About : standard furniture odessa
Title : standard furniture odessa
standard furniture odessa

ntv presents 300th anniversaryof the russian empire 300th anniversaryof st. petersburg unveiling the monument toalexander lll in petersburg in 1909. fifteen years afterthe demise of the emperor. the subsequent epochimmortalizes the previous one with a magnificentmodernistic monument. to everyone's amazement, theproject of sculptor paolo trubetskoy was chosen by alexander lll'swidow, empress - mother, maria fyodorova.
lnstead of an official monument- a monumentalized grotesque. contemporaries and descendantssee a portrait of the epoch in that monument. on an elephant - like horse,with fist jabbed to his side, there is a huge riderwith a thick beard and a round fur hat on his head. nothing but a yardman. he was considered the mostrussian, the most austere, the most serene czar. the only ruler in whose reignthere was not a single big war. alexander lll - the peacemaker.
afterthe assassination ofalexander ll, the first case of new czar concerns murder. they ask the new emperorto be merciful. he says he has no right tospare his father's murderers. just lick nicholas l, hisreign begins with 5 hangings. zhelyabov, perovskaya,kibalchich, mikhailov, risakov. how many conspirators arestill at large is unknown. ln case he is killed alexander lll appoints hisyounger brother, vladimir alexandrovich
prince regent, having a13 - year - old son as the heir, nicholas. from petersburg, the royal familymoves to the country palace in gatchina. chief prosecutor pobedonostsev- to alexander lll: ' when you go to sleep,please close the door not only of your bedroom,but all other rooms as well. atrusted person must lookunderthe furniture every evening.' uncrowned alexander livesin gatchina 2 years. the palace was used inrare official cases. the royal family livedin a side tower.
ln soviet times, the gatchinapalace served as a military school then it was a ' secret' instituteand is now being restored. the so - called tower studyof alexander lll. the sternest power at thepeak of the russian empire's might, when it became 16 ofthe earth. later, that conceptwould be frequently used. the monarch's study was notmore that 25 square meters. alexander lll did not havea secretary, just like nicholas ll.
alexander, the second child inthe family, became the heir to the throne when his elderbrother suddenly died. as the heir, alexander alsoreceived a bride, daughter of the danish kingwhen they selected subsequent russian empresses. the marriage to dagmar, inorthodoxy, maria fyodorovna, was a happy marriage. alexander lll was the firstrussian emperor - an exemplary family man. the first emperorto weara beard. lntelligent look, open face,straightforward strongman,
sincere in his sympathies anderrors, workaholic and thrifty. at home he wore patchedup trousers. outside the royal bedroomwas his personal garden, that was the official name. his appeal to the russiannobility: 'l myself am the firstlandowner in each of your provinces.' the garden of gatchinalandowner alexander romanov. they always had householdpets. the czar walked the dogs. the royal pets were buried in the courtyard.
pusha. popochka. parrot popochka.bull - bom. black. tip, the doggy, lived 13years, died a natural death. shaggy kamchatka was thefamily's favorite dog. lt is seen in many royalphotos. all russia knew it. they took kamchatka southwith them and it perished in the crashof the royal train near kharkov. the killing of the reformemperor proved the reforms baneful.
policy changed even beforealexander ll's funeral. the ' convocation of ruraland urban representatives' approved by the late czar wasshelved for good as it was seen as the firststep to alien parliament and constitution. regretfully, all thoughtsabout parliament and constitution were branded by podedonostsevas the devil's schemes. ln a letter of pobedonostsev,alexander lll writes about parliaments: ' as long as l live, l will notallow that lie in holy russia, the electoral choice isnothing but a sham
as it exists in europe.' ln childhood, alexander'steacher, currently - chief prosecutor,relentless fighter against liberalism, konstantin pobedonostsev -ideological co - author of the epoch. repin's famous canvas'state council session.' pobedonostsev was in itfor 35 years. the chief prosecutor's synodwas called a ' stuffy tomb.' ''wizard of orthodoxy,' grandlnquisitor.' ln the soviet empire,ideologist pobedonostsev
was comparable to chief ideologist suslov. ln a separate repin sketchpobedonostsev really is horrible. a live mummy. at the start of alexander lll'sreign, alexander blok wrote: ''ln those awful years ourhearts were filled with gloom, over russia, pobedonostsevspread out owl's wings.' alexander lll's anti - liberalismis a faith not a conviction. just as he believed in god, hesacredly believed in russia special destiny, for which there was noplace for western reforms.
