strikeout ten or more allow no earned out ten or more allow no earned
out ten or more allow no earnedruns and no walks, that's how runs and no walks, that's how runs and no walks, that's howdominant he was against the dominant he was against the dominant he was against theyankees. shattered bat dangerous as it shattered bat dangerous as itheads into the seats hopefully heads into the seats hopefully heads into the seats hopefullyeverybody is okay and a pop-up,
everybody is okay and a pop-up, everybody is okay and a pop-up,ends the inning. and that's all ends the inning. and that's all ends the inning. and that's allthat jeter was left with. that jeter was left with. that jeter was left with.and the some of the flavor of and the some of the flavor of and the some of the flavor ofcitizens bank park here in game citizens bank park here in game
citizens bank park here in gamefive. >> as phil coke is in for the >> as phil coke is in for theyankees 6 to 2 ballgame, but the yankees 6 to 2 ballgame, but the yankees 6 to 2 ballgame, but thephillies won the pennant on a phillies won the pennant on a phillies won the pennant on athree run home run by dick three run home run by dick three run home run by dicksisler in the tenth inning at
sisler in the tenth inning at sisler in the tenth inning atebotts field against the ebotts field against the ebotts field against thedodgers, had they lost that day dodgers, had they lost that day dodgers, had they lost that dayit would've been tied and they it would've been tied and they it would've been tied and theywould've played two out of three would've played two out of three
would've played two out of threefor the pennant. for the pennant. for the pennant.>> here is utley strike one. >> here is utley strike one. >> here is utley strike one.>> after the game the man who >> after the game the man who >> after the game the man whobroke the color barrier jackie broke the color barrier jackie broke the color barrier jackierobinson three years earlier,
robinson three years earlier, robinson three years earlier,came into the clubhouse and came into the clubhouse and came into the clubhouse andshook the hands of the shook the hands of the shook the hands of thetwenty-five white players who twenty-five white players who twenty-five white players whowere going to the world series were going to the world series
were going to the world seriesand play twenty-five white and play twenty-five white and play twenty-five whiteplayers. there were eleven players. there were eleven players. there were elevenafrican-americans in baseball african-americans in baseball african-americans in baseballafter the 1950 season just think after the 1950 season just think after the 1950 season just thinkabout how compassionate that
about how compassionate that about how compassionate thatwas, robbie has never forgotten was, robbie has never forgotten was, robbie has never forgottenit. it. it.>> utley leading off in the >> utley leading off in the >> utley leading off in thebottom of the seventh. bottom of the seventh.
howard will follow and then howard will follow and thenjayson werth against phil coke, jayson werth against phil coke, jayson werth against phil coke,ball two. talked about that run ball two. talked about that run ball two. talked about that runfor the yankees that was world for the yankees that was world for the yankees that was worldchampionship number two of five championship number two of five
championship number two of fivestraight between 1949 and 1953. straight between 1949 and 1953. straight between 1949 and 1953.the phillies who were swept in the phillies who were swept in the phillies who were swept inthat series would not get to the that series would not get to the that series would not get to theworld series again until 1980, world series again until 1980, world series again until 1980,when they won their first world
when they won their first world when they won their first worldchampionship over kansas city. championship over kansas city. championship over kansas city.they won it last year trying to they won it last year trying to they won it last year trying torepeat here in 2009. here is a 2 repeat here in 2009. here is a 2 repeat here in 2009. here is a 2 1 to utley, 2 and 2. 1 to utley, 2 and 2.
phil coke is the fourth pitcher phil coke is the fourth pitcherof the night for the yankees of the night for the yankees of the night for the yankeesburnett lasted 2 plus, robertson burnett lasted 2 plus, robertson burnett lasted 2 plus, robertsonto shutout innings the same for to shutout innings the same for to shutout innings the same foraceves, a 2 2, full count. aceves, a 2 2, full count.
>> i don't think it's arguable >> i don't think it's arguablethat rick ashburn the most that rick ashburn the most that rick ashburn the mostpopular sports figure in this popular sports figure in this popular sports figure in thiscity's history. city's history. city's history.>> part of that whiz kids team >> part of that whiz kids team
>> part of that whiz kids teamand then the beloved, one of the and then the beloved, one of the and then the beloved, one of thebeloved voices covering this beloved voices covering this beloved voices covering thisphillies organization. phillies organization. phillies organization.>> from 1963 to 1997. >> from 1963 to 1997. >> from 1963 to 1997.>> 3 2 is hammered foul. you
>> 3 2 is hammered foul. you were a former broadcast partner were a former broadcast partnerof richie ashburn who had an of richie ashburn who had an of richie ashburn who had anunbelievable sense of humor. unbelievable sense of humor. unbelievable sense of humor.>> what a character. >> what a character. >> what a character.unbelievable.
unbelievable. unbelievable.>> two-time batting champion >> two-time batting champion >> two-time batting championfour-time all-star and there is four-time all-star and there is four-time all-star and there isthat run as the phillies that run as the phillies that run as the philliesbroadcaster from 63 to 97, and a broadcaster from 63 to 97, and a
broadcaster from 63 to 97, and ahall of famer. hall of famer. hall of famer.>> just smiled thinking about >> just smiled thinking about >> just smiled thinking abouthim. him. him.>> another 3 2 to utley, and a >> another 3 2 to utley, and a >> another 3 2 to utley, and ashot into right how about this
shot into right how about this shot into right how about thisseries for utley another home series for utley another home series for utley another homerun. second of the night. he run. second of the night. he ties reggie jackson for most in ties reggie jackson for most inone world series and he makes it one world series and he makes it one world series and he makes it7 to 2.
7 to 2. >> when you stand on top of the >> when you stand on top of theplate you like the ball inside, plate you like the ball inside, plate you like the ball inside,because you have to have quick because you have to have quick because you have to have quickenough hands to like it inside. enough hands to like it inside. enough hands to like it inside.another home run for utley.
another home run for utley. another home run for utley.>> the crowd wants a curtain >> the crowd wants a curtain >> the crowd wants a curtaincall. call. call.>> i don't blame them. >> i don't blame them. >> i don't blame them.>> foul ball by ryan howard as >> foul ball by ryan howard as
>> foul ball by ryan howard asutley stays in the dugout. utley stays in the dugout. utley stays in the dugout.>> middle of the plate, not for >> middle of the plate, not for >> middle of the plate, not forlong. long. long.>> about to turn thirty-one in >> about to turn thirty-one in >> about to turn thirty-one indecember and he is definitely in
december and he is definitely in december and he is definitely inthe conversation tim chase the conversation tim chase the conversation tim chaseutley, for that age-old question utley, for that age-old question utley, for that age-old questionif you are going to start a if you are going to start a if you are going to start afranchise, who would you start franchise, who would you start
franchise, who would you startit with. he has got to be in it with. he has got to be in it with. he has got to be inthat conversation. that conversation. that conversation.>> absolutely, no question. >> absolutely, no question. >> the 0 1, good swing by >> the 0 1, good swing byhoward one of the better cuts he howard one of the better cuts he
howard one of the better cuts hehas taken in this world series has taken in this world series has taken in this world seriesit's 0 and 2. it's 0 and 2. and off-balance with that swing and off-balance with that swingalex rodriguez is out of room alex rodriguez is out of room alex rodriguez is out of roomits out of play. we talked about its out of play. we talked about
its out of play. we talked aboutit during game one that chase it during game one that chase it during game one that chaseutley it's kind of a new stat utley it's kind of a new stat utley it's kind of a new statthat's en vogue, ops on-base that's en vogue, ops on-base that's en vogue, ops on-basepercentage plus slugging percentage plus slugging percentage plus sluggingpercentage. as far as a second
percentage. as far as a second percentage. as far as a secondbaseman the defensive position baseman the defensive position baseman the defensive positionat the plate he is number two at the plate he is number two at the plate he is number twoall-time in that ops to rogers all-time in that ops to rogers all-time in that ops to rogershornsby. hornsby.
