About : tv stands for flat screen tvs
Title : tv stands for flat screen tvs
tv stands for flat screen tvs

lunchtime! the longeryou animals bark, the colderyour lunch gets. you, too,down there! hey, turkey! "you schmuck. "do you really thinki'd be stupid enough to kill myself?" come on!
here he comes. francis,the lock. let go of the handle. i don't havethe handle! jake, up! come on! move it!get on! come on! thanks, mama. here they come. look out!
back, greg! okay, you guys, let's trythe victory pyramid. we worked on thisyesterday. let's do it.put your arms up. smile. good.we got it! ay! aah! turn that off! i can't hearmyself think.
right, dad. [siren] huh? has the watergone down, son? nope. is it going now? jeez, sorry, kid. aah! aah! help!
[screaming chinese] oh, wow!a police chase! [gunshots] real bullets! aw, shit! what the hellare we doing here? have trust inyour mother, boys! hold onto your hats! welcome to the 3rd astoria orv rally.
ready to go? go! oh, bummer. nothing exciting everhappens around here anyway. who needs the goon docks? who needs this house? i can't waitto get out of here. really? nah. i was just tryingto delate myself.
no, no. you know, um... uh, di-dictate myself. that's deludeyourself, dummy. that's what i said. thanks, brand. i know howyou feel, wimp. i'm sure goingto miss this place, too. whoo! [knock on door]
adopted wuss. i'm no adopted wuss! i'll kill you, brand! [knock knock] aw, it's mouth. hey, meekey! yo, mikey! hey, mikey,you seen adrienne? hey, guys,what's going down?
get your footoff the table. you got it. what's wrongwith you guys? what is this,nuclear saturdayor something? come on. it's ourlast weekend together. the last goonie weekend. let's go outin style-- cruising the coast, sniffing some lace,
downing the brews. but nooo! the one older brotherhad to screw it up! by flunkingyour driver's test? you won't believe it! hey! let me in! jerk alert! it's chunk. i just saw the mostamazing thing!
first dothe truffleshuffle. do it. do it! aww... aww. huuaahoo! cut it out, mouth. cut it out! oh, thanks a lot!
this time i'mtelling the truth! you turd! flunked yourdriver's test. shut up, mouth. listen, there wastwo cop cars. they were chasingthis four-wheel orv. bullets wereflying all over. it was amazing! more amazing thanmichael jacksonusing your bathroom?
or you savingthose old people from that fire? or the time you ateyour weight in pizza? okay. michael jacksondidn't use my bathroom, but his sister did. data, don't mess this up. prepare forthe wings of flight! uh-oh! the screen door! mikey!
the screen door! hey, i bet you thoughti'd drop it, huh? you would think that. oh, my god! oh... look.it's not broken. it's perfect.it's per-- that's my mom'smost favorite piece! what?
ohh! you wouldn't be hereif it wasn't. anyone ever hearof detroit? no. certainly. wheremotown started. it's also gotthe country'shighest murder rate. that's where we'removing tomorrow. it'll never happen!my dad'll fix it! sure, he will,
if he gets 400 paychecksby tomorrow afternoon. wrong, brand!it won't happen! uh...hi, mom! hi, mom! hi! i see data's here. hi, mrs. walsh.how are you? boys,this is rosalita. rosalita's helpingwith the packing
until my arm'sbetter. hola! hi. ole! rosalita doesn'tspeak any english, and some of youhave taken spanishin school. well, mrs. walsh,i speak perfect spanish. if it'll help you, i'd gladly communicatewith rosalita.
you're a lifesaver.come with us. why, certainly,mrs. walsh. mikey, no morepotato chips. hello, mikey. it's brand, ma. [mumbling] i wonder ifshe'll notice. that's what i said! of courseshe'll notice.
pants and shirtsin the second. throw them allinto boxes. forgetthe suitcases. clark, can youtranslate that? oh, that'swonderful. look. how's that? you glued it onupside down! if god did that,you'd piss in your face! looks fine to me.
rosalita,this is the attic. mr. walsh doesn't likeanybody up here, ever. guess that's whyit's open. my supply closethas everythingyou'll need-- brooms, dustpans,insect spray. i'd like the house cleanwhen it's torn down. clark,can you translate? okay, rosie? okay? you're going tobe happy here.
come on.there's more. you're so fluentin languages. fluent in spanish--that was so niceof you. nice ismy middle name. i'm taking rosalitato the supermarket. i'll be backin an hour. brand, if mikey'sgetting asthma, i don't want himoutdoors. put him ina plastic bubble.
i'm serious.that's not funny. he takesone step outside, and you're in deep--the deepest-- shit, ma. that's exactly whatyou'll be in. and you, data, use the back doorfrom now on. all right. what is that?
oh, shit. what? that's a mess. clean it up, boys. oh, yeah! sure! one hour, kids,and i'll be back. bye, mrs. walsh. bye. adios, seã‘orita. â¿por que, dios mio?
want a breathingproblem? what'll your dad do with that stuffin the attic? he's giving it backto the museum or whoever's pickedto be the newassistant curly-- curry-- curator. maybe there's stuff we can keepfrom the oldsiders.
