standard furniture princes town

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    standard furniture princes town

    bands horns and revelry. ideas ... plans ... schemes ... there are loads andloads of dreams ... and we have hatchedbrilliant schemes. colourful dreams ... quirky schemes. the plans are rooted deep,

    though the path is steep. you will realize the dream,because you've got the scheme. schemes. we will tackle the future tomorrow we won't budge come joy or sorrow. and if ourambitions were to turn cold we'll warm them withrising sun, lo and behold. tension is nothing morethan a wrinkle on the forehead it's the earnest smiles, thatresolve everything in the head.

    try it out, just try itout ... exploit the schemes what's this? it's daal ... move on. food first ...- what do you think this is? horse shit! we pay1200 per month ... should i call the warden? call him ... and ask him tobring us his biryani along. screaming at him won't get usthe biryani ... give me your phone. use yours ...

    my outgoing has just beenbarred by the phone company ... so thape? what does it look like? ok, biryani fordinner has been fixed! ten rupees everyone ... entry fee. oh, so it's our cashand your party, bittoo. bittoo, you've started already? we will eat as much as we can. so thapa? out in 10 minutes ...

    even the smell will notbe felt in 10 minutes. it's a dance party, not awedding night with very few guests. you'll get caught easily ...and i will lose my job. it's just a job. easy come easy go. please bittoo, just hurry up. minki and binny. bittoo boss. hey sunny, pan here dude. why are you posinglooking dull? spice it up, man.

    how are you doing buddy?looking like a rock star. the plates are really small. excuse me ... whichside are you from? why should i tell you? one minute ... please step aside. why should i? keep the plate here mr. kochar. quickly. aunty, please comeforward and serve yourself. please step aside, youare blocking the way.

    who are you to put me aside? anu aunty's assistant ... shehas organised this entire night ... and it's my duty to seethat no riff-raff eat here. i am no riff-raff! who knows ... we'llfind out right now. yes ... tell me what happened. here is the bride's uncle.uncle, should i let him eat? is he from the groom'sside or the bride's? from neither side.

    i knew it! you are a riff-raff. who are you calling riff-raff? sunny! come here. come here. tell them who i am. we are both with the video team. really? i've not seen you around. we work very quietly not disturb the gentry. it's all planning, uncle.

    we thought we'd get dinner out ofthe way before the dancing started. we won't eat if you don't like. in every wedding we aretreated with respect ... and offered food and sheis calling me riff-raff. it's my duty. if werun short of food ... because riff-raff likeyou have eaten it ... uncle will question me, right? spit the anger out, and eat well.later you shoot well. ok? yes, yes of course.sunny, you get the best shots.

    give them a plate and whatabout the dancing? get it started. sure! about to start. is there a leg piece? cheapster! ok everyone, come to the centreplease, let the dancing begin. there won't be just songson this musical night ... there will be dancing and competing. so will the bride'steam win or the groom's? this will be decided oncetheir relatives join the dance.

    uncle, please start the dance, you surely look likeyou could break a leg! please come everyone. i went shopping and bought a key will groom's auntytwist like shakira with me? i went shopping andbought pizzas for me, will bride's uncledance the disco with me? the party rocks to the brim. when uncle-aunty dance within.

    i went shoppingand i bought jewelry. he chews betel ... thebrother-in-law to be! i went shopping andbought a lock and key look how she squirms,the sister-in-law to be when brother-sister dance within. i went shopping and ...make no haste ... hurry up dj, turn thetable and blast the base. the party rocks when ... we do the hip hop ...

    dj makes you dance i went shopping and bought a mango bride's mother perks up ... starts to do the tango. bride's mother ... i went shoppingand bought some paddy he jumps at two for tango ... here's groom's daddy ... when mummy-daddy dance within.

    i went shopping andbought a jacuzzi hold the groove, anddo the boogie-woogie when everyone does theboogie-woogie within. hello, mrs. aggarwal ... good afternoon i say. i am binny's uncle. just wanted to thank youfor last night's function. it went well because youworked hard and your assistant ... what was her name again?

    shruti ... oh, it just shruti or ...? oh kakkar. no, it's just thatsome of our relatives ... were enquiring about her last night. look at the irony,while she is busy inarranging the weddings of others ... there are proposals coming for her. really? is there someone? no ... no it's correct.

    education is crucial,she should complete her ... graduation before getting married. besides, there is hardly any timeleft for her to finish her education. which college is she in by the way? go, go, go ... found herclassmates. shruti kakkar has left. she got onto the u-special bus just aminute ago to go home ... go, go, go. where does she stay?- janak puri. janak puri? shemust be an aunty-like! your aunty, not mine.

    if you had been sodedicated towards ... your education you couldhave topped your college. mikka, speed up ...quit the lecture. look there ... the bus ... hurry up, what are you doing? you will get us stuck, move out. it's a traffic expect me to fly? the cop is standing right there. bittoo ... have you lost it?

    hello ... you remember? me? riff-raff. what do you want? nothing ... just ... for you ... it's a dvd of the dancing night.only your dance is on it. are you hitting on me? don't even try it ...

    i don't have time forlove and rubbish like that. even i don't havetime to flirt and all! i am here just for the dvdand for some friendship. ok. cool ... i edited it with my own hands. i suggest you send it to indianidol ... you will win for sure ... and then the bollywoodheroines will be out. indian idol, my foot. i amgoing to start my own business. once the exams end ... it begins.

    what business? what sort of business is that? weddings require so many things. tents, decorations, musical bands,catering, etc, etc ... who arranges all of that?wedding planners. i want to be the best wedding plannerin delhi ... no ... in india. good. good? it's the best business. if a bollywood heroine'sfilms flop, she is out ...

    but be it recession or inflation,people will always get married. thousands and millions of rupeeswill always be spent on weddings ... and who will be requiredfor the entire planning? a wedding planner. yes! i have planned everything. come i'll show you ... this is my company'sname: shaadi mubarak. very good ... isn't it?

    i already have 3 years ofpart-time work experience ... with anu aunty. whatever salary i get, igive half to the home. my father works for the government. the rest is my own savings. to start my new company. there are various themesin the market these days ... like the fairy tale theme ... prince-princess theme, barbietheme, magic theme, circus theme ...

    so is the groom ajoker or a ring-master ? get lost ... you waste yourtime loafing about and ... when someone else plans something,you laugh at them. can't even pronounce"business" properly. it's my dance ... well i don't expectyou to thank me ... buy me a bread pakora at least. i have a lot of studying rightnow ... let's meet after the exams. ok, bye.

