contemporary tv stand for flat screen in white with gloss doors

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About : contemporary tv stand for flat screen in white with gloss doors
Title : contemporary tv stand for flat screen in white with gloss doors

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    contemporary tv stand for flat screen in white with gloss doors

    narrator: coming upon "property brothers"... jennifer:right now it's two of us, but pretty soonit's gonna be three of us, and we quickly outgrowingour space. there we go. drew: i'll help them realize a fixer-upper could betheir perfect home. jonathan: and i'll transform itinto their dream home. that's incredibly unsafe.

    drew:welcome to your new home. it's so gorgeous. jennifer and derek are expectingtheir first child very soon, and they need to getinto a new house fast. yeah, they are fed upwith condo living. it's all small spacesand no storage -- not exactly perfectfor nesting parents. i'm jennifer. i'm derek.

    i'm a teacher. i'm in retail management. we've been togethera year and a half, and we have a babyon the way. when we first met,derek didn't like me very much, and i didn't remembermeeting him at all. once we got to know each other,it was better. jen finally got to lookinto my eyes, and she saw the potential.

    right now,it's two of us, but pretty soon,it's gonna be three of us, and we are quickly outgrowingour space. jennifer: after we starteddating for a while and we got engaged, derek soldhis one-bedroom, one-bath and moved into my two-bedroom, two-bath, which was greatoriginally, but now it's a bitof a tight squeeze.

    a bit of tight squeeze? it's like being roommates,really, instead of newlyweds. this isour master bedroom -- more like my master bedroomstill, unfortunately. there's not a lot of evidenceof derek in here. the closet is super small. it's just big enoughto store my clothes. here are where my clothes are --in the closet in the den. there's no more spacein this condo for my stuff.

    we do have a master bathroom. derek doesn't use it. i'm not allowed to usethe master bathroom 'cause there's no roomfor both of us in it, so i'm stuck herein the second bathroom. it feels like my spacethat he moved into, so it would be really greatif we could have our space. on our wish list would bea home close to the lake... a good size yard for kids...

    two-car parking... a big bathroom oasis... a minimum of three bedroomsand two bathrooms. i'd really lovea nice walk-in closet. a luxury master bedroom. our budget is $915,000. we're lookingfor our dream home, and we needto find it now. we don't have a lot of timeto lose.

    with a little oneon the way, i don't think jennifer and derekquite understand how far their dollar'sgonna stretch. yeah, and they havevery different expectations about what they wantin a home. derek wants a hometo impress. jennifer wants a home they canactually be comfortable in. well,i don't mean to brag, but i actually havethe the perfect house for them.

    you always say that. no, i do. oh, really? yeah. oh, why don't we go see it! let's go seeif it's the perfect house! you're being sarcastic. this isan amazing house, built in 1948but fully renovated this year.

    derek:this exterior is awesome. oh, yeah. that is nice. now we're talking. stepping into this house,i fee like i'm at home. you feel comfortableimmediately. i don't think i need to seeanymore of this house. this is it.this is good. look at it, wow.

    there's no 1948left in this house. it's's modern. look at the characterof that fireplace. it's fantastic. it's very unique. i like it. i just want to touch it. drew:go ahead and touch it. it's not can touch it.

    does it feel good? yeah, that's amazing. it's fully renovated, and because it hasa wide footprint, it's like a football fieldright to the back of the house. yeah, it's so open. i do love to bake,and that is one sexy island. get in there. look at how huge that is.

    and look at all the storage.i love it. and if for some reason thiswasn't enough storage for you, you have whole extra bankof cabinets here. look at the sizeof this dining room. you have so much room in herefor entertaining, for the family. this is the perfect house. i like everything. even as i look around,i like the wood behind you.

    i like that feature. that's really nice 'cause it'sstill open, but it's natural. could you see yourself actuallyliving in this space? oh, absolutely. so far, you're tickingall the boxes. i love how excited you areabout the main floor, but you still havean upstairs to look at. ooh. derek: oh, yeah.

    look at the ceiling. they're huge. it's pretty huge,isn't it? wow. oh, it's the same floorsas downstairs. that's gorgeous. plus you have private balconyright over here, just for the two of youto enjoy. aww.

    do you like the sizeof this bedroom. i think it's morethan big enough for us. it's actually really big. plus you have two more bedroomson the upper level here -- great forthe growing family. absolutely. derek, if you're lucky, jennifer will let you useher master bathroom. have a peek.

