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Title : standard furniture logo
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my name is ilya bukshteyn. i am responsible forthe skype meeting experience and meeting rooms. and that being the case, what ithought i would do to start is just ask, how many of youlook forward to meetings? so, what my friends,raise your arms up high, if your heart just sings with joy,when you walk towards meeting rooms. >> hey. >> all right, one guy.
see, that's alwaysa risky question to ask, cuz i could havea weird sample group. it could be like people who hang outand speak in classes, and just love. but still i'm glad,there's only the one guy. so, this is good cuz you'reactually a representative sample. there's not a ton to look forwardto when you walk into meeting rooms today, which is odd because we'vehad a lot of time to work on this. as, grideep said,if you were in grideep and paul's session yesterday.
we as an industry,had decades to work on this. i feel pretty oldwhen i say this but i do actually rememberrotary phones. i remember when phoneschanged from pulse to tone. and yet the state ofthe art in 97% of meeting rooms today is a touchtone phone. the big revolution was whenthe phone went from being a standard phone to kind of a dedicatedconference room phone. and the audio quality on,i'll say it sort of generically,
the starfish phone for conferencerooms is still pretty darn good but it's just the phone. and that is 97% ofmeeting rooms today. there's a display,and there's a phone. kind of looks like that. and, so, those rooms lead toan experience that is not so great. for most people, the experienceof starting a meeting is dialing a phone number, finding the bridgenumber, sort of fuddling around with the dial tones,and that's just to get audio.
i'm not even talking abouttrying to get content and trying to get projection. now there are more advanced groups. there's the 3%, this is our itversion of the one percenters. there are the rooms where we can maybe afford to putin video equipment. and there's not very many of thoserooms because that equipment traditionally hasbeen very expensive. it's come down somewhat.
it's maybe not a $100,000device anymore. maybe not 50,000. it's still in the tens of thousands. the interesting thing is thatthe industry statistic show that even the rooms that have these vtcdevices don't get used very often. the industry average isabout two hours a week. so, even when you have a devicethat's supposed to be better, for some reason,they're not getting used. and when we've done the research,
what we found is they'retoo difficult to use. the user experience ofstarting up the video meeting, whether it's typingin an ip address and then still getting contentin to the meeting. and getting the otherside connected. still way too difficult. so, whether you're in the 97%room or the 3% room, the meeting experience we all have is notwhat we would call delightful. whether it's dialing in foraudio and then plugging in for
content sharing, orwhatever you end up doing for video. it leads to what we all sort ofaffectionately call the average ten plus minute late start. the typical, can you hear us,can you hear us now? what about now? and then without video,you've got the, who just said that? was that you? it's a really bad experience,on both ends, by the way, if you're a remote participant.
it leads not just to frustration butit actually leads to checking out. multi tasking,you're really not in the meeting. we're having an interestingexperience actually in microsoft right now. we're doing two things. we're deploying a new generationof devices that i'm gonna show you where video is on by default. so, soon as you joina meeting video is turned on. and mostly people love that.
but there are a few people whoare sort like, whoa, wait a minute, i've got video on. and at first it's jarring butwe're [laugh] starting to see feedback that it's a muchmore engaging experience for remote participants whereyou can't multitask. you have to actually beengaged in the meeting, you're actuallyattending the meeting. and at the same time we sort oftook a- half measure if you will. were waiting for these devicesthat i'm gonna show you,
our it department tried to improvejust the audio in a set of rooms. and deploy a very high qualityaudio device with the thought that maybe video was somethingpeople are willing to give up, because we justdidn't have the data. we didn't know how manypeople are using video, and we were replacing an olderdevice that had not great audio. not great video, but it had both. and we've been surprised by how manypeople have come back, and said, no no no no,you can't take that away.
we actually have remoteparticipants, and even though it'sa crappy experience, we need some kind of video. so, we are seeing thatpeople want video, people want great audio but they arecrying out for a better experience. and this is what we setout to tackle in skype. we want to bring the skype for business experience to everymeeting in every room. that's the challenge that myteam thinks about everyday.
our first entry into thisspace is the surface hub. so, we started work onsurface hub several years ago. it released this last march,it started shipping. and this is really a newcategory of device. this is a device for rooms where youare looking to replace the display. it's ideal for open spaces wherethere's nothing between you and the device. it has the industries absoluteleading in can touch experience. and so, for spaces where youwanna have people collaborate
at the front of the room where you want to be able to runapplications on the device. where people want to worktogether at this beautiful large glass surface isjust a fantastic device. one of the things we heardfrom people who started to use the surface hub is that the oneof the most magical experiences on it was the one touch join forskype for business meetings. when that was used, it really just changedthe experience of joining meetings.
and so about a year ago,we set out to say, can we deliver that experience, that skype forbusiness one touch join experience. the simple intuitive meeting joincore to more meeting spaces. spaces where you didn't necessarilywanna replace the display. spaces where you didn't necessarily want to collaborateat the front of the room. maybe more traditionalmeeting rooms or huddle spaces whereyou did have a table. and so,
six months ago we announced aninitiative code name project radial. this was an initiativewith our partners starting with logitech, andlater adding crestron and polycom to deliver a set of devices. where we would set out totransform every meeting room. deliver a set of devices that couldscale, from the huddle room, all the way up to the largest conferencerooms and everything in between. and yesterday,it was my pleasure to announce, introducing paul's session,the formal name for project radial.