maybe there'srich stuff! rich stufflike gold! no! it's my dad'sresponsibility! the museum's probably gota list of it. damn it!that's his stuff! hey, look at this. i didn't know dad hadall this stuff up here. aw, great!look at that! neato! come on, guys!
this ismy dad's place. he doesn'twant you up here. you heardwhat my mom saidto the housekeeper. mikey. i cannot believe you actually havesomething this cool. you guys, stop! put down the outfit, okay? this is great!
we only havehanukkah decorationsin our attic. [thunder] you saw it.let's go. let's staya little. i got youwhere i want you. my hay fever'sacting up, and you alwaysbreak something. mikey, make mefeel like a woman. give me a nice,wet, lickery kiss.
i got you! get out!you're ruiningthe painting! you're ruining my joke! hey, stop, man! you're messingthings up! keep cool. hey, mikey. what is allthis neat stuff? the museum did a show.
it was a retropactum. retrospective. you alwayscontradict me. it was aboutthe history of astoria. these are the rejects. kind of like us--the goonies. i'm not a reject. take that stuff off.you'll get me in trouble. you knowhow this works?
neat!laser beams! mouth, when youdrop something,put it back up! oh. what's this? hey, wait a second. chunk! i didn't touch it. i know.get over here. don't touch it, chunk. uh, hold this.
why me, mike? thanks fortaking us up here. there'sa real big ball, and it's gotthis big thing-- what are you doing? mike founda map! look.that says 1632. is that a year? no, your top scoreon pole position.
it's a mapof our coastline. what's thatspanish junk? mouth, you saidyou could translate. translate--right here. yeah,translate it. "ye intruders, beware. "crushing deathand grief... "soaked with blood ofthe trespassing thief. this map's old news.
everybody wentlooking for that when our parentswere our age. haven't you everheard of that pirate guy one-eyed willy? one-eyed willy. one-eyed willy! he was the mostfamous piratein his time. my dadtold me once. dad'll do anythingto get youto go to sleep.
no. see,one-eyed willy stolea treasure once. it was full ofrubies and emeralds. diamonds? then he loaded it all uponto his ship, and they sailed awayinto the sunset, until the british kingheard about it and sent this wholearmada to go after him. a couple weeks later,the armada caught willy. there was a whole big war
between the armada andwilly's ship, the inferno. during the fire fight, guns were bursting here, and cannons werebursting there. willy fled 'causehe knew he'd get killed if he stayed around. then he gotinto this cave, and the british blew upthe walls all around him. he's been thereever since.
forever? and ever? trapped. wow! you soundas corny as dad. my dad tells methe truth. he saidone-eyed willy's bunch was down therefive, six years. they were digging allthese tunnels and caves,
setting booty traps. booby traps. so that anybodythat tried to get inwould die. then he killedall his men. why? so they wouldn'tget his treasure. if everyone died, how did the mapget out? my dad said one guymust have gotten out.
mikey,i believe you. i don't believe you.i think you're full of-- what are you breakingthis time, chunk? hey! look at this! ever heard of this guy-- chester copperpot? look what it says-- "chester copperpot--missing while in pursuit "of local legend.
"reclusive scavengerclaims, i have the key to one-eyed willy." wow! do you realizewhat we could do? nobody everfound nothing. why would this mapbe here instead of somesafe-deposit box? if chester copperpotdidn't find it, how would we? but what ifthis map could lead
to one-eyed willy'srich stuff? we wouldn't haveto leave the goon docks. i'm not goingon any more of your crazygoonie adventures. [doorbell buzzes] you don't wantto do this? 1632. seniorjerk alert! hello,little guys.
i'm mr. perkins,troy's father. troy'sa cheap guy. my dad's not home. is yourmommy here? she's at the market buyingpampers for all us kids. papers, bill. give these papersto your fatherto read and sign. we'll be byto pick them upin the morning. thank you.
brand, what isall that stuff? it's dad's business. but what is it? i saidit's dad's business. look at them smiling. they can't waituntil tomorrow when theyforeclose. i hope they make yourhouse a sand trap. and never gettheir balls out.
i think they made melose my appetite. come on, beforeyou catch a real cold. you seemsure of yourself. the foreclosureis a definite. oh, god,am i depressed. if i foundone-eyed willy'srich stuff, i'd pay allmy dad's bills. then maybehe could sleep instead ofsitting up
figuring how wecould stay here. forget aboutany adventures. mom will ground me, and i've got a datewith andy on friday. you'redreaming, dude. that means her mom'sgot to drive. then you'll have to make itwith her and her mom. shut up. ohh! jeez!
guys, what will we doabout that country club? it's killingour parents. if we don'tdo something now, there'll bea golf coursewhere we're standing. ♪ good enough ♪ ♪ for you, it's good enough ♪ ♪ for me, it's good enough ♪ ♪ it's good enough for me ♪ ♪ yeah, yeah yeah, yeah, yeah ♪
♪ now you've said ♪ ♪ you're startin' to feel the pulse... ♪ how far canyou stretch that? it's notthat hard. hey, get off me,chunk. get up. ♪ for you, it's good enough... ♪ it took him376 lawn-mower jobs to pay for that.
