bathroom furniture stands

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    bathroom furniture stands

    captioning made possible bywarner bros. [star spangled banner plays] [music stops] hello. what do you look like? talk louder! i can't hear you! hey! hello! hello!i can't hear you! 5. yes.

    i don't know. ow! get her in focus, boys! here i come! open up! aw, shit! i'm sorry. jesus h. christ! what happened?what happened?

    jesus! come on! hey! all right, all right,all right. [cheering] announcer:now he's got pressure. he has a receiver,jim youngblood! yeah! ♪ when it's time to relax ♪ ♪ one beer stands clear ♪ [clunk]

    damn it! tweety? ohh. oh, shit, tweety, couldn't you have waitedfor a school day? there he is!there he is! he's my man! come on! he's open!

    he's op-- ♪ please won't you bemy neighbor? ♪ who the hellis this guy? what the hellis going on? steve, what's going on? what's going on here? ok. i apologize. my neighbor's onthe same remote. [yelling]

    i bet my lifeon this game. are you kidding me? hi, ben. we got a good football gamegoing on here. my kids wanna watch mister rogers. i don't carewhat you're watching, ben. just show a little mercywith that thing. [click] come on, steve!

    move your set. ahem. move yours, ben. there it is.ok. don't move. tweety doesn'tlike that smell. sweetheart, tweetycan't smell a thing. put a flower with him. a flower? ok.

    for when he's hungry. for when he's lonely. and when it's nighttime. oh, it's ok. shh. shh. it's ok. now i lay medown to sleep. i pray the lordmy soul to keep. oh, brother. stifle it.

    if i should diebefore i wake... it did. i pray the lordmy soul to take. that was lovely.lovely, honey. mom, when it rots, can we dig it upand see the bones? robbie! will you come ondown out of the tree, please? e. buzz! can i geta goldfish now?

    come and get it. [thunder] honey, you'reoverfeeding them. tweety ii and tweety iiiwant seconds. you know what happenswhen you overfeed goldfish? they grow upto be... sharks! good night. mom, there's a big stormheaded this way.

    you'll be asleep bythe time it gets here, if you hurry. come on. in you go. good night, sweetie. ok, lights out. closet light!closet light! my fault. my fault. turn it on,mommy! is that enough?

    ok? good night, mom. night, mommy. either i'm dead or i'm crazy. well, you're not crazy, pete. you mean i'm dead? yeah. i'm... you mean this is for good?

    you guessed it. "nocturnal somnambulism."you know what? you know what? i will bet you anythingit's genetic. i mean, carol anne last nightand all last week, you know, and me when i was 10. would you roll this? oh, sure. you know...

    you know, once isleptwalked four blocks, and i fell asleep inthe back of this guy's car. he drove all the way to workbefore discovering me. god, i woke up.i started screaming. people came runningfrom everywhere. they called the cops. the cops came. they tookthis poor dude downtown. my father-- big.

    ed. big ed has meexamined for, like, bruisesand hickeys, you know. you name it. oh, god.i was so embarrassed. oh, shit, steven. what if they, like,dig the pool, you know, and carol anne sleepwalks and she falls into itbefore there's any water?

    oh, honey, oh. have you ever dove offa 3-meter board, sweetheart? what's 3 meters? it's about 10 feet. oh, listen.why don't we just dig the poolcloser to the house and let the kidsjump off the roof, you know? oh, honey, honey, honey.

    honey, the 3-meter board islike an air pocket, sweetheart. when you dive off,it's like free falling, ok? you got to getyour position. at this feet--i'm positioning. 3 meters. honey, your divingdays are over. we're talkingolympics, diane. ok? let me seeyour tuck position. we can jackknifeinto the swan. twist, turn...

    and...splash! honey, it's right tothe nautilus machine. look at this, honey.before, after. before, after.before, after. pow! i wuv you. oh, you fool. no. no. god, i love itwhen you talk dirty.

    the storm'scoming closer. hey, partner. hi, everything ok? it's thundering. oh, come on. come on. hop up. i'm the wind,and you're the feather. say good night to mom. good night,sweetheart.