    what a waste of time! exams over! shaadi mubarak! you are back again? i've travelled allthe way from ambala with the best proposal for you ... and you are showing attitude! i said shruti will belivid when she arrives ... but your father said ... let's see the proposal nowthat aunty has come so far.

    my child, you've been workingwith anu aunty for three years ... it's time to relax and get married. after that you can startyour wedding business. after the marriage thein-laws will be after me ... for grandchildren ... and the husband's mouthwill be locked forever. within a year there will be a child,and then soon the next one ... and then i just sit at home ... being a mother all my life.

    i will get married towhoever you like ... but after shaadi mubarak is set up. look, i am 20 years old now. give me time, five years, andwhen i am 25 marry me off ... with or without shaadi mubarak. had tea? now get lost. please ask manoj if hecan wait for five years. if not then best of luck.

    no dude! don't go. ok, don't be sad. keep the shirt. come on, i am not so evil. i am sad because you are leaving,not for these clothes. what will you do with an mba? whether you pass or fail ... you will still have toreturn to your father's farm ... and chop sugarcanes with him. but i have to make my own life.

    you want to do an mba?- yes. then do it ... don't lecture me. where is your suitcase? hello, uncle. hello, son. what suitcase? didn't your mother tell you that ... we are in town to take thedelivery of the new tractor ...

    and will take youwith us on the way back? should i remember theexam answers or mom's talk? sonu! pack his bags. he will do it ... come with mei'll show you ... come outside. come. look at that. is it not the best colour? we will all go backhome on this lean machine. i can't come.

    why? have you set up a shop? yes ... no ... not a shop... a business. business? what do you sell? we don't sell ... we organise weddings. wedding planning.

    barbers organise weddings. in small towns like saharanpur ... in delhi it's a big business. be it recession or inflationpeople will still get married. people invest millions in weddings. 100 percent profit ... oh silly ... our boys don't do girls' jobs. now that your curiosityabout college is over ...

    come home and manage the farm,like everyone else. i'll kill myself but iwon't chop sugar canes. no one can die jumpingoff the first floor ... you're good at nothing,neither suicide nor business. and listen ... once the sugarcane catches blight,it's cut off and thrown away. you are a cane with blight. you are no good to me now. when you run out ofmoney then catch a bus home.

    this is the fare ... don't spend it. come on, sonu. you ... so mr. blighted cane ... what're you going to do now? dude, while bullshitting to dad,i hit upon a brilliant idea. i am gonna make apartnership with miss janak puri. you want to be a wedding planner?

    i thought you were justdeflecting your father. why? what's the problem? the turn over is in thousands,recession or inflation. shruti kakkar will kill you. only if i hit on her. i am not interested in herand nor is she in me ... a partnership isall i am asking for. shaadi mubarak is her idea ... why will she make you her partner?

    why won't she? you think she won't? laugh freely, or don't laugh at all, what sort of a laugh is that? did you smell the perfume? it's horrible ... they bathe in it ... if you sit next to them youcan't enjoy the smell of the bread.

    but your business idea ... it's great ... shaadi mubarak. when are you starting? it's started. i have to reach chandanarang's office in an hour. her son's wedding? oh no ... chanda narang is the superstar, likesharukh khan, of wedding planning.

    i'll train with her forsome time and then ... my own company. well ... i too have abrilliant business plan. it's a bit complicated though. first this and then that ... so i was wondering, tillmine comes in line ... why don't i join yourshaadi mubarak as a partner? i don't want anypartnership complications.

    such a big business ...turnover of thousands ... how will you run it by yourself? i have handled somany weddings on my own. i don't have anybusiness idea, dude. i know. if i don't find a jobor business here ... then my dad will take me backto the village to chop canes. please save me from the sugarcane. please make me your partner.

    no. you just bring allthe brilliant ideas ... and leave the running around to me. i spent all night makingthe dvd. you are my friend. today you say friend,tomorrow you will say i love you. i don't want anyemotional complication. i just want to startmy business that's all. thumb rule of business - love andbusiness do not go hand in hand. i am best on my own.

    what are you talking about? i promise i will nevergo beyond friendship. what's the guarantee? fine! i swear on this bread. bye! ok, if not a partner, a secretary,assistant, peon - make me anything. at least listen to me. moonstruck.

    chanda maam's company. one day even shrutikakkar's shaadi mubarak tempos ... will arrive inthese posh farm houses. shruti kakkar and bittoo sharma ... i told you, no partnership,now stop following me. but you already havetrained under anu aunty ... anu aunty does lowbudget weddings ... small community hall types, withgrooms arriving in small cars. chanda narang doesmassive farm weddings ...

    where the grooms arrive in choppers. an investment of a fewmillion is no big deal. a wedding planner's commissionis at least 15 million rupees. 15 million rupees! of course ... theseare the weddings ... that superstarshahrukh khan dances at ... and chanda maam organises them. i'll learn a lot and be highclass if i work with chanda maam. chanda maam!

    ya, tell me ... you wait here ... me too ... maam, i am a huge fan of yours. maam, you are too good ... you are my inspiration. please let me assist you. please just have a look at my file. maam, i've ...

    maam, i am a fan. let go. i cando any sort of work. please, maam. yes diwakar ... who? yes, tell me ... get off. don't show offin your stupid uniform. i can work better than you. please leave. when will theydischarge him? oh dear ... why do they enter this professionif they have to get jaundice! now who will do his duty?

    i'm leaving. what's the problem? you can't stay here. no. i will work onlywith her. not alone. but i have placeonly for one person... and a girl can't handle it. she? girl? only from the outside ...

    there are tenbouncers hidden inside her! look, i can pay asalary for one person only. so then bittoo comesfree at the price of shruti. are you two ...boyfriend-girlfriend? not at all ... justpartners ... guaranteed! thank you, maamji ... thank you ... each chandelier wassupposed to have four circles ... why have you put only one, maqsood? how long have you been working here?

    only five days old, and youhave been around for years ... but don't think you can fool me. if you don't make four circlesi'll complain to chanda maam. go ahead! your chanda maam would have chargedthe client for 50 circles ... but i have been paid only for one. you've to put threeover there at the back ... chanda maam? flower shower from above.

    the wedding planner promised redroses for my niece's wedding ... but eventually therewas a marigold shower. you relax ... you like redroses ... you get red roses. maam, the cateringguys are asking for you. chill! who will get the work done,if i keep giving them demos? thanks, buddy you saved me ... why starve ... have biskut! what sort of peopleare you dealing with ...

    they expect roast chickenat the price of dried grass? even her abuses sound sweet,like fm radio. oye radio? do you know what abig cheat your madam really is? she delivers only halfof what she charges for. that's why she drives a bmw. she is so clever. it's not clever, it's cheating. not cheating, it's business sense. it will never happen in my company.

