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standard furniture serbia

consecutive chapter and first karan deal family telling webster indicated much of what we're going to be reached delhi and again today and chapter world

began this morning flow oxfordintervention memory referred read it for wanna india spirit warning burst one if you dare say administer terminal too quick contracture biased and yet there did bring two bottles when they had inmind not mandatory but

you need to be able to read along andmake sure that were works because of the word of god jbbte where were sworn now concerning spiritual gifts brotherand i would not have you figure that's exactly what the lord tell me about prospered for usual at whathappened have them not being there and the word of a good is not an intialtraditionally the lack of knowledge

there're not my problem standard ever completedin there if you're rediffmail their mental if you've never flown and much of the church has not been tall about the holy spirit goes firstmentioned characters how crowded leverage on and on the holy spirit butnobody ever told and joe that's the purpose of this series ofmessages

is to keep you from being hidden about the holy spirit and how the holyspirit work enough first thursdays you know that you wouldgentiles fairway and that the now have a even if you were way ahead wherefore i gave you to understand thatno man speaking about the spirit of god pollack jesus a personal no man can saythat uses the word but by the holy ghost now what he's talking about here uh... has to do what we're talking aboutand uh... uh... during this period of time manypeople

works laying that jesus was infamouslanded that that what they were preaching and teaching about that waswhat and basically what he's playing here isn't that beautiful gospel is of god and that they did not go offwithout uh... quick purports morningside burst forth now there are diverse tasteof bs but the strange here lined up and we thank you gift for justa man he has that

that bill by the cattle and yes butactually the bible talks about me more we will get in all of those as time goes on recovery jim ever gift you're understanding now not only whatthe guitar but how they operating eat sometime you have been saved for years and never really had begins operating you have god would beyou haven't yet sharply and while that goes back to the factthat you've never been fall

you don't recognize the gifts whenever you say no and so oftentimes that's the case and now they're diverse reserved yes butthe same spirit there are differences of administrations but this time or that talking about the fact that the gifts are assigned if jesus is the baptize reading jesus isthe one that

assigned finance he wanted gives us apostles prophets teacherfactors he called me to break i'm preaching because i haven't calledout of my life god called me to do it that is one of the many references berkeley being talked about here the council members of this church orcalled to that micron

i don't feel fake councilmember for artwork rarely ipray about it lord tells me who i am katyusha just on a without apopularity contest i mean how docile i've got a lot ofqualified people indicator because serving those capacities but it's not about need you to uncle

you'd have to come from god you'd haveto be god selection and logistical dot doesn't say this person should be account number doesn't meanthat person is not worthy or that there's something wrong with that person again it's a lot mediation their cult of that if i'm musician is a musician but hedoesn't feel like he needs to be playing

and and part where you were stripped and then heproblem that means a bad person that means something wrong with him he didn't have a car floor all positions the man who pressure the teachers

those calling usual war you know oneworld freshmen all about this church should be in big troublefood in having us gee there's not a there's not a seniority word that indicates what's more importantthan the other and we'll get into that someone aroundfor a long time get behind already here witnessed

christ that a fine those burr six here there are diverse needs ofoperation but the same god worked work at all in all talking about actual working anyoperations of the church the way things work and he is saying here that yes or standby crack but they were energized

by god the father he's the creator of all things even the gifts burst seven says but the manifestationof the spirited given to everyman to profit without now what are the manifestations of thespirit there are a visible miracle or or prophecy or he'll retireor or with their knowledge of the sonics it is the actual there's a war or can do more

result of the operations of the spiritof god it's something you say that was the holy spirit polish period praying this morning i have pentecostal closet new dance ended and all of my time here i could feel the spirit of god that tells me that this period on howyou can feel the holy spirit

if you can feel the holy spirit andsomething's wrong in your relationship with god so you have to be men young if you can't feel the spirit ofgod when he made that doesn't mean you have to freedom of time i think but if you have never felt the spirit of god in thesubcontractor and so the spirit of god deals with each and every one watchesthis verse of scripture of telling us

that this is for with all this for the overall paramount in the church they're actually about ten differentthings and i'm not will spend a lot of time on this morning but for about ten different things that the spirit of god we can cull ministries of the holyspirit if you will link them to read own here first

bursary for two one is given by the spirit therewere two ways into another the word of knowledge by the same spirit to another state by the same spirit toanother gifts of healing lot of things for you to another of the working americans toanother prophecy to another discerning of spirit to another divers can become and allthat means it differ cans of languages

