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    tv stand wooden prices

    mike spinelli: exotic cars,at prius prices. that's today on "roadtestament." [music playing] welcome to "road testament."today we're talking about exotics you can getfor prius prices. alex roy is here, andalso eric rivera-- you may not know him,but you may. if you watch gt academy youdefinitely know him. gt academy, alex, we weretalking about this before, do you want to do your thing?

    alex roy: well, for all thosepeople who say that there's no relationship between video gamesand real life driving, and that we know nothingabout driving. you are one of the blessedfew selected by sony, if i'm correct? eric rivera: yup. alex roy: to graduate from beinga champion gt 5 player, to actually racing real cars. and potentially racing forsony in a real car.

    eric rivera: yeah. alex roy: but you can'ttell us who won? eric rivera: no, and he's racingunder a pseudonym so it's kind of awkward. nobody's allowed tosay anything. alex roy: oh, wow. mike spinelli: there's somebodyout there racing right now-- eric rivera: yes.

    mike spinelli:--who won. and we just don'tknow who it is. eric rivera: it's one of thetop 16, and that's all were allowed to share. alex roy: it may even be you. eric rivera: it mighteven be me. mike spinelli: also,it's spike tv 11:30 on thursday's, right? is that how it works?

    eric rivera: yeah, and differenttime eastern, pacific, all that stuff. alex roy: probably three hoursdifference, right? eric rivera: yeah, exactly. i'm eastern so i don't care. whatever-- thesepacific guys-- whatever. mike spinelli: so don't forget@drive on twitter-- and i mention that because you guyshad a lot of really good ideas

    for today's show comingin on twitter. alex roy: let's roll it. mike spinelli: let's roll it.'road testament." isn't there a car here? alex roy: exotic cars. mike spinelli: so exotic cars. let's first define, as weleave this up here for a moment, what exactly is anexotic car to you, alex? alex roy: anything with aforza rating above 600.

    eric rivera: i call it anythingrare, interesting, collectible, fast, whatever. something that makesit stand out. alex roy: so it doesn'thave to be expensive eric rivera: doesn't haveto be expensive. alex roy: and it doesn'thave to run. doesn't have to be new. doesn't have to be old. mike spinelli: it doesn'thave to run--

    i like that one. eric rivera: it couldbe on blocks. mike spinelli: well, yeah. for the sake of this-- sothis is about $30,000. these are exotic cars, cars thatyou won't see every day that you can drivefor $30,000. alex roy: that's whatwe're talking about. mike spinelli: right. instead of buying a prius,you can get--

    what are we lookingat right here? alex roy: an exotic. mike spinelli: an exotic. alex roy: this is a 1990 or'91 alpina b10 bi-turbo. i mean, this is theshizzle-nizzle. this is the business end. mike spinelli: is it? alex roy: ok. this is the bell end of whatbmw is making back in 1991.

    mike spinelli: so basically thiswas an e34 this is an e34 5 series with a worked-- alex roy: i thinkit's got like-- mike spinelli: in-line6. alex roy: 380 or390 horsepower. it'll go 181 miles an hour. it's alpina. it's a manual, i mean. and you can get thisfor what--

    like $18,000 or $19,000? mike spinelli: yeah, we werelooking to bring a trailer. there have been three of them. now, you have to go tocanada to get them. and if you want to register itin the states you have to wait three years. because this is a 1990it's got to have the 25-year rule, right? so you have three years.

    but three of these things havegone on they've found them and-- i think a couple of them wereebay, and one of them was craigslist-- for under $30,000. one of them was $29,000. one of them had justwent for $30,000. and one of them with real highmileage went for like $17,000. eric rivera: this isall a "canadia."

    mike spinelli: yeah, all inthat canadian country. yes-- alex roy: mind you. if you're buying a used threeseries instead of this thing, you are out of youfracking mind. eric rivera: true story. mike spinelli: so by the, waywe are kind of ignoring the elephant in the room with thesethings, and that is maintenance and stuff.