    oh, boy. yes. this is whati'm talking about. look at that --tub, shower. jennifer: beautiful. this is good. i love the fact that there'sa window right by the bathtub. that is so pretty. everything is just so perfectin that bathroom. i'm glad you guys likethe master suite,

    but it also hasa great backyard. this househas everything you want. yep. yeah, it's perfect. well, that comes at a price, and the price for this placeis $1,275,000. huh-huh-huh. whoa. [ both sigh ]

    so, it's impossible. it is. so, you're sayingwe can't have it? you can definitely not have can't afford this house. your lifestyle's about to geta lot more expensive becauseyou're having a baby. you need to bevery, very conscious about what your budget is and what would bea smart decision.

    buying this housewould not be a smart decision. we need to lookat fixer-uppers. that makes sense. makes a lot of sense. well, i've already startedlining up some showings. i thinkwe should get right to it. okay. let's do it. here we go.

    this house was built in 1954,and it has 1,400 square feet. i think that roofneeds to be replaced. not just the roof needsreplacing. come on in. thank you. ohh. this is tight. a little cramped. come on overto the living room. ohh.

    i'm not feeling very optimisticright now. the entrance is so tight, and that carpet is stained,and that's all i can see. that is some orange shag. good orange shag? there's no such thingas good orange shag. don't let it give you that icky, eerie,i-don't-like-it factor yet. i'm not feeling it.

    jennifer and derek may not be blown awayby the style of this house, but it definitely has a lotof room for improvement. it's a detached homewith 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, 1,400 square feet,and a big backyard. this is a very popular areafor new families and will givethese two soon-to-be parents a world of amenitiesright at their fingertips. right now it's a shag shack,but we can turn this thing

    into the most beautifuldream house for you guys. it's the locationthat's important -- great neighborhood,this where you want to be. it's true. yeah, it isa nice neighborhood. there's nice schoolsaround here. i say it's timewe ditched the orange shag and bring this spaceup-to-date. i'll put inmedium-tone hardwood

    and dosome custom millwork to give youa paneled feature wall. the furnishings will becomfortable and contemporary, and i'll adda cherrywood hutch to conceal your flat-screen tvwhen you're entertaining. that would actually bereally nice. why don't we move toa much brighter, happier space, like the kitchen? ooh, still tight.

    jennifer: very tight. i'm not sure abouthow much brighter it is. it's just a lighter color. i want a gourmet kitchen.this kitchen makes me feel sad. it's so small. i'm just confusedby this counter. are these bathroomfloor tiles? drew: yes. you don't like the mosaicon your countertop?

    no. it's so hardto keep clean. it is.that's why i do not understand why people do tile countertopsin the kitchen. the grout sucks up bacteria. you can see all that bacteria,all that mold in between there. this is what somebody's preppingtheir food on. so, no, tile countertopsare a bad thing, let alone puttinga bathroom floor tile on your countertopsin the kitchen.

    i can't see myselfcooking in there. i can't see myself baking. i can't see my familybeing in that kitchen. this is a terrible kitchenin its current layout. it's not functional at all, and we can barely fitfour of us in here. i don't even know whythey have this table in here. it doesn't work. but we're not looking at itin its current state.

    we're lookingat possibilities. these two tiny rooms can becomeone giant functional kitchen. by removing the wallthat separates the hallway and the far wallseparating the room behind it, you'll have plentyof dining and prep space with a center islandand classic white cabinets. i love the idea that it would be big and openwith a nice island. i think that would be great.

    it would be good. you're not gonna havecupboard doors that when you try and open them,they're hitting your range. [ laughs ] it's good to's not part of your plan? no. drew:you have three bedrooms. they're not a bad size,actually, for this house, just need a little bitof color in them.

    and this isyour dream bathroom. no, this ismy nightmare bathroom. are we in the bathroomor the kitchen? yeah, the tiles areexactly the same. you were asking if these werebathroom floor tiles. yep. there's proof. drew: there's a lotthat jonathan can do to make this feelmore spacious. the yellow tilesare not working, either.

    no, it looks like bumble beewith the yellow and black. pretty big backyard. lots of space. it's's quiet. it comes downto the numbers. your max budgetis $915,000. the list price on this houseis $749,000. that's way belowyour max budget. there is a lot of work to do,though.

    there is a lot of work, and it would take mesix weeks to complete. and it would be tight,but i could do it for $125,000. that's not bad. that's amazing. my target pricewould be $750,000, and with $125,000renovation, that brings you in way belowyour max budget of $915,000. well, that is somethingto keep in mind.

