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standard furniture orchard park

williamâ mcdonough: hi, everybody. i apologizefor my voice. i choked on something last night and i coughed all night. i’m fine’ll be a little scratchy. it’s a real privilege to be here. i thinkasu is the spearhead of sustainability in higher education. congratulations to presidentcrow and everyone here. i wanna talk a little bit about educationbut i wanna talk about what we educate about. i wanna probably be a little bit pokey becauseyou’ll see; i don’t think we’re doing anything really, if we just be less bad. ithink we’re just being bad but less so. it’s amazing to me that in places that honorthe concept of science, the people think that less and bad are numbers and you take twonegatives and you get a positive. less is

a relationship; bad is a human value. beingless bad is not being good. it’s being bad, just less.i’d like to talk about what it means to be good. i’ve had the privilege of beingthe dean of the school of architecture at the university of virginia and as such, in1994, i was able to live on the lawn at mr. jefferson’s university, the first publicinstitution of higher education in this country. as an architect, i can just tell you thatit was a very moving place to be because this is the rotunda, the head of the lawn, andwe’re looking here at the platonic perfection of a sphere and a cube. this is the academy.this is plato. this is truth. this is beauty. as we look inside, we see, not only in thisbeautiful orb in this cube, look at the rows

on the first two floors. they are ovaries.this is the source. as we look down the lawn, itself, we see the pavilions, ten of them.these are the lyceum. this is aristotle. this is science, mathematics. this is form. thisis beauty. this is the source. we start to realize that we can actually physicallymanifest our understanding of the world by the way we design. mr. jefferson was a designer,if nothing else, because if you live in a house designed by him, which i had the privilegeof doing, you realize, not only is he your designer here, but you can go look at histombstone nearby, his last design. you’ll notice that on it he only recorded the thingshe designed. it says, “thomas jefferson, author of thedeclaration of american independence, author

the statute of virginia for religious freedomwhich became the bill of rights and father of the university of virginia.” that’sit. anything missing? can you imagine being president of the unitedstates twice and it’s not important enough to even put on your tombstone?audience: [laughter] mcdonough: see what we notice, he’s recordinghis legacies, not his activities. he doesn’t have a list of his jobs. he just shows ushis designs. the things that he left behind for us to enjoy and remember this, we, thepeople in this room, are thomas jefferson’s seventh generation.what does it mean to design that way? when i moved to uva, i lived on this aristoteliancolonnade and i built bookcases to match mr.

jefferson’s from monticello and i filledthem with mr. jefferson’s writings and i said, “well, i’m the dean here for fiveyears, i will read all of this.” he left behind almost 30,000 letters. imagine.i asked the thomas jefferson memorial foundation if they could let me know when mr. jeffersonwrote the declaration of independence and i wanted to read everything else he did atthe same time. what else was he doing? guess what, thirty-threeyears old he wrote it in 16 days. can you imagine? in the meantime, inventing the moldboardplow, et cetera, et cetera, et cetera. this is his academical village. cardinalswith food and delight. the rotunda; the library; the pavilions, the professors lived upstairs,the classrooms were downstairs. the students

lived in between. you can get around in thewinter without shoveling snow. it was too noisy. you can get around in the rain withoutgetting wet. the academical village. these were the original disciplines at universityof virginia. moral philosophy, natural philosophy. these are where we would find physics, chemistry,law, medicine. when we put these professors in the ten pavilionsand the state argued, the legislature, about giving them funding and they said, “howcould you pick these ten professors? all they do is argue with each other.” his answerwas, “of course, they argue with each other. that’s why i picked them.” education requiresthe fierce clash of ideas. if we look at his other work and his thinkingabout the history of rights, he read anglo

saxon and greek. if we look at the historyof rights as roderick nash from the university of california santa barbara’s pointed outin his book, the rights of nature, “here is mr. jefferson studying 1215 the magna carta.”the magna carta is the rights of noble males. his declaration of independence, the rightsof white, landowning, protestant males. only six percent of the population.then we start to see things happening. the emancipation proclamation in 1863. suffrage,1920, welcome aboard, ladies, took a while. then we see the civil rights acts of the ’70’s.native americans, 1924 and then 1973, the first time something other than a human, isgiven the right to even exist with the endangered species act under president isn’t it interesting that over time,

we move from white noble males to other species.where is this going? during the earth summit, i had the privilegeof representing the architecture community, both the aia and the international union ofarchitects at the earth summit, 1992. i delivered the hannover principles that i had writtenas a gift from the german government to the earth summit.during all this, i heard an amazing story from my friend, tom lovejoy, who was advisinggeorge bush, the first, and he was trying to get them to understand why it would begood to sign the biodiversity convention, which was a real issue.president bush asked doctor lovejoy to explain it to john sununu, an engineer from new hampshire,a famously conservative gentleman, who was

his chief of staff. doctor lovejoy broughtin our preeminent biodiversity wizard, e. o. wilson from harvard.professor wilson tried to explain to president bush’s chief of staff why the biodiversityconvention was so important. near the end, john sununu said to e. o. wilson, “i’re calling for an endangered species act for the entire planet and the devil’sin the details. forget it,” at which point, professor wilson stood up and said, “no,sir, god is in the details” and left. jefferson wrote a letter to madison when theywere designing the federal government. he decided a federal bond should be one him, it was 19 years but, as we know, it turned out to be 30 but he thought it shouldbe one generation.