>> fastball up. >> fastball up.>> an 0 2 pitch, and it's up >> an 0 2 pitch, and it's up >> an 0 2 pitch, and it's upand out of the strike zone ball and out of the strike zone ball and out of the strike zone ballone. coke gives up a home run to the coke gives up a home run to thelefty utley, and howard goes lefty utley, and howard goes
lefty utley, and howard goesaround for his record-tying 12th around for his record-tying 12th around for his record-tying 12thstrikeout in this world series. strikeout in this world series. strikeout in this world series.>> a breaking ball to ryan >> a breaking ball to ryan >> a breaking ball to ryanhoward we have said that a lot, howard we have said that a lot, howard we have said that a lot,because that's what the yankees
because that's what the yankees because that's what the yankeeshave done they have thrown him a have done they have thrown him a have done they have thrown him alot of breaking balls, looked lot of breaking balls, looked lot of breaking balls, lookedlike he went too far. like he went too far. like he went too far.>> and he ties willie wilson for >> and he ties willie wilson for
>> and he ties willie wilson formost strikeouts in a world most strikeouts in a world most strikeouts in a worldseries, a record willie wants no series, a record willie wants no series, a record willie wants nopart of and now he has company part of and now he has company part of and now he has companywith ryan howard set back in with ryan howard set back in with ryan howard set back in1980. phil hughes getting ready
1980. phil hughes getting ready 1980. phil hughes getting readyas the yankees try and get him as the yankees try and get him as the yankees try and get himfigured out. a big part of the figured out. a big part of the figured out. a big part of thebullpen but has certainly bullpen but has certainly bullpen but has certainlystruggled this postseason phil struggled this postseason phil
struggled this postseason philhughes, there is ball one up and hughes, there is ball one up and hughes, there is ball one up andin to jayson werth, who is 1 for in to jayson werth, who is 1 for in to jayson werth, who is 1 for3 with an rbi single and a run 3 with an rbi single and a run 3 with an rbi single and a runscored in the three run third scored in the three run third scored in the three run thirdinning.
inning.so back to back batters one guy so back to back batters one guy so back to back batters one guyties reggie jackson mr. october ties reggie jackson mr. october ties reggie jackson mr. octoberfor most home runs in a world for most home runs in a world for most home runs in a worldseries, the guy behind ryan series, the guy behind ryan series, the guy behind ryanhoward ties willie wilson for
howard ties willie wilson for howard ties willie wilson formost strikeouts in a world most strikeouts in a worldseries. utley is doing his part series. utley is doing his part series. utley is doing his partto make sure that there is to make sure that there is to make sure that there isanother game to play. another game to play. another game to play.>> it's kind of the story of two
>> it's kind of the story of two >> it's kind of the story of twoswings, utley's and howard's. swings, utley's and howard's. swings, utley's and howard's.>> 2 and 0 the count on jayson >> 2 and 0 the count on jayson >> 2 and 0 the count on jaysonwerth, who has popped seven home werth, who has popped seven home werth, who has popped seven homeruns this postseason and flies runs this postseason and flies
runs this postseason and fliesone in to center for gardner, one in to center for gardner, one in to center for gardner,two out. two out. here is ibanez 1 for 3 an rbi here is ibanez 1 for 3 an rbisingle as well back in that single as well back in that single as well back in thatthree run third, he has hit the three run third, he has hit the
three run third, he has hit theball hard three times tonight ball hard three times tonight ball hard three times tonightnow deals with the left-hander now deals with the left-hander now deals with the left-handerphil coke. phil coke. there is another good swing but there is another good swing buta foul back. a foul back.
he doesn't leave much behind he doesn't leave much behindwhen he cuts it loose, he may when he cuts it loose, he may when he cuts it loose, he mayhave a tear in a muscle in his have a tear in a muscle in his have a tear in a muscle in hisabdomen but he doesn't swing abdomen but he doesn't swing abdomen but he doesn't swinglike it. like it.
here is the 0 1 pitch, one here is the 0 1 pitch, oneball one strike. the yankees ball one strike. the yankees ball one strike. the yankeeswill have their big bats in the will have their big bats in the will have their big bats in theeighth-inning damon teixeira and eighth-inning damon teixeira and eighth-inning damon teixeira androdriguez, bullpen is quiet for rodriguez, bullpen is quiet for
rodriguez, bullpen is quiet forphiladelphia. lee is over 100 philadelphia. lee is over 100 philadelphia. lee is over 100pitches on the night, up to 103. pitches on the night, up to 103. here is the 1 1, it here is the 1 1, itstraightens up ibanez ball two. straightens up ibanez ball two. on 2 and 1 ibanez launches one on 2 and 1 ibanez launches oneto right, get out the tape
to right, get out the tape to right, get out the tapemeasure, that makes it 8 2. measure, that makes it 8 2. off the billboard over the seats off the billboard over the seatsin right center, and the in right center, and the in right center, and thephillies have their biggest lead phillies have their biggest lead phillies have their biggest leadof the night thanks to two 7th
of the night thanks to two 7th of the night thanks to two 7thinning home runs. and that's it inning home runs. and that's it inning home runs. and that's itfor phil coke. for phil coke. for phil coke.>> and that billboard in >> and that billboard in >> and that billboard inright-center field says drive em right-center field says drive em
right-center field says drive emout of here, and that's what out of here, and that's what out of here, and that's whatibanez did. ibanez did. ibanez did.>> 420 feet. phillies are having >> 420 feet. phillies are having >> 420 feet. phillies are havingfun tonight teeing off on coke fun tonight teeing off on coke fun tonight teeing off on cokein the seventh, their biggest
in the seventh, their biggest in the seventh, their biggestlead its six, pitching change lead its six, pitching change lead its six, pitching changefor new york. 8 2 as ibanez for new york. 8 2 as ibanez for new york. 8 2 as ibanezfollowed with a shot off phil followed with a shot off phil followed with a shot off philcoke and now phil hughes who is coke and now phil hughes who is
coke and now phil hughes who istrying to get his, pitching trying to get his, pitching trying to get his, pitchingstuff back in order, two out stuff back in order, two out stuff back in order, two outnobody on and a fastball is in nobody on and a fastball is in nobody on and a fastball is infor a strike to feliz, he is 0 for a strike to feliz, he is 0 for a strike to feliz, he is 0for 3.
