television table top stands

television table top stands - Hallo friend furniture stands lover, At this time sharing furniture stands entitled television table top stands, I have provided furniture stands ideas. hopefully content of posts that I wrote this home design, Furniture Decorating, interior, furniture stands can be useful. OK, following its coverage of furniture stands ideas..

About : television table top stands
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television table top stands

- tabletop games take their inspiration from a number of different sources. from the mythical stories of ancient times to our imagined futures, we can visit any world we want when we sit down to play with our friends. today on tabletop, davidkwong, alison haislip, and jessica merizanare here to play a pair of relatively simple,but pretty awesome games

that are inspired by classic works of literature. first, we will visit aesop's fables to see if slow and steady truly wins the race in hare & tortoise. then, we will pay homageto william shakespeare as we attempt to deviously manipulate the council of verona. (fast music) (growling) hare & tortoise is a racing game designed by gun-hee kim where we bet on which animals from

aesop's fables are the best. look, i'm not saying that aesop was running an illegal racing club here to gather enough money to start a violent revolution, because that theory is absurd, but the very first thingwe do in hare & tortoise is bet on which one of the five animals we think is going to win the race, of course we have the famous hare and tortoise themselves,

i mean, obviously, their names right there in the title, but we also have a few other special guests. a sheep sprinter, who's made the interesting choice of wearing a wooltracksuit for this race, the big, bad wolf himself, who's kinda a big deal, and of course, the crafty fox. (evil laughter) they're all fine racers, each with their own style and ability.

so once all of our main bets are in, we will place a side bet. we can double-down on the same animal we started with, or hedge out bets by coat-tailing off of another player's win. both are pretty valid betting strategies. once the bets are in, we're ready to race. each turn, players willplay one to five cards from their hand of the same animal

into this racing pool here. so i'm putting down three fox cards to add to the two rabbitcards and the sheep card that's already in play. once we have either fourcards of the same animal or eight cards total in the pool, the animals move according to their ability. we know the hare is cocky and he moves two spaces every turn, until he decides

to take a nap and show off that he's in first place. the tortoise will move one space, even if everyone hates him for that doping scandal back in 566 and 564 bce. he really should give back those pieces of yellow tape. every racer has different powers and different movement rules. they are all balanced so everyone has an honest chance of winning when run by savvy players.

when the top three animals cross the finish line, we will place them on the podium and we will collect our money. who will sprint to sipping champagne at the wall of victory? and who will join me on not the porn couch? get your checkered flags ready, it's time to race hare & tortoise. - hi, i'm jessica marizen. people on the internet know me as jessica marzipan.

i'm a cosplayer, youtuber, and community manager. - my name's david kwong. i'm a magician and i'm a puzzle creater and i tend to fuse those together. - my name's alison haislip and i am an actress and a host. - so this is hare & tortoise. we have been given our initial bet cards. we haven't seen them yet, we're gonna look at them now

and then we're gonnachoose one of our cards in our hands to be a side bet. so go ahead and do that. and then we'll be readyto begin the game. - i'm obligated to bet on wolf. and i'm also betting on sheep 'cause i love that little baby sheep. oh boy. - i'm betting on the two fastest, i guess.

hare's on top, sheep has this sort of like, turbo boost. - i like this, ilike this a lot. - i am not feeling confident. - the animal that ihave no choice to bet on is the tortoise andthe animal that i chose from the cards in my hand is the sheep. - so today i'm betting on rabbit and sheep. i am really, really scared about this game because it's racing, it's betting, it's math.

and i'm bad at all of those things. i am not an athlete. - and i will go first. i will start out by playing - oh boy, it begins. - [will] a hare. - [alison] oh! - and then we are, as they say, off. what would you like to do? - [alison] to the races? - to the races. yes!

- [jessica] alright, okay. - i chose sheep becauseeven though i don't have a lot of sheep in my hand, i only have a pair of sheep, i am really confident that another player in this game is alsogoing to be going sheep and i can coattail onto the sheep. - i feel like i'm running the race. okay, okay. - [will] you kind of are.

- i'm a spectator, i'vegot to remember this. - [will] yeah, okay. - let's go. - [will] oh alright, you've got some sheep happening, very good. alright, we got two sheep out, - double sheep. - [will] and a hare. - well, i think i'm gonna just balance thingsout here with this guy. - [alison] ooh. - [will] alright.

- 'bout to do something big. - yeah, what are you gonna do? - [alison] do some four sheep! - [will] sheep's gonna go! - [alison] four sheep action! - [will] alright! we're running it. - super sheep opening from alison. i'm gonna let her play the sheep, i'm gonna pretend i'm going for something else.