    for sure. if i snuck in hereand did the renovation already and then you saw it,i guarantee you, you would be puttingan offer on it immediately. that's how goodit would look. if you want to see more houses,we'll show you more house, but this would bea beautiful one. the only thing is i'd kind oflike to look at something that might bea little bit bigger.

    i feel like even whenwe open this one up, it might still be smallwhen we grow our family. this is just the first house.i can show you more place. i want tosee you guys happy. and this is the house -- you have four bedrooms,but it needs a lot of work. jennifer: that's terrifying. it's a little too far outfor us. yeah, i'd like tokind of stay closer

    to our neighborhoods. this house is tiny. what do you do with that? this isreally frustrating. it's a lot harderthan it looks. i'm sure it's not funwhen you're pregnant, as well. i just didn't thinkit would be this hard. that's old school my eyesare practically crossing.

    they start to blend --house after house after house. this house beautiful, built in 1956,but it has 1,800 square feet. that is a lot of space. do you like wallpaper? a lot of wallpaper. derek:just a little dated. oh, what year am i in? the house looks like it'ssomething from another century.

    it's lovelyfor a grandmother but not reallyfor someone our age. this place,even though it's old, it actually feels likeit's in pretty solid shape. mm-hmm. this home has had one ownerin 58 years. it's been well-loved, and i hope jennifer and dereklearn to love it, too. it's a detached1,800-square-foot home

    with 4 bedrooms, 3 bathrooms,a large backyard, and it's in the areathey both grew up in. after condo living, this house gives jennifer andderek all the space they need for themselvesand their growing family. over hereyou have dining room. and yet more wallpaper. wallpaper, carpet,wallpaper, carpet -- and that just meanswork, work, work, work.

    come on through here.this is the kitchen. through the saloon doors. yee-haw. oh, my goodness,it continues. derek:with the doors and the fan, i feel likei should have spurs on. well, at least these woodcabinets match the saloon door. yeah, they sure do. is this plastic?

    yeah, i thinkit's plexiglass. these are gross. jennifer:i agree with that. look aroundthe other side here. they have the dishwasher overon this side of the peninsula, nowhere near the sink. it's completelyunfunctional. why would that ever have beena good idea? you're gonna be grabbing stuffover here,

    and you're loadingover here. i can't even imagine what theywere thinking with that design. nothing makes sensein this kitchen, like a cabinetthat goes to nowhere. [ sighs ] i don't think there's anythingabout this kitchen that works. i don't like the counters. i don't like the cupboards.i don't like the layout.

    i think what she's tryingto say is she doesn't like it. the current size ofthe kitchen's all we need. we just have to reworkthe layout. jonathan:i'll gut the entire kitchen, taking down the wallthat separates the dining room, allowing plenty of spacefor a center island. i'll reconfigure the layout to open it upand improve functionality. there will be a peninsulafor added seating

    and an eat-in kitchen area. i like the idea of the islandbecause i'm the cook, and i like to havethat amount of prep space. that would be good. it would help.yeah, definitely. there'sso much potential here. and there's so much more houseto see, as well. let's head down the hall. what do you think?

    well, it just keeps withthe theme of being dated. yeah, it's very dated. drew:this is a big bathroom. you have to admitthere's a lot of space in here. jennifer:there's no shower. this is actuallythe master bathroom. the main bathroom'saround the corner, and that does havea shower. oh, okay.

    this flows all the way throughinto the master bedroom. it makes no sense that it's alsoaccessible from the hallway. the first stepto transforming this into the perfect master bathis sealing up that back door. with that door sealed, i can give you a separate,free-standing tub and a glass enclosedshower stall. i'll put in a double vanitywith quartz counters and make the color palettesoft whites and grays.

    i think closing the walland changing things around and making thatmore of a retreat and a place to relax and come tois going to be amazing. drew: and here'syou master bedroom. i'm really distracted by the amount of pinkon the walls and ceiling. there's just no stylein this room, and i don't likethat your closet is cut in half. there's a wallright in the middle here,

    so we'd want to open this upto one nice, big closet. now, derek, unfortunately, the only thing thatyour vanity may not like is that we may have toget rid of that mirror. where are you gonna dothe gun show? [ both imitating gunshots ] yeah, he's got it.he knows my style. hey, you married him. don't remind me.

    that is true. i was forced to be relatedto this one. you married that one. [ laughter ] it would be a greatmaster bedroom for you guys because i knowthat's important to you, to have spacewhere the two of you can relax. with a baby on the way,i have a feeling you're gonna be in needof a peaceful retreat.

    i'll get rid of this blandwall-to-wall carpet and put indark hardwood floors. i'll add a gas fireplace and mergethe two small closets into one larger storage spacewith custom shelves. i'll also build youa floor-to-ceiling headboard with reclaimed wood. i feel likeit's a lot of work. yeah, it's a lot of work.

    there's a lotthat needs to be done. once this is done, this would beyour perfect master bedroom. and actually for a nursery,there's a bedroom right on the other sideof this wall here. it's the perfect sizefor a nursery. that would work. okay, yeah, that's good. well, why don't we have a peekat the backyard, then we'll talk numbers.

