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    standard furniture karachi

    bill: last season on burning love:hot for teacher... (kisses) it's you,it was only youthe whole time. i can't believe...i don't...i don't know. (chuckles) i fell in love with youthe second i saw you. (clicks tongue) aw. and i don't knowwhat i did ina previous life to get somebody thatis so beautiful...

    no. (clicks tongue) that's so kind. someone that's willingto take a chance on somebody as lostand misguided, and a sex addictand a, like... wait, what? yes, i'm a sex addict.we've talked about this. i don't think we did. yeah, yeah, yeah.the thousands ofother people. i...

    thousands, huh? well, this... yeah,in the last, in thelast year. yeah, sure. but they mean nothing.i didn't even knowmost of them. these were people witha sickness like myself. or they werehomeless people and peoplewith mental conditions. yay! (chuckles) others were just...they weren't even aware. they don't even know whatwas going on with them.

    i've traipsed overevery corner of thisdisgusting city. oh! i love you so much, yes. um, do i do anything? mmm-mmm. okay. bill: this season it's julie gristlewhite's turn to find everlasting love. i am julie and i ama dental hygienist

    from fresno, california. you may remember me from mark orlando's season. or you may not. i did not get picked. is there anythingthat i could havedone differently? probably. and that's why i'm here. (whispers)so it's pretty good. after the show, i did find love with fellow contestant, carly,

    and it was so muchfun being a lesbian. but after a few months, i decided it wasprobably best toend our relationship. since mark's season, i have changed a lot about myself. mostly, my hair color. i have a feeling thatthis is gonna work out. (laughs)i don't know why. last time we saw you,you were with carly. yeah.

    and you seemed very happy. we were but, bill,it turns out thati'm not gay. it was a classic caseof liking peepeesover veevees. well, it happenedto anne heche. and if it can happento anne heche... it can happento any of us. now, you did receivea warning about oneof our guys. my good friend, titi,from mark's season, told me to look outfor someone named blaze.

    she said thathe definitelyhas a girlfriend and that he's onlycoming on the showto get attention. well, i guess you'llbe confronting blaze. uh, yeah, bill. yeah. unless he'svery attractive. i'm not supposedto tell you anything,but i can tell you this, blaze is very attractive. bill: men from all over the country have come together to compete for julie's heart.

    leo: i am 29 years old, nine months. but i should be 29 years old, seven months, 'cause i was born premature. julie, i'm a grown man, but i can't waitto be your baby. alex: my life revolves around my son, braxton, named after toni. uh, julie, i hope youhave a daddy complex. okay? (laughs) simon: i'm from bethesda, maryland, and i work as a prince.

    it's enchanting to meet you. julie, i hope you've dustedoff your glass slippers, because i forgot mine.(chuckles) and so it begins. fears, doubts, anxieties,multiple partners, broken hearts, triumphs, and hopefully, love. honey child, welcometo another seasonof burning love. now, let's welcome julie.

    i'm only kidding, bill. (laughs) i'm not as nervousas last time. great. it's julie. i'm here. i knew it was youfrom the momentyou stepped out of the car. can you believe it? i can't.

    (laughs)julie gristlewhite. it's so good to see you. now the last timeyou were here you were competingfor the guy. this time, the guysare competing for you. how does that feel? um, it feelsa lot better. we've got 16 of themost amazing guys you're ever gonna meet.

    gorgeous, smart,accomplished, virile, well-hung. (giggles) oh, julie likey. (both laugh) that's the good news.the bad news, at the end ofthe evening, you're gonna sendfour of them home. are you ready?

    i am so ready. i just wishthat you wouldstop talking and leave, so that i couldget started. mmm-mmm-mmm.that's a fair point. good luck, darling. oh. (sighs) "are you ready, julie?" "oh, yeah.oh, yeah, i'm ready." "are you sure?"

    "yeah, baby girl,i'm pretty sure." "positive?""i don't know.i don't know." thanks. oh, wow. julie: hi. hi. oh. wow, you are beautiful. look at me.

    look at you! uh-uh. hold on a second, letme just check this out. oh. okay. yeah, it says you arefive-foot-perfect-for-me. (both chuckling) that's very sweet. i came hereto find a wife. wow, i love howdirect you are. a little birdie told methat you might be jewish.

    that birdie was wrong. okay. that's...that's totally fine. i am, but that's,it's not a... a big deal. as long asthe wedding'safter sundown, works for me. all right. i canwork with that, too. hello. (julie chuckles) julie, if you're lookingfor prince charming,

    look no further. because i ama real life prince. it is enchantingto meet you. well done. (grunting) no! that bike is alittle small for you. (both laughing) i wanna introduceyou to someone.

    okay, stand by. no, i'm not superman. or maybe. who knows.that's for you to decide. (screams) oh, my god. what is that? (stutters)this is braxton, my son.this is just a photo. he's... i thought there wasa person in your shirt.

    oh, no, no, no. (sighs) no. he's themost wonderful childon the planet and he meanseverything to me. i miss him somuch already. i'm so far awayfrom him right now. but he's here with me. wow. oh, fuck me.

    julie. yes? i'm blaze. you're incrediblygood-looking. oh, my god! thank you. (chuckles) you look ama...i mean, come on, right? it's crazy. why are youtalking to me?

    well, i'll seeyou in there. (chuckles)yes, you will. yes, i will. oh, yes, you will. um, check, please. i'm gonna have to changemy panties real quick. i'm leo. am i early? no,you're right on time. phew. good.

    because i was borntwo months early. i've overcomea lot in my life and i'm hopingto overcome you also. well, i hope you canovercome me, too. inside. (horn blaring) (laughing) oh, yeah! yeah! julie: oh, no!

    whoo! yeah! (chuckles) hey. my name is robby z. you are amazing. thank you. you're so much fun, i... (screeches) (laughs) let's havea great time inside,all right?

    wanna shoot me? all right. oh.(laughs) (squeals and laughs) robby z, robby z,robby z, z, z! robby z, robby z, z, z.all right, guys,let's have a drink. (all clamoring) what do you do? do we get to date you? hey, come on!

    you look veryfamiliar. i just... hmm. i'm back.i'm damien assante,i was mark's therapist. (laughs) i knew youlooked so familiar. yeah. here i am. what are youdoing here? well, it's pretty coolthat i'm here, right? yeah, 'cause last timei was just his therapist, but now i'm actuallyhere as a contestant. oh, so not as my therapist?

    no! although i wouldlove to get insidethat head of yours. all right.i like this already. (chuckles) we'll seewhat we can do. okay? i actually gotinto a lot of legaltrouble last time because i'm notcertified to help people. so, we, we actually can'ttalk about any of that. (glass shattering) whoa! whoa!

    (both chuckles) here he is. hi... oh! oh, my god. khris: i'm a little drunk. i'm fine, i'm fine,i'm fine. we'll go to the spot. well... whoa. are you cold?

    little bit. (chuckles) it's chilly out here. hey. hey.i'll make you warm. ah. first kissof the night. all right. you okay? yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.i'll see you inside. see you inside.

    ♪ ain't got time for love ♪ ain't got time for you ♪ can i smell you? god, you smelljust like music. my name is wally. um, i'm a very happy guy. my friends call mejolly wally. (laughs) i love that. and, uh, i havea great intellect.

    and an evengreater allergyto nuts. all nuts. oh, no. i have an epipen. if i have anykind of reaction, if you couldtell someone to juststick it in my arm. or i'll die. (chuckles) well, i'm surei'm going to havea reaction to you that'll bejust as severe. but hopefully,not as life-threatening.

    (laughs) yes, indeed! otherwise i'd stab youwith that epipen. (laughs) oh, my god! where is he? (helicopter blades whirring) (laughs)what in the world? (grunts) no, no, no, no. yes, yes, yes.

    yes. yes, yes. wow, hi. hi, hi. was that your helicopter? well, no.more no than yes. but i do like expensivethings, and you? you look like a milliondollars, american. (chuckles) thank you. provided it's at thestrongest currency.

    i will see you inside. i really think thatone of those guyscould be my husband. i have always wantedone of those things. (indistinct chatter) hi, guys. all: hey! julie: guess what, america? they're all here for me. (laughs)holy fucking shit!

    what! thank you all forbelieving in a potentialrelationship with me. robby z: hear, hear. allison: hear, hear. all: yeah! yeah! who-hoo! .to julie! all men: to julie!

    didn't you just sing that? ♪ ain't got time for julie ♪ bill: this season,on burning love... i'm right here. (cheering) these guys are hot. and they're all here just for me. my plan for tonight is really just to hang out with as many guys as possible

    and to not go toany of my dark places. what about a bunchof adults makingpuppets is dumb? (crying) would you putthe fucking guitardown for five minutes? (gasps) oh, my god,are you okay? you poisoned him! whoa! he took the lampand he left. hey, simon,there's a public restroomdown that way.

    what was it,like a murder/suicide? uh, yes, it was. (speaking gibberish) time for the box ceremony. it's very importantto me as a human being to give people the benefit of the doubt. will you hold my box? yo, yo, yo! can you justslap my ass?

    it's hardnot to feel jealous. julie, the dream of you is so perfect in my mind that sometimes i wake upwith an unsupressablefury at myself just for having woken up. julie: i feel pretty sure that this time when i fall in love, it's gonna last forever. to finding true love! all: true love! bill: previously onburning love...

    are you readyto meet youramazing group of guys? this is my son.i miss him so much. she said that hedefinitely has a girlfriend. you're very attractive. wow! (screaming) help! hey, let's get crazytogether sometime. julie: it's the first cocktail party. my plan for tonight

    is to just hang outwith as many guysas possible and to not go to anyof my dark places. i've always dreamedsince i was a little girlof being a princess. i know it's weird. no. to actually meeta real one is sounbelievable to me. i've slept withmany of my cousins. thank you so muchfor these beads. oh, it's no problem,i got a ton of them.

    oh. i thought maybethey were expensive. they're less than a penny. oh, all right! leo. how are you, julie? this might bea little bit early, but i think i'm startingto develop feelings for julie. i mean, i'd ratherit come early thannot come at all. maybe it'sjust my upbringing.

    i like the way youlook at things. thank you. i...i couldn't actuallylook at things, uh, when i was born. i was born very premature,and my eyes wouldn't open. the skin wasjust sealed shut.but now i can see 20-20. with the help of my glasses. are you okay withthe whole kid thing? you know, i would preferto have a real child first. but does he lookanything like me?

    (stutters) well,his mother's latino. oh, latino. so a little darker. and more male. he's just so, uh... oh, wow. yeah. (sniffles) it's so satisfyingto see a man cry. hey. (chuckles)

    you know, i actuallydon't think that i'm gonna confront blaze aboutany of titi's allegations. uh, because heis really, really hot. how are you doingwith all this? i mean, good, right? fine. i love that about you.(chuckles) i'm not feelingthis girl at all. wow, wow, wow, wow. hmm.

    it's insane. i... (softly) i saw himand i was like... i can't even tell youhow much i wannado this guy. you're gonna getme in trouble. wha... i am not! what're you doing,right now? i'm not doing anything! stop! like, what i was thinkingabout was not right,

    and it was violent. violent. hey, let's getcrazy later. you... no, we''s okay. i'll see you later. mmm-hmm. i think you mightwanna put this down. i'll still get hard.

    julie is beautiful.and i liked her smell. she's taller than meso i thought maybe i would getbigger shoes. i stole some guy's shoes. oh, cool!music sagesthe savage beast. hey, so where'sthe bathroom? hey. right here, buddy. good lookin' out for me. yeah, always.

    hey, where's themedicine cabinet? (liquid trickling) uh, it's in there. you just can't see doing okay? my ex-girlfriend jessicagot married a month ago, and... they'd invited meto the wedding.i said i'm not gonna. i said i'll findmy own love. (spits)

    i love that guy. you've got a fulldance card in there,don't you? yes. i am wondering nowif you have any moves. any moves? any dance moves. dance moves? for sure!i love to dance. i'm a unabasheddance, uh, freak. i would love to seesome of your moves.

    you wanna seesome of my moves? yes, please! let's do this. music? no music?who cares? why don't we startwith something simple? just startgoing like this. this is usuallyhow i start it out.i just get going. then you gotta dip downand get that one going,you know? i usually... i do a lotof this kind of stuff.

    damien: she just asked me to start dancing and what wasi supposed to do? i mean, in reality,i don't have a lotof moves. but, i mean, she put me on the spot, so i just had to run with it. i just startedthrowing out some movesthat i came up with. obviously ones thatother people came up with. just, culturally, we all absorb a dance move or two, here and there. what do you think?

    i gotta go get backto those guys. great talking to you. you just pour.but then you gottaremember to twist it. huh. the name's stick.glow stick. with a licenseto party. (laughs) hey, hey, come on!here we go! glow sticks? merlot? (scoffs) i mean, come on.

    i mean, what is this,some apartment party? it's a robby z party. robby z. allison. nice to meet you. what'd you sayyour name was? fucking allison? yes,that's my name, allison. fucking girl's name, right?

    i kind of saw thatkhris was drinkinga little bit too much. and if he was atone of my parties, i would have cuthim off early. it's actually a familyname that i was's my grandfather's name. your fuckinggrandfather a girl, too? (slurps) no. it was justhis name. allison. fuck, man.what the fuckis that a name? just take it... just...

    oh, just take itdown a notch. don't fucking touch me. hey, hey, hey.come on. hey, allison, why don'tyou fuck off? (spits) everything's cool. hey, hey. hey. come on! come on! (indistinct shouting) (blaze laughs)

    come on! i'm fine! blaze: whoo-hoo! let me go! come on, guys! just breathe,breathe, man. party foul! party foul! i'm sorry. max: we should havesecurity, or something.

    khris: i'm sorry. he's sorry.he said he's sorry. here we go. khris: i came herefor love and... max: all right. i didn't wanna...(indistinct) that's the spirit. khris: and i gotso nervous i drank. it's okay.

    don't fucking lookat me like that! (yelling) that guy is awesome! is this what you want,allison, you fucking girl? you want a man? oh, my... i can still get hard! i thought burning lovewas a little bit more ofa high-class operation, but, apparently,they'll let anybody in.

    did somebody pissin the wine cellar? julie: after he was forced to leave the party because of his aggressive behavior and urination, it was time to saygoodbye to khris. i don't wanna go. jessica,i don't wanna go. julie: khris, khris, khris. i didn't come onthis show for drama. i love you, jessica.

    you really blew it. i just camehere for love. julie: i know. i just came here for love! don't be mad, okay? julie: (softly) i feel like he's mad. (car door opens) khris: i don'twant to leave. khris, you gotta go.

    you gotta go. khris... because allisonis a girl's name. it's not my faultthat the kid's gota girl's name. where are you taking me? i just don't want himto be mad at me. i don't reallylike to drink much, but i don't thinkhe'll really rememberany of this. you think so?

    yep. you're making me feelso much better right now,you have no idea. julie deserves the best. now i don't knowif i am the best, but good news,i love working on myself. i have to sayi'm very nervous. (chuckles) don't be. well, i've neverbeen on television. julia.

    gentleman. men: gentlemen. gentlemen. i have a surprise for you. i'm about to introducefour bonus gentlemeninto the mix. take a good lookat their faces. does everybody seewhat they look like? you get it, right? take a moment beforethe first box ceremony

    to get to knoweach of these fourbonus gentlemen. now, i can't tell youto pick one of them, but it would be greatif you did. a lot of the guyswere feeling reallyterritorial of me already, but i had to get to knowthese bonus gentlemen. so, um,what are your names? i'm zakir. i didn't get to talk to,uh, yellow dress here. well, it's not abouthow much time you get.

    it's about the factthat you got anequal opportunity. way to cover your ass, burning love producers. bill: welcometo the box ceremony. if julie calls your name, she would like youto hold her box. whenever you'reready, julie. blaze. what? oh. yeah.