this was his logic. he said, “the earthbelongs to the living. no man may by natural right oblige the lands he owns or occupiesto debts greater than those that may be paid during his own lifetime because if he could,the earth would belong to the dead and not to the living.” the earth would belong tothe dead. at that time, i decided i would have one simpledesign question that i would bring to all my work and that question is how do we loveall the children of all species for all time? what if that is the first question we ask?it’s not just our children. it’s all the children. what would happen to design if weasked that question? what would it mean for us to find ourselves here, as we now callit the anthropocene era? the era where humans

have become the dominant species. the erawhere we can change climate. ninety-nine percent of the large mammals on the planet are underdirect human management. think about it. the anthropocene. what doesit do to our heads if we think about that? design becomes very important because designis the first signal of human intention. when you get up in the morning and you have intentions,you are a designer. what are our intentions as a species? if weintend to destroy the planet, pollute the water we’re doing great, if that’s theplan. if you say, “well, i didn’t really wanna cause global warming all the way overhere.” okay, but that’s what’s happening. it’sbecome our de facto plan. it’s the thing

that’s happening because we don’t appearto have another plan. who’s got the plan? we also decided we will design for 10 billionpeople. that’s our assignment and we can’t just stand here and say, “oh, woe is us.we have to reduce the population.” like you might’ve heard from some famous recentpoliticians that are talking about climate change, et cetera.if we don’t love every child that’s born, if we look at a kid in india and go, “populationproblem,” human rights cease to exist. just like that. we have to love every child that’sborn and celebrate their creative opportunity in a world of abundance, not a world of limits.limits to growth, 1972, highly problematic because it looked at a lot of materials andsystems and said, “oh, when they end up

with the end of their useful life, you now,well, they’re fully depreciated.” they like disappear off the ledger? where did itgo? oh, it went away. where is away? once we saw the planet from outer space, 1968away went away. where’s away? let’s honor every one of these children and celebrateabundance for them. we have an abundance of renewable energy. we could become, once again,native to place. these are our stories. gregory bateson wrote this book called mindand nature in the early ’70’s. an anthropologist, husband of margaret meade, and in it, he coinsthe term cybernetics. this is when they were punching cards and were still basic, you know,computer language, right. in the book, he’s telling his daughter astory about the future and he’s talking

to a computer of the future and he says, “tellme, computer, when do you think computers will begin to think like humans?” then there’sa long pause and the computer says, “hmm that reminds me of a story.”what are stories? what does it mean to be native to place? i think all sustainabilityis local. i think our planet is our local place, as well as the smaller fractals thatwe inhabit but let’s remember our planet is our home and we’re not leaving. we’renot going away. what would that mean? well, that means it’stime to be more good not just less bad. it’s different. we don’t walk through the forestgoing, “ah, over-population of trees.” audience: [laughter]mcdonough: it appears that ants have about

four times the body mass of humans but wedon’t have an over-population of ants. they all inhabit various sectors of their ecosystems;do their work. we don’t have any ants that don’t have jobs.audience: [laughter] mcdonough: what do they do and they’re constantlycycling everything. it’s time for us to re-think. re-think and it’s not just reduce,reuse, recycle. that’s not enough. we have to recognize that we have become, as a species,strategically tragic. how many people you know of are in businessand somebody said you’re strategically tragic. i think it’s time for a strategy of change,don’t you? well, what is the change? what are the game rules of this? is it, “oh,we’ll just be less bad and our goal is zero?”

are you kidding? you have that posted allover this campus. i’m sorry. your goal is zero. what are you trying to tell the children?it would be better if you weren’t here? is that what you’re saying? we’re outfor zero. what is that through carbon? wait a minute you are carbon. you wanna be zerocarbon? you’d better shot yourself, dry up and blow away because you’re carbon.we don’t have an energy problem. we have material problem. we have carbon and materialin the wrong place, the atmosphere, that’s the problem. we have plenty of energy that’salso part of the problem see. if we have a material displaced so if all we’re gonnasay is we wanna be lessã¢â‚¬â€i don’t think the kids are gonna get up and go, “hurrah.”they’re gonna say, “it’d be better if

you weren’t here.”what kind of message is that? if commerce is the engine of change, that’s why i workin commerce so much. then what would the design and intention of legacy of modern commercebe? imagine you were intentionally perpetuating a system of commerce which puts billions ofpounds of hazardous material in soil, air, and water every year or maybe you’d feelbetter if it was hundreds of millions. have we received any information about this?any signals that these things are problematic? how about love canal? how about bhopal? howabout basel and the pollution of the rhine? how about the earthquake in turkey? how aboutfukushima? these are signals of design failure of tremendous proportion.what are we doing ignoring billions of clean

kilowatt-hours and btu’s that come fromthe sky every day for free? remember, we have a thermonuclear reactor at a very safe distance,93 million miles. it’s eight minutes and it’s wireless.audience: [laughter] mcdonough: i love nuclear power. i think weshould spend trillions of dollars capturing nuclear power immediately and i’m so gladwe got a reactor already. isn’t it great? let’s go get it.this is one of our houses in make it right. we couldn’t get contractors that would affordablygive us solar collectors for our affordable housing so we started a solar company calledmake it right solar. hired the local people said, “here’s a screwdriver. this is notrocket science, you know. here’s an electrical

connector.” people now have $25.00 electricbills instead of $250.00 and we’re the largest solar installer in new orleans.what if we see human population as a problem rather than an opportunity to serve? why isthe world so negative? these children are not a problem; they’re reaching out forlove. let’s love them. half of my design time, i get to design forthe wealthiest people in the world. imagine. i have clients like google and i get to doall kinds of fun stuff but i spend half my time designing for people with nothing. otherwise,there wouldn’t be a balance. you wouldn’t believe what we come up with. it’s fantastic.what if we ignored our material prosperity by cradle to grave? what is this whole lifecycle thing anyway? this is not alive. it’s

a projection. northern europeansã¢â‚¬â€â€™causeyou peel a banana in sweden, that peel will be there for years, fair enough, so you gottabury it. okay. you don’t have to bury it in rome or the jungle.what if things were in cycles, use periods? what would it mean? what if we could measureour progress, not just by how bad we can be with undefying goals of zero? see, you’renot telling us what you are. you’re telling us what you’re not because you’ve gottareduce. we believe in reusing and recycling but mostthings today are not recycled. they’re down-cycled, a term we coined in our book. things are losingtheir quality. clear polymers become park benches on their way to landfills.efficiency is insufficient. all we wanna do