    here we go. i don't likethe tree, dad. it's an old tree. it's been aroundhere a long time. it was herebefore my company built the neighborhood. i don't like its arms. it knows i live here,doesn't it? it knows everythingabout us, rob.

    that's why i builtthe house next to it, so it could protect us-- you, carol anne,dana, your mom, and me. it's a very wiseold tree. it looks at knows i live here. you know, i think the storm'sgoing to pass us. how do you know? because i can count.

    you knowwhat you do? when you seethe lightning, you count till youhear the thunder. if you can counthigher each time, that means the storm'smoving away from us. want to try it? ok. got to getsome lightning. wait. it's coming. wow.

    ok. count. one, two, three... ok, but i bet younext time you're goingto be able to count to at leastfour or five. [bell rings] daddy, it's for you.

    you tell them takea message, sweet pea. my daddy wants totake a message. it's too hot. oh, ok. good night, angel. happy dreams, ok? night, daddy. three, four...

    did not. come on. good night, dana. good night,dad. get offthe phone, dana. mm-hmm. two... five... [static]

    [whispering voices] they're here. now, listen to me,, no, no, no. no, i'm not kidding.i know. how could anybody sleepthrough a 6.5? there was damage, yeah.the bedroom. i mean, there's stuffin pieces all over. we've listenedto the radio. there's nothing onthe radio at all.

    you are so obnoxious! you drive me nuts! force field. you are so obnoxious. hey, watch out. chew your food10 times, ok? you're a big barf bag. you're a doggy bag. that's a good one.i'm not going to eat it.

    there you go, rob. sweetheart, last night whenyou said, "they're here..." can i take mygoldfish to school? maybe the fault line's just directly underour house only. wouldn't thatbe a scream? someone got crumbsall over my bed. sweetie, rememberlast night, do you rememberwhen you woke up

    and you said,"they're here"? uh-huh. well, who did you mean?who's here? the tv people. she's stoned. oh, yeah? what doyou know about it? more than you. ask dad. ask dad.ask dad.

    hey! it's not my mess! thanks a lot, jerko. i've got classin 20 minutes! give me thisbefore you cut yourself. did the earthmove for you? it wasn't quite the samething for us, jeff. huh? ok. i'll talk... yeah, right. ok.

    give me thatbefore you cut yourself. it's notmy fault. i'm out of here. bye, honey. uh-uh. youi can handle. got school. yeah, well,breakfast first. all right.i'll miss school. it happenson every job.

    hey! look at this! i love that swing. i love you. i love you.i love you. no! no, no. get down. robbie, carol anne, i told you guysto push your chairs in when you're doneat the table. oh, honey, you're goingto ruin your eyes.

    this is not good for you. [arf] [arf arf arf] what's the matter,e. buzz? what areyou doing? [arf arf] how is it? great,mrs. freeling. ok, give me my cup.

    you sure makegood coffee. oh! jesus! don'tdo that, honey. you want to see mommy lying in a cigar boxcovered with licorice? uh-uh. did you do this? you guys. i asked you notto pull the chairs out.

    aahh! the tv people? do you see them? do you? well, i tell you.i think you're really going to enjoythis kitchen. this is ourlatest development. we call thisphase four. where doyou live?

    actually,we were the first family to set up housekeepingin the cuesta verde estate. phase one. we had to pass throughmy neighborhood to get to herethis morning. oh, that area withthe lived-in look? yeah, it has that, but i thinkin a couple of months, you're not going to beable to distinguish

    phase onefrom phase three. you know, we havea saying around here-- "the grass grows greeneron every side." yeah, that's the wayi feel about it. honey, i can't tellone house from the other. well, you know something?you're right, but i think our construction standardsare really very liberal, like i have this neighbor and he built his jacuzziin his bedroom,

    and it hasa running aqueduct connected toa wading pool outside, and it's built half in andhalf out of his living room. and that house was featured in last month's issue of town and country. come on.i'll show you the den. honey,come here, quick! hurry, beforeit stops again! the--the can.