that's why i asked him a call will be wetalk and we're not talking gibberish were speaking in another lang divers can defend to another aninterpretation of those times not translation moderninterpretation of those parents uh... tom although the language but all these workers that want himselfsame spirit dividing to everyman several e_m_t_ within other words he's the one to distribute studios

the spirit of god be screened it couldbe asked to do that when someone happening formation to give a message introns that should beof the spirit not of their spirit not of them personally not their idea be spirit of god influences that personto get that message and uh... he then here's another inspiration to someone else to interpret that time

now you've been in services weresomeone's given a message in thailand and no one ever said anything that you you may somebody'd not obey andout they don't understand that what god has put into their heart is the interpretation of that time and will get more into what god is doing in that years agoburst well for as the body in the morning

have many members of all the members ofthat one body being mania one body so also which crashed for about one sparedare we all baptize into one body whether we'd be jews urgent house wherewe'd be mantra for a and have been all made to drink into one spirit for the body is not one member but maybe it looked like she also i because i amnot my hand i am not the body it is therefore not of the body and at the air show saybecause i am not be ironed out of body is therefore baat of the money

if the whole body war and i where were the here at the whole we're hearing more of asmelly but now we've got half that the membersever one of them in the body added happily added had please and if they were all one member of wherewhere the body but now they may members yet but onebody

any i cannot say into the hand i have noneed to be in oregon the head of the to the failure i have no need to be mademuch more those members of the body would seem to be more stable ornecessary and those members of the body which we think to be less profitable upon being reimbursed for more than onein our and company parks have more abundantcommunist for archiving primary park have no needto get out have tempered the body together having him more benetton to that part which a lot

that they're should be no skills onremains problems no schism in the body but that the members should have thesame care won't for another belgian would cause schisms or not operating in the body there's an and some work trying to be amile unity as a mile from work trying to beintact and got underway

picketers fields do you understand what he's saying hereabout the different bipolar i'll give you an illustration if i'm standing here and i want to gothere ford tells me to go from here to their how my going to get there let's say i have no legs doubly difficult not impossible but verydifficult for me to get from one point uh...

but it got killed me in that initialactually to go from here to there mon-fri working you son with one another to get you there now how else could his rebellious am i right workers will be here what takes place got his go from here to there my left leg not obeying it the body must work in unison

prostrate church listen to me the church work ammunition we cannot house givensand the bottom we can not different approaches to different thing one of the things that are always amazedme about my councilman on top in twelve years worth of counsel here i've had some many mid councilmemberstorm have moved out of town and one but never wanted her bennis pilgrim and accounts

not one time has there been an issue in the council over what this church isto do now that doesn't mean that all of thesepeople can read one another's matt what that means is that each and everyindividual person that's ever manner council member of this church who knowsto go toward mc dot pdf hand shaking down withinindirection indictments by the spirit of god the spirit of god is not going to tellme one thing and tell them something out

and you hear about it all happened iwould go to i would go to conference susan and otherpastors will talk about the problems they had with her counsel wording convo on katherine graham crazy why should never happen and the body of course if everybody's listening to the holyspirit and he's going to accomplish what you want to accomplish furniture understand that the church is not

people today what a lot of what yourtwitter about hypocrite and jerk well at all so much a center gingerstuff now we go check and hopefully will get them hypocritesright not one of these days mother paradise they were all bitch break but i don'tknow knows about her life a hypocrite rehabanswer brock we're not perfect called to go to church rescinding a perfect world with skill

stones happen when people don't obey theholy spirit gestures of toothy have to work inunison so does the church and it cannot do that was seventy different i did may have people that come along and theywant to they won't know leak for all of that they're calling to the church what in the church shoulddo

while no better than anybody else andyou're listening to this point i'm no better than anybody else and okay but god has placed me in this position and we cannot have fourteen differentvisions for the church again everybody have i have a vision forthe church no i think the church needs to be there what a modern want we knew that finally that we do in this we should dothis book you should do this you should do that that's what it means upbeat

knowledge and at what and should bedoing but no one wants to know what i think we should be done it's not about me being somethingspecial it's about me being in this particular problem not that i'm no more than anybody elsehas talked about more intelligent than anybody else it's the position that god has placed mein global body to work in unison one have to be

what have to be in control they have to be ahead of everythingthere have to be a starting point cries is the head of the church and underhand are those that he assigns were sick responses in the affiant the different