as the next generationof skype room systems. so, that's what i wanna spendthe majority of this session going through, is the detail for the nextgeneration of skype room systems. and then actually show youa demo of one of these skype room systems in action. along with our partners joiningus live in an online meeting. so, as i said our goalwith skype room systems is to transform every meeting room. to deliver a solution that isflexible enough to go everywhere,
to scale from huddle rooms all theway up to largest conference rooms. we wanna deliver a simple,intuitive, and delightful user experience. and we wanna do soin a way that is easier for those of us in it to deploy andmanage. >> now, when i say transform everymeeting room, what do i mean? well, we have partnered with ourkey skype for business partners. to have a set of certified skype forbusiness audio and video peripherals.
at a broad variety of price points, they can cover a verywide range of room sizes. and i'll go through our initialset of certified peripherals in a little bit. together with the actualsystems that i'll show you, the resulting packages reallyscale from the smallest telerooms, all the way up to the mostcomplicated conference rooms. additionally, these systemsdon't need new displays. they don't require touchscreens,they will work with the flat panel
displays, the projectors,that you already have. so they work with the investmentsyou already have in place in your rooms. they are also very affordable. so our partners are actuallystarting to take reservations today and the systems startat under $2,000. and i'll walk through the exactconfigurations a little bit later. the experience on these devicesis fundamentally a familiar experience for any user whohas used skype for business.
but it's also one of ourmost modern experiences. if you've seen our new skype for business mac client,it'll be extremely familiar. as i'll show you in a minute, wehave a new video gallery with corner to corner high definition video. so you can get four participantshd video really use every pixel. we have a very clean, modern,simple user interface, onetouch joined forscheduled meetings. but because we know peopleare very use to just coming in and
dialing a phone number, we also havea very upfront and visible dial pad. we also make sure to make itsuper simple to share content. whether it's attaching a powerpointfile to a meeting invite and having it be rightthere on the device. or just coming in,plugging in a laptop and automatically sharing yourscreen into a meeting. we also found in our user research,that no matter what other companies have tried for differentways of controlling meetings. whether it's mobile apps orother metaphors,
the thing that users weremost comfortable with, was actually having complete controlof the experience within arms reach. and so, all of these devices actually provide completecontrol of the full experience. in the center of the room,on a beautiful large touch screen, actually being the screenof a surface pro four. all of these devices are builtaround the surface pro 4. so it's a simplified, very straightforward to use user interface that gives you full control of themeeting, right within arms reach.
so i mentioned that thesedevices are all built around a surface pro 4. this is one of the ways inwhich this set of devices, these systems are reallybuilt with it in mind. all of our partner devices areactually docks for surface pro 4. so at the core,this is a surface pro 4, standard sp4,running standard windows 10. not any sort of special edition,standard windows 10. on top of that, our meetingexperience is a windows 10 uwp,
a universal store app. it's not a store appyou can go download, i've had that questiona couple of times. you can go run it anywhere,it's what we call a hidden or private app. so we use the store for updating. which means,if you're a smaller business, you can actually run it inan unmanaged environment. if you wanna run it managedyou can use the store for
business is an update mechanism. or you can use it the waywe do at microsoft. you can download the app from thestore and then use your own tools. sccm, another mdm provider to dothe updates of the application. the key is, it's standard hardware,the dock makes it an appliance. so the docks all provide security,so the sb4 doesn't grow legs andwalk away. it provides all the ports youneed for the meeting room. so it has an hdmi capture port forinput of video from a laptop.
has two hdmi outputs forexternal displays, has multiple usb ports for peripherals, power, kensington lock. and then, a few specific differencesbetween the different partners. everything you need to makeit a meeting room appliance. and then from a softwareperspective, it's windows 10. you manage it, like you wouldany other windows 10 device. we put it in kiosk mode if you will, lock it down using standardwindows 10 features.
so let me walk youthrough the portfolio. if you will, of this nextgeneration skype room systems, and then we'll get into a demo. the picture you're seeing isactually the device i have up here on the stage. this is gonna be the first ofour skype room systems to launch from logitech. they call this their logitech smartdock, for skype room systems. it's a beautiful device,premium quality materials,
metal, made to have extraheat absorption from the sp4, swiveling base, great device. in case you're wondering whatthe little light is, on the far end, all of these docks willhave motion sensor. so we use standardwindows power management. screens go off, someone comes in,screen lights up automatically so it's very easy for users to know. hey, this is where i sortof pay attention to and go to actually start my meeting.
as i said, the bundles if you will,of these systems will scale from huddle rooms all the wayup to the largest rooms. this is thanks to av peripheralsfrom our launch partners, from logitech, polycom, crestron. and we also have av peripheralsfrom sennheiser and jabra. so i walk through the specificcombinations from logitech, crestron, and polycom in a minute. but i did wanna call outsennheiser and jabra as well, for some small rooms, it'll be greatto have the sennheiser 20 puck.
great audio device forsmaller rooms. from jabra, we have the 510 forsmaller rooms and then the 810 for sort of medium rooms,great audio devices. so i wanna start bytalking about logitech. they have been justa fantastic partner, just an amazingly agile partner. this is a company that actuallyhas been partnering with us in ad peripheral space for many years. their conference cam connect lineof av peripherals are great.
skype forbusiness certified peripherals. and they will have two combinations that theyare offering today to reserve. for small rooms, they havetheir conference cam connect. that's actually the devicei'm using up here, that i'll be using in the demo. that's a combination ofa 1080 camera, speaker, and microphones all in one unit. works super well forsmall rooms with the smartdoc.
for larger rooms, they havetheir conference cam group, so that's a separate audio unit. you're gonna have two satellitemics, i'm doing this from memory. i think 27 foot radius, i can't see if there's logitechpeople in the room somewhere. they'll correct me if i'm wrong,i think it's a 27 foot radius. and then a great ptz camera, it's their equivalentto the ptz pro camera. so really nice forlarger conference rooms.
