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    standard furniture dimensions pdf

    lord shiv shankar,we've gathered here.. your blessings. by your grace,we could see this day today. by your grace,we could see today's newspaper. form the robberynew on the front page.. ..till the cartoon columnin the inner pages... ..we could read allthe news by your grace. murder at one place..- and raid in the other.. riot.. - and suicide..

    fire.. - and massacre. clouds.. - and tornado. by saving ourselves fromall these catastrophes.. ..we're here,bowing down to you, my lord. lord, save us fromall of these calamities. for our safe life,you keep your eyes always open. yes, lord! lord, in this world,things don't sell very easily. you know how thethings go on this earth?

    businessman's son is onthe verge of ruining the property. and actor's son isready to be a cricketer. and cricketer's sonstrives to be an actor. gangster's son thrives to be a leader. and leader's son trieshard to be a gangster. a builder's son wantsto be a producer. and producer's son.. in actress' embrace. but amongst all this, lord.

    there's one cunning fellow here. no, lord! - yes, lord! so, the cultured,intelligent, savior, graceful and.. .. benevolent lord ganesha,very respectfully.. by brotherhood. by the up and down of stock markets.. ..we pray you by our heart. come.. come.. come, ganesha! come! and this unwanted dirt of the earth..

    ..please blow it awayby a puff of your trunk. yes, my lord! ''do away with all our hazards!'' ''there comes theride of lord ganesha.'' ''lord watches his devotees.'' ''there comes the lord ganesha.'' ''now, we need not fear of anything.'' ''lord ganesha dances.'' ''goddess laxmi showerswealth at his feet.''

    ''prosperity lies at his feet.'' there comes saraswati. ''she spreads the sweet tunes of 'om'.. ''om!'' ''he's the lord of intelligence!'' ''gods offer him flowers!and there proudly..'' ''..rejoiced this eventby shiv shankar and parvati.'' ''lord shiv shankar andparvati rejoice this event.'' ''everyone in the three worlds,is surprised with his popularity.''

    ''hail lord ganesha!'' ''with ganesha's blessings.'' hello! hello! hello! hello! we're familiar now. so, we know you.- i mean we know you very well. yes, of course, we're related.. each other bypast 15-16 years. - yes. since then you're our old audience.- but we're new. the former ones went up. - no!

    i mean they are promoted. in short, some became star and some,superstars. they don't do thesesmall roles like us. that's why we've beenappointed for this job. and now we've to introduceourselves to you. so, let me introduce him first. he's mukhendra singh yadav. main narrator. and he's upendra singh jadhav!

    sub-narrator. wow! the introductionpart was really heavy. - yes. it's a good start actually. - yes. that means the cows are the cowgirl. how many days will youstill live in that form? did you say this? - yes. fine, i won't fill up my form. i withdraw my name.- but first step back. how many times willyou present the same show..

    ..and same cowgirls? aren't you bored ofseeing the same faces? yes of course, i'm bored.but i'm helpless. - why? that's an order. from the sri krishnacommission report. i'm sorry. shri krishna's order. that's an order from sri krishna. if you see any cowgirl, stop her. break her pot. take the yogurt.

    our shri krishna.. yogurt man actually. the he-man! so, upya! today the girlswe're going to present here.. ..are the moderngirls of modern times. yes, in short the oldcowgirls are gone now. - yes. and new girls with brightand beautiful faces are here. correction!modern girls of modern time. so, now i'm the main announcer..

    ..and you will be the sub-announcer. so, friend,don't break our alliance till the end. and you better don'ttell me to step back. don't get confused over some.. ..irresponsible comments by me. i'll take care of the alliance. you take care of the forepart. never mind. so, let's present the moderngirls of the modern times..

    1.. - 2.. - and 3.. oh! - we've an alliance, right? so, give me a chance to speak. start! hello! - greetings! ladies and gentlemen! it's 11: 10 am. i welcome you onthis beautiful morning. brothers and sisters! it's 11: 11 am.

    even when the transports havecome to a halt during the heavy rain. even when you're sweatingin the scorching heat of summer. even when you're shiveringin the coldest days of winter. the season that appliesto us amongst all these.. the season of crossingall these obstacles.. ..and encouragingyourself to reach here.. ..i thank you all for being here. you might know the fourgreatest girls of india.. sushmita sen! aishwarya rai!

    diana hyden! and yukta mukhi! and the latest one is priyanka chopra! they've secured victoryover the world platform.. ..and managed to createtheir own identity. but i think our girls haveyet not come out of this fever. if you think that beauty contestmeans just looking beautiful.. ..then it's absolutely wrong. it's absolutely wrong. beauty contest means..

    it's a contest! it's a special contest! it's a beauty contest! go ahead.we've made an alliance. so go ahead. idiot! you're literallyinterfering in my speech. you didn't let me completea single sentence till now. you've stopped me completing.. ..approximately 3 to 4 sentences. will you allow me to completea single sentence after this?

    no! - why? - because.. ..both of us will delivereach sentence half-half. we allied on this term, right? so, if there are8 words in a sentence..'ll speak 4 andi'll speak the other 4. not done!- not is your and done is mine. oh! - o is yours and h is mine. okay. - o is yours and.. fine!

    i agree with you. but do not cross theterms of alliance. - okay. go there. - there? go there and speak. ladies and gentlemen! from this entrance..- or form this one.. ..before they give a glimpse of them.. ..let's begin our program of quiz.. ..and let's get introduced with them.

    so, the beauty contestdoesn't mean looking beautiful. one should have thatintelligence and iq. meaning.. - keep watching. your iq might go up in this way. so the society,nation and by the specific fields.. ..should have socialpoint of view regarding.. ..the orphan and poor children. at least for a day. our today's participantsare enthusiastic, family loving.

    all of them hail formposh areas of the city. and to know their.. - inner beauty.. ..we're here on your behalf. and you very well knowthe terms of our alliance. so, please co-operateif you find difficulty.. understanding a sentence. because,if it's alliance or fore part.. tend to face difficulty. so, let's start..

    let's begin.. soon, we'll begin. even if we've manydifference of opinions.. ..and we don't wantto see each other's faces.. ..the election result is suchthat in front of the public we.. so, the first womanof this beauty contest.. mrs.avantika kale sahastrabuddhe ranade! hello, mrs. avantika! - and thank you! mrs. avantika!

    mrs. avantika kalesahastrabuddhe ranade! so many surnames? kale and sahastrabuddheare from the maternal house. and ranade is of my in-laws. still two surnames are left. yes, mine is only mother had two. mother had kale surnamein her maternal house. and then she gotsahastrabuddhe at in-laws. and then i became ranade!

    two surnames are the formerones and then the latest one. so that the identity wouldn't vanish. yes. - mrs. avantika,did you family member oppose.. ..when you decide to takepart in this beauty contest? not at all. in fact they supported me. my husband is very innocent,smart and open hearted man. he's too concerned about his position. that's why till nowhe has been seated on the.. ..ordinary chair uptothe political chairs.

    but how? - how? by his polite andsimple nature. - wow! what do your husband do? he's positioned in ministry. in which department? no specific department. but he has many departmentsunder him. because.. go ahead. tell us the reason. because, he's the chief minister of..

    ..the state..of the united states of maharashtra! oh! - very nice! very nice! now, please welcome mrs.sita lanka kolhapurkar! beautiful! - beautiful! very nice! - very nice! mrs. sita! - yes. who's this lanka? no, i mean we'vea system of attaching.. ..husband's name as the middle name.

    or else the father's name. his name isn't lanka. it's co-worker. we had a troupe. we both used to dance. audience used to gather to watch.. ..the show presentedby sita lanka satarkar.. ..and jhagdu naran gaonkar. you mean a performer? are you from the performer troupe?

    now? - not now. at that time. then? - not then? at that time. we, the women.. ..always look as ifwe've come from the arena. sita lanka satarkarused to break bones. but now she's only lanka satarkar. sita has been abducted. abducted? - catch! catch! catch! you're abducted? - who abducted you?!

    the cultural minister of the state. oh, really? cultural minister? the cultural ministerseems to be a magician. how? - he turned a woman into a deer! he's not only a culturalminister but also.. ..rural development minister. then how did he abductyou instead of building a dam? rather, he should havecontrolled his emotions. there's a story behind it.