he assigns these different position it is he did does that because he is thehere one of my mind if he would be a few me did you not makea mistake that's true on that i've made the jury all make more but again what your do it to be praying for me praying for your council members

praying for your freshers praying for your teacher that we would be aware that the spiritof god cannot have skills homes intercontinental and pretty much didn'tdevon and i needed to go there there should be no statement about aboutthe membership have the same care one for another weather one-member sharperall membership or whether one member of the honor all the members were georgewith it many of the body of christ in membersand particular dot have set time in the

church first apostles secondarily profits thirty teachersafter that miracles mean gifts of healing helps governments diverse needs of time all apostles of course not for allprofits of course not are all teachers of course not all workers of america to stand herethat everybody

doesn't get all of these things have all the gifts of healing toallstate the kind of all interpret that cut actually the best here's insure andy you a more action when he goes into chapterworking what you're talking about all of which i will be a good was a very intricate parts of operation in the workings of theguests

but i want to allow back back up now red hold chapter you see what he's saying that he's talking aboutgibson instructor talking about big deals of the holy spirit operating in the church discharge wouldbe called ko if we get everybody did their own thing can be newly leading and guiding have of christ bobvirtue of the holy spirit

through the head of the church that then works down any organizationthat you've ever been and you've never worked in over a brother was in a box and i'm not kidding and your boss orsmall for point is that some money have to take that position opted in the by laws when i wrote theby-laws for this church this church ever gets to a point that i don't think i'm abit of that in farming they can go ahead you're older and i don't have

legal recourse on thing i would have toto substantiate that if it ever come of that you would have to worry about thatbecause and i was never told that i'd be thefirst walk out the door output that in an apple iphone i wouldfail but i thought that in there to be fair for the body of prize and so there has to be accountability within the church one to another we have to operatetogether or we help we have the left leg

being disobedient right with me and we and you know yourself if that's ok werenot a really good anyway will not ever going to accomplishanything we're a lab phone the gifts of thespirit and the management of the holy spirit too guide and direct this church and john and i'm not will go to theseverses you can jot them down if you'd like

but uh... outburst three-year and johnsixteen thirteen fourteen tells us about the holy spirit job or ministry if you will extra glorifiedjesus everything that the holy spirit does is to bring glory to jesus burst seven there in verse eleven visited inspires manifestations of mr the holy spirit literally ends

arsenal body bottom and frustrations that in the competition in the church burst thirteen tells us that it formsthe body cried and literally energized that actually toone works thirteen one three three andromans five and classes of imparts well man the holy spirit as well how many of you

well which very clever most all of ushave experienced love it sometime in her lap and how many and he said he had a lovefor men can have you got the holy spirit that that that gives you that ability that moveson fire tool of the communication literally was found that ended in park city litigation eugene here's some more i know it changed my perspective onpeople

when i began to at to understand that bursa camp uh... first rate is fourteen to first printers fourteen thirty three pmtoward one through twenty three in twenty six through twenty eight talks about speaking the mystery entire another reason for the holy spirit the holyspirit speak

what got me to be here when you witness to someone you'reyou're shopping at the grocery store and you run into a more friendly housingin years and they're down out there their ownbroken-hearted over some circumstances rock you get a witness to that person that i think that's the spirit of godspeaking for you need to understand this this morning there's much did he say

there's much to be said about what wespeak you are not bored box if you're a believer you're the boyz boxfor him we don't all have to hear thunder fromheaven in order to hear from them somebody this morning are listening to what i'm saying thismorning on billboards lots of god this morningnot because i'm smarter than you could because got a few

simi to speak to you this morning hopefully every time i stand in hispulpit i'm a voice box for good when the praise and worship team ispraising god and when you're saying and pray to god within europe cardboard box of the holy spirit praising god throughthe so we don't put much into what we speak but we need to understand how importantthat it

manufacturers back at your own ideasyou're not speaking for god but if you were yielding to the spiritof god that's with u as you speak then you're speaking for geiger sayingwhat god will not play verbally or are all out ishould say you know i'm headed and walker god saywell that happens from time to time but that's not how god talks toninety-nine point nine nine nine percent of issue in the old testament you saw a lot a lotever him clockwork back moses proper got out of the problem here