- running it. i'm bringing out the incredibly nonfunctionalstop watch. announcing that wehave now begun running. first, the hare is goingto move two spaces. you want to go ahead and move the hare? one, two. the tortoise is gonna move no matter what. so there goes the tortoise. - [jessica] bam. - [will] and nobody moves, - [david] he gets another one? - until, no because he didn't draw four.

now nobody movesuntil the sheep, who's going to move five. - [jessica] woah. - [will] because he moves x plus one. so the sheep's all, "watch out everybody! "one, two, wish i could talk, three, four, five." - [alison] he stops at the water. - he stops at the water, becausethe sheep's all (panting). (panting) need water.

okay, wow. - i need two cards, please. - oh yeah you do.- [alison] please, sir. - alright, here you go. - can i have some more? thank you. - here's that for you. i think this is gonna happen. - [alison] woah. - it probably looks kind of dumb to play four fox cards when i'm not betting ona fox, but this is gonna

let me clear out almost my entire hand to get the cards that i need and hopefully will throw the other players off and make them think that i'm going for the fox, so they'll start moving the tortoise and the sheep for me. - will is definitely bluffing. he is sly, just like that fox. i do not buy it for a second. - this is four, so we're running it.

oh, where's my thing? - oh, that's four! i thought you put down three! - click. - [alison] you just ended the round right there. - i did. yeah. - [alison] cutest clock ever. - right? cutest and most useless!

- okay. - okay, so. - the tortoise does not, i'm sorry, the hare does not move. the turtle moves. no news until the fox, who goes one, two, three, four, what's up sheep, i'm breathing down yourlittle, wooly neck. - i'm sorry, i need tocheck to make sure that i'm not going rogue and forgetting

who i'm betting on. okay. - wait, but now that i've said that, i have to look like i'm not betting on. i'm sorry. - i've said too much, i've said too much! - there's so much pressure. okay, um, nonchalantly. - [will] oh, alright, just a hare, not a big deal. - hm, whatever. - he's a little thumb's up.

he's like, i got this dudes. - he's all, dude, i'm inthe title, i can't lose. - [alison] and the turtle's like. - i feel bad for that guy over there. - [will] oh no, the poor, little wolf isn't going anywhere at all. - i'm gonna do a little of that action. - [david] twofer. - oh wait, do you have to deal to him first?

did you get your card? - [david] oh no. - [jessica] oh i need one too. - one. - [jessica] thank you. yeah. one. - i need two. - you need two. - [alison] thank you. - miss plays a pair. okay. - miss plays a pair? - yeah, alright.

- that's my name on thursday nights. what? - i'm what? - [alison] (laughing) i don't even know what that means. - i'm down with the rabbit, running. i'm okay with that. and i take a card. uh, so a wolf or two rabbits will run it. there's five outthere right now, so another pair of anything will run it.

no, sorry, you need eight to run it. - [jessica] alright, so i. - it's late in the day. - [alison] it is. - this is the fifthgame i've played today. - oh boy. - kinda tired. - wanna go. i wanna get this running. - [many] oh!

- [will] look at that! - [alison] big day for the wolf! - look what's happening! okay, so alright, so let's go ahead. do you want to go aheadand pop the thing. and the wolf's all, heyguys, remember me? reh! - [david] see, now a well-balanced contest. - bleh! - that's the noise that the wolf makes.

- [alison] it's all on you. - [will] yeah, yeah. - [alison] ooh, a turtle. - [will] oh, looks at that, a little turtle action. okay, alright. - i am going to do, this. - [will] oh, how very interesting. - double sheep, double sheep. - i think i know whatyour favorite animal is. - do you?

- i feel good about the sheep. - [david] oh! - [alison] ooo boy! - [will] so i'll go ahead and add a sheep. - i'm feeling for theyouthful sheep as well. - [will] oh, wow! - [alison] woah! - this is, this makesthings very interesting. so we're gonna run it now. would you like to hit the thing again?

- ping. (cartoon music) i'm so conflicted. (alison laughing) - let's all just stare at her. - i've got a great poker face, guys. ( will, alison, and david laughing) - [will, alison, and david] ooh! - three wolf cards in the deck are a howling wolf

and if any one of those cards comes out, no matter what's been played, only the wolf will move. and the story behind itis that all the other animals are so frightened by the howling wolf that the wolf just lumbers on past them. - what do you want to throw away? - [alison] fantastic. - well i have a terrible poker face, so i'm playing that.