starting at just under $2,000 forsmall rooms, $3,000 for large rooms. and that's all in, that's the dock,the surface pro, our software, and the av peripherals. next we have crestron, they'retaking reservations today, as well. their units will shiparound the end of the year. you can see by the way, all of theseat our booth if you wanna come by. logitech also, and i'll go back for a sec, logitech also have allover this in their booth. and if you'd like togo more in-depth,
they've set up a samplemeeting room area. then you're gonna ask a morein-depth session up in b404. so if you go down to the booth,then ask for a sort of a more in-depth briefing. you can arrange that withour friends at logitech, it's a fantastic area they have. they, by the way, are also doingsome great work as are we with herman miller, who were kind enoughto provide the furniture for our sort of minimeeting room session.
we're gonna be partnering withherman miller as well to actually do some custom furniture for thesenext generation skype rooms systems, that's somethingwe're investigating. so, logitech, ourselves,and herman miller. are working very welltogether around this as well. and i'd encourage you to talkto logitech about their setup that they have in thatroom with herman miller. as i was saying, crestron anothercompany with just a wealth of experience in this space,as i'm sure many of you know.
many, many years workingin meeting rooms. so they'll be coming out with theirskype room system around the year. and they're starting totake reservations today. they've got a few combinationsthat they've announced. so, they will have a smallroom system that will be using a web cam plus the javra 810. they have sort of a mediumroom system that will be using a panasonic camera. and then for larger roomsthey will be integrating with
their dsp which we're veryexcited about cuz that supports integration with much more complexcustom audio environments. along with their hdmi to usb video converter for support for more complex videocamera environments. again, they're starting totake reservations now there. and i wanna make sureto get this right. and i don't wanna mix upthe acronym is it msr or mrs? msr, thank you.
they're msr forskype room systems, sorry. msr for skype room systems, is the injuredjust finalized in my own defense. msr for skype room systems,system will ship early next year. you can see it also our booth andat the poly on booth. and they've got some veryexciting combinations and new av peripherals that they'reshowing in their booth. so they will beshipping a combination, three combinations thatthey're talking about.
so combination with their awardwinning trio audio device this is just an incredibleaudio quality device. if you went to session,we actually use that for the audio formy demo in that huge room. no fancy tricks, nothing else,it would pick up audio from me no matter how far awayi walked from it. just a fantastic audio device so,they'll be using the trio. they have a new mptz camera,sort of bottom there on the slide kind of next to the cx5100they've got that in the booth.
amazing image qualityit's pre-production, but they're using it already. that actually was the camera theyused for the demo, for their folks. just incredible imagequality already of course, they have their cs5100. kind of unique in the industry forthe panoramic view. and then they've also going tobe doing integrated systems, their media line systemsthat they're picturing here. so, as you can see, the skyperoom systems solutions from
our partners will trulycover every meeting. but of course, the key for you,i'm sure it's gonna be well, what's the experienceis gonna be like? is this really something that yourusers are don't wanna use every day. cuz if it's just gonna be anotherthing that users are gonna use a 2 hours a day i don't think it's gonnamatter if it's 9.99 or 29.99, so let's get to the demo. let me go ahead and hopefully thisall works, so i'm gonna switch over at the best we could do, is showyou this consul on a wolf vision.
it's not gonna be likethe best premium quality but i will try to adjust it asmuch as we can all right. so what you're seeing here alongwith my reflection is the screen of logitech smart dock can everyonekinda see that, yeah, more or less? okay, so that is the home screen. that is our new home screen. and what you can see is scheduledmeetings here on the left and main functions here on the right. when you walk into a meeting room,this lights up.
you can do the thingsthat most people do most often when youwalk into a meeting room. so of course,you can dial a phone number. and i can go ahead andactually dial my colleague, irina, 4254457556. there we go now, this isan actual cellular phone call here in the room. we'll see how wellthat works there we go. go ahead and pick that up.
>> hi liam. >> hey,can you pump up the mic please? >> like right here? >> there you go. a little bit of cellular delay. >> [inaudible]>> okay, so go ahead and mute, because what i'm gonna say, okay sowe made a phone call great! so maybe that'sconference room phone, except this is the full skype forbusiness meeting experience.
so not only can this replace theconference room phone, this actually can do a heck of a lot more soi'm gonna just, invite myself. and hopefully, it finds me. yeah, it's hidden behindthe notification, there it is. so it's popped up i can'tshow you the screen. i would've blown me,if you guys mind. but i am in here my speaker ismuted, because it said, hey, i'm in the room. and you can sort of see my video,maybe, let's see.
can you see my video? yes, okay, there i am. all right. so in one step i went fromjust making a phone call to, now, i've got a full skype meeting. and i can share content,i can add anyone in my address book. by the way, that was a search ofthe whole microsoft address book. this is all live, no smoke and mirrors this is a deviceon the microsoft cloud.
i'm on our office 365 tenant thisdevice is on the office 365 tenant. i should do my normal sandbagging. this is about 14 builds behindwhere we are currently, we fix a lot of bugs everyday. so pre-production,pre-production hardware, stuff may happen in the demo. but all live, all live and real. so not only can this devicereplace conference room phones. but it brings the full skypemeeting experience to every room
at about the price pointof a conference room phone. now you've got content, audio, and video in every room withall the richness of this ui where i can have instant messaging,i can have content. i can have everything you can doin skype for business in a much, much simpler manner. now if i walked in anddidn't want to dial a phone number, i actually want it right away. to start with skype for
business, i can do that as welli can start an ad hoc meeting. so hold on one sec., there's one thing i needto do on my computer first. one sec. so i can search my whole addressbook i can, again, find myself. i can actually invitemultiple people at once. so i can start an ad hoc meetingat any time, bulk invite. and set up an ad hoc meetingwith audio, with video, with echo i think that's from you,but i'll mute, there we go.