    oh, shit, steve,leave it. all right. they don't makea pick-up. ok, just standright here, ok? now, listen. listen. i kept dana and robbieout of this, but carol anne was here,so she knows. but dana would blab, and robbie, he'd be upfor three weeks.

    i think youshould sit down. no, no, no. no,, just stand. ok, now just be calm. now, reach backinto our past when you used to havean open mind. remember that? ok, just try to use that for the nextcouple of minutes. ok? mother didn'tcook any dinner.

    we'll go topizza hut, ok? ok, now--now, just look. just look. now just watch. whoo-hoo! come here,sweetheart. honey, could you movethe chair out of the way and just stay down there? come on, baby.let's show daddy.

    i'm hungry! now, don't arguewith mommy. come on. come on. let's justdo this once. ok, here we go. i wantpepperoni pizza. mommy, that burned. oh, i'm sorry. the floor needsmore wax. steven, come on,you do it.

    no. oh, come on,honey, try. it's like there's thistickling right in here, and it startsto pull you. the tickling pulls you. all of a sudden, it'slike there's no air, except thatyou can breathe. and you're gettingpulled along and-- ah,mr. tuthill.

    my tv's not on, so if you're having problemswith your set again-- it's nothinglike that. diane and i werejust wondering... this is goingto sound strange coming from me. i doubt that. the mosquitoes--they're something. they'rechowing down.

    i've never beenbothered by them. in fact, i don't thinki've ever been bitten by one of them. as far as i know, nobody in my family'sever been affected by them. mosquito eversuck on you, son? i don't know, dad. he don't know. uh...

    look--look,mr. tuthill... ben. we're really sorry. mr. tuthill,look, um... we were just... what we werewondering is... diane, my wife,and i were wondering... something funny'sgoing on here next door. something, uh...

    we were wonderingif maybe you had experienced anydisturbances lately. what kind ofdisturbances? um...oh, you know,like, uh... dishes or furniture moving aroundby themselves. don't scratch them. you're going toinfect them. just let meput this on.

    don't. don't. boy, do i feellike a fool. i'm sorry, but i hadto say something. we were losinga pint of blood every few seconds. we're going to keep thisthing in the family. in the morning, i'm goingto call somebody in. oh, yeah?who, for instance? i already lookedin the yellow pages.

    furniture moverswe got. "strange phenomenon,"there's no listing. one 1,000, two 1,000, three 1,000, four 1,000... honey, look, i'm the onewho had to live with thisfreaky thing all day, and nothing bad happened.

    it's like anotherside of nature, a side that you and i are not qualifiedto understand. when you overreactlike this, it makes what happenedmuch too important. no one's goingin the kitchen till i knowwhat's happening. three-- three 1,000...

    aah! dad! mommy! steven! steven, hurry! daddy! help me! help me, daddy! be careful! mom!

    aahhhhh! aahhhh! aahhh! help me! help me! he's coming! mom! mom!it's taking me! it's hurting me! steven, hurry! dad, help me!it's taking me!

    hold onto him! my leg! dad, my leg! help me, dad!help me! look! mom, dad!it's a tornado! it must havejust skimmed us. there wouldn't bea house left if... carol anne! i left herupstairs.

    baby, we're coming! i'll go check the kitchen. no! no, i'll do it. i'll check the check your room. carol? carol anne? baby. carol anne. sweetheart.

    baby? diane! did you find her? no. i've lookedeverywhere. this--this is crazy. oh, my... my god. the swimming pool. the swimming pool!

    be careful, honey! carol anne: mommy. mommy! nothing. nothing! mo... mommy!mommy! dear god.!

    mom! mom! mom! what's going on?what? what? carol anne: mommy! oh, carol anne!thank god! baby! baby, where are you? mommy, mommy!come over here! what is it? what? what, baby?

    i can't see you, mommy. where are you? what members ofthe household are involved, and what aretheir ages? there's diane,my wife. she's 31...or 32.i'm sorry. and my oldestdaughter dana. she's 16. my son robert.he's 8.

