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standard furniture living room sets

(gull cawing) (helicopter rotors whirring) (shouting in spanish) (chattering in spanish) woman: hurry up.i gotta go to the bathroom. (people chattering) you know whereyou're going, mary? this is it. woman 1: are yougonna bring the bags?

woman 2: yeah. hi. flight 92 to miami,boarding gate one. after you pass throughthe passport control, you will find iton your right. muchas gracias, por favor. vicki, the ladyspeaks english. i don't know why you have totalk your refried spanishto them all the time. it's a courtesy.we're in their country.

yeah, right. (chickens clucking) (speaking spanish) (rooster crowing) mary jennings? yeah. that's my name.don't wear it out. what's the problem, senor? come with me, please.

excuse me, sir,but we've got a flightthat's just about to leave. we're with a group. you two will wait here. follow me, please. mary! seriously,what is the problem? woman: what should we do?want us to wait? i don't wannamiss this flight. i have a special rate,you know?

excursion rates,they're called. this way, please. (woman chattering on p.a. in spanish) what the heckis going on here, boys? wait a minute.wait a minute. is this some kind of candid camera thing?huh? where's the camera? shut up. i beg your pardon? (groans)

did you think we don't knowabout your affair witha government official? huh? we know who you are,miss porter. we are not fools. fools, wish you were foolish. foolish should bea goal of yours.let me ask you something. don't you ever get tiredof acting like a cliche? typical, genericsouth american police thug? yeah, great.go ahead, hit me again.tell you something, though.

our side'll always know why? 'cause we have more spiritand more resources than you. (sniffling)all it'll cost us is money. there isn't enough mommyin the world to furthera cause like yours. (chuckling) fuck. (people laughing) whoa! will you shut up, raoul?

(imitatingcentral american accent)you'd want your mommy, too, if you had to sayall these words! lowell: cut! cut! oh, lowell, i'm sorry. end marker. (laughing)i'm sorry. i'm sorry, lowell. can't use any of it? hmm? you hate me now,don't you?

no, it's, i don't hate you. i hate myselffor tryin' to do itwithout cutaways. so it was terrificup to that point. yeah. i told you never to... man: back to your positions. come on. do i have time to go to themen's room before we go again? you bet. man: back to one. let's go. suzanne, try notto hit your chest,because of the body mike.

i'm lucky to get throughthat speech at all. if i have to hit my chestto do it, forgive me. you'd hit my chest, too,if you had to say this speech. work with us, people.back to one as quicklyand quietly as possible. let's go. man: reloading! you can say that again. probably willafter the next shot. only if i make itall the way through.

(crew chattering) (sniffing) very nice, guys. tom, will youtake this out of here?back to one, please. where's my plane ticket? ai-ai-ai. you fuck up my movie,i'm gonna kill you. what? you know exactly whati'm talkin' about, and so doeseverybody else on this set.

i don't care whatyou do to your bodyon your time, but this is my time,my movie. i don't intend to havesome spoiled, selfish, coked-up little actressruin my movie. now, i expect youto pull yourself together and work with usthese last couple of days,or i'll kill you. i'll kill you beforeyou kill yourself,and i'll do a better job, because you're so out of it,you'd probably evenbotch that up. now, you think you can dothe shot straight throughthis time?

okay, back to one.let's try it again. you, what's your name,please? cindy. cindy. that's perfect. cindy, you get your assoff this setand don't come back. if i catch you backon this set againsupplyin' her with drugs, i'll drop a dime on you,i'll call the cops. shoo. get. that about everything?

anybody else wanna bearrested or killedbefore we wrap this fucker? let's do the shot. (man coughing) (coughing continues) (clears throat) i feel like i sleptunder an elephant's foot. slugabed? it's almost 11:30. yoo-hoo,

sleeping beauty. what was the nameof that man who sleptfor a hundred years, huh? rapunzel? no. rip van winkle. mrs. winkle,this is your wake-up call. suzanne? suzanne? suzanne! (tires squeal) delivery!

man: excuse me? delivery.i'm dropping someone off. i'm dropping someone off!isn't this an emergency room? yes. well, this is an emergency! are you a relationof the patient? oh, no. no relation. i...i barely know her. i found her like this,and i brought her here.

is she gonna be all right? i don't know, sir. where can we reach you? uh, i'll call you. there's some emptybottles of pillsin her purse. i thinkthat's what she took.uh, thanks. doctor: any ideawhat she's taken? nurse: pills, sir. demerol, percodanand cocaine.

give me her vitals. blood pressure's 84 over 20,and she's tachycardic. suzanne! suzanne! (snoring) (mumbling)we sure were foolish. what is she saying? something aboutbeing foolish. eh. you couldsay that again. you want the ipecac?

no. she's toounresponsive. suzanne, we're gonnahave to pump your stomach! oh. do i have to be there? (footsteps) (cries out) julie: nasty dream? everybody has'll have 'em for a while. great.

i'm julie marsden,director of the rehab unit. i'm here to admit you. excuse me? which partis confusing you? (sighs) i'm in rehab? yes. your doctor,dr. feldman,and your mother had you transferredfrom the emergency roomlast night. i'm in a rehab? you don't rememberhaving your stomach pumped?

oh, that's what... uh-huh. my mother knows? well, she was herewhile you were unconsciouslast night. oh, god. why did theypump my stomach? you would have diedif they hadn't. why can't i rememberanything? you were probablyin a blackout.

and you don't remembertaking any drugs? oh, well, sure. some, but not... okay. i mean... how did i get tothe emergency room? a man dropped you offunconscious. who? suzanne,i'm not a detective.

i'm simply here to admit youand, god willing, help you. so now, if you don't mind,i'd like to aska few questions. a guy dropped me off? did you deliberatelytry to take your life? oh, please. i'm sorry ifthe question offends you, but having to haveyour stomach pumped usually indicatesfairly suicidal behavior. yeah, well,the behavior might be,but i'm certainly not.

i want you to knowthat i know you're scared. and that this isthe place to handle it. i don't really understandhow i almost died. that's not... that's neverwhat i wanted to do. what did you want to do? (sighs) i don't know. good.

that's your first step. i just feel like if i don't dowhat you want, you're gonna leave me or punish me. all right, all right.uh, let's stop therefor today. good work, carol.good work. okay, everybody,before we go, i'd like to introducea newcomer, suzanne,

who's just out of detox. all: hi, suzanne. (all cheering) weren't your parentssupposed to be here tonight? huh? my mother, you mean? mmm-hmm. no, my mother's working. she's coming if she can. uh, i think we should allvisit with our significantothers for a few minutes.