for 3. for 3.>> even with the yankees >> even with the yankees >> even with the yankeestrailing 8 to 2 joe girardi trailing 8 to 2 joe girardi trailing 8 to 2 joe girarditrying to get something positive trying to get something positive trying to get something positiveto take back to new york if they to take back to new york if they
to take back to new york if theylose this game. lose this game. >> breaking ball fools feliz and >> breaking ball fools feliz andthe count 0 and 2, the pitcher's the count 0 and 2, the pitcher's the count 0 and 2, the pitcher'sspot has been cleared so girardi spot has been cleared so girardi spot has been cleared so girardican let hughes go a little can let hughes go a little
can let hughes go a littlewhile. the yankees will have the while. the yankees will have the while. the yankees will have the2 3 and 4 hitters in their half 2 3 and 4 hitters in their half 2 3 and 4 hitters in their halfof the eighth. and a breaking of the eighth. and a breaking of the eighth. and a breakingball gets feliz looking so there ball gets feliz looking so there ball gets feliz looking so thereis a positive for phil hughes.
is a positive for phil hughes. is a positive for phil hughes.two homers in the inning and a two homers in the inning and a two homers in the inning and asix run philadelphia lead after six run philadelphia lead after six run philadelphia lead afterseven. seven. seven.>> ben francisco takes over in >> ben francisco takes over in
>> ben francisco takes over incenterfield and nobody was more centerfield and nobody was more centerfield and nobody was moresurprised by that than shane surprised by that than shane surprised by that than shanevictorino, who went out and victorino, who went out and victorino, who went out andstarted to take his position and started to take his position and started to take his position andlooked out and somebody was
looked out and somebody was looked out and somebody wasstanding in it, ben francisco standing in it, ben francisco standing in it, ben franciscoand shane victorino came back and shane victorino came back and shane victorino came backand said. and said. and said.>> hey. >> hey.
>> hey.>> what's the deal. >> what's the deal. >> what's the deal.>> i think shane was talking >> i think shane was talking >> i think shane was talkingwhen he pointed twice like that when he pointed twice like that when he pointed twice like thathe was saying do i go back out he was saying do i go back out he was saying do i go back outthere and then go to left and
there and then go to left and there and then go to left andibanez come out of the game, and ibanez come out of the game, and ibanez come out of the game, andcharlie manuel said nope. i charlie manuel said nope. i charlie manuel said nope. ithink they are giving him a rest think they are giving him a rest think they are giving him a restbecause of his hand it is a six because of his hand it is a six
because of his hand it is a sixrun ballgame, and not a bad run ballgame, and not a bad run ballgame, and not a badidea. idea. idea.>> so victorino replaced by ben >> so victorino replaced by ben >> so victorino replaced by benfrancisco and we are in the top francisco and we are in the top francisco and we are in the topof the eighth-inning 8 2
of the eighth-inning 8 2 of the eighth-inning 8 2philadelphia, johnny damon first philadelphia, johnny damon first philadelphia, johnny damon firstup. and a fly ball down the up. and a fly ball down the up. and a fly ball down theleft-field line slicing foul left-field line slicing foul left-field line slicing foulstrike two from cliff lee. there strike two from cliff lee. there
strike two from cliff lee. thereis action now for the phillies is action now for the phillies is action now for the philliesin their pen from chan ho park in their pen from chan ho park in their pen from chan ho parkand scott eyre. and scott eyre. johnny damon has a single run johnny damon has a single runscored a walk and an rbi scored a walk and an rbi
scored a walk and an rbigroundout. groundout. groundout.he is set up here at 0 and 2, he is set up here at 0 and 2, he is set up here at 0 and 2,and a breaking ball misses ball and a breaking ball misses ball and a breaking ball misses ballone. teixeira next top of the eighth teixeira next top of the eighth1 2 pitch, reaching for it
1 2 pitch, reaching for it 1 2 pitch, reaching for itchecks on rollins and he can't checks on rollins and he can't checks on rollins and he can'tget a grip on the ball. so from get a grip on the ball. so from get a grip on the ball. so froma near strikeout on that a near strikeout on that a near strikeout on thatbreaking ball called ball one, breaking ball called ball one,
breaking ball called ball one,to that grounder to short and to that grounder to short and to that grounder to short andjimmy rollins couldn't field it jimmy rollins couldn't field it jimmy rollins couldn't field itcleanly. cleanly. cleanly.>> you could see the ball hung >> you could see the ball hung >> you could see the ball hungup in the heel of the glove.
up in the heel of the glove. up in the heel of the glove.rollins with only six errors on rollins with only six errors on rollins with only six errors onthe year, i think it's going to the year, i think it's going to the year, i think it's going tobe a base hit and it is it be a base hit and it is it be a base hit and it is itshould have been. should have been.
should have been.>> brings in teixeira weekdays >> brings in teixeira weekdays >> brings in teixeira weekdaysmake lunch time your new prime make lunch time your new prime make lunch time your new primetime as foxsports.com brings you time as foxsports.com brings you time as foxsports.com brings youto lunch with benefits, log on to lunch with benefits, log on to lunch with benefits, log onto check out new episodes of
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don't miss coach speak withbrian billick, as the super bowl brian billick, as the super bowl brian billick, as the super bowlwinning head coach talks winning head coach talks winning head coach talksstrategy with current nfl strategy with current nfl strategy with current nflcoaches only at foxsports.com on coaches only at foxsports.com on coaches only at foxsports.com onmsn. one on nobody out for
msn. one on nobody out for msn. one on nobody out forteixeira and a strike from cliff teixeira and a strike from cliff teixeira and a strike from clifflee, that's as good as his lee, that's as good as his lee, that's as good as hisvelocity has been all night 91 velocity has been all night 91 velocity has been all night 91miles an hour, from the miles an hour, from the
miles an hour, from theleft-hander. lee is 0 for 3 and left-hander. lee is 0 for 3 and left-hander. lee is 0 for 3 andnow 1 for 17 in this world now 1 for 17 in this world now 1 for 17 in this worldseries,1 and 1. series,1 and 1. >> cliff lee like cc sabathia >> cliff lee like cc sabathialooks like they could go fifteen looks like they could go fifteen
looks like they could go fifteeninnings if necessary. innings if necessary. >> pitch number 110 is swung on >> pitch number 110 is swung onand missed by teixeira strike and missed by teixeira strike and missed by teixeira striketwo. little bit of life with that little bit of life with thatfastball here in the eighth. and fastball here in the eighth. and
fastball here in the eighth. andthat ball is hammered into left that ball is hammered into left that ball is hammered into leftfield it will get past ibanez to field it will get past ibanez to field it will get past ibanez tothe wall, teixeira digs for the wall, teixeira digs for the wall, teixeira digs forsecond has a double and it is second has a double and it is second has a double and it issecond and third nobody out,
second and third nobody out, second and third nobody out,with alex rodriguez coming up with alex rodriguez coming up with alex rodriguez coming upand one swing of the bat could and one swing of the bat could and one swing of the bat couldmake this a three-run game. make this a three-run game. make this a three-run game.>> that was a changeup from lee, >> that was a changeup from lee,
>> that was a changeup from lee,but he got it up, and so did but he got it up, and so did but he got it up, and so didteixeira. teixeira.>> rich dubee the pitching coach >> rich dubee the pitching coach >> rich dubee the pitching coachjogs out to talk to cliff lee, jogs out to talk to cliff lee, jogs out to talk to cliff lee,and rodriguez who is 1 for 3 and rodriguez who is 1 for 3
and rodriguez who is 1 for 3with an rbi double he has flied with an rbi double he has flied with an rbi double he has fliedto center flied to right, will to center flied to right, will to center flied to right, willbe at the plate. be at the plate. >> of all the baseball questions >> of all the baseball questionsthat have to be answered, how do that have to be answered, how do
that have to be answered, how doyou feel may be the most you feel may be the most you feel may be the mostprevalent. prevalent. prevalent.i'll have to get my guys at stat i'll have to get my guys at stat i'll have to get my guys at statinc. to look that up, how many inc. to look that up, how many inc. to look that up, how manytimes that question has been
times that question has been times that question has beenasked. asked. asked.>> and how often is the answer >> and how often is the answer >> and how often is the answeri'm fine. i'm fine. i'm fine.>> i'm fine. >> i'm fine.