    [ imitates gunshots ] oh, wow. it's huge. i love the tree. this is a fresh listing, and it is priced to sellat $779,900. it'll take me six weeksto get everything done, and that is gonna becutting it about as closeas we possibly could,

    but it's gonna cost $130,000to do the reno. it's getting closeto your max budget. a little bit, yeah. especially with all the workthat needs to be done inside. well, we've seena ton of houses. i would saythis is a top contender. why don't you take tonightto think it through, and then we can touch base and see which houseyou want to go with.

    okay, we'll do it. drew: they've narrowed it downto two contenders. i have paperwork ready to go, and i'm meetingwith jennifer and derek now. they just have to tell mewhich house they want. it's decision do you feel? i'm a bit nervous. we keep goingback and forth. all right, we haveour two top contenders --

    we havethat orange shag shack, and we havethe gun show gut job. let's start withthe orange shag shack. that house is listedat $749,000. that would actually bemarket value. i would want to makeour target price 750 grand. there would bea $125,000 reno. that would bring you inat a total cost of $875,000, and that is $40,000 belowyour max budget of 915 grand.

    and it'sa six-week renovation. i like the ideaof having money left over. well, then there'sthe gun show gut job. that house is listedat $779,900. in my opinion,that's under market value. our target pricewould be $785,000. jonathan would doa $130,000 renovation, and that would bring you inat a total of 915 grand, your max budget.

    and that would bea six-week renovation. i mean, the one warning i wouldgive you with that house is that the sellerhas actually said they want to hold off a weekuntil they take any offers, and that's their way of tryingto drum up some some interest. it's up to you two to talk itout -- pros and cons -- and see what you thinkwould be best for you guys. well, we havea sentimental attachment to the gun show gut jobneighborhood.

    and also, you have sentimentalattachment to that house because of the gun show,right, derek? am i right? you know it. you're stuck on that. less so that. she says this,but we know the truth. deep down...[ imitates gunshot ] the budget just makes menervous, when we're that tight.

    and then you gotthe shag carpet, and, you know, that givesa little more wiggle room with the budget. but then it's smaller --that house. and we don't getthe master bathroom. right. i think i have preference, but it's sort of headversus heart right now. what's it gonna be?

    this decisionis gonna be gun show gut job. please,never do that again. i agree. congratson making a decision. it's gonna be a great housefor you guys, especially with whatjonathan has in mind. i have tolock the house down, though, because it's pricedbelow market value. i think we should go in witha target price of $785,000.

    it's above list price. now, the only thing is the sellers have saidthey want to wait a week before any offers come in because they're tryingto drum up interest and get multiple offers. we can wait that week,see if another offer comes in, and then decide from there. or if you want,

    we can try and see if they wantan offer right now. we can makea really strong offer. i don't like the ideaof multiple offers. i'd rather go in nowif they're open to that. if we come in early, that'sconsidered a bully offer -- we're trying to change it sothat no one else has an offer. we just get in there now. and i'll try it.that's fine. i say id we go in at $785,000,that's above list price,

    that's very appealing,and see what they say. i likethe sound of that. sounds great. sounds good? i'm gonna get this offer inright away. i really hopethey don't make us wait a week. i'll keep you posted. okay, thank you. thank you.

    the seller rejected derek and jenniferputting in a bully offer. they didn't even let usgive them a number. we're really disappointed that the seller wouldn't acceptour bully offer, because that would have madelife just so much easier. there's is another offeron the table now, so we're gonna have to bring ina stronger offer to make sure jennifer and derekget this place.

    i feel like if writea heartfelt letter to the seller and explain to her that we have a sentimentalattachment to the neighborhood and that we would raiseour family there and we would love the houseas much as she has, that she'd be more likelyto sell it to us. want to increase their offerto $803,000. that may seem like odd amount, but 3 happens to bejennifer's favorite number,

    so $803,000 will beour firm and final offer. well, jennifer,the seller loved your letter, and she also lovedthe price. you got the house. nice! congratulations. $803,000 -- she really,really loved the letter, and she said that is whyshe chose you guys. she wants to see you raiseyour family in that house.