with efficiencyã¢â‚¬â€this is the projectthat i was given by bill ford in public. redo this. he didn’t even tell me he was gonnado it. when i asked him later, “why did you do it in public without telling me?”he said, “if i had asked for permission, i never would’ve gotten it. you’ve neverdesigned an auto plant before. so, let’s go for your shareholder value or we’re bothtoast.” what are we gonna do just reduce our footprint?i hate it when people run around going, “we have to reduce our ecological footprints.”yeah, okay, fine, tiptoe. audience: [laughter]mcdonough: wait a minute, i wanna stomp around and leave mine in wetlands ’cause you couldpour a little less asphalt but as far as i’m

concerned, it’s still two words, assigningblame. typical reporting today, social responsibilityreporting, there are all these charts that look like this. i’m a design guy. i alsodo business. the only people i know that like charts that go down to the right are the peoplehandling expense reports. audience: [laughter]mcdonough: businesses are meant to be producing revenue. hello. this is silly. you’re gonnatell us you’re gonna reduce your carbon by some point. yeah. good. tell us what you’regonna do. just tell what you’re not and your goal is zero. you’re trying to tellus it’d be better if you didn’t exist. i don’t understand that. imagine this.audience: [laughter]

mcdonough: what kind of a communication isthis? you’re telling us what you’re not; does that help me when i’m shopping? evenmore amazing, we would say, “oh, it’s, ah, whatever.” free of, you know, some toxin.just tells us it’s free of that, it doesn’t say, what it is. how about this one?audience: [laughter] mcdonough: plutonium freeâ [inaudible 00:23:16]â itdoesn’t cost you anything but nobody said, “well, wait a minute; this is chromium-basedink or chlorine-based color. it’s totally undefined. we’re just telling people whatwe’re not. well, what are we? ” peter drucker, the management consultant wizardsaid, “efficiency is a job for managers. it’s doing something the right way.” efficiency,you see, doesn’t have a value. it’s a

tool. it’s not a good or a bad. what ifyou’re a super-efficient terrorist? is efficiency a good? not if you’re a terrorist. okay.efficiency is just a tool and a tool’s value is established by the purpose to which humansput it. a hammer doesn’t know if it’s good or bad. if i hit you with it, it’sa weapon. if i build your house, it’s a tool.drucker said, “the executive job is to be effective and do the right thing. the manager’sjob is to do it the right way.” that’s why i’m poking at you. what’sthe right thing to do? all you’re telling me is what you’re not trying to be. whatare you trying to be? see, it’s different. it’s fun. it’s fun and it gives the kidshope that the adults don’t need more supervision,

right?audience: [laughter] mcdonough: what is your goal to reduce, reduce,avoid? guilt management? no, here’s our goal. a delightfully diverse, safe, healthy,and just world with clean air, soil, water, and power. economically, equitably, ecologically,and elegantly joined period. any part of this you don’t like? let’s start designinginto it. watch what happens. 1108, saint hildegarde von bingen, look atthis poem. it’s my favorite poem. “glance at the sunsee the moon and the stars gaze at the beauty of earth’s greeningsnow think”i’m not a scientist. i work with a lot of

scientists. i was born in tokyo, japan. wheni was five years old, my parents took me to see hiroshima. i had a lot of curiosity aboutthat. i was pretty scared about it. i always wanted to know, “gee, einstein’s the smartestguy in the world couldn’t even remember his own phone number. what was that?”remember what he said? he said, “why should i remember something i could look up?” inever understood that until now. but why was he afraid?well, when i got to dartmouth, i was an art student but i decided to take nuclear physics’cause i was curious. i went to my professor and i said, “i wanna know why einstein wasafraid and i wanna know how hiroshima disappeared.” on the political front of why we would dothis to somebody else, i’ll take that over

in the gummy department, fair enough.“i wanna know how that happened. physically, what happened? what flash, bang?”he said, “well, you need to learn the special theory of relativity.”i said, “okay, you’re my teacher, teach me.”he handed me this big book said, “here it is. read this.”i went back to my room, i went, “i can’t do this. no way.”onionskin paper, endless. i left it open on equals m c squared and i lit a fire. at dartmouth,we had fireplaces in new hampshire. trees or weeds in those days.i’m sitting looking at the fire and i’m going, “i can’t do this formula, so i’min crisis and i’ll never be able to do this.”

then i’m looking at the fire and i’m going,“there’s entropy. everything’s going to chaos and burning.” it’s the 1970’s,before the anti-christ. it’s going to chaos and not to re-aggregate and we have this specialã¢â‚¬â€youknow we have this thing lawthur mcnamics 00:27:53 going and we have all kinds of stuff goinghere. i thought, well, you’re not from asia. what’sthe opposite of that? what’s going on there? chaos. we need order. what is order? it’snot exergy. it’s really, what is negative entropy in a sense? i don’t know a lot aboutthese things at all but i just thought about it and i went, “well, it must be the logitself.” then it occurred to me, “oh, i see.” adisaggregated form of energy coming from the

entropy 93 million miles away. it’s reachingthe earth’s surface and it’s being aggregated by dispersed receivers, millions of’s collecting the minerals in the water and it’s putting in the log. beautiful.i thought to myself, “if i’m ever an architect, i wanna design buildings like trees.” nowjust remember, in 1970, we did not have wheels on our luggage. we are not that smart.audience: [laughter] mcdonough: it took us 5,000 years to put wheelson our luggage. audience: [laughter]mcdonough: i thought, “well, what if i could design a building like a tree? what wouldthe design assignment be? oh, it would be let’s design a building, not that’s itsome leed rated 20 percent less bad building.”

you know with recycle polyvinylchloride andcarpets getting points for recycled content of toxic material with endocrine disruptersfor our young women so they have problems with children and mother’s milk. mother’smilk is now contaminated with hundreds of chemicals. it would be illegal to sell iton a store shelf. what are we doing? i thought, “wouldn’t it be great if icould design a building that made oxygen, sequesters carbon, fixes nitrogen, distillswater, provides habitat for hundreds of species, accrues solar energy as fuel, makes complexsugars in food, changes colors to seasons, microclimates, and self-replicates.”that’s the design assignment of a tree and we have wheels on our luggage. see. this isinteresting.