    alex roy: no, we're notignoring because-- eric rivera: it doesn't exist alex roy: because if we'reeven talking about it-- mike spinelli: yeah. alex roy: you can't affordto own this car. let's go to the next car becausethis is a topic that varies car to car. mike spinelli: ok. so here's one under $30,000and pretty--

    what they were going in the'20s and they've kind of bounced up a little bit--but the lotus elise. alex roy: this is the yamahaengine, right? mike spinelli: toyota. alex roy: toyota, so-- eric rivera: the camry engine. mike spinelli: no,this is the 1.8. it's the ropa has thecamry engine. eric rivera: ok.

    alex roy: what couldthis cost to fit? i mean, like talk tome about cost of ownership in this thing. mike spinelli: i mean, firstof all, the problem you get into is insurance. cost to replace is alittle bit high. because a lot of these-- the parts are a little bitexotic to replace. but engine-wise yeah, i meanjust basic engine stuff--

    alex roy: it's probablypretty reliable-- mike spinelli: yeah, it'spretty reliable. yeah. alex roy: but owning thisin a major city is probably a no-no. because the rim, thesuspension is going to get banged up. mike spinelli: well,it's a lotus. it's super light, and it'sreal harsh to drive.

    but if you live in a placewhere you've got a long commute on windy, smooth roads,there's nothing better. eric rivera: i'm also goingsuggestion which is-- if you're budget is $30,000and this cost $28,000-- you have $2,000 to play with-- go to craigslist and buy a $500accord, and that's your backup car. you could do that, sure. but also the other one--one more thing on it--

    eric rivera: we don't reallyhave you on the lotus. mike spinelli: well,by the way, gas mileage with the elise. if gas--- eric rivera: we're not comparingprius gas mileage. it's just the price. it's pretty decent. alex roy: whose idea was this? this actually cameoff of twitter.

    this was off our twitter feed. the lotus-- come on. eric rivera: i'm inclinedto agree. mike spinelli: lotusesprit v8, yeah. what's wrong with this car? alex roy: ok, this actually isthe first real exotic on the list because it doesn'tnecessarily run. and it is an exotic.

    mike spinelli: and it'sa wedge shape. alex roy: let me say, in 1999 iwent to a dealership it was a porsche consignment shop. they had one of thesefor $29,995. and i went and itest drove it. and the test drive began andended at the curb when i got in and started it, and theclutch cable broke. eric rivera: classie. alex roy: and they took thecar away and that was

    the end of that . mike spinelli: it. happens. things happen. alex roy: you've got tofocus on the positive. it's a really coolwedge shape. last of the cool pop-upheadlights. alex roy: last of theinterceptors . mike spinelli: as we'll findout, not totally the last of the pop-up headlights.

    because there is the obviouscar that we are leaving-- i'm just going to mention itnow-- there's an obvious-- alex roy: mercury capri? mike spinelli: yeah, yeah. that's the one. no, there's an obvious answerto this question that we're going to leave to the end. but go ahead. alex roy: let's move on--

    oh, my god. eric rivera: ok,let's hear it. mike spinelli: twincam europa. alex? alex roy: it looks likea midgets hearse. eric rivera: it looks likea popo de [inaudible]. it's, seriously, like mike spinelli: i lovethe europa. alex roy: it's like the teaparty's anti-abortion car.

    it's just like it'slike [bleep] awful. mike spinelli: all right. so wait-- no, it's a littleawkward in the back. but the europa is a great car. you're going to get into a twincam lotus for probably half of your $30,000 budget. alex roy: it's reallya europa mino. if you were to put-- yeah i meanaccept then you wouldn't

    be able to get to the engine. eric rivera: i don't know. alex roy: it's the firstvertical mountain. eric rivera: that is true. mike spinelli: well, i'llgive you another reason to get one of these. that sports car digest magazinehas said that this is one of the most collectiblecars for the money. best upside potentialfor collectors.

    eric rivera: i think, forme it's just a weird cool factor with it. just the differentkind of shape. it's got that weird thing in theback but it's not a lotus [inaudible]. mike spinelli: it weighslike nothing. eric rivera: it weighslike nothing. mike spinelli: and you want totalk about probably the best steering car of itsgeneration.