    hmm. carol anne. has there been any publicityabout these events? no.absolutely nothing. can you bereasonably sure of not letting anyget started? it's the last thingin the world we want. we haven't evengone to the police. would yourfamily welcome a serious investigationof these disturbances

    by someone who can makefirst-hand observations? doctor, we don't careabout the disturbances. the poundingand the flashing... the screaming... the music. i just want youto find our little girl. i guessi should warn you. we keep the roomlocked off from the restof the house so...

    robbie's sleepingwith us now, and dana, well, she spendsa lot of time with friends. how manydisturbances have you recordedin the room? we don't go inthe room anymore. mr. freeling, we'll record anypsychotronic energy or event. yes, ryan photographedan extraordinary episode on a case in redlands. that's was a child's toy,

    a very smallmatchbox vehicle. it just rolled 7 feetacross the linoleum surface. the duration ofthe event was seven hours. seven hours for what? for the vehicle tocomplete the distance. of course, this would neverregister on the naked eye, but i have it recordedon time-lapse camera. it's fantastic. ha ha ha!

    [neigh] we've been trying to holdourselves together as a family. of course, no one'sbeen sleeping much. steven has missedso much work, but he's been wonderful. really wonderful. how long have you beeninvestigating haunted houses? well, mrs. freeling-- diane.

    diane, the determination as to whetheryour home is haunted is not very easy. uh, what i meantto say was it might very well bea poltergeist intrusion instead ofa classic haunting. there's a difference? did you see that? there'll be two morein a couple of seconds.

    they always travelin pairs. dr. casey. [click click] got to be quickerthan that around here. it's electrical. you can smellthe charge. you were sayingabout poltergeists? poltergeists areusually associated with an individual.

    hauntings seem to beconnected with an area. a house, usually. poltergeistdisturbances are of fairlyshort duration, perhaps a coupleof months. hauntings cango on for years. are you telling methat all of this could just suddenly endat any time? yes, it could,

    unless it'sa haunting. but hauntingsdon't usually revolve aroundliving people. then we don't havemuch time, because my daughter is alivesomewhere inside this house. while trying to escape from an unknown assailant, marshall is listed as critical... this is probably goingto seem a little strange. we hear betteron this channel.

    don't ask me why. well... i guess i'll call her. it's mommy, sweetheart. we wantto talk to you. please answer me, baby. please answer me. please talk to me, bunny. look at the dog.

    are you with us now? can you sayhello to daddy? carol anne: hello, daddy. hello, sweet pea. it's mommy,sweetheart. hello, mommy. hello, baby! can you see me? can you see mommy?

    mommy, where are you? where are you? we're home, baby. we're home.can you find me? can you finda way home to us? mommy, where are you? i can't find you. i can't! i'm afraid of the light, mommy. i'm afraid of the light. tell her to stayaway from the light.

    maybe it's a way out. it is a way out,but not for her. tell her quickly. uh...carol anne-- tell her to stayaway from the light! tell her, diane! stay away from the light.the light is dangerous. don't go near it.don't even look at the light. i don't believe it,but the voice

    could be coming froma cb transmitter somewherein the house. this isn'ta hoax. what the hell is this? anything? nothing'sregistering. mommy, there's somebody here. mommy? mommy, is that you?

    no, it's not mommy.who is it, doctor? who's with you, baby? who's with you? mommy, somebody's coming! mommy, help me, please! oh, my god!oh, my god! oh, my baby! you bastards!she's just a baby! help her! help her!

    can't you hearwhat's happening? help her! listen! get away from me! leave me alone! mommy! mommy! help me, mommy! she justmoved through me. my god!

    i felt her. i can smell her! it's her! smell my clothes. it's her.she's all over me. thank god. it's her. but if it's her-- it is.

    it's my baby. she wentthrough my soul! [boom] i can't hearher anymore. carol anne? honey? where exactly do you supposecarol anne was playing when she vanished from sight? where was carol anne playingwhen she disappeared? her bedroom closet.

    let's go upthere. they won'tlet you in. we'll justsee about that. whatever happened to you? i was about to check outthe kids' bedroom when-- something took a biteout of me. you got bit? either that or the worstmuscle spasm in the world. lift up your shirt.let's have a look.