let's go! i'm going tohit you so hard, when you wake up, your clothes willbe out of style! ♪ it's good enough ♪ ♪ yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah... ♪♪ mom, let meout of here. can't you exerciselike a normal kid? look at you.
you'rehyperventrilicating. where'syour brother? mom! what's wrongwith you people? rosalita, letme out of here. [speaking spanish] come here.come here. let meout of here. hi, mikey.
hi, dad. hey, wait for me! brandon, don'tcome home withoutyour brother, or i'll commithari krishna! that'shara-kiri, ma. that's whati said! my new tires! they poppedmy new tires! i'm going to...
aah! my bike! i owe you one. i want my bike. that's wherewe're going. around this next curveis gold rock beach. i've got a feelingabout this. every time youhave a feeling, we getinto trouble. you get us in trouble,double o-negative.
i'm james bond,007. i'm hungry.when my stomach growls,there's trouble. shut up, chunk! you make me go upthis big hill, and you said you'dgive me a twinkie. now i'll be latefor dinner, and my mom's goingto yell at me. ah, you guys. anybody gota candy bar,a baby ruth?
i can't believe it. that's it, guys! those three rocksout there. let's goget them. mikey...mikey... troy, you touchthat mirror again, and i sweari'll smack youin the face. hey,there's brand. oh, like the bike.
no wonder hecan't get a license. [honk honk] brand, can we give youa ride somewhere? no.thanks, anyway, though. let us give youa little ride. hold on.here we go. let go of my hand! oh, no! hey! let goof my hand!
so long, sucker! forget it.come on. this betterbe it. guys... i thinki have a match. the lighthouse, the rock,and the restaurant all fit the doubloon. that means the rich stuffis near the restaurant. wait a second.
mouth, translatethe map because i don'tunderstand spanish. right here. all right.all right. "diez veces diez." 10 times 10. "stretching feet tonearest northern point." which way's north? "that's whereyou'll find the tree."
that's it! it's near the restaurant. 1...2...3...4... 5...6...7...8...9... wait a minute, guys.there's somebody there. 60 and 40 is 100. the rich stuff'sgot be there. i don't knowabout it, mikey. hey, that'sa summer place.
why's it openin the fall? there's nothingto be scared of. two customers alreadywent inside the restaurant. what if they'redrug dealers? drug dealers?shit, man. did you seetheir clothes? drug dealers don'twear polyester rags. 85, 88... mikey,mikey, mikey,
that soundedlike gunshots! not the kindyou hear in movies,but real ones. turn offyour brain,all right? somebodydropped a pot. yeah! are you sure,mikey? if you're sure,i'm sure. they mighttry to kill us. they're goingto kill us!
in fact-- shh!shut up. soda pop.boy, am i thirsty. damn it! what's that? come on, hurry up. francis! the cook'scarrying somethingto the kitchen. yeah, food.
don't letthem see us. orv. bullet holes. bullet holes! shh!shut up, chunk. this placelooks like it hasn't beenopen for years. how long have youbeen at that window? long enough to seeyou need 400 roach motels.
[crash] i can't createwith that piece of shit. [speaking italian] jake, these boysare customers. boys... make yourselvescomfortable, huh? she'll cookyou something. ooh! what do you want?
a glass ofwater, water. four waters. is that all? yes. i wantthe veal scaloppine. fettucini alfredo. a bottle offettucini, 1981. the only thingwe serve is tongue. you boys like tongue?
that's all. sit down! are youall right, chunk? hey, guys, what happenedto the two guys in the polyestersuits? what is it? if we don'tget out of here soon, there will bea hostage crisis.
out in the garage, orv,four-wheel drive, bullet holes the sizeof matzo balls! chunk, i'm o.d.ingon all yourbullshit stories. here's your water. thank you, sir-- i mean, ma'am. this is water? it's wet,ain't it?
drink it! where'sthe men's room? can't you hold it? you don't want touse this bathroom. why not? because they might havedaddy long-legs in them. like dead things,mikey, dead things. got to goto the bathroom? killer dead things.
lady, please! downstairs.first dooron the right. and stayto the right! thank you,thank you. stay tothe right! i know. thank you. i know you're down here,one-eyed willy. you got to be. i can feel it.
i knowyou're down here. oh, man.that stinks. [growl] what the hellis that? [singingin italian] you're ruining it. look at the feasti made you. want to eat it? come on.you'll get some.
you don't leaveme any choice. you're like mama francis. you never let mefinish anything. please! food! hungry! woe is me. i'm taking youout of here right now. let's getout of here.
get out of here! and stay out! kids suck. i swear they'vegot an...an it! it's chainedto the wall! it's all grossand distorted, and the partswere all mixed around. like your brain. say goodbyeto your pals.
look. ma, why'd youshoot him? he's a fed. just put himin the car. bring him overhere, francis. don't give me"over here." i'm wonderingwhat's in the bag. restauranttrash. you sure?
there werebullet holes in the carthis big. come on.our parentsare worried. it's dinnertime.let's go home. home? what home? soon, it won'tbe home anymore. come on,this is our time. it's our last chanceto see if thereis any rich stuff.