with audio, with video and you're getting video just frommy little surface book camera so it's not the best, butyou can see that it's real. hi there, hi everyone that easy. okay so ad hoc meetings, dialingphone numbers, it just works. now sometimes you just wantto come in the room and you just want to connect to yourlaptop and you just want to project. and hopefully that'smy laptop all i did is i just plugged in and it just works.
but when you do that, what you alsomay want to do is book this room. so, let me show youhow easy that is. actually, what i'm going todo is switch to duplicate so that i can actuallysee what i'm doing. so i'm gonna go right here. you can see outlook andwhat i'm gonna say is you know what, at noon i want to havea meeting in this room. so all i need to do issay new skype meeting. and i happen to know thatthis room is rigel10.
and i wanna have a meeting aboutnext generation skype room systems. okay, and i've sent that off. and as soon as the networkgods cooperate, you will see thatshow up right there. and there it is. so, i've booked that room. i can now join this meeting, and just to show you that it's real,i'll go ahead and join it, and there'll be no oneon it other than me.
but what that shows you is,it's that easy to book a room, join it with one touch. in fact, if i walked into this room,and it wasn't booked. instead of doing an ad hoc meeting, if i had a skype meetingon my calendar already, i could have just forwarded it tothis room, and booked it that way. theoretically it'll join. there we go. so, one touch join, booking ameeting is that easy, it just works.
let me go ahead and join a meetingwhere it's more than just no one and show you the more richmeeting experience. so let's join a meetingalready in progress. okay, here we go. so this is a meeting andactually i'm gonna turn down volume. this is a meeting with ourfriends from our partners. and here we've got ourfriends from logitech, our friends from crestron,our friends from microsoft it and our friends from polycomon the show floor.
hey guys, can you hear me? >> yep we can hear you. >> hey, welcome. >> [inaudible] thank you. >> hey, so aries i thinkyou're the loudest guy, so maybe you should mute yourself. i can, you're right. why do i need him to mute himself? right there, boom, muted, duh.
he's my calling in froma cell phone example. so, thank you my friend albert,albert from my team, everyone. i have all the control ofthe meeting that i need right here. i can mute someone, un mute them,make them a presenter. which i can do. i can remove someonefrom the meeting. i can lock the video spotlight, that'll make theirvideo full-screen. i can im everyone.
if someone ims me, i will getnotification on the console, but also on the front of the screen. so we see notificationsabout something important, like let's say someone waitingin the lobby on both screens. so if you're paying attentionto the front of the room, you can know that there's somethingyou have to do back on the console. you'll also have fullcontrol of content here. so there's a powerpoint here. the way that powerpointgot here is that irina,
who organized the meeting, simplyattached it to the outlook invite. so one of our features in skype forbusiness is that if you attach a powerpointto an invite, and actually if you attach any content to an invite,we put it in the content bin. if you attach powerpoint, and it goes into the content bin,we know how to present it. and so all i have to do istouch that powerpoint, and it starts up the presentation andshares it into the meeting. and we can control thatstraight from this console.
so i am now both projecting it forall of us, but i'm also sharing it in the meeting. and i can advance slides right here,from the console. now anyone in the meeting can,of course, take over control. that's just skype for business. but i can run the fullpresentation right from here. if there was something that someonein the room, like me with my laptop, said, i really want to show you this beautiful powerpoint thatbilly is sharing here in the room.
i can just plug in. and it automaticallyshares into the meeting, my laptop screen withoutme having to do anything. didn't have to press any buttons,all i did was plug in. i'll unplug,it stops sharing my screen. we go back to full video. if i am sharing content, i alsohave full control of the layout. so i can go to full-screen content, i can go to full screen video orour shared view.
so with that i actually wantedto go back to our partners and have a few words with themstarting with logitech, because they have just been amazingthroughout this whole journey. and they are the ones actuallybringing these devices to you. although, it's a littlehard to see them. so, sudeep from logitech,can you still hear me? >> yes. hey leo. >> hey.so i wanted to get your take on
what i still affectionatelythink of as rigel. but the next generationof skype room systems. so you're going to be shippingyour smart doc in a few weeks. you've got a few solutions out. i do want to give you thisopportunity to also talk about the price points because i thinkthey're amazing in terms of enabling people to really replaceeven their conference room phones. why don't you go ahead and sortof add some color commentary for everyone in the room?
>> absolutely, first of all i mustsay that i'm super excited about this partnership andbeing the first to market with this next generation ofskype room system solution. we have three packages coming out. the first is what you're seeingon this slide right here, it's the base package to startyour skype room system solution. the second package we have willinclude the conference cam connect for a huddle room solution. so think of it as the fullroom solution in a box called
the huddle room. and the third package we wouldhave is for larger rooms. which will include this basepackage of a smart dock along with logitech growth withexpansion microphones. and logitech growth is whati'm using here in this room. these three packages willstart from under $2,000. and the largest package forlarge room will be around $3,000, so again a very,very affordable price point. now you'll be able to take the greatskype meeting experience that
you have built to each and everymeeting space in your organization. >> awesome, thank you sudeep. and you've been at the booth fora little while, you've been getting somekey questions from folks. what are some key questionsyou've been getting about this, that maybe one or two thatwe could cover for everyone? >> so the first questionobviously is, when can i have it? can i have it now? [laugh] i wanna deploy in each andevery meeting room.
so once again the short answer isthat it should be a few weeks. we are very excited about. but i think the other question thatwe do get often from customers is, how i manage the solution? and you probably coveredin your slides already but you really manage it like a pc. so you can install yourany wireless security or any other management tools that yourorganization uses to manage this device just like any otherwindows pc in your possession.