    (whispers)you need to stop. i'm not doing anything. stop. mmm-hmm? i cannot... hmm. it's not... it's (blows)crazy what is happeningto me with him. simon. (chuckles) thank you. i love you. oh, wow. (chuckles)

    should i not say that? it's a little early. alex. max. (sighs) excuse me. excuse me. excuse me.yeah, i'm on time. henry. wally.

    that's me. that's my name. wally, will youhold my box? oh, you're my best friend. damien. what, what! teddy. excuse me, gentlemen. julie: will youhold my box?

    your box looks asexquisite as you do. my box is thebest part of me. gentlemen,this is the last box. zakeer. it''s pronounced zakir. zaker? zakir. do you mind ifi just call you zak? it will at least bezaak, right? (chuckles)

    zak. you kiss normal.that's good. it's pretty standard,some things, sort ofacross races. hey, i'm zak now. this concludes ourfirst box ceremony. for those of youholding julie's box, congratulations. for those of you whodidn't receive one, you've been boxed out.

    you did it. it must'vefelt terrible. wally: that looked hard. i'm over it already though. oh, yeah? burning love. the show should be called chocolate chip cookies, but no chips, please. let's go teach herhow to speak french. c'est la vie.

    i just wanted to saythank you so much for joining me on suchan incredible journey. i just hope youtrust me when i say i know in my heart thatmy husband is in thisroom somewhere. so, to finding true love! men: finding true love! bill: next time onburning love... she's right here! (all cheering)

    don't disrespect blaze.don't disrespect me. what the fuck didyou just say to me? fuck you,you fucking asshole! you dumb fuck! i'll fucking kill you! to julie! oh, fuck... blaze is crazy hot!(chuckles) what are youdoing right now?

    i am not. i would prefer to havea real child first. i love to dance. julie: here i am. and it feels pretty great! a wise man once said, "man who runs in frontof car get tired," and i think that's true. so today, i wanna have a little fun with the guys.

    the kind of funthat you can onlyhave at a puppet show! great! cool! puppet show! hi, guys! (all laughing) come on up,i won't bite. or will i...(giggles) i guess you're wonderingwhere julie is.

    she's right here. (all exclaiming) guys, today we are goingto be makingour very own puppet! no way! yes! robby: that is perfect. i love a girl who can work a puppet. and a puppet date!

    get out of here!that is in my wheelhouse, i mean, hello!wheelhouse, puppets?that's where robby z. is. but we're not goingto be doing iton our own. please help mewelcome to the stage, puppet mastersand educators, idina and lorenzoblimperson! are you kidding? (men cheering) look at allthese beautifullittle boys!

    they are so(deep voice) handsome! (in italian accent) hey!i'm standing right here! right in frontof my face. hmm! does yourface remember that we areseparated, legally? (clears throat)yes! i do! guys,can we continue... right! right!as you can see, guys, sometimesit is just easier

    to communicateyour feelingsusing puppets. interesting. our personalissues aside, i think we're really goingto help julie figure out who's right for herthrough this group date. max: this is a squirrel's nest of possibilities. i love that little nose. make it, makeit your own. make it look, look at thelayers on the mouth.

    now look at, nowlook at my mouth. wally: wow! it is. yeah! alex: it's the same! max: when i walked in and i found out that we're making puppets and i saw julie,i was kinda excited. i mean, it wasa neat idea. and then at the sametime i was kinda like,"it's a waste of socks." that's a cute hat. did you know thatconversion is a natural,gradual process

    and an enlighteningone, at that. (in childish voice)you crazy! (chuckles and kisses) sir, do you haveany other materialsthat i could use? you coulduse my socks. they're 100% cotton. the puppets felt likethey were madefrom material you would buyat a thrift store. but i like to thinkthat i tim gunn'd it.

    i made it work. this crown meansthat he can do... ...whatever he wantsand no one can stop him. hey, robby, is thisfunny? (groans) (chuckles) yeah. that's actuallyreally hot. whoa, whoa. no, no, no. that's really hot. no, no, no.

    i thought it was funny. it's a tool. wrong audience.(chuckles) if you guys need, uh,the gun or the scissors,just ask me for them. you have a lot of,uh, children i, i imagine,make puppets here? none of my own. alex: see, i'm, like,deciding, uh, on eyes. like, (clicks tongue) i get,uh, red-eyed sometimeswhen i think of, uh... (deep breath)excuse me for a second.

    no, i was excited to be there with julie, but i saw the puppets and they, you know,made me miss my son. no, we're making puppets. i did, i did givehim red eyes. i gave himtwo red eyes. laugh one moretime for me. (sniffles)thank you. julie, you havelovely gentlemen here.

    julie is a really lucky girl. she really just has her pick of the litter. young, ripe, raw talent. don't even get me started about blaze. he's just a fuckinghunk of man. why aren't youmaking a puppet? i'm not really intomaking gay shit. mmm. you know?

    i totally get it.that's so fine. don't worry about it. blaze: when i came on this show, i said i was gonna do things my way. (in southern accent)blaze in the house! (imitates whiplash) in a way,i'm sort of like the puppet masterof this whole process. and that makesme feel really good. it's really good.

    how? robby: see, it's a trick. ugh. this is dumb. alex: i could not believe my ears. damien calledthe date "dumb." and i was just, like,"dude, i'm awayfrom my son. "take this seriously." julie?

    do you have a second? can i talk to youreal quick? prince simon? do you mind? yeah, it's fine! sorry, simon. thanks. this is amazing.this is amazing. thank you. it's apretty great day. but i justoverheard someonecall this day "dumb."

    uh-huh. (scoffs) and... who? when alex told mewhat damien said, my brain almostliterally exploded. i will not bedisrespected. okay, i'm a woman.treat me like one. please, please. (stammers)just... just...

    julie: (in mock voice) i don't have time for someone who thinks this date is dumb. this is not dumb!this is about findinga soul mate. this is the mostserious thingin the world. (imitating italian accent)great job designingyour puppets, guys! (lorenzo chuckles) thank youvery much! idina: in fact,you guys did so good, i worked upan appetite! (munching)

    oh! oh! lorenzo: it's hard when you have a business with somebody that's grown to, uh, hate you. but we're gonna keepon pluggin', you know, because, uh, we...we've gotabout six more years before we can finally,um, pay back the moneyto her dad that he gave us. i want to kiss julie!(chuckles) i put my tonguein her mouth like this. my friend had toldthe waiter to tell me

    that they were all outof the special burratathat i liked. but it turns out,they weren't! 'cause it wasa burrata bar! barukh atah adonai eloheinu, melekh ha'olam... (imitating australian accent)hello! my name issir wigglebottom! and i'm australian. and i'm allowedto eat peanut butter because i, i won't gointo anaphylactic shock!

    of course,my master wally, just being this closeto a jar of peanut butter,would have a reaction if it were notthoroughly rinsed. (yells and chuckles) ♪ robby z, robby z. robby z, z, z! ♪ robby z, robby z. robby z, z, z! ♪ i was having thetime of my life. i haven't been toa puppet showin three weeks! hello, everybody.

    all: hi! (puppet voice) i got mea real cool chick i wanna tellyou about. oh, yeah?what's up, guys? uh, uh, what's her name? (puppet voice)well, her name is julie. (puppet voice)and what do youlike about julie? oh, i like everythingabout julie! yeah? well,do you like the datesshe takes you on?

    oh, yeah!i love dates. dates are awesome! then why did yousay that this onewas dumb? huh? why did you say thisdate was dumb if youthink they're awesome? why would you sayit was dumb? you said thisdate was dumb. and alex heard youand he told me. you said it was said this datewas dumb! can you denythat you said that?can you deny it?

    well, i... i don't think that. did you say it? i don't think it. did you say thatthe date was dumb? i'm going to ask youone more time. did you say the datewas dumb, damien? i... yeah!i mean, i... then get the fuckout of here, dude!

    get the fuck out! put your god damnpuppet down andwalk your ass out! thanks a lot, bro. you said it, dude. henry: i heard damien say at the table. we were at the samecrafts table. he said that thisis dumb, you know, (stutters) i didn't thinkhe really meant it. he was just...i think he was strugglingwith his puppet.

    alex: so damien got what he deserved. see you later, bro! take, takea nice long walk. anyone else thinkthis date's dumb? huh? wally: in that moment, i was definitely gladthat i was not damien. and i can tell youthat's the first timei've felt that feeling. not wanting to bespecifically damien. allison: it was damien's fault, he shouldn't have said that.

    but, if it brings meone step closer to julie, eh, that's anuptown problem and i like to live uptown. what abouta bunch of adultsmaking puppets is dumb? alex: nothing! allison: nothing! thank you! you know, i wasn't thrilled that the other guys had to witness my outburst.

    but at least now they knowi have little to no controlover my emotions, and i thinkthat's a good thing.(chuckles) damien: what's crazy is i was saying thatthe date was dumb just so other people wouldthink i was cool. but, you know, honestly... that was the bestday of my life. and i was really,like, starting tofall for that girl. sorry.

    conga line! did i just saysomething in pakistani? you said "thank you"in english. with every dream crushed, i get one step closerto finding my husband. so... it's likejuggling nothing. can i just call you zak? oh, just piss on thehistory of my family.

    hope you can overcomeyou, too, inside. that sounds dirty. it's just another waythat nuts have reallydestroyed my life. i'm so overwhelmedright now. i mean, all of youhot guys, some a little bithotter than the rest,are here for me. i believe thatevery woman hasthe right to choose to party! wow. hey.

    julie: today, i have my first one-on-one date with zak. and i don't know much about him. but i do know that he's from pakistan. i am really excitedto show him what theusa is all about. i love usa. and who knows,maybe i'll love zak. happy face. angry face. so, i'm excitedfor my date with julie.

    but to make surei communicate it tothe best of my abilities, i practiced my expressionsin the mirror. so, i know, you know, i'm on top of my game. i-like-candy face. face face. it's a trick i learnedfrom this biographyof the hillside strangler. he did a lot of bad things, but, practicing expressionsin the mirror wasnot one of them. back-of-head face.

    zak, i'm over here!(chuckling) come on home, zak!come on, home! i mean, after my italianroller-skating fiancebroke my heart, i swore off foreigners. and yet here i am again,giving them another shot. i know that you'refrom pakistan, but i thought thati would show you some good old-fashionedamerican fun today. i mean,i have been in chicagofor many years, so...

    i don't speak pakistani... i'm speaking in english. i don't knowwhat you just said. you're not gettingany of the words? i heard "chicago." i guess it's fair to say that the ellis islandof my heart is open againfor business to foreigners. i love baseball. i'm so sorry, sweetie,i don't understandeverything.

    i don't understandwhat he's saying to me. it's like a robotis speaking to me. i love the white sox. no, we're talkingabout baseball,not clothes. white sox. but not a robotthat i understand. uh, a robotthat's also speakingin a foreign language. white sox isa baseball team. julie: aw.

    oh, your words aregetting mixed's so cute. it's hard notto feel jealous. a lot of things aboutthis process are hardfor me, you know? i'm away from my momfor the first time. they wouldn't let me bringany of my servants, which i don'teven get, at all. how am i supposedto do anything? i can't do it myself. (chuckles)i'm not an idiot.

    i get reallyscared at night. i haven't poopedsince i've been here. hey, hey! come on, guys!brighten up, put onsome shades, all right. the shadestake the blue away. ♪ gangnam style! ♪ what's wrong, guys?what's going on? we're just talking aboutzak on a date with julie and just howfrustrating it is. man, it's tough beingthe one left behind.

    you know... you know what?zak is an open gift. we are a presentthat's yet to be open, 'cause on christmas,ba-ba-ba-boom! what's she gonnaget? one of us!am i right? save the bestgift for i right? i hope so. henry: sort of. i just never realizedwhat a badass

    susan b. anthony was.(chuckles) i don't get into that shit. (clicks tongue)you are so cute. your words get all jumbledup like ricky ricardoor something. the sounds thatwere coming outof zak's mouth sounded likea circus train full ofvery scared animals. but at a certain point, i decided to stop communicating with words and start communicatinglike a bunch of scaredcircus animals. with our lips.

    god, you're cute! zak, one ofthe bonus gentlemen you decided to keep got the bonus ofgoing on a datewith you today. how was that? zak was great! i'm not sure that wehave a ton in common. why is that? he speaks pakistani.

    well, hespeaks english. no, he does not. he does. but does he? (stutters) you know... i do know,and he does. (groans) okay, what does zaksound like to you. (imitating bad chinese accent)oh, julie.

    you're so pretty, julie. you look so cuteright now, julie. okay, so whati'm hearing you do is sort of likea chinese accent. almost likea bad chinese accent. geography wasnever my thing. but i'm not sure if zak isa (whispering) terrorist. a what? a terrorist?