    alex roy: the dudcannot abide. mike spinelli: allright, all right. next. alex roy: oh, yeah,yeah, yeah. mike spinelli: ok, here's oneyou certainly must abide. so with the lotus theme, comesthe caterham super 7. eric rivera: unanimous agreementthat this car is freaking awesome. mike spinelli: ok obviously it'sexotic because you can't

    drive it in the winter, althoughalex would drive it in the winter. alex roy: and it was also drivenby patrick mcgoohan in the "prisoner" openingcredits. yes. eric rivera: that is actuallyhow i found out about this. i had no clue what it was. alex roy: it's money, money,money, shizzle-nizzle, up the wazoo, yours and mine,break your arm--

    eric rivera: twice. alex roy: --awesome car. mike spinelli: so can we can saythat the best of all the, sort of lotus-area vehicleswe've shown, this is the one. alex roy: absolutely. eric rivera: unanimousagreement. mike spinelli: really? alex roy: you drive this thinganywhere, you have veyron-level pull atprius pricing.

    and good gas mileage comparedto a veyron. well, yeah. so we may have a winner rightin the middle of the pack. alex roy: and you could puta roof on it, right? mike spinelli: yeah, kind of. alex roy: but it has a place youcould fashion a roof, so it's an all weather car. mike spinelli: it's not the kindof a roof that's going to keep really the elements outor anything, but, yeah.

    alex roy: it's a roof thatkeeps on giving. mike spinelli: stops giving-- yeah. so the brits also gave usthe aston martin db7. alex roy: no, no. this is-- mike spinelli: butfor the money-- alex roy: is the aspect ratiooff on this picture? mike spinelli: possibly.

    eric rivera: maybejust a little. mike spinelli: theaspect ratio-- all right, it's aweird 3/4 view. but it is free of licensingrestraints, so that's why we used this one. but seriously-- alex roy: how muchis this car? mike spinelli: $30,000. alex roy: there's areason for that.

    mike spinelli: all right, firstof all you're not going to get the v12, you're goingto get the straight six. really? how are you doing? are you all right? alex roy: i'm gone. mike spinelli: so you're goingto get the six, right? alex roy: i don't knowabout this one. mike spinelli: it'svery luxurious.

    it's not quite as well puttogether as the later astins. alex roy: what yearis this car? mike spinelli: a'97, '98, '99. alex roy: bad years, huh? mike spinelli: well, look thiswas astin starting to get its act together. alex roy: it's at a car shownext to a pink rolls from the bad years as well so i paired this withanother one.

    it looks very similar. but a couple years newer youcan get the cambiocorsa granturismo maserati. alex roy: you could get-- for$30,000 you can just get a quattroporte, like a'94 quatroporte. mike spinelli: that'sthe thing. and you will still getthe ferrari v8. alex roy: and you get fourdoors, and it looks great. mike spinelli: yeah

    eric rivera: i am not abig fan of the looks. i'd preferred it once itgot a little bit later. like the headlights do looklike robot [inaudible] mike spinelli: that'sthe problem. is that they're starting tolook a little bit dated. alex roy: terrible, in fact. mike spinelli: like ferrari-- maybe the 550 looks a littlebit more updated. alex roy: before thatwas the 348.

    mike spinelli: i'm thinkingof the 456. alex roy: i love the 456. 456 has nothing in commonwith this car. mike spinelli: alright, sothe 456 doesn't look as dated, but they all-- come on, eric, seriously. eric rivera: i'm backing you upon this one a little bit, mike spinelli: they're startingto look dated. eric rivera: i see it.

    mike spinelli: you can't get theferrari for prius money, you can get the maserati. all right and i don't know ifyou guys would-- and you're going to have to-- alex roy: aw, yeah. mike spinelli: yeah, so thisis another one from the twitter feed. you can get a reallygood $30,000 308. alex roy: i mean you can'tget a 320 gts, can you?

    that's like $40,000. mike spinelli: it's about$40,000 for a good one. alex roy: but youknow something? this car-- it's just, because of magnumpi it just annihilates everything else. eric rivera: i was tryingnot to bring that up. this car will not give you thatmuch stash, but it still has the cool factor.