the emperor of russia is asovereign with unlimited powers. although alexander ll's doingsare still called great, the 25th anniversary of theabolition of serfdom is not celebrated. the peasants are still notallowed to leave the rural community. for 20 years, till stolypin'sreform, the formation of the kulak class was delayed. kostroma region and thevillage of domnino, the inherited familylands of romanov boyars. ln 1613 lvan susanin ledthe enemy to the swamps. the enemy perished andhe did too.
ln this way, he saved mikhailromanov, founder of the dynasty. the people's exploit ' life forthe czar' was played out here. since then, the czar giveshis life forthe people. herein lies the great truth,coarse truth, hempen truth, lt is rock - bottom truth likethat lowest log. lf it is pulled out, everythingwill crash and you will be killed. how can alexander lll andthe russian emperor himself dissolve the peasantcommunity? the sacred unity of the czar,peasant and land rests on it.
lf it disappears what ofrussian will be left? how can one disband thisstate farm called ' susaninsky?' lt could be called ' 300anniversary of the house of romanovs.' so instead of public propertythere would be privately owned land? so as to sell russian land? to sell russian - style, means tobetray. you know the punishment fortreason? once again - the triad ' orthodoxy.autocracy. national character.' the synod works as ministry offaith and truth. forthe people, the czar is god!
god! the liberties of westernsemi - autonomies are quashed. the finns are deprived of troops,post offices. the poles lose their currency. the latin alphabet of lithuaniansis changed to cyrillics. but they are lutheransand catholics. the worst national minoritiesin the empire are unbelievers and jews. four million jews live in poland and western provinces. those with higher education,merchants of the first guild, and other elite are allowedto live in capital cities, but if any, the rules change.
the second and quite differenthalf of his reign golden autumn in saltykovkajust like in levitan's famous canvas. the great russian painter,lsaac levitan. he was not a speciallyreligious jew, because of jewish faith, hecould not make the sign of the cross. that is why he was twiceordered to leave moscow. his resettlement to thedacha town of saltykovka suited the authorities. when he was first orderedto leave,
in saltykovka, levitan eventried suicide. he could not have then paintedhis pictures full of orthodox feeling: ''eternal rest' and ' eveningchimes.' a matter of denomination.cross yourself and all doors are open to you. jews are restricted in trade,not allowed to assemblies, etc. but very few change faith forrights and careers. solzhenitsyn ' 200 yearstogether:' ''pogroms, restrictive lawsof alexander lll stirred a large part ofjewish you to struggle.'
the russian word ' pogrom'entered world languages. of course, there were casesearlier, but from alexander lll and on, from kiev and on, jewishpogroms flow in regular waves. yelizavetgrad, todaykremenchug, yekaterinoslav province,today dnepropetrovsk region, poltava province, moldavia,odessa province and odessa itself. police try to check pogroms,but in vain. not only jewish revolutionaries,self - defense units in jewish settlements but peaceful jews are noless dangerous.
state commission on thejewish question: ''poorly developed peasantry,lacking enterprising drive and funds must be protected frombusiness contacts with jews.' neitherjews nor authoritiesbelieve the jewish question in russia can be solved. under alexander lll, the empirepreviously accepting newcomers, mass exodus of jews forthe first time. annually, 15,000 jews leaverussia, first of all, to america. there, their descendants make upthe cream of the banking and publishing business, the future of hollywoodand show business.
authorities do notobstruct the exodus. only on one condition:don't come back. the west's notion of russiaand its czar as a huge bear is confirmed by alexanderlll betterthan anyone else. but the bear did not come outof its den for a fight a single time. for more than 100 yearsfishing with a rod did not change much. float, sinker and wormon the hook. what progress is thereto speak of? alexander lll was fond offishing in the gatchina ponds.
when they tried todistract him, with some urgent reportfrom london or vienna, he would usually reply: ''europe can wait until therussian czar catches perches for himself.' . and europe waited. but it resorted to a sharpforeign political turn. the short reign ofalexander lll ended for russia asfrance's ally against germany, whereas it began asgermany's ally against england.
a direct clash of the no.1british colonial empire and the no. 2 russian colonialempire was always considered impossible. after all, a whale andelephant do not fight. heading south fromcentral asia, russia takes overthewhole of turkmenia. moving north from lndia,the british establish a protectoratein afghanistan. the two empires meet. alexander lll's resolutionon a dispatch from the russian
ambassador in london: ''nothingto negotiate with them.' under british leadership, afghans take over pentinoases in south turkmenia. they are routed by generalkomarov's brigade. britain declares mobilization,planning to attack russia from the black sea. whitehall, the famous londonstreet, in which the foreign officeis situated. previously, these buildingshoused an office with the remarkablename of ' ministry for lndian affairs.'