>> i'm fine.>> damon with an infield hit, a >> damon with an infield hit, a >> damon with an infield hit, adouble by teixeira here is double by teixeira here is double by teixeira here isrodriguez, who could tighten rodriguez, who could tighten rodriguez, who could tightenthis one with one swing. six this one with one swing. six this one with one swing. sixhome runs this postseason for
home runs this postseason for home runs this postseason forrodriguez and he shoots one in rodriguez and he shoots one in rodriguez and he shoots one inthe air to left, into the alley the air to left, into the alley the air to left, into the alleyand off the glove of ibanez, one and off the glove of ibanez, one and off the glove of ibanez, onerun scores damon here comes run scores damon here comes
run scores damon here comesteixeira, and it's a two run teixeira, and it's a two run teixeira, and it's a two rundouble for alex rodriguez and double for alex rodriguez and double for alex rodriguez andjust like that, it's 8 to 4 here just like that, it's 8 to 4 here just like that, it's 8 to 4 herein the eighth. in the eighth. in the eighth.>> and joe that's what shane
>> and joe that's what shane >> and joe that's what shanevictorino was talking about when victorino was talking about when victorino was talking about whenhe pointed do you want francisco he pointed do you want francisco he pointed do you want franciscoin left field, because both are in left field, because both are in left field, because both arebetter outfielders than raul better outfielders than raul
better outfielders than raulibanez. ibanez going to his left ibanez. ibanez going to his left ibanez. ibanez going to his leftthe ball right off the webbing, the ball right off the webbing, the ball right off the webbing,actually off the thumb of the actually off the thumb of the actually off the thumb of theglove that ball could have been glove that ball could have been glove that ball could have beencaught. but that was victorino's
caught. but that was victorino's caught. but that was victorino'spoint do you want me in center point do you want me in center point do you want me in centerand francisco and left, because and francisco and left, because and francisco and left, becausewe are better fly chasers and we are better fly chasers and we are better fly chasers andthat's a fact. that's a fact.
>> 112 pitches on the night, >> 112 pitches on the night,chased by the two-run double by chased by the two-run double by chased by the two-run double byrodriguez, pitching change here rodriguez, pitching change here rodriguez, pitching change herein the eighth. in the eighth.>> chan ho park takes over with >> chan ho park takes over with >> chan ho park takes over witha runner at second nobody out
a runner at second nobody out a runner at second nobody outtwo runs are home, and an 8 4 two runs are home, and an 8 4 two runs are home, and an 8 4game and those two home runs game and those two home runs game and those two home runsthey were hit in the bottom of they were hit in the bottom of they were hit in the bottom ofthe seventh, one by utley one by the seventh, one by utley one by
the seventh, one by utley one byibanez loom large now for ibanez loom large now for ibanez loom large now forphiladelphia as the lead by philadelphia as the lead by philadelphia as the lead byfour, facing elimination here four, facing elimination here four, facing elimination heretonight and nick swisher is tonight and nick swisher is tonight and nick swisher isfirst up against park. remember
first up against park. remember first up against park. rememberhideki matsui is left on that hideki matsui is left on that hideki matsui is left on thatbench for joe girardi, strike bench for joe girardi, strike bench for joe girardi, strikeone to swisher. he thought it one to swisher. he thought it one to swisher. he thought itwas outside it is strike one. was outside it is strike one.
was outside it is strike one.swisher tonight 0 for 2 with a swisher tonight 0 for 2 with a swisher tonight 0 for 2 with awalk that was against cliff lee, walk that was against cliff lee, walk that was against cliff lee,who threw 112 pitches. if he who threw 112 pitches. if he who threw 112 pitches. if hegets a decision he could only gets a decision he could only gets a decision he could onlyget the win here in game five.
get the win here in game five. get the win here in game five.one ball one strike from park, one ball one strike from park, one ball one strike from park,park worked in inning last night park worked in inning last night park worked in inning last nightwalked one struck out one. walked one struck out one. he did not face the batters last he did not face the batters lastnight he will deal wit here
night he will deal wit here night he will deal wit heretonight, which is hitting tonight, which is hitting tonight, which is hittingpredominantly towards the top of predominantly towards the top of predominantly towards the top ofthe lineup for the yankees. here the lineup for the yankees. here the lineup for the yankees. hereis a 1 1, park took something is a 1 1, park took something
is a 1 1, park took somethingoff strike two. off strike two. off strike two.>> rich dubee the pitching coach >> rich dubee the pitching coachof the phillies really believes of the phillies really believes of the phillies really believesin the change of up, and a lot in the change of up, and a lot in the change of up, and a lotof phillies pitchers throw that of phillies pitchers throw that
of phillies pitchers throw thatcliff lee does, ryan madson chad cliff lee does, ryan madson chad cliff lee does, ryan madson chaddurbin, he does not however durbin, he does not however durbin, he does not howeverbelieve in the split finger believe in the split finger believe in the split fingerfastball he thinks the changeup fastball he thinks the changeup fastball he thinks the changeupis superior.
