standard furniture hudson dining table

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    standard furniture hudson dining table

    (narrator) ever dream of an endless vacation on the open ocean? welcome toour family's dream houseboat. when you live on an extreme houseboat, dreams come true... (woman) it's like paradiseevery day you wake up. from one of the most expensive houseboats in the world... the piã¨ce de rã©sistanceis the swimming pool. to one for the rest of us.

    try macgyver's houseboat. it's up for sale on ebay. this room was the dressing roomfor richard dean anderson. and this one is on top of the world. seeing the northern lightsis really, really special. there's an extreme houseboat for everyone, for you and you and this guy. ♪ i'm free, i'm free ♪ closed captions provided byscripps networks, llc.

    want to live it up like a high roller? well, forget the seaside villa. get yourself into an extreme houseboat, mansion edition. this is my river yacht “ocean”on the river thames in london. welcome aboard. moored at cadogan pier, just up the river from tower bridge, the “ocean” is a former 110-ton french coal barge turned into a crib so posh

    it's now one of the world's most expensive houseboats. i envisioned a spacethat would fit my lifestyle, and it's come true. inside, no expense was spared on 1,700 square feet of living space, including three bedrooms, three bathrooms, and two levels. so this is wherei enter the bridge.

    up in the captain's bridge, craig raised the roof... when i first walked in here, it was about this high,so i had to duck down. i was, like, walking like this. so we decided to blow it out. adding 3 feet of headroom with trifold doors and 8 feet of windows. we created these windows,and you push a button,

    and both of these open up. the cargo hold went from antique to chic with mahogany floors and handcrafted italian furniture. but one relic of its former life still exists. this beautiful old wheel. coming from the bridgeonto the galley, which i love. this kitchen is a great placeto cook for my kids, family, and friends.

    the marble-topped island has a built-in stovetop. stashed below-- the fridge and dishwasher. so everything you need here. and then it's really closeto the 8-person table where i entertain. what better way to entertain than this wine bar? on the top is everyday wines. second levelis for acquaintances.

    third is friends, and the bottom oneis “don't even go there,” ‘cause that's for good friendsand loved ones. let's take youto where we sleep. so right now i'm enteringthe master bedroom-- really calm place to sleepand inspirational. i have my signed picturefrom muhammad ali... (bell dings) and this is a signed guitarfrom the rolling stones.

    and just a few steps away... i can walk rightinto the master bathroom. oh, what a loo it is, tiled from floor to ceiling in granite, featuring dual vessel-style sinks, and a claw-footed tub. nice place to wake upin the morning and get ready for the day. craig's son and daughter

    each have their own bedroom. this room is for my daughter-- the most exclusive spaceand secluded space. it used to be a storage room. and so this turns into a bed,which is fantastic. and then she doesher homework on this. just pop it out,and she has a desk. each has their own private bathroom. this is my 11-year-olddaughter's bathroom.

    she's going to turninto a teenager, and she needs her ownentrance and exit, so we created one for her.check this out. daddy will never knowthat she's leaving. the trapdoor leads out onto the 600-square-foot teakwood deck with an elevated sunbathing platform. on a warm day,it's a nice cold pool. on a cold day, i heat it up.

    my little girl loves the pool, and my big girlslove the pool, too. (record needle scratches) maybe the true definition of luxury-- your own personal sea captain. well, i'd like you to meetskipper alan. just the right person to have at the wheel when taking a spin around london in your multimillion-dollar home.

    and watch out, world. the “ocean” has bigger plans than the thames, like cruising all the major rivers. danube, volga, rhine, mississippi, amazon, nile. it'll be great. if circumnavigating the globe ain't your cup of tea, just hop over the pond to british columbia's tourist hot spot--

    granville island-- for an extreme houseboat with all the right moves. welcome to the shew house. it took two years to build this 1,600-square-foot ultramodern pad and action-packed three floors with three bedrooms, two bathrooms, and open floor plan end-to-end,

    all just a slide away from unobstructed waterfront views. one of the thingswe wanted to make sure is we weren't isolatedfrom the water, so we designed on every floorsliding doors like this to make the inside outand the outside in. the view outsideis constantly changing. for a little of that outside feeling on the inside, the walls are covered in local woods.