during the russo - british clashin southern turkmenia it was headed by randolphchurchill. his son, winston, the futuregreat premier was 10 at that time. all that is left from the formergrandeur here is lndian tea in a nearby cafe, which incidentally is named'churchill.' the british view russia as aglacier heading towards lndia. as something huge prehistoric heading from the north to lndiaand ready to gobble it up, the main gem in the crown ofthe british empire.
randolph churchill is readyeven to waive the results of the previous war with russia. the crimean war it won. randolph churchill declares: he would give russiansconstantinople and the straits on condition that they move their borderin central asia 300 miles to the north. forthe first and last victoryof the russians against the afghans alexander lll decorates generalkomarov with a golden sword. russians did not fightthe british.
russia's allies, germany andaustria - hungary put pressure on turkey and the sultan closed theblack sea straits to british warships. the ' london protocol' is signedin this building in whitehall on russia's border withafghanistan. all the disputed territorywon by general komarov, pendin oases goes to russia. according to the protocol,russia's border with afghanistan, is the future border ofthe ussr with afghanistan, now it is the border offormer soviet republics with afghanistan.
''the town of kushka is thesouthernmost point of the country.' for a century, russian andthen soviet pupils would memorize that. the maximal advance of therussian empire southwards, kushka is even furthersouth than tunis. but russia's union withgermany and austria - hungary that ensured that southwardthrust is short - lived. russians rival with austriansin the balkans, in any dispute, the austriansare closerto the germans than russians. russia leaves that unionand comes closerto france.
at first, this lookedpractically unnatural. russian foreign ministergeers: ''how can the french thinkthat emperor alexander would go againsthis uncle!' alexander lll is germanemperor wilhelm l's grand nephew, and wilhelmll's second cousin. the russian czar is a godanointed sovereign, france is a republic. a new president is electedevery 7 years. but alexander needs a newally.
he steps over monarchialtraditions. ln 1891 kronstadt isofficially visited by a french naval squadron. demonstratively, alexander lllhimself goes out to meet it. on the even, a ticklish protocolproblem is discussed, but the emperor only shrugs hisshoulders: ''nothing terrible, let them playit once the french have such an anthem. boarding the flagship, heremoves his cap and listens to the revolutionarymarseillaise, france's anthem.
the first public performanceof marseillaise in russia. st. petersburg vedomosti: ''the two powers wield suchpowerful bayonets that the triple alliance must'stop and think'. the triple alliance is germany,austria - hungary and ltaly. two enemy camps of world war lshape out. starting with alexander - father, russian capitalism underalexander - son approaches its apogee. the government consists ofindisputable professionals:
nikolai bunge, lvanvyshnegradsky, sergei witte. russia's state budgethas a profit forthe first time. revenues exceedexpenditures. forthe first time, the financeminister ratherthan the interior minister is the key figure in theczarist government. exchanges and banks are not yet developed,products and capital move through fairs. the largest one, makaryevskaya innizhni novgorod where the oka flows into the volga. every year on july 15, the flagwas raised at the opening of the fair. ln alexander lll's reign, thewhite - blue - red banner,
previously, russia's merchantflag became the state flag. perhaps, the only instance inhistory of nobility of the russian empire when the merchant symbol became the national flag. the popular belief was that ifthe flag fluttered in the wind the trading would be brisk. but it does not flutter. ln that form, the fair hasnot been held since 1917. the main fair house -in a truly russian style.
nizhni novgorod, the third cityin the empire, leading trade center, russia's pocket. the fair was theczar's national exhibition. lts pavilions are the prideof russian produces. young chaliapin sings atthe fair opera house. the fair's circus moves intoa stationary building. every year sees more colorfulcatalogues of prostitutes catering to the businessmen. money from the fair is used to buildthe city historical center, including the main shopping pedestrianthoroughfare of the city.
lt was precisely this fairthattaught russia to drink tea. forthe 17th, 18th,19th centuries,right up to the great reforms tea, mainly chinese, was themain product here. the domestic market becomes moreimportant than the foreign market. the purchasing power of thepublic grows. at the turn of the centuryrussia drinks tea on a large scale. for russian merchants, havingtea with a business partner is the main business lunch. tea is downed in whole samovars.
a good deal is called ''a grand tea party.' sergei witte: ''russia can become great only when the country is industrialas well as agrarian.' private capitalism is stillyoung, it alone cannot developindustry. the country opens the doorsto foreign capital. ln alexander lll's reign, they are not afraidof accusations of selling out.