(all chattering) suzanne, couldi talk to you? i want you to dealwith your feelings, suzanne,before they deal with you. do you always talkin bumper stickers? addiction isn't the's the solution. you do. and until you removethe solution... you do! can't see clearlywhat the problem is.

this anger isn't about me.who are you reallyangry with? hello, darling.hello, dear. oh. hi, mama! am i too latefor the family thing? yeah, but it's okay. oh, sugar. let's go to my room. i did not want to miss that. how did it go?

oh, well, it was... what's the matterwith your hair? it's all the rage in rehab. excuse me, suzanne,but can i meet your mother? sure. bart,this is my mom. oh, miss mann,i can't believei'm meeting you. ever since i was about seven,i wanted to be you. bart does youin his drag show. this is my lover, allen.

oh, hello, allen. well, for good...what number do you do? "whistling pines." i wear a costumethat's almost exactlylike the one you wore in the opening number of that marvelous mrs. markham. oh, the onewith the corset? mom? that was sodifficult to wear. sorry, boys.

nice meeting you. very nice meeting you. see you later. see ya. dear, sorry, but you knowhow much the queens love me. ♪ whistling pines ♪ call out to me ♪ under the stars ♪ you'll hear the trees ♪

she looks fabulous. who do you think did her? dr. klein.he does all of them. i wonder what allen does. mom, this is mynew roommate, aretha. how do you do?how rude of me. i was just so excitedabout seeing my daughter. aretha?what an unusual name. i know.

i think my parents wereexpecting someone black. (chuckles) are you black? no. i... it's very nice to meet you.suzanne has told meso much about you. i think i'll go weavea basket or something and let the twoof you visit. she seems very unusual. well, i'm gladyou're makingnew friends.

oh, thanks, ma! have you talkedto marty? not yet. well, you should. i know, i know. you're supposed tostart that new film. well,i'm not going to do it. i don't thinkyou should do it,and i'll tell you why. mother, i just saidi am not going to do it.

first, it is nota pivotal projectin your career. and two,you're going to need timeto rest and explore. and "c,"i think you shouldchange agents, dear. i don't like whatthey're doing for need planning. your big problem is,you're too impatient. you're only interestedin instant gratification. instant gratificationtakes too long. but i don't want youto think about anyof that right now. i'm going to handleeverything while you'rein here. no pressure.

i don't want youto have anythinghanging over your head. i want you to beabsolutely clear. i promised myselfi would not do this,and look at me. (sighs) oh. i didn't want youto see me get upset. i hate getting upset. i really hate that youhave to go through this. hmm. wish i coulddo it for you.

ever since you werea little girl,i had this feeling... i don't know, that i'd lose you,that you'd be takenfrom me early. as opposed to later, whenit would be more convenient? (chuckles ironically) darling, you are tough. oh, ma. you are just like're always judging me. oh, come on.

you have never forgiven me. i don't think we needto go over this again. and you neverlet me talk. it's just thati feel like i'm not talkingto you sometimes. it feels like i'm talkingto your drama coach. you think you could trynot being so mad at me? i'll just rinse these out. i have some woolitein my purse. no, leave that...

it's handy for the road. leave it! i'll have some clothesbrought by tomorrow, and your tape cassette thingfor your music, and a quilt. and sunday afternoon,mary will come by with your video machineand some tapes andah, a plant. it's so blah in here. i don't knowhow you stand it,everything one color.

flowers for you,suzanne. oh. who died? both of usalmost did,for a start. (laughs) who are they from? they're from the guywho pumped my stomach. bullshit. "hope your stomachis better. "you seem to me to be whatmy mother warned me about,

"a beautiful andoverly sensitive person." he can tell all of thatfrom the contentsof your stomach. i'd have to be sensitiveto need all that dope. i'm tempted to marry himso i can tell peoplehow we met. suzanne,that lowell korshack'son the phone again. tell him i'm detoxing. he's a director, you know,that i was working with. i don't wanna talk to him.i'm embarrassed.i don't have to, do i? you don't have to doanything you don't wanna do.

thank you. except nevertake drugs again and go to aa meetingsfor the rest of your life. oh, i feel so much better. what can i tell you? the upshot of the whole thingis that your beingin the clinic and all made you a very high riskto do a movie. they want meto do the movie.i talked to the director. the director is notthe problem,'s the insurance company.

these guys won'tcover you in the eventthat you do drugs. i'm not doingany drugs, marty. we know that, dear.these are businessmen. they have no knowledgeof creative personalities. actors are nottreated well. and actressesare treated like, well, i hate to use the word,but, shit. marty... i remember wheni was 15 years old,

mr. mayer called mein for a meeting. he was sittingon the toilet. we had to conductthe whole meetingwith him on the toilet. you can be surethat he wouldn't havedone that to john garfield. john garfield. correct. mom... my daughter doesn'tlike it when i talk.

marty: doris, maybe you'dbetter let uncle martyhandle this. of courseshe'll listen to're not her mother. suzy, what cani tell you? other actresses,and actors, who have not cometo work due to a drugor alcohol problem are costing the insurancecompanies a lot of money, so you can see theirproblem, can't you? i do see.i'm being punished. i am.

honey, if you'lllet me finish, you'll seethis is not all bad news. your uncle marty here talkedto the insurance companyearly this morning, and they saidthey'd cover you if you would staywith what they call "a responsible party"for the run of the film. a what am isupposed to do? go to a halfway housefor wayward sag membersor something? honey, if you calm downa little bit, you'll seeit's not that bad. what they said was,they'd cover you

if you stayed with oneor both your parents. i told 'em your fatherlives in new york,so what about doris here? well, she couldn't staywith her father anyway. he's worse than she is.not that you're bad, dear. stay with my mother?what am i, a teenager? i lived with my motherand father untili was 23 years old. we all sharedthe same bathroom. doris, doris, please. okay, okay.

suzy, maybe it would bebetter to wait a couple ofmonths to go back to work. go to your aameetings, and whenyou're feeling better... yeah,but i wanna do this film. i can go to meetingsand work. i do betterwhen i work anyway. she's exactly like mewhen i was her age. i know... i feel like i belong... i did film after film... i know how to do that.

it was very, very goodtherapy for me after mydivorce and my miscarriages. in those days,the materialwas a lot better. doris. so, baby,you got it, right? these are the conditionsfor doin' this film. for the run of the filmyou stay with your mother. you can have your old room. okay, okay.i'll stay with her. you. you know what they say."no pain, no gain." great. fine.

well, no wonderi'm so hefty. hefty?dear, if anything,you are too thin. now me, my stomach,that's hefty. mother? i was kidding. i don't get yourgeneration's humorhalf the time. (sighs)i don't have a generation. then i thinkyou should get one. (men chattering)

i got it right here. morning. i'm ted,designed to make your lifea more annoying place to be. i'm suzanne,designed to be annoyed. then we'll get alongjust great. and this, of course,is your... my hamster cage. i was gonna sayresting place. my final resting place. i always dreamedit would end like this,

alone in a tiny roomwith an am radio. hopefully it won'tend like'll just middle. hopefully it'll endin a larger room with air-conditioningand an am/fm radio. i have just the thingto cheer you up. the producer'scoming to see of the producers. how many are there? three. the father and the sonand the holy ghost.

which one am i endearingmyself to today? the... anybody home? morning, sir. hi. joe pierce.just came by towelcome you aboard. are you about readyfor makeup? boy, any more peoplein here, we're gonnaneed a lubricant, huh? (chuckles)hey, ted, thanks a lot.we'll see you out there. rob, get the door,please, will you?

uh, suzanne, this is, uh,my agent, rob sonnenfeld. he, uh, came by to make surethat we're all a-ok. well, nice to see you. yeah. we just came byto say hi, make sure thateverything's up to snuff. yeah.everything's great. and we're gonna needa drug screen. (stammering)it's not for us. we're not worriedabout you at all. it's the damninsurance company.

they just won't cover youwithout a screen. i see. (stammers)understand, we're behind youa hundred percent. it's's a formalityof the business. yeah, i understand totally. so, do you wantblood or urine? i think urinewould be fine. do you have a little cupor somethingthat i can put it in? oh, don't worryabout that.

we'll just have the nursecome by and pick that upfrom you later. well, hey. it's great to get togetherand have this little chat. we're gonna leave youand, you know, do what you have to do, and, uh, we'll see yououtside, okay? okay, great. go, go, go. have fun. thanks.