    alex roy: did you say it can'tgive you that much stash? mike spinelli: butwait a minute. ferraris are great but thenthere's the downside. right? the maintenance iscatastrophic. alex roy: not true. mike spinelli: and the otherproblem-- wait, wait, wait. alex roy: there's alot of ford parts. it's got the ford mirror.

    mike spinelli: a lot. not enough ford mirrors. when you need a clutch youyou still have to-- actually there's a lot of goodresources online to teach you how to change stufflike the clutch. but wait a minute-- and granted, the 308 is probablyone of the easier ferrraris to maintain. but here's the problem, it'snot that great a car.

    of course it sounds awesome. it's slow, and then you jam yourfeet into the wheel well to drive it. it's like really narrow. eric rivera: that weird italian,period position. mike spinelli: yeah, they catchon fire once in awhile. eric rivera: ferraris do that. that's their flamboyantnature. alex roy: i predict that thiscar will become like--

    musto's business is-- what? what does he call it? mike spinelli: pro-touring. alex roy: i bet you that youthat in 10, 20 years, there's going to be a business aroundtaking these and turning them into monster street cars. mike spinelli: i think we shoulddo that right now. alex roy: because this is aferrari that everybody wants

    mike spinelli: by the way, thecoolest 308s i've ever seen are the rally ones. have you ever seenthe rally 308s? they're so, so awesome. can you imagine if that becamea new staple rally car? i think that would be sick. and it wouldn't be thatexpensive to do. alright, so americans. alex roy: is this an exotic?

    mike spinelli: well nowif you ask chevrolet, they would say, no. because they didn't want toconsider the c4zr1 as an exotic car. however, i would argue thatthe engine alone. the lotus-built motor,the 5.7 liter-- and it's the first gen-- so itwould be like 400 horsepower, double overhead cam,four can, 32 valve. where the hell am i?

    alex roy: the break yourfracking arm addition. that's what this is. the zr1 is always the break yourfracking arm [inaudible] the sad part about this car isi remember, specifically somebody stealing a zr1 andtaking it on it on some horrendous crash on "cops."and it just denigrated. that is why i rememberthis car. but after i realize that it'smore than just the one that got crashed on "cops."there's a lot to it.

    the engine, really cool[inaudible] technology. mike spinelli: this totallywipes the floor with the technology of its day. alex roy: and the technologyof a ferrari 308. mike spinelli: well,there you go. it's a few years later,but yeah. alex roy: it doesn't matter. because-- eric rivera: it's selling point,of course, was the

    electronic dashboard. that is what everybodyremembered. alex roy: it's selling point wasthe tv commercial for it, where you've never seen,anything, like this before. mike spinelli: but thatwas the '84 one. ian, go to the cross section. now, seriously-- eric rivera: the fact that theybothered to make a cross section for it show--

    eric rivera: at least a littlebit of a thought process behind it. i mean, actually the gm was sortof crazy with these cross section back in the day. they wanted to showeverything. alex roy: they were hiringthe cross section guy. right. so. i mean lotus designed it.

    mercury maureen builtthe motor-- engine-- i'm sorry. it's not an electric motor. i know people get allbent out of shape. but you were saying somethingabout the long island use of the rim. eric rivera:: it wasnot necessarily the long island use.

    mike spinelli: i'm sorry, itwasn't just the long island. eric rivera: it is sort of thenew youth car culture use-- well not particularly the zr1,but this generation corvette, in particular-- those rims. if you stretch some tires overthem because they're enormous wide rims, and chrome them outand polish them, they lower the [inaudible] to like anold vw beetle or vw golf. and they look-- well, i think it looks nice.