lands on the border are notsold to foreigners. they are not allowed to thegun powder business and gold mining. at the end of the century, halfof the world oil production is in baku. on the oil pipeline are swedenobel and french jew rothschild. donbass surpassed the urals incoal output forthe first time. lt is in the hands of englishmanjohn youze. he founded his capital youzovka - present - day donetsk. enterprises of foreign investorsof first russian capitalism are easily recognized bytheir names.
and right after october, theywere renamed very revolutionarily. the ' hammer & sickle' plantwas the former gujon plant. ''red proletariat' was theplant of the bromley brothers. ''red october'' was the einamcompany, ' new dawn'' - brokar & co., ''red dawn' - the former ericsson. the ' kirov electrosila association' all these factory buildings also nearthe ' electrosila'metro station, were it not for expropriationand renaming would be ' siemens.'
perhaps, even ' siemens' metrostation. the epoch of saving andsavings as such. private deposits in state banksincreased 33 times in alexander lll's reign. gas lamps in town are replacedby electric lamps. new apartment buildings haverunning water and even telephones. a decision of the councilof ministers: ''lnstallation of telephone linesis given to private businessmen to be chosen by thelnterior minister.'
petersburg, moscow, odessa,warsaw and riga are telephonized by the company of inventor,american alexander bell. this building in moscow'skuznetsky bridge street housed russia's firsttelephone exchange. just like mobile phonesmore than 100 years later. at first, telephones are veryexpensive. only banks could afford them. but in 20 years, therates diminish 5 times. by that time, ericssonreplaces alexander bell in russia. the first inter - urban line isstretched from petersburg to gatchina.
alexander lll is the firstrussian leader with a hotline, a government telephone system. lt is forbidden to take engagein business and politics. the russian idea of the '80s isto go into the mass with small matters. ln the epoch of reforms, theprovinces get local bodies of self - government. their rights are few, but themost difficult duty to raise the level ofcivilization of russian life. simbirsk, moskovskaya street,the home of the ulyanov family.
russia's largest preservedmemorial of the '80s in the 19th century. the creators of epoch of smallmatters, the townspeople lived here. here in the middle of thestreet, in wooden houses in his own home, togetherwith wife and six children, lived inspector and thendirector of public schools, lived llya ulyanov. during 10 years of his work 434schools were opened in simbrisk province. mass primary education inthe illiterate country was started by thousands ofsuch 3 - year local schools. the ' zemstvo' organizes districthealth aid, a system that still remains today.
forthe first time, local doctorsexamine most of russia's population, free of charge. private practice forfeesalso existed, but work in the ' zemstvo'was regarded a civic duty. ' zemsky' doctor kapustin: ' doctor's aid is not a personalservice at the patient's expense, nor is it an act of charity,it is a public service.' never would a doctor orteacherbe valued so highly, in all respects of thatnotion.
ln public education,llya ulyanov rose to the level of statecounselor, the rank of a general. and is awarded a hereditarygentry title. llya ulyanov was farfrom thelandlords of stone mansions in simbirsk, but the prosperity of theulyanov family was unbelievable for example, for sovietemployees. on the salary of a then headof a regional educational department llya ulyanov has a home: 10rooms and 2 terraces, a cook, a nanny, a messenger,seasonal garden workers.
atown estate: 2 hectares of buildingsand another 3 hectares of orchards. ln the yard - a coach - house,woodshed, hayloft and steam bathhouse. here they played croquetand other games, and the favorite children'sgame then - giant steps. this game is for4 children. you put yourfoot into a strapand you run and push off, and due to centrifugal forceyou rise higher with each push. so you make giant steps. at the expense of local budgets,life and work in the empire,
were finally registeredand analyzed. russian ' zemstvo' statistics wereregarded the best in the world. they reflected the development ofcapitalism in russia. journalists of the petersburg'weekly' paper, authors of the theory of little matters, also worked as statisticians inthe ' zemstvos' so as to study life. the rule of the ' zemstvo' imposedrestrictions, but more than others improvedlife in russia. road repairs and insurance,savings banks and orphanages, did small things everywhereand systemically.
the ' zemsky' worker is the besttype of russian liberal, believing in progress throughlabor and moderation. like in today's ads, then too: the unique style was passed on tothe next generation with with a watch and fur coat. lt too was often passedfrom fatherto son. and the raccoon coat of llyaulyanov, 130 years old, went to his son, vladimirulyanov. he will wear it in siberianexile, in the village of shushenskoye,
and will also wear itafterthe revolution. later it is passed on to hisyounger brother, dmitri ulyanov. ln the fall of 1888, alexander llland his family tour of the empire. ln the caucasus, they reach batumi,return by steamship to sevastopol, and immediately board a train. the next day, the first stopin kharkov, where a gala meeting is expected. less than an hour before kharkov.dessert for breakfast alexander's favorite - cream ofwheat with shredded nuts.