    ok, we won't cheat. bittoo!- yes, maam! boss or employee ... he doesn't spare anyone. are you trying to cheat me?where are the lilies? sir? there is noarrangement of any flowers ... due to the drivers' strike,the delivered stock is less. the arrangement my wifeapproved had lilies ...

    all we have are carnations ... maam ... that ...- what that?! there were no lilies. why? why were there no lilies? maam ... enough is enough. we are out of this. no one can stay after this insult. come on, shruti!

    yes, i know, big-shot army man, doesn't mean you canabuse in english ... you know very wellwhose fault it is ... don't stretch it so much that weare forced to expose. - expose what? bittoo, this will get us a badreputation. think of the future. it is the future ... your shaadi mubarak. come on partner. will get the uniform sent.keep the cap. dupe someone else.

    see you around in the market. nice name ... shaadi mubarak. but in our familiestraditionally uncles ... and aunties get togetherand organise the wedding. what will we do witha wedding planner? see i told you so ...thank you, uncle. how much money do youintend spending on the wedding? 200 thousand. 0r 250thousand rupees maximum. you spend 250 thousand only ...

    and leave the arrangements to us. where's the venue? venue? same one as where the restof the colony gets married from! here it is ... ourfirst wedding site. let's inspect the site. why are we dealingwith these small-timers? they don't even have cars. their groom willarrive on a scooter! let's directlyattack the farm houses.

    let's become prince ofsmaller budget weddings ... and then become king andqueen of the farmhouses. there is lesser risk here. things are bound to go wrongin the first few weddings! it's our area, we can smile,apologise and get away with it. what can be done for 250 thousand? that's the challenge. 250 thousand. let's see how much your brain works. really! now you watch out.

    all this is possible in our lane? anything's possiblewith shaadi mubarak. bands horns and revelry i say, i say i will plan weddings ... i will make the altars ... i will do the dances. bands horns and revelry ... which one?

    quick, quick, hurry up. thelights have to be tested ... have you stolen theconnection from the pole? so? should i pullit from your house? cut the line now ... cut it! why? i told you ... nocheating in shaadi mubarak! a generator anddiesel will cost 15,000. doesn't matter, but no cheating. just cut it or elsei'll call your office.

    the beautician's cost isincluded in the budget. don't worry. is this ok? send the van back after off-loading. bring the stuff here ...and keep it carefully. don't trample the flowers,they should look fresh. did you call him? yes ... why? shaadi mubarak's firstwedding without maqsood's flowers? maqsood, we are on a small budget.

    but you are a big person in the brigadier's wedding thefault was all chanda's and mine ... but you took the blame ... don't worry about the budget,tell me who is doing the catering. i've spoken to bansal. remember one thing ... what doguests enjoy most in a wedding? food! lighting and decorationwill be all forgotten ... bansal will serverubbish and charge double.

    rajinder is our man ... he has a smallrestaurant in trilokpuri ... and makes the best food. he has been trying to getinto catering for years ... here, talk to him. oh no ... no first-timer. what if he screws up? you are doing it forthe first time as well. hello, mr rajinder!

    why are you dealingwith these planners? i would havearranged for better food. what are you saying?it's great food. the arrangements are brilliant, how much have theseshaadi mubarak people charged? depends on your budget.we have paid 250 thousand. that's it? 500 thousand wasspent on monty's wedding ... and yet the food was stale. don't worry, it's a gift.

    something is missing. you've converted thislane into the taj mahal ... now you want tobring a helicopter down? dj! bhutani uncle has notaccounted for a dj in the budget. so what if it's not in the budget?pass me the phone ... will we pay for it? i'm calling santy ... your college band will perform here?

    just watch out ...- shruti ... papa, mummy! how does it all look? very good. look, our daughterhas done it after all. not me alone ... this isbittoo ... a partner in the company. hello, aunty.- hello ... what's your name? mummy ... we have lots of work to do,you carry on and take a look inside. i was only asking his name... bittoo sharma ... with a double o.

    raju? is the generator on?- yes, bittoo ... so turn the lights on then! santy ... where is your team now? hurry up and grab acab ... there's a gig. it's free publicity, dude ... your first live show. put the video on youtube ... all of you will be stars, and will get free food too!

    first time ... your dark and cunning eyes ... are not too shy ... they look sly, very hi-fi. making my heart skip a beat ... i wonder why? they look sly, very hi-fi. just like a biscuit dipped in tea. that's how my lifehas turned out to be.

    this is how i have lost out to me. step away, stay away you loser ... and stop following me. i know your sort. you will see ... my shoe on your head it will be! a romeo without juliet ...a lock without a key. that's how your lifehas turned out to be. and this is howyou've lost out to me.

    that's how your life,has turned out to be. i flexed my muscles,and i gelled my hair. and yet you walked past me ... with your nose heldup high in the air. you can't impress ... with your musclesand gelled hair ... because it's your cunning heart ... that needs repair. just like the honey attracts a bee.

    that's how my life,has turned out to be. below my window, why do you wait? playing tricks that are down-market. whistling dirty songs ... why do you irritate? cut your attitude,and agree with me. you want a blank cheque,or the life within me? soften your heart,and you will see ... i am cool and confident.just look at me!

    you've knocked me down,like a bumble bee. hey ... this shop was trashed! yes i've called for them ...i'll call you back. how many mirrors are inside? all done? two more? what the hell are you guys doing? who will pick this up? the furniture is second hand,but paid for nonetheless.

    i know it's not new. it has to be kept here. no ... i'll sit here. shut up ... whydon't you want that area? forget the qutub minar.come up and help me. do it yourself. your shop downstairs house upstairs. am i your secretary?to do all your work? i'm putting your box on top ofthis ... lie down and watch tv

    let's push your bed towards thecorner ... open the window ... home sweet home! it'll be great fun! come on, let's have tea. oh, you are here? how are you today? whose side are these people from? they look likeriff-raff from my hostel. let them be ... how muchcan they possibly eat?

    five extra plates, that's 1,500rupees. who will pay for them? take it from my share. i suggest you set up asoup-kitchen for all the riff-raff. the groom's party will leavein 3 hours so i am staying ... back at the office. please tell dad.see you the day after. what are you doing,bittoo? you will drop me. i am not in the office, and i haveleft the calendar in the office. tell the priest augustwon't be possible ...

    look for anauspicious date in november. hello shaadi mubarak.- hello shaadi mubarak. how can we cancelsomeone else's booking for you? no, dude ... not possible at calendar is full ... ideas, plans, schemes. which package would you like? platinum, gold or silver? no, that's in the platinum package. the henna ceremony is notincluded in the gold package.