>> thank you somuch sudeep, i really, really appreciate the partnership. next, i want to actually talkto daniel from crestron. they've got the next devicethat's going to be coming out. daniel, thank you somuch for joining us. >> great. very nice to see you again. >> you guys are callingin from new jersey. so, you're a little further away,so again, thank you.
hey, so you guys have a long historyin this space, a lot of experience. you guys are bringing tomarket a beautiful looking skype room system andsome unique combination skus. why don't you give me yourtake on how you think about the next generation ofskype room systems? certainly. so we are also super excited tocontinue partnering with microsoft. we've had a great relationship forhonestly 15 years now going back to when we first started buildingin touch controls with microsoft.
and then of course continuingthat with link room systems, now skype room systems. this new skype room system, reallyenabled a very nice price point so that we can actually bringthe native skype experience, and the really,every single meeting room. so by bringing that price pointdown we're able to just grow the market forthis type of product immensely. and the fact that it actuallynatively ties in with crestron control that i use tomanage the rest of the facility.
crestron is in the majorityof the fortune 500 companies, it just sort of seamlessly goesin to a lot of those customers. >> that's awesome, and then can youtalk about the combination of sorta skus you're looking to offer. i know you're looking atthe panasonic camera, but also you've got some uniquecombinations there with the dsp and the hdmi to usb converter. >> right, so of course,it's a crestron product. so it can integrate withall sorts of things.
so our price point starts under$2,000 for sort of the base-level, introductory products with cameraand microphone and everything. but as you mentioned beyond that,it natively integrates with all of our dsps, with all ofour other camera options, with all of our ab routingcontrol systems and everything. so you can take this skype roomsystem and deploy it in a very lightweight easy fashion into yoursmaller rooms that exist everywhere. but then continue thatsame exact experience all the way up to the boardroom.
>> that's awesome,daniel again and thank you for your partnershipoverall with crestron. so i'm actually gonna come backto polycom in one minute for a very good reason. but i'm gonna take a littlebit of a detour to someone who has gone way out of his way becausehe's joining us from westcoast time. so i'm gonna lock our videospotlight on somebody who's joining us all the way from ourcorporate campus in redmond. and that's matt hempee.
matt is one of my keypartners at microsoft it. who works on rollingout meeting devices and he's been working with me on skyperoom systems classic, surface hub. just an invaluable partner inproviding feedback on what we need to do right to enable them toroll out more meeting devices and what we need to do betteron the user experience. and so as someone who actuallyis planning a roll out of this next generationof skype room systems and is currently rollingout surface hubs.
i wanted to actually get matt'stake on these new devices and how they're thinkingabout deploying and managing them and the feedbackthey're getting from users. i welcome matt and thank you so muchfor coming in so early for this. >> [laugh] thank you, no problem,but it's not that early here. >> [laugh]>> so, [laugh] or at microsoft it, our job is to really pullthe company together to bring an end to end experience thatwe know customers will love. when we look at the meetingspace experience,
we see three key obstaclesto making that happen. first is you have to providea great user experience. and what you consistentlyheard from our employees is the joining meeting takestoo long is too complicated. and that when you get thatjoint you can have a very low quality meeting andyou don't know what to do. we are excited aboutproject next generation skype and assistance because it reallyaddresses that joined problem in a way that guaranteesyou reliability.
so that one touch join doeseverything you need to provide a great and consistent high quality meeting withall the capabilities that you want. that's the first thing. second thing is fitting itto all of our 13,000 rooms, every rooms in all shapes and sizes. and we need a device that we caneffectively and quickly deploy to those spaces without revamping thefull technology suite in every room. and skype room systems give usthe technology flexibility to
choose the right devices foreach room. and then add it without having toreplace all the equipment in that room. then finally our goal is to manageall 13,000 of those rooms remotely. and to be able to have a centralorganization that can support those rooms here in puget sound,sporting rooms across the world. because these are essentiallywindows 10 devices, we can get thatstructure created and working much, much faster thanwe could with another solution.
so it gives us a ton offlexibility to be able to get. to where we wanna be from a supportand management perspective as well. so that's my view of where we're atwith skype from systems, i'm really excited about it, i think it solvesa huge, huge problem for us. >> that's awesome matt, and i haveto selfishly ask, how many devices you think you're gonna deployof these guys over the next, say 12 months? >> i said 13,000 right? >> okay, all 13,000 rooms, awesome.
>> [laugh]>> i got that in writing. everybody heard it,that's a commitment. >> we'll work on it. we'll work on pushing these outas fast as we possibly can. >> [laugh] all right man. thank you so much again. okay, so last but certainly notleast, i'm lock the video spotlight. here we go, we're going to goto our friend eras polycon. now he's joining from a cx5100, so
you are getting awesomepanoramic video. i am going to un-mutemy friend there he is. he un-muted himself. >> what you're hearingis really noisy. thanks to the great workthat we do together work is just [inaudible]hopefully you got me clear i am going to go quickly throughthe packages that we offer. before [inaudible] three packages. the msr 200 which comes withthe to [inaudible] come with
presents through yourconference phone. and [inaudible] camera,the [inaudible] are 300, which still comes of coursewith the msr smart [inaudible]. polycom trio and ptz camera for the front of the room and then [inaudible]. >> okay, that's awesome eras but you got to do that there'sjust one more thing. so, the reason i wanted you to belast cuz there's one more absolutely
crucial thing that polycom haveannounced together with us at this show. for those of you that do havethat 3% of rooms with those tens of thousands of dollars worthof vtc systems, maybe from cisco. and you're wonderingare those systems now legacy? and of course, i would say,yes, they are. but how do you get into a skype forbusiness environment? my friend arez and our friends atpolycom would say we can help. >> i don't get audio,it's really noisy here.