    [? heroflesh. ?] but you know what-- yeah, alex agrees that'skind of questionable. alex roy: well, i'msaying that you've got an orphan corvette. mike spinelli: your'reright, that's true. but you can get one for $30,000and you can get the best one for $30,000,that's the thing. anyway, moving on.

    so this is is the answerto the question. alex roy: this is everyone'sanswer. mike spinelli: yeah, thisis everyone's answer. alex roy: and you can get a '91to '94-ish nsx $25,000 to $30-fun-ish? it depends what year,what model. alex roy: but the oldones, i mean-- i really want to buy one ofthese at one time and researched it a bunch--

    and the early ones wereonly five-speed. but they were cool. mike spinelli: and only 270horsepower, so they're-- eric rivera: not too much. you don't have to get yourselfinto trouble. alex roy: so much was aluminumin this car. i mean the seat frameswere aluminum. i mean, so much. and if you can get a car that'sin good running order--

    because there were a bunch ofproblems that happened always early in the car's life--and if they were sorted out, you were fine. i mean $30,000 will get you intoa healthy, happy, nss. mike spinelli: yeah.absolutely. again, the only problemreplacement cost-- because of the aluminum frame-- can be super expensive if youdo any bending or anything. alex roy: so basically,don't crash.

    mike spinelli: don't crash it. eric rivera: that's the the onefinal thing on the cool factor for the nsx. we talked about the commercialfor the corvette and how it had that weird appeal. then we also had themagnum pi mobile. so it had that. this had the wolf from freaking"pulp fiction." mike spinelli: that's right.

    alex roy: is that true? mike spinelli: it's true. harvey keitel. eric rivera: wolf he says,i'm on my way. pulls up in that nsx. mike spinelli: yeah, exactly. alex roy: and it also aero-tunes[inaudible] personally helped to designthe chassis-- eric rivera: there's that videoof him doing that insane

    laugh on suzuka in his leatherdriving shoes. and there was just so many coolthings about this car, you can't go wrong. it is the thinkingman's exotic. alex roy: it is. mike spinelli: and that's it. alex roy: we did leaveout a couple of cars. go ahead. there was some honorablementions we

    did leave out, yeah. the iso revolta fidia,four-door, one-off-- eric rivera: bring a trailer. alex roy: yeah. but i;m goingto name two cars. the first one, obviously-- i mean you want exotic-- citroen sm. mike spinelli: of course.

    because you own one. alex roy: i own one. maserati engine,citroen body-- mike spinelli: yeah, andit's under $30,000. alex roy: and for $30,000 youcan have a mint, mint condition car. i paid $20,000 for mine. i put $5,000 into it. and it has, again, valinelevel pull, on

    the street of la-- you come up in this thing. mike spinelli: which becauseyou look a french, heroin dealer in the '70s. alex roy: bigwinner.comis your domain. everybody knows it. eric rivera: you are one aviatorsunglasses hair away from being the coolestfrench bad guy. alex roy: you could wear everyshirt you're afraid to buy at

    urban outfitters with a print,you can buy that shirt now. but wait a minute. its a difficult car to drivebecause it's like driving a gondola because isdoes this weird-- alex roy: off the rock-aways because of the the airshocks it doesn't yaw like a normal car. eric rivera: that's a differentthing, though. that's--

    alex roy: yeah, well-- mike spinelli: i mean you justhave to get used to that. alex roy: you don't steerit, you rudder it. the other car-- which we're notgoing to meet the $30,000 limitation-- but in about three, four years,get a morgan 3 wheeler and mike spinelli: like yours. alex roy: yeah.

    but that's not a car. two of your cars. alex roy: we;re not doingtrikes under $30,000. mike spinelli: by the way,what does your morgan 3 wheeler have in commonwith the c4 corvette. alex roy: they both use wood. the corvette has got abunch of ash in the-- balsa wood? is that right? mike spinelli: yeah, they usesome kind of balsa wood core

    for the body. eric rivera: very advancedfor its time sadly enough, but it was there. alex roy: and i havean ash frame. mike spinelli: you havean ash frame? alex roy: painted ash. mike spinelli: you have paintedyour ash, you say? anyway that's the roadtestament for today. alex roy: thanks forcoming down.

    mike spinelli: yeah, ericrivera from gt academy. don't forget since it isthursday, watch tonight. eric rivera: check it out. there's a lot of-- mike spinelli: spike tv. eric rivera: footage ofme out of breath. mike spinelli: 11:30pm, probably. depending on where you live. alex roy: want to see somefootage of me out of breath?

    see you guys later. [music playing]

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