(bell dings) man: watch your back! morning. woman: you don't know whatyou're talking about. hi there. you're just the copi'm lookin' for. we're about readyfor a lineup. are we gonna get a rehearsal,by any chance? i think you've gotthis film confusedwith a big-budget film.

you see,the lower the budget, the fewer the rehearsals,the worse the food. get the picture? hello, darling.great day for look glorious. big kiss. (kissing sound) cactus. stick your arms throughthe ropes, please. (chuckles) oh. hi. suzanne.

robert munch. okay! quiet, please! we're gonna do a blockfor camera, everybody, and there's a lot of dialogue,so we need yourtotal cooperation. also, keep in mind thereare live snakes in this shot, so we need you to bevery, very careful. suzanne: come in. your mom's here. and how was your day,dear?

they made me do a drug test. i knew it.i knew you shouldn'tdo this picture. yeah, but you knewi shouldn't do it becauseit was a bad film... no! ...not because theywere gonna make medo a drug test. i don't analyzethe way you do, just felt wrong to me. i had a dream thatit wasn't right. (chortles) i know you don't takemy dreams seriously,

even the one thatpredicted yourkidney stone. i would really likea percodan right now. i had a dreamthe other night. i had a dreamthat i was drowning... two percodan. ...that i was sinkingto the bottom of the ocean. make that three. a very heavy sequinedgown dragging me down. three. what does that mean?

i don't want to alarm you,dear, but i do wantto prepare you. i didn't tell you this before because of the, uh,drug clinic thingand all of that, but remembermy hysterectomy? the one last year. well,they found tumors. really? fibroid tumors. oh, but isn'tthat normal, ma?

usually. usually it's normal. but in our family, dear,all the women die young. all have weak systems. grandma's still alive. barely. and don'tcontradict me, dear. i'm just trying to tell youthat i might not be aroundfor very much longer. i don't want to alarm you,but i do want to prepare youfor my death. it is so important thatyou understand how preciousyour life is to me. how did we end uptalking about your deathfrom my drug test?

i wish you would change backto my business manager. i don't understand. could we just not talk? i think you would feel better.i know i would. and i think youshould ask dr. feldmanto take a look at you. maybe you have tumors.i had one as bigas a grapefruit. i'm gonna kill myself. don't say thateven in jest, suzanne. you've just come out ofa drug clinic. people mighttake it the wrong way.

oh. it looksas though there's a partygoing on here. well, i thought i'd invitea few friends over to celebrateyour coming home. no, ma. i have toget up in the morning.i don't wanna see 'em. all right, if you want me to,i'll go right in thereand tell them all to go home. all: surprise! my little girl is home. i mean, there are people herei haven't seensince high school. nor would i want to.god!

louis karasik,for christ's sake. where did she come upwith louis karasik? last time i saw him, he threw up scrambled eggsout of his noseon the way to the library. let me look at you,love bug, before your fat oldgrandmother haulsher rear off to bed. oh, give mea big hug. you sure dostink pretty. this is my friend,aretha.

hi, and bye. we're gonna hit the road. no,you're not leaving. well, your mother starteddrinkin' her wine. unless i wanna sit aroundall night listenin' to herrattle off at the mouth, i thought i'd hightailit outta here. hey, now that you're better,try to get her to stop. i know. ornery as a mule. just like owen.

i heard that! well, you arebullheaded, honey. don't you want morecashews, grandpa? did i have some already? gets worse every day. who gets worse?i heard that. get off my back, woman.i wanna go home. yeah,we're goin', dear. not with you!

i wanna go home.are we going soon? soon, sir.very, very soon. you know whatmy daddy did? what are we talkin' about? i told you. i heard that!get off my back, woman. yap, yap, yap, yap, yap!yap, yap, yap, yap, yap! that's all you doall the livelong day. ♪ and the farmer hauledanother load away ♪

the other day he punched mewhen i was tryin' to putsome clean pajamas on him. well, i'm gonna skedaddle,baby doll. you oughta eat more,young lady. you're no biggerthan a pound of soapafter a hard day's wash. good night, sugar.gotta let them dogs out. howdy's got worms. i have nothing to say. the same cannot be saidfor the rest of your family. i love them, though.

to me she was always likethis lovable, loud mountain. your mother wants you insideto cut the cake. cake? (piano flourish) don't forget that one! perfect. sing something, suzanne. wonderful idea! yeah, come on.oh, come on.

i can't, really. no, mama. please? sing one of your oldnumbers from my act. mama,i don't want to, really. oh, sweetie. one number foryour old mother. no. come on. come on,come on, come on! all: yes!

man: just one little song. (piano playing) (shushing) but i just got out... you know that...okay. ♪ you give your hand to me that ray charles tune. ♪ and then you say hello got it. keep goin'.

♪ and i can hardly speak (chuckles)i can hardly sing. ♪ my heart is beating so ♪ and anyone can tell that's it. ♪ you think you know me well woman: sweet song. ♪ well, you don't know me ♪ no, you don't know the one

♪ who dreams of you at night ♪ who longs to kiss your lips ♪ who longs to hold you tight ♪ to you i'm just a friend ♪ and that's allthat i've ever been ♪ but you don't know me (inaudible) i don't know the bridge. ♪ afraid and shy

♪ i let my chance go by ♪ a chance that you mighthave loved me too ♪ and then you say goodbye ♪ i want to walk away ♪ all i can do is cry ♪ no one will ever know ♪ the one who loves you so ♪ no, you don't know me ♪ me ♪

(all applauding) man: bravo! bravo! bravo! oh, bravo! bravo. oh! darling. that was so lovely, dear. i don't know whyyou don't sing any longer. oh, i get so nervous. yeah, but you shouldn't. you have sucha terrific voice,such a terrific talent.

now, dorisdoris, sing something. man: come on, doris. i couldn't. no, this is my daughter'snight. really, i... all: oh! come on. you think i should? yes. mmm-hmm. all sang for me,i'll sing for you.