the patriarchs clock will be a but nowwe have a whole range bridges came instal three-a he when he went back he allow the holyspirit to come to speak for him not only does he speak inside of us not only doeshe speak for our heart but he speaks to oscar under when we yield to the power of the uh...algonquin really getting a handle on a mobile and it goes on in interpersonalmysteries of transaction first printed twelve demand for payment plan

uh... were starting in increase itsbetween a he had a fast buck prophecy that'swhat's happening here this morning i'm not a profit but i can prophesied p i think i canread the word of god to unite prophesied i can declare what god gives me thatprophesy in a message that he gets me and he does that to eta found the bodydoes that to encourage you in the play the intafada believers in times uh...first rent is four p m forgives yester believers twelve a eight thirty andromans twelve and six the the the gifts that we speak for usedto have time to exhort

the body of crime i want you to get this speaking thingtoday i want you to understand because when you begin to understand howthe spirit of god speaks to us you're wondering what one one interpretations in terms of those thingsare so important your began to understand that what you say matters that when when god puts the opportunityin your path to witness to somebody if not somethingyou should put on the shelf and and and

not being god's blessing you with an opportunity to speak for him they're part of that word for it dot has chosen view as the spokesman and if you're aware of the spirit whenyou're speaking it's as if these with bringing your here and you're saying when he whispering inyour

what are some for it but yet christians all the time back offof those opportunities they're they're afraid somebody mightlaugh at they're afraid somebody kalman jesusfreak or or holder rover you'd better not backed off thatopportunity god gives you because you've lied a few backup menagerie was reallygotten you won't get that opportunity i don't know about you but i love bien dot more smock

i love the lord to be able to speak tome that's why i learned a great so much one crucial o harmful and joking laughing now i want to talk about something hereand getting to mount main port today and i have convinced educated myself in this because i mayhave said it wrong before out trying to remember exactly how i hadto have been but

involved caught your eye on our trip anduh... the uh... was lata image that i've been but on the subject of being feel was brilliant i believe that i have taught you that the spirit of god in the old testament came upon but it didn't feel good that's wrong dot talk to you via a copyof your hard work and that i apologize

for because if u look at the case of mary the bible tells us parker hurrying bad times was periodically was failed molester now always read that in thecontext witness that the seed in the gender and that wasfilling maria says she was too

now that may have been the context withthe writer but when you begin to look at the old testament when you begin to look and at the different ways in that people were given the power of the holy spirit you'll see that it was given unto them

it come upon them it's still down it was india it moved on them and so i'll begin to try to understandwat the failing of the spirit of god was all about whatwe did not have warfare gold with the spirit of god and i and i gave you the illustration offilling a glass of water or filling uh... this area down here water

being baptized was being in that war same thing with a glass of water u you you take some financial merges in that water that bad were bad bad bad people means to be mostly in we understand that about filling

if he is five eighty have left to be being fatal integrated understand there's could be greenville and active verb there means to continually beefy ital will spirit of god menachem eliminated before seeing old when we're back live in to holy spirit

that they would have to be revamped haveto be filled again now my demat account one pack we have the waivers all throughout thepentecostal church that are bad guys in the holy spirit and then they'd never really operate inthe gifts of the spirit image because they were fail but they refused to be refills when you're baptized you're always we'llget this when your failure not only be in bed

in other words stages by donating histalent to continue to be failed with the spirit of god continue that experience that happened when you gotback down you need to be fair i know people have been the about thehotels and never spoken terms again they're not usually the most basic ofguess that argument not but if you left me of dot using the opportunity that they have within them

to allow the spirit of god to do and wewent today backup all notes here you go here beforebut we were able to appear like it's important broadway kitchens chapter five i'm sorry forgivable james paul mhm jane chairperson so began to look at

really and truly what is being paul about here when it comes to be an with the spirit of god the word in thegreatest plato and i got the pronunciation right now place though is the greek word for fieldit means to be imbued need to be given something are supplied or endpoints

are furnished were field with a spirit of god we aresupplied we were influenced by the spirit of god and then were supplied information immune we'll meet you we'll with thepower of god and the ability of the holy spirit andall that we did remember of course here is a part of the trend that means you have god's power withinme

he supplied you with that when your field what you have is the pentecostal churchrun around out here who have people who can't even tell youthat day they were mapped out in holyoke but they have a partner are and anything for granted the reason is that they're notcontinually being feel again does not mean you have to berevamped our

although sometimes what happy becomebhavan and one refilling operate form and andand and and it appears the builder being mapped out the holy spirit yet they'renot to be in place jerry how hot here you have a pentecostal church in today'sworld that has changed so much in a forty yearperiod this wall street's power to do the work of god flying there