>> [laugh]>> i wanted to talk a little about polycom [inaudible] service foroffice 365 and we announced yesterday our serviceallows room system such as skype room system,teleconference system. and cisco legacy endpoint and thisto connect to office 365 with video. we're using the same simplicityof connecting through skype for business. simply click to join from any systemwhether it say legacy endpoint, skype room system orreported come endpoints.
>> all right, thank you somuch, harrison. and thank you everyone on the call. thank you so much. i'm going to go ahead andhang up on you guys. and just before i go further,i just want to point out, pre-production software,pre-production hardware. ignite show network and that wasan online meeting with participants from new jersey, from redmond,from two different places here. all 1080p video, all onthe microsoft office 365 cloud
that went, i thought,pretty darn well. so i think you can useit in your environment. >> [applause]>> thank you, so, i do want to just sort ofrepeat what eras said. because i do think it’s goingto be important for all of you. the real connect foroffice 365 service. that is something that polycomannounced jointly with us at the show. it's in private path or
preview now it's going intopublic preview later this year. this is a service, again, wedemonstrated in pradeep's keynote if you want to see it live in action,just real running in azure. it can bring existing vtc'sright into the skype for business experience. in fact he showed that samepanel pane that he just used. they showed a polycomimmersive system and a cisco sx10 stitched together. they used that same panel pane forimmersive system, which is kind of
a very cool view, andthat's a unique polycom capability. so they bring existingvtcs into the skype for business experience, butit's a cloud video inter-op service. so unlike every other inter-opoffering today including cisco's econo acquisitionthingie where you need to drop a bunch of inter-ophardware and vms and stuff. this is something that you gofind in the office 365 store. you click on it, get your licenses,you assign the licenses to your users, just like youwould any office 365 add-on.
pricing is similar to office 365users from an add-on perspective. and once that user is enabled,when they do what i did, and schedule a skype forbusiness meeting in outlook. they get that extra informationthat you see right there for vpcs to join,that's it, that simple. so we really think thisis gonna be very unique, from an interop perspective. >> more details on thursday, 12:30? >> [laugh] and mr albert here willbe doing a session together with
mr adam from polycom, sothey're your interop guys. on interop, and going into detail on that, iactually have that on a slide, sir. and they've done an incrediblywell received broadcast, and the url is right here. so, i do get a few questions aboutfeatures that i did wanna address. one of the top ones being,how many displays can we cover? all of the docs have two displayoutputs in the hardware, so they can do multiple display out.
the software right now onlysupports one output layout. and of course, i think you can lookforward and say, well it would make total sense to put the contenton and video on the other. and that's somethingwe're working on. and for us, as i said,we're a store app, we can publish updates very quickly. and so we absolutely expect to havemultiple layouts supported in future updates, including, by the way,kind of an all-in-one layout. so you can imagine, instead ofhaving a separate console and
external display,kind of an all-in-one future for very small,like phone room kind of setups. multiple front-of-room displays and layouts coming firsthalf of calendar 17. i showed you wired video ingest,many, many customersare interested in wireless. miracast is something surface hubsupports, the hardware, surface pro 4, supports miracast. if you were to get a surface pro4 and you have windows 10,
there's an app called connect,it's a miracast receiver. we do not support thatin our app today. that is something that we areworking closely with windows on, and we expect to supportedit in an integrated way, also in first half of 2017. now, i did get an interestingquestion at the booth of, well what if i were tojust take this cable, and plug on a wireless receiver,even the microsoft one? and yes that would work, it wouldnot be a seamless experience
because our app wouldsee an always-on signal. and so we would auto-detect thesignal and you'd always have that. and so your user would have to usethe project button to sort of toggle that on and off, and so it'd bean extra step, but it would work. we also get a question of, yourux is very simple and intuitive, but, maybe stark,it's sort of modern and gray. but, what if i wanted to havea sort of custom background? that is not our final front-of-room,by the way, we are not gonna put up our logo.
we're gonna havea simpler background, that kind of pointsback to the console. but what if i wanna customize that? so that is coming, sowe will actually use an api to say, hey, whatever you,we'll have a default, but if you customize the windows lockscreen, we will pull that in. so if you have a lock screenwith your company logo we'll put that up for front-of-room. if you have a lock screenwith a beautiful graphic,
we'll pull that in onthe left of the app. and we'll include some samples,that you can sort of pick from. so those are the first three,we have a long backlog. i'm not gonna go through all of it,these are the ones that i know for sure that we are gonna get to. and so that leaves quite a bitof time i think for questions. there are a few things i wanted tocover off that's more housekeeping. one is, there is still time foryou to win five of these systems, #meetingaccomplished on twitter orinstagram,
skypemeetingaccomplished.com. is it a question aboutthis giveaway, yes, sir? >> what do you do if you don'tlive in an america state? >> the question is what do you do,well, it's only open to legalunited states residents. i'm just readingliterally off the slide. >> [inaudible]>> sorry. >> [inaudible]>> lawyer. >> lawyer.