    (whispering) terrorist... this is what weknow about zak. we know he'scrazy about you. we know he tookflying lessons briefly. we know he wentto mining school. we know he's got some familystill in pakistan,in karachi, who have some verystrong beliefs about theunited states of america, that don't seemto have affectedzak at all.

    i love hanging outwith all the guys beforethe box ceremonies. and i think it's soimportant that they alljust release some tension and let loose. and there is nobodythat's looser than robby z! guys, what comesbefore part b? all: part a! dance like your parents,tm... that's right,i trademarked that. based on one of mykeen observations. parents are weirdand funny!

    ♪ dance, dance, dance like your parents ♪ dance, dance, dance like your parents! ♪ dance like your mom and dad all night long! ♪ now, julie, what'syour parents' name? gristlewhite! now dancelike your parent! better than thechicken dance, better than macarena. better than the electric slide. wally what's yourparents' name?

    their names weredave and linda. they, uh, theyboth passed away two months ago. all right,you know what... wait, wait, wait,wait, wait. what was it,like a murder-suicide? oh, uh, yes it was. who murderedand who suicided? there's no way to know. you know what,in this situationwe always say

    "dance like yourgrandparents!" what areyour grandparents' names? my grandparents' nameswere chuck and melissa and they wereanother murder-suicide. do you feel likeyou've dealt withall that emotionally? or is that still somethingyou deal with? i think so. and did they do gunsor what? i mean... swords. you know what...

    swords? risky business contest, right? everyone kick off your shoesand start slidingand playing the guitar! all: ♪ robby z, robby z, robby z, z, z ♪ (all singing) attention. attention! everybody. it's time forthe next box ceremony. tonight, two of youwill lose the opportunityto hold julie's box.

    (julie exhales) and just to be clear,at the box ceremony i'm going to saythat same exact thing. good luck. julie... oh! there you go. damn, boy! (both chuckle) blaze...

    yeah, yeah. (gasps) tsk. oh. oh... playing games.(chuckles) julie: (giggles) yeah, i am. blaze: but, cani see your box? why don'tyou take it? (sighs) great!

    (contestants chatter) thank you.thank you. nice. of course. it's so,uh, it's scary. you just, you sayblaze so fast. (chuckles) just be happyyou're still here, buddy. yeah, thank you. wow. wally! there yougo, wally.

    thank you!my biggest goalright now is to be in the top three and spend moretime with you and not get voted offbecause i think that wouldbe so painful if you ever... let's wrap it up. every week i feelso bad for the... just find an ending,wherever. just that,that it's painful... ...having to watchpeople leave andimagine their pain and...

    conclude. ...end up like them. great. will youhold my box? yes! (chuckles) (deep exhale) max: all right! i didn't seethat coming. leo: oh, god. will you holdmy box?

    i'd like to domore than hold it. oh! (chuckles) ew. that was veryfunny, leo. you're a crack-up. gentlemen,one box remaining. simon. (simon sighs) my lady.

    my lord. simon: i want you to knowthat i'm not playing gameswith you, not evena game of thrones. feels good,doesn't it? feels like royalty. you are. gentlemen, caseclosed, box shut. you may sayyour goodbyes. robby z. robby z.robby z. z. z.

    i think you'resuch a wonderful man and another womanis going to beso happy to get you and i'm jealous ofthat other woman, because she's gotyou and i don't. but i'm not her and the me that i am,that's not her,doesn't want you. don't even sweat it,all right? all right.down low. whoa, too slow!(chuckles)

    can i say somethingto the boys? please. where my dog pound at? (hooting) ♪ gangnam style! bom-bom-bom! ♪ (sympathetic chatter) oh, yeah. hey. uh, this is reallynot surprising. this has beenkind of a nightmare

    and a waste of time. i think you might have gottensome of your words mixed upin the translation. i think you mean it wasa wonderful experience and it was greatto meet me. no, i feel... okay, you guys can understandwhat i'm saying, right? you guys know? i... don't take thisthe wrong way,but i think parts of your brainmight be missing.

    don't have a cluewhat you just said. that's exactly whyit's not a surprise. goodbye. well, it's alanguage barrier. it could'vebeen something. fuck you!did you understand that? i did understand that. delightful guy. we did it!

    (indistinct) hey... get over here. i... i'm just confused face. this has literallynever happened to me face. how could she not understandwhat i was saying? i don't have a face for thatbecause it hasnever happened to me. (blows) nothing works. rise and shine, boys!

    i am putting theseguys to the test. how big is it? she is a shiksa goddess. kidding me? pfft.dragons and shit? are you seeing other people,or maybe it's a fling? (cries) i thought it would'vebeen good if shehad kept it together. julie: medic! bill: previously onburning love...

    this goes inmy bum-bum. eventually, my eyes openedwith the help of a scalpel. let's keep itlight tonight. i think a nut allergymakes you very brave. i'm sure i'm going to havea reaction to'll be just as severe. julie: you know, when i started this process, i have to admit, i felt very insecure. but the guys here,they have worked so hardto make me feel special. and now i feel good enough.

    just good enough. today i'm going to putthese guys to the test. we're going back to school today. everybody, wake up! oh. (yawning) why are we up so early?who is joey? uh... (groaning) blaze:how you doing?

    we'll meet downstairs in a few minutes. wally: a classroom! hey, guys! simon:all right. (all speaking excitedly) if you guys haven't guessed,class is in session. all:all right! i'd like to introduce youto someoneyou might recognize. she's from last seasonand she's a dear friendof mine, annie.

    julie:annie, where are you? hey, girl!oh, i love you. good to see good to see you! so good to see you! nice to meet you. hi. so nice to meet you. max: wow. annie is so sweet, so smart,so intelligent. i would hitthat so hard. holy're hot.

    oh. oh, thank you. is she jewish? tell me she's jewish.tell me she's squeamish. any "-ish." anything.i'm dying here.give me something. all right, everybody getin their chairs 'causewe're going back to school! (annie laughing) guys? annie: that's so sweet. what's your name? um...

    wow. wow. henry. henry. oh, hi. alex:guys, give her room. guys, we don't have time tohug everyone, i don't think. most of us auditionedfor annie's season, but i guess there was, like,an overwhelming response, so a lot of us wereheld back for,for julie's. oh, group hug!you guys are sweet! i asked annie to help metest these guys so i couldsee who's right for me.

    annie? that's enough. okay, yeah.absolutely. i love julie.she's so amazing. i mean, she was a lesbianfor a little while, and nowshe's back on our team, and she's going at it, and... i just hope she findssomeone really deservingof all of her experience. as most of you know,annie is a school teacher. and today you all are goingto be taking a test. and the personwho scores the highest

    is gonna win a specialone-on-one date with yours truly, julie. (chuckles)okay. the rest of you are gonnahave to stay back in the classroomand clean it up with annie.all right. annie: sorry. sorry. oh, i would love a one-on-onedate with julie because i think it would bemore intimate withoutall the guys around. this is just basic mathand science and english.

    i'm sure you're all gonnado really, really well. oh, uh, yes.allison, right? yeah, uh, how's nate? you know, i actuallyhaven't talked to himin a little while. yeah. max, right? where's your ring? i had to give it back.i gave it back, so... max:oh. no! no...

    yes, uh...nate and i broke up. i won't say why.but i will say thathe cheated on me. a lot. yeah, yeah. yes. you know what?it's's gonna be fine. (tearfully)really? i felt really badly aboutannie's engagement ending, but i don't think that thiswas the time nor the placeto talk about it. it's okay, annie.

    we need to get those testsout and we need to keep going. you know, i personallydon't find anniethat attractive. and i was a lesbianfor about ten months, so i know whata beautiful woman looks like. hey, annie. we're gonnaneed some pens. pens! okay.i'm gonna get it together. please, today. you need to pullyourself together. thanks. yeah.

    i feel good about the testbecause i have sensed that i am the smartest guy inthe room, based on theintelligence of the others. here you go. oh, no.thank you. i have my own. sterling silver. when annie tried to hand methat office supply storeclearance rack pen, i was like, "bic, please!" eyes on your own paper, boys.(giggles) (whispers)blaze, how big is it?

    damn! that's whati'm talking about. oh, baby girl. hi. i just,'s a little brain food. oh, thank you. oh, my god, annie.that's a wonderful cookie. okay, good. annie's so nice, i justdidn't even think aboutthe ingredients of the cookie. ♪ ain't got time for you honestly.switch it up.

    hey, guys. so the test results are in. and the guy withthe lowest score was oh, hey. you didn't answer any ofthe questions, and it looks like youdidn't know how towrite your own name. well, who needs to know how towrite their own name withall the computers these days? okay. now for the good news. the highest score was

    wally! wally:what? julie:congratulations, wally! were there nuts? i'm sorry? oh, yes. they're, they'rewhite chocolatemacadamia nut. oh, my god! (gasping) julie: annie,you poisoned him! oh, my god! i didn'tmean to! oh, my gosh!

    julie:medic! medic! annie: okay, okay.quick, quick, quick. julie: wally? wait, why is he tripping? annie: he's allergic to nuts. the pen! pen? hand me that pen right there. (gasping) pen! pen!

    okay. want to writesomething down or what? the pen! i got it. julie: the pen... put it in your arm? julie: yes! tim: all right. annie: no! no! epipen!he needs a pen... epipen!

    not a regular pen. epipen.there's a huge difference. give me another pen. annie: no, no, no! an epipen! when that little dude saidto stab him with a pen,i thought it was unorthodox, but i just went with it. and then i was like, "yo,that seemed to work. i'm gonnaget some more pens in there." bring allthe pens you can find. annie: he's dying! tim: my pen.

    annie: no, no, no, no. wasn't sure what i was doing,but kind of reminded me ofthis thing called acupuncture. looks like it works. wally: they'rereal pens. japanese people,they just shank each other with a whole bunch ofneedles and stuff. and it makes them feel better,like ninjas and shit. so i did that to him.had, like, eight pensin that little dude. tim: get a couplemore in there.

    i have very littletraining for this job. i'll be back.(sniffing) it'll take a lot morethan a little reaction to keep me awayfrom my best friend. listen, if you feel you needto give up, let go and gotoward the white light. i have my pen now,so i should be okay now. good night, sweet prince.may flights of angelssing thee to thy rest. max:hang in there, wally. henry:stay strong, buddy.

    (contestantsspeaking supportively) all right. since wally isunable to accept the prize...blaze? blaze could not wait toget some alone time with me, and i was happy to oblige. hold my box and join me ona special one-on-one date. aw. of course. annie: i just think that blaze would be so good for julie. it's okay that he askedme for my number,though. right?

    he just wanted tocall me and talk throughsome of my feelings. sorry, i had to change.this is what i wearwhen i'm cleaning. so you guys have fun onyour date, and we're gonnaget to work. right, guys? leo: great. bye, blaze. max: see you, blaze. nice and wet. leo: bye, blaze. it's a little foamy. max: i don't mind.this place is filthy.

    blaze: i can't even talk about this, son. i just, i just wannasee annie getall soaped up, you know. this is so unfair, son. you guys are so're so close. allison: this is great. i can tell you'reall friends. that's good. one of you will be hittingthe road tonight. julie. julie: i would love togive everyone todayan a for effort, but that would not be fair.

    because a bunch of youdeserve some f-bombs. but first order ofbusiness... wally,how are you feeling? i feel unwell, but happy. good. now,with all that said... i mine. i just want togive it to you again. all right. just... yeah! walk that walk,boy. get over here. yes. yes.

    oh, wow.mmm-mmm-mmm. (exhales) (clears throat) no, my name is allison. a-lli-son. so sorry. i was justthinking aboutsomething else. don't worry. will you blaze my box? i just... i shouldjust take the box, right?

    thank you, blaze. thank god. (sighs) aye-aye-aye-aye-aye. (sighs)yeah. oh, my gosh. (speaking foreign language) you gave me some pause todaywhen you showed thatyou couldn't read. you did the worstout of all the guys. sure.

    but i think you did your best.and that is what counts. so, simon,will you hold my box? like prince charlesand lady diana before us, we will live togetherhappily, forever. that sounds great. oh, wally. i just think thatmy life might not benut-free enough for you. well, i...i feel like nuts continue to take away everything i love. and you know... wa...

    see you, wally. all right! wally: i thought that julieand i were best friends. and i feel like at some pointshe told me thatshe did feel that way. although maybe...maybe she did not. it's possiblethat she did not. my arm is still hurting, but my heart hurts more. no, my arm hurts more.

    but i feel likemy heart will hurt longer. bill: next time, on burning love... (crying)oh, god! i could tell that juliewas really upset, but i really wanted toget out of the mansion. look at this miniature cow. bill: previously, onburning love... yeah, i canwork with that. it might geta little wet.

    julie: i personally don't find annie that attractive, ♪ ain't got time for love ♪ well, who needs to know howto write their own namewith all the computers? why is he tripping? when that little dude told meto stab him with a pen,i was like, "bic, please!" then i stabbed himwith a pen. julie: i really want to keep an open mind during this process. problem is, there's one guy who's... he's standing out for me.