is superior. >> swisher checks his swing its >> swisher checks his swing its2 and 2. 2 and 2. awful close no swing said jeff awful close no swing said jeffnelson the third-base umpire. nelson the third-base umpire. the 2 2, to the right side the 2 2, to the right sideutley makes the play over to
utley makes the play over to utley makes the play over tothird goes rodriguez one out in third goes rodriguez one out in third goes rodriguez one out inthe inning. we showed you some the inning. we showed you some the inning. we showed you someof the tape here is the rest of of the tape here is the rest of of the tape here is the rest ofit, before the start of this it, before the start of this
it, before the start of thiseighth-inning the phillies made eighth-inning the phillies made eighth-inning the phillies madethe change charlie manuel taking the change charlie manuel taking the change charlie manuel takingshane victorino out out of the shane victorino out out of the shane victorino out out of thelineup, out of the outfield lineup, out of the outfield lineup, out of the outfieldinserting been francisco and
inserting been francisco and inserting been francisco andlet's take a look and listen. let's take a look and listen. >> who's coming out i'm coming >> who's coming out i'm comingout. come on move ben to left out. come on move ben to left out. come on move ben to lefti'll stay in center. i'll stay in center. i'll stay in center.>> you can see victorino
>> you can see victorino >> you can see victorinopleading saying move ben to left pleading saying move ben to left pleading saying move ben to lefti'll play i'll stay in center, i'll play i'll stay in center, i'll play i'll stay in center,ibanez stayed in the game at ibanez stayed in the game at ibanez stayed in the game atleft and had a ball go off his left and had a ball go off his
left and had a ball go off hisglove hit by rodriguez for a two glove hit by rodriguez for a two glove hit by rodriguez for a tworun double. and now cano with run double. and now cano with run double. and now cano withruiz going to the mound to talk ruiz going to the mound to talk ruiz going to the mound to talkto chan ho park. emotion is such to chan ho park. emotion is such to chan ho park. emotion is sucha key to the game of shane
a key to the game of shane a key to the game of shanevictorino, and you can see him victorino, and you can see him victorino, and you can see himcoming up to charlie manuel with coming up to charlie manuel with coming up to charlie manuel withthose wide eyes, shocked that he those wide eyes, shocked that he those wide eyes, shocked that hewas coming out of this game five was coming out of this game five
was coming out of this game fivewith team facing elimination. with team facing elimination. with team facing elimination.charlie manuel wanted to give charlie manuel wanted to give charlie manuel wanted to givehim the rest of this night off, him the rest of this night off, him the rest of this night off,they have already x-ray that they have already x-ray that they have already x-ray thatright hand to see if there was a
right hand to see if there was a right hand to see if there was abreak in it from when he was hit break in it from when he was hit break in it from when he was hitin that hand by aj burnett in in that hand by aj burnett in in that hand by aj burnett inthe first. so he is finished the first. so he is finished the first. so he is finishedtonight. cano a base hit his tonight. cano a base hit his
last time up first pitch, good last time up first pitch, goodpitch down and in strike one. pitch down and in strike one. >> the changeup from park. >> cano hit twenty-five home >> cano hit twenty-five homeruns during the regular season runs during the regular season runs during the regular seasonhas not gone deep, this has not gone deep, this
has not gone deep, thispostseason. that inviting postseason. that inviting postseason. that invitingrightfield here at citizens bank rightfield here at citizens bank rightfield here at citizens bankpark, like there is one in his park, like there is one in his park, like there is one in hishome park in the bronx. he pops home park in the bronx. he pops home park in the bronx. he popsit up, shallow center for
it up, shallow center for it up, shallow center forfrancisco rodriguez will tag and francisco rodriguez will tag and francisco rodriguez will tag andcome to the plate and score. come to the plate and score. come to the plate and score.rodriguez watching it the entire rodriguez watching it the entire rodriguez watching it the entireway and the throw by ben way and the throw by ben
way and the throw by benfrancisco was late, and it's an francisco was late, and it's an francisco was late, and it's an8 5 game. 8 5 game. 8 5 game.>> it is interesting to notice >> it is interesting to notice >> it is interesting to noticethe third baseman when anybody the third baseman when anybody the third baseman when anybodyis tagging up at third base what
is tagging up at third base what is tagging up at third base whatthey try to do, is line they try to do, is line they try to do, is linethemselves up between the guy themselves up between the guy themselves up between the guytagging and the centerfielder, tagging and the centerfielder, tagging and the centerfielder,so they can't really see it you so they can't really see it you
so they can't really see it youcould see feliz standing next to could see feliz standing next to could see feliz standing next torodriguez, in line with the rodriguez, in line with the rodriguez, in line with thecenterfielder and trying to centerfielder and trying to centerfielder and trying toblock his view and upset his block his view and upset his block his view and upset hisstarting, unsuccessfully.
starting, unsuccessfully. starting, unsuccessfully.>> and rodriguez tim really came >> and rodriguez tim really came >> and rodriguez tim really camedown the line and was judging down the line and was judging down the line and was judginghow good that throw us to see if how good that throw us to see if how good that throw us to see ifit carried on to the plate. it carried on to the plate.
it carried on to the plate.>> very smart baserunning by >> very smart baserunning by >> very smart baserunning bya-rod. a-rod. a-rod.>> and not a very good throw by >> and not a very good throw by >> and not a very good throw byfrancisco and it is a three-run francisco and it is a three-run francisco and it is a three-rungame here in the top of eighth
game here in the top of eighth game here in the top of eighthtwo out nobody on. two out nobody on. two out nobody on.so you know in world series so you know in world series so you know in world serieshistory for the yankees largest history for the yankees largest history for the yankees largestdeficit overcome to win a game, deficit overcome to win a game,
deficit overcome to win a game,six runs. the 96 world series six runs. the 96 world series six runs. the 96 world seriesgame four. which was a six-run game four. which was a six-run game four. which was a six-runlead now it is a three-run lead. lead now it is a three-run lead. lead now it is a three-run lead.>> that the top of the sixth >> that the top of the sixth >> that the top of the sixthinning derek jeter led off that
inning derek jeter led off that inning derek jeter led off thatinning and the yankees scored inning and the yankees scored inning and the yankees scoredthree runs because joe torre three runs because joe torre three runs because joe torresaid, let's cut in half and said, let's cut in half and said, let's cut in half andthat's what the yankees did. that's what the yankees did.