    wow! i think we'llspend the night downstairs. oh, no. wrong. i want youto take dana and robbie and go and spend tonightin town. i am not leaving herewithout carol anne. i can't stay here. i've got to goto lisa's. please. you go, baby. go.

    i'm not going to leaveanybody in this house alone. can we talk to you? let's go. any movement outof those things? there's been someionization fluct. i'd like to make sure they're not causedby humidity, coming fromstructure leakage, but i'm not goingup there to find out.

    we have got much morethan the paranormal episode taking place here. there is a measurablephysical science in this house that goes far beyond any of the creaking doors or cold spotsi've ever experienced. the voice ontelevision-- where is itcoming from? the absence of a signalon a channel that is not receivinga broadcast

    means it isfree to receive a lot of noisefrom all sorts of things, like short wave-- solar disturbances,car ignition sparkings-- outer space. or inner space. yes. what if these peoplehad an area of bilocation in their own living room? what doyou mean?

    you know what i mean.if that is the way out, then maybe somewherein this house there's a way in. no. please,leave it on. thanks. you know, when it'squiet, like now, i can imagine howall of this must look from your side.i'm really embarrassed. nonsense.

    i'm the one whoshould be embarrassed, being here withyou nice people. parapsychology isn'tsomething you master in. there are no certificatesof graduation, no licenses to practice. i am a professionalpsychologist who's spentmost of my time engaged in thisghostly hobby, which makes me,i suppose,

    the most irresponsiblewoman of my age that i know. would you likea glass for that? no, thank you. you know,you were very funny. your hands were shakingabout a mile a minute. it isn't over. i'm absolutelyterrified. it's all the things thatwe don't understand.

    i feel likethe proto-human coming out ofthe forest primeval and seeing the moonfor the first time and throwing rocks at it. if i got killed, would i comeback as a ghost and get stuck in the house,like my sister? your sisterisn't dead, robbie. if i got killed,could i visit her

    and show her howto get back here? you could tie a ropearound me and hold it tight. then somebody couldcome and get us, and we'd go livesomewhere else. some people believethat when you die, your soulgoes to heaven. when grandpa was dead, i looked at himin the hospital bed, and i was watching,

    but i didn't see anythinggo up out of him. well, his soul isinvisible, robbie. you couldn't see it. but how come grandpa isn'ton television with carol anne? shh. shh. some people believethat when people die there's a wonderful lightas bright as the sun, but it doesn't hurtto look into it. all the answers to allthe questions

    that you everwant to know are inside that light. and when you walk to it, you become a partof it forever. and thensome people die, but they don't knowthat they've gone. they thinkthey're still alive? maybe they didn'twant to die. maybe theyweren't ready.

    maybe they hadn'tlived fully yet, or they liveda long, long time, but they stillwanted more life. they resist goinginto that light. however hard thelight wants them, they just... they justhang around-- watch tv, watch theirfriends grow up,

    feeling unhappyand jealous... and thosefeelings are bad. they hurt. and then... some peoplejust get lost on the wayto the light, and they need someoneto guide them to it. and some people get angryand throw things around, like in my bedroom.

    just likein school. like some kidsare nice to you. some kidsare mean. i got beat up onceby three kids. they took my lunch money. maybe they gothit by a truck and they'reupstairs right now. hey, hey,listen, partner, maybe we ought to getsome shuteye, ok?

    when we calledgrandma tonight, she got really excited that you're comingto stay with her, and she's planningall these neat things for you guys to do. can i take e. buzzwith me when we go? sure, you can. good night, lady. good night, dad.

    good night, rob. i love you. good night, carol anne. i'm going to go getsomething to eat. aah! aah! aah! [music plays on headphones] [creak] what is it?what is it? roll it back.

    i think we got one.i think it recorded. yes! it recorded. look at all of them. is that our house? who areall those people? they're so lonely... so alone. where are theycoming from? robbie...