    'keep on watching!' come.. come here. - no, it's okay. no, please come. story! yes, tell us that story. listen! - yes. yes! once the minister wason visit to satara. - yes. the meeting was regardingbuilding the dam. is it?

    sir would held meetingsregarding the same in daylight. and at night? - at night?! at night.. ..he used to work forthe cultural department. - yes. yes.. yes.. yes.. yes.. do you want to sleep? done? - yes. then why did you do that? that's right.since the ministry is small.. minister would be handling.. ..more than one departments. and at the same night,the other troupe girls.. ..invited sir to discussthis topic. - okay. and then.. - then what? go ahead.don't suppress your emotions. let it overflow. sir was happy withtheir performance. - okay. they discussed about thetraditional performance. -okay.

    and the discussionturned into love. - oh! go away. - whatever happened there,tell us here. sita lanka satarkar's troupe parted .. remain only lanka satarkar. yes, this sita was abductedto identify as sita kolhapurkar! wow! wow! in this way,from the traditional performance.. reached here andgot a happy married life now. mrs. sita, why do youstill attach your troupe name?

    why do i drop my self identy? - what? self identity! one last question. did the sudden changeof your social position.. ..made any changein your personal life? now? - yes. then?! - now! what change do you mean? even the politics issame as the performance field.

    there's only one difference.- what's that? we dance on the drumbeats. and they.. on remote control.. ..or on the high command's tunes. wonderful! very nice! that's amazing! please welcome! mrs. malwika chabukswar!

    hello! hello, mrs. chabukswar! sorry, brother butdon't call me chabukswar! call me malle chabukswar! - yes. but why are you so proud of this name? tell me one thing. whip works faster in business,right? - yes. where does your husband work? he's in ministry. what?

    tell me who's the permanent minister.. ..from past so many years?- mr. ashwin chabukswar! well said! that's why all the files get passed. you know what his motto is? - what? no matter if there'sany party in rule. but near the electionlook for a new party. get into the new partyand grab a minister's position. wow!

    that's why by gettingpromotions from.. ..the state minister he'snow in the cabinet, brother. there's one special quality in him.- what's that? he's always in haste. - why? to move to the other party.- that's good. one leg here and otherin the other party. with a whip in the hand,keep whipping the oppositions. great! but his words are final.

    just like a duplicateline made by the carbon paper. yes. he has one more quality. - one more? he believes in majority! - majority? he never votes just once. never stop taking only one vote.think over it. such a permanent minister is..- his ashwin kumar. upya! it seems she'stotally influenced.. bahinabai's poems.

    her maternal house is in khandesh.. ..and bahinabai's in-law'sare situated opposite to each other. that's right. now, please welcomecharulata chorghade. hello! let me clarify! do not criticize. these journalists keep targeting us.. every newspaper.i wish they should be targeted once. i hope her husbandis a minister of law.

    not only the minister of law.. ..but minister of law and judiciary. actually, she's angry. - why? because, one can't do anycorruption in this department. even if this is true,one journalist asked me that day.. what is that? your husband is neverfound in the hall.. ..during the cabinet meetings. he's always busy in thetoilet attending nature's calls.

    and that's why the oppositeparty wins by one vote. is this a language? - not at all. but you need not getangry on the journalists. why? what all we didn't give them?- what did you give them? we gave a titan brand goldenclock in the press conference. we gave paper stockin concession. - yes. we also gave 10% flat in andheri. that's why i wonder wherethese 10% flats go missing?

    even after gifting them so much.. ..they accuse us for corruption. sorry, it won't repeat in future. and that's why myhusband's attendance.. ..of nature's calls increases. - yuck! and then he get up andget relief in the toilet. yuck! finally, i suggestedhim a solution. - yuck! what was the solution?

    i told him to dopolitics from the toilet. as it is,it's the best place to play politics. wonderful! - very nice! brothers and sisters. this is called politics went into..- toilet. but the suggestion was really good. suggest the next contestant. now, please welcome dr.disha mokale patil! ''humma! humma! humma!''

    ''we met for the first timeand i wish to sacrifice life for you.'' ''my youth is desirous to have you.'' humma! oh my god! i thought she's a doctor. so, she'll come with stethoscope.. ..and injection and ambulance. but the scene is entirely different. golden biscuits peepingthrough the torn sack.

    have you directly come here from.. ..the miss world beauty contest? you know i'm a doctor.and that's why i like this song. but what's doctorhas to do with 'humma'? you know i'm a veterinarian doctor. stay here. - why? i know. she'll kick you. that's why we consider thissong as a symbol of our work. ''humma! humma!'' humma!

    oh god! this affectionate callof a cow is the symbol.. ..of our health centre. best symbol! sister-in-law! - humma! madam! - yes. till now i've heard of gadhge patil,dhende patil. vikhe patil is already famous. but mokle patil..means you might feel free, right?

    actually, we're simply patil. but my mister's nature is very open. meaning? - i mean very free. that's why we namedourselves mokle patil. he became a minister andaccepted complete celibacy. my god! which departmenthe's in? - pwd. public works! he's completely involvedin serving his state. and ignores his own family.

    for him, the children arenone other than public godown.. store cement,concrete and bricks. if this politics continues,i'll have a day to apply.. ..the coal tar on my face. don't get scared.sir is very famous you know. yes, you're right. he'd sign children'sprogress report cards.. ..and free himself. but if he wants to buyflower coronal for his wife..

    ..he'd latterly ask for the tenders. very nice! very nice! wonderful! too good! - that was amazing! how does she callherself mokale patil? actually she's empty patil. now please welcome! from all mumbaivagabonds association.. ..mrs. nisha kashikar.

    ''in the journey of life..'' ''..there are many ups and downs.'' ''but memories last forever.'' unparallel! - wonderful! but it sounds familiar. a marathi film iscoming soon on titanic. my god! what's the title? 'boat is sinking under the ground.' wow! amazing!

    no, it means 'catch it'! it's under the ground.- i already caught it. this muzic is taken from that film. what? - this muzicis taken from that film. remix muzic! mukhya! remix muzic! it means the corruptionin music ('sangeet'). who's this sangeeta? no, no.. it mean music.

    music! - muzic! mu.. si.. c.. - yes, muzic. terrible.. - what? for music it seems.- yes, of course. for an instance i can say no to food,no to water, no to air.. ..but muzic! - no! how can i say no? yes of course, maharashtrahas a rich tradition of music. right from the bal gandharva!

    bal gandharva! tilak smarak! dinanath parle! vishudas bhale, vashi! - madam! what? - these are thenames of the theatres. we were talking about thegreatest composers of music. oh.. oh.. bal gandharva! pandit bhimsen joshi! kumar gandharva! vasantrao! - who are they?

    they're no one. don't you know the renownedmusicians of the music filed? of course, yes.i know all the famous names. all the famous names. - do you? gulshan kumar. anu mallik! tips! hmv! daler mehandi!ila arun! i've albums of all of them. even my album is coming shortly. wow! what's the title? guitar pierced into my heart.

    control! what happened? what happened? look at the size of the guitar and.. ..what's the size of your heart? such people can bring the album out? and i provide protection to them. protection? - yes. of daler mehandi wouldsing sanskrit mantras.. the album,we need to give him protection. sanskrit mantra indaler mehandi's voice?

    then he needs protection.- do you agree? so, we provide him protection. who are you? - who am i? i'm from home ministry. my husband is home minister. wow! still you provide music.. hold on!i don't give muzic. i hit muzic. in short, she steals the tunes. what? - how did youget the love for music?

    my maternal house. - pandhari! no.. lalbaug. and malwan in konkan. so, devotional hymns,stage plays of mythology.. ..characters and all is in my blood. even if some simple tune is played,i feel like dancing. how? did you see?this is called involvement. - yes. so, who's your poet?

    who's he? what happened? this is called hysteria attack. poet means the lyricist. - okay. but i hit music on the tone.words are not important. the tunes are important. meaning? for example? - i'll tell you. ''peacock dances..'' - hold on! - yes. ''sardar sharpened his sword.''