(all giggle) i'm still here in d-flat. all: whoo! ♪ good times and bum timesi've seen them all ♪ and, my dear ♪ i'm still here woman: right you are. ♪ plush velvet sometimes ♪ sometimes justpretzels and beer

♪ but i'm here ♪ ten years of bracesvoice and tap ♪ touring in placesoff the map ♪ giving auditionson zanuck's lap all: ooh! ♪ never fear ♪ my mother drew upthe contracts ♪ so i'm here ♪ i've done commercials

♪ and club datesand talk shows ♪ gee, that wasfun and a half ♪ when you've donecommercials ♪ anything else is a laugh ♪ black sable one day ♪ the next dayit goes into hock ♪ top billing monday ♪ tuesday you'retouring in stock ♪ first you're anothertrue blue tramp

♪ then someone's motherthen you're camp ♪ then you career from career ♪ to career ♪ oh, i'm feelingtranscendental ♪ am i here? (all laughing) ♪ i've gotten through"hey, ladyaren't you whoosits" ♪ "gee, what a lookeryou were" or better yet,

♪ "sorry, i thoughtyou were whoosits" ♪ "whatever happenedto her?" ♪ good times and bum timesi've seen 'em all ♪ and, my deari am still here ♪ smooth sailin' sometimes ♪ sometimes a kickin the rear ♪ i've run the gamut a to z ♪ three cheersand damn it ♪ .c'est la vie

♪ i got throughall of last year ♪ and i'm here ♪ lord knowsat least i was there ♪ look who's here ♪ i'm still (all whistling) ♪ here ♪ yeah! man: you're it!

man: cut! hello, darling. hey, simon. we got some got about 15 minutes. man: second team,cue the stand-in! what's happening?they make you doa drug test too? what?oh, no, no, no. it's nothing,really. um, just...

(sawing sound) it's the, uh, producers sawthe rushes last night and they had somerather interestinglittle notes. well, what? now, now, now. don't take itthe wrong way. no, no. i saw them this morning.they were were fine, really.

it was my first day,you know? absolutely. i couldn'tagree with you more. it was your first day. they... they...they simply feltthat you could have fun with it. just have more funwith it, that's all. well,fancy meeting you here. neil bleene,associate producer. hi. i understand myenjoyment levels are down.

well, no. we feltthe performance was fine, but you're holdingsomething back. holding something back? i've been in the theater. i'm actually a theaterdirector. shh. sometimes certainline readings apply. like in comedy,it is a rule. inflections go upat the end. that's a comedy rule?

well, not so much ruleas guideline. you were so very,very good in public domain. i mean,what did you do there? thanks. i rehearsed. i guess i don't takecriticism very well, but, i mean, i've hadone day of work on this, and this is the secondconversation about what'smissing in my performance. we're talking abouttwo minutes of film. two minutes ofscreen time out of 90.

is it correctable? it's not as thoughyou farted duringall your dialogue. we sat there in rushessaying, "what's all thatnoise all over her lines?" i'm so relieved. that analogy'sbathed me in relief. well, neil,thank you very muchfor the acting tips and the pep talk. my pleasure. feeling much morerelaxed now.

simon: can't we put herinto a girdle or something? not with that dress, sir. we might use a panty hose with control top,but i'm not sure if thatwould be sufficient. all right, all right.anything, anything.just do something. oh, and we have toget her into pantsinstead of shorts. the tops of her legsare very... bulbous. she has cellulite.

i just wish we could get herto stop eating so much. simon: but i suppose havinggiven up drugs,she has to do something. do you think we couldget her to start smoking? (woman chuckles) woman:what are we going to do aboutthe bed scene, mr. asquith? cheat the angle,i presume. her breasts...her breasts are rather out of shape,aren't they? well, if you haveher on her back,

as the script indicates, her tits are just gonnamove off into her armpits. how very unpleasant. well, perhaps you should buya camisole or something. you know, i had no ideashe was so out of shapewhen i hired her. but i supposewe wouldn't have got her if she was stillin her prime. if you'll forgive me,mr. asquith, i mean,with her reputation, she's luckyto have a job at all.

she pretty much destroyedthe career that she had.this is a break for her. well, i suppose you're's sad though,isn't it, really? she was so good in a night full of shoes. just hope it doesn'tcause too much troublefor your department, darling. i'm almost sorrywe didn't getvalerie rogers. oh! valerie hasa terrific body. oh, well. see you. george lazan, executiveproducer of kitchen sinkand now l.a. beat. how are you?

fine. (stammers) suzanne. vale, i know. have i caught youat a bad time? look, i saw the rushes,and frankly,you're holding back. yes, darling?what seems to be the problem? the prob...the prob... yes? come on. the problem, simon,

is that hundredsof people have hadconversations with me about my lowenjoyment levelsand my... and my... and... and bothered me. so i would preferto receive directionsolely from you. hundreds of people?that shouldn't be.i'll have a word with them. i mean, we're talking aboutone day of work here. a day in which i was tiedto a cactus and assaultedby snakes, you know? as if i were a child. maybe i should give themmy mother's phone number,

and she could come inand make sure i relax. this is it! that's her!that's the character! that's the qualityi've been looking fornow, what you're doing. do you see? but, simon,this is not relaxed! this isincredibly upset! (stammering)if this is the quality... okay, people,this'll be picture! darling, just be yourselfand you'll be fine.

it sounds trite, i know,but it's true. just trust me. i'll have a wordwith the producers... sorry. (buzzer buzzing) i promise you, what happenedtoday won't be repeated. now please,just try to calm down. man: quiet on the set!roll sound! speed! roll camera! seventeen, take one.

marker. roll plate! action. help. help me. help me. oh. bob? hello. hey. it's me, jack. oh, sure! jack!

how've you been? great. you? great. okay. well, god. i've just had thislong weird day, so... huh. (laughs) i haven't... how long has it beensince we've seen each other? oh, too long.way too long. yeah. yes.

good to see you now. yeah, you too. you goin' to the reunion? what reunion? high school. you went to beverly high. well, yeah.where do you thinki knew you from? well, i didn't mean itlike a question, like,"you went to beverly?" i meant it in a nostalgic waylike, "you went to beverly."

when's the reunion? oh, end of the month. you remember mr. craverly? mr. craverly. the biology teacher. it's terriblewhat happened to's just... what happened to him? oh, i thought you knew. he went to this partyand he met this girl,

and she seemed kindof tired, sick maybe. so he took herfrom the party toa restaurant, you know, maybe get some foodin her stomach,she'd feel better. anyway, next thing you know,she goes home with him... you sure youhaven't heard this? she goes home with him,and then what? they have what he thinksis a perfectlywonderful evening, and then she takes a handfulof pills and she overdoses. and then he drives herto the hospital.

the next morning. and he didn'tleave his name. mr. craverly, i presume? at your service. don't have a service. have a machine. gee. i'm glad to seeyou're all right. (sighs)well, i supposei should thank you. well, i could apologizefor not leaving my name

when i dropped youoff at the hospital. no. under the circumstances,it was probablya secondary issue. don't know if there isa polite way to behave during overdosewith a complete stranger. not a complete stranger.more like a relative. look. with relatives like that,who needs a family? i don't know whathappened that night. i can only guess.