    nice. thank you so much. we have a big renovationahead of us. all right, see you. thanks so much. thanks a lot. ha ha. cheers. for derek and jennifer,getting this house

    meant digging a little deeperinto their pockets for some more cash and charming the sellersby writing a heartfelt note. and guess worked. in the end, they got the housefor $803,000, but to affordthat purchase price, jonathan's renovation budgettakes an $18,000 hit. now he has the taskof working his design magic to deliverthe home of their dreams

    before jenniferdelivers the baby and stay withina six-week timeline. over to you, jonathan. thanks a lot, drew. now it's up to meto find savings because the budget's been cut. i'm gonna gut that dated kitchenand give it a complete makeover. i'll give them a relaxing masterbedroom with a gas fireplace, and i'll tear outthe old bathroom

    and give thema spa-like master bath retreat. i'll need to scale backon my scope of work to get this donefor 18 grand less. but i say we do what we're hereto do and get this demo started. let's start demo. come on in, guys. get more excited. that was dull. hold on, hold on.give me that.

    that was so sad. this is also nowa wonderful... there you go. awesome. you're so pretty. jonathan likes to playpractical jokes, obviously. that was pretty good.your face was priceless. are you guys done yet? no, not even close.

    i thought we were already donewith the bathroom demo. i'm ready to move on. oh, my. jennifer: nice. all right. whoo!let's tackle that kitchen. now, we're dealing witha much smaller budget than we originally started, and so i've been trying to findways in the design

    that we could save money. the original plan was to completely removethese two walls and give you that open conceptwith a big island. what if we keep that wall between dining roomand the kitchen? we would still widenthis opening here, but just nottake it all the way. everything elsewould be the same.

    you just wouldn't havethe island. instead, we would maybe do a bigpantry, something like that. i'm feeling really disappointedabout losing that island and all the storageand the prep space. i was reallylooking forward to that. keeping those wallswhere they are and just widening this onea little bit would save usalmost 10 grand. let's pull these cabinets out

    and see what kind of issueswe're dealing with. tool. someone's a tool. ugh! oh. that opens that up. whoo, this is hard work. well,it's stressful work because we're gonna lookinside the wall,

    and this is gonna tell us if it was done rightor if it was done wrong. i can tell youthis is not a proper support. like,look how weak that is. these quarter bricks are what's supportingthis whole load and your entire roof. that does not seem safe. that is not safe at all.that's incredibly unsafe.

    this is nothow you support a beam, so whoeveropened this up before ran what is a very big beamacross, and they've rested it on topof these five quarter bricks. so, i mean, i don't want tosmash this wall any more 'cause if these loosen upand fall out, this beamis gonna come down, and your roofis gonna come with it. ugh.

    i'm gonna bring in the engineer.he'll actually look at it and tell us exactly how bigthe beam has to be and how bigthe support has to be. but if it turns out thatthis wall isn't in great shape or it has to havenew footing poured, that's gonna be expensive. oh, awesome. i mean, this is a safety issue. this is our family home,

    and to know thatsomething so structural and integral to the homewasn't done properly is scary. we'll pull the countertops up.we'll do the base cabinets. we'll just be very carefulnot to hit the wall. one, two, three. if you guys want to work onthis part over here, smash them apart. i'm gonna get started onthat wall to widen the doorway. how arethose cabinets coming?

    good, so good.oh, wow, look at that. yeah, we're almost done, yeah.let's keep going. do you want to see what itlooks like when it's opened up? all right.look at that. by not going open concept,we saved 10 grand. with the bathroomcompletely gutted, i can get rid of the bathtub and these dated recessed lightsfrom the '80s. the original hardwood comes uppretty easily,

    since it's been refinisheda few times and it's getting pretty thin. i'll install brand-new darkhardwood throughout the home. so, we've clearedeverything out, so you can really seewhat we're dealing with. jennifer: yeah, it actually isa big space. we still have this walljutting out that we have to deal with, but i do have answersabout the structure.

    some of it's good,some of it's not good. so, give us the good? good. you want the good first? let's start at the good. okay, well the good is this is actually concretefoundation underneath here, so we don't actually needto put in the steel post originally that i thoughtwe were gonna have to.

