stereo racks and stands furniture

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Title : stereo racks and stands furniture

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stereo racks and stands furniture

kirk (vo):captain's log, stardate 6202.1 after encountering friendship 3... an interstellar probe launchedfrom earth 170 years ago... ...the enterprise computerhas been infested with... ...a pathogen of unknown origin. spock:confirmed, captain. whatever has infiltrated the maincomputer is of a technology... ...far superior to the archaicdesign of friendship 3. we've got to pull the plug on thisthing, spock. get it isolated.

lieutenant, contact starfleet command. from kirk,commanding enterprise: unknown entity has infiltratedship's computer... ...after encountering old earthspace probe friendship 3. all ships are to avoid sector... sierra 047. sierra 047.steps need to be taken to isolate... ...and -- if necessary --destroy the probe. right away, sir.

firewalls proving ineffective. it is migrating from thecommunications system to... - my library computer.- computer off, spock! not responding.controls have been overriden. spreading like a virus throughmy systems now, captain! engineering specs, diagrams,propulsion manuals... the works. alert computer core. tell them toshut down all non-essential systems. unlikely a virus, captain. i am seeing indication ofa high level of intelligence from them.

"them"? i am reading hundreds of thousandsof microscopic objects... easily out-maneuvering ourcomputer defense systems... ...and counteracting everyattempt at blocking their progress. [computer whirs] now accessing federationcapabilities... starfleet defense history. activate lockdown subroutines. your assistance isneeded, mr. scott.

mccoy:jim... since you weren't in my exam roomfor your appointment 30 minutes ago... i thought a house callwas in order. not now, bones. even your first officerkept his appointment... and we all know how he feelsabout my "beads and rattles." we'll talk about this later, doctor! if we dampen theduotronic feed... aye! starve it at the source.

what in blazes do you think it is? an intelligence... ...and getting moreintelligent by the minute. scott:the board's on overload! [sparks & explodes] [gasps] bones? here, jim! [gunfire & military orders]

[star-spangled banner flares] space. the final frontier. these are the voyages ofthe starship enterprise. its continuing mission:to explore strange new worlds... to seek out new lifeand new civilizations. to boldly gowhere no man has gone before. [gunfire & explosions] come on!

my god, jim. where are we? more like "when are we?" mid-1800s. union.confederacy. these uniforms... the american civil war. apparently, we're noton the same side. how? one minute we're on thebridge, and the next we're... what do you thinkwe're dealing with? a parallel planet?an illusion? time portal? there's no telling. but untilwe figure out how to get home...

we must assume it's real. and if we are inearth's history... we know the risks. we can't do anything to upsetthe balance of what's to come. the further we are from thefighting, the safer we'll be. has the pathogen been identified? not yet. there was a "transfer" of some sortafter the explosion took place. i have them in apartial stasis field.

they mustn't be touched untilwe know what we're dealing with. the intruders have absorbed data fromvarious systems at an accelerated rate. we are attempting to isolate thembefore they can advance further. whatever it is... it seems to be moving throughtheir bodies in the same manner. i'm using antibodies toprevent more trauma... tranquilizers to slowtheir metabolisms... but... it's on the march. we can't stop it.only delay it.

spock:how long? a day.maybe two. when these things reach theirautonomic systems... lungs, heart... understood. please inform me ofany changes, doctor. i didn't wanna say anything, jim...but it appears i outrank you. too bad we've got tostay hidden. otherwise... i could have some funwith you, corporal.

you're a southern gentleman, doctor.i'd expect at least a modicum of lenience. halt! looky what we have here, boys. a fancy reb sergeant. yeah. thought he could escape by running intothe woods. but i tracked the ol' reb down. you don't have to worry about him. he's my prisoner.i was just taking him back to camp. you always let your prisonerskeep their weapons, corporal?

watch him, boys. he may besecesh in union blue. so you're a fancy-pantsreb sergeant, huh? betcha know what yerbuddies are plannin' for tomorrow. d'ya? c'mon, answer me... y'know how many soldiersthey're bringin' in the mornin'? answer me! how many behind the front? how about artillery? you know anythin' 'bout that?

you tongue-tied?answer me! wait! this man's a doctor! i was taking him back to campbecause he can help our wounded. this man's gonna be one a'them wounded... ...if he don't learn tostart answerin'. he's my prisoner! you lay one morehand on him, sergeant... ...and i'll make sure your superiors knowhow you treated a valuable prize.