no, i don't evenwanna do that. i just want you to knowthat i'm not like that. i don't know exactlywhat i am like, but i don't make ita habit of... what if i was to tell youthat nothing happened? nothing what? nothing happened.we just talked. and then you took my daradil,and then you fell fast asleep. why?

was i... am i so completelyunappealing to you? quite the contrary. it's just that you werea little the worse, or,uh, better for substances, and, uh,i have rules about that. (giggles) didn't jimmy stewart say thatto somebody in a movie once? (imitating jimmy stewart)well, if he didn't, then he darn sureshould have. are you surei didn't sleep with you?

sleep? yeah. kiss? what? here right now? no. then, that night. well,does this ring a bell? yep, that rings something.i'm not sure, though,if it's the memory bell. how about this? that reminds me of somethingi should have done before. it reminds me of somethingi'd like to do later, so ican look back on it after...

oh, i'm sort ofnostalgic already. did anybodyever tell you that yousmell like catalina? yes, as a matter of fact,just this morning. yeah? oh. anybody evertell you that, uh, you smell like the future? but i breakjust like a little girl. oh? (engine starts)

(humming) (doorbell ringing) oh, hello. may i help you? i'm here to pick up suzanne.i'm jack faulkner. jack? well, i'm suzanne's she expecting you? i believe so. we're gonnadrive out to my ranch. mmm-hmm. come in.

oh, thank you. i'll just call her. i hope you don't thinki was rude... ...but you know howprotective mothers can be. oh, sure, yeah. you said you had a ranch? yes, ma'am.out in malibu. way out in malibu?how nice for you. have you knownsuzanne long?

uh, let's see. we've known each otherabout a month. it seems like longer though. oh, i know what you mean. i'm her mother,and it seems like longer. she's a veryinteresting woman though,don't you think? oh, yes. authentic. mmm.

(door opens) so you said you've knownher about a month? oh, good morning, dear. this is my husband,sid roth. sid, this is suzanne'slittle friend, jim. uh, jack. good to meet you,mr. roth. (mumbles) you certainly don't seem likeyour average rancher to me.

well, you don't seemlike your average mother. if all rancherslooked like you, there wouldn'tbe very many crops. jack: depends on whatyou're raising. (both laughing) certainly not doubts.oh, hello, dear. i was just comingto get you.your friend's here. hi. could i just talkto you for a second? my daughter wantsto talk to me.

alex trebek on t.v.: ...rejected two constitutional amendments to allow this in public schools. so, what you watchin'there, mr. roth? female contestant: recent history for 200. trebek: in july 1968, 62 nations signed a treaty to halt... ah. i would just liketo have some peopleof my own, is all, without them havingto like you so much. why can't we share people?

why do you have totake over every situationthat you're in? why do you have tocompletely overshadow me? i am not overshadowing you,and i don't careif he likes me or not, your little friend in therewith the bedroom eyes. right. and the living room noseand the kitchen foreheadand den ears. (seagull cawing) wait. i can't. stop.stop, please. i can't do this.

can't do what? what do you mean, what?reupholster your furniture. this, more of this.i don't have casual affairs. ever? well,there was a brief moment when i thought i might havehad one with you, but... i don't want to havea casual affair. is this a proposal? do you have to jokeabout everything?

invariably, when thingsget too serious or stray too farfrom what i can talk about. have we strayed too far? officially, yeah. look, i just got outof a drug clinic. i'm uncomfortable with whatever this is. feelings, okay? so you have feelings for me?

don't do this. i wanna know,'cause i do for you. have feelings. how many? more than two? i'm not gonna do thisif you're gonnamake fun of me. promise? no, no, no. i'm not... i'm not goingto make fun of you. i am making fun of you. i'm sorry.

i'm sorry. i'll stop. what are you trying to say? i think i love you. when will you knowfor sure? oh, please.this is hard enoughas it is. you can't be just met me. i'm as surprisedas you are. i thought i lostthe ability. with you, i...

look. i thought i wasimmune to movie stars, but i've wanted youfrom the first momenti saw you on screen. and that neverhappens to me. you're the realestperson i've ever metin the abstract. you had this momentin public domain where you lookedstraight at the camera,straight into me, and i loved you. and i can'texplain it. i... you're doing pretty well.

but you're my fantasy, and i want tomake you real. let me love you. you're serious? i don't know what to say. i should neverhave told you. that's very, no, it's goodthat you told me. it's very brave. brave?

oh, right, yeah,because it's a long shot. you could neverlove me back. no, no, no. well, who knows? i mean, you certainlyare infatuation material. i love you. you're crazy. stay with me. take a risk. come on. i'm worth the'll see.

i don't wanna see anyonebut you. i don't wannasmell anyone but you. i don't even know anymorewhen you're kiddingand when you're serious. i'm serious. you'll never be sorry. you sound likea rug salesman. my rug salesman. (birds chirping) doris: do you have any ideawhat time it is, dear? (gasps)

i suppose it neveroccurred to you thatyou might've scared me by staying out so late. i was about to callall the emergency rooms. i'm sorry, mama. i didn't call youbecause i thoughtyou might be asleep. and i came home becausei didn't want to worry you. well, you did worry me.look at me. i'm a wreck. what if you'd been outtaking drugs or something? i'm supposed to betaking care of you now.

you're my're my daughter. what was i supposed to thinkwhen you didn't come home? do you mindif i have a drink? do you mindif i drop acid? dear, i drink socially. i took acid socially. i hardly thinkthat my drinking can be comparedwith your drug taking. even if it could be,

i think that your involvementwith drugs has vindicated me. i hardly think you're ina position to judge me. mom. i do hope you were not outsleeping with someone. no, i wasn't outsleeping with someone. if you were,i hope you used condoms. i didn't raise you to actthis way, but if you are, i hope that it'syour morals in questionand not your judgment. ma, i'm middle-aged.

i'm middle-aged. how many 120-year-old womendo you know? you've just gotten outof a drug clinic, so obviously you don't knowwhat's best for you. oh, and i suppose you do. suzanne, how did webecome so estranged? i've always tried to bea good mother to you. only to be metby this fresh and superiorattitude of yours. you've always felt you weremy intellectual superiorsince you were 14 years old.