that's what the yankees did.>> the rest of this game is now >> the rest of this game is now >> the rest of this game is nowwithout drama and what's a without drama and what's a without drama and what's athree-run game right now gardner three-run game right now gardner three-run game right now gardneris up. gardner makes an out you is up. gardner makes an out you is up. gardner makes an out youlooking at a ninth-inning with
looking at a ninth-inning with looking at a ninth-inning withposada, a hitter like matsui who posada, a hitter like matsui who posada, a hitter like matsui whocould come off the bench and could come off the bench and could come off the bench andjeter, and if anybody gets on jeter, and if anybody gets on jeter, and if anybody gets ondamon then teixeira the big bats damon then teixeira the big bats
damon then teixeira the big batsfactor in with some sort rally factor in with some sort rally factor in with some sort rallyfor new york has played here now for new york has played here now for new york has played here nowin the eighth. in the eighth.>> and if the phillies don't >> and if the phillies don't >> and if the phillies don'tscore in the bottom of the score in the bottom of the
score in the bottom of theeighth two you look for brad eighth two you look for brad eighth two you look for bradlidge again. lidge again. >> gardner tonight is 0 for 3 >> gardner tonight is 0 for 3with a strikeout and two with a strikeout and two with a strikeout and twogroundouts. yankees scored five groundouts. yankees scored five
runs off cliff lee in 7 plus runs off cliff lee in 7 plusinnings on seven hits. if you're innings on seven hits. if you're innings on seven hits. if you'rejust joining us utley with two just joining us utley with two just joining us utley with twohome runs five in this series home runs five in this series home runs five in this seriesties a record held by reggie ties a record held by reggie
ties a record held by reggiejackson. alex rodriguez has jackson. alex rodriguez has jackson. alex rodriguez haseighteen rbis this postseason, eighteen rbis this postseason, eighteen rbis this postseason,three tonight that is a yankee three tonight that is a yankee three tonight that is a yankeesingle postseason record with single postseason record with single postseason record withthese extra tears of playoffs,
these extra tears of playoffs, these extra tears of playoffs,and then the numbers for cliff and then the numbers for cliff and then the numbers for clifflee who could only be the winner lee who could only be the winner lee who could only be the winnertonight. as chad gaudin and tonight. as chad gaudin and tonight. as chad gaudin andbrian bruney the right hander brian bruney the right hander
brian bruney the right handerget loose here is a pop-up, out get loose here is a pop-up, out get loose here is a pop-up, outbehind second rollins good work behind second rollins good work behind second rollins good workby chan ho park bottom of the by chan ho park bottom of the by chan ho park bottom of theeighth, phillies bat now leading eighth, phillies bat now leading eighth, phillies bat now leadingby three.
by three. by three.>> as ruiz leads off against >> as ruiz leads off against >> as ruiz leads off againstphillip hughs and looks at a phillip hughs and looks at a phillip hughs and looks at abreaking ball for strike one, it breaking ball for strike one, it breaking ball for strike one, itwill be ruiz and a pinch-hitter will be ruiz and a pinch-hitter
will be ruiz and a pinch-hittermatt stairs and then jimmy matt stairs and then jimmy matt stairs and then jimmyrollins. the phillies will have rollins. the phillies will have rollins. the phillies will haveto go deeper into their bullpen to go deeper into their bullpen to go deeper into their bullpenbefore the end of this one. park before the end of this one. park before the end of this one. parkdid a nice job one perfect
did a nice job one perfect did a nice job one perfectinning, lee 7 plus innings five inning, lee 7 plus innings five inning, lee 7 plus innings fiveruns on seven hits but in line runs on seven hits but in line runs on seven hits but in linefor the win, 8 5 bottom of the for the win, 8 5 bottom of the for the win, 8 5 bottom of theeighth. eighth.
now rivera has changed his now rivera has changed hislocation from the dugout to the location from the dugout to the location from the dugout to thebullpen, the 0 2, breaking bullpen, the 0 2, breaking bullpen, the 0 2, breakingball grounded up the middle ruiz ball grounded up the middle ruiz ball grounded up the middle ruizhas in other world series hit, has in other world series hit,
has in other world series hit,his tent over the last two his tent over the last two his tent over the last twoyears, now 10 out of 32 and the years, now 10 out of 32 and the years, now 10 out of 32 and theleadoff man is on and stairs leadoff man is on and stairs leadoff man is on and stairswill indeed bat with nobody out. will indeed bat with nobody out. will indeed bat with nobody out.>> yeah charlie manuel has two
>> yeah charlie manuel has two >> yeah charlie manuel has twoways to go you could eric ways to go you could eric ways to go you could ericbruntlett of there to bunt, bunt bruntlett of there to bunt, bunt bruntlett of there to bunt, buntruiz to second base play for one ruiz to second base play for one ruiz to second base play for onerun, but charlie is thinking run, but charlie is thinking
run, but charlie is thinkingcharlie is a hitter at heart charlie is a hitter at heart charlie is a hitter at heartperiod. he wants to see matt period. he wants to see matt period. he wants to see mattstairs do what matt stairs tries stairs do what matt stairs tries stairs do what matt stairs triesto do every pitch hit it off the to do every pitch hit it off the to do every pitch hit it off theend of the world.
end of the world. end of the world.>> so far stairs is 1 for 6 in >> so far stairs is 1 for 6 in >> so far stairs is 1 for 6 inthis world series. got a start this world series. got a start this world series. got a startas a dh in game two, he had a as a dh in game two, he had a as a dh in game two, he had abase hit for an rbi his only base hit for an rbi his only
base hit for an rbi his onlybase hit this postseason. base hit this postseason. one ball one strike a fastball one ball one strike a fastballfrom phil hughes. from phil hughes. check on the runner at first check on the runner at firstruiz. ruiz. stairs the oldest player that
stairs the oldest player thatthe phillies can send up there the phillies can send up there the phillies can send up thereon their active roster, oldest on their active roster, oldest on their active roster, oldestplayer in this world series up player in this world series up player in this world series upon the count here 2 and 1. on the count here 2 and 1. on the count here 2 and 1.>> matt stairs plays in tqo
>> matt stairs plays in tqo >> matt stairs plays in tqohockey leagues in bangor maine, hockey leagues in bangor maine, hockey leagues in bangor maine,called his buddies about a week called his buddies about a week called his buddies about a weekago and said keep the ice cold ago and said keep the ice cold ago and said keep the ice coldguys i'll be up in a couple guys i'll be up in a couple
guys i'll be up in a coupleweeks. weeks. weeks.>> 2 and 1 the count, and a >> 2 and 1 the count, and a >> 2 and 1 the count, and astrike. born in february 1968 strike. born in february 1968 started his pro career in 89 got started his pro career in 89 gotto the big leagues first with to the big leagues first with
to the big leagues first withmontrã‰al in 92. and hitting here montrã‰al in 92. and hitting here montrã‰al in 92. and hitting herein the eighth inning of game in the eighth inning of game in the eighth inning of gamefive with his phillies facing five with his phillies facing five with his phillies facingelimination up by three. a 2 elimination up by three. a 2 elimination up by three. a 2 2, ground ball cano gets it
2, ground ball cano gets it 2, ground ball cano gets itflips it out over to first out flips it out over to first out flips it out over to first outnicely turned two out nobody on. nicely turned two out nobody on. rollins coming up. rollins coming up.>> the world series on fox is >> the world series on fox is >> the world series on fox issponsored by walmart save money
sponsored by walmart save money sponsored by walmart save moneylive better walmart by american live better walmart by american live better walmart by americanexpress don't take chances take express don't take chances take express don't take chances takecharge and by at&t your world charge and by at&t your world charge and by at&t your worlddelivered. delivered.
delivered.>> with the bases empty jimmy >> with the bases empty jimmy >> with the bases empty jimmyrollins steps and he has been on rollins steps and he has been on rollins steps and he has been onbase three times tonight with base three times tonight with base three times tonight withtwo hits and a walk and a run two hits and a walk and a run two hits and a walk and a runscored.