    ''madam, take it out and put it down!'' sorry! - mother, my leg is crushed. my leg is crushed..- sorry. very sorry. i'm very sorry. he asked for a songand i was completely.. ..engrossed in the muzic so.. where were you engrossed? - muzic. muzic! - yes.i just forgot myself and mistakenly.. ..stepped onto his leg.- it's okay. okay..

    i think he's badly hurt. - okay.. he's still in pain.- i said okay.. okay.. how will he say anythingwhen i stepped on his leg? okay.. okay..okay.. - i said sorry. - i said okay. i didn't do it deliberately.- okay.. okay.. sorry! okay.. okay.. okay.. get up! get up slowly!- sorry. i didn't do it deliberately. is this her leg or old hag's ghost?

    what's this, madam? you look very cultured. then why do you behave so unmannerly? i said sorry.- what language are you using? what do i do? we've the home ministry. my husband is a home minister. so we need to useevery type of language. my husband's language.. as good as a remand homeof different languages of india.

    meaning? okay.. i'll look into it. - very nice! from such language you want me to punch you?! he needs to talk toevery different people. apart from that theunder world is different. under world? underworld! - oh! they're expert in twistingthe national language.. ..and keeps spitting all the time.

    hey, i told you threat, no ruckus. if i'll come to my form,i'll shoot you. what? shoot. - you! keep the city silence. i'll keep shanti (peace )and you too do the same. 'shanti' is something to be held upon. we'll share it later. so, we heard it right.- what? what did you hear? that the police departmentis under his control.

    yes. - but he's in your control. she felt shy.- this is absolutely wrong. no, it's true. you know what?he's the home minister of the state. but i'm the homeminister of this house. i'm telling you not tell it to anyone. i really do not have a courage. i take tea by his hands sharp at 7 am. what if you aren't served?- then i shout.

    you kashya! i want tea in a minute. otherwise, i'll smash you. upya! was this home ministryor a prison ministry? no! is she a woman or khairnar? and now, please welcome.. ..ayesha begum shahu khekhade. post.. alibaug! ''charming!'' who shouted?

    who teased me as 'charming'?! i won't tolerate anyaccusations like this. did you get that? we're minority. with just one protestwe can make the government.. ..agree with 50 demands. our family is famous in alibaug mahad! we're the real leadersfrom konkan region. my god! which department do you hold?

    forest minister! forest minister!he's such an honest man..'d never find onelike him in the entire region. what did she say? - mahada! d was silent! friends!please, take her r as d. please. last time the ministry was resolved.- it was dissolved. government was dissolved. that time he came forwardand brought things to normal.

    exactly! - everyone listens to him.- every one! everyone! department of forest ministry.. ..doesn't suit toan honest man like him. not just the forest department.. ..but he also hastransportation department. what? - transportation! h is silent! - friends,if she doesn't utter a word.. means h. please.

    but we heard mr.shah rukh is very handsome man. that means he's really handsome! yes, he is. but that doesn't mean.. ..anyone can accuse him anything. we own boats in the sea. but we only catch fishes. nothing else.but the journalists accuse us. of what? - that our boatsare used in smuggling from dubai. they print this newson the first page.

    and apology letter,on the final last page. final last? - final is silent. friend, you can understandanything in this case. we won't allow this to continue now. you've still not known us. -what? we donate and never accept charity. konkani muslims come first. nothing is silent in this now. there's total confusion. understood?

    c'mon, go now. go.. you too. did you understand anything? there's total confusion. taking protection moneyfrom such girls means.. ..we'll have a tough job. - 100%. that means we'll lose milk and curd.. well as the protection money. please switch off yourmobiles when the show is on.

    this is our request. your mobile is ringing. hello, mobile!- hello, is mrs. kashikar at home? mukhya, a woman on the other line. she's asking for kashikar. go on talking. just for fun. hello, who's this? is this security? why mrs. kashikar needs security?

    go on talking. just for fun. - yes. yes, this is security. tell me. is constable kadam on line?- wait a minute. who's this constable kadam? yes, this is constablevijay kadam. tell me. is madam not at home? no, she has gone with sir.- to the ministry? no, to the market to buy vegetables. even the home ministergoes to buy vegetables now?

    ever since he has becomea home minister. - what? idiot! - mukhya! - yes. she wants to talkto home minister's wife. and she mistakenly dialed my number. go on talking. this is the fun. hello! madam went to buy vegetables. sir has gone withher to provide security. then how come you're on the bungalow? how come we're here? - like this.

    how can i go along?even i need security. - of course. kadam, what are you talking? - then? are you sure this is kashikar'sbungalow? - of course. hello! - of course. of course! of course! - stop it now. let's play a prank. - what? that woman's number musthave flashed in your mobile. yes. - dial it again. - no. she had called uphome minister's wife.

    it means this lady mustbe 'assami' (influential). but how will an assamiwoman speak in marathi? she will be marathi,but she might be.. influential personality. this time my mobile is ringing. hello, mobile! - hello! is it mrs.chorghade? this is kashikar! mrs. kashikar's phone.- disconnect it. why? - for fun.

    hello! - hello, is it laxmi?- yes, laxmi here. what happened?what's wrong with your voice? why do you sound like a woman? gosh! i talked in feminine tone.. ..because she wantedto speak to laxmi. but she got shocked.- laxmi must be some man. may be laxmikant! hello! this is laxmikant! - laxya?! what happened now? - laxya!

    must be a driver. - of her car. hello, madam!- are you at the bungalow or in car? madam is in do one thing. go there with your mobile. no, i'm not going there.just give her my message. what? - tell her the program is fixed. i've also booked indradhanushtravelling company's bus. have to go for the picnic! -okay. all of us will gather at varsha,at 4 pm..

    ..for the pledge ceremony. - okay. tell her to be there.- yes. - hello! - hello! hello! - what's this? not only the ministersbut even their wives.. not do anythingbefore taking the pledge. they're coming for thepledge ceremony. let's go. - yes. hello, sister. hello, sister. - hello! i'm there. - hello, brother! who did you call brother?

    what's going on? look, don't do this.i'll start sneezing. pledge ceremony now! members of all maharashtraminister's wives association.. yes.. - yes.. yes.. it's not there. today we pledge.. today we pledge.. - yes. for fifteen days,we'll go out with our self identity.. what's that? - it means self identity.

    meaning? - it means all of us..all the ministers' wives.. ..will throw away this outfit..- what are you saying? i mean we'll throw awaythe title that we carry.. ..and go out on picnicas ordinary women. no family matters,no responsibility, no security. very nice!- isn't it? - yes. - it has to be?! never mind. go ahead. is it? okay, so please come forward. go ahead. - we did come forward.

    i mean read further. - read further. we'll keep aside ourtitles for fortnight.. we'll keep aside ourtitles for fortnight.. - yes. ..and move around thestate of maharashtra.. in obscurity. what did you say? obs.. what was that?- obscurity! - meaning? it means..- the same that lord rama had gone to. rama had gone to exile.she means to say obscurity.

    isn't there anydifference between both? she said no. please, explain her. in short, no one should knowthat we're the ministers' wives. what? but we're ministers' wives. we should live with our own identity. self identity? - yes. - okay. but why to visit maharashtra? why? - it's like dreamfor the ford and get fiat. we're getting a chanceto go to the picnic, right?

    so, maharashtra is okay. but why do we go in obscurity? otherwise,the security will follow us. - yes. then why alone? you're going out,so take your children along. no.. not at children are very troublesome. not at all. my family is very big. i'll have to take everyone ways. then what's the useof the picnic of only women?

    correct! you're absolutely correct. what did you say just now? you.. - me? - exile! exobscurity! - what? obscurity! why do youinterfere with the word exile? we'll go alone. go ahead. stand here and read further. during our journey we'llnever boast about our status. no!

    we'll not revealour identity to anyone. anyone who would disobey this rule.. ..will pay a fine of rs.10000from her personal account.. ..and not from the government. rs.10000? fine of rs.10000 that toonot from the government account? impossible. kashikar brother!- what's it, brother? rs.10000 is a big amount it seems.

    let it be.have you ever paid income tax? not at all, from past many years. i haven't got that dirty habit. it's the same thing.just say yes for now. later you can turn back. - done! now, refreshments! - let's go! yes. come.. come.. - mrs. kashikar. what do you mean by refreshment? to eat. let's go.

    in this way,they're on the journey of.. ..western maharashtra's.. ..marathawada,konkan, and surrounding areas.. in short, it's the unitedstates of maharashtra's procession.. stop, upya! the situation is changed now.- meaning? now, i'm the driver ofindradhanush travelling company. oh yes. - baban paigude! paigude! - and you're a sub-driver!

    in short conductor. ganbhir gude! i'm gude! - yes. and you're paigude! - yes. do not have pai (legs )? you're sub-ordinate, right?so, you don't need pai. but i didn't understandwhen this happened. political miracle.this is called political miracle. god! - now,don't waste time in talking. - no!