- jessica just said i have a good poker face and now i'm saying i have a bad poker face. so i'm gonna play this card,cause it's clearly what i want. but it's not what i want. - okay, i'm, i'm. - there's a sheep out there and hmm. - here comes a threefer coming out. - what gonna happen? what're you doing, haislip? - [david] she wants to run it.

- what're you doing? - [david] she wants to run it (alison laughing) - [jessica] oh, that was an evil laugh. - yeah she does. - alison, what is goingon with that laugh? are you a witch? (alison cackles) - hmm, i'm gonna do this, actually. - [david] oh, i need a card, will.

- there you go. - [alison] now i need a card. - [david] what did you do? - [alison] i threw down another fox. - she threw a fox. well, that actually makes it kind of easy for me. when a howl card come out and you have yet to act, you can dump cards thatyou don't care about and throw players offfrom what you're actual strategy is and give yourself a chance to refill

your hand with cards you need. and the wolf moves one. - [alison] one.- [david] right. - [will] and we are all kinda clumped together up here. - [alison] except for our little sheep. - this is quite a race happening, except for our little sheep. - the little baby sheep is in front. that's the little, baby sheep voice.

- you guys, i wanted to get into the race, because we wanted everybody to know that i can run really fast so that i can be just as important as other people that are in the race. but 'cause everybody's all like, you sheeps you just have to be slow and go to the back and i don't want to do that. - what was the wolf noise again? - rehhh!

- (laughing) he's running so fast, he's like vomitting. - rehhh! (laughing) - [jessica] (laughing) it's like dry-heaving. - rehh, ehh! so the wolf's training regiment involves a whole lot of eating little red riding hood and her grandmother for maximum carbs and protein. - what is going on with the big, bad wolf's t-shirt? is he like in this race to eat pigs?

are there pigs at the end of this thing? is there just like somekind of slow cooker at the end of this race? is that why he's in it? he's in it to win it for the pigs. wait, how do i have five cards? - well, because, now you have six. - no, you had one hiding. - wait, what?

- [alison] you have one back there. - no, i'm sorry. i can't count, actually. - i think she was trying to cheat. - you don't know i'm the fox. - i'm pretty sure if she can't count. that that didn't help her in meaningful way. - once i took an iq test and i got an 84 in spatial. i'm not even joking.

- i don't know what that means. - [david] what is it out of? - [jessica] that's not a joke. - how do you successfully navigate the automatic doors at the shopping plaza? - i don't know! - what is that out of? - [will] yeah that's, wow. - a hundred is normal. like, i'm not even joking about the 84 thing.

like it was 84 and 136. it was really formative. let's move on. (david and alison laughing) - [will] wow, wolf time. - and she just throws out three wolves. she's like, movin' on. - if you were thatwolf, would you need to run around in like a hamster ball?

- [jessica and alison] blehh! (all but david laughing) - david, what's happening over there? what's going on? - i'm in a real pickle over here. - [alison] a pickle? - [will] yeah? - yeah. - wow. you don't hear people talking about being in a pickle very often.

- pickle, i'm bringing it back. - since when did you become 64 years old? - yeah, so what else are you in back there in 1959? - i'm gonna bring back huzzah too. - [will] really? that's great. - [alison] huzzah. - [will] that's fantastic. i'm working on bully. - bully. - that's another one that i'm trying to get to come around.

- [david] this. - [will] what's going on? ooh, okay, alright. are you gonna do one of your patented haislip trey moves? - trey (laughs) the threesome? - yes. - no, watch this though. sca-bam! - [will] what? - [alison] wolf is moving on!

- [david] alright. - alright, turtles! - [alison] two turtles. - i'm all in guys. - [jessica] rabbits. - [will] the rabbit's gonna, the rabbit is going to win this race, no matter what. - unless someone plays a howl. - unless someone makes the wolf howl.

- oh, unless someone howls. you're right. - oh man. - will that person be you? - right. - that would be a sweet move if you don't want the rabbit to win. - i have a howl card in my hand. if i get a chance to play that howl card,

the rabbit doesn't move and i at least have a chance to get the sheep across the finish line in first place. - i'm really tempted to howl just to throw everybody off, but i think i want to secure those points, just in case someone else takes second and third. - [jessica] i'm so excited. - we're gonna lock up this rabbit. (alison gasps) - [alison and will] wow!