    there is no denying i have taken a very strong liking to blaze. i sort of wish that i couldtell everyone elseto go home early at this point,but they told methat i can't do that. panties? panties?thank you, alicia. what's up, man? gotta get out of here, son. like, for good? yeah, i'm not feeling it,know what i mean? blaze: i know that julie is in love with me and i think that's adorable.

    but i do not have feelingsfor julie, i'm gonna bounce. julie's crazy about you, man. you probably have a bettershot than any of usto have a life with her. i don't care, okay?i'm leaving. late. blaze is leaving. both: what? he's just...he took the lampand he left. no! come on!

    all right, guys. max: hey! oh, man. this is it. crush it,crush it, kill it,crush it. crush it. cool. those guys are all dumbidiots and i hate them. come on. max: thanks, dude. feels like i'm doingsome volunteer work,hanging with those guys. see you, guys.

    simon: you're the man, blaze. max: you definitely got it. simon: blaze on. leo: way to go, blaze. blaze being blaze. huh, more julie for me. julie: i wish that i could take blaze on every date with me. but i can't. so todayi decided to giveprince simon a try. (knocking)

    hey. hi. what are you doing in my room? i know. hey, do you have,um, a minute to talk? yeah? come on in. okay. um,i just wanted to... what's happening? i'm always happyto see blaze, but...

    yeah, something was off. i, um, just wantedto let you know... ...that i have to leave. (laughs nervously)what? i wish it was different.i really do.but i have to go home. and it's not because i don'thave feelings for you know what i mean? hmm. i just, um...i don't understandwhy you're leaving. i know it's kind ofcomplicated,but my friend... ...was collectingall of my mail...

    right. and he had to go on thisrafting trip that wassuper last-minute. i know. and so now,i can't have a bunch ofmail all over the place. do you know what i mean? pile up, like, everywhere? mmm-hmm. you get it. you could come back as soonas you get that sorted out,or maybe find another friend? i just don't seethat happening. i'm sure i could talk to themabout getting you to skypein or something like that.

    that's gonna be tough. but, blaze, you're, like,the only guy that i feelthis way about. you know what? just... screw it all. i'm going to pay forsomeone to go homeand get your mail. i wish it was that easy. why isn't it? i don't you know what i'm saying?

    no! no! no! oh, my god! (whimpering)i don't even know... what just happened here? please, no. please, no. no! blaze was honestly would be totally...(muttering incomprehensibly) (sobbing)oh, god! no! no! he was, like, the only onei've ever really liked.(sobbing) and i just don'tunderstand it. because i knowthat he was crazy about me.

    his mail!why do you need it? it's like... i mean,i don't even get mail. yo, take me tothe 'nard, son.oxnard. julie:wait! i definitely thought that i should probably cancel this date with simon, but then i thought about it and i said, "no." you know, i don't want torob him of the opportunityto spend time with me. so i put on a verybrave face and i went. oh, god! (crying)

    (crying loudly) simon: i could tell that julie was really upset, but i didn't say anythingbecause i really wanted toget out of the mansion. that mansion is no castle,i'll tell you that. (julie crying) this is different, you know,having a painting done of mewhen i'm not naked. you know,i do a little bitof art, also. i just got a new 64-packof crayons. got all the colors ofthe rainbowand then some.

    i got blue, i got sky blue,robin's egg blue,salted caramel, off-ostrich,grassy knoll, negro. your eyes match one ofthe crayons in my box. it's's called "heavenly blue." (crying)thank you, simon. i don't have that crayonanymore 'cause i ate it. i don't normally eatcrayons or art supplies,but if i want to, i will. no one's gonna stop me.i'm a prince. that looksexactly like me.

    oh, god! simon has a lot ofgreat qualities, but i wasn't really ableto appreciate them. ooh, um, wheredid you get this? i'll just keep you go. thanks. you know who wouldreally love this place?my mommy. julie's a special lady.not as special asmy mommy, but still. simon: oh. look atthese guys. wow. oh! he's trying to take off.he's trying to fly, buthe doesn't have his wings out.

    how do they fly? if these guysdon't have wings,how do they fly? like, just through magic? these gorillas don't fly. i saw that moviewhere they fly. i mean, there's, like,swarms of them. are you talkingabout a cartoon? no. in the documentary, the wizard of oz. girls are tricky. i don'tknow whether to touch heror to not touch her. my mommy says that ifa woman is on her "lady time"then do not touch her.

    later on today whenyou evolve into humans we'll be right here waitingfor you, so we can talk. they evolve intohumans today? look what i foundon top of the urinal. do you want it?i already have onejust like it at home. it's for you. this is for me?are you serious right now? (laughs)thank you. julie: when simon gave me that toy, he just breathed life right back into me.

    i felt like a new woman. and, yeah, you know,the hottest guy here left, but there are still a lot ofother guys here, all varying degreesof hotness. thank you, simon,for being so incrediblypatient with me today. i know that i wasan emotional wreck. (mouthing) so, with all that said,simon... would you hold my box?

    i would love to. i know you don't open yourbox up to a lot of guys. what started out asthe worst day of my life,got slightly better, thanks to prince simon. simon: julie and i had a really special day at the zoo. and, man, seeingall those animals at the zoo, it really made me hungry.those animalslooked delicious. julie: i definitely wish that blaze was still here, but life goes on, you know? and i just hope he's happy.

    (whimpers) bill: next time on burning love... okay, who pitchedthe tent first? alex: oh! oh, i just realizedwhat i said. we did it. we did it. i have something for you. oh, cool. thanks. word on the street is thatgirls love it when yougive them a big rock.

    a rock. literally and figuratively,there are no olives here. you know, i taught himhow to do taffy. i mean, one would thinkthat letting people goweek after week would get easier... and it does!(laughing) this is a reality's not some goofy musical. allison: i would literally lose my mind if i didn'thave my espresso.

    it's expresso. you cannot putan "x" into a wordthat is not there. "expresso!"we're saying it,allison. no! e-s-s,"espresso!" i have to leave. (yelling) no! i haven't beenable to go. go... go out of mydoo-doo hole.

    julie: last week was the week that blaze left. and it really effedmy "s" up. but i am hanging in there, and i am reminding myself that i still have an amazing group of men that are here for me, and i have got to try to make it work with at least one of them. unless, god willing,this was all a dreamand blaze is still here. henry: whoo! i'm in a tent.

    wow, you guyslook terrific. i'm wearing burberry. well, today,i am goingto be finding out who the happiestcamper is. and the guywho impressesme the most will winsome alone time. (henry whistles) (stuttering) wait,so we're sleepingout here? yeah, we're camping!

    allison: camping? sleeping? in the woods?in a tent? with other men?are you... are you serious? we're seriouslycamping? yeah, i gota big problem, man. my doo-doo hole'sbeen stuffed upthis whole time. i don't know. i just need youto put that in your ring,right in there.

    ♪ i ain't got time for you ♪ hey, could yougive us a hand and just stopplaying guitarfor a minute? would you mind? teddy: music is who i am. i don't expecteverybody to get it, i don't expecteverybody to like it, but i do expect themto listen to it. (yelling) god damn it!stop playing guitar...

    he's not listening.he's not listening.holy moses. hi, alex! hey. hey! hey. you okay? yeah. it's just braxtonwould love this place. braxton. love it, he wouldlove it to death. i mean, he likes treesand he likes the ground,he likes rocks. why doesn't braxtonmarry all those things,he likes them so much?

    he's a littleyoung for that. i guess, but it's like... like, i get have a kid. but, is it reallythat big of a deal? hey, leo,how're you doing? good. oh, cool. hey, simon,there's a publicrestroom down that way, and it's gotplumbing, electricity,and everything.

    so, if you wannause that... electricity? yes, a lot of peoplecall me "high maintenance," but i wouldcall those peoplepoor and stupid. ♪ what do you got time for? ♪ (laughing)so good. you too. so, you know... is marriagesomethingthat you're...

    ♪ ain't got time for marriage ♪ yeah, i'mjust gonna... julie: i'm a huge music fan. i love the way it sounds, but the more time i'm spending around teddy, the lessi'm liking music, and the waythat it sounds. so, it's goodto just see you.

    wanna go on a walk? yeah, i'd love to. teddy: when julie put my guitar down, i knew whati had to do. i had topick it back up. we were havingsuch a goodtime camping that i hardlyeven rememberedthat blaze was missing. but then i realizedthat allison was. allison: yes, this is a very hard day for me.

    for many reasons.i mean, where the hellam i gonna geta charcuterie plate? (crying) oh, allison,what have yougotten yourself into? allison? (gasping)oh, my god,are you okay? i'm sorry,i must look a fright. (sniffling) julie, i have somethingi must confess to you. when i was a child,

    we grew up very,very middleclass. do you mean, like,upper middleclass? no. it was middle. it was rightdown the middle, smack dab inthe middle. oh, sweetie... we livedin an apartment that hadwall-to-wall carpeting. any visitors we hadhad to be buzzed in.

    i went to public school,and i had to writewith bic pens. aw, sweetie. they made mewrite with bic pens. allison is sucha great guy, and i'm not gonnahold it against him that he comesfrom garbage. i'm afraidof having to goback to that lifestyle. so i madea promiseto myself that i would never

    spend the nightin an environment that didn't have proper tiling. that makesa lot of sense. i want you to know thati would never havebrought you on this date if i had known it wasgonna bring all of this up. i think maybe julie likesa guy who's from thewrong side of the tracks. (stammering)i just want youto see who i am. i'm a human being.

    we're allhuman beings. i'm so proud of you. i'm not proudof my past, but i'm hopingwe can move on. and out of this place, because it is,literally andfiguratively, dirt. the last coupleof hours of campingwas a lot of fun for most of us. and unnecessarilydramatic fora couple of us.

    now, the guywho impressedme the most with hiscan-do attitude and his lackof whining was leo. (chuckles) you were bornway too early. but you peakedright on time. would you liketo hold my box? absolutely. there you go.

    now, leo? you and i areheaded back to the mansionfor some fondue. and the restof you guys are gonna sleephere tonight. you are notallowed to leave. there is nobodyto drive you home. so you gotta stay. thanks, guys.see you soon.

    hey!what the fuck? oh, uh,the bathroom, right? i'm gonna go thereafter i go here. bill: julie,you went camping? julie: mmm-hmm. what went down? what went down was my feelingsfor a coupleof these guys. oh, snap.

    uh, booyaah! what's up, dawg? allison madea startling confession. i had no ideathat he came fromsuch humble beginnings. and does thatbother you? yes, it does. once you havebeen poor, i think it's hardto wash thatoff of you. hard to wash off poor?

    bingo. booyaah! what up, dawg? alex missed his son. and you know, i think at acertain point i might startto resent this child of his. i see that you put"child" in quotes. simon wentseveral times rightoutside the camp. i thought it wasnot great. but i think simonhas a lot of othergreat qualities.

    it's just,shitting in a holeisn't one of them. so who do youthink you'll besending home tonight? probably at leastone of the guysyou just mentioned. oh, snap! (clicking tongue) where...where's bill? tim? yeah. uh... bill's stuckin the bathroomright now.

    (bill speaking) thank you allfor popping yourtents for julie. i wish you couldhave some more time, but for two of you,the camping tripis over. thanks, bill. will youhold my box? you lookbeautiful tonight. i know. thank you. (whispering) this isusually the point wherehe comes over and says...

    oh. oh. okay. only one box left. simon.(chuckling) i wish thati could erasethe image of you shitting in the woodsfrom my brain, but the factthat you felt comfortable enoughto do so around me speaks volumes.(chuckles) it was all for you.

    i wilt hold thy box. teddy, it's timeto say goodbye. teddy... ♪ you ain't got time for me i hope thatyou findthe right girl. a girl who canstand you singingthis song. who can put up withthe song at all. so thank youfor being here. ♪ you ain't got time for love

    i mean, that songis fucking annoying. (clamoring) right?that's a terrible song. i like the song. shut up. you shut up, dude. i love that song. 'cause that songtalks about me,my life. i ain't gottime for love,

    i work threeeight-hourshifts a day. i work here,at the library, and at lululemon. it's a yogasupply store, catering company,and furniture outlet. allison, it's timeto say goodbye. allison, i think you'resuch an amazing man, but i feel likeyou misrepresentedyourself. i just don't thinkthere's a price tag

    that you couldput on love. i respectfullydisagree. but, uh, if you'reever in mykonos, let me know.i've gota spot there. you're fromgarbage people, and i'm justnot comfortablewith that. hold onto that money. oh, i'm not gonnalose that money. gentlemen, you'reone step closerto finding love.

    we did it. max: oh! how you doin'? henry, you did great! i didn't noticeany difference. i think we justwant differentthings in our lives. she wants love, and i want tonot see her again after whatshe just putme through.

    so, i think shemade the right decision. i really feel likei came here to getmy voice heard, and, uh, i'm gonnahave to say,"mission accomplished." online responsehas been amazing. um, if you're gonna bein corpus christion the 18th, i will be atsamantha's road shackon route 9. if not, my websitewill always be there,waiting for you. sadly, i'm sadto tell yousome sad news. aren't you surprisedwhen the pizzacomes to your house

    even thoughyou orderedthe pizza? at a certain point, it justchips away, and it chips away,and it chips away. keep your voice down. here i am,sitting here,shocked. how are y'all doing? tonight, we're gonna takea break from julie's journeyto bring you an update on some difficult news regarding a beloved burning love couple. fireman mark orlandohad a bumpy ride to love,

    before finally fallingfor dental hygienist and monkey-heart recipient, tamara g. it seemed as if nothing could disrupt their union. they have broken up. we brought themboth back here,to the mansion, where theyfirst fell in love, to see if wecan find out exactlywhat went wrong. and if thereare any hopesfor reconciliation. let's bring outmark first.

    mark. hey, buddy! hey, bill,how're you doing? i know it's tough. have a seat. it's goodto see you. it's always goodto see you, bill. i'm sorry it's undersuch difficultcircumstances.'re telling me.