we got to. get down!get down! hi. you almost gave mea heart attack. mouth, you lookbetter from behind. look at that. that's scary,you know that? we followed youguys. we were outdriving with troy.
sorryabout your face. don't worry.i was born with it. he was beingsuch a jerk. you know,looking downmy shirt, so i elbowedhis lip. you elbowed his lip? it's locked. thank god! i got naked picturesof your momtaking a bath.
want to buy them? real cheap. thanks, chunk. wait hereone second. you'll getin trouble. don't leave. i'm not staying. we'vegot to get tothe lowest point of the floor.
lowest point, nothing.let's go! no, brand. it was outside. oh, my god. it was disgusting. it almostkilled us. come on, brand,please. what if wefind something? mikey,we're goingright now.
brand, give thema few minutes. as long as youstay here with me. she knows whatshe's talking about. chunk, i hope thatwas your stomach. that's the it. soundslike kong. part ofit's human. come on.want to see it? don't worry.
it's chainedto the wall. shh! i don'twant to go. you wantedto go. i don't wantto see it. shame, shame. we know your name. brand, slip herthe tongue. that's disgusting.i can't look.
get me up, guys. 1, 2, 3, up! thanks, guys. can't you smell it? one-eyed willyreally is down here. we're walkingright above him. i'm going to buildone like this. water! we can do it!
right about here is where we talkedabout the lowest spot. mikey--ow! what the hellare you doing? mikey,what are you doing? give me that. there's nothingburied there. there is. the map says so.there's got to be.
let's put chocolateon the floor, and let chunkeat his way through. mouth, that's alli can stand, and i can'tstand no more! i got it!i got it! i don't got it. you klutz! hope it's nota deposit bottle. this is ridiculous.i feel likei'm babysitting
without getting paid. wait.listen to that. so what? sounds likemy grandfathertaking a leak. no, it's deep. like there'sa passageway. real deep. get outof the way. brand's beingso sweet.
come on! where are you?you're in the clouds, and we are ina basement. i told you! ha ha! i told you! i told you it's here. 1, 2, 3! feel the air.there's somethingdown there. might be a treasureor something. hey,this is working, guys.
brand, careful! are you okay? i told you there wasa passageway. it's the startof the tunnel. $50 bill. $50 bill.$50 bill! he said $50 bills? $50 bill! there's hundredsof them!
we havethe money tosave the goon docks! $50 bill!$50 bill! there's millionsof them. wait, wait. quiet! they're fake.they're bogus. they're phony bills. no, it's not! you get 25 yearsfor counterfeiting.
i recognize them. it's the fratellis! that's the guyfrom upstairs. you never listento me. i said there'dbe trouble. you guys are crazy. you guys areself-destructive. there'sa funny farm with your nameswritten on it.
i'm gettingout of here. i smell ice cream. they got swensen's. they gotpralines 'n' cream, and they gotmississippi mud. they gotchocolate eruption. and they got apple. oh, and they got grape. they got grape,
and super duperchocolate eruption, and... it's a stiff! eew, gross. the door! somebody's been here.the door's open. well, shut it. the lights are on. pizza. peperoni.
he's eatingmy peperoni. you wantyour peperoni? come on!let's kill each otherover the peperoni! put that gun away now! you always liked himbetter than me. that's right! put him backwhere we got it. close the door. we can go, guys.
mikey!mikey, come on. the fireplaceis the only way out. you'll never get outthat way. it all starts here. wuss, you're right. guys, i'm stuckwith the stiff!he's in here. stay. guys, he's in here! oh, shit.
let's go. faster. go, andy, go. all right, jake. help! help! help! guys! come on,you idiots! okay, mom. i'll make sureit's safe.
it's safe. hurry up! watch your step. look in the window! come on. i want to show--ow! he does thatall the time. i can't find chunk. where's chunk?
what happenedto chunk? chunk's up there. let me show youthis piece over here. don't touch that.i worked two hourson that. you worked what? shut up! somebody's been here.the cooler's broken. go check your brother. could've beena tremor.
i'll show you a tremor. i'm going tocheck my brother. he better nothave broken his chains. i'm not going to the zoofor another set. ah-choo! gesundheit. i'm cold. psst, chunk! chunk, come here.
get over here. what are you doingdown there? let me in. get the police. we're in someserious shit here.get the police. i can't fit anyway. get out of here. oh, the window! go out the window.
did you see him,guys? getting the police. he's goingto get the police.go! move! move! i knew he couldn'tbreak them chains. come on, get the body. how much furtherdo you plan on going? you steppedon my foot. i dropped myglasses. i can'tsee a thing. i found your glasses.
you brokemy glasses! listen, guys. i'm the oldest,so i'm in charge. do youhave a light? i'm in charge. do you havea light? a light. sure, guys.back up. back up.
bully blinders! all right, data! oh, ow! ow! isn't that neat? once i was walking home, andthese big guys stopped me-- hey, data,stop messing around. data, come on.turn them off. aw, data.
only problem is, batteriesdon't last so long, guys. there's a lightup ahead. maybe we canget out that way. i'm not afraidof the dark. i like the dark.i love the dark. but i hate nature. wait a sec!hold it! stop! i'm just a kid! what seems to bethe problem?