    call me, ok? this cameo isover 100 years old. yes. some haul, huh? and this watch is onlya few years old, and it's not yours. well, i'm off. i'm taking theseback to the lab along with the tapes. i'm going to haveto display these, you know.

    but please, not on 60 minutes. or that's incredible. [doorbell rings] i'll get it.excuse me. i'm leaving ryanhere with you. marty won'tbe coming back. coming back. and i'll bringsome help. try not to worry.

    thank you. we've missed youdown at the office, steve. the boys havegotten worried, so i took itupon myself to-- jesus, steve,you look like shit. aren't you feelingany better? oh, i'm still weak,mr. teague, you know. i've got the flu.i can't get up. looks like you've gotcable problems here.

    yeah. cable's beenoff for a couple-- oh, well, we'll haveto look into that. the rest ofthe block dark, too? no, no. just us. you've got some electricalproblems, as well here. what have you gotscrewed in there, a 300-watt bulb? you afraid of burglars, or you trying to attractevery insect in cuesta verde?

    steve, tell me something.are you happy here? yes, i am. forgive me for askingall these questions, but we don'twant to lose the best repwe've ever had to the flu or...other opportunities. seeing all that softwarein your living room makes mekind of wonder, well, maybe you've got somethinggoing on the side.

    no. i just read popular mechanics. i got hobbies. feel like goingfor a little ride? i'd like to show yousomething. [roar] i'm sorry! i'm sorry! one of your childrenwas born in your house? i understand that she'smissed a lot of school. one of trask's daughters isin the same nursery class.

    she got the flu as well? yeah, we've all gotthe same thing. i didn't see her. she's around. listen, i wonder if you'd mindif i asked you a question? are you thinking aboutleaving cuesta verde? hard to believe theday's this beautiful. how can anyonein the world have a problemon a day like this?

    how's that spotfor a bay window? yeah. it's pretty niceif you're living up here, but not so greatdown there in the valley having to lookat a bunch of homes cutting into the hillside. well, you don't have to livein the valley anymore. what are you saying? we're startingphase five right herewhere we're standing.

    all of this can be yourmaster bedroom suite. that can be your view. interested? mr. teague, you know,that's a generous offer... but i'm just nota developer. you're responsiblefor 42% of sales-- that's almost half ofeverything down there. almost $70 million worth of dwellingand properties.

    now, that's a wholegeneration of security that nobody can puta price tag on. now, look. i knowwe should've made you a full partnerthree years ago. well, i don't wantto lose you now. not much room fora pool, is there? we own all the land. we've alreadymade arrangements for relocatingthe cemetery.

    oh, you're kidding.oh, come on. that's sacrilegious,isn't it? oh, don't worry about it. after all, it's notancient tribal burial ground. it's just...people. besides, we'vedone it before. when? in '76,right down there. cuesta verde?

    all 300 acres, and let me tell you,it was quite a deal. no, no. but i never heardanything about it though. it's not the sort of thingone goes around advertising on a billboardor on the side of a bus. what are you worried about?friends and relatives can visit their loved onesin broxton memorial park. it's only five minutesfurther, for christ's sake. oh, yeah.well, five minutes--

    you know, that'sno great hardship. i supposethat would be ok. ok with who? whomevermight complain. nobody's complaineduntil now. we've had two experiencesin the kitchen. this is the den. do y'all mindhanging back? you're jammingmy frequencies.

    so, what sideof the rainbow are we workingtonight, dr. lesh? is this your knott'sberry farm solution? i knowwhat you're thinking. but you must takemy word for it. she's cleaned many houses. her gifts havebeen documented-- we haven't heardcarol anne since last night.

    why is this door locked,mr. freeling? answer her, steven. i am. i am addressingthe living. i'm sorry. sorry.that's the room my son and daughterused to occupy. we believe it'sthe heart of the house. this househas many hearts. what is the matter?

    what'sthe matter? i was tryingto answer her with my mind, and she couldn'thear me. now, i thoughtyou said she was an extraordinaryclairvoyant. i just don't liketrick answers. come here, honey, and give meyour hand.