>> well yeah, i am not a lawyer,nor do i play one on tv. join the skype for businesscommunity, we have a skype for business community, it's a greatway to give us feedback. and there are sessionsstill available that relate to this topic andother key topics. so today,there's some sessions on skype for business meetings andmigrating to the cloud. tomorrow, mr albert has a sessionabout certified for skype for business devices.
so if you wanna know about otherav peripherals, if you wanna know about pstn conferencing,which is sort of a related topic. and then thursday there'sa configure skype for business for skype room systems, andproject rigel, surface hub, so a guy named brian ricks,who's down at the booth quite a bit. where's the the interop session? >> near the top line [inaudible]. >> there it is,i just didn't highlight it. so 12:30, understand skype forbusiness, meeting room interop,
i apologize,i missed the bolding on it. so that's 12:30 on thursday,so with that. wow, they gave me a lot of sessions. with that, what i'll do isi'll just take questions for the time that i have remaining,questions? yes, sir?>> with regards to the content sharing. >> yes, the question iscontent sharing, yes. >> yeah.surface hub has pin locking
[inaudible] is there gonna be a wayto secure content or [inaudible]? >> so, the question is surface hubhas a pin lock feature for content sharing is there goingto be something similar? we had a lot of feedbackabout that pin lock feature. i believe we actuallyremoved it in the rs1 update, that's about to ship,that we've done internally. and so his people could not figureout how to make it work properly. so, the way to do thatsimilar functionality, is everyone is having towait in the lobby, and
then join the meeting from a laptop. and basically make the devicehave to be admitted, so no is the short answer. i think the process, i believe,to make the room private, to make the meeting private,you actually had to authenticate. is there any way to addthat capability instead of- >> so, the follow-up question is, is there a private meeting authenticatefunction like we had in rs? no, we do not have that in v1.
>> but we have,you can do it with the lobby. >> i just said that [laugh] butthank you. so, yes you can makethe meeting private, everyone will have towait in the lobby. and then you would have tojoin from another skype for business client and admit the room. yes, actually down here first,and then i'll come back to you. >> i don't know if this is similar. so i'm at a university,so we have faculty that,
if they're in a meeting,they wanna breakaway into separate, almost like sub rooms, somethingthat totally connects users. so is that a feature that may becoming, it's called the breakaway rooms?where they can, if they're ina session, and then they say okay, we'll take this part of the groupput them in another room separately, and so on and so forth. >> so the question isabout breakaway rooms. there's not an automated feature,but you'd basically go create an adhoc meeting in a different room.
so they could literally walk overand start an ad hoc meeting. but as far as, yeah,there's no automated feature. i wanna make sure,i'll come back, but there was a question right there. >> how well does it work withcontinental screens such as smart, or [inaudible]? >> so the question is how well doesit work if the front-of-room screen is touch enabled? it works really great as a screen,we don't have any
touch enabled capability inthe front-of-room ux today. >> sorry, do you think that'llcome in the next version? >> we're thinking, the question wasis there anything in our backlog? we are thinking about it, there's nothing concretethat i can talk about today. as you can see, the ux rightnow is video in content, so there's nothing concretetoday that requires interaction. there was a bunch of hands,yes, sir, that was it. >> [inaudible] skype roomthat's being deployed today,
is there like an upgrade path? >> so the question is,skype rooms system classic, that's a term i've made up,what is the upgrade path? so we are workingwith the vendors who offer skype room systems classic,crestron, polycom, also smart,to have an upgrade path forward. and those are still beingsold as we get to shipping, and i will say stay tuned. those are all our partners,there will be
offerings to get thosesystems moving forward. there's a difference infunctionality right now. like one big one is dual display. i can't do dualdisplay right now and the other one someonepointed out is touch. so if you want to ink atthe front of the room that surface happened today. however, if you wanna join skype forbusiness meetings. if you wanna do single display,that's something i can probably do.
if you wanna join skype forbusiness meetings, you want to do dual display. it's probably somethingi can do next summer. >> [inaudible]. >> yes, sir. >> yeah, and i cannot remember if wesupport mfa, i remember i looked. now the question wasdo we support mfa? >> right. >> so, we're well aware of it.
we do require the device tobe logged in as a skype for business device account. there's a user experience portionto that that we're trying to figure out, so not in v1. at microsoft, we also use mfa butwe've got an exception for device accounts. yes sir? >> yes, yes. >> on our backlogs, soright now ptz control, sorry.
the question is ptz cameras, howare those cameras being controlled. the answer is,via remote controls today on our backlog is the addsomething to our ux, sir? >> so the question is,are the devices compatible. let me give a broad answer. the software is just a windows app. it's just windows. windows will take any usb audio orvideo device. if you plug any arbitrary device in,
i cannot support you in termsof audio or video quality. so we will have a sort of a servicelevel agreements, if you will. that comes with the device thatsays, hey if you buy a core system, so sp4 and doc,from crestron or logitech. and then you plug in someancient something and you call and you say hey,my audio quality is really bad. my support folks are gonna go,i can't really help you. so that's my kindof broad statement. anything will work that giveswindows a usb audio or video signal.
and all of the devices that i'veshown are just usb devices. so in that sense,they will all work. the bundling will not probably beavailable, sort of cross bundling. meaning they will likely not besomething you can buy from polycom that has logitech camera. however, you can buy core systems. so that's kind of the broad answer. yes sir, i'm gonna try i swearto go to the sides as well, it's kind of a hard room forperipheral vision.