- stupid rabbit got first place, sheep was so close! - he was, he was right there! he just had to get across the line! the rabbit crosses the finish line, congratulations. (fanfare music) number two, the tortoise moves one. - [will and david] that's it. - yep. - alright.

- okay sheep, second place, please, please, please, please,please, please, please. - who's got a sheep? - [alison] well, i'm just gonna. - reveal my bid right now and do a little sheep action. - [jessica] huh. - well, alright. - [david] you need like counter spells in this game. someone places a howl and you're like,

nope, sorry, going through. - no! i play my... - [will] no, i play my - earplugs of silence. - [will] magic drain. - you know, i'm really dedicated to, um. - [will] oh, how interesting. how, what an interesting, wait hold on a second. one, two, three, four, five, i forgot to draw a card, - [jessica] one more, thank you. - well, gotta play a little catch-up here.

- [will] yeah? - [david] so we're gonna do that. - [will] okay.- [alison] hmm. um. - [david] don't play a howl if you're going for the sheep. - psh, i'm not. (laughs) - [jessica] he's so awkward. - just throwin' down another. - alright, we're gonna run it.

alison, do you want to push the - ping! - click. alright, here we go. the hare, oh, is already there. so you know what? it's taking a nap, because it's a dick like that. now the tortoise moves one, cause that's what it does. the fox moves two. and the sheep goesacross the finish line.

(musical woo) to second place. - [alison] second place. - where it's very happy. - really happy that the sheep is in second place. i'm in really good position to at least get five points. okay, well, i tell you what i, tell you what i would like. - baby sheep just came in second place and she's happy. - [will] what i would like is

for that sheep to just keep going. i'd really like that,that would be terrific. - sure. - okay, let's make the rabbit keep going. what do you got going on over there? - let's do that as well (laughs) - [will] alright, okay. i think i sense what's kinda going on in these here parts.

yep. ohhh! - oh. what does that do? i'm not quite sure. oh wait, hold on, i need more cards. - [will] how many cards do you need? - i need three, which is weird. - [jessica] quite a few cards. - [david] i might have had more options during that last.

- [alison] yep. - [will] alright. - [david] last play. - i might not be the only one who can't count here. (alison laughs) - i'm. you know what? i'm a terrible host today and i apologize for that. um, i'm gonna do that. 'cause that fox can eat a dick. - i'll go ahead and end it.

- [will] alright, very good. - so the only one who moves is the fox. - the only one who moves is the wolf, and the wolf moves one. - fox. wolf. oh, i'm a dick. now i'm a dick! (laughing) - you want to be on team dick together? team dicks for life! yes!

- oh, we're gonna do that. - [alison] oh, someone wants turtle to win. - come on, team dicks, what are we doing? - i mean, now it's kinda pointless. so i'll do that. unless someone throws a howls, and then that's not pointless. - okay, someone's gonna do that. - [david] ooh.

- david, even though i was just trash talking you, saying you couldn't count. um, can we be team pickle? - let's do it. - [jessica] which is also... (will laughs loudly) - also kind of phallic. - if i could reach you i would.. - team dick and team pickle!

- yeah, we're in the same division. - if i could reach you,i would high five you. - oh god, i expected electricity. - [will] alright. - [jessica] alright. - [will] five cards out there. - guys, this game's over. okay, we're running it. the hare's already there.

the tortoise moves two. nobody else moves at all. - i'm killing the gameright now with tortoise, 'cause i'm locking up first and second. i also think that nobody's betting on tortoise, so i don't want someone in third place getting points. - i guess i was actually mildly surprised that turtle actually placed in this race. - i've got second and third place and i don't think

anybody else wasbetting on the tortoise, so i'm pretty sure that i'm in really good position. starting with david, why don't you show us your bet cards. - okay, so that won this game. - [will] okay, who camein second? the sheep. unfortunately, i also got second place. (david yells) - [alison] oh! look at you! - [will] nicely done. - [david] team pickle.

- [will] well played, well played. - haislip, what've you got? - well, i got our second placer, - [will] yeah. - [alison] and then i got our wolf. - and your not, then your did not place. - [jessica] he ate too much breakfast. - yep. (heaving) - so, i was hoping the turtle would have

finished a little bit higher. and even though i only started with one of these, i was really confident that one other player in this game would be making this guy run, so i took the sheep. - [alison] ooh, so you have second and third. - so i'm on second and third, which is not as good as first and second. - you started strong fox though, didn't ya? - [will] i did, i wantedto throw everybody off.