i need a ride. my friends and ihad a run-in with these reallydisgusting people--the fratellis. we found theirhideout. please take meto the sheriff's station. i can describeall three of them. baruch ata adonai-- [singing in italian] aah! aah! aah!aah! aah! aah!
jake, get outand help. will you... give me a hand? can't you handlea kid, even? does it work, guys? yeah. i can't see anything. your father's a plumber. what are these pipesall about?
these look likewater pipes. gas pipes. drainage. shut upfor a minute! these pipesmust lead to a buildingor something. if we bang on themhard enough, if we makeenough noise... hi, max.
hey, gene,how are you? reverse pressure! daddy! let's get outof here, like now! go! go! go! first we start withthe pudgy little fingers... then the plumplittle hand... then the fleshy arm. now, whereare your friends?
the fireplace. don't lie to me! we went tomikey's dad's placeand found a map that said underneaththis place there'sburied treasure. don't give us noneof your bullshitstories. spill your guts.tell us everything. everything? everything! everything...okay, i'll talk.
in third grade,i cheated onmy history exam. in fourth grade,i stole myuncle max's toupee and glued iton my face when i played mosesin my hebrew school play. in fifth grade,i knocked my sisterdown the stairs and blamed iton the dog. i can'tsee a thing. what am istepping on? look, you guys.a lantern!
somebody washere before us. maybe they'restill here. i hope not! look atthese cigarettes. troy was lookingdown my shirt. who cares? there'snothing wrong with that. you guys,listen to her. what's the matterwith her? andy, it's okay.
andy? i should've let himlook at my body. don't i havea beautiful body? how many years do i havebefore i look like him? my mom sent meto a summer campfor fat kids. once during lunchi pigged out, and theykicked me out. look at him. don't touch it.
this is one of your tricks, isn't it,one-eyed willy? you wouldn't havegone to all this trouble if you weren'treally hiding something. it's okay, it's okay. you don't understand! don't be afraid! he's dead for sure. i think he'schester copperpot.
chester who? who? remember,from the attic? the news article. the last guy who lookedfor the rich stuff, he went in,but he never came out. that was 1935. if he didn'tmake it out, then how are we goingto get out of here?
don't worryabout it. just calm down. are you sure? i'm positive. we don't knowit's copperpot. i know it's him! mouth, gethis wallet. lou gehrig? you get it,mikey.
it ischester copperpot. see? i told you. we're going toget killed, too. candles! great! let me have them. where are you going? settingbooty traps. in case the fratellisare following us so we can hearthem coming.
okay, hurry up. where areyou going? quiet. shh! god,these guys. you guys,look at this. a skeleton ofone-eyed willy. oh, man! there's no wayout of here! oh, god. no.
hey, guys,now that we've got-- look at this. see what i found? guys, freeze, don't move. don't move. don't moveback there! freeze! god! run!
run, you guys! holy s-h-i-t! that was close. wait, wait. listen. somebody'sdown there. shh! shut upand listen. a way out? the fratellis? police?
another ofwilly's booby traps? brand, god putthat rock therefor a purpose. i'm not sureyou should move it. hello? they want my hair! rabies! shit! but the worst thingi ever done... i mixed this fake pukeat home
and then wentto this movie theater... and climbed upto the balcony... and then i madea noise like this-- woo-aaah! and then i dumped itover the side on the peoplein the audience. then, thiswas horrible... all the peoplestarted getting sick and throwing upall over each other.
i never felt so bad. i'm beginningto like this kid. hit puree! no, i'm too young! i want to playthe violin! no, not my hand! i get the truth! or you get juiced! what wasthat noise?
the fireplace flue. watch out, ma! there's tunnelsdown there. watch your hair! they go forthe hair! watch your veins, ma! mikey! if youcan hear me... they're comingafter you! if we keep going,we'll reach china.
maybe i can visitmy auntie. this could getdangerous, andy. you might wantto hold my hand. oh, neat! you guys, look! it's a beautifulwaterfall! it's a giantpiggy bank! we're rich! i don't believe it!we found it!
gold and silvershining all over! hold thislantern for me! what year wasthat map made? probably a couplehundred years beforepresident lincoln. george washington... uh...martin sheen. that's president kennedy,you idiot! same difference!he played kennedy.
good. you'reusing your brain. at leasti have one! you're so stupid! oh, yeah? this isn't gold. it's a wishing well. must bemoss garden'swishing well. i believedwhen you threw money in, it turnedinto your wish.
i'll taketwo of yours. that's not fair. you can't do this. these aresomebody else's wishes. they'resomebody else's dreams. yeah, butyou know what? this one... this oneright here... this wasmy dream,my wish.
it didn'tcome true, so i'm taking itback. i'm taking themall back. come on,one-eyed willy. what's this haveto do with the map? is this justanother trick? let's keephim alive in casehe isn't lying. good idea.put him withyour brother.
okay, ma. come on. holy shit! we found it. it's aboutthe treasure. look atthe date on it. this is authentic.this is a doubloon. give it to me. i told you so! you neverbelieve me.
i said there was goingto be buried-- how far you gotwith andy? all the way, buddy? you'reso immature. grow up. tell us. really. i didn't make itwith her yet. and i stress "yet."