    the ceiling here is made of recycled firfrom an old warehouse. the maple flooris from an old school gym. you can seehow the original floors had the lines from the old gym, and we had that all cleaned offand then reinstalled. so here we're in our kitchen. you can see we've gotlots of storage. so this cupboardgoes back 24 inches.

    it's not the only storage space. there are 60 secret spots-- under the couch, built into walls, even under your feet. so this whole stair structurewas built actually as cabinets. now we're on the second floor. here we have my son's room-- you might not wantto look in here. it's not as tidyas you might want it to be--

    and my daughter's room. at the end of the hall, sunglasses and swimsuits are required. this is the master's a nice bright sunny spot. we have a skylight.we have lots of open space. here we haveanother sliding door, that inside/outside concept. when we first moved in,my neighbors joined me, and we jumped out this window--

    this dock wasn't thereat the time-- and we broke in the house,so to speak, by jumping out the windowand going for a little swim. (water splashes) upstairs, the ultimate getaway. (man) ♪ ladies and gentlemen,gentlemen ♪ now we're on the third floor. this was the most important roomthat we wanted when we built the house.

    i wanted a space where the kidscould have their own getaway. we have a tv.they have video games. here's the best useof our sliding window system. i can open it up and make the glassvirtually disappear. opening to this 350-square-foot deck and a front row seat to the vancouver skyline. we can see bridge-to-bridge.we can see the water. we can see the boats going's great.

    it's peaceful. it's quiet. and it's a getaway. up next, a pimped-out pad that needs its own air traffic control. it was our dream to havea helicopter pad, and we did it. and later, it's all about the benjamins on an extreme houseboat that goes bling-bling. she would call me upon the phone and say, “i need another $100,000.”

    across the planet, singles... (cheering) newlyweds, retirees, are all ditching the safety of land for the adventure of extreme houseboats. now in ghent, belgium, there's a floating casa unlike any other, because it caters to babies. this is my boat.

    this 300-foot-long barge used to haul grain from france to germany, now converted to hold a different kind of cargo... (crying) with a massive 2,200-sqaure-foot loftlike space. there's something for every member of the clan, especially the kids. my son loves the stairsbecause of the noise they make.

    (clanging) what he likes to do is-- it drives me mad,but he likes them. the inside of the boatis very, very nice for the kids. they can runfrom the front to the back. only the bedroom is separated from the main level. everything else is in one giant room... (adriaan) i wanted to havesomething special. we don't like to livein a small house

    with rooms, with doors. that's not us. starting in the living room, a family favorite. it's tricked out with modern designs from wall... we actually change the lightsseveral times a day. depending on what i do,i change the color. to furniture.

    the sofas here,you can change them. it gives a lotof creative possibilities. with everyone clustered into a single space, keeping it all clutter-free is, to say the least, job one. (whining indistinctly) (whines) secret closets cover most of the walls. of course, you have children,

    they want to lookat the television. the nice thing is if i don'twant that, i just close it. everything is clean again. another bonus to houseboat living-- the room actually sits below the water, so the windows create a reflecting pool effect. if you stand here and you look, the only thing you can seeis water. overhead--even more windows.

    a raised skylight floods light onto the custom-built kitchen and family dinner table. i designedand made this table myself. the table is 4 1/2 meters long. it can never leavethis boat again. my doors are not big enough. we built the kitchenin stainless steel. we kept itvery, very minimalistic.

    everything is tucked away. even the dishwasher here lookslike a cupboard, but it isn't. we have the fridge,the microwave, deep freeze. you want an ice cream? at the far end of the barge, this wall isn't a wall at all. this is the wayi enter my bathroom, just by pushing this away, yeah. the bathroom with designer sink and shower

    has the only colored wall in the home. there's actually a heatingelement right behind it. we chose the orange color,because it resembles the heat. it has a radiance of itselfjust by the color. and upstairs... looking for a nice weekend walk with your kids? go above deck to this rooftop garden. (adriaan) it's have a nice view. and it's in the middleof ghent.

