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standard furniture möbel

by kind permission of the imperial war museumthe content in this film does not reflect the views and opinions of imperial war museums (iwm) whilst every effort has been made to ensurethe accuracy and completeness of the information in this film, iwm does not endorse or support the aims and ambitions of’hms belfast is a registered trade mark: uk00002637382 they were designed to be the best… they met enemies face to face, endured tragedies and enjoyed victories… they went down in history due to the bravery of their crews… they are the ships that deserve to be called naval legendshms belfast

in this episode. cruiser belfast. the keeper of the royal navy's grandeur. in the beginning of the 1930s, the british admiralty learned that japan had begun constructionon the new mogami-class light cruisers, which surpassed the british ships of the same type. in london it was perceived as a challenge,and required an appropriate response. however, to create a worthy adversary for mogami,the british had to approach the limits imposed by international treaties.

mogami is quite a successful attempt from the japaneseto create something of their own. and they managed to do it. however, the cruiser mogami encouraged other naval powersto break the provisions of the washington naval treaty. in 1934, british shipyards started the constructionof light cruisers, later named the town-class,because all the ships were named after british towns. the further improvement of the project led to the appearanceof the two most advanced ships in the class— belfast and edinburgh in comparison with other towns, they had betterarmament and a more rational armor layout. by many parameters, the british cruisers were on parwith foreign ships of the same type,

despite the fact that they were inferiorto their main rival, mogami, in the numberof primary armament guns—12 against 15. the british tried to even the score by developingnew artillery systems for main batteries. they tried to install a four-gun turreton belfast and edinburgh. but the early trials showed that it became very tight. what does this mean? the turret was overcrowded, makingthe ammunition handling and firing too inconvenient. that's why they gave up on the idea very quickly. as a result, engineers settled for triple turretsthat had a distinctive feature: to prevent the powder gasesfrom affecting the shells’ trajectory

when all barrels fired simultaneously,the middle gun was moved backwards a little. the belfast's firepower was reinforcedwith six coaxial dual-purpose artillery mounts, with a caliber of 4 inches. in general, the cruiser was well armed and her bountifulartillery made up a good part of her displacement. cruiser belfast was commissioned on the eve of war,on august 3, 1939, but 4 months later she had to return to dock. with the outbreak of world war ii,great britain faced two parallel tasks. one of them was habitual and the britishwere prepared for it. the second task was uncharacteristic and unusual.let's start with the latter.

it was the underwater war.the british weren't ready for it. at all. german u-boats were causing lots of trouble,but the british were able to sink them. however, the royal navy ships faced another enemy—mines. belfast fell prey to the most dangerous of them,a new german bottom mine. in 1939, when a mine explodedunderneath this engine room, it pushed everything up to such an extentthat they had to rebuild almost the entire ship. when belfast hit the mineshe not only received a hole in the hull, but she also had her keel broken. and that's the place that is almost impossible to repair.

it's a miracle that she remained afloat, and it's a miraclethat she could return to her base for repairs. over the course of the modernization,belfast was equipped with modern radar systems, an upgraded gun fire control system,and became almost a meter wider to increase her stability. the specifications of cruiser belfastafter the modernization of 1942. length: 187 m beam: 20.2 m draft: 7.1 m total displacement: 14,900 tons

the power plant included 4 turbogear parsons turbinesand 4 admiralty boilers, and produced 80,000 horsepower. the cruiser's maximum speed reached 31 knotsafter the modernization. armormain belt: 114 mm decks: from 51 to 76 mm athwartship bulkheads: 63 mm primary armament turretswere protected by armor from 51 to 102 mm thick armament primary armament: 12 x 152-mmmark 23 guns in four turrets long-range anti-aircraft artillery:12 x mark 16 cannons in coaxial mounts.

caliber: 102 mm small-caliber anti-aircraft artillery: 2 x vickers mark 6a 8-barrel "pom-pom" guns,caliber: 40 mm 4 single-barrel and 5 coaxial oerlikon mounts. the cruiser carried two triple tr-4 torpedo launcherswith a caliber of 533 mm three supermarine walrus aircraft were on boardto carry out reconnaissance and fire adjustment. cruising range: 12,200 miles at 12 knots. during the repairs, the belfast's damaged power plantwas completely replaced. it was the same as on other town-class cruisers.