if this exists, it’s not science. i’mnot a scientist but it’s occurred to me as a designer that e is physics. this is fromhere. it’s a part of physics and then m, oh, my goodness is chemistry, and this ismass here. if we take all the chromium from south africa, which we always did even duringapartheid, and we put little holes in the ground of our products and are not peanutbutter jars and so on. then future generations will go, “what were you thinking? you’vetoxified us and we’ve lost the usefulness of this material. what are you doing?”okay, so there’s the m. what’s missing from this? it’s biology. life itself. theearth belongs to the living. see einstein didn’t deal with biology and then you lookat the formula. how many of you have done

the formula? anybody? oh, my goodness, we’rein college. you wanna see what happens when a designer takes this up. it’s real simple.dumb as dirt to me. i could be completely wrong. i don’t know but it looks like math.its got an equation. how do you do an equation? well, look forthe number. there’s the number. now for my little brain, 186,000 miles per second,that’s a really big number. right? let’s just call it approaching infinity. myâ [fadingvoice 00:31:39]â now let’s cut and square it. oh, my goodness. even bigger. more thani can imagine, which means that if m is in anyway a positive number, as in one atom,then e is a flash and a city disappears. that’s why einstein was afraid. that is the atomicbomb.

that’s a tool. its value is assigned toit by the purpose to which it’s put but this is a very big problem. to have designsthat produce waste that take thousands of years to deal with and are very expensive.also, i’ve looked at crick and watson ’cause they said what about the life? what aboutbiology? 1953, dna, in 1962, crick gave a speech at the university of washington calledof molecules and men. in it, he said, “what does it mean to be a living thing?”he called it the nature of vitalism. what does it mean to be alive? his conclusion wasin order to be a living thing you had to have growth. you had to have free energy from outsidethe system ’cause a business can’t grow without income and typically, that’s solarenergy for life. good. the third thing, you

have to have an open metabolism of chemicalsoperating for the benefit of the organisms and their reproduction. open metabolism ofchemicals operating for the benefit of the organisms and their reproduction.what are we making folks? toxic things? oops. we have to revalue and re-measure. it’sfamous now that engineers are said to know more and more about less and less until theyknow everything about nothing. audience: [laughter]mcdonough: architects know less and less about more and more until we know nothing abouteverything. society and contractors, especially, know nothing about anything, thanks to theircontact, architects and engineers. audience: [laughter]mcdonough: what we really need to realize

is that when we start designing, we don’tstart with numbers. you can’t innovate with benchmarking. i work with google; they didn’tbenchmark the encyclopedia of britannica. see if you start with metrics, like reducenumbers, you can get tactics like change a light bulb. you can get strategies like changeall your light bulbs and you can get to goals. oh, 20 percent reduction by 22 million butyou don’t get the values from there. you’re still in measurements.what we do is we start with values. how do i love all the children, all species for alltime? what are my principles? they gotta have principles. then we set our goals, then wedevelop our strategies, our tactics. what do we do right now? then we measure and watchwhat happens.

instead of just saying, “i’ll be efficient.”you start by signaling our intention for what it would mean for us to be 100 percent good.then, of course, we do efficiency because it’ll help reduce the demand side but it’sinsufficient see. if you say i’m gonna reduce my coal and nuclear to the minimum, you’restill coal and nuclear, so if that’s your intention, you’re still there.if you have another intention, right. what is it? then we do effectiveness and this iswhere the creative work happens see. we start to think otherwise and we start to move itout so the efficiency helps us a great deal, we’re just hard to man. without innovationand principled work, we don’t have leadership. we just have people following.what we do is we created this chart that we

use with our clients. we just simply do theobvious thing. we put the things we don’t want underneathã¢â‚¬â€zero. we say, “finewe don’t want toxic materials.” again, got it. we don’t want toxins. we do wanthealthy, safe materials and metabolisms. oh, got it.let’s go from here to here and how do we do it. oh, we reduce our badness see. nowit’s a trajectory. it’s a good trajectory. it’s a good thing, dude. it’s not sufficient,still in the red zone. what does this look like? see now we’re onto something. we cantell the kids, that’s where we’re going, up there. not zero. this stuff we want togo to zero sure but we gotta tell you what that is otherwise you’re left guessing.this is design. it’s your intentionality

rendered visible. that’s what cradle tocradle is. it’s a positive strategy. it has five major dimensions. materials are inbiological or technical metabolisms. this is the main gift, i think, is that what crickand watson were describing, and later crick with his nature of vitalism is this metabolism.that’s the thing to which he’s referring. what michael browner and i have pointed outis that there’s another one that’s 5,000 years old, when we started banging’s this stuff. we should see all that as services. the tv’s are services. thecarpet’s a service. you want acoustics. you want appearance. you wanna clean up alittleã¢â‚¬â€well, maybe not in this case. you want cleanability. you want whatever andwhat we don’t want is hazardous toxin material.

pvc with off-gassing, vallates and plasticizerswith 16 known carcinogens in the face fiber, called an eco-carpet, please.these are materials that can be continuously reused by humans. lead isã¢â‚¬â€poor littlelead. how many of you think lead is a bad thing? all right. is lead bad? well, the europeansthink so ’cause they banned lead in computers, in solder, but they didn’t say what to use.they just said no lead. well, poor little lead.audience: [laughter] mcdonough: they ended up using bismuth andtin and kilo copper, amalgam. this stuff gets brittle, starts fires. the oil industry said,“no way. brittle stuff starts fires. we’re not going up there with that.”they got exempted and then when it turned

out, bismuth is mined with lead ten to in order to get the bismuth, there’s ten times the lead mining. now lead is socheap. the oil companies are in for wisdom have decided to re-lead the gas line in the kids in europe wouldn’t be exposed to lead in the computers, they were neversupposed to anyway, but now the kids in china and africa get brain death.unattended consequence because nobody said let’s be positive re-defined. the thingis, see, if lead is in a technical nutrient cycle, it stays within the computers. yousee with your take back programs and so on. lead is not a toxin; it’s a technical’s fantastic solder. if you release it in the biosphere, brain death for your children.not a good idea.