    obviously, it's just thewedding in the silver one. yes there is a bronze as well ...for funerals! you'd like one? hello ... you'vecompletely vanished, mr. dhawan ... if there was a margin iwould never have asked you. if there is no advance thenthe wedding will not be ... what are you doing? having lunch. what if the buffalodoesn't pay the advance? so, will starvingmake him pay any faster?

    return my phone ... you haven't had abiscuit since this morning. even if it's 10 minutes lateryou can still convince the buffalo. you'll turn me into a glutton. ok listen, we'veplanned 26 weddings so far. what's the plan for the future? another three years ...and then marriage ... two children. my agreed deadline withmy parents is till i turn 25 ... till then they can lookfor a good groom for me ...

    their choice would be the best. mrs. kakkar, i'm nottalking about that future. the company's future! our future! we are kings andqueens of local weddings ... when will we hit the farmhouses? not now. we need toincrease our scale for that ... step by step ... pass me the sauce. will you have an arranged one? what else? i don't want anysilly 'love-complications'.

    don't worry, i don't think you will everhave that kind of complication. nobody will want to goblind by looking at you. oh yeah? so who was up allnight making a dvd? and you hashed theentire romance ... i was left wondering if thiswas a girl or a warrior princess. dude, if it weren't forthe warrior princess ... you'd not bedevouring these noodles.

    you'd be chopping sugarcanes on your dad's farm. oh yeah! had it not been for me ... your shaadi mubarakwould've never taken off ... and you'd still be runningaround in circles after chanda. started the business? my foot! i started it. did i not? say i did ... stop bragging ...

    and return my phone, i need toget money out of the buffalo. these thieves will always fleece us. it's time for a highjump to the farms! farms again? how will we get there? how will we get the contacts? just say yes! yes! i've said it. now? what is she saying?can't hear a word.

    why worry? we know whatshe's hammering on about! drop the english! bittoo ... let's go. five minutes. be back. pankaj, sir ... sonya, maam ... hello ... shaadi mubarak. no ... and yes. no in person.yes on facebook. wedding ... you two ...planning. us two! your number is on here?

    why waste a call ...we can walk and talk. you are going to the car,right? we will drop you off. which theme has she roped you into? classic, royal or maharaja? it's been seen anddone a hundred times. you will have a plainassembly line wedding. so sad. she doesn't have thetime to experiment. there are three otherweddings in the same week as yours. we are doing onewedding at one time.

    one hundred percent total dedicationto one client for six months. start to finish. no compromise,mother-promise. pankaj, sir, you're handlingyour father's business right now ... but in your heart you're stillthe same student's union president who organised the most vibrantcollege festivals for 3 years, and you met sir during thecollege festival, right? you're the lead vocalistof your college band ... and you won an award for that too. but now you are getting married indull, lifeless chanda narang style.

    ok, so you'veresearched us thoroughly. i'm impressed, but i don'tknow anything about you guys. why should we give you the contract? sir ... because your weddingis not just a deal for us! we put in our lives to makeyour wedding the happiest ... day of your life. your car is here ... if you believed what wesaid then please do call us. we'll be waiting.

    ok bye. let's go, shruti. what're you doing? there was nothing left to say ... they were getting bored ... and if they don't call? we can't go back now ... it'd be tacky. shruti kakkar ...

    bittoo sharma ... are you free on sunday? come in please. ideas are promising. groom's entry is the best! so prior to this you have onlyworked on low budget weddings ... say up to 1 million rupees, right? yes, up to 1.75 million rupees. both of them wear black suits andattend board meetings all day long ...

    but when it comes to theirwedding they want a kitsch one ... you two are kitsch ... andyour style is so vibrant. it will need aninvestment of a few million ... but then ourreputation will be on the line, and taking such a riskwith first timers ... i am not sure. sir ... a person builds hisown reputation ... and ruins it himself too.

    regarding frist-timers ... 44 years ago, a young man wantedto make a tyre ... a cycle tyre ... the man approached hisfather for the investment, and his father put themoney in his son's hand. he didn't say, sonyou are a first-timer.. won't be able tohandle the tyre business. today that young man isseated in front of us.

    the tyre king himself, and i'm sure he will give us achance, just like his father did. hence sainik farms have been ... conquered! ready means ready! i don't want any delays ... and re-check the tensilestructure multi-lights. come now. all the aunties out,please ... no ogling at girls. come out.

    take it easy, there's no hurry ... just keep a check. has the electrician arrived? please check the shrimp starters. they have to be fresh. whathappened? tell us, we'll do it. the groom has arrived, go out.don't stress, just go. that's why i always say'check the list' i made. the groom's party has arrived,bring on the booze. i'll get the bar opened uncle,and you will get the first drink.

    obviously i will. ok good, show me. you look great. didn't isay this would look good? isn't your daughter looking pretty? where are you stuck? teaching your own boss his business! if you don't arrive in half hour,your head will be in your hands. oh my ... you've not left as yet ... the groom's party is already here.

    let's go, sonya, getready in 5 minutes ... i am warning you, pankajwon't wait beyond that. hurry up and check on them, orelse no one will get ready ... in five minutes. gether ready quickly. bittoo come in please. go, shruti- bedi is ready? completely ready.- the priest's equipment? all set.- ok. you've opened the foreign champagne?

    what do you mean yes? i told you ... youguys ... ruined it. always serve with a smile, so that even a person who'snot hungry feels like eating. they've been doing thisjob for about 7 years ... they know their job by now ... you hurry up andattend to the guests. even then, i needto say it just once. i'll take over this side.

    the garlandingceremony is about to begin ... this is a revolving with kirti ... the stage rotates andyour song crossfades. bittoo, it's about to begin. the relatives have been given rosepetals and loads of confetti, right? loads and loads.- the flower-shower must not stop. yes, yes ... full throttle ...high power ... you don't worry. so you are shaadimubarak ... good job. contact us for any wedding.- sure.

    anytime. enjoy. isn't she looking great?- very nice. i made her select that outfit.- she is looking hot. shruti maam, bittoo sir. ya go ... the motor is not working,the stage is not rotating. what? we are coming. it won't grip.- what's going on?

    it's not gripping it.- leave it. bittoo i told you to check it. i checked it at four. it's about to start, bittoo. do something. i am doing something. look, try it now. it's not working. do it ... bittoo.

    shruti. we did it, buddy. this is just the beginning. we have to planmuch bigger weddings. this big is good enough for me. bigger than this! so? shaadi mubarak. when money leaves your pocket,it's always a problem. take this ... full andfinal for the musical night,

    cocktails and the wedding. thank you, sir. well done, shaadi mubarak! keep it up! - thank you so much,sir ... thank you. how much of this will be mine? after all the payments, we have 6million rupees left of the 20 million. three yours and three mine. no, 1 1/2 and 1 1/2and the left over ... 3 million goes to ourbusiness development.