    it feels a little bitlike holiday all the time. in arizona, there's an extreme houseboat for kids of all ages, even just the young at heart, on lake powell, one of the largest man-made lakes in america. welcome toour family dream houseboat. 75 feet long, towering three stories over the water,

    with 14 rooms and 2 outdoor decks, offering 5,500 square feet of space, enough room to squeeze their entire family on board. we wanted to go bigger, because the familyis over 40 people strong. it's a great gathering place. up to 44 people can gather, boarding in style on a 22-foot-wide helipad.

    when we built this boat, come on in. the family reunion starts on the main deck-- six staterooms, each with one-of-a-kind closets. one of the cool featuresthat they put in this bedroom is a walk-down closetunderneath the bed. the suites share three surprisingly spacious bathrooms...

    the greatest thing about theseshowers are that they're huge. featuring custom tile work detailing the famous rock formations around lake powell. my brother came up withthe design for this backsplash. it has tower butte,rainbow bridge, and cookie jar, all in ceramic tile. down the hall-- a full-service kitchen, sporting an island with a 900-pound real granite top.

    it was a real operationto get it in here-- 12 guys on justthis 1 piece of stone just to set it in place here. this has all the amenities that you would haveat your own home. to get upstairs, something you probably don't have. how cool is this?this is our elevator. take a ride up to the fourth floor deck, complete with gourmet kitchen.

    it's a placethat during the summertime we all get togetherand make great meals. with all that family togetherness, when you need to hit the water for some “me” time, try this private marina with three waverunners, a diving board, and even a waterslide. it's a great place for everybody to be ableto do something different

    but still all get together. after you dry off, make your way to the upper deck and 1,500 square feet just for cutting loose. this is our party area. we've got the jacuzzi. i like this,‘cause i can get naked. (record needle scratches) it's awesome. there's a lounge area for catching some rays...

    we have a great timehanging out here. and look at the view out here. we've got water and rocksand just all sorts of beauty. even a full dance floor. at night, the lights go on,lasers, disco ball. what a great place to party. it seems to bring out the bestin everyone. i've seen some older peopledo some pretty crazy things. (woman) to stay on a houseboatis so much fun.

    we can all get together,spend time with each other and relaxand hang out with family. up next... ahoy, there. welcome aboard. one of america's oldest ferries is an extreme houseboat that's getting its freak on. it's a secret passageway.follow me. extreme houseboats naturally set themselves apart from the crowd,

    but across the hudson river for new york city, when two artists get their hands on an historic ship, better screw down those deck chairs. it's about to get a little freaky. ahoy, there. come on.welcome aboard. on the outside, the “yankee” ferry looks much as she did a century ago when shuttling immigrants from ellis island. she's the last ellis islandferry boat still floating.

    but on the inside, the owners and resident artists have made this 150-foot vessel into their own wonderland. follow me. come along. this is the salon. it's used for very muchthe same thing it was used formany, many years ago where the travelerswould sit down and get cozy

    and have a cup of tea or a cupof "chowdah"... (laughs) or play a game of checkersor chess. and it's nottoo much different today. the 500-square-foot salon hosts a menagerie of oddities... (squeaking) from freewheeling footstools to psychedelic sofas. everything in here is our works.

    would you like to have a sweet? there they are. one perk of renovating this ferry-- your choice of seven staterooms. so this isthe biggest stateroom, and this is whererichard and i reside. here's our bed. oh, there's nothing likegoing to sleep on a ferry boat. do you feel the rock?

    it's so soft, and it just lullsyou right to bed like a lullaby. so if you notice, there's a doorin this wall of cabinets. and welcome tothe dressing room. this 180-square-foot walk-in closet doubles as a tailor's workshop. there's a story aboutevery single garment here. but that's a story for another time. well, this is the second deck.