scored. scored.interesting to see ryan madson interesting to see ryan madson interesting to see ryan madsongetting loose. getting loose. getting loose.>> it is. >> it is. >> it is.>> here is a ground ball to >> here is a ground ball to
>> here is a ground ball tosecond right at cano and right second right at cano and right second right at cano and rightinto the ninth inning we go. the into the ninth inning we go. the into the ninth inning we go. thephillies three defensive outs phillies three defensive outs phillies three defensive outsaway from sending this world away from sending this world away from sending this worldseries back to the bronx,
series back to the bronx, series back to the bronx,leading by three in to the leading by three in to the leading by three in to theninth. ninth. ninth.>> ryan madson takes over. and >> ryan madson takes over. and not brad lidge up by three runs not brad lidge up by three runsa save situation right now for
a save situation right now for a save situation right now forthe phillies and madson lidge the phillies and madson lidge the phillies and madson lidgelast night took the loss. and last night took the loss. and last night took the loss. andmadson fires strike one to madson fires strike one to madson fires strike one toposada with matsui on deck and posada with matsui on deck and
posada with matsui on deck andthen jeter. then jeter. then jeter.>> my opinion on this i don't >> my opinion on this i don't >> my opinion on this i don'tknow whether this is true or not know whether this is true or not know whether this is true or notbut i think ryan madson, is less but i think ryan madson, is less but i think ryan madson, is lessinclined to walk himself into
inclined to walk himself into inclined to walk himself intotrouble than lidge is, and trouble than lidge is, and trouble than lidge is, andthat's why he's in the game and that's why he's in the game and that's why he's in the game andnot brad. not brad. not brad.>> that drives posada off the >> that drives posada off the
>> that drives posada off theplate, brett myers is getting plate, brett myers is getting plate, brett myers is gettingloose so brad lidge. loose so brad lidge. loose so brad lidge.>> yeah. >> yeah. >> yeah.>> is not being considered. >> is not being considered. >> is not being considered.>> right.
>> right. >> right.>> here in the ninth-inning. >> here in the ninth-inning. that's ball two 2 and 1. world series fact that no team world series fact that no teamhas ever come back to win, after has ever come back to win, after has ever come back to win, aftertrailing by three or more runs trailing by three or more runs
trailing by three or more runsin the ninth-inning, in the in the ninth-inning, in the in the ninth-inning, in thehistory of the world series 2 history of the world series 2 history of the world series 2 1 pitch is inside, 3 and 1. 1 pitch is inside, 3 and 1. 1 pitch is inside, 3 and 1.the 3 1, it in the air to the 3 1, it in the air to right back is werth this ball is
right back is werth this ball isoff the top of the wall, good off the top of the wall, good off the top of the wall, goodstart to this ninth-inning for start to this ninth-inning for start to this ninth-inning forthe yankees its a double for the yankees its a double for the yankees its a double forposada. >> the one downside of that not >> the one downside of that notissuing a walk is that on a 3
issuing a walk is that on a 3 issuing a walk is that on a 3 1 pitch ryan madson properly 1 pitch ryan madson properly 1 pitch ryan madson properlythrowing a fastball for a throwing a fastball for a throwing a fastball for astrike, and making posada hit to strike, and making posada hit to strike, and making posada hit toget on and jorge does. get on and jorge does.
get on and jorge does.>> we went through the numbers >> we went through the numbers >> we went through the numberslast night the brad lidge who last night the brad lidge who last night the brad lidge whowas perfect last year while the was perfect last year while the was perfect last year while thephillies won the world series phillies won the world series phillies won the world seriesover tampa bay, 48 for 48 all
over tampa bay, 48 for 48 all over tampa bay, 48 for 48 alltold, during the regular season told, during the regular season told, during the regular seasonhad an era of 7.21 lidge worst had an era of 7.21 lidge worst had an era of 7.21 lidge worstamong closers, and blew eleven among closers, and blew eleven among closers, and blew elevensaves. he's standing in the saves. he's standing in the
saves. he's standing in thebullpen watching madson deal bullpen watching madson deal bullpen watching madson dealwith hideki matsui, the yankees with hideki matsui, the yankees with hideki matsui, the yankeesneed baserunners to have a need baserunners to have a need baserunners to have achance, ball one high. chance, ball one high. good rip by matsui good fastball
good rip by matsui good fastballfrom madson 93 mph it is a 1 1 from madson 93 mph it is a 1 1 from madson 93 mph it is a 1 1count. count. here is a 1 1, ball two. the 57 yankees came back to tie game 57 yankees came back to tie gamefor of the world series, lost for of the world series, lost for of the world series, lostthat ballgame the yankees did in
that ballgame the yankees did in that ballgame the yankees did inten innings to the milwaukee ten innings to the milwaukee ten innings to the milwaukeebraves. two balls and a strike braves. two balls and a strike braves. two balls and a strikerunner at second and a ground runner at second and a ground runner at second and a groundball base hit leftfield, going ball base hit leftfield, going
ball base hit leftfield, goingto the third is posada and now to the third is posada and now to the third is posada and nowthe tying run will come to the the tying run will come to the the tying run will come to theplate for the yankees in the plate for the yankees in the plate for the yankees in theninth-inning, and the yankees ninth-inning, and the yankees ninth-inning, and the yankeesare back to the top of their
are back to the top of their are back to the top of theirlineup with derek jeter. lineup with derek jeter. lineup with derek jeter.>> i think what joe girardi >> i think what joe girardi >> i think what joe girardicould do now is to pinch run could do now is to pinch run could do now is to pinch runramiro pena even though matsui ramiro pena even though matsui
ramiro pena even though matsuiis not the tying run. but on a is not the tying run. but on a is not the tying run. but on aforce play second base it might force play second base it might force play second base it mightbe worth it here. normally you be worth it here. normally you be worth it here. normally youdon't do that unless the winning don't do that unless the winning don't do that unless the winningor tying run is on at first
or tying run is on at first or tying run is on at firstbase, here's pena just added to base, here's pena just added to base, here's pena just added tothe list today. the list today. >> and here comes rich dubee to >> and here comes rich dubee totalk about it, as the tying run talk about it, as the tying run will come up derek jeter here in
will come up derek jeter here inthe ninth-inning. tonight's the ninth-inning. tonight's the ninth-inning. tonight'ssaving moment of the game to saving moment of the game to saving moment of the game tothis point brought to you by this point brought to you by this point brought to you bywalmart, save money live better walmart, save money live better walmart, save money live betterwalmart needing a jumpstart in
walmart needing a jumpstart in walmart needing a jumpstart inthe first inning tonight chase the first inning tonight chase the first inning tonight chaseutley, with a three-run home run utley, with a three-run home run utley, with a three-run home runagainst aj burnett but that is a against aj burnett but that is a against aj burnett but that is adistant memory right now, distant memory right now,
distant memory right now,because the phillies look in to because the phillies look in to because the phillies look in toderek jeter who is about to dig derek jeter who is about to dig derek jeter who is about to dighis way into the batter's box his way into the batter's box his way into the batter's boxrepresenting the tying run, representing the tying run, representing the tying run,against ryan madson and now
against ryan madson and now against ryan madson and nowthere is more action for the there is more action for the there is more action for thephillies in their bullpen. as phillies in their bullpen. as phillies in their bullpen. aslidge does get up the lefty lidge does get up the lefty lidge does get up the leftyscott eyre. scott eyre.