(suzanne sighs) and rightfully so. you were always moreverbal than me. i... whatever. why did youturn away from me? i just want you to like me.i just want to be your friend. ma, could we havethis conversationin the morning? i'm very tired. every time i tryto get close to you,you push me away.

how would you like to havejoan crawford for a mother? or lana turner? these are the options? you've had it pretty good. you or lana or joan? when i hadmy breakdown, i would have killed myselfif it hadn't been for you. there it's just like thatthat you say, i don't know whatto do with that.

i came from nothing,and i made somethingout of my life. you come from somewhere,and you're trying to makenothing out of yours. i think you should justget over what happened to youin your adolescence. it is time to move on. (engine roaring) jack faulkner? yeah. why? the guy that producedthat cambodian movie? i guess. why? you know him?

ask evelyn amesabout him. evelyn ames that'splaying the prostitute? can i haveyour gun, please? evelyn:and he looks over at meand he says, "what am i gonnado without you?" so i say, "i don't know.juices, i guess." "lots and lotsof juices." hi. uh, what...what's up?

could i talk to youjust for a second? well... well, sure. come on, can't be that bad. oh, no, no,'s's about this guy. yeah. usually is. bobby saidyou might know him. i guess i might, then.who? jack faulkner. (whistles)

you know him. well, youmight say that. you slept with him. well, i don'tknow how muchof a rest i got. well, why? why?what's the matter? has... has he got... oh, no, no. no! oh, god, i hope not. god. you scared mefor a second.

i thought you were from somecelebrity aids notificationboard or something. could i ask youa personal question? you mean, asking mewho i sleep withisn't personal anymore? what do you wanna know?if i smoke? when did yousee him last? uh, i don't know.a couple days ago. um, saturday. saturday afternoon. i was with himsaturday night.that's two girls in one day.

yeah. and that's justthe ones we know about. imagine what you could pickup about him if you got oneof those satellite dishes. (laughs ironically)how can you laugh?it's completely disgusting! especiallyin this day and age. hey, you look like somebodywho can take care of herself. buy some condoms.don't feel bad. he probablyreally likes you. hey, he... he didn't give you his bigwalt whitman speech, did he?

the one about genius. i don't think so. well, see?that's a good sign. that's his standardpickup line. that and thethe big cambodian speech. oh, and the thing aboutsmelling like catalina. that i've heard. well, it's not out of three. you're obviously gettingsome new stuff, whichmeans he must like you.

so he goes outwith lots of people. oh, yeah, sure.that's his big thing, women. you know,so if you can just enjoy yourself with him like he's enjoyinghimself with you... that's what i do. i'm in it forthe endolphin rush. endorphin. man on radio: good morning, l.a.

it's burned toast and coffee time. 7:30 a.m. (horse whinnies) (water running) hey, les! oh, excuse me,officer. would you liketo see my id? i've seen it. well, just hold that thought.hold it between your knees. or would you join me?

no. i'm on duty. oh. be right out. i saw someone you knowlast night. oh, yeah? who? evelyn. evelyn ames. oh, yeah.where'd you see her? on the set. she's in this moviewe're shooting. oh. how's it going?

great, now thatmy relaxation levelshave stabilized. oh, those assholes.i don't know howyou put up with 'em. no, neither do i. hmm-mmm. i would've quit. yeah, well, you can't know that. if you quit, no onewill hire you again,and i like working. oh, yeah. i like evelyn. yeah. i do too.

yeah, she told me. (laughs)she told you? yeah. she told meyou fucked her saturday. oh, we go. no, here you go, straight from heron saturday afternoon to meon saturday night! i didn't know you hadexclusive rights to me. whatever happenedto moderation,to discretion? i can't speakfor moderation,

but as far as discretiongoes, what were youand evelyn doing? comparing noteson the set? we weren't comparing notes. she just told meshe fucked you on saturday. she just marchesright up to youand just blows her wad. or did younose it out of her? she said that she was in itfor the endorphins. sorry. the endolphins. you said you loved me.

i meant it at the time. well, what is it?a viral love?kind of a 24-hour thing? apparently, evelyn smellslike catalina too.must be going around. i just got outof a drug clinic. how could you manipulate mewith this shit? just give me a break,will you? i've got feelings! we just met! that's whati said to you!

look. i think we shouldjust stop this. i... this is ridiculous.i do not like thisparticular side of you. i'm not a box.i don't have sides. this is it!one side fits all. oh, you are so competitive,you know that? and you're not, i suppose? no, i'm not. you're just a reactionto me, is that it? and you got as faras you did in show businessby not being competitive.

that's not competitive.that's ambition. ambition combinedwith talent. if you do say so yourself. oh, know what this is?it's a jealous tantrum. i am not jealous!i am completely humiliated. how could youfuck evelyn amesand me on the same day? what is it thatespecially bothers you? that it was on the same dayor that it was evelyn ames? it's not necessarilythat you fuck around a's that you lie about it.

you could've justtold me the truth,and then fucked them all. had the cigarette with me. that is such bullshit! women are always saying,"it's not the factthat you left, "it's the waythat you did it. "it's not that youfuck around, it's thatyou lie about it." i mean, you are allso full of shit! it is the fact thati fuck around and it is the factthat i will leave.

i have to stop this.i have to stop this. are we breaking up? we can't break up.we were never together. that should comeas news to're acting like a wife. you've been actinglike a whore! you are in no positionto judge me. you justgot out of a drug clinic. where you belong,mr. pot head, mr. vodka,mr. bedroom eyes! (laughs mockingly)what are you? a virgin? you weren't so hardto convincethat first night.

i thought we didn't doanything that first night. i lied. you were a lot more funwhen you were loaded. and public domainwas a piece of shit! (gun firing) no! no! relax.they're blanks, asshole. (man yellsin spanish) (man on tv laughing)

bob barker on t.v.: what is the name of our next player? rod roddy on t.v.: our next player, bob, is laura reynolds! come on down! laura is the next contestant on the price is right! hello, laura. bob barker: laura, what do you bid on that? laura: $875! $875. let's hear it.

woman 1: $975. $975. woman 2: $925. $925. woman 3: $976. (toilet flushes) hi, ma. i was just lookingfor some aspirin. mmm. did you find it?

yup. $825. $650. $651. why are you stillwearing your costume? i was in a hurry. i have some news. you dreamti lost some weight? endorsed a line of clothing?

don't be fresh, dear. have you forgotten you havelooping this morning? shit! how do you expect to getanywhere in this businessif you don't show up? dear, i have something inevitable to tell you. and i don't want youto be angry with mefor having predicted it. your belovedbusiness manager,marty wiener,

the man you insistedon staying with, the onei begged you to leave... yes, darling? the news. i'm just not anxiousto tell you, 'causei know how upset you'll be. i know how upset i was. marty wienerhas disappeared. disappeared? the police called hereyesterday to say thathe is nowhere to be found, and neither is anyof his clients' money.