>> speaking of plugging in, is theconnection sort of like an hmi or bpa connection to the [inaudible]? port is it a usb thatrequires a driver? >> okay, so the question iswhat are all the connectors. so the docks, here are allthe required connectors. it has an hdmi input. it has two hdmi outputs. it has at least three usb ports. it has a cat network port andit has power.
the partners can add additionalconnectors on top of that. the audio and video will be usb. the displays andingest will be hdmi. yes, sir. >> so the question is ithink about surface hub. and the question is is it onthe road map to get to a whiteboard. because that question is notabout the skype for business app on surface hub, i'm going tonot answer that and leave that. i'm gonna ask you to ask thatof the surface hub folks.
and i apologize, but that's sortof unannounced road map and i don't wanna infringe on them. >> what do you need forpstn dial in? do you need [inaudible]? >> here's a great question. so the question is whatdo you need for pstn? dial in andi'll actually answer dial out. we are a skype forbusiness end point. you give us a skype forbusiness account.
we can do whateverthat account can do. so if it's an on-prem account,however you have it set up, it's a hybrid, that's the answer. >> so what about cloud only? >> whatever you assign to thataccount is what we can do. >> so all in that same linewith the user experience, if there is pstn, is thatfunctionality hidden from display? >> well, first of all, for dial-in,sorry, i should repeat the question. hey, so the question was,
is certain functionality hidden ifwe can't detect it on the account? the question was ithink about dial-in. so that one is pretty simple. you can't call it and i don't thinki actually showed calling it. i can if you'd like. there's a dialogue that pops up,it has an accept and ignore. we hide the dial padif we do not show the enablement on the account fordial out. >> no, no, no, you're mixing upconference versus the device.
>> yeah,there's two separate things. the device, yeah? >> so i guess i should have asked ifyou're talking about conferencing or if you're talking about justliterally the account having a phone number. >> this is where it gets complex. if you have pstn conferencing and the person who organizedthe meeting is enabled for it. then the meeting will havea dial in pstn number.
nothing to do with the device. if the device account is enabled,has a phone number, then you will be able to callthe device, call the room. and it'll pop up a little dialoguethat say accept or ignore. and will hide the dial pad if youcannot make a phone call out. you can still hit new meeting andyou can, there you go. does that make sense? okay. i'm gonna go way over there andwork my way back, way at the end.
that's you. >> i was hoping youwouldn't ask that. there is. we are sticking with skype forbusiness server as the minimum. yeah. >> i'm sticking to that story. was there one over there somewhere? >> so the question was, the camerathat comes with the polycom trio seems to have auto focus issues.
so i'm gonna answer that in twoways, there's a polycom camera they announced that's a ptz camerathat is pre-production. so if it has focus issues, my guesswould be that it's pre-production. there is a camera i used in the demothat is the logitech ptz pro, that i've not had focus issues with. but if you're having focus issueswith it, i don't see logitech people in the room, but there's a wholebunch of them in the building. >> yeah.>> [inaudible]. >> okay,i gotta peel this all apart.
there is no configuration whereany camera is connected to the trio with this device. the trio is a usb audio device thatconnects the skype room system. that's it. the camera is also a usb camerathat is connected to my skype for business client. >> that goes to my app. trio's a certified device,the camera's a certified device. >> okay, but trio's connected[inaudible] as well.
>> no.>> that wouldn't [inaudible] special [inaudible]? >> nothing to do with this. that visual+ does not exist to me. that is not a certified device. that is not a native client,we cannot recommend it. i love polycom,i do not know that is not the drone. >> couple of quick questions,one the video ingests the hdmi, any delay there?
>> we don't want okay sorry. the question was hey hdmi ingest,any delay there? i mean you're welcometo come look at it. it's pre-production. we're a couple ofversions old on firmware. we don't think so, we've seen a couple things when yougo through other boxes in between, which some companies mighthave that have had issues. so we're still testingthe heck out of it.
you know our goal is no. so we think it's pretty good now. >> all right,my other question was actions for files other than powerpoint,[inaudible]? >> yes, so on the device there'snothing else we can do, right? because all we canrender is powerpoint. but other people in the meeting,if you're joining from a desktop, there's actually a heck of a lot,that you can now do. so, we support, i don't rememberwhat the official name is, i think,
it's called, modern attachments. so, you can actually do onedrive forbusiness link, and it will actually openit in collaborate mode. you can attach word file. it'll just open it in word. you know.you can basically do anything in office. but the only thing we cando from that is powerpoint, cuz that's what we renderin the cloud in v1.
yes sir, sorry. >> is that using [inaudible]? >> that's a great question. so the question is, when we sharecontent, what is the protocol? we support video based screensharing, absolutely in v1. we will do rdp as fall back,so we have very high quality screen sharing. yes sir. >> [inaudible]>> the question
is how will support work. these are products from partners, sothey will offer complete support. they are well known for their support, so yes,they will support the complete kit. of course, we offer support forour software, if you will, or our system. >> [inaudible]>> no, not the hardware. the surface in this casecomes as part of this device. >> [inaudible]>> yes.
so this is a windows device andit is a skype for business endpoint. so we support, along withall your standard tools for deployment and management, andwe support oms for monitoring. we are, were you in a deepsession by any chance? so do you know thatthing you showed, which i always forget the formalname for, for all the audio. our internal name is gabba,which is a horrible code name. the skype forbusiness admin portal thing. that call quality,you know, all that...
so, we feed into that. you know, we have a unique useragent, so we basically say hey, here's all my skype room systemdevices, look at all the quality. we feed a bunch of telemetryout right now that only we get internally for meeting length,for online, we can't get for on prem, and so we are looking forhow we can expose that. so we have all that telemetry. we have to figureout the right tool, which we think is probably oms,for how we can expose that out.
it's either oms orgabba, one of those two. >> [inaudible]>> event zero is gabba. >> [inaudible]>> i have like time for i think two more maybe orwell yeah i have no time. last question, sorry. >> [inaudible]>> it's windows, i love that. sorry, the question is qos andi, that's a perfect set up. so my last answer is it's windows,you could apply group policy to it. you can set it up just likeyou would any other skype for
business windows endpoint. >> [inaudible]>> cuz he's done it. >> but is it differentthan the surface hub? >> it is different than the surfacehub which is not windows, which does not do group policy. it's a variant of windows sosurface hub cannot do group policy. we are just windows 10. okay, thank you all so much. especially, the hard coregroup that's stayed back.
>> [applause]>> i really appreciate it. thank you. [applause]