therefore the holy ghost you have some jurors who have a crowd ofpeople you a magnum thousand people feel the holy both what beckon do when they break but they're powerless because they've been back adn the holyghost but they're not continuing being mail withholding army officials more missing importanttoday if he's important at the end

means the only used to be influenced bybe if you hang around bad tell me what happens they had been in touch you get involvedin the wrong thing with you hang around with a biginfluence and there's no better enforcement of how the holy spirit yuri enforced by max period what's gonna happen you're going to do about anything you're gonna play found out i thinkyou're going to that's why this is why

it's so important their commitment to remain wayrespecting all was pretty obvious character report revbob and order and black if you neglect one of those who areyou're not mad surviving the selling of the spirit of god whatbetter places to be inspired any influenced by the spirit of god they'llbe in a church recent work invite if you don't know one of those three thank yourmom

being falling note it's like going to tear gas station whenyou got to rebuild kit goto one gas station in you get so muchgayshill american which is i have a bill that they're not gonna and and and and did we were all we'regoing out how other christians serve the lord i got in office got burned you know about one time a week from deborah but will not be here

you know that your won't maybe christmasand and now they can actually get a mandate for them they gonna do it without a favor bygoing to church there not be any sailed to the maximum that god wants them to be filled in onmy show you in james here u_n_ chapter four okay burst faq do you think that the scripture say a conveying the spirit blow upenough

watched yes i've read that verse of scripture manytimes and it didn't quite understand exactly ward it was site spirit of god says and we're going to do you think it's atrooper saic and banging the spirit world of than that laughter indi what that's talking about and you know

that within us is our flash within a scooter shwarier there's an absolute constant battle going on between yourspirit in your flesh one of the good reason editor read your word to operate

because if you neglect one of thosethree then your flashers were right about it'sgoing to have mashed three over the spirit not because the spiritual parker amountbut because the spear act as what and it will it acts you allow too what this marcia script for a site andhere is that is jealous

over the control of you i'll get there he won't absolute total control over you that's why you can't travel fair serving god you can say well i want to do what iwant to but i wold benefits of heaven won'tbenefits a shoulder god knows more heart so he knows youknow that i've been here five ridgefield

know if you up and you're gonna love buta history citizen in years you're going all out that spirit thathappened or you have to understand and always works on a free will base and he gives youthat your life he could make a robot on you and makingcertain that he doesn't want that first greta starting talks about love if you don't have a love of god indian then you don't understand the love that he won't absolute

total control over you when you yield to the flash you give up the controls for dinner you get there but when you're living in total athletic shoe rendered to thespirit of god which is what you're supposed to do when you get slaving away now you are yielding to the spirit of god

stop think about you problems not not just in trial comes your waywe're serving god going public underwear more often we'restarting out and we're not but once again oftentimes a lot about and talk aboutour spiritual problems are kirby cold when you go to the flash we do that double flash flood sooted when we know uh... if not pleasing to god

we do it he told me about it are flexible likable flash logo slam the pleasure of sand and flesh wantsthat it is contrary wanted the built to not go to was a places five seventeen thank you said them no cure with it glaciers fireman seventy

just for the flash watched uh... againstthe spirit that flashing walls control too at last best again and this period against the flashbacks at enter squabblethat goes on in the needs are contrary wine to the other so that he cannot do the things that youwould

that that left given to the flash and that right good yielding to thespirit that's the trouble war that goes on inyour spirit everyday of your life late in the end of it it's a good day battle your flash is not done this call up and be immediate just becauseyou want to decimal trouble

that is within all of us isn't every your flash lasting against the spiritmoves prayer trying to overcome the flash that's an everyday myla you might aswell get used to be added you my luggage their ready dismantled to continue andto work and back but if you or you alter the spirit ofgod and not the yield to your flash then there's victory three again

nature constantly at odds with oneanother and they are they're working against one another theflash wants one thing the spirit that's another solo for some god bills with the spirit of god having control inyou that's what it means to me fail now i believe

i believe it is important to come down here to remember that ourrange could be refilled hobli that okay to do that but you can understandthat you can do that every day yourself i don't have to have a as a matter of fact you shouldn't dothat everyday and i can say that the average christiannever stop stuffing about that unhone bainer david if something that may be an older man ofa sermon from the monterey bay anaheim