    come on, it should betwo and two at least. no, 1 1/2. this seems less. tenmillion has eight zeros. no, silly, seven! which one should i play? which one? ya? this one? ok, guys ... i'm off. no, no, no, no.- nobody moves. this man speaks the truth!- children, my bones are crumbling.

    i've lost 200 grams already. that's obvious. i hope youguys work hard like this ... god give you prosperity and us too. oh, so they do all the hard work ... and you enjoy the incentives,just like that ... should we go now?- ok see you later... let's go. ok ... then good night. ok. bye ... bye ... bye ...

    play that one ... ya. no, let me rest. let me rest. bittoo... can you please drop me home? yes, of course... tea?- should i make it? would you like some, dear? dear?

    don't bother... you won't know wherethe jars are kept. please go and get changed, dear. shall we leave? let's go. oh, you're here? how was the farmhouse weddinglast night? everything went well? superb. top class...

    oh shaadi mubarak's workis always 'top class'. i'll miss my bus, let'schat in the evening. ok? bye. bye... breakfast? uncle... i'll drop uncle... come on, uncle,i'll drop you fast... you can sit sideways uncle... ok, go, go.

    so mr. celebrity! refuse to recognise me? dude, mikka... no mails, no sms...where have you been? it's been a monthsince i shifted to delhi, but you're such a big star... changed your mail id, number...everything. shut up!- look. no way!

    i have a friend in the times and gotyour number through him finally... page three, not bad!bittoo sharma, shruti kakkar! i'll tell shruti.she wouldn't have read it. i guess she'll read itwhen she comes to the office. why you so roughed-up? no, i am not. in bold letters it says... that means she would've seen it too. who?

    what's up? singing songs today? what nonsense? didn't i ever sing before? before, shruti alwaysaddressed me casually... but since this morning shehas started calling me 'dear'. you know she made teafor me in the morning. terrible tea! but first time, made it herself! now you see why i am so screwed up?

    what do you think of this, bittoo? he is the way he is! why? has he sprouted wings suddenly? yes, he has sprouted wings! our small town boyhas become a big man. i think you have sprouted wings! this is the first timeyou have praised bittoo! i am totally screwed, man! screwed? what do you mean?

    you chased her for so long... and now that you guys havefinally hitched up, you are crying! she is not the 'hitched' type,she is the emotional type. she thinks whatever hashappened between us is love. now you can't love the personyou're doing business with! what?! it's a business rule,you won't get it, dude. had it been someone else i wouldhave finished it in a second... but shruti's feelings will be hurt.

    i can't hurt her. she gave me work... made a man out of me... right... you are quite screwed. yes! she is my friend, dude! he is just a friend ma! so can't one marry a friend? where did marriage come from?

    you're the onebuilding flyovers of bittoo. i thought you changed your mind. i was just saying thatall men are not alike. now let's take bittoo,for example... he makes tea, does kitchen work, i think he will even allow his wifeto work after marriage. how do i look? oh ho, ruined my hair. doesn't matter.

    leave it now. i feel a new sensation, i feel you next to me. the colours ofyesterday are changing, into brighter shades of tomorrow. we are half way on the path of love. we will walk the rest of the mile,in the footsteps of time. we are half way there. i don't know if it'spatience or a test...

    it feels extreme... it feels the best. the lively yesterdays are a past... the tranquiltomorrows are now at last. we are half way on the path of love. who has done this?headless chicken you are! what if it hurt someone? don't know what you're up to! so, mr bittoo...

    hey! dude! you are up and about so early! why are you looking so screwed up? nothing, you spoke so casually. so... should i address you as sir. bittoo no, casual is best. why are you being so strange? not at all.

    of course you are... now let's take the tea,for example... i made tea at homeyesterday evening... and after one sip mummyand papa said the truth, that shruti can't maketea to save her life... but from that day on?- which day? you know which day. i've been making bad teaand you've been drinking it. are you afraid that youmight hurt my feelings...

    if you said the tea was bad? since when did you become so caring? whatever happened between us... just happened. don't worry, i am notlike your other ones... who stick to you like glue, and you are alwaysrunning away from them. i have no problems withwhatever happened between us. no problem?

    just be the same bittoo you were. why are you so serious? dude, you freaked the livingdaylights out of me, the way you behavedafter our session. session? dude, i thought shrutihad fallen in love with me. but you are not the foolishtypes who stick like glue! i'm not foolish... right!

    everyone makes mistakes... mistake... delete the mistake and move on... should i make tea for you...with ginger? yes. you were right all along, love andbusiness do not go hand in hand. i am always right... now watch out, we'll fly high.

    enough of this matchbox-sized room,decrepit old bike! mercedes!that's what it's going to be! just imagine if love were tocome between business partners... everything would've been lost. forget the mercedes, we wouldn'teven have the cheapest car. so then... you happy, me happy. hello... shaadi mubarak... you've called earlier?

    there was some problem on the line,but it's all sorted now. yes i'll be there soon. dude, i'm running to the printerto check kalra's card... you come directly for the meetingwith asma and zafar. ok. bye. stupid... idiot, fool... you were followingyour rule book, right? then why this emotional slip-up?

    if you slip again, you'll be dead! now don't cry, not a tear. hello, shaadi mubarak! yes, ms. asma... yes, of course we are meeting... yes, 12 o'clock sharp. asma and zafar are great people... great choice of locationfor a meeting.

    bit of fun, a bit of meeting. great atmosphere... right? i can do the meeting myself, why don't you justenjoy the atmosphere? can i go? excuse me... shaadi mubarak? asma and zafar?- yes, hi... shaadi mubarak... shaadi mubarak. it's a good idea,

    but what if we didn'thave lavender... we have lavender... and we will use lavender... why are you rejecting my designjust like that? too sober... people come to shaadi mubarakfor kitsch, not sober. lower class losersused to come for kitsch, this is a high class party. i'm myself lower class loser...

    and i understand only kitsch. you are high classfrom london and america, keep your upper andlower class to yourself. there are only 5 days to go. do what shaadi mubarakis famous for. don't force your personal taste... should i put soya saucein your noodles? i'll eat at home. couldn't you say so wheni was placing the order?

    did you ask me? i was screaming mylungs off standing here. two manchurian one veg one chicken...two chowmein one veg one chicken. should i worry about mywork or your nonsense? i have no time for bickering. i have mailed rajinder the menu. give this design to maqsood. i'll arrive at the sitedirectly tomorrow morning. it would be best ifyou arrived on time.