see, so we need to have defined systems. thesethings belong in sequestered systems. these go back to the biosphere. my first productthat we designed was a fabric in switzerland in 1993. the fabric is so clean you can eatit. it’s been selected by the airbus company. it’s the fabric of choice for airbus, whichis great news for everybody ’cause if you find yourself at 40,000 feet with an extremefiber deficiency, you can safely eat your chair.audience: [laughter] mcdonough: the important thing is we wentand looked at the chemicals. there were 3,000 chemicals being used in textiles, 3,000 andin its company 250 undefined. we went in and we inspected all the chemicals and we cameup with 38 that were so clean that the water

coming out of the textile mill, we knew everycolor, every finish, everything we wanted. the water was coming out so clean it was asclean as swiss drinking water. when your factory’s full of dark, heavyvats full of hot liquid, imagine when the water comes out, it’s clean as swiss drinkingwater. welcome to design. this is design. factories’ water purification systems. nice.right? the textile used to have its trimmings. beforewe arrived, had been declared hazardous waste by the swiss government. you couldn’t buryor burn it in switzerland. they had to ship it to there something we don’t understand about the equal sign? here’s your fabric and there’syour trimming and there’s this hazardous

waste and there’s an equal sign. the cheapestthing to do is just don’t trim it. just send it to your customers.audience: [laughter] mcdonough: we’re insane. i mean it’s insane.we decided what if the trimmings were mulch for the local garden clubs, started pushingup strawberries, et cetera. any way, the fabric was a huge success. twenty percent cheaperto make. in vancouver, the maintenance guy at the sewageplant was watching his pipes fill up with crystals and have to replace ’em all thetime ’cause they kept shrinking. he put in a vortex see if it would keep it in suspensionand what happened? up came this struvite. it’s phosphate slow release can sell it at a 12 percent profit. what

if our sewage treatment plant would’veã¢â‚¬â€whata name. that’s a liability isn’t it? doesn’t that cost the city money? doesn’t that eutropythe bays and rivers and with point source pollution? aren’t the farms causing non-pointsource pollution every time it rains with the phosphates?by the way, phosphate from florida is the largest single spread of low-level radioactivityin the world. we’re running out of phosphate and the chinese have captured the phosphatemarket. most of it’s in china and morocco. we all need four grams of phosphate a day.what if our sewage treatment plans became nutrient managing systems? what if they made12 percent money on the phosphate, 12 percent money on the nitrogen, 12 percent money onthe compostables that go into gasification

systems? they become assets instead of liabilities.what is our design paradigm anyway? we eliminate the concept of waste. we’renot saying minimize waste or zero waste because if i said, “pink elephant, don’t thinkof a pink elephant.” what happens? if i say, “waste.” you think of waste.we don’t say the word waste. everything nutrient in metabolism. carpet for shaw industries,berkshire hathaway we design what it looks like, too, but this is the carpet cradle tocradle survey. it’s carpet made with caprolactam. it’s a nylon 6, infinitely reusable andthe basis of thermoplastic polyolefin using new metabolism chemistries. infinitely’s not pvc being recycled. this is designed to be recycled forever. you send it out toyour customer and it’s on their floor. those

are your raw materials for the future. youget to warehouse your materials on your customers’ floors. isn’t that great? you have the relationshipwith the customer, that’s the valuable thing and the molecules are perfectly designed tocome back to you. nice. okay, these are new business models.we do steelcase, hayworth, herman miller. all these chairs are cradle to cradle chairs.we’re not saying that chair’s gonna go to mexico city and 15 years from now you’regonna do a take back program. that’s ridiculous. that chair’s not gonna go back to grandrapids, right, but aluminum polycarbonate, polyethylene, steel, rubber. they’re allmarked. these chairs are all designed to come apart in five minutes or less with tools you’dfind in the kitchen drawer. they can go back

to the international material pools of rawmaterials for reuse, you see. it’s beautiful. we have these materials for our constant useas a species. we can celebrate the making of things. see, right now, so we’ve gottareduce our consumption, like you can consume a tv, come on. you consume a tv, 4,360 don’t consume tv’s. it’s silly. these are products that service and we wannainfinitely reuse the materials, of course, how obvious is this.when we were handed the river rouge $2 billion, 20-year project, that’s what we startedwith. the joke in dearborn clearly is that this is a color photograph.audience: [laughter] mcdonough: this was henry ford’s centerpiecethe first industrial revolution but churchill

called the arsenal democracy. instead of justsaying, “let’s shrink its footprint.” we said, “what if we could think about designdifferently? what if we made the world’s largest green roof? what if we purified waterwith plants instead of three chemical treatment plants and four miles of pipes? what if wegave michigan state research money to study how we can remediate these soils and institutewith plants?” it’s fantastic. the bulrush loves cabnia.why can’t we do this? our goal was really simple. it wasn’t parts per billion was we’ll be done when bill ford sends his children to play here. that’s when we’redone. like that. this picture is the roof. that’s a’s only an inch and a half thick, seven

pounds per square foot. we’re cheap. weã¢â‚¬â„¢relight. we found it in germany. it took some work ’cause when i first got to ford, theyput a paint engineer in charge of me. he came to the meeting late, you know, south of dogstuff and he goes, “i’m not here to talk to no eco-architect or ego-architect aboutno eco-architecture and here at ford, we talk over skylights. now what’s this about agreen roof?” for us, it was like, yes. this nietzsche said,“what doesn’t kill you makes you stronger.” you need people like that. by the time wegot done, he’s now in the sustainability business. it’s pretty exciting.we went to germany and we found a roof that was used by stasi. it has camouflage. it wasreally cheap in east germany during the cold