(sighs) meaning what? that i have no money? i'm telling youeverything that i know. can't they find him?can't i sue him? of course i contactedyour stepfather's lawyer, samuel stone,who is terrific. so he's on it now. oh, that's perfect.just perfect. thank god i got sober now,

so i can be hyperconsciousfor this seriesof humiliations. oh, shit. (whispering)one, two, three,four, five, six. dear, it's no goodfeeling sorry for yourself. you're gonna have toovercome these difficulties. and you might as welldo it with some style. you know,you could easily makean enormous amount of money if you would only sing. you have a god-given talent,and you just throw it away.

you could be a much biggerstar than that madonna. madonna. she hasn't gothalf your voice. you'd have to give upsmoking again. you could make an album.i could produce it. i'm not gonna sing, ma. could do oneof those videos. i'm gonna getout of the business. if i don't, i'll never haveany kind of a chanceat having a normal life.

now... let's take thisone thing at a time. first, everyone is alwaysgetting out of the business. and "b,"you are just like me. some days i wake upand feel like i'mtalking to my armpit. will you please stoptelling me how to run my lifefor a couple of minutes? isn't it enoughthat you were right? you feel sorry for yourselfhalf the time for having a monsterof a mother like me.

everything about yousays, "look whatyou've done to me." i never saidyou were a monster. you don't say it,but you feel it. somehow you laythe entire blamefor your drug taking on me. i do not!i do not, mother. i took the drugs.nobody made me. go ahead and say think i'm an alcoholic. i thinkyou're an alcoholic. well, maybe i wasan alcoholic whenyou were a teenager,

but i had a nervous breakdownwhen my marriage failed,and i lost all my money. that's wheni started taking drugs. well, i got over it. and now i just drinklike an irish person. irish person, i know. you just drink to just enjoy your wine. i've told me, mother. you don't want meto be a singer. you're the're the performer.

i can't possiblycompete with you.what if somebody won? you want me to do well, just not better than you. you are jealousbecause i can drink and you can't takedrugs any longer, because i can handle itand you can't. how do you handle it? my drinking does notinterfere with my work. i wish that my mother hadbeen as concerned about mewhen i was a little girl.

will you please tell me what is this awful thingi did to you whenyou were a child? okay, you wanna know? i wanna know! tell me! okay, fine! from the timei was nine years old,you gave me sleeping pills! that was over-the-countermedication! i gave it to you becauseyou couldn't sleep! mom! you don't give childrensleeping pills whenthey can't sleep.

they were notsleeping pills! it was store-bought,and it was perfectly safe! and don't blame mefor your drug taking! i do not blame my motherfor my misfortunesor for my drinking. you don't even acknowledgethat you drink. how could you possibly blameyour mother for somethingyou don't even do? remember my 17thbirthday party, when youlifted your skirt up in front ofall those people? i did not lift my skirt up!

including that guy michael. it twirled up! you only rememberthe bad stuff, don't you? what about the big band thati got to play at that party?do you remember that? no! you only rememberthat my skirtaccidentally twirled up! and you weren't wearingany underwear. well. dear, i am sorryif you think i hurt you. everything i did,i did out of love for you.

i might have done wrongsometimes. how can youdo everything right? can't we just, please...let's just stop. i made some mistakes,but i'm human. where are you going?i'm talking to you. i'm gonna go cut an album. i'm gonna go havesome fibroid tumorsremoved, okay? i'm going to fucking loop. (vomiting) you have the spanishbackground?

i'm sorry.i'm sorry. what are you sorry about? i thought i was late. no, no, a matter of fact,you're early. we didn't expect youfor another half an hour. oh, well, so,is it okay now? yeah, it's okay now. yeah. uh, miss vale is here.would you put upher reels now, please? man: good.

wasn't that simple? (chuckles)oh, excuse me. suzanne, this is oureditor, phil hartley. our sound editor,elliot morse. man: ready, lowell. shall we begin? could i havesome coke...cola, please? phil, could you getsuzanne a coke, please? yeah, sure.

you're much betterin the film than youdeserve to be. (laughs)good. i mean, thank you. i'm sorry i wassuch a nightmare. well, you seem better now. really? no, i don't. yeah. better becauseyou're sober and... worse because i'm sober. yes, but worsein a good way. here you go.

suzanne on film: because we have more spirit and more resources than you. all it'll cost us is money. there isn't enough mommy in the world to further a cause like yours. (sighs) shit. that's as goodas it got all day. we never gota full take after that. i know. i'm sorry. no, don't be sorry.just fix it. okay, let's try one.

could i get a levelfrom you, please? there isn't enough moneyin the world to furthera cause like yours. man: bring it down a little. all right. okay, can youtry again, please? good. okay, let's do it. (beeping) can i do another one?

there isn't enough moneyin the world to furthera cause like... (laughing) i have to do itone more time. i'll get it right. let's look at that. there isn't enough money in the world to further a cause like yours. phil: perfect. will you guys take... (clears throat)take five minutes,will you, please?

(suzanne sniffling) (sighs) thank you. what could possiblybe the matter? you've gone backand corrected the past,at least in your work. what could bea better metaphor? it couldn't besomething i said. nothing you say to meis as horribleas what i say to myself. and at least it's happeningoutside my head wherei can deal with it easier. trouble with you,you've had it too easyand you don't even know it.

no, no. i do know it. you're not gonna get a lotof sympathy from anybody. that's the trouble. you know how many peoplewould give their right armto be in show business, to lead the kind of lifethat you lead? i know, but the trouble is,i can't feel my life. i can't feel it.i see it all around me and i know thatso much of it is good, but i just take itthe wrong way.

it's like this thingwith my... my mother. i know that she doesall of this stuffbecause she loves me, but i just can'tbelieve it. and other stuff. i don't knowwhat's happeningwith your mother. maybe she'll stopmothering youwhen you grow up. (chuckles)you don't know my mother. i don't know your mother, but i know you,and i know you could makea mother out of anybody.

your mother did it to you,and her mother did it to her, and back and back and backall the way to eve. at some point you stop itand you just say, "fuck it. i start with me." did you justmake that up? well, i was working on itbefore you came in. if you'd come a halfan hour later when youwere supposed to, it would have been better. (laughs)it's pretty good as it is.

you just like it'cause it sounds a littlelike movie dialogue. yeah, that's me.i don't want lifeto imitate art. i want life to be art. look at that. see what you can do? and you weren'teven conscious then,for christ's sake. yeah. imagine whatyou could do now. maybe i should just go back to the clinic.

hey, growing upis not like in the movies where you havea realization and your lifechanges, you know. in life,you have a realization, and your life changesa month or so later. so i just haveto wait a month. well, it dependson the realization. some of them youonly have to waita couple of weeks, maybe. ooh. look, you're much betterout here coping

than you arein a clinic giving up. because you're gonna beout here eventuallycoping anyway. so why don't youstart now? anyway, you can'tgo back in the hospital. i've got a job for you. you wouldn't be ashamedto work with me again? well, it doesn't startfor a couple of months, so you have plenty of timefor your realization,to grow up, leave your mother.

thank you, god. what happened? lady plowed her carinto a tree. where's the lady?is she all right? who are you? i'm her daughter. uh, she hit her head.ambulance took her tocanyon medical center. look, i'm afraid we had tobook her for drivingunder the influence. oh. thank you.