    listen... shruti, wait. have you lost it? get ridof him... i'll drop you off. leave me. if i don't want togo with you, i won't. you create a sceneout of everything! go to hell... ok, please read the nikah...commence in the name of allah. keep the music on. please begin.

    zafar khan what's wrong?it was fine up till now. something wrong on that yes? any sound? where is your mind these days? don't talk rubbish if youcan't solve the problem! sound is your department. please commence. zafar khan... asma siddiqui... santy, i've told youthousand times, do all the checks.

    you all slack and i haveto bear the embarrassment. yes i do. congratulations. santy. shaadi mubarak! come on, guys! i'll die but i won't dance with you. just do itfor the client's happiness. your dark and cunning eyes, are not too shy,

    they look sly, very hi-fi making my heart skip a beat,i wonder why? just like a biscuit dipped in tea, have you brought the console?- counted the tables? checked the mixer? listen... all of that... should i drop you home? don't come from tomorrow. don't come where?

    it's you who comes there.i live there. pack your stuff and vacate the roombefore i get there in the morning. bittoo, the partnership is finished. if we work together then my shaadimubarak will become a disaster... my shaadi mubarak?since when has it been yours alone? don't shout.shaadi mubarak was my idea. my effort. you'll be paid for it. try and break the partnership,i'll take you to court.

    it's not a divorce thatneeds to go to court... we'll divide the stuff...that's final. why are youruining a great business? think calmly. what did you say? oh, so this is what it is! so why should i leave shaadi mubarak? was it me alone? you said 'let me rest'.

    i thought, she must be tired,let her rest. what did i know? go back to your village,to your father... you just want to earn another business. your father will readily payfor his baby's business and... if still nothing happensthen chop sugar canes, but never come backto shaadi mubarak! oh, i see... i am a baby... i'll run home with mytail between my legs... that's what you think of me.

    i'll obviously think of you.what you really are. everything is clear today. it took three years. so i can't doanything on my own, right? at least i've never seen it. i'll start my own shaadi mubarak...100 times better than yours. let's go. he is crazy! to hell with your partnership. to hell with you.

    what's the programme? what's going on here? don't ask. hope there hasn't been a break up? oh... who will plan my wedding now? where are they? both of them. this is your 20.i've given shruti madam hers. you will buy a car now?can i take this helmet? here.

    you thief. you can't take anything thatbelongs to shaadi mubarak. here i am not taking it. you dog... son of a gun... where did you come into my life fromand ruin it? good morning, madam.- what's it? my wedding... we spoke...the discount... i called on the phone.come back in the morning tomorrow. ok i'll come back tomorrow.

    leave this rubbish... come with me. i'll get you the best deal.- how much? he'll fleece you.will you have tea or coffee? coffee?- we serve cold drinks... forget cold drinks,we will guzzle beer together. will you serve cold drink...- i taught him everything. don't fall into her trap. he will strip you to the core. strip me?

    forget getting people married,start getting them divorced. you play with people's emotions! i wanted to get hell with you... villager! buy a ticketto your father's house... and practice cutting sugarcane. i'll turn this delhi into a village...beware you bloody kakkar... get out from here... son of a gun. there are going to be some smoothbusiness operations from my place! massive weddings ofimportant men's daughters.

    every delhi girl's weddingwill be planned from here. by next year i'll evenreach a bigger mall. what're you going toname your company? original shaadi mubarak.- no, dude. dude, kakkar's is fake.mine's original. no... shaadi mubarak part 2? return of shaadi mubarak. shaadi mubarak season 2!

    you've lost it? try happy wedding. full english. ok. done. happy wedding it is! hello shaadi mubarak...i mean happy wedding. aren't there two partnersin shaadi mubarak? he was my assistant, not a partner. i got rid of him. he was a leech. happy wedding?

    weren't you called sha? shh, don't use that's cursed. your child's marriagewill be ruined. i threw him out so he started hisown company to suck the clients dry. i hope you have notapproached any happy wedding... don't even think about's that leech's company. everyone thinkswe worked together... but the reality isthat i did all the work. my ideas, my executionand who gets the credit?

    no, no, don't take the's cursed. your child's marriage will be ruined. shruti, your contract ison the 21st and so is his... what do we do now? don't worry...let's celebrate my first contract. i'll give you 500 thousandrupees 400 thousand yours... 200 thousand santy's. all payments have been take my booking. 550, 450, 250...

    600, 500, 300... 650... 550...- one minute... no fighting in my office...or else i'll give you one each! listen carefully... we have decided that if you two workseparately, we won't work with you. correct... he's right. and if you work together, then... forget about that...last offer... 650 thousand. i'll pay in advance... everything.

    are you leaving or? ya, ya, going... there is no dearth ofvendors in the market. this issue is escalating.what do you say, maqsood? both are impossible. just leave it here. hey... that pole isnot meant for the centre. so tell me whereit's supposed to go... look at the design.- just tell me where it goes...

    if i sit on your head and monitor youall the time, who will do my work? ok, i'm extremely sorry... youtell me where it's supposed to go. didn't i give you the design? work according to that.and don't mess with me. come on... will it be any speedier?it'll reach up by tomorrow. sir, please checkthe flower decoration. tell shruti madam to check it. tell who?

    who else will you tell?me, obviously... you are lost alongthe way, my friend. why have you turned a stranger,my friend? something is amiss... my heart feels an empty abyss. you've led the sunshineaway my friend. sir this half payment won't do...there is a contract... give the full payment orelse i'll slap a case on you. call us if you need a lawyer.

    me and my son, whose weddingyou have spoiled, are lawyers. good night. there is pain in the thousand stringsin my heart. the silk threads we tiedare all torn apart. it's the price of the separation. just the memories and tribulations. the state my heart is in, my friend. no worries, child... we'll get another car...bigger than this one.

    credit is for a month,not for 6 months. hello, hello. if you all surround melike this how can i get out? and get to the bank? and take my check book,and withdraw the money... and give it you?give me some space please. yes, yes, of course, give himsome space to get to the bank. my friend, you took my peace away. i only have this much. give me some time,i'll return the rest.

    how will you return it, madam? until you pay your debts no onein the market will work with you, how will you get new contracts? i've not run away... just trust me. ok fine... three months and no more... thank you. let's go. god knows how manymore rounds we'll have to make.

    hello... who do you want? who sidhwani? which office? i don't owe any sidhwani any money. mr. sidhwani, the ownerof the sidhwani group. we own 10 heritage hotelsand resorts in rajasthan. the biggest in bikaner. mr. sidhwani's daughteris getting married... and he wants shaadi mubarakto plan the wedding.