war to hide the airplanes. it only weighedseven pounds a square foot. we brought it overã¢â‚¬â€brought the germans over. yeah,see those, those are killdeer eggs. they landed and they were nesting within five days.when i had to present this to the ford’s board for approval, they gave me a minuteand a half. as they walked in, bill ford said, “bill i bet they didn’t give you muchtime. take twice as long as they gave.” i said, “it’s okay, i got a minute anda half. that’s all i need.” this board of very important fiduciary groups,as you can imagine, in the car business. i said, “i have a minute and a half so i’mgonna take the first 30 seconds to tell you the building’s for the birds.”audience: [laughter]

mcdonough: this is true. they’re all goinglike, as we like to say, “hound dogs reading an algebra book.” you know like, “huh?”then i said, “but you’re fiduciaries in the car business so i have to talk in termsof money and cars so it’s really simple. you’re about to spend $48 million, it’sall posted in your books, budgeted for a clean water act into law, you’re about to do’re a responsible company. our system with the green roof and the landscape’s13, so we’re gonna save you $35 million dollars day one over a conventional design.with $35 million dollars savings in capex they went with the ford taurus at a four percentmargin out of chicago. this is the equivalent of receiving an order for $900 million dollarsworth of cars. you want it or not? anyhow,

approved.the building makes more energy than it needs to operate. we’re harvesting solar’s a net energy exporter for the year, 13 percent.for herman miller, we designed a building full of daylight and fresh air for ten percentmore than the butler building and look what happened. the building cost 15 million bucks.three hundred and fifty people moved from a dark building to this building full of freshair, daylight, and the beach boys, right. we looked at them and said, “hey, you’rein michigan, you know, where do you wanna be?”california, of course, so we built california. they go to work in aloha shirts; it’s fantasticbut look what happened. year before, they

were making $250 million in furniture. a yearlater, they’re making 350. that’s a $100 million bump, same people. take out the materials;it’s worth $45 million a year in profit to the company. well, that’s amazing. that’srevenue. that’s growth and the building cost, oh, $15 million. oh, that means we paidfor the entire building in four months. that’s what that means. we didn’t save a littleenergy. you go look at a spreadsheet for a big company.the energy is nothing. you can’t find it. it’s in the operatingâ [fading voice 00:49:36]look here, people, watch what happens. nasa asked me to help with the mars station a coupleyears ago and i said, “i can’t do this.” “why not?”“because you haven’t landed on earth yet.”

audience: [laughter]mcdonough: we’re a planet, too, and your buildings are really not up to speed. if youguys can do that, then what if you tried to do it down here first? why can’t this stayon earth? we had fun. we went to the johnson space center.we went to the room where they heard the words, “houston, we have a problem” and we startedthe project there. we said, “let’s have the same team thatcan do this.” “well, how are you gonna power it?”“oh, nuclear power, yeah, got it, and 93 million miles away.” figured that out forus. “okay, we’ll do that.”“oh, how aboutã¢â‚¬â€oh, what’s going

on here with the water?”“well, we can drink our own urine now. we’re gonna have to.”you think about san diego and sydney and toilet to tap. oh, yuck, right, and we learn howto do this. the singaporeans figured it out. turns out it’s a pr campaign. you know whatthey did? they said well, malaysia could turn off the tap on fresh water on us in a second.they just called it new water. changes. who wants old water?audience: [laughter] mcdonough: changes. it’s h2o, what’s theproblem? get over it. we said, “what if we built a space station on earth?”based on a tranquility base, let’s go to mars later. let’s go here first. we gotto stand right there. it was fun. so, it’s,

“houston, we look for a solution.”there it is. that’s where i landed. i call it a geosynchronous space station, low orbit.audience: [laughter] mcdonough: it’s at nasa ames research’s right here. that’s the headquarters now in california. you see these are windtunnels and stuff. they all have exoskeletons. these are all research buildings.we design a building and it’s designed to make 120 percent of the energy it purifies its own water. it breathes every three seconds. every three seconds these windowsopen and close automatically. it’s the most highly censored building in the nation. thepeople that work there i call them the terranauts. they get to go home at night.the building is constantly breathing. it knows

the temperature, the humidity, the pollencounts. it’s fantastic. guess what, same budget as a normal building. what we did isnot to say, “let’s go for leed platinum,” and be less bad in energy use, which is’s a great thing. i mean leed’s very important. it gets people a key to theã¢â‚¬â€ora shibboleth into the temple of hope. here’s how much energy we needed. here’swhat we need after we put on the pv’s. here’s what we get when we put it on the parkinglot. the building could be a tree. the idea is what don’t we want? what do we want?let’s be explicit. okay, so that’s what we did. then we startedto think well, this is about vitalism. it’s about living things. let’s revitalize places.brad pitt and i were looking at the lower

ninth ward. we said, “let’s just helpthese people.” the first thing we did was put cradle to cradlefabric on scaffolding, lit it up with solar energy and people could donate over the internet.six million dollars came in to help and then we hired 28 different architects. everybodycould get a different architect if they wanted. it was so much’s for china. here’s a design for a concept for a new city on the rail frombeijing airport where the buildings are all covered with greenhouses and this is a citythat grows its own food. this is an office building that grows allthe food for the people who work there. i did this for the white house for the funof it. john holdren, america’s chief scientist

said, “what is this?”i said, “this is washington growing its own food.”he said, “oh, this is the first time i’ve ever seen washington being productive.”audience: [laughter] mcdonough: we’re looking at new technologies,right. what are we supposed to do? what if our window shades were salad bars? i don’tknow, it’s fun. here’s a building we designed for barcelona.the floor plans are here on the right. we don’t have potted plants. we’re gonnarestore the ancient butterflies that going extinct in barcelona. why can’t a buildingrestore biodiversity? why not? we wanna be new. we wanna be fresh. i’vebeen asked to consult on the future of beijing