    i'm not goingto bite you. come on down here. you're going to giveme a whiplash looking up at you. your daughteris alive and in this house. where was the lastincident of bilocation? i get mystrongest feeling the point of origin

    is in the child'scloset upstairs. yes. i believethat, too. honey, you're gonnabe strong for me and foryour daughter. i can doabsolutely nothing without your faithin this world and your lovefor the children. i will.believe me, i will. and will youdo anything i ask,

    even if it's contraryto your beliefs as a human beingand a christian? yes, i promise!please! you allcome on in. gather around. there is no death. it is onlya transition to a different sphereof consciousness. carol anne is not likethose she's with.

    she is a living presence in their spiritualearthbound plane. they're attractedto the one thing about her that is different from themselves-- her life force. it is very strong. it gives offits own illumination. it is a lightthat implies life and memory of loveand home...

    and earthly pleasures, something theydesperately desire... but can't have anymore. right now, she's theclosest thing to that. and that isa terrible distraction from the real light that has finallycome for them. do you understand me? these souls,

    who, for whatever reason,are not at rest are also not awarethat they've passed on. they're not partof consciousness as we know it. they linger ina perpetual dream state, a nightmare from whichthey cannot wake. inside thisspectral light is salvation, a windowto the next plane.

    they must passthrough this membrane where friendsare waiting to guide themto new destinies. carol anne must helpthem cross over. and she will only hearher mother's voice. now... hold onto yourselves. there's one more thing. a terrible presenceis in there with her,

    so much rage, so much betrayal. i've never sensedanything like it. i don't know what hoversover this house, but it was strong enough to punch a holeinto this world and take your daughteraway from you. it keeps carol annevery close to it and away fromthe spectral light.

    it lies to her. it says things onlya child can understand. it's been using her to restrain the others. to her, it simply is another child. to us... it is the beast. now let's go getyour daughter. red ribbons,

    handkerchiefs, tennis balls... ok,rope's ready. bath water? i shut it's ready, too. call to her. it's mommy.can you hear me? carol anne,please tell mommy hello. try again.

    daddy and imiss you so much. we love youso much. please,just say hello. she's under restraint. what? who'srestraining her? there are many armsabout her. she thinks it's safe. quickly, who is shemore threatened by, you or your husband?

    neither. steve decidesthe punishments. oh, come on.that's not fair. fight about it later! steven, make carol anneanswer you! carol anne,it's daddy. be cross with angry with her, or you'll neversee her again! carol anne, i wantyou to answer me! tell her if shedoesn't answer you,

    she's gonna geta spanking! come on, i've neverspanked the children. honey, please.just tell her. carol anne, youanswer your parents, or you'll geta real spanking from the both of us! mommy, help me. she's away from him. away from whom?is she all right?

    diane, ask aboutthe light. mommy, help me! please! honey, do yousee a light? mommy! mommy! help me, please! tell her to goto the light. they'll follow her. they've been followingher for weeks. it's all right!tell her, diane! mommy, i can't find you!

    run to the light,carol anne! are you in the light? no, honey. tell her you are. no! it's a lie! you can't choosebetween life and death when we're dealingwith what is in between. now tell herbefore it's too late. run to the light,baby!

    mommy isin the light! tell her you'rewaiting for her. mommy is waiting foryou in the light! i hate you for that! now clear your knows what scares you. it has from thevery beginning. don't give it any help. it knowstoo much already. now, open the door.

    ryan! get downstairsand wait by the target! ok! steven, give methe tennis ball marked number one! dr. lesh! it's my handwriting! it cameright out of thin air! the ball came back! it's his handwriting! kiss my ass!

    number two! diane, give me your hand! she's at the mouthof the corridor! tell her to stop! tell her not to gointo the light! carol anne,listen to me! do not gointo the light! stop where you are!turn away from it!

    don't even look at it! hurry with the rope! throw itinto the light! fantastic! i got it! tell him to take upthe slack gently! take up the slack! tie thisaround my waist! what do you thinkyou're doing?