(tires screech) my mother's... ah, yes. miss vale. your mother's justgetting patched up.i'll take you to her. i'm afraid somemembers of the presshave been alerted to your mother'spresence here, and her arrest. oh, great. doctor, this isms. mann's daughter.

hey, how you doin'?your mom's gonna be fine. she's got a slight contusion,a superficial head wound. okay. yeah. can i see her? yeah. sure, sure. she's more frightenedthan anything else. oh, there she is,my other monster. i can't seem to keep you twoout of the hospital lately. you okay?

yeah, she's fine.she just bumpedher head is all. she was worried about you,and fathead that she is, she got into her carand backed up a tree. i don't know what i'mdoin' in this family. i got a wino daughterand a doped-upgranddaughter. oh, please, mother. oh, sure.cry all you want. you'll pee less,as my grandmaused to say. i swear, i don'tknow where you getit from, but you...

now you're just spoiled.all your advantages,you just throw 'em away. i told you not tobring her up that way. but would youlisten to me?no, sirree, bob. so don't come runnin' to menow, neither one of ya. i got my hands fullwith grandpa. oh, shut up, grandma. suzanne:i should think you would. you see there? now if you'd washedher mouth out with soapwhen she was little,

maybe she'd havesome respect now. i'm simply suggesting that we all tryto enjoy each other withouthaving to assign blame. ooh, listen tomiss snooty britches."assign blame." (cackles) just what do you thinkyou're doin', young lady? i'm moving you outto the waiting room. there's no need to shove!i'm goin'! you know what you need?

a good pop on the buttlike i used to giveyour mother! yap, yap, yap, yap,yap, yap, yap, yap, yap, yap, yap. if i thought i made youfeel like that,i would kill myself. don't say thateven in jest, ma, particularly whenyou're in a hospital. people might take itthe wrong way. (chuckles)i suppose she means well. she sounds like that voicein your head that tells youyou can't do anything.

it's true, isn't it? where did you go to? looping. but i shouldn'thave left like that. you don't really thinki don't want you to do well,do you, dear? no, ma. you were rightabout that guy. i'm right about your doingthat music video, too. just wait and see. that's where your bigsuccess will come from.

it's blood. blood on my wig,on my clothes. all my makeup'scome off. do i have anyeyebrows left? well, some, i think. they're not all rubbed off. i hate not having eyebrows. ever since the studioshaved them off,and they never grew back. come on. let's putsome makeup on you now.

makeup?you less mad at me now? i've always beenless mad at you, mama. do you rememberwhen i was a little girl and you always used to writenotes to the school saying, "please excuse suzannefrom her morning classes "as she has insomniaand needs to get some sleep"? when you were sick,i'd sing you thatlittle song too. both: ♪ little drops of water ♪ little grains of sand

♪ make the mighty ocean ♪ and the pleasant land ♪ you know, dear? i think i'm, um... i think i'm sort of jealous of you. and that is because... well, it being your turn and all.

and i think i find ittough to face that mine is almost up. it's real importantto enjoy your turn. and it would help me a lotif i knew that one of usenjoyed our youth. let me see my mirror. oh, dear. (clicking tongue) look at this.

you know, i don'tmind getting old. i never thought i'd livethis long, anyway. what i do mindis looking old. my eyebrow pencil, okay? mmm-hmm. here. you know,it's in my will that they don't bury mewithout my eyebrows. i do not go inthe ground without them. "ground without them."i know.

think i shouldhave liposuction,like under here? there's pressout there, mama. oh. i figured. the enquirer, the star, variety. "doris mann indrunken brawl with tree." "doris mann, "still distraughtover divorce fromtony vale 25 years ago, "attempts suicidewith lethal oak." huh. how do i look?

not bad foran old-timer, huh? i'll say. hand your old motherher coat. "never let 'emsee you ache." that's what mr. mayerused to say. or was it "ass"? "never let 'em seeyour ass." anyway. you know what my mothersaid to me yesterday? no. what?

she said thati put on airs, that i use big words like"gesture" and "devastate." i don't think they'reso awfully big, do you? what am i supposed to do? sound like a hickthe rest of my lifejust to make her happy? oh, well. compared tothe end of the world. let's go get 'em, baby. seems like it takes a crisisto bring us togetherlately, doesn't it? like war buddies.

sid speaks! no, no.don't laugh, dear. the man is alsoa dynamo in bed. still waters, you know. my scarf, where's my...oh, i'm wearing it. we should get a familyrate at this place. at least. she seems to befeeling a lot better. we're designed morefor public than for private.

did you, ever get my flowers? doris: i'm all right. you're the guy. i pumped your stomach. oh, god.oh, god, i'm really... well, thanks forthe flowers and everything. how you doin'with the drugs? oh, i want to do themall the time. that's not sometimes never goes away.

mmm, how you talk. but have you done any? um... um... almost. sometimes i wantto do them so bad, i have to put my headdown till it passes. but i just go toan aa meeting or... in fact, i should. how'd you like to goto a movie with me sometime?

okay. we could go see valley of the dolls. we could say fatebrought us together. yeah, fate and too manypainkillers. here. always my favoritecombination. but it can't bea date date. why not? 'cause... because i'm not ready. oh. okay.

i understand that. i'll wait. man:ma'am, what are yourplans for the future? uh, to go ondrinking. woman:what's your next project? man 1: this way, folks. man 2: thank you so much. lowell: okay, people, we're gonna try one. please don't go over your marks. it's very crucial for camera.

let's go to number one, please. yes, sir. man:quiet on the bell, please. can we watchfrom here? no. no, no. they're gonna beworking here. oh, i want you to see. ha! i'll see it. man 1: roll it!

man 2: speed. ♪ pull back them dark and dusty drapes ♪ and let in some light ♪ tell the bellboy come and get my trunk ♪ 'cause i'm leavin' here tonight ♪ well, i've packed my bags ♪ and i paid my bill ♪ and i'm turnin' in my key ♪ and if those sad souls down in the lobby

♪ ask for me ♪ just tell 'em ♪ i'm checkin' out ♪ of this heartbreak hotel ♪ i ain't gonna live on ♪ lonely street no more no more (imitates trumpet) ♪ for i've found a new love ♪ and a new place to dwell

♪ where teardrops ain't ♪ soakin' the floor ♪ so take down my suitcase ♪ and hand me my hat ♪ i'm goin' ♪ from sleazy to swell ♪ give that desk clerk a dime ♪ and you can just tell him that i'm ♪ checkin' out

♪ well, you can give that sad bellhop ♪ my be-boppin' blues guitar ♪ 'cause i'm only gonna sing them sweet songs from now on ♪ yeah ♪ and you can tell that old bartender ♪ he might as well close down the bar ♪ 'cause chugaluggin' sally's packed and gone ♪ through that gray windowpane ♪ it always looked like rain

♪ but there's sunshine outside ♪ i can tell ♪ open up that door ♪ i'm leavin' and i won't be back no more ♪ of this heartbreak ♪ ho ♪ whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa ♪ tel ♪ cut. print.

end mark. (band playing) (people whistling) ♪ i'm checkin' out of this heartbreak hotel ♪ i ain't gonna live on lonely street no more ♪ i've found a new love ♪ where teardrops ain't soakin' the floor ♪ take down my suitcase ♪ i'm goin' from sleazy to swell

♪ but there's sunshine outside i can tell (audience cheering) ♪ take down my suitcase and hand me my hat ♪ i'm checkin' out of this heartbreak hotel ♪

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