and jiangsu province and what to do aboutthe wind in these places. beijing is about to addã¢â‚¬â€see the five rings? they’regonna add a sixth ring in hubei province. they’re gonna double in size, 20 millionto 40 million in five years. they don’t have any more water. they don’t have anymore power. we’re developing a system of how they can do that.i’m working on a way that we can create new business powers that are super productivethat allow us not to socialize the risk like we did with our banks recently. let the riskbe privatized and let the society benefit. the developers out here will buy. they willcreate efficiencies in here in order to get the right to do this, you see. in the end,the entire city will use 25 percent less water

and less energy and have twice as many people.what is the role of design and what is the role of commerce? jane jacobs points out itwas to evolve two syndromes of survival, what she calls commerce and guardian. commerceis business, very fast. guardian is the government. for commerce, i would just like to speculatefor a minute. after i went to dartmouth, before i went toyale, i worked for king hussein. i lived with the bedouin in the jordan valley and my jobwas the young field representative to look for the sites for the future for the bedouinsto settle because they couldn’t be nomads anymore because of the border with syria andthe border with iraq and the border with saudi had closed. hussein, himself, is a hashemitebedouin.

palestinians were in trouble ’cause theisraelis would come over the river and attack back. it was a real mess. they had been movedto the refugee camps. this is not a great situation.i learned to live with goats. i love goats but what i realized is if you have one goatand you eat it, that’s currency. it’s flow. it’s here; it’s we look at our financial markets and they deal with currency trading. it’s just soabstract, you see. it’s here and it’s gone. it’s nothing. it’s so derived itdoesn’t mean anything anymore. right, it’s currency.what happens if you have a herd of goats? amazing, you have this factory that followsyou around and it gives you the wool for your

tent and your clothing. it gives you gives you water bags. it gives you butter. it gives you milk. it gives you oil for cooking.think about it and it follows you around and it eats everything you can’t.audience: [laughter] mcdonough: it captures solar energy and everylittle bit of water and then it gives it to you and its first-born children for your kidsto play with. it’s awesome, right. guess where the word capital comes from. heads,cap, caput. heads of goats, capital. i think the other thing i’d like to do andi teach in business schools is to talk about the difference between currency and capital,which we don’t seem to do anymore. if you take the currency of the sun and the earthin a living system and you add solar income,

the only thing we have from outside the systemã¢â‚¬â€theonly income on the planet is energy. that’s our income, right. we don’t have mass incomes,it’s iranian phosphate, right, with a little cosmic dust and occasional meteorite. that’sabout it. right and then neuron. find income, go, and we put the carbon withthe income and we get living soil, the basis of life itself. the carbon belongs in thesoil not in the atmosphere, right. we sequester this carbon from the atmosphere and we getcapital. you eat the apple but you plant the orchard. the orchard is the capital, right.what we’re looking at with cradle to cradle is the concept that i’ve named and it’sthe first time i’m presenting it tonight. i call it the currency. it’s re-currencyand then we re-capitalize and then we do it

over and over again for all generations.what is the role of the guardian and the state? well, the state is very different from commerce,you see. the guardian is very slow. it’s very serious. it reserves the right to kill,go to war, execute criminals and it can be duplicitous. ci is, now, business is fast, it’s efficient, it’s effective, and it’s fundamentallyhonest because i can’t do business with somebody for very long if i’m not honest.if you put the two together, you get what jane jacobs called monstrous hybrids likethe mafia, right. does business but reserves the right to kill. that’s a problem.audience: [laughter] mcdonough: you gotta keep these two thingsseparate ’cause the guardian slows down

commerce. we heard today that the computercompanies are worried that there are 50 standards being used. every state and country is feelingthe need to express their standard ’cause they’re terrified. there’s no uniformconsciousness about things. if the computer companies took on their owndesign assignments and said, “oh, no we want it all back. this is our assets. we don’twant them telling us what to do with it ’cause then it gets all mixed up. why don’t youlet us do it but we have good intentions and we have a system.”we don’t have that. the guardian doesn’t see us with good intentions. they don’tsee the system. they’ll just say, “lead free.” right, free of, that’s all.a regulation is a signal of design failure.

the state has to step in and say, “not okayif you pollute this river like that.” what does a regulator have? sticks. epa isin a very desperate situation today. they’re not respected by industry. they’re retreatedinto the corner. congress is cutting their budgets and it’s people with sticks.what we’re saying is what if you could offer industryã¢â‚¬â€what if we could give youcarrots big enough to use as sticks? audience: [laughter]mcdonough: wouldn’t that be interesting? let’s go hit ’em over the head with it.we’re gonna hit businessã¢â‚¬â€like think about it. all those projects i showed you,all those products, they’re not regulated. the fabric is not regulated. there’s nothingto regulate. there’s no toxins. why is it

cheaper? there’s no paperwork. amazing.our goal is a delightfully universe safe, healthy and just world. clean air, soil, water,power and so on. what happened in california? go figure. thelegislature put this forward and got it approved. isn’t that amazing? they call thisã¢â‚¬â€i’msorry i gotta use your language, that’s what we want.governor schwarzenegger called me, sent me a letter. he said, “if you give over cradleto cradle to the public through a not-for-profit and your certification program, which is yourprivate quality system and you give it to the public, i’ll try to make it the law.”may 10th, a year a half ago, at google is chad hurley, founder of youtube; one of ourfounders is wendy schmidt, she’s our chair.