    i'm goingin after her! she won'tcome to you! let me go. you've never donethis before! neither have you! you're right!you go! no! no! let me! you can't!who's strong enough to stay out hereand hold the rope?

    i love you! no! no, no! go downstairsand wait by ryan and pull onlywhen i say so! only when i say! steven! don't let go! never! how will we knowshe's got her?

    when will we know? cross over, children! all are welcome! all welcome! go into the light! no! no!you said no! there is peace andserenity in the light. you said don't gointo the light! diane! steven, not yet!

    ggrraahhh! no! no! no! get them into the water! steven,i'm helping you. we'll get her in there.don't worry. get herinto the water. she'll be all right! come on,breathe now. come on, breathe.

    just take a breath.breathe. breathe,damn it! breathe! diane... diane, breathe,breathe. breathe! that's it. come on, breathe.yeah. that's it, breathe. baby... sweet pea,it's daddy.

    come on, honey. come on, pumpkin. hi, daddy. this house is clean. careful. mom, i'm going to dinnerat janice and brian's. ok. is your roomall packed up? everything but the bed. are we gonna sleephere tonight?

    i guess not, so you betterget brian to bring you homeright after dinner because dadwants us to stay at the holiday innon i-74. oh, yeah, i rememberthat place. you what? are you gonna doanything about this? about what?

    your new gray. oh, youdon't like it? you don't thinkit's kind of punk? bye, mom. honey,i don't know. rob, that thingalmost killed me. you ok? don'thurt your back. how you feel? i'm good. i feela little hung over,

    like i've been asleepfor a few days, but i feel good,steven, i really do. she doesn't seemto remember any of it. oh, what a day! smell that mimosa. well, you better cutyourself a bouquet and take it with you becausewe're not staying. i know. i know.

    we worked so hardfor this. a thousandbeautiful memories. honey, i got togo to the office and pick upsome stuff, just clean up afew things, ok? i'm gonna beback early. so we're leavingtonight for sure? yeah, we are.i'll tell you what, if the kidsget sleepy,

    just let them conk outuntil i get home. how's teaguetaking it? you know teague. hewon't take go-to-hell for an answer. what are yougoing to tell him? i'll give himdirections. "apply the color mixturegenerously "directly from applicatorto hair. gently work it through--"

    stop that! give me that! that's my truck. hey, give me it! "gently work it throughwith fingers "to saturate every strand, "then comb through itwith a wide-tooth comb. "be sure entire lengthof every hair's wet. do not lather."

    you, get out ofthe solar system! give me it! it's gettinglate, guys. give itback to me! give me it. listen. i'm gonna bein the bathtub for a little while so could you pleaseanswer the phone--robbie. could you answerthe phone for me, please?

    yeah. ok. and can you tuckyourselves in, please? yes,we will! thank you.good night, sweetheart. good night,robbie. good night,carol anne. [bump] ha ha ha ha! let me alone!aah!

    robbie-- [growl] help! help! let me out! no, let go! let me go! i hate you!i hate you! i hate you! i hate you! you're a murderer!i hate you!

    carol anne!robbie! run! robbie! mom! mom! grrrrr! mom!open the door! open the door! run, robbie! run! aaahhh! no! don't touchmy babies!

    aaahh! help me, somebody-- grrrrruuuuummmmm! no more. mr. tuthill! please! help! please, help me! aaaaaaahh!

    aaaaahh! your children! what sort ofsound is that? i've gotto get them! what's going on? no, stop! please, ben!please, help me! get away from my babies! get away!

    help! aah! give meyour hand! mommy! mom! i can't reach you! now, grabyour sister! grab her!come on! hold on! god, help me! aah! steven!help us!

    help, dad! you son of a bitch!you moved the cemetery, but you left the bodies,didn't you!? you son of a bitch!you left the bodies and you only movedthe headstones! you only movedthe headstones! lies! lies! come on, hurry! dad, come on,hurry!

    hurry, hurry, hurry. go! hurry, dad! come on! damn it!steven, hurry! what's happening? get in the car! drive away.daddy, drive away! the houseis coming! don't look back!

    captioned by the nationalcaptioning [children laughing]

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