who are you? kirk. james. tenth pennsylvania reserves? that's right... i thought you was a lieutenant colonel. just damn good to haveyou here with us. it'll be a big one tomorrow. we'll need all thehelp we can get.

get him up, boys...and move out. [gunshot] sniper! i can help this man! this doctor knowsnew ways to heal. what "new ways"? we don' trustno damn confederate! you'll trust this confederate,or your sergeant dies! someone have a medical kit? do what you can for him, doctor.

i'm going to check onthat other man. one of you men... go dig a grave for that man. that's a reb sniper! he's a boy!not much older than some of you. fighting for what he believesin... just like you are. - so much for hiding out.- you okay? been better.nothing compared to him. please tell me youcan help him.

with these?out here? - i'm a surgeon. not a butcher!- good. because he needs a surgeon. jim.what if this man is supposed to die? or what if he isn't... and just bybeing here, we've changed all that? he might not have gotten shot in thefirst place if it hadn't been for us. what does the doctor in you say? somebody have a knife? [groans in pain]

hold it!put pressure on the wound right here. [dry heaves] that's about all i can do. but i need a field do have a field hospital? yep. [coughs] it's a messy business.nothing to be ashamed about. i ain't. musta ate somethin'didn't agree with me. - what's your name, son?- billy.

- billy palmerton, sir.- keep your eyes peeled, billy palmerton. yes, sir. - stand by, mr. scott.- aye, sir. cut power to computer systems... now. intruders migrating from computercore to duotronic backup tapes. you were right, commander! a new source of information wastoo tempting for them to ignore. how much time until the data is fullyassimilated from the duotronic tapes?

twenty-six seconds. if we're gonna eliminate it before itjumps to the next information source... ...we've gotta act now. mr. chekov, prepare to jettison thebackup storage assembly. aye, sir. charge phaser banks. without computer control,targeting's gonna be a little tricky. they're speeding up, mr.'s now or never! eject microtapes.

storage assembly released. smith:point-seven kilometers... point-nine... - one-point-one!- fire! report, mr. scott. it worked, sir. the varmints are gone!the ship is safe. who tended to this man? says he's a doctor, sir. from the job he did, i'minclined to believe it.

i tend to be a bit colorblind whenit comes to uniforms these days. i haven't slept in over 48 hours. and i could use an extra set of hands.especially come morning. whaddya say, doc? do i have to workwith these still on? you can take thosebraclets off now. - but he's a prisoner, sir.- he's a physician! take them off. if you're so concerned, you canstand guard and watch over him.

this place is gonna be aslaughterhouse tomorrow. you asked for me, commander? it is reasonable to assumethat the crew is concerned... ...about the condition ofthe captain and the doctor. since i do not share this typeof "emotional vulnerability"... i would like your counseling services availablethroughout the duration of this ordeal. that is a very thoughtfulobservation, mr. spock. i'll make sure to let the crewknow i'm available to anyone... any time.

thank you, doctor. anyone. [bosun whistle] m'benga:sickbay to mr. spock. spock here. at the moment, they're both stable. i've noticed something interesting,but i'm not sure what it means. please explain, doctor. although their motorskills aren't active...

their neurological activity's at anunprecedented level for patients in comas. spock:curious... that's not the most interesting part. the activity spikes at the exactsame time in both men. as if they're linkedconsciously... reacting to the same stimuli atthe exact same moments. please continue to reportany observations. spock out. ensign.

when the captain activated the cutoff switch,the intruder was accessing earth history. - might you be able to...- determine the point in history... which the cutoff occurred? that's a pretty tallorder, commander. i have complete confidence thatyou will be successful, mr. chekov. [chekov sighs] for every rebel i kill tomorrow,i'm gonna put a notch in my belt. how many notches you got so far? [laughter]

i'll never understand whywe're doing so much killin' and dyin'... ...just to set some slaves free. this war isn't just aboutfreeing some people. it's about freedom for's what this country was built on. what's that supposed to mean? i'm free... he's free. you're free. without freedom for all... we're all slaves. doesn't matter whether you'reblack, white, green...

green?! figuratively, of course. meaning anyone. even those we might not've met yet. thought it made sense tome when i joined up, but... it don' no more. not after all i seen. there are many kinds of oppression. like being oppressed by asociety that stifles purpose.

without purpose, none ofyou are truly free men. you wanna talk about purpose? i got a family back home. the days are gettin' shorter... an' i should be gettin' my farmready for winter. i got two young'uns. my oldest girl's expecting. she's about to bring a lifeinto this world! an' here i am hundreds a' miles awaytakin' 'em out!