    victoria and richard commandeered the passenger deck for a dining room with a banquet table adapted to life at sea. and because the boatis always rocking, we decided to hang the tablefrom the ceiling so that when the boat's rocking,your soup doesn't spill. just in case they need a dance floor, this table can take to the air. so by loweringor raising the ropes,

    you can see the tablecan move up and down so we can actually have itat any height or all the way to the ceiling, depending onthe use of the room. and for farm-fresh eggs in new york city, six extra crewmembers reside on board. it's like an easter egg huntevery day. here's today's yield. (clucking)

    (laughs) here's one. this is red,one of the smartest ones. i'm amazed i caught you. bye. want to check it out for yourself? well, you can. this floating fairyland is both their home and a bed-and-breakfast. people have cometo our bed-and-breakfast from all over the world.

    we just love it. it's not only artists who are making waves. over in california, two art collectors turned their extreme houseboat into their own private floating museum. welcome to our floating home--“wolf island.” a 3-story houseboat, 3,400 square feet with three bedrooms, four bathrooms

    and up top, a giant party space. the owners, avid art collectors, have stuffed it full of a lifetime's worth of art and objects, making this houseboat larger than some museums. at the heart of “wolf island,” the 1,000-square-foot great room... and this isour large living area. with wall-to-wall windows,

    pool table, portholes, and a 12-foot-long antique redwood table... legend has itthat a million people have eaten on this table. requisitioned from a san francisco restaurant. it's just a wonderful pieceof wood with a great history. every nook and cranny is filled with part of their collection of collections. probably the biggest collectionwe have is of ice cream scoops.

    (“do your ears hang low?” playing) their scoop collection is one of the largest in the country. half of what i've got'son the wall here. we don't have enough wall spaceto put ‘em all up. other collections include swords, seashells, and dozens of mini skylights. (rusty) this is somethingthat provides colored light, and it's just fun. i love havingthe space to collect.

    down below, the collecting continues. welcome toour lower level. we got six roomsdownstairs here. the lower level has 1,200 square feet of bonus living space, including a guest room, gym, and his and hers studios. this is my art studio. i love the space.

    i love the light in here and just the opportunityto be creative. this is my workshop that backs upto rusty's art studio. rusty would call thismy man cave. i like to come in hereand work on projects. it's not a collection.i actually use them. (rusty laughs)yeah, right. welcome tothe main floor

    of “wolf island”" this is our bedroom. the view is my favorite thingabout this room, because you can just lay in bedand check the weather and watch your neighborsfloating by. just outside-- a 1,200-square-foot deck. we're very fortunate, ‘causewe're at the end of the dock, and our boat is turned sidewaysto the dock

    so we have a long exposureto the water. and for spreading those water wings, this home comes with a primo parking spot for a 30-foot powerboat. one of the wonderful thingsabout living on the water is having access to the water. (rusty) i feel so fortunateto live where i live. you can just step offof our home and be on the water.

    it's just a great lifestyle. up next, an extreme houseboat at the top of the world. we look at this place, and we just can't believewe're here. while most extreme houseboats are docked in the shadows of skyscrapers, some are setting course for remote destinations. less than 300 miles south of the arctic circle, in canada's northwest territories,

    the town of yellowknife-- population 20,000, and one extreme houseboat. this isour floating home. it's a little cold outside,but it's very warm inside. let's go take a look. this arctic home is a 1,000-square-foot floating pad with two floors, five rooms,

    11-foot cathedral ceilings, all of it built by the owners. we built it ourselvesfrom the deck up in ten weeks. we really wantedto be off grid, because we just wanted toget away from the man, really. in the summer, it floats in the middle of the lake, but the rest of the year, it sits on the lake, making their driveway 300 yards of ice. once inside the warmth of home,

    a cozy open floor plan. (daniel) as you can see,the kitchen and the living and diningare all, you know, one big room. one of the things i loveabout this room is the color. we have a lotof coordinating color. we have paintingsthat match up with the color. the owners went with an arctic decoration theme, decking the place out in furs. these are furs thatwe've collected in our travels

    throughout the north.we really love them. if you just happen to be up in canada's northwest territories, you can crash here, because their home is also their bed-and-breakfast. this is the roomthat you'll be staying in. guests love this room. there's a really comfy bed. there's an arctic wolf here and this gorgeous,thick musk ox hide.