    the engineer saidthat we would be okay building in a wooden postinside the wall. that's a good thing.saves us a little bit of money. the bad news. you can see this is the beamthat comes across right now, and it's supportedon top of the wall, right? well, there's another beamthat starts right here. it goes throughoutthe rest of the house, so now that does give methe opportunity

    to recess the beaminto the ceiling, but it's gonna costan extra $1,500. that's the problemwith renovation -- you never know what you're gonnafind until open those walls up, and then when you do,who knows what it's gonna cost. there's a little bitmore space now to movein your bathroom. a lot more space. it gives you an opportunityto get better function,

    but it also gives youan opportunity to possibly savea little bit of money. now, i know you had saidthat you wanted to have a separate tuband shower. i feel like if we goto a tub/shower combo -- so just doa really nice new tub -- we could save ourselveslike $5,000. my only concernabout the bathroom is whether it's stillgonna feel luxurious

    and it's still gonna feellike a retreat. i think sometimes if you cut,you can cut too much, and i'm just hopingwe're not at that point. it's still gonna give youa great bathroom, a much, much better layoutthan it had before. [ sighs ]it's a tough one, and i had my heart seton a shower, but if it's gonnasave money, we'll dothe tub/shower combo.

    thanks, hon. jonathan: with jennifer'sdue date fast approaching, her doctor advised that she stayaway from the reno zones, so she's leaving the restof the design decisions up to derek, and that's brave. i know the budget's tight, and i've beencutting and cutting, and i don't want them to bedisappointed, so i've got a bit of a surprise

    that should put smileon derek's face. you guys are gonna have babyin no time. i am ableto pull some strings, really stretch the budgetas much as i possibly can, and i think we could just geta nursery out of the budget. would you be willingto pitch in? because that would definitelyhelp keep the cost down. oh, for sure.i'll do anything. it's extremely unexpected,and i'm very excited,

    and i can't wait to seewhat it's gonna look like with my helpand jonathan's help. and it's gonna bea great team combination. are you comfortablepicking baby colors? i think i can handle it. i'm excited to do thisbecause i love doing nurseries, and they've got a baby coming. they we're planning to justmake something work for now. not good enough.

    this is gonna bethe perfect home for them, which means it has to havethe perfect nursery. the engineerhas given us the go-ahead to remove the old brick. we've gottemporary wood supports holding upthe load of the ceiling until we can get that new beamup there. derek has taken it upon himselfto buy paint for the nursery. now, don't get me wrong,

    i love it when homeownerstake initiative, but they should really leavethe design decisions up to me. what are you doing? hey, how are you? i'm well. i'm gonna paint the wall. that is not a colorthat we picked. no, this is yellow gold. it's a happy color,it's perfect for a baby's room.

    that's way,way too bright. like, you'll walk in here, and you're gonna feel likea hot dog because that is the mostmustard-yellow paint color you could get. but i like hot dogs. i'm telling you now,and i've painted a lot of rooms, this is gonna betoo bright. i don't thinkwe should use this color.

    i think we shouldsee it on the wall. if that is the onlyway you're gonna learn. i bet you that you won't evenget as far as here before you realizei'm right. how's it look? it needs... it looks good. i like it, yeah.i can work with it. it's the worst colori've ever seen.

    i think you're right. what do you thinki'm right about? i think the color's bad,bad choice. it's bad. should we agree right now that you don't makeany other choices without calling me first? i thinkthat's a good idea. today,we're installing the new beam.

    we're gonna recess itup into the ceiling to keep that open flowthroughout the kitchen area. i'm framing up the new fireplacein the master bedroom. jennifer and derekwanted a relaxing retreat, and having a gas fireplacein here will certainly make it cozy. jonathan. yo. oh-ho-ho, wow.

    come intoyour getting-new kitchen. the entranceway'scertainly bigger. oh, yeah. widening that makesa huge difference. and the wall. the wallis a thing of the past. it's gone. this is all brand-new. we had to cut itinto the roof structure, tuck it all the way up,

    put hangerson every single ceiling joist. it's just --it was a lot of work. it's not coming down,though? no, no, this thing is solid.this will last. this ended up costingan additional $3,000. i just don't even thinkour contingency can take any more of this. no, the contingencyis more than half-gone now, and the unfortunate thing

    is we just encounteredanother big problem. he's is not gonna like the newsthat i'm about to drop on him. want more"property brothers"? check out our videos online and before and after photosof our favorite renovations. drew: accessbehind-the-scenes pictures and additionalvideo clips, including outtakesand bloopers online now

    if you lookat all this water staining on the ceiling joist here,that means water's getting in from the tar and gravel roofabove. it may be slow right now,but it's only gonna get worse. this whole areais an addition, so let me show youwhat the roof looks like. you can see around the edgeit's pretty worn. i think we're gonna have to redothis whole section. and it'sa pretty big section.