what the hell? what didyou wish for? to make it with andy. hey! who's down there? troy. hey, guys, it's troy! hey! troy! help! sounds like andy.
is that you? yeah. we'restuck here. send downthe bucket. what the hell are youdoing down there? don't askstupid questions! we're stuck! this is great. see, guys? wishes do come true.
all right, my hearties, follow me! don't worry about it. you shouldn't smoke. it's bad for you. i brought youmore food. why am i lockedin here? they're nottoo tight? it is. if you let yourself out,i'll break your legs.
you sit too closeto the television, you'll screw upyour animal. grrr! jake,leave him alone! i'm notdoing nothing. hare krishna,hare krishna, krishna, krishna... come on!let me out! h-h-hi, sir.
m-m-my name'slawrence. s-sometimes peoplecall me chunk. rraah! help! let meout of here! you never knowwhat you'll find. let's getdown there. it's deep down there. jake,you first. i ain't going first.
go! can't argue with that. throw the bucket down. hey, i'm the smallest. i'll go first, okay? i'm the oldest. i'll callthe shots. andy goes first,i'm second... chester copperpot.
chester copperpot! don't you guys see? don't you realize? he was a pro and never made itthis far. we've got a chance. chance at what,mikey, getting killed? someone's goingto get hurt.
maybe dead. we should getto the police. maybe chunk did. maybe chunk is dead. don't say that! never! gooniesnever say die! i'm not a goonie. i want to go home.
i forgot. but still...don't you realize? the next timeyou see sky... it'll beover another town. the next timeyou take a test... it'll bein some other school. our parents... want the bestof stuff for us. now they're doingwhat's right for them.
'cause it's their time. up there. down hereit's our time. it's our timedown here. that's all over the second we ride uptroy's bucket. andy! you goonie! spread it around.
try to make your frosting look a little rugged... chocolate. want a candy bar? i got a baby ruth. sir? oh! ruth. ruth. ruth.
baby ruth. i'll throw itto you, okay? i'm sorry, sir. i tried togive it to you. i'm reallysorry. i'll get youanother one. what? what? jeez, mister, you'reeven hungrier than i am. ouch! booby traps!
why you beingsuch a sissy? friggin' kids. niente. kids must'vecleaned him out. right beforethey ate him. stupid. follow them size 5s. sloth. chunk.
sloth... aah! aah! aah! ha ha ha! man, you smelllike phys. ed. mouth, hold this. translate this. "copper bones." "westward foams." copper bones.westward foams.
"triple stones." this must becopper bones. sorry. wow. triple stones! we got you now,one-eyed willy. why couldn't i have hada little sister instead of that? ocean foam.maybe it's this one.
that's too big. try the middle one. you're crazy. it fits, mikey. it fits! we got it! which waydo we turn? west. counterclockwise.
try it.yeah, that way. what the hell is that? it's goingto fall on us! it's another oneof willy's tricks! data! data, please! he's gone. no. don't be dead. pinchers of peril!
you guys,i've been saved. okay! he's alive! you guys, i'm in another room. i'm at the oldlighthouse lounge. i want to reporta murder. wait a minute. is that you,lawrence?
sheriff, this timei'm telling the truth. i'm locked insidethe fratellis' basement with this guy. rocky road? ha ha! like the timeiranian terrorists took overall the sizzlersteak houses? sloth, get back here. what are you...
like creaturesthat multiply when water'sthrown on them? sloth! sloth's goinginto the fireplace! [dial tone] lawrence? sloth, it'sjust your echo. echo. i'll show you.
don't go down there. it's dark down there. it's your echo,sloth. echo. i got to goto the bathroom. pee break.who's got to go? me. this is thelittle boys' room. that tunnel'sthe little girls' room. brand,where you going?
this isthe men's room. where areyou guys going? the men's room. yeah, we're goingto the men's room. yeah, mikey'sbeen through here,all right. [brakes screech] [girl screams] uh-oh. this isn'tthe time nor place.
believe me, i knowwhat i'm doing. brand! brand! go see whatshe's ragging about. brand? hurry,i'm in here... with my eyes closed. wrong way, lover boy. it's this way. thanks. uh-huh.
okay, you kissed.now tell. there's something weird. what? what is it? does brand wear braces? why are you laughing? stef, it was beautiful. next time, kiss himwith your eyes open. it's a wholedifferent experience. careful,there's a hole here.
brand wasstanding in it. after dumpingthe kids,how do we get out? they're nearby. i smelltheir bubble gum. you get three guesseswho left this. ugh! you all right? what, are you crazy? they're here!
they're here,they're here,they're here! right down there. this way out! this way! come on, you guys,right through here! don't fall behind. they wentthrough here. oh, god! what is this?
keep going, guys. looks like a boat mast. footbridge. whoa! brand,help me, brand. brand, hold on! somebody's coming! they're over here! hurry up. data, hurry up!
data, come on! i got an idea.slick shoes! are you crazy? enough. i seetheir flashlights. hi, fellas.remember me? we just wantout of here! stop, or i'mgoing to shoot! hey, stupido. no!
brand! holy mackenzie! you'll starta cave-in. what was that? brand, hurry upwith that lamp! it's pitch black! hurry up, brand. got a match? light iton the lamp.
good idea! just forge now. don't push, jake! i'm not. sweetheart,are you okay? nooo. it's all solid. it's disgusting. yo.
gnarly. that's atrocious,you guys! help him! stop playing around! you're lettingthem get away. "to move on...play the tune... "as each noteis said. if you make toomany mistakes..." oh, god,too many mistakes!