    can you come into our officefor a meeting? good afternoon, sir...- so shaadi mubarak... yes sir.- sir, myself... happy wedding. i don't want happy wedding. just the original shaadi mubarak. to cut a long story short,my daughter preeti, whose wedding it is, insiststhat you plan her wedding. i was calling the best weddingplanners from italy, france... and the uk butpreeti saw your work at...

    pankaj and sonya'swedding and decided that... her wedding would beplanned by bittoo and shruti. i can handle it alone. i don't need him. alone! i have a file... from the day youstarted working alone... there have been electrical failures,security issues, shortages of food. there can be no failuresat my daughter's wedding.

    sir, there won't beany in my planning. bittoo sharma... your happy wedding planningdisaster list is even longer. should i read it? no thank you, sir... ok, so it's better for meif you don't work together. i can call on the bestprofessionals in the world. if you want the contract thenwork together as shaadi mubarak... or else...

    sir...- no. sir i'll give youa forty percent discount. thank you, mr. bittoo sharma... sir fifty. fifty... percent. sir, this way please... both of you have gone crazy. i'll die but i won't work with her. you will die anyway.

    i've been able to hold off yourlenders for three months only... not your entire life! after 90 days your boneswill be lying in the gutter. now tell me if you want tofinish your war with shruti... or die in the gutter? idiot. look... you started yourcompany from this lane. now you're stuck in a welland he is in a ridge. let go of the past, shake handsand move on from this fight.

    has he brainwashed you? no, no, this was my idea. anyway, he can't thinkof anything on his own... ok... but just for one wedding... come to the officetomorrow at 8 o'clock. why your office? my office. bittoo! which company doessidhwani want for the wedding?

    shaadi mubarak... so work will happen from theshaadi mubarak office, right? maqsood, please... on time! for a goodfirst impression? or... what first impressioncan there be on you! i've only been able to arrangesecond hand furniture so far... it's ok... it's only a matterof three months... hardly like i'm here permanently. and i have a plan for workingtogether for three months...

    without murdering each other. what new plan now? i've cleared up the areaon top for you. you can set up there...and i'll work down here. let's divide the departments too... so you don't poke your nosein mine and i won't in yours. done... catering and lighting mine. music, choreography, decoration... security... design...

    not design... i'll do the'll make some kitsch one. your work is going ahead... he's right here sir. let's go. site inspection! my father got married here... and then i did. now both of them willget married here too. henna, ladies' night,wedding and, send off... only the honeymoon is not from here.

    all the guests will stay here... seven-day-long party. the party will be in trueshaadi mubarak style. i hope you spoke to himabout superstar shahrukh's dance. yes i did. we can...- of course... we will. even shahrukh's performance? yes, even shahrukh's performance! join by friday... do read this...

    it's out of town.i hope it's not a problem. no, maam... next! have you worked inwedding planning before? so mr bengal,forgotten me in six months... i'm bittoo from shaadi mubarak. what have you done?where have you worked? take the order... two chowmein,one veg, one chicken. have you done any event management?

    two manchurian, one veg,one chicken. fried rice? no?- ok, add one fried rice... next. i say, i say, i will plan weddings, i will make the altars, tea? shruti! ya...

    i was just on my way out. shruti!- one minute? santy will call you...tell him about the music... you're getting calls all the time,no one calls me! yes, maqsood...- yes... yes, the design is good. i'll arrive safely. don't worry. i've called for a cab. shruti...

    got a call again? hey, wait... don't need a cab. where?- home! you pretend to be all classy... but look at your's so kitschy. not kitschy... stylish! i should have run awayfrom the shop like you did... i don't know when i'llhave my own car now. am i not intelligent?

    not intelligent... thief! changed the name plate... very nice. so bittoo, what's the status? yes... family no 53, 54 have left... 55, 56's flight has been delayed... is that so? and uncle-aunty no 78 havetagged two friends along. in the list it's onlyold man and old woman...

    where do i fix the friends? should i bury them at the airport? let it be.if their ghost catches you, you will become more unbearable. so should i getthem a return ticket? send them...i'll figure out something. thirty-seven arriving! bye!- bye. bands, horns and revelry have you sold 204 and 208 somewhere?

    they were clickingpictures everywhere. camel photo... cow photo... donkey, owl, crow,pigeon, photo, photo, photo. why are you stressed out?haven't you stuffed your face yet? i've just eaten six, sevensandwiches, there was no time. glutton of the topmost order. one minute... hello, how are you? come, come... ok, just do it... yes, yes, they will come...hey, shruti.

    ok, no, just one second. - guests arearriving... go and have a look! cover for me for a bit? your department... you handle it. i'm a bit busy...will call you in a bit. is this dish ok? it's good. it's great, now just let it be.

    you've been at it for so long. go inside and help out. don't waste time. take this plate. so this is your canopy... not bad. it will look cooleronce my lighting comes in. let it be... my canopywill glow even in the dark. you need to get off the phoneto complete the canopy. yes, sir... shruti kakkar... who was it?

    shahrukh's got a fracture. it's the leg. but i've already told the guests. preeti, did you hear? daddy, everything is entire wedding is spoiled. please excuse my interference,but what would shahrukh have donehad he come? married you? vowed to love you till eternity? he's not going totake any such vows.

    mr. vikram will. he is your shahrukh khan... what will shahrukhdo by coming here? some dancing, singing...just leave all that to us, we will put on such a show that, your friends willforget all about shahrukh. but everyone is expecting ashahrukh-level rocking performance. you haven't seen our level yet. don't worry... in fact,just leave it to us.

    where did you copy the'love till eternity' line from? my original. from an english picture. i knew it wasn't original. the audience clapped, right? full on... inside you showedthem an english film? what will you show them at night? not me alone... you too.

    what! original bittoo shrutifrom the kitschy hinterland. love is splendid. love is profound. it's a euphoria. it's riveting. heart's a nomad. it's mesmerising. i have given myself to you.

    i've lost everything to you. my heart is not mine. it's crazy for you. oh, the moon so far. i am just a lone star. love is an enigma, love is a mystery. lanes of love arelike the deep blue sea. i am drowning yet floating.

    i am a waif, i am nothing. my heart is not mine,it's crazy for you. fall in love. sink in love. die in love. god is my only friend. in love i've lost my life. yet my lover's yard, is better than the temple of god.

    mr. bittoo, mr bittoo khan...let's go and set the plates up. they will be screamingfor dinner in a minute. the lighting looks great. i just hope that the flowersdon't wither by tomorrow... but i... oh, just let this taj mahal be. so mr. shahrukh khan,have your guests eaten? yes, yes, they should eat too... so that the breakfastteam can begin preparations. it's perfect, maqsood.come on, let's eat.