    it not only encompassesthat dining room, it goes all the wayacross the bedrooms. of course it does. probably gonna be around6 grand. ah. [ chuckles ] there is just enough room inthe contingency to cover this, but that is it. there's nothing leftin the contingency. amazing.

    why don't we lookat a space that doesn't haveany problems -- the master bathand bedroom. we have lots of new featureslike fireplaces adding ambienceto the master bedroom. yeah, jennifer is gonnalove that. but i know you really want tosee the master bathroom, right? oh, you guyshave been busy. we haven't finished itobviously,

    but it already feels likeit's twice the size. definitely,and the tub looks fantastic. oh, we're good.this is good. yeah, this is a really deep tub,so you have lots of space. if you want sit down,feel free to sit down. oh, yes. we're gonna havea nice deep niche there that you can put bottlesand soap and, you know, the razors foryour legs and stuff like that.

    i need a few razorsfor my legs. and then from this side,we're gonna have open shelving. you guys are gonna havelots of space. well, that's great. this is a roomthat's important to jennifer, so i wanted her to actuallybe here to look at it to make surewe're on the right track. but is she gonna be okaywith you giving me the approvalwith where we're at?

    let's be honest, my opinion'sthe only one that counts. i'm kidding, jen.honestly, i'm kidding. your opinionis so much better than mine. jonathan:with the weather cleared up, my crew can finally get startedrepairing the leaky roof by stripping offthe old shingles and addinga brand-new water barrier. flat rooftops need specialprotection from rain and ice. it's $6,000 hit to the budget,but well worth it.

    while the work continuesat the house, derek and i havesome shopping to do. i think i need crib, i think i need a placeto change the baby, maybe somewhereto put some clothes and stuff. yes. he's gloss-eyed. he's likea deer in the headlights, has no idea where to even begin.

    do you have to make that facewhen you're burping the baby. i just don't want the babyto be sick on me. what do you think aboutsomething like this 'cause it's very different, but i think it blendsboth your styles. it looks really good. and also, you need to havethe change table. i really love this set because, not only does it blendyour style

    because you like modern, but it also hasthat traditional kick. fatherhood for you, i don'tthink is gonna be a problem. we just don't want youdesigning the baby's room. you don't want your baby to haveto wake up and be like, "ah!" every timeit sees that color. today we install the gasfireplace in the master bedroom. i think jennifer and derekare gonna love this feature, and with the newborn on the way,

    there will besome sleepless nights, and this will make ita cozy retreat. i've decided to movethe bedroom door a couple of feet to the right to give clearancearound the fireplace. with the baby's roomacross the hall, they'll be able to hearwhat's going on better, as well. or not. the bathroom tub and shower areais coming along.

    derek chose soft graysubway tiles. we're doingthe fireplace surround in a large-scale porcelain tile glazed to look likebrushed steel. and as my giftto jennifer and derek, i've had an artist friendof mine come in to paint a muralon the nursery wall. this reno has beenfull of surprises, and as luck would have it,

    jennifer springs her own6-pound 10-ounce surprise on me. two weeks before her due date,baby abigail has arrived. i better pick up the pace and get this place doneas soon as possible. looks like this six-week renojust turned into five. the custom kitchen cabinetshave finally arrived, and my crew can install them. derek and jennifer move inin less than a week, and there's still a ton to do.

    jennifer has delivered early, and now it's up to meto deliver my reno early, too. are you excited? i am so excited. i can't believethis day's here. this bedroomis looking beautiful. i think that jennifer'sgonna love it. i hope she does. she hasn't been around, so allof this was picked by derek.

    i'm excited. the baby gave me abouttwo hours sleep last night, but i'm excited. well,i slept well, so... must be nice. the worst thing you can dois make a new mom angry. what are you trying to do? what? you're not helping!

    go seeif they're here already. i'm stating the obvious.and they are here. give me my pillow. they are here.hurry up. were you planningto tell me? and here you go. it's so beautiful! derek: it's amazing. gorgeous.

    this is so, so nice. oh, that is so stunning. this is fantastic. it's really is perfect. makes a huge difference. the space looks twice as bigas it did before. jonathan: does it feela little more functional than the kitchenthat was here before? remember the saloon doorsand all the glass?