    the party who have booked the bus.. ..will come any moment. - is it? take this. and stand there. - yes. shall i ask you? - yes. what's your name? - gambhir gude! then stand gambhir ( seriously )! why do you give smile? shall i say now? - yes.

    we've formed alliance, right? - yes. why do you forget it then? 4.. did you take the driver seat?take forward. get up! there'ssomething wrong outside. why? - a woman is comingwith a mace in her hand. woman with mace? excuse me! - yes. is this indradhanushtravelling company's bus?

    yes, it is. - it is? - yes. c'mon everyone. - c'mon, hurry. check your seat number, everyone. c'mon! - sit.. sit.. sit.. sit.. sit.. sit.. repeat it, sit.. sit.. sit.. it's your bus. sit.. sit.. sit.. and why do you put your luggage?sit.. sit.. sit.. what's this? we had toldyou to come to the village square.

    what were you saying?- i had told you to park the bus.. the square.why did you park it here? hey.. - no.. no.. mukhya! - yes. did you see the meetingof musharaf and bush? what's this?we had told you to park the bus there. then why did you park it here? yes of course. now, that we're in the bus.take your seats.

    repeat. sit.. sit.. sit.. spot anyone and say..sit.. sit.. sit.. spot anywhere and say sit..sit.. sit.. so, what do we do?get up.. get up.. get up.. get up.. get up.. first of all tell me who all are you.. ..and how come you're here? you think we're goingfor some pilgrimage? idiot! didn't you recognise us?

    i'm idiot! how can i recognise you? we're the ministers.. - rs.10000. why do you stare at me? i would have lost rs.10000 today. madam, show us the receipt. the receipt of the payment. anandibai mahila shikshan mandal? what? - had you learned properly,you'd not be here. madam, the bookingis on the different name.

    amsm and what not?- look, we've spoken with your boss. if you want you can ask him again. here's the coin.- for what? - to make a call. keep it with you. i've the mobile. then call up your boss and enquire. mrs. avantika!which is this new organization.. ..named anandibai? - nothing. i just gave a fake nameto hide our identity. - oh, i see. that's why i was telling you, brother.

    rs.10000 is quite a big amount. why do you keep calling me brother?- stop! stop! perfect! you gave a perfect receipt. i request all of youto take your seats please. c'mon! everyone, take your seat.- sit.. sit.. sit.. what's wrong with this woman now? goddess appeared in her! goddess appearedin madam kashi's body? goddess has come to my house.

    goddess! goddess, do something so that.. ..i get a promotion as driver. muzic! - what? where this muzic is played? muzic! - she means music is playing around? is there any radio? where's the music played? i only started this bus.

    she thinks it's music. what's the time? - 7 am. bring the tea.- anyone has got the tea? i've it. i'll get it right away. get me a cup of tea otherwisei'll blow everyone away. no.. no.. - take this. not this. it's 7 am.i want tea made by my husband. kashya, get me a cup of tea otherwise,i'll shoot you. will this do? - yes, right.

    this is perfect. now, i'm fine. so, now let's acclaim!hail lord ganesha! ''let's drive in speed!'' ''all you great personalities,settle down in the bus.'' ''do not boast aboutyour status and riches?'' ''do not reveal your identity.'' stop! stop! stop! what happened?why did you stop the bus?

    she made it stop. brother, mrs. anahita kambleis waving from the corner. brother..don't call me brother.. - no.. no.. what's this?mrs. anahita isn't in the bus? had she been here,you could have seen her. and there's no doubtyou can overlook her. she's already pregnantwith seventh month. she walks with herstomach pointing forward.. a pilot car.

    mind your language! - sorry! let it be. we're on picnic. 'let's enjoy the every moment.' 'and have some pranks as well.' you want to have some fun,right? - yes. you want it? - yes. let's anahita comeand we'll pull her legs. say hail.. - lord ganesha! i've come! i've come! i've come!

    i've come!i've come! - hail lord ganesha! there comes! there comes lord ganesha! welcome.. welcome, lord. just a minute.tell me if there're any steps below. these days i can't see anything below. get down slowly. there are 3 steps.. i came to receive you and.. could you get down so quickly? what do i say?i was coming this way and..

    don't tell me anything.go and take your seat. what's this, mrs.anahita? you're so late. not at all. in fact, i'm before time. you call this before time? - yes. actually, you know.. - slow! slow! these days i don't get free time. i've to do all the choresfor my seven daughters. and i'm expecting the eight child now. that's why i was tellingyou not to come..

    ..with us in this condition. - yes. you say this? - slowly. walk slowly. how can you stop me? in fact,i was too tired of this condition. and i needed a, i had to come. but why do you hit her?- i finished everything quickly.. walk slowly!i'm heart is pounding now. walk slowly! slowly! i took big steps and walked upto here.

    from the distance i saw the bus.and screamed. but bus already left. - then? then i gave 1 plus 1 call. 1 plus 1? - yes, 1 plus 1. finally mrs. malvika heard my call. she was already peepingthrough the window. yes, she stopped the bus. thank you! - it's okay. now go and take your seat.

    ladies and gentlemen!- brothers and sisters! this woman is yet to be introduced.. ..who's a participantof the beauty contest. let me introduce her.she's anahita kamble! state minister,buddhdas kamble's wife. she has seven little daughters. eight security constables.and an ambassador with driver. so, she daily needs16 people around her. of course,my mister is very fond of the people.

    there's no dearth of men in our house. we've one bungalow where we receive.. ..more than 50 guests at a time. it's routine. my mister is very closeto the chief minister. that's why his publicrelation is very strong. yes, very high contacts. my mister always keep an eye.. ..on opposition party's mlas.

    he's always in publicrelation at ministry.. keep his position untouched and.. ..and at home to carryforward his family lineage. after the first daughter,we took the second chance.. ..and then the third.. after seven daughterssomeone told him.. - what? plan the eight childand you'll have a baby boy. and he'll be the lord krishna! eight child will be the lord krishna!

    yes, keep recalling. keep lord krishna's photo with you. keep the eight report with you. i mean free yourselffrom this responsibility. yes, i you want me to free now? shall we get intoour character now? c'mon! what's this? will you sit here? - yes. these places are reservedfor cabinet ministers. state ministers seats are behind.

    it'd be better if yousit according to the protocol. even here we'd follow the protocol? mrs. anahit,don't argue before the bus leaves. please take the seat behind. it's good for the heavyweight people to sit behind. who? balance! i told her sothat we can have a balance. and after many jerks,the weight might reduce. let it be.let the delivery happen here.

    what? - of the bus. - okay. i said delivery of the bus. c'mon, now start the bus. c'mon! hey, drive now, fast! mrs. anahita,will you go behind? - yes. is it 15th august today? - what? they are acting as ifthey've got freedom today. they're on a picnic.naturally, they'd dance and enjoy. they're no singing.just dancing around.

    ''we've come out of the house,leaving all the worries.'' ''we're on a journeyto refresh rejoice life.'' ''rejoice life!'' ''do not boast about your status,do not fight.'' ''do not boast aboutyour status and riches.'' paigonde!take care of the steering wheel. ''our husbands are the leaders.'' ''they only eye atthe leading position..'' ''..and live only on bribes.''

    ''so, let's forget everything and.. ..set on a journeyto a strange place.'' ''break all the bonds ofpolitics and visit the villages.'' ''let's visit the villages.'' ''do not turn back now.'' keep quiet! - did i say anything? c'mon, start the bus.can't you understand? who are you? look at her knife! it's hanging.- c'mon, tell him to drive.

    you tell him. good morning! it's 8 am. welcome to the onlychannel of doordarshan! it's wednesday, 5th april2000 and 1st of chaitra month.. per the indian calendar. it's time for the morning news. first of all, an important news. around 15 to 20 stateministers' wives. so the state governmenthas announced..