- yeah, yeah, right. - um, so, uh, hare. - [will] yes. - [jessica] and, uh... (alison screams) - [will] what the hell? - dominance. - [jessica] there we go. - [alison] i applaud, i applaud.

- so, yeah, bravo, so team pickle is currently tied. - i'm exhausted. - yeah, boy. - i think we learned a lot about each other too. - [david] i'm emotionally exhausted. - yeah, you know, i think we did. - ragtown team of individuals. - yes, we are, that's fantastic. - we're the island of misfit toys.

- yeah, we are. yeah, you're right. only you two guys are a toy made out of a pickle jar. - [alison] yes. and we're dicks. - and we're a dick. alright, verona's up next. council of verona is a romeo and juliet themed game designed by michael eskue. in keeping with the theme of the game,

i've decided to give the rules intro in the style of shakespeare. a moment please. (clears throat) two game mechanics, both alike in dignity, in fair verona, where we paint this game. from drafting nobles to influence secretly, two household powers, nearly the same.

a pair of star-crossed lovers ply much guile, whose players profit when fixed together. whether both alive incouncil or grave exile, lest ye nobel ties loose their tether. fearsome lord capulet opposes montague, each seek conquest for grand victory. to fill council crimsonand not rival hue, and through theirladies, craft treachery. the warriors disrupt verona's peaceful breath,

through drawn sword caused blood to flow, transporting noblesfrom council unto death. the skillful killers tybalt, benvolio. and lo, our noble princeof 'nother family, guarding council from rebellious subject, begs peace and healing, not anarchy. neighbor-stainedswords, he doth reject. now in quarter hour traffic of our stage, by clever design we doth play.

the joyful passage of microgames and rage, watching losing cousins couch dismay. the like of which will patient minds attend, and i'm seriously done with this pretend. alright, this is council of verona, and the player who goesfirst as we draft cards, is going to be the player who was most recently standing on a balcony. so, who among us can remember standing on a balcony?

- my place has a balcony. - mine too. - [will] okay. - does sleeping on a balcony count? i'm just, just asking. - (stutters) probably not. - i mean, i think i wason my balcony yesterday. - and when was the last time you were on your balcony? - uh, the trash is on our balcony. - but my husband takes it out.

because, i'm terrible. - allison, looks like you will be drafting first. - and your husband is now like, why did i do that? - he's great and i'm not. - (laughing) alright,so the way this works is we're all gonna start out with one card that is gonna help us figure out what cards out of this deck we're going to draft to build the playersthat we're gonna sort of

try to put out in council and exile. so, the first card willreally give us an idea of where we're going to start. alison, you can go ahead and you can do your draft. so grab whoever you want first. - [alison] i'm drafting this person. - alright, very well. - [alison] then i go this way? - then you give it to me. and now i look through here.

- don't mess this up for team pickle. - okay. (laughing) - (laughing) alright, there you go. - did you guys strategize for this? my basic drafting strategy is, you know, the cards you get initially, which mine was lord capulet, i instantly wanted all capulets, 'cause i knew i could control where they were placed more. and obviously lady capulet is one of the,

one of the most strong cards in the game, so that's who i thankfully got second. and then when the nurse came around, for my next draft pick, i was like, oh brilliant. - i really like to have a clear strategy from the beginning of the game. and i started out with mercutio, who's really tough to play because useually

the montegues and capulets fight over council and mercutio's like (beep) all you dicks, we're going to exile. - i feel so powerful right now. clearly i just like to pickthe hottest people in the deck. i picked paris, benvolio, and lady montague. and paris is, you know,he's got it going on. - so i take one. - [alison] then you get to just see that last one.

- and i see this? - [alison] yeah.- [will] yep. - and you guys don't know what it is. - [will] that's right, that becomes the burn card and put it on there, that's fine. - i have montague, romeo, and the friar. and i'm feeling pretty good about this hand. i can use the friar to bring romeo back to the council if i need to.

i can keep juliet and romeo together, so i think that's gonna be my strategy. (tango music) - go ahead, playyour first card, and decide if it's going to the council or to exile. - sca-boom! - wow, alright, lord capulethas been played to the council. and lord capulet wants more capulets than montagues on the council.

now, if you like, you may place a bet on lord capulet that will help you decide. alright, so now alison could have a zero, a three, or a five there and based onthe value that's she put there, - [david] zero'd have been real trendy. - then she's gonna know. yeah, so she's like, no this is a bluff, then she's definitelygonna put a zero there. i will be playing... - [alison] it's so sneaky.

what am i doing? - is this council of verona the musical now, alison? - [alison] yep. - so i'm going to play, juliet. - actually that was just west side story, wasn't it? - juliet? - on the council. - [david and alison] ooo! - [alison] alright.