    oh, my god. you won't believe how thickthese creatures grow their fur. we've had people fromall over the world stay here. there's one room that's off limits to the guests. i am the queen of my kitchen, and they have to ask mewhat they would like to have. we have our propane stove,our propane fridge. we have to have these thingsbecause we are off the grid. living this far off the grid

    also means to get fresh water you need to break the ice. so this is how we getour fresh water. we just takethis ice chipper here and open up a holein the ice, and then we're readyto pump fresh water. (motor revving) this is the water's about a ton of water. when it's filled, off we gofor another ten days or so. upstairs, their private suite--

    a 240-square-foot master bedroom. we love it up here.this is our private space. we made the ceilingout of plywood. we put colorin the stain. we wake up in the morning,and we say, “hey, that looks likea polar bear.” it depends onthe light situation about what we seein the ceiling. it's kind of fun.

    we have windowsall around. the perfect spot to see nature's magic show. seeing the northern lightsis really, really special and really important for a lotof our guests to see that. (monique) we look at this placethat we built, and we just can't believethat we're here. we absolutely love our house. the next extreme houseboat is so far off the grid they don't even have an address--

    tucked 100 miles north of vancouver, accessible only by a 1-hour boat ride on powell lake. this ishole-in-the-wall. this quaint cabin squeezes backcountry charm into just 680 square feet with a great room, two bedrooms, a kitchen, all without electricity or modern plumbing.

    this isa traditional hand pump that you would find in an 1800s home. the great advantageof a floating cabin is you havean unlimited source of water 4 feetunderneath the floor. next to the kitchen, the biggest room in the house. here we are in the great room.

    no tv here, just a comfy couch and front row seat to the fire, which comes in handy when winter temps drop below zero. (crowd cheering) upstairs, the loft-- the master suite. (margy) because we don't havea lot of space downstairs, we have an upstairs loftfor our bedroom. everything that's in this cabin

    had to come up the lakein some way. so can you imagine puttinga king-size bed in a boat and hauling it up the lake? well, what we have aretwo twins pushed together to make our own king-size bed. outside, deep woods survival essentials-- seven solar panels, a woodshed, and for fresh veggies, try a floating garden. this is my float garden.

    it's oneof my favorite things here. i have asparagusthat's ready to pick. i have spinachalmost ready to go. i have my herb garden,and i have lots of onions. one thing i enjoy about havinga float garden is that it's a naturalcritter deterrent. so when i'm working on it,i pull it in. when i don't need it,i pull it out to the log boom. the lutzes have been living here for over a decade,

    only venturing into town once a week for groceries. this is like paradise. you know, it's like livinga dream every day you wake up. thanks for visitingoff the grid. up next, an extreme houseboat with an underwater secret. this is my wine cellar, the mostimportant room in the house. and later, a world-famous houseboat from an ‘80s tv show. we were shocked.this is macgyver's house.

    for extreme houseboats, surrounded by cities and mountains alike, nothing quite spoils their unobstructed views like walls. in downtown vancouver, one extreme houseboat has solved that dilemma by asking, “who needs walls?” welcome to our downtownfloating cottage. this floating pad

    is 1,200 square feet and two levels of wide-open luxury space with a roof-deck and a hot tub above, dockside japanese garden below, and the piã¨ce de rã©sistance-- a 2-story glass facade, offering floor-to-ceiling views. (woman) we wanted to havea lot of glass in our home so we could take advantageof the marvelous view.