    ..that there's someconspiracy behind this act. if you spot any suspicious vehicleor person regarding this case.. ..immediately contactthe nearest police station. that's all. help! help! don't shout,your delivery take place here itself. hey, the knife might touch her ear. hey, do you want me to stab you? mrs. avantika, take some action.

    do something. stop shouting! - no! - leave her! stop shouting! do you know whose livesyou're playing with? do you know who we are? i'll break your bones. we're the state.. - rs.10000. i didn't say anything.i didn't reveal anything. why did you start now?- you must be tired.

    quiet! - oh god! pistol! where's it? - it's in your hand. madam created a holeon the roof of the bus. what? - listen to me. madam! why do you people shout so much? i've the pistol, right? if anyone dare move about, i'll shoot. i'll shoot her. - okay.

    driver! - yes. park the bus along the roadside.. ..if you see any policestation on the way. - okay. i'll do that.- what? - i'll park the bus. okay. - you see how he's..- conductor! collect these knives. - yes. i'll show these girls who i am. slowly! slowly! - what are you doing? is this the way you give break?- why me?!

    you came in between. move! hey! we were not mad to comeand make your bus stop. then? - you know what had happened? yes, tell me what had happened. madam, our bus broke down on the way. will you please giveus a lift upto the pass? please.. please.. was this your style to ask for a lift? no, madam. we thought theremay be men inside the bus.

    hey! - that's whywe dare take this step. but there are only women here. - hey! move! - madam, please help us. we come from cultured families. by swear of your pistol. we're on the way for our stage show. and we're the only girlstaking part in this show. since our car brokedown at kasara pass. we went to buy some spare parts..please..

    mukhya, she made asecond hole on the roof. second? - yes. mrs. kashikar! first ofall you keep your pistol inside. why are you firing again and again? it's firing automatically. driver, these poor girls..- poor girls? they are low standard girls. hey! - if we'll allow suchgirl to travel in the bus.. has got no future.

    and you'll have towalk throughout the state. no.. no.. no, madam. we're not cheap girls. we're the artists.we own a drama company. we're on the tour to vidarbh. and if required wetoo will come to your help. no need..we're enough.. - please.. please.. please, help us. - look at her. we're not like that, madam.please forgive us.

    please forgive us. now, take this leg. driver, allow these girlsto travel with us. - yes. just a minute. only till the kasara pass. yes. - you'll get downas soon as you reach your car. definitely. - sit down! what are you doing? - let them be. they sat down! - look at them.

    yes, do we servethem food now. get up! get up! - get up! - go there. ''the tour is on.'' ''the tour is on. sometimes,its here and sometimes there.'' oh god! mukhya! - yes. we forgot to stop thecar at the check post. park aside. hurry up! why did you stop? check post problem.

    what problem? - check post! who escaped? check post! listen! don't feel scared. does he look scary? i'm not an ordinary man.i'm a government servant. i've an order to check your bus. first of all,you didn't stop at the check post. now, let me carryout the search operation.

    quiet! look! - look! hey, no mischief! this is mumbai and not patna! - patna? driver! driver! he's there. show me your papers. show him the papers and send him away. papers are here.see, how it is you know? the ladies are sittinghere and also there.

    and we're the men. no.. no.. - i swear. we're the men! no! - how would youknow better than us? move! - how dare he doubt me? why do you shave off your moustaches? let me see yours. look, the bus is carryingdouble the passengers.. ..than the numbermentioned in the papers. this won't do.let's go to the senior officer.

    it's not that, inspector. these ladies and girls, you know.. ladies and girls... you know cassata pass? cassata pass! what? - cassata pass. what? - cassata pass. cassata! cassata pass! cassata! kasara is a pass! and cassata is an ice-cream flavour.

    inspector,these girls will get down at kasara.. don't move your might hit in my eyes. so, you know what?we'll drop them to the kasara pass. then they'll go by their own bus. madam, are you good in speaking hindi? my hindi is very poor. i'll tell you.actually, the matter is.. the matter can be anything. no.. - the crime is committed.

    listen to me. listen! - i want tocheck everyone's luggage. 'lagejva' (soon )? - yes. luggage. - meaning? he means baggage.- so, what was he saying? listen! - what is in this? - snacks. and in this? - sweet balls! and in this? - flat bread. whatever it is.i'll check it entirely.

    no need to check anything.i'll pay cash. that won't do.i'll take tax on this eatables. how many kilos? look, this baggage come under taxes. are you mad to taketax on the eatables? as you eat mustardcurry and maze flatbread. similarly we eat gram flour flatbread. we pat the dough likethis and leave it in the pan. then it starts cracklingand it gets roasted.

    whatever it is. - it's not whatever. i told you, it's flatbread. but i don't know. it's little oily.but it tastes very nice. very tasty. no more confusion.this is mumbai and not patna. you must get convinced.- no, it's not patna. that's why you need to get trapped. let me see if he agrees for rs.100. come here please.

    will rs.100 do? - i won't run away. will rs.200 do? - i won't run away. will rs.300 do? - i won't run away. monkey brand! will rs.500 do?- why would i run away? hey.. look, i'm on duty at the check post.. ..till 3 pm.i won't run away before that. after that i'll runaway anywhere you say.

    do you understand anything? what i mean to say.. - mrs. kashikar. why do you tell him to run away? why will he escape? i didn't mean heshould run away. - then? take this money.. and then? that's why i avoid talking in hindi. now, how do i tell him? madam, we'll explain him.

    he doesn't know hindi at all. inspector! shall we go to your cabin? for some refreshment?- i knew you'd get trapped. this is mumbai and not patna. that's why you'll get trapped.come with me. i'll tell you. babban! - i'm babban,how can he call him babban? madam kashikar!madam avantika! come here. shall i send him away permanenetly? send him permanently?

    my husband also ownsthe transport department. with a single call,he'll be transferred.. ..directly to the gadhchiroli! he'll be mashed over there. but it'll turn outvery expensive for you. why? - because these girlswill know our identities. yes. - we'd fight them. but how? with our talents.- is it? so, give me. what? - give me talent.

    diamond cuts diamond. you think she's talking about.. ..some fish variety of your alibaug? talking about cutting the diamond. c'mon, we'll tackle him alone.- yes, let's go. inspector,on the basis of the ipc column 477.. ..our bus can easilyget freed from your objection. yes.. this.. this.. yes! and i can drag you tothe court on the basis of the same.

    did you understand? - well said. ayesha! well said. hey, inspector! - ayesha, enough. now say what you have to say. look, there's.. - what? problem with your bus. - yes. but there's some problem here. what problem? - not that. actually, we received an information..

    ..but that bus is different. so you may go. - you may go. she's right.- hey.. don't entertain that woman. if she'll punch you,you'll be found at the toll post. get lost! - go! this is the firstvictory of our talent. i just used the court language.and he escaped. but tell me one thing. how do you know these ipc columns?- column my foot!

    meaning? - we've 477mango plants in alibaug. my god! i used that number and he escaped. that's the end of today's news. an important information. minister of informationand public relation department.. ..of the state ministry, mr.buddhdas kame's wife.. ..mrs. anahita kamleis missing since morning. mr. kamle is worried about this.

    in past, she has never left home.. ..without informing anyone. that's why it's a matter of worry. this is her description. whitish skin. a big forehead mark. and yes.most importantly she's pregnant.. ..with seven months. god! so, identifying her would be easy

    there's no chanceof her going out alone.. this condition. minister said this confidently. so, if you spot anyoneresembling this description.. ..immediately informthe nearest police station. now, let's watch marathi movie.. ..'where shall i look for you?' i'm a goner! i'm a goner! i'm a goner!

    why are you screaming?- you're sitting on my leg. sorry.. sorry.. - come.. come.. what's wrong with you? there comes.. - what? ..a reflux in the stomach. it's already in. - it's one more.- but what has happened? didn't you hear the news?they were talking about me. don't utter a word. these girls have come to known.

    look, they've come. - yes. don't say a word.i'll talk to them. - okay. hey.. - hey.. what's it? - what's it? what are you looking at?- what are you looking at? what are you looking for?- what are you looking for? so, you talk to them. c'mon. look, how things are appearing. what? - exactly whatis described in the news.

    a woman who's escaped. did she escape from the news? whitish skin. a big forehead mark. seventh month. without informing anyone.. ..a woman who's escaped from home. and that too a pregnant woman. her delivery can take place anytime.

    madam avantika! no, it's anahitabuddhdas kamle, right? i'm caught. did you hear what she said? the pass is here. get down! but she said she's caught. no, she said the pass is, you get down. am i right? - yes. see, that's what she said.

    but who's she?and from where has she come? yes, tell us. she.. she.. she's not that one. i mean that woman isn't she. she's my sister-in-law. little one! no, rather younger sister-in-law. hey, come here,i'll explain you. - yes. come, i'll explain you. - okay.

    all of us are the sisters-in-law. she's not the one you took her to be.- exactly. she's mrs. ahilya! - yes. we're the volunteers ofthe anandibai shikshan sanstha! yes. - and we're onthe study tour. - yes. and she's brahmin!no way she can be kamle. brahmin! mrs. ahilya kamle! right? thank you, mrs. anahita! - no mention! mukhya, madam madethe third hole on the roof.