    now mark, you cameto burning loveto find your soulmate. (chuckling)it seems like sucha long time ago. did you find her? i did, you know.severael different times. but you were readyto marry tamara g. i really was, wow, this is so surreal. yeah.i bet it is.i bet it's hard. you know,all the viewers

    were so shockedto hear aboutyour breakup. yeah.i mean, me, too. (chuckles) me, too. okay, but fromwhat i've read, you're the onewho broke up with her via the coverof a free communitynewsletter in your area, the long beach weekly. so you probably knew about itbefore mostother people,

    'cause you put itin the newspaper. mm-hmm. so i'm having a hardtime understandingwhy you were shocked. no, i get it.but nevertheless, here i am,sitting here,shocked. let me put itthis way, bill. i mean, aren't youalways surprised when the pizzacomes to your house i think i'd bemore shockedif it didn't come.

    having ordered it. for me,i just forget. i go on withother thingsin my life... i see. ...and then allof a sudden when i heara knockon my door and, and i goto open the door,and i'm like, "aah." (panting) you know, pizza.

    so what you'resaying is, you forgot thatyou had calledthe newspaper... no, i forgotabout the pizza. (stammering)i can't be moreclear about that, bill. no, you're veryclear about the pizza. i wanna bring itback to tamara. the last timei saw you and tamara was at the openingof the nipples. yeah, nipples barand grill, sure.

    bill: we hada great time. you know, it's nipples, you're gonnahave a good time. nachos and... the oysters. we did havea lot of oystersthat day. (chuckles) it'salways nice to spendtime with you, bill. and you, mark,and also tamara. you guysseemed so happy.

    i was ontop of the world. i mean, of course, you know,probably everybodyis on top of the world, except for thoseguys who livein middle-earth. so you were happy? i was happy. are you readyto face tamara? okay, let'sbring her out. tamara?

    hi, mark. (clearing throat) hey.have a seat. now, tamara, the last timei saw you was about a week ago. we wereat nipples. nipples. the three of uswere havinga great time.

    some great food,some great drinks. a lot of oysters. (chuckling) everything seemedto be great. yeah, it was. and now... this is acomplete shock. yeah, i'm shocked, too. you broke upwith me.

    okay, enoughof the verbal abuse. am i... bill. tamara, we are gonnaneed you to keepyour voice down. thank you, bill. didn't realizei'd raised my voice. well, you did. tamara,walk us throughthat moment

    when you found out mark orlandohad broken upwith you. well, i wasgown shopping, and then my friendcalled me at the store and said thatthey read aboutthe breakup in the long beach weekly. and you didn'tsee that coming? absolutely not.i mean, he was workingout of town

    and i was supposedto pick him upat the airport later that week. i thoughteverythingwas copacetic. first of all,what does"copacetic" mean? it means "fine." can you let me finish? why are youyelling at me? i didn't yellat you. hey, tamara,keep your voice down.

    i mean,i yelled just then, but i didn't yellwhen i said it's fine. being defensiveisn't helping this, and it's certainlynot winning youany friends. mark? where were youworking? well, afterthe show ended i started doing a littlespokesmodeling. yeah, in and aroundthe los angeles area.

    mostly around it. he was shootinga chicken commercial. god...oh, can youlet me finish? and stopshouting in my ear. tamara,you had your chance. we let you talk a lot. let mark havehis chance. i don't rememberwhat i was gonna say. thank you very much.thank you.thank you, tamara.

    can i saysomething? yeah. sure. i just feel like he startedto care more about the fameand attention than he did about love. mark: what doesthat even mean? what does"attention" mean?"attention"? you don't knowwhat "attention"means, mark?

    no... of course i do. i'm just saying, you know,for the sakeof the fans that she should stopusing suchbig words. "attention." "copacetic." you know,what's next,another word? all right, let's letthe emotions cooldown here for a second, and while you'redoing that,

    let's check in with one of our burning love couples that has managedto keep their love alive. audiences fell in love with joe rutherford and symphony hodge in our very first season. we're happy to report that they are still in love. with each other. one, two. bill: joe, symphony?

    our original burning love- birds. how has lifebeen after the show? life after theshow has, uh,it's been perfect. bill: great. well, prettyclose to perfect. i guess,if i had one complaint, it would be thatwe lost mostof our money in some badinvestments. (gasping) quarter!

    quarter! joe: in a lot of ways, the wholepoverty thinghas actually been... it's drawn uscloser together. closer is good. poverty?not so good. but, you know,poverty doesn'thave to mean that. poverty can stillmean this. it usually does,though.

    because moneyis usually whatbreaks up couples. well, right now,we're still right like this. joe: if we've learned one thing this year, i think thatit's that love is the most valuablething in the world. symphony: yeah, and if we've learned two things then we've learned that next time, hire a financialadvisor who holds a degreein something

    other thanmassage therapy. i thinkthose are bothgreat lessons. joe: smells so good,honey. you're sucha good cook. who needs moneywhen we've gotlove like this, right? i think everyoneneeds money. to survive. i'll put thisin the fridge. bill: i just wanna wish the both of you the best of luck.

    and if there'sanything that weat the show can do, please do nothesitate tocontact us through one of ourlower level producersover email. that would be great. sounds good. thank you very much. back to...oh, i'm sorry. no, just, who,who would that be? you know what? i don'tcommunicate with peopleat that level.

    so, if you talk tomy assistant, athena... so, i'll get in touchwith athena? yeah, athena.well, talk toathena's assistant, and she'll get themessage to athena to get you guyssome contact information for some of thelower-level producers. that'd be great. yeah. now i wannawish you guysthe best of luck. it looks likeyou're doing great.

    do you haveany food? back to you, bill. so great to seea burning lovesuccess story. turning our attentionback now to mark orlando,tamara g. mark, why didn'tyou just tell tamarathat it was over? bill, i wish it wasthat easy, but shewas working all the time, and she didn't haveany time for me. and... because youquit your jobas a fireman, so i had to pick upextra shifts justto pay the bills,

    while youauditioned forchicken commercials that only paidin chicken tenders. okay, the point isis that i get allthat footage for my reel. you were all overother girls. that is absolutelynot true. you're a liar. there have beentabloid articles suggesting thatyou were unfaithful. bill, i have to makeappearances and interactwith my internet fans.

    and it did seem likeyou were interactingpretty good. look, you're actinglike you'recompletely innocent. i am innocent. please tell mewhat i did. okay, do you rememberwhen she said she was gonnapick me upat the airport? you rememberthat, right? well, i get backfrom that flight,right, i am exhausted,i am hungry,and i'm heartbroken,

    and who is not thereto pick me up? mark, it's true. at that point,you had broken up. so that cancelsany previous offersfor a ride? is that whati'm supposedto understand? i eventually hadto take a cab home and that cost me$43. and that$43 is gone. it's gone.and i hadto tip the guy.

    so say goodbye to $46. i'll neversee it again. so, i hopeyou're happywith that. i'm done.i'm done! that's whati'm... that's... i understand. that's thekind of thing thati have to deal with, and i'm sorry. it just chips away,and it chips away,

    and it chips away,and it chips away. let's see ifwe can get her back. is there any hopeof patching things up? i'll speak for myself. absolutely. yeah.the only thing is, (stammering)i think tamarawould have to do significant workon herself. she's gonna haveto really lookat herself, and correctthe things thatare wrong,

    and completelychange how sheinteracts with people. he's already datinga nipples waitress. okay, if thisconversation is going to devolveinto yelling, the answer is no,i guess. we should probablycall it a night. that's fine.i just have onequestion for you. what does"devolve" mean? okay, you justsaid it.

    so you shouldknow what it means. but i... i'm saying...i'm asking for the fans. it means goingbackwards. that's what i...yeah, that'swhat it means. tamara, i knowthis was hard for you. you loved mark, and if you onlyhad behaveda little bit better, i think you probablywould still betogether with him. as for you, mark,

    brother, you knowi wish you nothing but all the happinessin the world. and i knowyou're gonna find the right personeventually. thanks, bro.i appreciate it. and,of course, uh, tawny, uh, i will be, uh,arriving at theairport on thursday, so, uh, pick me up. and, uh, let's gostraight to nipples, because i can'twait to get someof those oysters.

    and join us next week as we jump backinto julie season, on another episodeof burning love. julie: i feel like the luckiest girl in the world. i have amazing men here for me. every feeling that there has been to feel, i have felt. (screaming) mazel tov. (snoring)

    i have dreamed of this moment a million times, and it was actually happening. bill: previously, on burning love... i feel reallycomfortable out here. you seem reallyproud of yourselfright now. no, i am.i... i enjoy it. henry, just take itdown a notch. children are notfull human beings. they're half-beings.

    the, uh, bagelsmay be terribleout here, but the loveis water boiled. that's great news. julie: i really feel like i am learning so much about julie from this experience. i mean, it's almost as if this constant attention from multiple guysis forcing me to learn somereally hard lessonsabout myself, or at least pretend to.

    and that's hard, too. you have beenmy rock. come here. careful with the tan. careful withthe tan. i have fivegreat guysstill here for me and a lot of peopledon't realize this, but max is still here. so today i'm really looking forward to getting to know him

    and it is a two-on-one, so someone is going home. them's the berries. horrible.make a shape. new shape. no. horrible.terrible. try something new. i don't know,different poise. what elsedo you have? no.

    whoa! wow! hi! look at that! you look stunning.look at you! thank you, max. you look beautiful. look at all your hairand everything. (laughing)thank you. as you mighthave garnered,

    we are in a studio. and we're aboutto be photographed by world renownedphotographer,cyrano cruz-shippe. max: no! henry: what! julie: cyrano... henry: i couldn't believe it. i mean,me, a model? this is like nothingi've ever donein my life.

    this is mydaughter. i adopted herlast week. hi! oh,congratulations. get to work. julie: cyrano hasphotographed everyone. from selita ebanksto selena gomez,to serena williams. clay aiken. no, butthey're not... clay aiken?

    and today we aregoing to be doinga sexy photo-shoot. what?oh, come on. max: i don't us? (laughing)this is not... but at the end of it, only one of you will have the opportunityto hold my box. (sighing)it's a competition. let's get intohair and make-up.

    hair and make-up? right, cyrano? i am definitelystoked to be here. julie and i havenot gotten to spend a lot of one-on-onetime together, so i've got a lotto share with her. and whateveryou girls cando to make them, like, more attractive,i think would be great. yeah, i'd saymore as opposed

    to less,definitely. max: i'm jewish, so if julie were jewish, too, that would be awesome,but, you know, it's not that biga deal to me, and thenat the same time, it is the mostimportant thing ever. i've beenmodeling now for..., a half an hour... ...and whati've learned... that remember it all and thenforget it all. i had never modeledin an aboveboardtype of situation before, so i was pretty nervous. (stammering)you're the tell me. julie: how about... what if i wasjust to like... and we just, like... yeah, just like...

    (max inhaling deeply)(exhaling) i'm really gladwe have this chanceto connect. we haven't got achance to do this yet. me, too. max: i don't know,this feels right. julie: i know. it does. is this... horrible. (stammering)that's not good? okay.

    this looks likea real estate picture. hey, you know what?no, stop! stop, stop, stop,stop, stop! i'm sorry, this isjust so fucked upi can't do this anymore. can you, uh,go to make-up. okay,, thank you. artists. (rowr) it's just... it's...

    some people. (whispering)so great. i'm... can i getthe stand in? hi. great,thank you.right there. i'm, uh, i'm max. rebecca. you, too. i like your necklace. oh, thanks.

    bubbie got it for me. have you beendoing this long? i guess you just... uh, not was just, like, someone askedme to do it andi was, like... (whispering)this guy is crazy. he is. cyrano:you guys lookreally nice together. yeah?okay, that's weird.

    i don't knowwhy he said it. (laughing)you're so funny. (laughing) um... hi, um, wheni first saw max, i was, like, oy- m-g. i mean, talk about good looking. and sometimes it's, like, if you look jewishand you're not jewish it's, like, "what a waste!"

    randomly. i feel, like,you're really smart. i like tohit the books. i'm an accountant,so numbers have comenaturally to me. and i had asthma, so i just spenta lot of time... ...indoors and reading. max is justthe kind of guy that i just wantto bring home tomy bubbie and zayde.

    they wouldlove him. they have a greatshabbat dinner. they're all like cool,young, single people. yeah, yeah, yeah. it's like... all right, mama,this is your time. here you go.water. oh, thank youso sweet. i said bubbly!

    (stammering)i'm sorry, julie... i was kidding. i was pretendingto be a bitchy model. you got me so good. i was, like, "what? "what has thisdone to you?" you had no idea whatwas happening. (clearing throat)seriously, uh,

    you were reallygreat out there. i'm not sure if cyranofelt the same way. well, then,he's crazy, because you're a natural. um, listen, i don't knowif this is the timeor the place to say this, but i thinkyou're amazing and i've fallenin love with you.

    henry... (moaning) henry: i'm so glad i was finally able to tell julie how i really feltand that kisswas incredible. i, uh... i can't help but think i could marry this girl. (sighing) i should probablyget back out there.

    uh, yeah.yeah, i guess so. hey, i... i really meant it. julie: when henry told me that he was in love with me, i felt like i was on top of the world, and that is the whole point of this process. to make several guysfall in love with you. so i'd say,"you're doingpretty good, julie." "am i?""yeah, you are."

    "really?how many guys?" "a lot at this point.a lot." oh, sensational. (rebecca moaning) oh, stop,but keep going. julie is nota model, okay? she is like applebee's. but then that stand in came in and wow! wow! wow! (laughing)

    like this? or like this? oh, yeah. jesus. julie: max? max: when julie came back to the photo-shoot, i just... i snappedinstantly backinto reality. i don't know.i guess it's true whatthey say about modeling. you just become this other person.

    this, uh, morebeautiful hornyversion of yourself. did we... did we look good?did we get the shot? because theguy's a genius. julie: i couldn't believe max's behavior. i mean, he waspractically shtuppingsomeone else while he was ona date with me, and you know yourgirl julie had to getto the bottom of this. talk to youfor a second. yeah. yeah, okay.