"ye will surely be..." "muerto." muerto? dead. dead? we got to playthe bones to get out. exactly. were they out there? on the bridge.
guys, look! thereare notes on this! andy tookpiano lessons. i was 4. want to liveto be 17? where's middle c? this is nothing likemy mother's steinway. do something.hurry! okay. the first chord,i think, is, uh... go on, andy.
♪♪ ♪ ♪♪♪ it's working! all right! my god, it's working! you did it! way to go. it's all comingback to me now. okay. um...a,uh...c-sharp, d. play it right,please!
♪♪♪ ♪♪ ♪♪ you guys, help! here they come,guys! they're down there! they're coming up! what should i do? they're coming! you guys, theylook really pissed off! ♪♪ ♪♪♪ ♪♪
everybody help!help! i hit the wrong note. i'm not liberace. listen,you're doing fine. i believe in you. goonies alwaysmake mistakes. don't makeany more. i'm sorry.where was i? um, a...a-flat--
play it! hey, you guys,they're gone! they're not here! aah!aah! whoa! they're coming, guys! aah! help! grab him!grab him! i can't tell ifit's an a-sharpor a b-flat.
if you hitthe wrong note, we'll all be flat. let's go, you guys. come on, go, go! grab my hand. give me the gun! brand, wait! what?what are you doing? the map!
damn! oh, shit! geronimo! are you okay, mouth? andy, are you okay? oh, wow! oh, god. follow me. it's too...
i can'tdo it, mama. i'll help you, jake. aah! idiot! hold on, you guys. the water'sreally shallow. you okay, data? you really thinkthere's a treasure here? this whole ship'sa treasure. oh, mikey, look.
aw, it's justa skeleton. there's got to be gold. data, data's okay. aah! aah! aah! aah! aah aah! hey, guys! data's okay, but data'stired of fallingand tired of skeletons. you should'veused the stairs.
use the stairs?stairs! they tell meto use stairswhen data's falling. if data's dead,nobody cares. data's okay. then some guytell me i have stupid inventions. i've been spendingmonths and months studying themand inventing them. what a friendi have.
stupid inventions. don't touch that. he's dead. put that down. how many shipswere there? billions! let's seewhat's down there. watch where you step. don't slip.
mouth, translate. it's just a sketch of anold cannonball chamber. where's the gold? i'm sick and tiredof this outrage. let go of him. i set offanother trap. i'm sorry.are you okay? are you guys okay? it's willy.
break through it. what's up there? it's all right. just give mea second. jeez. i know how these guysmust've died. what a mess. hi, willy. i'm mike walsh.
you've beenexpecting me. haven't you? well, i made it. i beat you. i got herein one piece,so far. so... that's why they call youone-eyed willy... we have a lotin common, huh, willy? you know something,willy?
you'rethe first goonie. ahem.hi, guys. how's it going? this is willy. say hi, willy. those are my friends. the goonies. how longhave you been there? long enough, mikey.
long enough. what areyou staring at? load up! anythingyou can carry. except that. that's willy's. save that for willy.anything else. bye-bye, marbles. hurry! they'restill after us.
what will we do? i don't know. who cares? i got an idea. i saw this once. we leave a trail of jewelsinto one cave, then hide outin another. when the fratellis gointo that cave, we run. sounds likea great idea. outside!
okay, this is war. data, no!no, don't! i said outside. we will not betaken alive. what doyou mean "we"? get data. come on.snap to. i love that. sneaking upon me, huh? hmm?
i knowwhat i'm doing. i'm all right. data's just unhappy. let me help you,brother. let me help you. my gun. all right, that's it. no more mr. nice guy. get it off.
empty your pockets. empty your jewels. jake, makethem move it. you're so quiet. you're mouth,aren't you? aha! mm-hmm. you gross old witch! you wantto play pirate?
we'll play pirate. march! keep going, smarty. keep going. now walk the plank. get out on it. say goodbyeto your little friends. get outof the way! two down.
who's next? will you stoppushing me? you're pullingmy hair! keep heraway from me. go join your friends,you weasels. hey, you guys! sloth!how'd he get out? sloth, save them.it's mouth and stef. yay, sloth!
no... captain chunk. give me the sword. captain chunk says... let's get the hellout of here! will you getout of the way? francis. get--get going. francis, the rope here.
no. go around.around. slothy, jump rope. jump rope.jump rope. ♪ ring aroundthe rosy ♪ ♪ pocketfulof posies ♪♪ we're in deep shit. aw, shit. you rememberwhen we wentto the bronx zoo? don't start that.
they wantedto leave you. we've never been there. remember how theybought francis a toupee instead offixing your teeth? i don't weara hairpiece! why, you rotten bastard! you... here. grab onto the rock.