    let's go. we'd seal the hole. but why is she creatinghole in the roof? mrs. ahilya kulkarni!mrs. ahilya kul.. mrs. anahita kamle!mrs. anahita kamle! mrs. anahita will spoil our trip. our obscurity willsoon end because of her. news are already telecasted on the tv. actually, you shouldn't havecome with us in this condition. but.. no..

    actually, i was tired of daily rifts.that's why i came. i had told you. i had told you.. but can you hideyour physical condition? even your photographswill be released. look, we're still close to mumbai. i take the responsibilityof sending you home safe. you please leave. she's talking like my husband. got elected with majority andthen leave the party, right brother?

    mrs. anahita,you please tie a scarf on your head. so that no one will recognise you. and the photo theyshowed just now was.. ..not easy to identify. sit down! and we're not goingto show anyone our faces. you please sit. - no! even the bus driver and conductor.. ..shouldn't know who we are. they shouldn't get suspicious at all.

    look, i'll arrange a specialtaxi for you. you please leave. no.. i don't want to go.i want to come with you. and if i'd return alone,people will ask many questions. if you all are with me, i'd feel safe. please.. - but.. please.. why don't you understand? the picnic is gettingspoiled because of you. twice i requested you as a friend.

    but the third timei'll have to order you.. chief minister's wife.- that won't do. try passing an order. this ministry willcollapse in a minute. no one will return fromthe middle of this picnic. what say? - yes. then why do you just nod your head?say something. good! that's the spirit. i was testing everyone howwe can tackle a small problem.

    c'mon, friends.let's begin with our picnic again. c'mon. oh god! has any rock fallen upon me? sister, it's not the's our brother. god, mukhya! - yes. what has happened? - break failed. oh no! - air passedin the break. - god! rest everything is okay. is everything okay? - yes.

    then why the bus was getting jerks. accelerator must have failed.- oh god! then why the engine released smoke? there must be somedirt stuck in the engine. oh! rest the bus is first class. no, but i can't trust you. actually,we'll need to call a mechanic. wrestler madam! - i'll punchyou if you call me wrestler.

    were you on to massacre today? what do you think of.. - no.. no.. please spare him.- no.. no.. let go of him. he doesn't even eat betel nut.- it's okay. madam, it's a can broke any time. i've the tools.- leave it.. let go of him! once.. just once you let go off him. madam, it's a can broke any moment. he didn't do it deliberately.

    did you? - not at all, aunt. - see! i'm like your child. - it's okay. and if you want to kill someone.. ..there are manybig heads in the state. he's an ordinary driver. i've tools.i'll soon.. - i too have the weapon. what do you think? - leave him. repair the bus immediately. take 47 number jackand 48 number screw driver.

    how much time will you take? around 3 hours. - 3 hours? minimum 2 hours. - 2 hours? i'll see if i canmanage in 15 minutes. why are you sitting ideal? help him. please, don't hit me. i'm granted to myparents after many vows. what are you saying? mrs. kashikar!just take a look outside.

    the panorama is so beautiful. it's such a nice garden. as it is, the bus willtake time to get repaired. till then let's goout and get fresh. - what? humma! i mean to saylet's have some change. the atmosphere is so pleasant. you said we're fromanandibai shikshan sanstha! so, let's go. - okay. brother, let's go.- no.. no.. - i won't spare her.

    brother kashikar, come with me. come! has the wrestler madam gone? she's still here. she kicked me so hard. i wonder if she's a woman or a man. and her leg was asgood as an elephant's leg. someone would definitelyget crushed under her leg. it had almost killed me you know. she constantly kept on kicking me.

    here. here.. what? does that wrestlerwoman have some humanity? how can she behave like that.. ..if god has grantedher such a big size. it was me. had you been at my place.. ..she'd be jailed today. this leg. even that wrestlerlady had the same legs. if this devilish legwould be placed on my chest.. can i remain alive?

    why do you make fun of me?- now look up. what's there? did you see? this is called humanity.i just placed my head on her feet. and she picked me up like a flower. she left me. now, do one thing. madam! if his body partswould remain with you.. ..please courier us. what are you saying? she's

    such a nice woman. have you seen saddam hussain? saddam hussain? - where's he? here.. - which one? but i can't see him from here. come to the iraq! i'm very happy today. after a long time i got some freedom. i hadn't seen suchmountainous regions..

    ..from past many years. wow! look at these flowers. it's like the fully crowdedhall of people ready to.. ..listen to my husband's speech. variety of colourful flowers and those flowers appearsas if a woman is taking veil. lovely! even we've big gardensaround our bungalows. but there's no comparison of this.

    what a cooling breeze! such breeze that bringsthe aroma of flowers. you're right. did this breeze remindyou of something? yes, of course. little girls in two plaits.. ..who would playaround the river banks. create chaos in the school. who would escape fromother schoolmates' siege.

    this breeze is taking usto our maternal house, isn't it? ''at my maternal house.'' ..blossoms jasmine everyday and the queen of the nights.'' ''blossoms jasmine everyday and the queen of the nights.'' ''at my house!'' ''crops grow in the farmsand the cattle fight any time.'' ''one gets hit and theother feel it's pain.'' ''my maternal house is so close to me.'' ''i feel lonely without it.''

    ''maternal house is such a house.. ..that has many holes on it's roof.'' ''sunrays enter throughit the entire day and it's like.. ..the golden chandelier for us.'' ''my maternal houseis near the seashore.'' ''the tall tress of coconutsin the surroundings..'' ''..are protecting my house.'' ''once, somehow wemet and got married.'' ''he became my life.''

    ''leaving my maternal house..'' ''..i married him and..'' ''leaving my maternal house.. ''..i married him andtook the leap to my in-laws.'' you've never been to konkan, right? tall trees grow in konkan.. ..of different varieties like.., coconut and other fruits. we've many tall trees there.

    plucked.. plucked.. plucked..plucked.. plucked.. plucked.. madam, you must not pluckthe flowers in this garden. this is a government garden. government spends millions of rupees.. ..for maintaining this garden. didn't you read the board? - board? it's not written there to laugh. it's written very clearly.please, read. where's the board?

    so, you secretly pluck the flowers.. ..and also removed the board? who did you call the thief?- to you of course. this is the thirdboard stolen in a month. that's why i was such a big board. one person can't justtake it out so easily. it must be a jobof hefty women like you. you don't know me that'swhy you talk like this. hey.. i've seen many highlyinfluential people like you.

    i too have contactswith the ministry people. is that so?so, tell me who's the forest minister? forest minister? - give me his name. respectable mister.. the one who just came. one who was in the white dress. why do you want to know his name? if you spot a car with a red light.. means the minister has arrived.

    anyone who gets down of the car,you should salute him. what else? and it's futile to rememberthe names of the ministers today. before we memorisethe name of one minister.. ..the government gets dissolved. what's he talking? let me tell you this in detail.but don't tell this to anyone. the present forest minister.. - yes. very frolic type.he's very romantic.

    day before yesterday he arrived,with a girl. girl?! - she was very beautiful. beautiful?- beautiful than the earlier one. ayesha, i think you were in burqa. not at all. - no? it seems mr.shah rukh is very romantic. forest minister washere to enjoy life with.. ..the other girl leavinghis wife at home. what forest minister?he must be one buy one minister. c'mon, pay the fine first. rs.3000.

    what? rs.3000? you'll get a receipt and it'llbe deposited to the government. tell me, will you payrs.3000 and get a receipt.. ..or free yourselfby bribing me rs.1000? we can't get money evenby selling these flowers. so, we've received orderto get the money by taking fine. government's should have some income. tell me. will you give me,rs.1000 and settle.. ..the matter or accept to pay fine?

    take your flower back.why ask for the fine? will you teach me law?come with me. i'll teach you law.. our custody.and present you to the court tomorrow. or else, i'll hand youover to the police. - police? brother kashikar, police! brother kashikar, police! - no.. no.. who's brother kashikar! - hey! who's brother kashikar? i don't know anyone.i know people only outside this park.

    i don't know you at all. she plucked a flowerand this fool is asking.. pay fine of rs.3000.or else the police custody. what? - fine of rs.3000? yes. - or else thepolice custody? - yes. to her? - yes. i think custody willbe cheaper. - what? i mean rs3000 will be cheaper.. ..compared to rs10000.