    (whispering)i need to changemy panties. what just happened? i just... i mean, that wasnot cool with me. modeling happened.i don't know. i just wantedto do a good job. but max, it looked likeyou guys were gonnahave sex with each other. okay, okay.i can see that. and i'm sorry.i just, you know,for me,

    i actually think thatit comes back to,like, our relationship. i mean, do you thinkyou might wantto be jewish? at all? not really at all. i've realized thatthat is gonna bea problem for me. i mean, i can'tfathom being ina two religion marriage. do you want to tell meabout jesus, like,maybe i could convert? i mean,from what i know, he was the sonof a carpenter and... i'm bored.i'm sorry, i can't.

    (sighing)i can't do it. so boring. hey, max, i thinkwe should probablysay goodbye. and i think thatyou and rebecca should go out fora pastrami on rye. or whatever. there's justoceans between us. let's get youout there. shalom.

    i need to fill outmy time card. i don't know... i could... i bet that was hard. julie: i mean, i guess that max wasn't the one for me, and the only thing, right now, that's making me feeljust a little bit better is knowing thati wasn't interested in himor his kooky religion, and i do hope thathe and rebeccaare very happy together.

    wait, you wentto that camp, too? with the swimming and the artsand the crafts? get out of here! i know! i, like,totally hated that place. it was just, like,with outside and the weather,like, oy gevalt. and the weather! i... ah...tell me about...

    driver, could weget a little acback here? yeah, and justslow downa little bit. it's a littletoo fast for me. yeah, i know, i'mgonna get a dramamineor something. i often do youtake dramamine? max: oh, justevery car ride. rebecca: oh, i lovethat about you. you love him so much.marry him. i got a big surprisefor you today.

    we are blessedto be joinedby rap legend, hot karl. oh, nice! it's the same forwardsand backwards, "wow!" but eventually my eyes opened,with the help of a scalpel. i like the wayyou look at things. i've fallenin love with you. braxton wouldlove this place. he's... (bellowing) he take upa lot of your time.

    leo: when i think about how far i've come, i just can't help but be proud of myself. i've come a long way, baby. three pound baby to be exact. most people are, like, six pounds or more when they're born. nice! 120! and i've gained three times my initial weight already at the house, and i'm hopingby the end of this,

    i will have gainedjulie as well. i still have somefeelings for blaze, and i have triedso hard to suppress them. and usually i find that that's the best way to live life. but i'm still dreaming that he's gonna come back to me. dreams. and i think dreamsare bullshit. but i feel like the luckiest girl in the world. i have four amazing men here for me.

    yo, yo, yo,yo, yo, yo! what's the scenario? oh, my god!this is amazing. all right,party people, oh! no way! big upsfor hot karl! you have a whole,like, entourage. hot karl is goingto be judging you guys on a freestylerap contest.

    and the winnerof the contest gets a well-litpicnic date with me, but that's not all. leo: what else? they got grapes! i love grapes. henry: wow. i'm excited to be here,guys, i'm ready to hearwhat you got. so... isn't he 'illin'?

    it's a little outof my comfort zone, but i'll try anythingfor julie. simon: i'm in a slight disadvantage for the rap contest because i never learned how to read or write. i guess i have no choicebut to wing it duringthe rap contest. whaddup, sons?julie in the hizz. hot karl, do you wantto chic-chic-checkus into this? uh, no.they can just go. it's fine. yeah.

    coolio. all right, alex! (rapping) ♪ hey, how you do? ♪ my name is alex ♪ and i am here ♪ to find a step-mom for my son ♪ 'cause braxton is my sweet angel ♪ and daddy misses him ♪ and i love him all the time

    ♪ i love him all the time ♪ he's so sweet ♪ he's so alone, and ♪ and it hurts sometimes to be ♪ to be away from him ♪ he's got balls. alex's rap didn'treally move me. he started to lose me when it becamea family movie.

    (rapping) ♪ i hope you like these rhymes ♪ i hope you like my flow ♪ i love you in those shorts with that camel toe ♪ the reasons you should pick me ♪ there are a myriad. ♪ i would have sex with you even if you were on your... ♪ henry, i think that's...i think we're good,we got it. yeah, yeah, yeah! julie: yeah, yeah, henry!

    whaddup, prince simon? yeah! yeah, yeah! all right!um... (beatboxing) (rapping) ♪ there is a door ♪ there's a door, the door has a knob ♪ let's play outside ♪ oh, yeah,prince simonin the house! i got this.

    (rapping) ♪ julie, i can feel your heart growing inside of me ♪ if we weren't on tv i'd ask you out politely ♪ but since we are choose me ♪ shit, i'll even battle rap for you ♪ but who would fight me ♪ hot karl ♪ i've never even heard of you there's no reason. ♪ because if you're not... ♪

    julie: whoa!whoa! whoa! ♪ you don't want to battle me ♪ you can't even see me ♪ your chances here are teeny ♪ and preemie like your weenie ♪ you'd have a better chance with her if you were a juggalo ♪ look at him he looks like a homeless mark ruffalo ♪ you're not between the sheets ♪ you're more in between the cheeks

    ♪ but when we hear your name ♪ you get sliced up like deli meat ♪ ♪ okay, sit back down ♪ 'cause in this house i'm the specialty ♪ soup du jour ♪ you're like a turtle head poking out ♪ dukey premature like a little white butt nugget ♪ that i'm gonna shove right back up ♪ and finger buttfuck it

    ♪ and wash my fingers off ♪ 'cause you're nasty ♪ i'm the tortoise and the hare ♪ you can't pass me ♪ so sit down, you boring little man ♪ you can't rap battle ♪ you leave me like meg ryan ♪ except i'm sleepy in seattle ♪ julie: i was really impressed by leo.

    i had no idea thathe was that cool, yo. it really made me wonder, "do i want to bethis guy's bitch?" oh, wow!that was amazing. hey!what's for dinner? (whispering)what are youdoing here? (screaming)oh, my god! uh, when blaze walkedthrough that door, i mean, my heartjust stopped.

    and then it was actually happening. needless to say,a panty change wasdefinitely in order. should we gohave our grapesand our date? no, we haveto talk. yeah. no? they're my grapes. don't you eatmy grapes. what the fuck? that was supposedto be my date.

    i mean, my grapesand my love. this is terrible. can you just pinchmy leg real quick? i haveto make sureof something. yeah, sure. ah! i felt that. this is real. can you...can you justslap my ass. just real quick,just...

    just like... ow! i felt that. hey, blaze? hmm? why did youcome back here? i couldn't stopthinking about you. i'm still, like, whatever about her, you know, but i might as wellcome back and keepgoing with it and stuff.

    i mean, it's like, why not? what aboutyour mail? i had my roommatetake care of it. i don't thinkthat any man has ever donethat for me before. these are so good. is it grape season? the rap contesthad a little bitof a surprise ending. blaze came back.

    leo did a greatjob at rapping. i don't careabout leo anymore, bill, don't bringhim up any... he did do a great... but that's not whati'm talking about. we're talkingabout blaze. leo really did a great jobat rapping.i was very surprised. then you gomarry leo.

    you love him so much. marry him. let's talkabout blaze. is there any chance you won't offerblaze a box? no. it's happening. not a chance.and i'm pickinghim in the end. well, let's not getahead of ourselves. but you asked,i'm picking himin the end.

    but there's so manyother great guysout there. bill, bill, bill,bill, bill! blaze is back. this game just changedin a major way. get that throughthat thick skullof yours. blaze ismotherfucking back. and julie ismotherfuckingright there with him. my man is back, bill. you getting that?

    i think i do. blaze has returnedto the competition. if julie choosesto allow himto remain... i do. if julie choosesto allow him to remainin the competition, we don't know, then two of youwill be going home. if she chooses notto allow blaze backinto the competition... (whispering)that's notgonna happen.

    ...then justone of you will. julie's got a toughdecision ahead of her... (mouthing)not really. ...about whether or not to let blaze backinto the competition. (mouthing)you're staying. oh, blaze. god... it's so goodto have you back. thank you so much.

    blaze: hey. stop, stop. why? (alex clearing throat) bill, come on. control the game. blaze. julie. hey, hey. bill: julie has chosento allow blaze backinto the competition.

    you're the mostincredible mani've ever met. julie, i justwant you to know (stammering)i think what blazedid was wrong. i... (whispering)don't you ever talk about blazelike that again,okay? i know.i just think what he... i will cut you, henry. thanks forbeing here. three men left,

    but only one box. yow. (exhaling) keep maturing, okay? i've overcomebigger things than this. i was oncethe size of your foot. well, a little bitsmaller than your foot.okay. see you, leo. prince simon.

    (whimpering) i'm so sorry. i... i mean, i thinki kept you here this long because i wasblinded by thatcrown of yours. now, go backto your mommy. 'cause i'm sureshe misses you. (laughing)you're right,i miss my mommy. see you, prince. prince.

    congratulations to you, you're one step closerto finding love. (laughing)we did it! guys, guys,good job, guys. i rapped my buns off. that was supposedto be my picnic. with all my grapes. we all know that. fuck you, blaze.

    those were my grapes. (sighing)life is so hard. i can't waitto get back home to my servantsso they can wipe the tearsfrom my eyes for me. 'cause i don't knowhow to do it. i don't knowhow to do it. i'm so nervous. don't be.

    today is entirelyabout me. i am meetingthe families ofalex, henry and blaze. blaze! the jewish guy,italian guy, polish guy,and a priest, all playinghide and seek. what's the punchline? they're all playing.and they understand it. which one's like the idiot,like, they can't play? they're all very smart.they all understand the, no one.

    bill: previously on burning love... ♪ braxton is my angel i haven't heard anyonesaying this muchabout their kids. ♪ love him all the time ♪ which, now i realize,i appreciate. and i've fallenin love with you. this gamejust changed. alex: ready or not,here i come. (screams) oh!

    i'm fine, you guys. damn! crazy! ♪ blaze came back my man came back ♪ he came on back to me ♪ i think he clearlyhas some very seriousfeelings for me. hide and seekis such an underrated game. underrated. it's the's the best.

    julie: today's a really important day. (chuckles) oh. i am meeting the families of alex, henry and blaze. i can't wait! you have beena lighthouse in this storm. i could not bemore excited. for some more than others.

    first up, alex. you get to meetmy son're gonna love him. i'm just sort of excitedto see for myself... know,what he's about. daddy! braxton! oh, hey, buddy. oh! oh, braxton! julie gristlewhite.nice to meet you.

    oh, my sweet boy. is he hard of hearing?is he... no, no, he just...he just misses his daddy. alex and i bothcome from a veryemotional family. look how big you are. (sobs) he seems small to me. we cry's in our blood. i mean, we couldbe talkingabout anything.

    you could talkabout the weather. you know, it's beenreally sunny todayand i just... you know, i just... (voice breaks)it's just hard to talk aboutbecause it's so beautiful. (crying) oh!oh, my sweet boy. braxton was crazyabout julie. i mean, the way that she was looking at him and he, almost,was looking back at her. so, this is it?

    this is allthat he does? i don't know many children.i don't havea lot of children friends, but from all the tv showsand movies i've seen, i always thoughtthat they would beway more entertaining. so, where aremom and dad? back in the hospital. same stuffor different stuff? same stuff. oh. that's too bad.

    yeah. yeah. i know, buddy.why don't we makea fort out of pillows? oh, yeah! no, those are therefor decoration. julie seemed lovely. she just kind of hadthe mothering instinctof a piece of garbage. when we get backto daddy's house,we're gonna build a fort. we'll get the pillows,we'll get the's gonna be fun, you and me. when are youcoming home?