grab on. what happenedto your braces? i don't wear braces.mikey wears-- mikey! that little-- heave ho! vive la mama! i won'tsing no more. i won't singanymore, okay? mama! come to mama, baby.
ma, you've been bad. slothy, i mayhave been bad. i may have keptyou chained up, but it wasfor your good. aw. remember wheni sang to you? when you werea little boy. ♪ rockabye, baby,on the treetop ♪ ♪ when the wind blows,the cradle will rock ♪
♪ when the bough breaks,the cradle will fall ♪♪ break! fall! i onlydropped you once. well, maybe twice. put me down! sloth, put me down! i don't mind dying! we'll be okay!
yay! i'll rot with you. get the rope!calm down! sloth,this is the guys. guys, this is sloth. we can't leaveall that gold. that's our future. we stay here,we got no future. we'll get it later.
all that rich stuff. mama, justlet us down easy! not the sword!we're going to-- yeah. are you? you little... will you get up? let's go find the gold. let's headfor the light! thank you, mr. willy.
you've made my day. this is a real treat. what the hell's this? booby trap! what booby trap? oh, booby trap. didn't you seethe movie? leave it! let's go! daylight! there's beena cave-in here.
maybe we canget through. you got a light? get the lastcandle, mikey. can we get out? this candleis sparkling. that's not a candle. dynamite! oh, no!a big rock! women andchildren first!
you guys, push! push. what about the loot? what about our lives? come on,sloth, hurry! go! go! okay, go! go! sloth! sloth! help us!
ma! sloth, come on! sloth love chunk. i love you, too! you'regoing to get crushed! sloth! help! come on, sloth! well, i'll be damned. it's them goobers. they weren'there before.
but they'rehere now. call harvey. yes, sir. over here! we're the goonies! where are my boys? there they are. oh, mikey! hi, mom. hi, dad.
i guess we'rein deep sh-- clark! clark! you're a mess. hey, it's okay.it's okay. look what we brought. domino's pizza. oh, my favorite! oh, ma! we were underground.
it's goodto hear your voice. i lostmy glasses. can i take piano? you'll catch ammonia! pneumonia, mom.pneumonia. give me a hug. hold it right there. that's great, dad. just watch this.
come here, daddy. he's just likehis father. [speaking cantonese] thanks for offeringto save my life and for everythingelse you did. what? what? what? wow! "thank you."a real moment. your voice is nice when your mouthisn't screwing it up.
and your looks arekind of pretty... when your facedoesn't screw it up. hey, you're a greatlittle kid--person. keep kissing girlsthe way you do, and your parts thatdon't work so good will catch upto the ones that do. let her motherworry. [gasping] aw, who needs it?
police! thank godyou're here. we need help. we were on a boat. you're allunder arrest. we're the sintrellas. hey! don't shoot him! don't shoot him! no! don't shoot him!
get themout of here! you can'tshoot him! they're the bad guys! put him down, sloth! it'll be all right. come on, mama. do you wantto lose your job? you're going tolive with me now. i'm going totake care of you.
'cause i love you. i love you, chunk. oh, i love you, sloth. today's the day. let's get thisover with. irving. i'm sorry, irene. we don't haveall day, walsh. there's50 more housesafter yours.
ease off, brand. sheriff,i want youto witness this. sorry, dad. our hands wereon the future, but we blew itto save our own lives. that's all right. you and brandare home safe. that makes usthe richest peoplein astoria. walsh...
you're lookingat astoria'srichest people. now sign it! i'll sure missbeing a goonie. ay, dios mio! what's she saying? no firmen! no--no pen. no write. no sign!
don't sign! look here, you. what's in the bag? it's my marble bag! the fratellisforgot to check it! we don'thave to leavethe goon docks! there'll beno more signingtoday or ever again! are those jewels real? were your livesin danger?
the octopuswas scary. octopus? walking the plankwas the scariest. plank? then we foundthe pirate ship. the fratelliswere chasing us. that's enough,fellas. telling morestories, lawrence? this timeit's for real.
we found gold. holy mary,mother of god! we're atcauldron point, and whatappears to bea pirate ship... bye, willy. ♪ good enough ♪ ♪ for you is ♪ ♪ for me,it's good enough ♪ ♪ it's good enoughfor me ♪
♪ yeah, yeah,yeah, yeah, yeah ♪ ♪ whoo ♪ ♪ now you'll say ♪ ♪ you're startin' to feelthe push and pull ♪ ♪ of what could beand never can ♪ ♪ you're merelystumbling through those ♪ ♪ old-fashionedsuperstitions ♪ ♪ i find too hardto break ♪ ♪ oh, maybe you'reout of place, but ♪
♪ for you ♪ ♪ is good enough ♪ ♪ for me, it's good,it's good enough ♪ ♪ whoo-hoo, whoo-hoo ♪ ♪ old-fashionedsuperstition ♪ ♪ and maybe you'reout of place, but ♪ ♪ for youis good enough ♪ ♪ whoa, whoa,whoa, whoa, whoa ♪ ♪ aha ♪
♪ oh, yeah ♪ ♪ yeah, yeah,yeah, yeah ♪ ♪ yeah, yeah,yeah, yeah, yeah ♪♪