    but there's a mistake. - what? mrs. kashikar has created a mistake.- what mistake? the packet of money yougave her to take care of.. ..went missing.- what? - where's the money? goddess appeared! ask for something. ask for something. let me have a son this time. box.. a box is went missing. - box? find it soon otherwisei'll uproot everything.

    don't you dare! i won'tlet you touch a single plant here. quiet! look for the box. - what box? the box of the snacks.i had hid cash in it. where had you kept it? below the driver's seat. find out the box otherwisei'll uproot everything. what's that? - a bag. what's in the bag? - a box.

    show me otherwisei'll uproot everything. someone please explain her. - what? earlier you people plucked the flower. and now you want to uproot the plants? otherwise, she won't spare us. she doesn't meanto uproot your plants. then? - she's standingstraight like a tree. i'll uproot everything. this is my lunch box.

    i came to eat here sothat no one would disturb me. show me the box. show me the box otherwise,i'll call the police. you're trying vandalismhere and threatening me? i'll call the police now. i'll send you all behind bars. now, i won't spare you. i've already left you. constable! - you called me constable?

    inspector!- quiet! i won't spare you now. no, but i'll drop you. - will you? very good! - come.. come.. slowly.. go slowly. - okay. drink some water. did you do some wrestlingwith him? - stop! mrs. kashikar! c'mon, let's leavebefore police arrives. yes, let's go.

    but, mrs. kashikar! - yes. you're the cashier, right?and the cash box is stolen. along with the snacks. this is the will we reach our destination? we don't want to hear anything. we want the cash box. no.. no.. so, you won't question me again. otherwise.. - no.. no.. will you question me?will you?! - no.. no..

    c'mon, supervisor has gone.let's do our duty now. leader madam!give us some cash. - cash? for what? - the bus isn'tmoving from it's place. you might need to take another bus. or we might have to couplethe bus with someone else's.. move on. it's little expensive. we don't have cash. now, you please stop it otherwise.. madam, why do youcome to hit me like this?

    think of some idea now. let's do this. let's request any truckor bus that's passing by. please, take dropus to the next village. yes. let's ask for a lift. yes, that's right. lift! c'mon, everyone, the truck is coming.let's stop it. hey.. hey.. lift! - he took left!

    how dare that truck driver?- who did you point at? that truck driver!he didn't stop even for the ladies. he must be shocked. brother, i thought he'dstop seeing you. - what brother? coming.. coming.. coming.. coming.. what? labour pain?- no, bus is coming. stop.. stop.. stop.. c'mon.. c'mon.. don't run.. don't run.. according to the recent news,along with the public relation..

    ..minister mr. buddhdev kamle's wife.. ..mrs. anahita kamle.. ..almost all the stateministers' wives are missing. it also includes chiefminister rajrant rande's wife.. ..mrs. avantika ranade. it's believed tobe a terrorist attack. the matter is considered serious and.. ..the state is announced todo tight checking at every posts.. the home minister mr.kashikar has said this.

    that's all in today's news. now, let's watch our next program. our land and alien people. my god! wonderful! just a minute! watch your steps! - oh god! dance later. - but why? wrester madam is here. is this your bus? i never imagined. actually we wanted a lift.

    please're most welcome in the bus. thank you! didn't i tell you? - what? we can't say when onecan come for our help in life. yes. - she was absolutely right. actually,our bus' break failed. - yes. once, if the break is repaired.. i mean if bus' break is repaired,we'll go away. you know, it means..

    our.. our.. our.. our.. our.. he own steering but no daring. i've daring. i mean please pullour bus tying with yours.. ..upto the next village. we'll find a mechanic over there.. ..and our problem will be solved. where's driver? he's drunk and sleepingon the back seat.

    i didn't ask about the peon.i said where's driver? he's drunk and issleeping on the back seat. then who's driving? of course i drive it. - look at her. do you see everything clearly? yes, of course i can. upya! - yes. - look at this. our bus is this small and the women.. ..traveling by it are of this size.

    this size..this size.. this size.. this size.. what size? do you want me to defineit as the french beans? and these girls' bus is so big.but they're so thin.. hey.. - do you want usto call you the elephant's kid? we don't trust our driver. i'm sorry but he's very unfortunate. but i can trust you.. done?

    you touched him and he got fever. so now onwards you drive the bus.we don't mind. so, move away. happy valentine day. it's not valentine day's monday today. whichever the day may be. it's important to talkin english with the girls. but.. see if they don't mind.- yes, see if they don't mind. yes, of course, we don't mind.

    everyone come inside. come in.. come in.. take your seats. slowly.. slowly.. get down slowly. i said get down slowly. slowly. - where are you going? my place will get occupied. let's go. - what? - start the bus. but it's our bus andwe don't have a place to sit. how much would you speak at a time?

    stop.. everything nullified! stop all that. where's the key? madam! - call her sister. okay, sister. give her the keys. yes. give him. ''they're on tour!'' that's.. that's call kidnapping. kidnapping?- it happened for the first time.. the history of our state.

    what's that? we heard ministers'wives are kidnapped.. the oppositionparty's volunteers. now, you tell me. these ministers wiveswhom they kidnapped.. ..did they mistook themto be any bollywood actress? every minister's wifeis like you know.. a sack. and we saw theirphotographs on tv, right? ministers shouldn't worry.

    the kidnapper will droptheir wives at home in 2 days. exactly. each minister's wife islike a fat rat of the godown. rat?! yes, of course.they only sit and eat at home.. ..and the traditionalsaree wouldn't be enough.. ..for them to wraparound their fat body. and yes. one of them is pregnant. didn't the kidnaper realise it before?

    at least the ministerswill take a sigh of relief. why are you silent? - what do i say? what do i say? - say anything. like the one you just said? a fat rat? why? what's wrong? it's a talk of the state now. it seems you've got somesoft corners for these women? no.. - soft corner? - why would i? for the ministers' wives?- not at all.

    actually,we're concerned about the ministers. very true. - ministers?they're very happy you see. meaning? -evening news revealedthat the chief minister.. ..has invited all the ministersfor tea party at 7 pm. what? - tea party at 7 pm? kashya! - kashya?! kashya?! tea party for what? to share the grief.

    may be they want to sit and discuss.. ..about how to reach the kidnapers. they're discussing it. - what? we're discussing it here.don't you have a tv in this bus? it's there.- so, please tune in something. want me to tune in to the news?- no, not the news. tune in something else. - what else? anything. tune into the picture!movie! - what about cinema? yes, please.tune into the cinema. c'mon.

    why cinema? driver, stop the bus.we've reached our rest house. they reached. they'll have a tea party at 7 pm. where will you get down? we'll get down here only.- please come with us. we'll do our arrangements.- please, come with us. please.. - okay..okay.. let's go with them. c'mon! yes, you go running. go.

    go on running. c'mon! the bus is stopped. - listen! these girls who wereon their journey to vidarbha.. ..we accompaniedthem and reached here. and on their insistencethe ladies agreed.. stay with themin their rest house. but the ladies arebored with those girls. that's not our concern. - why?

    the girls are really beautiful.- right. the way she was looking at me.i was feeling so excited. don't wriggle so much. you might get bent permanently. have you seen yourself in the mirror? how does it look? like the dry black raisins. didn't you see what happenedin the bus that day? she was looking at yourcolour instead. the dark colour.

    why do you always commenton people's faces? his face is like this and that.. but yours is like that.- have you ever seen your face? how's it? - there's no fruitto compare you in this world. your face resembles likethat of a custard apple. don't cover it in the might ripen. don't make me angry. i'm a fire.till i'm away, you'll get heat. but if i come close, you'll get burnt.

    idiot! don't come too close. if you're a fire, i'm water. if you're the political party,i'm from media field. that's okay. but why didthey ask you to bring this? they're planning to campfire today. meaning?- it means camp.. fire and they.. what about your show? it's cancelled for a day. - okay. and we've no show tomorrow.

    so, let's do campfire today.and tomorrow we'll go out. okay, they've alreadybrought the woods. see if you can arrange the fire now. we can play games, right? - yes. bring my guitar. - okay. mrs. kashikar!no campfire, please. - why? i said no. but why?they all are having tea party. so, we'll do the campfire. - yes.

    and you had told us not to go high.. ..and boast about our status. you didn't tell usthat we can't dance. you had told us that we'll enjoy. then why do you refuse now? yes, please.. please say yes. okay, let's do it. - yes. 2 minutes to go for 7 pm. - yes. they must have openedup champagne bottles.

    must be taken outin the glasses. - yes. it must have bubbled out. - yes. cheers! what happened? why are you silent? say something.what are you all thinking about? tell us what has happened? - nothing. everyone is away fromhome from past 8 days, right? they must be missing their husbands. really? - yes.

    yes, we really miss them but they.. yes, please tellus what marriage means? how do you feel when you're.. ..on the platform of the marriage? platform? - she means dais. how do you feel when youleave for your in-law's house? do you miss your maternal house there? please, tell us. how do you feel? marriage means hospital.

    welcome a childhoodevery year without fail. marriage means cradle,a happy feeling. marriage means colourful clothing. marriage means be on your toes. and marriage means polio dose. every year without fail. and marriage means no finalcelebration of your lifetime fasting. and a baby shower thatwas never celebrated. you mean you didn'tgive final celebration..