- [will] okay, alright. - [jessica] ooh. and i am now going to make a betsy-bet. - ooh, a betsy-bet. i mean, i'm gonna put a cupcake on juliet. which sounds worse than bet. - [alison and jessica] yeah, it does. - [will] way worse.

- [alison] it sounds dirty. - it's only betting. - [will] that sounds way worse than bet. - okay, so i get reallystressed out about gambling and betting and i just, you know, i don't like wasting money. so everyone thought it was really funny to disguise the fact that this was a betting strategy by calling it cupcakes.

- didn't you say you had a good poker face? - i'm really confused. - no i have a bad poker face. - [alison] her poker face was terrible, do you remember that? - [will] it was really, it was a really bad poker face. - it was really terrible, that's why i don't gamble. i go into the weird sci-fi spa where you're like, - where is there a weird sci-fi in vegas? - there's a huge, hugespa in, i don't remember

if it's the wynn or whatever, but it's like giant and you're sitting there and you're like, it's way too peaceful in here. - it seems weird to me to talk about a spa as a sci-fi spa and then just go on todescribe a regular spa. is quiet science fiction? - alright, you guys can walk me through it next time i go to vegas and i won't go to the spa. speaking of which, i am going to,

wait, no i don't want - [david] what's happening? - to do that card yet. - [ will] woah, ahh! - [alison] woo! - i got nervous (laughing) - jessica, you are falling apart! - what's going on? - (mumbles) upset me! i'm just, i'm just gonna, i'm just going to,

oh god, all my cards are. - should we choose for you? - all my cards are really terrible to use this early in the game. - someone didn't draft well. - somebody took all the ladies. - all the ladies. - um, well. - what's up, all the married ladies.

lady montague, lady capulet. right, it is a musical. - yep, yep. it'swest side story. - [jessica] this is what i'm gonna, - i'm really not comfortable with snapping. - this is what i'm gonna do, because this is all i can do right now. count paris! (talking over each other)

you can view any two influence tokens. - [david] i would suggest those two. - i would suggest looking at these two influence tokens. this is gonna give you a lot of information. - [alison] why did you just sitback like you're a gangster? - oh, wow. - she's like, i got this. - i feel like i'm in the spot right now and just everything's going wrong.

oh, that was so informative. - [will] yeah? what'sgoing on with that one? - just a lot, just a lot's going on. - (laughs) i think we're losing jessica. - well, this might confuse you. - [alison] bring it. - we're already quite confused. - we're gonna go like that. - [will] more? what!

lord montague would like more montagues than capuletsto be on the council. - we're gonna do something crazy here. - [will] okay. - [jessica] oh gosh, i'm so nervous. - and we're gonna go like that - [will] wow. - you're ballsy. - somebody's feeling really good about lord montaperhaps. - unless it's zero.

- [will] unless that's not what he wants. - [david] mind games. - i really only have oneoption that i can do right now. - yeah? what's that? - and it is put down lady capulet. - [will] oh my god! - [david] woah! and i'm going to do a little token swapping. i obviously don't want to swap my own token. - [david] that's the best card, right?

it's gotta be. - i don't know, it's pretty good. - my only choice is to swap these two tokens. - well, here's tybalt. tybalt doesn't like anybody. and he especially doesn't like when there are people on the council. and as it turns out inthe particular version, tybalt has got a thing for juliet,

so he's bringing her over (rest of the players ooh) to exile. i was always reallyinto that sort of like, odd relationship that maybe existed between juliet and tybalt. so i decided it would be nice to kind of bring that into this contemporaryproduction of romeo and juliet. - i really don't want anyone to win, so so i'm just gonna move, - [will] benvolio is going to

move one character fromthe council to exile. who is benvolio moving? - you're gonna, you're gonna move one of the red ones. - just move one of the red ones. - well choose one, it's important. - go team pickle. - you aren't, wait, which are you? - [alison] he's red. - [jessica] you're red.

- no i put this, well, i put that down. - [will] he bet on montague, but then - [alison] oh that's right, but i flipped them. - [will] but then we got switched up. so now, basically, if you want to go with montague, your team's dick adjacent, okay? if you want to go, - or you could be team lady dicks. - the what now?

that, um. - team dick and pickle? - oh, i like the soundof team dick and pickle. the dick and pickle sounds like a terrific pub. - yes! the dick & pickle! - let's go down to the dick & pickle. - in west hollywood. - yeah, oh i love it. - and play some games.