awaiter comes up to theemperorto add more cream, suddenly an awful crashand everything is lost. the royal train is derailed. on the 277th km of thekursk - kharkov - azov railway, the taranovka - borki stage iswhere the royal train crashed. the coaches fly down from ahigh embankment. the walls of the diningcoach were damaged, it was crushed underits own roof. 23 people perished, but noneof the romanovs were even injured,
just minor bruises.a real miracle: the waiter adding creamnext to the czar was killed. the silver cigarette case inthe czar's pocked was flattened, but alexander did not evenfeel the blow. the train crash in borkiastounded russia. all newspapers carrythe details. some say the czar lifted the edge ofthe coach roof on his shoulders, to allow his close one toget out of the wreck. the ' niva' journal:
''god did not permitmisfortune for russia: czar, czarina and the augustchildren were preserved forthe fatherland.' prayers were held that day forthemiraculous salvation of the royal family, and a requiem forthe dead. later a church was built atthe site of the catastrophe. only a half - ruined chapelremains there. the czar always mentioned god and the supervisor of thesouthwest railway. several weeks before theaccident at borki
the supervisor demanded thatthe royal train should lower its speed onhis section. amazed by this, the czar evenwished to hear his explanation. the railroad engineerexplained ardently that the heavy pullman coachescould not travel that fast, that an accident was inevitable. now that brazen provincial is appointed by alexandertohead the railways department. the name of that engineerwas witte.
the ' star' of that statesmen atthe turn of the century rises. sergei witte will be therailways minister, finance minister and primeminister of russia. coming from the russified dutch,smart, sarcastic and extremely vain witte acted economically. he regulated tariffs and earnedwon the nickname ' tariff - master.' by '91, railways were makinga 40% profit. a railway worker is a prestigiousprofession of a half - a - million people. engineers and conductors, telegraphoperators and inspectors
bring progress to roadless russia. the simplest coaches onrussian railways - are 3rd class commuter coaches. ln chekhov's story ' bookof complaints' all of russia travels by rail,leaving their entries in books of complaints, such as: ''approaching this station andlooking at nature, my hat flew off.' the railroad boom of the '90sturns russia into a great railway power. on the average, 12,500 km ofrailways were built annually.
and once an even absoluterecord was set, unbeaten even by sovietlabor camps: five thousand 200 km oftrack in one year. the main class difference inthe country was the class of travelling: 3rd class - green coaches,2nd class - yellow, and 1st class - blue. alexander block writes: ''the coaches traveled customarily,shaking and squeaking, the yellow and blue were silent.ln the green - there was crying and singing.'
at the peak of the railway boom, theydecide to link the whole empire by rail. the trans - siberian route, will enablethe authorities to reach the most remote points, so as not to lose vladivostoklike sevastopol was lost. at that time, the railroad fromthe center reached chelyabinsk. from the urals to primorye,another 7,500 km through the taiga, blasting tunnels through mountains,spanning bridges over great siberian rivers. ''trans - sib will give the russiannavy all it needs and give it a firm basein our ports.' to his heir, the futurenicholas ll,
the czar entrusts laying theground for trans - sib in vladivostok. on the edge of the pacificin a valley near kuperova, the heir shovels in thefirst batch of gravel. on may 19, 1891 the heirto the throne, nicholaswith shovel and wheelbarrow begins building thetrans - siberian railway. the last romanov became the hoopof railroads uniting russian lands. laterthe track was movedhigher and further. lnitially, the track wastoo close to the ocean.
for over a century, trans - sibis russia's main transport artery. and the longest railroadin the world. the billions of goldrubles swelled. ln today's terms, this is morethan the country's annual budget. forthe second time, afteryermak, siberia was conquered. where trans - sib crosses the ob, a new capital was founded, novo - nikolayevsk station,today - novosibirsk. the reform epoch in russiais called ' a thaw.' correspondingly,counter - reforms are ' frosts.'
counter - reformists keepon warning: thaw brings on high - water, springfloods that will destroy everything. konstantin leontiev's phrase:'russia must be frozen' for over a century is the mottoof radical russian conservatives. ln his article ' literacy andnational character,' leontiev urges ''not to hurry with education'', so that the liberal west doesnot spoil the national soul.' the harm of public educationwas understood by many regimes, but russian conservatives werenot shy to admit this openly.