    we do haveremote-controlled screens that we can put down, but when you think about it,who would want to ruin the view? upstairs, the wall of windows extends to an office and the master bedroom. there are only two doors up here, one for the master bath and 1 for the 8x8-foot walk-in closet. this is probablythe largest closet

    in a floating home. certainly the largest clothescloset in our floating home. downstairs-- the main living area. we were the general contractorsand laborers on the float home. everything in it is custom-made. it's part zen lounge, part timber lodge. we wanted a japanese influence. we also wanted it to beminimalistic and architectural.

    the open staircasewas a must-have. the posts and beamswere a must-have. her favorite room is just steps away. (sylvia) i spenda lot of time here. i do a lot of cooking and entertaining, and it isa very small space. but don't look now, because the storage closets are hidden in plain sight.

    most people think that this is a structuralpiece of equipment. actually,it's my pantry. i don't like to seebits and pieces of things so the light switchesand the keys are hiddenbehind this door. the microwaveis hidden as well. and what's hidden underneath this mysterious hatch in the floor?

    this is my wine cellar, the most important roomin the house. come on down.check it out. since it's below the waterline, the water acts as a natural coolant for all 300 bottles, plus the 300 liters of homemade wine that roger makes every year. i put the wine into beer kegs,

    and any time i wantto have a bottle of wine, i just come over and decant a bottle of wine. it comes in handy for weekly parties--the perfect time to raise a glass or two to the good life. (glasses clinking) we live in paradise. just 15 minutes from the heart of amsterdam in a scenic nature preserve

    is the watervilla. here we are in the houseboat. the watervilla houses 1,900 square feet of chic european design surrounding an open-concept kitchen and living room with floor-to-ceiling windows and a skylight revealing the best views of the lake. we made this view,which we call the aquarium, because left, water,and front, water,

    and to the right, water. and the windows aren't just for the views, because when you live on a houseboat, your backyard is also a swimming pool. in the kitchen, hidden appliances and amenities integrate seamlessly into the island and cabinets. you see the kitchen builtvery minimalistic. you see here the cooking island

    with gas burner, with induction plate. here's a combination oven, and this is steam oven. this is the fridge. it's one wall,the fridge is incorporated. in this kitchen blockwe have a hidden electric plug so we can't see the ugly cables. no space is wasted.

    neither are the leftovers. we don't throw bread away,just for the ducks. (quacking) 18 individual window panes wrap around the watervilla, but it's the upstairs window in the master suite that gives the most unexpected view. thanks to the windowin this floor, we get light from outsidein the basement.

    that's right-- below this window, the watervilla's submarine secret, another floor of living space-- 900 square feet with a guest room, study, and bathroom, and that surprise window looks right into... the shower. here you see the windowin the floor. it's very nice to take a shower

    and look outsideto see the trees, to see the clouds,and to see the sun. for most guests, it takes a little getting used to. the showeris a little bit strange, but when they see it,they are laughing, and they think,oh, that's a nice place. the other half of the basement may not have a skylight, but the bookcase in the living room above

    cuts two stories down into the study, filling the space with natural light. this is the open bookcase. i can see outside,the clouds and the sun shining. even though he's underwater, there's a clear view outside through the biggest window in the house. living on a houseboatis living outside. thanks to the sliding doors,

    we live--when the sunis coming--outside. bringing the outside in is sometimes just a matter of casting a line. yes! we have a bite. oh, la la. a real dutch eel. come on to the kitchen. up next, get your duct tape ready. macgyver's houseboat is for sale on ebay. size may not matter,

    but on extreme houseboats, it does, especially aboard this one, best described as an extreme floating mansion. (lion roars) once we walk inside, you won't even knowyou're in a floating home. join us. this floating manor is the culmination of a lifelong dream

    with a palatial 4,300 square feet, 16 rooms, five baths, riverside swim spa, attached boat garage, and three decks, making this joint one of the biggest floating homes in the world. our home is an elegantbut casual home, too. (man)and this was alice's dream,

    and so the dreamhas come true. on the first floor, the 1,500-square-foot open living room dwarfs most houseboats with a travertine marble fireplace, custom hand-welded spiral staircase, and plenty of headroom. i think some of themare 15 feet, actually. here, it's all in the high-end details.

    and what dining room would be complete without these details? here we havea swarovski crystal chandelier. i love this italian tile. and you're lookingat several thousand dollars for those little squares. we have24-karat gold-overlaid pulls on the built-in buffet. making his wife's dream home come true wasn't cheap.