scott eyre.it's jeter now it's damon on it's jeter now it's damon on it's jeter now it's damon ondeck and teixeira looming. deck and teixeira looming. first and third nobody out jeter first and third nobody out jetertakes a ball. takes a ball. takes a ball.>> i am surprised that ryan >> i am surprised that ryan
>> i am surprised that ryanhoward is holding matsui on, i howard is holding matsui on, i howard is holding matsui on, ithink you get back into position think you get back into position think you get back into positiongive yourself a better chance to give yourself a better chance to give yourself a better chance tofield the ball by derek jeter, field the ball by derek jeter, field the ball by derek jeter,the odds are a lot better and i
the odds are a lot better and i the odds are a lot better and idon't think matsui isn't going don't think matsui isn't going don't think matsui isn't goinganywhere. jeter hits low balls anywhere. jeter hits low balls anywhere. jeter hits low ballsto right field in fact he's done to right field in fact he's done to right field in fact he's donethat tonight in the fifth that tonight in the fifth
that tonight in the fifthinning, singled to right right inning, singled to right right inning, singled to right rightpast the outstretched glove of past the outstretched glove of past the outstretched glove ofhoward. howard. howard.>> that's wide its 2 and 0. this >> that's wide its 2 and 0. this >> that's wide its 2 and 0. thisphiladelphia team led by six 8
philadelphia team led by six 8 to 2, got three runs home in the to 2, got three runs home in theeighth and a first and third eighth and a first and third eighth and a first and thirdnobody out here in the ninth. nobody out here in the ninth. here is a 2 0, 2 and 1 on a 92 here is a 2 0, 2 and 1 on a 92mile an hour fastball from mile an hour fastball from
mile an hour fastball frommadson. madson. madson in his fourth straight madson in his fourth straightgame of this world series, game of this world series, game of this world series,ground ball to short rollins ground ball to short rollins ground ball to short rollinsflips out over to first the big flips out over to first the big
flips out over to first the bigdouble-play, a run scores but double-play, a run scores but double-play, a run scores buttwo out in the ninth. no rbi for two out in the ninth. no rbi for jeter who bounces into a 6 4 3 jeter who bounces into a 6 4 3double-play, well turned by double-play, well turned by double-play, well turned byrollins and utley. rollins and utley.
rollins and utley.>> and the phillies love that >> and the phillies love that >> and the phillies love thattrade two out for one run here trade two out for one run here trade two out for one run herein the ninth-inning, they'll in the ninth-inning, they'll in the ninth-inning, they'lltake it in a second. take it in a second. take it in a second.>> now ruiz out to talk with
>> now ruiz out to talk with >> now ruiz out to talk withtheir left-handed hitting damon, their left-handed hitting damon, their left-handed hitting damon,who got it started in the ninth who got it started in the ninth who got it started in the ninthinning last night inning last night inning last nightfor new york with a base hit for new york with a base hit
for new york with a base hitstole two bases scored the stole two bases scored the stole two bases scored thewinning run, on a double by alex winning run, on a double by alex winning run, on a double by alexrodriguez. so jeter does not come through so jeter does not come throughin the ninth-inning, posada who in the ninth-inning, posada who in the ninth-inning, posada wholed off with a double scored,
led off with a double scored, led off with a double scored,bases are cleared two out, and bases are cleared two out, and bases are cleared two out, andnow the phillies are one out now the phillies are one out now the phillies are one outaway from sending this to game away from sending this to game away from sending this to gamesix on wednesday night. strike six on wednesday night. strike
six on wednesday night. strikeone. and a check swing foul, the and a check swing foul, thephillies trying to avoid a sweep phillies trying to avoid a sweep phillies trying to avoid a sweephere at home. they came into here at home. they came into here at home. they came intogame three having won eleven of game three having won eleven of game three having won eleven oftwelve here in their home park
twelve here in their home park twelve here in their home parkover the last two postseasons. over the last two postseasons. damon in that battle mode as he damon in that battle mode as hewas last night against brad was last night against brad was last night against bradlidge. and now time called out lidge. and now time called out lidge. and now time called outin right field as jayson werth
in right field as jayson werth in right field as jayson werthis motioning in toward home is motioning in toward home is motioning in toward homeplate, that something in the plate, that something in the plate, that something in thebackground is bothering werth, background is bothering werth, background is bothering werth,as he looks into home plate. 0 as he looks into home plate. 0
as he looks into home plate. 0 2 the count on damon two out, 2 the count on damon two out, 2 the count on damon two out,phillies up two, ball one. phillies up two, ball one. ball two. ball two.>> damon proving once again that >> damon proving once again that >> damon proving once again thatit is a lot easier to get two it is a lot easier to get two
it is a lot easier to get twostrikes than the third strike. strikes than the third strike. strikes than the third strike.>> and trying to get on for >> and trying to get on for >> and trying to get on forteixeira who led the american teixeira who led the american teixeira who led the americanleague in home runs during the league in home runs during the league in home runs during theregular season with thirty-nine.
regular season with thirty-nine. ground ball up the middle damon ground ball up the middle damonkeeps it going and brings the keeps it going and brings the keeps it going and brings thetying run to the plate, on base tying run to the plate, on base tying run to the plate, on basefor the fourth time tonight for the fourth time tonight for the fourth time tonightthree hits and a walk, and a
three hits and a walk, and a three hits and a walk, and asmile on johnny's face here in smile on johnny's face here in smile on johnny's face here inthe ninth-inning. the ninth-inning. the ninth-inning.>> the pesky damon. >> the pesky damon. and the hit. >> now teixeira who has two
>> now teixeira who has twopostseason home runs with the postseason home runs with the postseason home runs with theyankees, one right-handed one yankees, one right-handed one yankees, one right-handed oneleft-handed. takes a strike over left-handed. takes a strike over left-handed. takes a strike overthe outside corner teixeira hit the outside corner teixeira hit the outside corner teixeira hit39 home runs, during the regular
39 home runs, during the regular 39 home runs, during the regularseason 30 of them batting season 30 of them batting season 30 of them battingleft-handed. scott eyre stays in left-handed. scott eyre stays in left-handed. scott eyre stays inthe bullpen and madson stays in the bullpen and madson stays in the bullpen and madson stays inthe game. the game.
the change up for strike two as the change up for strike two asdamon takes second. damon takes second. no stolen base. again the no stolen base. again thephillies one strike away. phillies one strike away. wouldn't go after that changeup, wouldn't go after that changeup,ball one. who is standing on ball one. who is standing on
ball one. who is standing ondeck alex rodriguez. he won the deck alex rodriguez. he won the deck alex rodriguez. he won thegame last night with a two-out game last night with a two-out game last night with a two-outrbi double in the ninth inning, rbi double in the ninth inning, rbi double in the ninth inning,has two doubles tonight three has two doubles tonight three has two doubles tonight threerbis.