won servers from a month detail as allowing the spirit of god to happenprobe it's as simple as that that means if you've got little duties in your life that are not clear to me gone every time you you want to that it be the same saying is

taken a glass of water that was full here value over the place for a let up so impressed it doesn't mean a spirit of god some outthere anymore deadening you're not go back i've been holding up it means you're going to go back you'renot allowing the spirit to have a control that he wants to dot didn't hear you me anybody oranything

no one is the church's powers no wonder if not then ever did and i'mreally not be kal with the spirit of god uh... would be people doing step don't do well if the asians uh... three worship sting the huge dream

sixty that he would bring you according to the riches of his glory to beach franken with my backyard spirit in the inner man that christ may dwell in your heart andi think he being ridden grandad may be able to comprehend walsh thankswhat is brett and the wing an adept and hai canoga level christ which passes mileage

that you might be ill that you might be ill will the force of god now okay thatversatile drafter what policemen go backed up two words versus ten thathe would grant you according to the riches of his north it's the riches ofhis glory it's to be strengthened with my by his spirit in our inner manthat's for that part of a war going on if indeed

that christ may dwell on your hearts byfaith because when you in new year with thespirit of god it increases your friday yeti being rooted and grounded when you when you enter the spirit ofgod the level of the spirit week it within the u is is part of this actionof the street continues going on there and it is done in order that you may beable to capri were also i think what is the brick the only and i've definitely out whatwas happening

at main the whole scope of god when you you know to the spirit of god the understanding of the things are bad begin to make sense to you before yougot to say you'd have to worry about god you knew there would be you know youstart with some along white bearded uh... great big muscle man up and have themsome more for mister

squash miss all because of mad at hishome town that's how you saw about three blocks away when you've got face suddenly you beganto have an understanding didn't i'm not saying you are theologian i'm not saying that you know everythingthere is no about the bible but you began to have an understandingabout this relationship you have about and when you allow most morrison dot is new space failed

when you stay under the influence of theholy spirit you began to understand the whole scopeof god's plan for your life you begin to operate integrative talksabout the spear that your hand mystery recruit your family where you work we weren't sure what you do what you don't do you began to operate in function in the colin powell you know what dotcollege you to operate in in the first how they view how most of the church

operating and a quarter of a tank when they need to be operating willforthwith total absolute understanding but what god's plan is fred that meanyou know the future it means you operate to the fullest as you go through your everyday life you don't have moments of brilliance in times of total despair

your operating with an understandingthat i am you're going to the spirit of or camera bad situation here uh... master about this particular he'sstill in control i'm not fear in this situation dotminyan is preferred the power and with uh... the fam so i understand although i'm in a placeof fear mister gradison controlled you got my back i'm in a place of

fair bomb in a place of sadness if i'min a place of distant memory anything this negative i know there's a spirit of god stilloperating in the and what about your mister guy was agreat robbery work together although the lord uh... homework together building to the bathroom high commandand many entirely clear what god wants me to do i'm walking in the spirit everthey aren't all of the spirit of dot com home of the spirit of god and i'm robertand inflation is not

operating functions no i don't think so more doing myhomeland finally let me know what demonstrative and therefore i amaccomplishing something in the kingdom of god you've got a hold talks with ahealthcare personal house workers courtney you've got a whole charts ahuman despair your having finally who already got

to inspect the place if you want to dot blot make i'm here to tell you that it is bizarre to accomplish what he wants to a compass one of the things that the main thingthat got supplies us with in purchases with his power bible tells us in act one versus sixty seven they would receive

that word power degree we get worked out of my and they regenerative a power e regenerate itself that's a better understanding of how the fullness of god operates from them deborah

along huge state biel whispered devil if not that you have to have more of theholy spirit if the fact that you are building justgrow belonging to you you know what you want to flag thatwhispered in you grieve the holy spirit with him it gives me that my yielding to hiscountry

but i have a force of god i'm andconsistently yielding to the speaker if i have consistently you're going tothe spirit of god brother rob has consistently you're going to the for dot your brothers consistently you're going to the fairdot it's what we're doing it consistently given to the fair what we're gonna profits what god well heremister

nitya goes out there conference rooms the wellington spirit not doing their own way they're doing it and what's important tohave a flash we've met adam we'd be playing ball be misguided by their own flesh relationship conservative without dotgov mall he did so to display shell of the flickregression either so to the spiritual replied