    (sara crying) soon, honey. soon. if you want your daddyto come home sooner, then i can probablymake that happen,braxton. no, no. daddyneeds to be friendswith the nice lady. braxton, do youthink she's nice? do you thinkthat i could makea good mommy? i have to potty.

    sara: ooh.i'll take you, buddy.come on. let's go. sara: might have had alittle bit of dairy. come on. alex: okay. hurry it up.hurry it up. julie's a horriblehuman being. she would make a terrible mom. i miss you already. you don't have to miss me'cause i'll be right here. he does haveto go, though.

    alex: oh, my... you're anincredible boy.all right. okay. okay. sara: love you. i love you, buddy. i don't want to do this.i don't understand. let go like that,i don't even... seeingbraxton and julie togetherjust warmed my heart. it was instant family.

    just add water. oh, god. julie: today was exhausting. so i'm pretty excitedto see henry right nowand meet his family. hey, don't is entirely about me. and it should bea lot less pressure. a lot, a less, a press... here they are. julie,these are my parents.

    this is betty. hi, mom. this is isaac.hello, sir. i'm a hugger. let me get in here.i missed you guysso much. meet polly.look at you. danielle,precious daisy.and this is katie. (laughs)you kiss your sister. that is absolutely somethingi'm comfortable with. uh, julie,these aren'tmy sisters.

    we are sisters,in a way. we're sister wives. we're allmarried to henry. wives? "s"? plural? wives? you would be... number four. yay! hey, knock, knock.oh, who's there?

    wives. wives is there. you're gonna fit inperfectly. i love each and everyone of you equally. danielle, amazing withlaundry, darning. i'm more about parenting.i'm like a littlemartha stewart. polly is in chargeof these rugrats. and katie is...uh... polly: she'sa love bug. yeah, everybody, dad, come on,take a load off.

    she was reallywonderful. perfect additionto the family. like she was sentfrom heaven above. she was really great. i just feel likewith julie around, my laundry loadwill be... and there was stilla placenta inside me. here we are,you rug rat. oh... there's like, 20of them, henry.

    i wanna have20 more. could they comeout of your vagina,then? 'cause mine is tired. (laughs) amen. this one needs itmorning, noon and night. early and often. real's fast. but it's so manytimes in the day. just over and's a lot.

    i think henry isdefinitely falling for julie. i think she couldbe the one. or the four. you know what she'sgonna be good at?game night. hello! game night! bobbing for apples. pin the tailon the corncob. and sometimes weplay scene it? yup! nobody wins.we've not seenany of the movies.

    this family meetingprocess has just beenreally difficult for me. all: bye, julie. they loved you.they loved you. aren't they great? yeah, can i havea little bit more? julie: it was a pretty exhausting day. but i can't lie.i really wanna impressblaze's family the most. (shouts) blaze! i just wanna see blaze.

    and press upagainst him. and meet his family. press upagainst him. oh, um... so good to see you. hey, what are you doing?stop. (chuckles) that is crazy.we're outside. stop it right now.oh, god. big day.

    maybe meetingmy future in-laws.(chuckles) oh, my family?no. they're coming, right? nope. no. when i came on the show,i said i was gonnado things my way. and that includesnot inviting peopleto things i'm supposed to. sweetie, i had no ideathat they had passed on. no, they're not...they're not dead. but you're not close.bad childhood and stuff.

    no, my family and iare actually supertight knit. good, they live so far awayand that's so hard for you. they're actuallypretty close by.they're just in the nard. they don't approveof the show. it's liketheir favorite show. oh. (chuckles) you invited them,though, right? not to this. some women would bereally annoyedand really upset

    and really humiliatedby blaze's actions, but i'm not likethose insecure women. i wanna take a nap. all right. okay. love it. just, um... big day today.alex brought his son,braxton. julie. you got me. i'm having fun.

    but seriously, bill. i don't like braxton. i don't knowabout other kids. maybe someare better than braxton. but this kidwas boring. and not for me. let's move onto henry who had... ...some shockinginformation for you. yes, henry'salready married

    to a bunchof different women. and he already hasa shit-ton of kids. kids again. again, with the kids! it's like, i didn'teven realize so manypeople had them. blaze did notbring his familyhere to meet you. that's right. a lot to think aboutgoing in to today'sbox ceremony. yeah. (chuckles)

    julie, it's timeto turn this triointo a duet. julie, uh, hey. can i talk to youfor a sec? yeah.let's get out of here. blaze: excuse us. excuse us. i'm just as confusedas you are. you seemabnormally calm. um, i've got to bounce.

    (softly) no. but why? i have a reason. what is it? i can't say. but, blaze, seriouslyi'm freaking out right now. i just reallywant you to stay. like, i reallywant you to stay. i get it.

    bottom line,i've got to bounce. i don't even knowwhy i came's so random. what was i thinking? (crying) no! i feel like such a fool right now. and i know thisis gonna sound insane. but i'm almost thinkingthat maybe blaze and iaren't gonna work out. blaze! (crying) julie: (crying) oh, god.

    this is himin his kindergarten. hey, julie. keep them. it's in there. congratulations. we did do it.we did it. yeah, it's a little... a little weird,this one. julie: ...a bunch of idiots.

    bill, you go get blaze! get my man!oh, god. i don't know.i had to leave. you know, i was just...wasn't feeling it. gots to bounce. just blaze being blaze. (crying) oh, my god. let's throw thisbeach ball around,and then we'll switch! (gasps)it's you!

    last time we say you,you were with carly. but, bill, it turns outthat i'm not gay. i can't have abunch of mail,all over the place. no, no! i gotta bounce. (sobbing)again! take 'em!take 'em! congratulations! julie: you know, water ballet has helped me overcome every hurdle in my life.

    except for myfear of water. so, i'm always turning to it when i need a pick-me-up. a lot of people would say that i have really blossomed during this show. those people would be right. i have really come into my own and i am very proud of myself. but the one manthat i saw myselfmarrying is gone. i'm feeling very unsure about my final two guys. i mean, they both have at least one kid. and one of them is married to a ton of women

    which i am not surei am okay with. i needed some advice. (doorbell ringing) hey, you. there she is, huh? carly: yep, back at the mansion. got to say,it feels real weirdand uncomfortable. kind of like,being at home. how've you been?

    uh, i've been good,i've been good, very,very, very, very good. really good. the horses? we had to putvonda down. speaking of horses, i have a really importantdecision to make here. right, right. yeah, um... first, there's alex.

    and he is sucha great guy,wonderful human being. and... (scoffs) the problem is,he's... he's got a kid. i know, carly. i know. and he criesevery secondof the day. wait, the dude cries?alex cries? it's a huge turnoffto see a manemotional like that. he's gotta get agame face going. and then,i meet his kid.

    and i think, "oh, well,this kid must besomething so great "if this manis crying so much." carly. well, what was itabout him thatyou didn't... i found him to bevery vanilla. like, a verysafe choice. julie: like, i get it. you have a kid. but is it reallythat big of a deal? then, there's henry.

    talk about henry. he is the perfect guy,carly. he wants to be married,have kids, he's veryclose with his family. here's the kicker. he's already marriedto, like,three other women. and he hasabout 20 kidsso if i marry henry, which i very well may doat the end of all this, i'm also marryingthese other women. well, that actuallydoesn't soundlike such a bad thing.

    for you. we're talkingabout you, though. yes, we are. and you like guys. again. major confession. i'm still in lovewith someone. why didn't yousay that first? i should have.

    god, i wanna meet youin the middle here but idon't know what that means. his name is blaze. and, carly,he had to leave here. did he give a reason? it was a lotof different reasons. there were thingshappening with his mail. the post office... it's's so complicated. and it's like,we pay taxes!

    jules. that sounds likebullshit to me. julie: i just think she doesn't want to see me get hurt, you know? and i love that about her. but what blaze and ihave is a lot deeper than carlycould ever imagineor understand. and i think that'sprobably becauseshe's a lesbian. you don't get don't get them. "i don't get them,i don't need them,i don't want them,"

    is what we used to saytogether and in the mirror. look, in retrospect,i think if we hadkept things waist up we probably wouldstill be together. you could've told me thatlike, six months ago. once you go downtown,there's no going back home. and with all that said, i'd love you to meetmy potential husbands. (exclaims) carly: i just want what's best for her.

    she kind of got the shaft on this one. i mean, she will getthe shaft which is exactlywhat i don't want her to do. i don't want herto take the shaft, i don'twant her to use the shaft, i don't want herto want the shaft. both: hey. henry, alex, this is my ex-loverand dear, dear friend,carly. this is one very,very special, very beautiful,wonderful lady here.

    and i wanna talk to you guys,make sure she'smaking the right choice. even if there isa right choice. i don't's hard to say. could go any way. one of us have a thing. no, it'll surebe one of them. alex: definitely goin this direction. so, with all that said, let's go throwthis beach ball around. and you guyscan have a chat.and then, we'll switch.

    i love it!i love it. she just got a stackof crap optionsto choose from. welcome to the 99 cent store, where all the food's expired. which thing do you want?do you want salmonella?do you want botulism? which one do know, take your pick. 'cause that'swhat you're gonnago to bed with. how did your lastrelationship end? uh, well,my wife told meto pack my things and leave the house.

    that's rough. do you feellike you're readyto love again? sure. why not? oh, man.i wish i felt that way. oh! when does that feelingkick back in? oh! and you have a son. i do, uh... uh, braxton is his name.

    i think, we're, uh...i think we're good. he's a dud. get him out of here. he's a clown. he's a crying clown. you know, other than thathe seems like a nice guyand a real good dad. hank... (chuckles)you are a... you reallygot a lot going on. right? you're marriedto a bunch of got a boatload of kids. we're a well-oiledmachine, my family, and i really believethat julie would fit very wellinto that machine.

    but do you think thatyou can make her happy? i would try every dayto make julie happy. and you wouldnever hurt her. i won't.i would never hurt her. under any circumstances. would you be willingto sign a documentthat says that? for me to keep,and safeguard. well, yes,i'd have to have... i'm just kidding.i don't need a document,i just need a handshake.

    right? let me tell you something. if it turns outthat you hurt herin any way, i swear to christi will find you.i will hunt you down. is that clear? yes,'s very clear.i... i understand. take it easy, buddy. we're good. because i coulddo things to you

    that would blowyour mind, mister. yeah, i... i don't doubt that. things you think onlysomeone would do to survive,i will do to you for fun. i don't doubt that for...for a minute. up to and includingeating parts of your bodywhile you watch. i don't...i don't want thatto happen, so i... i don't think you do. i, i don't. 'cause i think you knowwhat i'd start with.

    you know, henryseems like a decent guy. he's just got...he's got a lot of kids, which i feel meh about, and a lot of wives,which i feel, meh about. i think if you said to me,"carly, i can be gay again," i would just scoopyou up, swing youover my shoulder, toss you in theback of my truck and get you awayfrom this horrible place

    and we would nevertalk about it ever again. it would just beyou and me and hikes.(clicks tongue) but i'm not gay again. and i can't goon any more hikes. i think they're both can pick either one. they're both fine. it means a lot to me to havecarly's stamp of approval. although sometimes, she has too many opinions. i love her, though.

    carly: well, it was time to go, and uh... we got so close! but then i just thought, "oh, god, if i just "let her think about usa little bit longer, "she won't wannalet me go alone." ah, oh. good catch. for someone else, carly. carly: thought maybe she'd come with me.

    but obviously that's not what happened. and this double vhad to move on. seconds awayfrom turning the key. go, girl. go! (key clicks) you got to go now.carly, you have to go. (engine starts) carly, seriously,i've got a lot of stuff to do. you really haveto start driving the car.

    i'm gonna call youfrom the road. go, carly, go. julie: it has been so difficult for me to move on since blaze left. and there have been some very sleepless nights for me, for sure, but i'm just tryingto rely on the strengthof the human spirit and breathe rightadvanced strips. because i could notsleep without them. you have been my rock.

    kind of a nice day.carly came tomeet your fellas. how did that go? i value her opinionso much. and what was her opinion? either one is fine. well, that's helpful. yeah, very much so. because these lastcouple of weeksi've been so focused on my residualfeelings for blaze

    because blaze and ileft things completelyopen ended. he left. yeah, but with a doorthat was so wide openfor me. because to meit seemed like it did close. no offense, i thinkthat's a pretty out-therereading of what happened. blaze is gone. yes, in some ways. in fact, in every way.not here. you always see thingsin a different wayfrom everybody else.

    i feel like i'm seeing itpretty much the wayeverybody else is seeing it, in this case, julie. the glass is not alwayshalf-empty, bill. but sometimes it is.and with blaze, i feel likethe water got poured out. not just half.all the way. what happened to youto make you this way? you're still here. i am honored. it is an honor.

    potato. sorry, i'm a very slowchewer because my teethare very soft. whoo-hoo. so many menwanna marry me. i have this crazydream that blaze iscoming back to me. but what if blazeisn't coming back? well, then, this would bea complete waste of time. they're my wives. i'm sorry, come again?

    i think you'd be reallygreat at cleaning upthe tinkle sprinkles. no! (gags) you would. everything'sgonna work out. go, baby girl! (chuckles) down to the last two guys, and they're definitely not what i was looking for, but i'm very hopefulthat by the end ofthis overnight date, one of them willpresent himself asthe better option

    out of two very average, average men. if everything wereto move forwardwith you and i, and i were to moveinto your house withyour other wives, and all those kids,would i havemy own bedroom? yes, of course you'd getyour own bedroom! we're a little shorton bathrooms. so, with all thatsorted out, henry, i'm wondering ifi could give you this. a card for you.

    "henry and julie,should you choose to foregoyour individual rooms, "you may use this cardto spend the night inthe boom-boom room." i would like to waituntil marriage. it's a habit of mine. i didn't know thatyou had that habit. it's a good habit. it is, it is.we could go up tothe boom-boom room... no, no. ...and we can,we can talk-talk.

    you know, i have learnedso much about myselfthrough this journey, one of the main things that i've learned is that whenever i'm unsureof myself, i drink more. i don't know what exactly that's about. i don't know if it's that i don't feel comfortable. i don't know if it's... i'm an alcoholic. are you gonnadrink yours? it's a funny thing. it's a funny thing.(chuckles)

    you know if thebathtub has any jets? i think i saw one.i think i saw one. i'm gonna beabout 20 minutes.i'll be right back. last night, we just totallywasted a hotel room,in my opinion. but tonight, is all about alex. "alex and julie, "should you chooseto forego yourindividual rooms, i know that youare probably, like,uncomfortable with that becauseof braxton.

    and i respect that, but i thoughti would just give itto you anyway, 'cause theytold me to, and... are you makinga joke right now? because i don't know whatkind of impression i've beengiving you this whole time, but just becausei'm a father, doesn'tmean i'm not a man. i had no idea that thiswas possible for you. i definitely have wantedto fuck you theminute i saw you. but you have a son!

    i have a son... and a penis. (chuckles)check, please. alex: are you ready? yeah, i think so. excited? (chuckling) yes. (chuckles) right? julie: oh, my god.

    ah, oh, sweetheart! you look so scary. sweetheart, no, no, no, no. no, give me your's... it's okay. okay, i wasn'texpecting that. it's just me. hello. (chuckles) i can't see you.(chuckles) "hi, in there!"

    i can't see you now. (chuckling)right? yeah, i see you. if you wannapick a safe word, that's highly recommended. now all of a sudden youhave to think of a word,and it's so hard. could be any word, like,whatever pops in your head. okay...potato? potato is a greatword to pick,

    so at any point ifyou're feeling scared or it's getting too rough or too weird,you just say, "potato." "potato." "potato."that's it. and then we, boom, we come back tothe world of rules. okay, i wannado this. um... you know, it's justso nice to be withan incredible woman.

    i think i'mfalling deeply, madly, fully inlove with you. thank you forsaying that. i mean everyword of it. should i stretch? without question. yeah, alex and i reallyexplored our relationship a lot last night. and i was surprised,encouraged, scaredfor a lot of it.