the schmidt family, eric and wendy have givenus a million and a half dollars. this is martin fischer, stanford university engineering.this is a representative from berkshire hathaway and warren buffett. these people shaw industries,carpet; herman miller’s chairman and so on.we announced the new institute. the question becomes what does it mean to be native tothis planet? epa had a meeting in the hanford nuclear plant and pacific national laboratorywhere they brought together scientists and semiologists to find a way to mark the groundwith a sign that would explain to even extraterrestrial 5,000 years from now not to dig here.what is the sign of the most extreme danger? an amazing assignment. when the indians, whowere there, the yakama, heard this, they started

laughing. they said, “you know you reallydon’t need to worry about this. we’ll tell them where it is.”audience: [laughter] mcdonough: tell me computers, when do youthink computers will begin to think like humans? that reminds me of a story. how about yourmind is that you could have a 5,000-year-old memory. isn’t that something?the question is how do we love all the children and all species for all time? how do we glanceat the sun and see the moon and the stars? gaze at the beauty of earth’s greeningsand think. not about how to be nothing, how to be something.think, re-think, imagine, re-imagine, learn, re-learn.

thank you. [applause] audience: the only thing that i pretty much that leaves my home any more is packaging. packagingthat isn’t designed to be reused. without incorporating government to direct what packaging’sgonna be made of and how it’s gonna be called to fit in all the other things that they’vetried to do. what solution do we have to minimize what is otherwise designed to be an externalwaste? mcdonough: first of all, the language, i wouldshift your language, if you don’t mind. you used the word minimize. you said, “whatwe could we do to minimize?”

i don’t use that. i would say, “what couldwe do to optimize?” okay. if you start with minimize, then you’re staying here and you’relike that. what is it if weã¢â‚¬â€so, i am working on that. right now i’m designingnew kinds of packaging as we speak and all based on cradle to cradle and i’m very excitedabout it. some of the biggest companies in the worldare moving into this and it’s not because they’re regulated. see, that’s the partthat’s exciting. you gotta understand. all those companies i showed you are in business.they didn’t come to us because somebody said, “you have to do it or you’ll getpunished.” they came because it’s a business opportunity to do the right thing and they’repeople, too.

on the polymers, i’ll give an example. iam really concerned about polyester terephthalate as maybe you are, too, p e t. ’cause p et contains a residue of a catalytic reaction known as antimony. antimony is a carcinogenicheavy metal. now, don’t get scared, in a water bottle it’s thresholding legally,et cetera. don’t get scared. the thing is it’s just sub-optimal frommy perspective ’cause there’s no reason for it to be that way. we can use titanium,positively fine catalyst. the other thing is that with these materials, they’re testedagainst the use for which they’ve been put. what about unattended consequences? what happensif a woman in india burns a polyester bottle to make tea? then we have antimony trioxidein the air.

if you design for the whole system and wesay, “polyester, wow, are we smart or what? transparent material that’s infinitely reusablefor all intents and purposes. we can even repair the polymer chains in there.”right. what if we designed that for constant human reuse? see that’s a use for oil, forexample, because if i take the hydrocarbons out of the ground or the carbohydrates ofthe ground, as you know, carbon. it’s family. i can infinitely reuse it, then i have whati call endless resourcefulness. endless resourcefulness is not just the materials themselves becausewe’re designing a whole system for that, which is how to celebrate the reuse of thesematerials and get them back efficiently and effectively.we also have the endless resourcefulness of

human creativity doing principled action inthe world of practical affairs. absolutely, packaging is ridiculous today. i mean really,really terrifyingly stupid and it’s ready for a complete optimization.we’re finding we can do it much faster if we don’t make it a regulatory argument.we make it a design assignment that is urgent and that it’s cost-effectively deployed.certain things we have to talk about in society. for example, waste management is going tochina and telling them we should do consideration. see that worries me because if you look atthe history of incineration and energy, wastes energy, get to a place like germany where the codes are very strict for human health a lotof the waste energy plants actually take more

energy than they make because they have torun all the precipitating filters to protect the air.they’ve locked everybody into needing all the plastics to get the cafories to burn allthe wet garbage. now the whole system is completely sub-optimized and we’re stuck. terrible.terrible. right, so we give ’em ten years. we gotta make decisions now that are principledand the packaging can be optimized relative to new systems of this country, with polyesters, for example, we’re recycling in the 20 something percentrange. if we look at a place like curitiba brazil, they’re up in the mid-70’s. whogets to learn from whom? it’s a very exciting time and the last thingwe should do with hydrocarbons is burn them.

see then the carbon is in the wrong place.if we make solid objects, infinite resourcefulness. recapitalize.we have ways to design all the inks and papers and get rid of all the nasties and do thisall with just a positive attitude and good chemistry. right, that’s what it’s gonnatake and you gotta do it with business and you gotta go fast.audience: first, thank you for your work and for coming to speak with us. two questions,first is, where are you teaching this business class and when and how can i get in?[laughter] mcdonough: right here; right now.audience: i’ve presented with an interesting approach to waste energy involving a plasmatorch, basically, a super cube material precipitating

it into basic materials as industrial inputs.i would imagine that this has crossed your path at some point. i’d love to hear whatyour thoughts are on it. mcdonough: i’d be happy to talk about thatbut not right now because you have to look at that as part of the whole system and the question is what energy where? if it’s being used as a way of not having a reusesystem, then it could be problematic. it has to be seen in its context. all these thingsneed to be seen in context. it’s like is plasma a good or bad? it lead good or bad? it depends. it’s the context.if you’re taking nutrients and doing that, they might be better deployed in soil. you’dhave to look at it.

audience: thanks, again, for speaking. i justwanted to know is it fair to question sustainability of the mass production and everything thatgoes into solar power pads. is solar power an issue?mcdonough: of course, it’s fair. it’s all fair. yeah, the way we look at that isyou got a bunch of issues. you got the invited energy, right, and i remember 20 years ago,we looked at solar collectors and it took them about 12 years of energy production topay back the aluminum frame. you really wanna look at them as a whole systemand how much energy it takes to deploy them. the other thing that’s interesting aboutthe solar collectors is that we see, for example, cadmium telluride. cadmium is really concerning’cause it’s a carcinogen. it’s also

a mutagen. you say, “oh, it’s a toxicmaterial, that’s a problem.” indeed, if it’s in the biosphere.would i put a nickel cadmium battery in front of a child with a little toy hammer? i don’tthink so.

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