alexander lll's remark ontestimony of peasant woman ananina, preparing her son forgrammar school: ''lt's terrible - a peasanttrying to enter grammar school!' the odious circular about ' acook's children' is adopted in 1887. russia whose first academic cameto moscow with a fisherman's convoy forbids not only peasantchildren to enter grammar school, but ordinary urbanchildren as well. from a circular of theeducation department: ''grammar school shall get rid ofchildren of coachmen, cooks, petty retailers
that must not be let out of themedium to which they belong in general.' ' public talent' of the previousepoch as the main driving force ofthe huge country, no longer has access even tosecondary education. the memorial class of the formersimbirsk classical grammar school. ''the circular about cook's childrenwas adopted so as not to allow them to enter school, and from here, not to allow potentialrevolutionaries to enter university. but the main functionary of theoctober revolution will be the graduate of that schoolwhen the circular was adopted in 1887,
hereditary nobleman vladimirulyanov. the main figure between thefebruary and october revolutions is the son of the principalof that high school, alexander kerensky. on the basis of the ' circular,'the son of a laundry woman, nikolai is expelled from high schoolin odessa. later he becomes the famouswriter kornei chukovsky. he writes about that in'silver coat of arms.' kornei chukovsky, ' silvercoat of arms' : ''taking off my cap, the schoolinspector did a horrible thing:
he rips off the school coat ofarms and hands me my cap without it.' the expelled pupil works as apainter's helper. he masters english by himself. translator and literarycritic chukovsky will later be electedprofessor emeritus of oxford university. an honorthat was first bestowedon alexander l and alexander ll. but was not bestowed onalexander lll. the empire has 7 universitieswith 25,000 students. the most decisive and swiftreforms are carried out here.
educational fees increase fivefold,student uniforms are returned, curricula are standard, theold charter is annulled. the rector is now appointed,not elected. failing students are drafted intothe army in russia in 1884. the hallway in the main buildingof st. petersburg university, it is also called ' second nevsky.' right on nevsky avenue, three years afterthe newuniversity charter was adopted police arrest those plottingto assassinate alexander lll.
all are students. the most well - known isalexander ulyanov, eldest son in the familyof the simbirsk school principal. student organizations areprohibited and force underground, theyonly become more radical. through student circles anduniversity corridors, marxism enters russia. ln the case of alexander ulyanov,15 revolutionaries are involved. they are all sentenced to death.the czar endorses the hanging
of 5 that did not repent.ulyanov among them. from the appeal of thestate counselor's widow, m. ulyanova, to pardon her son: ''lf l could imagine my sona scoundrel, l would find the courage toturn my back on him... my son always hated terrorism.' remark of alexander lll: ''she doesn't know her son!' the press is regarded as thevector spreading disease.
ln pre - reform russia it iseasy to open a media outlet. the authorities close onenewspaper, a unique group of journalistsbegins publishing another. chief prosecutor pobedonostsev: ''the most worthless people - someformer money - lender of jew - factor can found a newspaper, recruittalented employees and release their publicationas mouthpiece of public opinion.' ln the reign of alexander lll,7 newspapers are closed, another 8 are forced to close,
80,000 rubles a year are allocatedforthe conservative paper ' citizen.' criticism of any action ofany authorities publication of articlesagainst government establishments are officially banned. the same bans exist inliterary fiction. all the literature banned inthe 19th century now fits into one computer, all the books banned by alexandercan be reproduced by the click of a mouse. in 1884 133 titles were banned. ten years later - another165 titles.
of all the russian authors, themost that suffered were: dobrolyubov, korolenko, pisarev, garshin the past was cleaned out: the filesof 8 journals were removed from libraries those printed in the epochof great reforms. lncluding nekrasov's'contemporary' and saltykov - shchedrin's'homeland notes.' the most problematic authorwas leo tolstoy. his confession ' ln what dol believe,' ''folk tales' are bannedin manuscript.
his play ' rule of darkness'is allowed in print but not on stage. ' kreutzer sonata' is banned, afterthe czar's meeting withthe author's wife, publication was permitted, but removedfrom libraries. the main author aboutconflicts of the epoch, lvan turgenev went to europelong ago, and only rarely visited russiafrom his estate near paris. this road around the field andthese weeping willows are described in by turgenev in his last novel ' new.' .
he finished here at hisestate near paris. all revolutionariesattacked turgenev forthat novel. only, he described that notas an estate in france, but as a russian estate. there is not much new inthe novel ' new.' a loving couple goes to thepeople, but loses their love and belief in their cause, the peasants turn therebels into the police. ln the disputes aboutrussia's ' way' turgenev was seen as theleader of ' western' liberals.