    it was just awful. it's infinitelymore functional, and i can't even tell youhow much more beautiful. a nice feature, too,is the ability to close off the kitchenfrom the dining room if you don't want to disturbyour guests. it's so's like art. oh, no.that's good. open it.

    ooh.that is some stuff. that's a nice door. it's beyond anythingi could have dreamed of, really. it's just gorgeous. jonathan: this is whata kitchen's meant to look like. definitely. we neededto save some money, so we opted to do awaywith the original island that i had planned

    and put in this pantryand storage. jennifer: i was gonna say it'stwice as good as the one i have, but it's more like a hundredtimes as good as the onethat we currently have. oh-ho!that is great. look at that. look, i can reachright to the back. hey.that's amazing. you have additionalportable prep space here,

    plus you havethe peninsula. you have the breakfast-barseating on the back side. so you're not lackingany seating, storage, or countertop space. jonathan: that saloon theme theyhad before just didn't work. even though the budgetdidn't allow me to do a full open concept,you said you like separation, and this layout gives tonsof prep space and additional seatingat the peninsula.

    i think this ismy dream kitchen. well done, boys. that's what i liketo hear. well done. oh! [ gasps ] it's so gorgeous! derek: wow. i'm without words.this is so gorgeous. look at that fireplace.

    look how romanticthe fireplace is. who knows?baby number two. okay, slow down. slow down. [ purrs ] if you don't mind,i just -- i've got to touch thisfor a sec. yep. yep, that's good.that's the stuff. it's yours.

    got to touch everything. some people like to be hands-onwith the design. he likes to be handsywith the design. you also have... entire... ...organized closet. jennifer: wow! we get to sharea closet like married people. the space is so great. jonathan: this room hadno personality before.

    now, with dark hardwood floors,the new gas fireplace, and the floor-to-ceilingheadboard feature, i've created a peacefulmaster bedroom retreat where you can both relaxat the end of the day. it's not bad knowing that after all the stressyou guys have been through and everythingthat's happening, you now have a placewhere you can relax. and this is definitely gonna becompletely relaxing.

    there's another wayto relax, and that's in a nice, deepbubble bath. yeah! take a look. okey dokey. oh. [ laughs ] look at those shelves. you like it? uh...yeah.

    uh, yeah. what's not to like? this is incredible. oh, look at that shower. drew: you have a bathroomthat is functional for you. you no longer have an entrancefrom the hallway, which you didn't need. it blows my mind to thinkwhat this used to look like, and what it looks like now.

    it's it's so much better. it's so much more functional.the space is used better. and it looks fantastic. jonathan: what was it you saidabout who gets a say in what happensin the bathroom? i thinki said that it was -- jennifer's got full reignof whatever she wants to do, is what i think.

    weird, i don't rememberthat conversation. i'm certainthat's what i said. you look so beautiful today,by the way. did i tell you? the pale-pink tilesthat were in here before were not very spa-like. even though a freestanding tubwasn't in the cards for you, i think this new tub-and-showercombo works very well in the space. unfortunately, we had to get ridof that large mirror

    that was in the master bedroom because we put inthe new big closet door. but it's okay. for the gun show, you still havethese mirrors here. oh, we got boom, right here,and boom, right there. know what i'mtalking about? ooh, double bill. this is the perfect bathroomfor you guys. yeah, i agree.

    totally. now, derek,isn't there some sort of a surprise that you wantto show jennifer? um, i kind of thought maybeyou deserved something. want to see another room? don't make it so creepy. he did something nicefor you. follow me. did you do this?

    little bit. jonathan:what do you think? it's so adorable. it's beautiful. it is beautiful. it's perfect. it's perfect for baby,it's perfect for mom. it's perfectfor everybody. yeah.[ laughs ]

    it's really, really nice. what a's so pretty. and it's perfectfor little abigail. i love the color. i love the little apples,and the trees. that's so cute. i just want to thank you guysso much. like, you worked so hard,and everyone worked so hard, and it's so niceto have a home.

    thank you for that. thank you very much. following the early arrivalof baby abigail, jennifer and derekcouldn't be happier or more relieved to be movinginto their new family home. condo living is how they met,but not where they could remain. with little abigail on the way,they needed to expand. spending more money on the house meant a tighterrenovation budget,

    but without sacrificing design, jonathan managed to give themthe home of their dreams, and even delivera few days early. look at your room. she's already asleep.i love this room. [ chuckles ] check us out on twitter@mrdrewscott, @mrsilverscott,and #propertybrothers.

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