    thank god, at leastshe said 'perfect' for once. i was thinking that thesealtars will turn into my grave. shruti. one minute... sit down... listen to the plan for the future. enough of the i-spy. happy wedding is finished, from now on only shaadi mubarak. not possible, bittoo.

    no, bittoo... i have decided.decision's taken. we can't work together. last time we planneda wedding for 30 million, you created an issue andbroke up the partnership. now we have doubled it,you are moving away. what is the problem? you really like this snakesand ladders game? together we have organisedsuch a big wedding so well. we are a great team,

    and you are ruining it. i am not going to letit happen... i am not. are you done talking? now may i? go for it... say anything... just don't say wecan't work together. any other conditions are ok with me. i am getting married in two months, to chetan.

    he stays in dubai,and after the wedding i'll move you... you... you've gone mad. you can't marry. why not? and to chetan i can... he is educated, sophisticated, he is the right guy. nothing is right... it's all wrong.totally wrong.

    right... it is right. wrong, wrong, wrong... why do you think it's wrong? give me a reason. because wrong is wrong,and wrong cannot be right. chetan... oh, so it's that jackass whois calling you again and again. fine! keep answering his calls. hello chetan, how are you?

    a problem has come up, i'll call you a bit later. ok, bye. wrong... it's all wrong.completely wrong. bittoo... what are you guys doing? puneet, get off! i'll break your legs if you get off. you're getting wet...for no reason... bittoo tell them. let us do our job...just go from here. anju, what are you doing here?leave it... and go.

    let it go, bittoo.- move... you'll fall ill. let me do my job. there is no point in saving it. just go... just get off... get off. hurry up. come inside. go in and dry yourselves... hurry.

    let it be... we'll make another one. you were asking for a reason... it's taken so much effort to set up, and now you arerunning off to dubai. what's to become of shaadi mubarak? chetan has no problemwith my business... i told you, he's the right guy. i'll set up shaadi mubarak in dubai. it will drown in dubai!

    what's it to you, if it sinks or floats? it's my problem. okay? bittoo. what do we do for breakfast? hurry up, there's no time... what about uncle and aunty? you will go to dubai... whatwill they do with out you? both are very happy together... and i'm not going to antarctica...

    dubai is three hours away. don't worry, nothingwill happen to them. ok, start placing the pillows...hurry up. dubai won't suit you. you can't wear jeans and skirts. too much heat, too much dust. bittoo, any other reason? solid one? if not, leave and let me do my work.

    what happened? i have cracked the reason... that jackass is marrying you... he is done for. chetan's had it. don't listen to me. go get married. but your anger won't die down. what anger? let it be... now thatyou've already decided... what difference can my talk make?

    just say it... quickly... you are taking revenge on meby marrying that jackass, right? chetan! show some respect, you are speaking ofmy future husband... and why would i seek revenge on you? you lied... actually youhad fallen in love with me... and i paid you no heedand that's what angered you. to punish me you aremarrying that jackass... correct, isn't it?

    shruti, where should iplace this dj set-up? tell me quickly please. at least answer my question. oh, there's a new problem, the chicken hasn't arrived yet. just this much... don't increase it. play some english music,there are lots of foreigners here. answer me... you had fallen in love with me...

    you are justembarrassed to admit it. shruti kakkar, the strong woman, how could she gettrapped in emotions... ya? love and businessdo not go hand in hand... your famous business rule... you broke the rule... you fell in love... what could i do? leave all my work andattend to your feelings?

    why are you punishing me?it's your mistake... no? bittoo, i have to get ready... thisis not the time for this nonsense. this is the best time... answer me... always wrong timing... i've not yet got an answer to myquestion, and he is calling... who gave you permissionto cut my phone... how dare you? i don't need anyone's permission.

    answer my question first.answer me. - leave the phone. that's enough. you think the entireworld revolves around you. your answer... your punishment. i am getting married for myself... for my safe secure future... for my parents... ...they want to see me settled...

    i'm marrying a guy who isthe perfect life partner for me. with whom i'll be happy. yes... i made a mistake... i fell in love with you... shruti kakkar was gluedto the business rulebook... everything was planned! but i planned using my brain, and discounted the heart.

    if you did not, you did not. you think i'll chase you for revenge? i'm not a child like you! got your answer? happy? shruti loves youand you paid no heed to her... now are you a hero? is that why you wereafter an answer? hello... how are you?

    no it got cut by mistake. my friend i've checked the lights... everything is fit justdimmer number six is gone... should i put all tubelights on number five? sir, are you ok? i am a bloody donkey. hello, chetan... i'm bittoo...

    wake the f*** up...something important. what did he say? i'll speak to him right dare he? idiot. chetan, control... i'll beat him to a don't swear. take it easy... you called chetan?- yes. you told him to step aside...shruti is mine... obviously! why did you tell him that?

    i thought, let meput him aside first, or else he will keep calling... and we won't be able to talk. tell me whatever you told him...say it to my face. i am a fool, an idiot, a donkey. everyone knows that...say something new. i am a fool, to haverun away from your love. i am an idiot who thoughtthat love would ruin my career,

    and when i actuallyrealised everything, i tried to play the'shaadi mubarak' card. but you are a bigger fool than i am, you taught me everythingabout business with so much love, you could have taught meabout love with as much love. you were in a hurry tofind the right life partner... and who did you find? that jackass! if you don't want to make meyour business partner then so be it. but don't keep me away from you.

    there is no fun in life without you, not looking at girls,nor chowmein or tea. work with you is fun, and evenhanging out with you is fun. i can work only because yousmile and say 'very good'. even my own father neverbothered to say 'good' to me. till there was happinessin life, business was good. when the happiness vanished,business also sank. if this happiness is called love,then i am not afraid of it. i will give you lots and lots of loveand take lots and lots from you.

    tell me, will you give me love? no way... one minute... how are you? how can you be good? bittoo's an idiotto have blasted you. yes, that's been sorted. i am getting into apartnership with bittoo... and this time it's for life.

    if he tries any tricksi am going to break his legs, but not the partnership. now, obviouslyour wedding is cancelled. he cut it. how dare he cut off your call? you didn't finish speakingand he cut off your call. how does it matter? forget chetan. ok, i've forgotten him. finish the business you started.

    what you were saying... after that? i've spoken full and final...nothing beyond that... nothing? do i have to teachyou everything in life? hello? - no one can find you know where she is? preeti maam has broken her heel... is shruti maam a cobbler? preeti maam is cryingabout her broken heel. i am on my way.- hurry up please.

    tell her not to worry...i am on my way.

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