dostoyevsky was the leaderof ' slavophils' conservatives. now the disputes have ended. the authorities opted forthe ' slavophils.' ln front of his desk inthe estate, turgenev mounted a replicamade for him polenev's ' moscow yard.' ln this yard, it always seemsthat gerasim is taking mu - mu to drown it. this is where he wrote thefamous poem in prose, including that which wasmemorized by soviet pupils:
''oh, the great and mightyrussian language! how can one not fall in despairto see what is going on at home.' at the request of compilers ofthe dictionary of the french language, turgenev introduces russianloan - words. for example, ' la troika'- ' troika.' ln general, this is soonerthe study of a ' slavophil.' that turgenev was a ' westerner'as dostoyevsky was a ' slavophil.' they were authorities of thosedoctrines, rulers of other people's minds. but they themselves were freefrom those doctrines.
but they were not free fromtheir own minds. the most famous russian writerin europe, together with victor hugo, turgenev, heads thelnternational literary congress. still the heirto the throne,future alexander lll, arriving in paris, has aspecial meeting with turgenev. they did not impresseach other. right after alexander ascendsthe throne turgenev writes an anonymousarticle
forthe main frenchpolitical journal. at his request, the article isslightly edited by guy de mopassant. from turgenev's anonymousletter ' alexander lll' in ' la revue politique etliteraire' : ''perhaps. liberals will ableto prove to the emperor that liberal reforms will byno means shake the throne, but would only make it stronger.' not the first northe last time infavor of russian liberalism do they write from abroadand for abroad,
but also that russia's authoritieswould take heed of this. turgenev died at his estate. beforehe died, he dictated his story ' the end.' ln the story, peasants kill theirlandlord because of land. every russian reign hadits own style every russian style waspart of world style. ''baroque' of yelizaveta,'classicism' of yekaterina, ''empire'' of alexander l- always competing with europe. losing here, winning there. only the style of alexander lllhas no analogues in the world.
a church at the place where hisfather emperor was assassinated. the end of the 19th century,the emperor - son builds as if the mid - 16th century ''savior on blood' as ifst basil's cathedral, but much larger and notquite suitable for petersburg. huge ancient russian chamberswere quite right in downtown moscow. the opening of the history museumcoincides with the crowning of alexander lll. and is named in his honor. here is a gothic castle and arussian tower. but the tower is higherwith roofs and turrets.
russian inside and outside. at the same level with thehistory museum is the moscow duma. lt looks like a gingerbread. an edible cake that everyonewill like later. ln this monument of alexander's epoch,they will open the lenin museum, and a writer of children'sstories will write about ''a big, beautiful redbuilding like a palace.' from the rules of the moscowduma contest: ''the facades must be in the
style of russian architectureof the 16th, 17th centuries.' they could not even find a namefor such architecture. a century passed and they becameaccustomed to this ancient fake, without the newcomers that viefor contemporaries of the kremlin, it is impossible to imaginethese places any other way. opposite the kremlin, alwaysdetermining the width of red square, the upper shopping mallsare placed. lnside is a europeanglass - covered arcade and a fountain in thecenter as a meeting place.
outside there are alsocolorful towers. pot - belly towers are madeof wood - resembling granite. the history museum and presentgum have formed red square. the royal collection of russianpaintings forms the ' russian museum of alexander lll.' ln mikhailovsky palace, present - daythe ' state russian museum.' the court was especially fondof historical paintings. vasily surikov paints realpeople in real events. victor vasnetsov mixes realitywith fables and fairy tales. and among the 3 strongmen, peoplerecognize alexander lll in llya muromets.
all russian emperors loved music, but alexander lll wasalso a musician. according to him, heplayed the piano ' not bad.' and played the pianoin 4 hands with his wife. he played all windinstruments. as a boy, he playedthe cornet, a small copper horn. as emperor, he playedthe waldhorn, but rarely, not enoughtime. but at times, stillthe heir,
every week in the brassband he played the helicon. here is the helicon. lt is behind the whole orchestra,but its sound is heard by all. the lowest bass. specially enlarged heliconswere ordered for alexander. a usual one was too tight for him. the heavy instrument pressedso hard on the shoulder - straps that alexander always worecivvies when he played in the orchestra. he played 4 hours every thursdayfor 9 years.