- when i go to the dick & pickles, i obviously drink the dill gin & tonic. it's basically a gin & tonic, and then they just put dill pickle juice in it. and then there's a little sprig of dill. it's weird, but it's good. - last time i was at the dick & pickle, ironically, there were no pickles. they gave you cucumbers, you can make your own pickles.

that's like the kitschy new thing that they're doing these days. it takes a really long time to make a pickle. - also strangely, at the dick & pickle they serve a white russian, but they don't actually put it in a glass. they put it in a super soaker, you just have to catch as much of it in your mouth as you can.

we'll see you at the dick & pickle. - i really don't have anything invested in helping you win, because you and i aretied for the big prize. - [alison] ooo. - [will] that's true. - oh now i see. wow. - i already trashtalked you once earlier, which i'm sorry about, because this is a friendly game. - that's okay, i see where we stand now. - but, you know.

alison, i thought i was on team pickle, but it's team lady dicksnow, let's do this. alright. let's get you out of this game. - okay - [will] okay, so who are you moving? - well, whatever gets him out of this game. - [will] okay, well, he's only betting on juliet right now. so if you want, you basically you can screw over lord montague or lord capulet.

- wait, i thought you, wasn't one of these... - i put this down, but - [will and david] the red got switched. - because of. - team lady dick. (laughing) - by team lady dicks over here. - lady dick! you're ruining everything. - i don't know what's happening any more. - but i knew she was gonna do that.

- [jessica] you're just- [david] no i didn't. so complicated, lady dick. - [alison] i know. - you're hard to find. (will and alison laughing) team lady dicks, let's get t-shirts. alright, well, i really just want to move on at this point. - i think you speak foreveryone when you say that, so. - i'm gonna put on on the red, i think.

- [will] okay, so that means so that means you're gonna kill montague? - [jessica] yeah. - [will] perfect. - [alison] by the way, putting them in exile doesn't mean they're killed, they're just no longer allowed in verona. - it just, listen. - we're not bringing people back from the dead. - we're quite angry.

- it's not zombie romeo and juliet. we're just letting them back in the city. - maybe a little bit. - maybe that's the expansion. - i'm gonna guess he doesn't have romeo, because his immediate move would be to do that. - yeah, i'm kindathinking the same thing. - why would i do that? - [will] if you bet romeo and you have romeo,

romeo and juliet score. - both literally and. - [will and alison] yeah! - that's what i'm talking about. - yes, we're killing iton the innuendos here. - yeah, we really are. that's actually the password to get into the dick & pickle is just any innuendo. - any one. not the word innuendo.

- no, no, it has to be a good innuendo. my, of course, preferredmethod of walking into the dick & pickle, whenthe little thing is slid apart, is to just put my finger in like this. - my password to the dick & pickle would probably be like, eh, i gotyour pickle right here. and then point to my crotch, where i don't have a pickle. it doesn't really work.

but they let me in. - alright guys, we're gonna do. - [other players] oh. wow. what? - did not expect that to happen. - i'm playing romeo on the council right now, because i think i can healjuliet and bring her back over, keep them together. or if somebody kills romeo, they'll be together. so i know i got that down.

but i'm gonna bet on capulet. - everything he did makes literally no sense to me. - i know, it makes no sense at all. it's very confusing. - so i feel like i'm gonna play something and he's just gonnarenege everything i do. - alright, so. - i'm just trying to do the most confusing move possible. - so go, go ahead alison.

where are you gonna play your guard? - alright, well this is who i have. i have lovely lady nurse. - [will] the nursewill move one character from exile to the council. who would you like to move? - okay, i'm gonna move juliet. - [will] okay, romeo andjuliet are both scoring, so you're trying to decide

if you're gonna keep. - i'm just gonna do that. i mean, i might as well at this point. there's nothing else. - you think the lovers are gonna stay together, okay. - there's nothing else that's gonna make any sense for me to bet on. - right, so and this is why i'm losing. because mercutio's agenda is to have more things on there than not there.

and i guess, i'm gonnaput a cupcake on juliet. so where, who do you have over there? - i'm gonna make this fast, unlike every other turn. - you've picked an interesting time to start doing that. lady montague,- [jessica] yep. - [will] is gonna swap some influence tokens. - [alison] oh god. - [will] where is she going? - i'm gonna put her over here. - [will] okay.