the difference was in its location on the shipand the power produced. according to the project, the nominal outputof the power plant was 82,500 horsepower, but the calculations showedthat the belfast's machine power should be decreased to 80,000 horsepowerto work more efficiently. these steam turbines are driven by super-heated steam that is generated in the boilersat 390 degrees centigrade and at 20 atmospheres. this produces enough power to drive a shipweighing 14,000 tons through the water at 32 knots, which is about 36 miles an houror 58 kilometers an hour. understanding the threat posed by german u-boats,the british navy was constantly hunting for them.

to oppose enemy submarines,belfast was equipped with a hydroacoustic system, a load of depth charges and… aircraft. three walrus seaplanes were able to fight submarines,apart from reconnaissance and fire adjustment tasks. they could carry two normal or anti-submarinedepth charges on each of their wing bomb racks. and it was designed to be catapulted from betweenthe funnels into the air and then go off and do its tasks. its tasks were primarily reconnaissanceand anti-submarine warfare, but it was discovered very early on that actuallythe aircraft was very useful as a search and rescue aircraft. now, once the aircraft had actually finished its sortie,it had to be recovered back on board the ship. and one of the ways in which you could try and ensurethat the water wasn’t too rough for it to land on,

was for the ship to do an s-maneuver, which left a sort of hemisphereof smooth water, onto which the aircraft could land. once it landed, the aircraft then had to taxi upalongside the ship and then be recovered. clearly the pilot could not stopthe engine until the rear gunner had actually hooked the jibber from the crane,or the hook from the crane, onto the aircraft. so if you could imagine he was sittingup on top of here with the crane hook coming downtowards him in a very rough see, waiting to hook it on,with that propeller going round behind him. a very dangerous job. once it was hooked on, the engine could be switched offand then the aircraft could be craned on board.

they wanted to do it as quickly as possiblebefore the slick that they had created had actually dissipatedand the water began to get rough again. a warship is a complex system,where the main function of its elements, even the tiniest one, is a successfulaccomplishment of the mission. the british, with their rich naval history,managed to find a balance for all these elements in this military vehicle. every detail on a warship, from a gun to a sailor’s mug,was designed for victory. when this ship was commissioned in august, 1939,it had a peace-time crew of 761 officers and men. this was not enough to operate all four when the war started, the crew numbers went up to 950,

they lived down herein what looks like crowded accommodations, but this was a standard formatthroughout the whole royal navy. with the hammocks being hung up wherethey are above the tables. this was the tradition that goes back about 300 yearsthat they ate under where they slept. obviously the sailors needed feedingand this galley supplied over two thousand meals a day. it’s part of the original shipand would provide meals for the sailors: fish, chips, peas, macaroni cheese, jam roly-poly,all these things would be cooked here. sometimes during world war ii,if a mine went off, it would cause an explosion underwater, which wouldstun the fish and they would float to the surface.

if they could, they would gather the fish up, so that they would have fresh fishinstead of the ones from the deep freezers. since nelson’s times, the food rationin the british royal navy had not been diverse. the food was substantial,but if it remained unchanged for weeks, even a small bar of chocolateor a jar of jam would be precious for any sailor. however, the real emporium of wonders on belfastwas a ship kiosk, where the sailors could purchase delicaciesand everyday items. we are in the naafi canteen. the naafi is an organization that was inventedor developed in 1921

by a team of volunteers who wanted to help the navy, the army, and the air force get thingsthat they couldn’t normally get on a ship. so things like beer, sweets, chocolates,medal ribbons, rulers, pencils, and postcards—anything that they weren’t issued with. and as a result it developed into an institution and became known among all the membersof the british armed forces as the naafi— the navy, army air force institute, which over the years of service on the ship becomea great boost to the morale of the sailors. there is a saying that perfectly describes military life:

“an army marches on its stomach.” this rule was implicitly adheredto in the royal navy as well. at action stations, if they knew they were going to fight, some captains would have the cooks prepare sandwiches, so that they could eatwhere they were at their action stations. whether that’s by the guns or the doctor’s surgery. the sick bay we have here is from the late 1950s early 1960s and would be similar to one from the 1930s,during world war ii. the conditions on the ship in the hospitalswould be as modern as they could make it,

and the sailors would be betteroff in here normally than in their own hammocks. in times of war, other parts of the ship,especially the officers’ mess would be cleared of all furniture, and temporary operating tables,like the one you can see behind me, would have been established around the ship. luckily, casualties among belfast’s crewwere minimal during the war. even after a bottom mine exploded next to her, which could easily sink the ship with all her crew members, only 21 people were injured,and only one of them died later in a hospital.