    i'm just really trying toopen up the hip flexors. yeah, the hipsare important.get those ready. and backsare good, too. back's gonnabe really good. i can't say what happened to me last night. but i can say thati have to figure out who i'm gonna pick. and i have to figure it out today. this is big.

    i have dreamed about this day since i was a little girl. today, for me, is like a fantasy had a babywith a fairy-tale. it is a fanty-tale. i don't know! i am wondering right now, is this real, is it happening? or, is it just a fanty-tale? i hope it's real. we've been througha lot this seasonon burning love.

    a lot of ups,a lot of downs.some surprises. every feelingthat there has beento feel, i have felt. but it ends herebecause today, julie, is the day we'vebeen stepping towards,step after step. that journeyends today. you ready to getyour proposals on? i was born ready. (chuckles) great. julie: never in my wildest dreams

    would i have imagined two dudes kneeling down on one knee. henry: sure, i'm married to other women, but there is no otherwoman on this earth that i would rathermake my fourth wifethan julie. you look stunning. thank you. wow. do you have anythingyou want to ask me? (laughing)i'm sorry,i'm so nervous. julie, my family loves you.

    i love you. will you marry us? nah-uh. i think that you'resuch a great guy. it's just your wholelifestyle grosses me out. hey, he's a lucky guy. (cries) so manymen wanna marry me. i'm gonna keep lookingfor that special someone, who is willing to acceptall my other special someones.

    julie: after weeks and weeks and weeks, i never thought that it would be alex that i would pick, but given all of the weirdness surrounding everyone else, i'm choosing him. and i can't wait to tell him. julie, the day my son,braxton, was born was the happiestday of my life. until i met you. that day is now thehappiest day of my life.

    and the braxtonbeing born day isa very close second. after all weshared last night... that was pretty crazy.(chuckles) (sighs) pretty crazy. but i feel evencloser to you now. oh, my god.oh, my god. open. will you marry me? alex, i would...

    wait! julie, justgive me one second. blaze? blaze: yes. what the fuck, dude? blaze! (chuckles) hey. sorry, man. what are you doing here? i couldn't stopthinking about you after the secondtime i left.

    and also, i wanna marry yoursweet ass. yeah. mmm-hmm. oh, my man. oh, blaze. i have loved you since the dayi met you. and you just made methe happiest womanin the world. my man came back.

    you know what?this isn't right. don't. no. never mind. i gotta bounce.congrats, man. blaze, where do youhave to bounce to? where do you haveto bounce to? (clears throat)uh, julie? so are we back on or... yeah, i guess so.

    great. (chuckles) and we're back. mark: wait! who is that? alex: oh, that... wait. is that whoi think it is?oh, man. no. (chuckles) alex: oh, my god.

    oh, man. what's happeningright now? julie, it's me, mark.mark orlando. i've been miserablewithout you andi wanna marry you. what about tamara? she's dumb, we broke up. she's dumb! (chuckles) excuse me, hey, man...i'm sorry, man.i'm so sorry. are you kidding me?

    uh, no, i...i didn't and... i'm so sorry. you scared theshit out of me. i didn't mean it... where did he come from? he was standingover there whenyou walked in. i was just over there.i was proposingbefore you... it doesn't matter. i justwanted to say i'm sorry, andit was great meeting you. it was very nice meetingyou, but please don'tsneak up on people.

    that's, like, crazy, can get killed that way. i know, it wasmy fault. sorry.again, stupid. i'm sorry,i'm so sorry. julie, you and ihad something veryspecial back then. and i want us to havesomething very specialfor the rest of our lives. i wanna grow old with you. i wanna make you happy. every single dayfor the rest of your life. and i want you to makeme happy every single day

    for the rest of my i want you tostart making a list of all of the things thatyou think might make mehappy and i'll go over it. and i'll cross outthe things thatwon't make happy and i'll go over the thingsthat might make me happy. julie gristlewhite,will you marry me? i can't believe this.(chuckles) yes, yes, yes! yeah! (laughs) oh, my god!(laughs)

    it was always julie. always. even when it was ballerina, and tamara and annieand this girl tiffany that, uh, i lived with for just a little while. it was always julie. always. there's no othermen coming, right? no, no, no,it's just me. congrats, again. mark: oh, thank you.

    wow, you guyslook amazing. peace out, bro. i'm gonna competewith mark orlando? come on, man... i mean, he's the man.are you kidding me? mark orlando, will you hold my box? i would love tohold your box. because it's thelast box you'reever gonna hold!

    ever! i finally found him. the love of my life. my other mandun come back!(chuckles) (chuckles)what are youtalking about? a wise woman once said, that fanty-talesreally do come true. i got engaged! i am the happiesthuman being on earth!

    and i am living my fanty-tale out loud. bill: you've just watched as julie successfully found the love of her life. "julie, do not screw this upby thinking about it." bill: now, get ready for her to face all the men she loved before. it's justblaze being blaze. bill: the bros are back in the special reunion episode you'll be talking about for weeks. i want to apologizeto america. bill: next week, only on "burning love: out the box."

    bill, i feel likesuch a fool right now. welcome to "out the box," a look back atthis season of burning love. millions of viewersjust watched in shockand amazement as damaged darlingjulie received fourproposals of marriage in under ten minutes. viewers were also stunned to see that it was former burning love hunk, firefighter mark orlando who won julie's hand.

    we'll check backin with them later to see how theirrelationship is going, and whether they wereable to pick up wherethey left off so long ago. but first, let's check inwith these bad boys, the gentlemen of burning love. great to see you all. i should mention thatdamien assante could notbe here tonight. he's under house arrest.yikes. (all chuckling)

    also, our jewish friend maxcouldn't be here. he and his new girlfriend,rebecca, were discovered by a top israelimodelling agency and are now twoof tel aviv's mostsought-after punims. (applauding) mazel! mazel, indeed. now let's start things offwith this season's courtjester, party boy, robby z. robby z!

    ♪ robby z, robby z, robby z, z, z ♪ (chuckle) so what's been going onsince the season ended? well, you remember my song, dance like your parent? man: mm-hmm. of course, uh... ♪ dance, dance ♪ dance like your parents dance like your mom and dad ♪ all night long! ♪

    well, we actually turnedthat into a reality show. we're just having amazingpeople come on the show,dancing like their parents. mark cuban, katy perry,howie mandel,'s been great. and we do extensivebackground checksto make sure the parents didn'tkill themselves ina murder-suicide pact. bill: right.that's important.that's important. from our party boy,to our boy who partiedtoo much. khris, i don't evenknow if you remember what happenedthat first nightat the house.

    so let's take a look. julie: there he is,i... oh! i just don't want youto destroy the nightfor yourself. if the night isyour pussy theni can destroy that. but i i'll find her later. kill him! kill him! (vomits) i didn't wannacome hereand be an idiot. (screaming)i just came herefor love!

    khris, your first nightat the house was probably not whatyou wanted it to be. it was not, bill.i came here trulylooking for love. i got a little nervous.i had too much to drink, and i wanted to apologizeto all of you for my behavior. and i wanna apologizeto allison. i am sorry,and i hopeyou can forgive me. i accept. in fact, i have got herea '69 bordeaux.

    take that one, and i'll pourthis one for myself. let's just consider itbordeaux under the bridge. (all chuckle) cheers.just one sip.(chuckles) allison:to friendship. (all clapping and cheering) now, i would liketo talk to somebodywho the viewers were really intriguedby this season.prince simon.

    (all murmuring) man: the prince.there he is. prince, a lot of viewershave been asking,are you really a prince? well, i was home-schooled. pretty muchthe same thing. that explains it. how are you? well, i, uh,(chuckles) i've met my julie,and, uh, we're verymuch in love.

    that's great. she's nuts, buti'm not allergic to her. when you say she's nuts,what do you mean? well, she's alwaystalking about doingthese crazy things. like what? oh, god, let's goto dodger stadium, let's go visit my folksin arkansas, let's, uh, you know,harm our bodies with acidic liquidsthat'll make ourskin puff up and potentially

    cause disease.(chuckles) it really does sound likeshe might be a littlenuts, though. i meant what i said. our grown-up premature baby. what's new? you should be able to tellwhat's new. i've gainedsix pounds, seven ounces. double my birth weight. (bill chuckles) you keep this up,pretty soonyou're gonna be obese.

    sounds great, leo. zak,julie had a hard timeunderstanding you. was that difficult? (speaking hindi) no offense, alex. (all laugh) none taken! now, let's turnour attention to somebodywho preferred singing to talking.teddy, how's itbeen going?

    well, the writerof the songdid contact me. you didn't actuallywrite that song? oh, no! no, i did notwrite that song. lot of lawsuits,a lot of lawyers. at least i still havea job selling cell phones. (chuckles)all right. yeah! henry, how've thingsbeen going for you? well, actually,i am engaged to my future fourth wife,everybody!

    her name is dana, i met her in a costume shop. she looks fertilecongratulations.much luck in your future. turning now toour other dadin the group, alex. has braxton foundhis new mommy yet? not quite yet.but i know thatshe's out there. since the show ended,i have been gettinga lot of action. (all chuckling and chattering) okay, alex. i think we get it.uh, okay.

    congrats on that. now, the burning love bad boy, blaze, why couldn'tyou just be honestwith julie? i didn't like her. are you ready tobe honest withher tonight? blaze: yeah,whatever. "yeah, whatever."(chuckles) cool. well, here to facethe guys whosehearts she broke, it's one of burning love'shottest stars,

    our owndamsel of distress, it's julie. (all chucklingand cheering) hi, look great. thank you so look great. julie, let's getright into it. there's no escapingthe fact that blaze really messedwith your emotionsthis season.

    yeah. i was pretty shockedby some of the stuffthat blaze said. well, in fairness,you were warned thatblaze was bad news. was i? you were. you were veryclearly warned. (whines) i... regardless,your old friend, titi, who did warn you...

    eh... (sighs)your old friend, titi, wanted to be with ushere tonight. she can't, she'sstuck in aspen, but we've gother via satellite. no! (chuckles) yes! julie,gentlemen,say hi to titi. hi, guys! titi, your bodylooks great.

    what did yousay to julie before the season started? well, i told her that blaze was not coming on the show for her and that he had a girlfriend. and how didyou know that? because i am his girlfriend. 'sup, girl? i told you this. no, you didn't.

    i totally told you, julie, i told you. titi, you never said this.i would've remembered it. you know what? if i didn't tell you, i thought of telling you, so my bad. i gotta go. bye, guys! see you, baby. bye, julie. i'm pretty sure i told you. bill, i feel like sucha fool right now. no, no, no. julie...julie, don't say're awesome.

    and you ended upwith the right guy! yeah, i did.okay, okay.(chuckles) speaking ofthe right guy, let's bring out former burning love hunk and julie's fiance,mark orlando. whoo-hoo! my man! what's up, guys.bill, what's up,buddy, huh? good to see you again, bro. just when you thoughtyou got rid of me,i keep putting myself back in.

    hoo-ah! i'll drive it throughthe piggly-wigglymiss daisy. al pacino in driving miss daisy. well, we're havinga lot of funhere tonight. always having fun. mark, i don't knowhow you did it. you were off the show,you are somehowback on the show... listen, i think i wasthe right manfor the job. well, let's talkabout that. julie?

    mark: sure. you'd hadthree proposals. and then comes a fourth.why did you say yesto mark orlando? you know, bill,i've always loved mark. and in that momenti just thought to myself, "julie, do notscrew this upby thinking about it." mark: that's howyou've gotta live life. don't thinkabout things,just do it. if you put a lot ofthough into things,they're not gonna work out.

    so, things with markhave been going great. but there's also beensome rough patches. ah... well, you know, we've been in some... everybody... ...pretty heavy dutycouples therapy. everybody has issues. i think it's been really good.

    you know, i wasa little concerned. it's a little time consuming. 'cause he's been engageda bunch of times before. who hasn't? not many people, and one time witha transvestite,for quite some time. as soon as i found outshe had a penis,i called it off. they were togetherfor months and monthsand months. and then when i felt itpoking into me, i was like,"what? all bets are off."

    i felt like there aresome issues, somedeep-seated issues. i called it off as soonas i saw that penis. well, that's great, and julie,we couldn't be happierfor the two of you. the question is,have you set a date? within the year... ...if not a year and a half. maybe two years, or two anda half years. maximum.

    but soon. and we're so happyand excited. we haven't locked anything in yet. but we will. we're circling arounda few days. but we haven'tlocked it in yet. just trying to figure outwhich one's best. we'll finallysettle in on a date,

    'cause you can't run fromit forever. mm-hmm. well, the only thingthat i think, uh,we're worried about is are we all invited? mark: i don't think so. of course! of course. i don't think so. well, julie,did you getyour fairy-tale ending? bill, i didn't getmy fairy-tale ending, or a fantasy ending,

    i got a fanty-tale ending. and i've convincedmyself that's exactlywhat i've always wanted. well, i can thinkof no betterfanty-tale ending than a dance. and who betterto play us out thanour very own musician, teddy.we've got the rights. you can play itone time, so don't tryany funny business. may i have this dance? uh, yes, you may.

    (both giggling) everybody! khris: that's mark orlando. let's say good nightto our two lovebirds... i want a picture! ...mark and julie, as they set a wedding for thenext year, year and a half,two, two and a half years. until next season,i'm bill tundle,goodnight. can i get a picture with you?

    yeah,you can get my picture. how's that? (all yelling) henry: easy, easy, man. henry:hey! hey! hey! whose sideare you on, bill? i'm on your side. henry:whoa, whoa, whoa! (all shouting)

    ow, ow, ow! man: whoa!whoa! no, no, no,, no, no, no. stop it! stop!this is for julie!this is julie's time! to true love.(chuckles) khris: let me getone picture. whoa... all: whoa, whoa, whoa! we need the medic!

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