    “walt, i need another $100,000”" but it paid off in the room where the queen holds court, in the state-of-the-art chef's kitchen, featuring two of everything-- two granite-topped breakfast bars, two ovens, and a jumbo freezer and oversized fridge hidden behind custom cabinets. (alice) you reallydon't even notice it's a freezerand a refrigerator,

    and you have all that good foodin there. and on a floating home,this is pretty unheard of. this is a pantry that servicesour large family. right next door, the 1,000-square-foot master suite. we have the master bedand recessed lighting up above. the ceiling overhead is painted to resemble the oregon sky. you can just look up, and it's just real peacefuland beautiful.

    we can walkfrom the master bedroom into the master bath. the master shower is glass block. perhaps the most opulent feature, just what every gal needs-- an oversized clover-shaped jacuzzi. to get to the second floor, take the grand staircase.

    up here--guest room, office, utility rooms, two bathrooms, and plenty of room for a baby grand piano. the biggest room is at the end of the hall. well, i'm enteringour family room. this is our wet bar. we've got our projection tv,and it has surround sound. we have beautiful sunsets. i still have to pinch myselfthat i have this fabulous view.

    all this for a cool million bucks-- a small price to pay for marital bliss. (walt) i knowit was a lot of money, but it's just a beautiful place, and all the creditgoes to alice. i really do like this's great. this extreme houseboat may be out of reach for most of us, but having your own dream boat

    may be closer than you think. in fact, up the fraser river in langley, british columbia, is a famous floating home formerly the houseboat of the one and only macgyver. yep, the guy with all the duct tape. it's up for sale on ebay. please, come on in. with two levels of modern living, this 1,200-square-foot home

    boasts two lofted bedrooms upstairs with vaulted ceilings, skylights, and views of the coast range mountains, all updates on what was once the actual set of the ‘80s hit tv show. 20 years after the final episode, the new owners found it in disrepair and sunk. after eight years of renovating, one room still gets the star treatment.

    so this isthe main living area. it's really wideand open. it's way biggerthan a standard living area. we've added one, two,three new windows so that we're able to geta nice breeze through here. while they renovated every square inch, the floating home's former life as a tv star still hangs over them. this room--the small bathroom--

    we heard was the dressing roomfor richard dean anderson. it's hard to imaginethat he would be right here getting ready to do shootsin this house when, you know, it's our home. so we'll take you upstairs. up the black iron staircase, the lofted second level. this is oneof my favorite rooms. it's a bedroom,

    but it's also my office. i do a lot of work hereat the computer. and nowfor the romantic room. (chuckles) this isthe master bedroom. we love this room. so it's basicallya series of pyramids. it's a really cool thingto wake up to. and when the tugs go by,

    and you can hear the lapping ofthe waves against the shore... it rocks you to sleep. next to the bedroom, a bathroom the tv star wouldn't recognize. so we macgyveredthe bathroom. we changed everything-- the pedestal sink,the tub, all the walls and floor,the toilet. the only thingthat was actually here

    was the originalstained-glass windows. while most macgyver fans haven't seen the renovations inside until now, what they did see caused quite a stir. the original colorwas an unfinished cedar. we've painted itto the teal green. not everyone was happy about the change, in the form of hundreds of upset e-mails and calls. we were really amazedby the response.

    we know that the fans want itto be the original color. so you want to repaint the place, or how about just live here? well, all this can be yours for the right price. but act fast. they get 4,000 hits a day on ebay. our pricingis exceptionally fair. it's basicallyless than half the price of a condo in vancouver.

    we havea million-dollar view here. we just don't pay-- you don't have to pay a millionbucks, i guarantee you. yeah, yeah.(laughs)

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