after repairs and modernization, belfast became the flagshipof the 10th cruiser squadron based at scapa flow. the main service areas for the ship werethe waters of the norwegian and barents seas. the two best light cruisers of the british royal navyhave an interesting history. belfast comes into commission, hits a mine, and becomes disabled for almost three years. meanwhile, hms edinburgh comes into serviceand fulfills the duties of both cruisers. she escorts convoys, supports allied ships,and fights against enemy submarines and aircraft. unfortunately,edinburgh was sunk with a valuable cargo of gold. however, belfast returns from the repair docksand takes up the torch.

what hadn’t been accomplished by edinburghwas completed by belfast. they complemented each other.they were like twin sisters, worthy of each other. when belfast came into service,she was assigned the most important task in the royal navy, which, by the 20th century,had been already performed for three hundred years. this task was to defend shipping routesand manage potential threats for transport ships. as a true defender of commerce, belfast escorted arctic convoys in the ussrand supported vessels carrying priceless cargo. i was born in 1940 during the war, and i always… ever since i was a young person,i always wanted to join the navy.

and i read stories, i used to read the stories aboutthe heroism of the russian convoys and other things on ships, yeah. well, i’m not sure whatthey were thinking about on the convoys. all that they would say is “it was rather rough, it was rather cold, and we survived.” but they never said much about it. i always thought i want to be… i’m going to join the navyand i’m going to be brave like they are. so i did it. the rich history of sea battlesand high qualification of british sailors

were key factors for the greatperformance of the royal navy. the british always acted in a reasonable way,following thorough and elaborate plans. the opportunity to display their courageand bravery was a great reward for british sailors. the main task in the armyor navy is fulfilling your mission. no matter how many enemies you destroy, sink, or knock must fulfill your mission. if german ships go peacefully by, nobody will attack them.but if they threaten the convoy... the british, despite the tremendous superiorityof the germans, attacked their heavy warships. they did what they had to.the germans were astonished and forced to retreat. and the british didn’t think themselves heroes—they were just doing their duty.

a classic example of warring parties carrying out a mission was the sea battle that took placeat north cape in december 1943. the german battleship scharnhorst,accompanied by five destroyers, was tasked with destroying a convoy. that was her mission.the convoy support ships, including cruiser belfast, were assigned a missionto defend the convoy at any cost. the british attack the enemy. they didn’t pause; they didn’t think about howto show their courage or perform heroic acts. they fulfilled their duty. of course, they knew that this german heavyship would destroy them.

but they had a mission: defend the convoy. and they attacked the enemy. and fought. for eight hours, belfast and two other cruisers were chasingand attacking scharnhorst, which was superior in terms of armament and armor, until the main sea fleet with hms duke of yorkcame to their aid. the battle at north cape, and the war for the entireatlantic ocean, was won by the british. the confrontation between great britainand germany during world war ii was severe. however, the united kingdom was the victor,despite the high price they had to pay. the memories of those sailors who enduredthe ordeal of the northern convoys

are still honored on belfast today. the chapel on the ship was put herein the late 50s and 60s and is still in use. the icon of admiral ushakov behind meis the connection between russia and this ship during world war ii in the arctic convoys. the families who have veterans from the navy dying, have their ashes scattered sometimesfrom the back of the ship, and they are allowed in the chapel,so they can sit in peace and remember their loved ones. well, i joined belfast just after it came backfrom its world cruise. well, it was going to be, but it came back in 1962…

it was going to be put into reserve, but they gave it a reprieve and made it… put it as a flagship of the home fleet. by the early 1970s, belfast was the onlyremaining british cruiser that participated in world war ii. she was going to be sent to the ship breaking yard,like her fellow ships. however, thanks to the efforts of british veteransand those who were concerned about naval history, cruiser belfast was saved and left as a memorialto the courage and bravery of british sailors. today, she holds pride of place at tower bridge,in the heart of london. i’ve had a very enjoyable life, and i still am,

i’m still serving this ship as secretary of the association. i don’t think anybody can ask more than being able to do and achieve what a person wants to do… and that’s what i’m still doing.

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