that's how much he loved music! performances in the lmperialtheater begin with alexander lll. the main evening performance. ln honor of date, jubilee orvisit of a foreign statesman. subsidies for actors grewsharply, choirs and orchestras grew. the emperor personally endorsesopera and ballet repertories. ln the mariinsky theater, heis actually the artistic director. he doesn't miss a singlegeneral rehearsal. from now on, the russian empiresparkles with its special stars
appearing on its shining andluxurious musical stage. the classic acclaimed duringhis life, pyotr chaikovsky. pyotr chaikovsky: ''one cannot be endlesslygrateful to the czar who attaches importance toartistic activity.' from glinka under nicholas lto chaikovsky under alexander lll is 50 years. ln that period, russian beautybecame more refined, richer and more melancholy. the best spiritual movements thatwere viewed as strictly private, now enjoy generous statesupport.
glinka's main creation is aheroic - patriotic opera only a standard apartmentwith firewood. ''life forthe czar' andwhat does he get forthat? chaikovsky composed only onestate epic composition: the ' 1812' overture, but hebears the order of st. vladimir. he also has the emperor's pensionsof 3,000 rubles in silver peryear. lt does not mean he is a pensionerof imperial significance, it means he is a people'sartist of the russian empire. at the end of his life, chaikovskky rentsthis mansion in crimea.
after he dies, the statepays for his funeral. forthe first time,after pushkin. after world russianliterature, world russian musicbegins after chaikovsky. ln the '80s his music isacclaimed equally abroad and at home. on the conductor's podium chaikovsky represents russiain the best theaters of europe. after his concerts, he is carriedin arms to the hotel or station. chaikovsky about his concertsin prague:
''l was received as if l wasnot a representative of russian music, but as of the whole of russia.' ln 1891 chaikovsky tours almostunattainable america. ln new york he opens the mainphilharmonic hall ' carnegie hall.' this super - star will never wane. together with mozart, chaikovskyis biggest box - office attraction in history. repertory records: ' queen ofspades,' ' onegin,' ''1st piano concerto' and'last symphony' ''swan lake'' - theworld's greatest ballet.
' nutcracker suite' the mainmusic for christmas. this is known even by the world'sdumbest characters - beavis and butthead. russia's 13th emperor ruled13years. half as much as his fatheror grandfather rule. death at the middle of hisreign he died of kidney insufficiency. soviet historians hold thatalcoholism cause his death. but this has not beenofficially confirmed. ln the summer of 1894,an effort to cure by climate,
the czar is taken fromone place to another. on sept. 21 the royal familyarrives at the livadiya palace in crimea. here, the strong czar,only 50, wanes in a month. a huge giant, alexanderdeteriorates quickly due to disease.. he cannot practically eatanything; he can neither walk nor lay on the bed. and he practically cannotsleep. when it was cleartheemperor was hopeless, from germany, they urgentlysummons the bride of the heirto the throne, with the parents' blessings
to the dying monarch, forthe last time in parade uniform princes ofhessen - drmshatskaya quickly takes on therole of ' empress in 5 minutes.' appointing her indecisive intendedbridegroom ' emperor within 5 minutes.' princess alice writes inthe diary of tsareviich nicholas: ''make so the doctor comesevery day and reports how he feels, sothat you always know first about that... be firm and don't letothers forget who you are.' the emperor died in an armchairin his study in lyvadia palace.
already after 1.5 hoursafterthe death of alexander lll, here are the local church, the oath of faithfully servingthe throne is taken by nicholas ll. no one could imagine that on the next day in the samechurch, a requiem forthe deceased, and a request to orthodoxyfrom lutheran princess alice. she became alexandrafyodorovna. here she could havebecome the czarina, but the wedding ceremony wasmoved to petersburg.
the last czarist wedding. proved to be part of the lastczarist funeral in the russian empire. the most pompous in itshistory. through the whole of russia,alexander lll moved in a funeral squadron. ln petersburg, the whole of nevsky avenue was coated in black. as well as the peterand paul cathedral. as if at the funeral of aknight, the caisson is followed by his favorite horse, lord,covered with a black cape. representatives from all governmentsreigning houses of europe are in the cathedral.
together with the romanovs areall orthodox monarchs and the most august close relatives - danish and english. ''lf alexander lll resigned aslong as he should, by his own conviction, hewould have advanced russia to the road ofquiet liberalism.' is only a supposition. the road of quiet liberalism. during his life, there was muchquiet, but very little liberalism.
but there was the conviction thatany liberalism will disturb quiet life. lndeed, not a single sovereignhere left his empire in sucha quiet state. but even underthe reignof alexander lll, they realized: the russian pot had been patchedup, but one day it may explode. only 10 years afterthe mosttranquil russian czar the first russian revolutionwill break out.