those young'uns of yours... ...will be better offfor your service here. how so, if their pappywinds up shot dead?! what we say here will soon be forgotten. but what you do here... ...will be remembered. those menacross the battlefield tomorrow... they were your brothers once. and when this is settled,they will be again.

what you do here will ripplethroughout history. and it will pave the way for allmen to be united. reach for the stars. you got some kinda crystal ball?how could you possibly know that? i just know. i heard there was somecoffee out here. this coffee's for union soldiers. he deserves some.he saved my sergeant's life. have some coffee, doctor. you should probably getsome sleep too, billy.

tomorrow's a big day. how you holding up? it's like a living hell in there. hacking off limbs,sewing up wounds... ...with nothing more than a swigof whiskey to help fight the pain. in my worst dreams i neverimagined such things. and it's my fault you're here. if i just would've come for that physical,you wouldn't have been on the bridge. well, jim...

there'd only be one thing worsethan being here with you. you being here all by yourself. can't have that now. all the times spock talked abouthow barbaric the human race was... you think she's still up there? she's up there. spock has the finest crew in the fleet.i know they're doing everything they can. i should be there with them. so should i.

god knows what i've done... ...helping men who might'vebeen supposed to die. and jim... tomorrow you're expected togo out there and fight. what are you gonna do? i heard you talking to thoseboys, and i know you... ...but this isn't your fight. the reb doctor's needed. you're gonna have to kill, jim.

you know you can't do that. [marching music] when i get back, me and mygirl are gonna get married. my girl elizabeth promised me a feasta' turkey, cornbread, an' peach cobbler. i dream about it every night. why wouldn' you wannamarry a woman like that? on account a' her husbandmight not like it! anyone waiting athome for you, billy? just my ma, sir.

and i got me a dog. maybe you could marryyour dog, palmerton! pay no attention to him. i'm scared, sir. it takes a brave manto admit that. thank you, sir. but i don' feel so brave. stay close to me. you'll make it through.

we both will. charge!!!! [yelling] [explosions & gunfire] fire! fire, corporal! fire! fire! where the hell're you firin', dammit?! fire right!

kirk:billy! billy! sir, i think i've got it! according to the computer... ...the intruders were consuming data fromearth year 1862 when the board flared up. on screen. the battle of antietam creek. sharpsburg, maryland.september 17th, 1862. one of the bloodiest daysin american history.

the dead, wounded, and missingtotalled more than 22,000. and dr m'benga believes thecaptain and mccoy... ...are somehow networked intothe same subconscious imagery. you're guessing that's wherethey think they are? i endeavor not to employ"guesses," lieutenant. but that would be themost logical theory. okay. you're good. my god, jim! i need alcohol to clean the wound.

we're running out of everydamn thing in this place. bones! jim, the wound is deep. the bone is shattered.the tissue damage is severe. - if i were on the ship...- we're not... we're not.we're here. what can you do here? we're going to have toamputate below the knee. do what you've gotta do.

you! hold his shoulders.hold the leg. forgive me, jim. [kirk screams] commander. i was able to isolate one ofthe pathogens and remove it. they're not so much some sort of nanites! microscopic computers. they're networked together. that's why doctor mccoy and the captain areexperiencing the exact same images... their subconcious minds. burke:doctor... brain impulses are spiking in boththe captain and doctor mccoy. the captain seems to bein some sort of distress! the captain's's dying! i keep thinking thatmaybe this isn't real. you did what you had to do. what happened to him? ah. i think a bullet might'vegrazed his head. nothing serious.

he's not wounded? not physically, no. most likely a caseof shell shock... or a case of the nerves. can't say that i blame him. doctor, you're needed. - jim, i...- you did good, bones. go save some more lives. [doors swish] how're they doin', doctor? we're out of time.

mr. scott, i believei have a theory. dr. m'benga, is it possiblefor you to temporarily.... ...shut down the captain anddoctor's brain functions? for a very limited time, yes.why? perhaps if the nanites believetheir food sources have run out... ...they will relocate toa new receptor. aye! get rid of rats bylayin' a trail a' food. like we did with theenterprise computer. prescisely.we starve them....