- this is about to mess everything up. - now i'm screwed. - i'm like really upset now. - [will] right, and you can swap any influence tokens that you want. - i'm going to swap my blue right there. - [ jessica] with the juliet's, the top red. - [alison] wow, she just put all of your eggs in that basket.

- [david] she keeps moving me. - [will] wow, okay. - [alison] no, i moved you the one time. - [jessica] and then i'm gonna put this one on the middle of romeo, yes. - alright, there you go, and that's put there on romeo. - oh! jessica just totally screwed me up. i did not anticipate the tokens moving. i played it totally straight, no bluffing.

- i think david has one of the other kill people. i think you have theability to move someone. not kill, you guys got me saying it. exile does not mean that they are dead. they're just not in verona. so yeah, romeo can totally date her. she was never dead. she's not zombie julietfor crying out loud. - i wanted those two together, because i was staked.

- uh, so i put them apart, because i knew we could resurrect one of them. - [will] oh, you gotthe friar to resurrect. so the friar's gonna come here. - [david] so there's noneed, there's no need. - [will] do you want to move a neutral, a capulet, or a. - [david] looks just like i really wanna dominate the council with red, so. - [will] okay, so you're gonna move

tybalt over to the council. and that will bring us up to scoring. so, in the world of putting together the scores from the previous game, where the two of you had eight. - you sneaky dick pickle. (all laughing) - which means that jessica, - wait, wait, wait, wait, you know what i should do is take this five here andjust kinda change it to a zero.

- [alison] did you just do magic? - [will] i told you he could do magic! i told you he was a witch! - how did you do that? - magic's not allowed in this game. - oh, i got creepy feelings now. - i need to call my therapist. - maybe it's because i have a drawer full of extra tokens here.

(alison and will laughing) - [alison] what? - [david] i didn't know what you guys were gonna get, so i had to come prepared. - that's why you never play games with a magician. congratulations,you have the won council of verona and hare & tortoise, you will go to the wall of victory, where you will receive a trophy.

guys, you are with me, on an express train to loserville. - woo! - it's gonna be amazing. alright team dick! - team dicks! - [will] yeah! - we're all winners tonight. - but in a really, in an actual, real, more meaningful way, you're the winner. - i'll buy you all drinks at the dick & pickle.

- [alison] yeah! - [will] i love that. fantastic. hello, friends. - hi. - [will and david] hello. - i'm not surprised to be in here today, as a participant and not a host. i did not play well. i'm very surprised tosee the two of you here.

(alison crying) - i really thought i was dominating until. she is wily. she is a sly, - i don't know if she's wily, or if you know how like sometimes when people are just like so not good at playing a game that they play it well? - that it comes all the way back around?

- [alison] yeah. - that's kinda bad loserism over there, alison. i mean, i don't know how i feel about that. - that's what i mean, i don't know if she was playing us with the whole, like, ididn't test well on my iq test. - but she had some incredible insight at the end there, which is like, wait a minute, we're neck and neck, i'm gonna throw you under the bus. - you're right, i think she played us the whole time.

- and i was too kind-hearted to not even think about that. - i think she played us. - and that was, that was, uh, that was magical of you. i want to show you guys a pretty cool magic trick that i made up myself. - [alison] really? - are you ready? - [david] okay. i like that. - [will] no one can seeme, because it's magic.

- that was awesome. - he's just behind the. - i mean you're, you do this. - no, wait, where'd he go? - i don't know, but you do it. - poof. i'm gone. - that was terrible. - sorry. - jessica, we played a couple of like,

deception games today and you were better than everyone at themand there was some talk in the loser's lounge that maybe you were playing everybody all the way through. would you care to address that? - i think i might have been playing myself all of these years. - really? - maybe i have such lowself-esteem that i have

more self-esteem than anyone i know. - yeah, that makes sense. well, let me tell you something that's probably going to help increase your self-esteem. because you played so well today, and surprised the (beep) out of the world and won. you get a tabletop trophy of awesome! - i don't know what to do! - well hang on while i engrave this trophy for you.

- you can't take that back. you can't unengrave something. - no, i can't. it's legit. it's real. it was hand-crafted with you in mind. please receive this fromus with our gratitude and make any speech if you so desire. - this has a lotof weight to it. i'm going to put this on my mantle piece, which i don't own a mantle right now,

so i'm going to build one with this in mind. - wow. - thank you so much. - you're welcome. and thank you for comingto play with us today. - tabletop is so important, everyone. - ah, that rules, that makes me really happy. she's right, tabletop is important. and until next time, play more games.

(peppy music)

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