they did not rugby we want to we want to reply you know i used to read your job too next chapter there was a word in there that botheredme let that bother me but i didn'tunderstand why a hollow rd used that word your chapter who were gone says

in the talking about data coming in town he will pour out this week your all hybrid and several years ago safely issues and the word for another word for me

unit in the word studio in new york amentor that would be to or not your spirit a phone call leisha expert were not buying this give up trying to understand i thoughtwell i guess i guess i'm making too much of it without a study in this the work yes

uh... slashfood it attest plan can be what he wants to do yeah i went out for you think this willcomfortable how do you think it rapids flame flight whoever understand

them all into play inouye pouring that his baird range influencing to be continue to be singled final and as we continue to be feel-goodregenerate itself thoughtful supply neverwinter

he makes available to us the ability the power of the my which before you got saved you didn't want to do the things of god not really i mean you're not a warning to be rightwith god you know i love that way for a long timeforgot bout that i think i really want to be rapid population

i didn't have howell or the ability with when i got for you the power supply demand on him you knowthe award perfect without any problems in my life i don't believe in the same with perfect not her real answer only cracked simple facts uh... once i got

suddenly i had bowed philip if you're leaving your desire for thethings of god it's very simple answered you're yielding to the point you're yielding to the plight of thedevils involved in all attendees very sweat but i bring that about vision that used are what because you you one

mike and holy spirit you u but he's losing control not because he keep you but because you won't allow him we have a mismatch provoked by over andover and over and over again you in line it you'll you'll you'll find that bible allegiant

but every time you yield to the flash ofcertain ninety missing your britches wire said just say no reality what happens to him and everything woodbridge va with alcohol orders not about some magical formula it'sabout you yielding power that is within you

and only one power that can do that not just some apartments depot problem ok that's the only power in the world thispowerful enough overcome your photo method thing you've got to understand and about this interscope drawn one power that could be careful

you need willpower august you will co-operate him on fb mapped out for monica six you're not going to be able to goggle you have to call on power of god your honor overcome the flight only thing that would defeat the flight

and i know that's already beencounterproductive power of god only power we can set you free from theflight there may be some crumbs of success withthis problem with that without the power of the week even if your combat hot like work gee that's where the other programs my overcome the initial problem

but at the problem sing and there's only one remedy you know i've seen people go through welfare program that's uh... free fromalcohol-related several that's fine can be shipped free premier diction andworld by you're still up you may have been three and thatparticular circumstance mature for action if your flesh as you can control ifyou're going to hold with your child

you've got to win that battle whenwestminster mob freighter which came from awful elections redeeming the time because of aobscenity this i think walk in the spirit he's here fail last before that's worth talking about

walking in the spirit means to you'lldisturbia you for you spirit of god and here leftclassified for the flood u but if you're aware this behavior lol that made it may now the works of the pleasuremanifest which would be he goes on to last all the the perks and

we're mall like mob dollar critical goldberg before university for one while ring him goodness meek temperance gets us there at one twenty five years what is the fruit of the sphere of the inlet you've got favors for the guy set up goresidence within you

this lifting here should be part of your life if you don't have a lot of dorothycarter guiness beer display because campers you don't have those thanking you them in all likelihood that maniaasserted sorry but it dot although i think that means that you're not totallyyielding to the spirit afraid when i was a young i did not make approval from a canexplain to you going on in that spirit

man awarded album of serbia but i didn't want to totally healed i want to conduct reroute bob a little bit alibaba homerule made dr michael

dot com christian they pick and choose what they want allabout well at this and i think i could withthis here market them about that at work i have to be an absolute children you'vegot on the ronald and you thing about this

all while require you've got to walk you know via warm allcowardly replica you know all uni if you'll be able to that old first leg of the site you've you'vegot that but jesus him you can suddenly decide robinson forlead

yet because perhaps to be a belief in your heart that whatjesus christ you don't crawl believing that really didn't after yourstand that except for you're now in covered relationship bible indicates this at the holy spiritat that media

absolute permanent residents with them now you have given your heart scratch your savior howall this power in you and why ninety nine percent of thechurch go through the motions you which you don't even have a lot ex-lax second half of the bar view gupta south worker forces which

apply your faith believed and uh... spirit then right heavenly father we thank goodness i thank you for the world's attentionhere this morning halfway we've spoken to hearts here today you well know number one how much you love them

image here there every there's a new york's group now when i get imitation this morningthat i thought played around killing given your heart disease prop just come back early this morningand participar

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