...and then we lead them to afresh information store. it may not be so easythis time, mr. spock. they've been feeding offof a biological host. they may not be interestedin an inorganic source. the ideal lure wouldbe something cybernetic. both biological and mechanical. i haven't anythin' likethat, commander. a prosthetic limb! there's a crewmember whosearm is bio-mechanical.

of course, only the medical staff... the captain and doctor'slives are at stake. his name, please. billy? what happened? you were wrong, sir. about what? about me. that i could be brave.

when the sergeant got hit... i ran. men fallin' all 'round me. i got scared. turned and ransmack into a tree. everything yousaid last night... i wanted to believe... that maybe there really wassomething more to this fightin'. you made it soundlike somethin'...

that would'a mademy ma proud... ...even if i didn' come home. "without freedom forever'one, we're all slaves." "without purpose, none a'you are truly free men." but... when the time came, youcouldn't shoot anyone. and i couldn' neither. you're right. i couldn't, because i...

i don't belong here. i can't tell you why. youwouldn't understand. but my freedom was takenaway as well. my freedom... and now my... this isn't my fight, billy!but it is yours. if you allow any man'sfreedom to be taken away... ...they could comefor yours next. then your ma's...your family, your friends! this wasn't supposed to happen.

i'm not supposed to be here!but you are. you have a purpose, billy. something worth fighting for.something to stand for! jim! you'll startbleeding again! gimme some of thatmorphine they brought in! i see you're awake. you ready to give up thatbed for another man? there's plenty who could use it. lieutenant drake.

i'm sure you are awareof the current crisis. i am, sir. i understand youhave a prosthesis. i do, sir. an accident duringmy last assignment. the invading nanites areattracted to both biological... ...and artificial data systems. we require a device that will lure theinvaders from the captain and the doctor. your bio-mechanical has a cyber-neural control unit. and you think you can use it tohelp the captain and the doctor?

- there is a possibility that...- i'll do it. lieutenant.there are significant risks. i understand.i'll do it. very well.but know this. their lives depend not on just ifthe nanites migrate... but how quickly they do so. if this procedure is not successful......we'll lose all three of you. hey. you! where's billy?

billy palmerton. i ain't never seen anythin'like it in my life. we were ordered to charge'cross that bridge... ...straight into the rebel army. we had to take that was our only chance for victory. the captain yelled "charge"... ...none a' us moved. we knew what was waitin''cross that bridge. but then......billy.

that mousey little billy. he pushed his way tothe front of the group... what got into him? he turned and faced us all... he said "c'mon, boys!" "if they can take one man'sfreedom, they can take all ours!" "are we gonna let that happen?" and then everybody startedgettin' all riled up... ...shoutin' "no!"

billy turned and facedthat bridge. raised his rifle up. and led that charge.blastin' right into that rebel army. hollerin'"for freedom!" then everyone else..."for freedom!" and we did it.we broke their line. what happened to billy? no one up front survived. but the fightin' stopped.i think that won it for us. hey!the president's here!

jim! are you outta your mind?you need to stay in bed. and miss this? i guess that's worth gettingoutta bed for. how many men get tosee history unfold... ...with one of itsgreatest contributors?'re a lucky man. i am. but i'll never be the man i was. ya know what i think, jim?

a man with one leg can standjust as tall as any other. if he has a purpose. perhaps even taller. mr. drake's arm should prove asufficiently tempting host. d'you really think thiscan work, commander? i estimate our odds at492.031 against us succeeding. i believe the captain wouldconsider those odds manageable. please proceed. brain activity's been interrupted.

the nanites are migrating. come on, ya beasties. we're seconds away fromirreparable damage! come on... come on... doctor? doctor?! that's it!they've transferred to the limb. escort mr. drake immediatelyto the transporter room. administering stimulants.

restarting brain activity. welcome back, the intruders have been are free. i don't know how tothank you, cad. william "cadmus" drake. well, i do. starfleet medical's... ...developed a new andimproved prosthetic limb. one's on it's way by shuttle.quicker impulse response; stronger alloy. perhaps another sparin the gymnasium?

i'll get back to you on that one. kirk to transporter room.scotty... you ready? scott:standing by to beam those beastiesoff the ship, sir. energize sulu, ready phasers. sulu:phasers locked on the cannister, sir. any parting words, mr. drake? fire. ya know, there's probably morea' those things out there. you're probably right.

no telling where the probepicked them up. god help anyone whoencounters them. you know, doctor...i think you're right. "even taller." sir? something a wise man once said. "a man with one leg canstand even taller." or one arm. mr. chekov. plot a course torendezvous with the shuttlecraft.

we mustn't keep chiefdrake waiting. i've got a sparring match to lose. [battle hymn of the republic flares] english subtitles by:peter goundrill

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