    ..of your lifetime fasting? you never had baby shower? let's celebrate your baby shower then. yes.. - no, no need. why? what do you mean?we'll adorn you and.. ..make you feel like a queen. yes. - no, really please.don't do that. why not? you didn'tcelebrate it in life, right? so, we'll celebrate it. c'mon!

    yes, let's have fun. listen.. listen.. c'mon! let's have celebrationof baby shower. - yes. i said the same thing in marathi.c'mon, everyone. let's celebrate thebaby shower. c'mon! mrs. kashikar! - yes. come here. - you come here please. you come here. - you betterdon't come. i'll come to you. tell me.

    we don't want any baby shower. - why? in this way,these girls will force us to.. ..take our husbands' name. so, we'll take it. and have fun. - yes. what fun? do you remember rs.10000? yes. and they'll come to knowthat we're the ministers' wives. but we're the ministers' wives. we can easily fool them. - yes.

    let's everyone celebrate baby shower. and have some fun..- mrs. maina.. - yes, brother. brother.. - please.. please.. now, let's go.don't hide behind her. let's go. come, the guests arrived. we won't let you go in like this. why? why? we won't allow you untilyou take your husband's name. oh! - see, i had told you.

    but we've decided.- c'mon, let's have fun.. yes.. - we understood. please come.. please introduce your husband. 'dusk strives the company of sun.' 'five years passed to our marriage.. ..but he'd always lookin the other direction.' but he means whom? humma! - give us his name.

    baburao! - is this a name? did you give a fake name? please, come! now take the name of your husband. 'sweets in the silver plate.' - yes. 'i'm feeding you,idiot, turn your face to me.' idiot means whom? idiot means.. - myself? then? - my husband.

    who? - idiot! how can you do that? shall i enter? take your husband's name. - now? yes. - listen! go ahead. 'wheat was stored in the godown!' okay. - vilasrao went to latur. let's take a look at sushilkumar!

    take your husband's name. this isn't the customin our community. take it. take anyone's name. c'mon. i'm in the mosquepraying allah. - okay. mr. khan is havingextramarital affair.. ..and i'm helpless. what's this? c'mon, everyone.. - calm down!

    calm down! done? now take the name if you can. 'in the temple of goddess..' '..there are many devotees.' if a new party isformed in the country..' '..he's always there to join it.' what do you mean by he? he means..came and went and left the home. now..

    please come! i'll take the name. come! sonia had a chanceto be the prime minister. 'sonia had a chanceto be the prime minister.' 'but italian pizza madea space for the punjabi fritters.' with the arrival of 'vasant'. vasantrao! vasantrao! i mean to say the season of spring. with the arrival of spring,earth flourished.

    mr. the command is in your hand. go on and rule the state. dot.. dot isn't the can't take any name like that. excuse me. it's possible. we do name people as dot.. dot.. this is not fair.yes. this is our custom. you too come, please. - yes. slowly.. go now.

    now, take your husband's name. '7 coins are placedin the silver plate.' - yes. by his grace i'veseven children at home.. ..and this is the eight one. hello! breaking news of the day. the non party mla havewithdrawn their support.. ..and the chief minister mr.rajratan ranade.. ..had to resign following him.. ..the other ministershave also resigned.

    how could they withdraw the support? this has given a new directionto the politics of the state. opposition party haslured the non party mlas.. ..and there's a possibilityof forming a government.. ..with their support,so there are chances.. ..might get somedepartment once again. ..that some of the ministers of mr.ranade's ministry.. opposition party leader mr.vishwasrao nimbalkar says.. this government wasalready trembling..

    ..and it had to dissolve any day. you see what? the wind was flowing in the.. ..opposite directionto this government. and if you thinkabout the suitability..'ll get your answer. when the ministers can'tsafeguard their wives.. will theymaintain the government? what's he saying?

    different party leadersexpressed their opinions.. ..on forming the government. actually,even rama had to exile for 14 years. but bhjapa did not evenhave to wait for the 14 months. so, greet mr. ranade on our behalf. i'm fine. the way, mr.ranade is getting accused here. we'd try every effort not to create.. ..any such situationto arise in future.

    i'm not very sad. mr. ranade and his co-workers.. ..haven't done any properjob in the period of his power.. ..other than pullingeach other's legs.. ..and tearing clothes. you be happy and let us live happily. for now home minister mr.gunvant kashikar.. ..has clearly statedthat no ministers' wives.. ..have gone missing and they're safe.

    while talking toour reporter he said.. who's he? what authority did he have? why the oppositionpeeping in our doors? don't worry. our wivesare safe and sound at our homes. i never thought thatthe opposition party.. ..would stoop so low. i clearly refused toagree with his statement. will you say anything you like? government will remain the's no big deal.

    we're used to all this. right? then why do you scream and yell? i want to tell the peopleas the home minister.. ..of the state that our wives,every one's wives.. safe and soundin their respective houses. no need to worry about them. if you want you can come home.. ..and get yourself assured. why do you yell about so much?

    different partymeetings are going on.. ..for forming the government. so, in next half an hour,we'll present you a special bulletin. till then watch the next program. 'wife flied away.' this is their love for us. kashya, how dare you refuse this news? i'll come and show you. don't you worry.

    we'll again comeback in power. - what? i'll call your husbandsand request them.. elect my husbandas chief minister once again. support him! otherwise,your wife's lives may be in danger. hey.. enough of your smartness. till date we respectedyou as the chief minister's wife. but now you're no more in the power. don't prate too much.

    brother,you please control your anger. when my husband was in 'sena'.. ..he'd do the same.he'd be ready to beat anyone. but when he went to bhajap,he became calm. he started taking up missions. i too will do the same.mrs. sita, make a list.. ..i'll sign it. instead do one thing. you make a list.i'll put the thumb impression.

    do you have a paper, brother? think and say something. think and say, and speak sweetly. call me brother again. - brother! i'll give you a tight slap. no.. no, let go off. come, slowly.. please.. he's manikrao jambhre.he wants to speak to you. he has some serious problems.

    please talk to them.and don't worry. i'm here. go.. slowly. hello, this is maruti jambhre. i'm crippled by both the legs. still i traveled acrossthe state thrice on my bicycle. i moved around the state. thrice i won gold medalin national bicycling competition. look at this. this is chief minister. home minister.

    and he's also a minister. i've a photograph with everyone. yes, but how can we help you? from past 4 years,i've been visiting the ministry.. ..for a job but there's no sign of it. i thought if things can workout with the help of a minister.. ..but even that wasn't possible. no one is listeningto me in the ministry. i mean they don't let me in.

    i heard that high statuspeople like you are in the village. so, i thought if yourrecommendation can help. who told you who we are?- he.. he told me. he's such a kind man. - it's okay. he said you might help me. to bring me here he charged me.. only for the refreshments. that's it. shut up! look, we're in no power now. we can't help you in anyways.

    so, wait till thenew government forms. who will form the new government? your people only. they'll distribute thedepartments amongst each other. they'll buy few mla's. and if it won't work,they'll make people run.. ..and get into power again. and they'll keep prospering. because,they have to meet your demands.

    and you too haveto enjoy on their money. mr. maruti, enough! they told you to come to mumbai.. ..once the new government is make a move. telling me of the new government? if you've guts getthe re-election done. get elected! and then form a ministry. making a ministry? i spit on your life!

    move away..talking about a new ministry. what was this shouting about? madam, why do youtake his words seriously? this is politics! old one will go away andnew one will come in power. these people's wordswouldn't make much difference. does any politician dieof the common man's curse? and don't you worry.these people only prat. the one who cast votes are different.

    they'll come in the trucks and tempos. and everything is settledon night before the election. just now they said in the bulletin.. i tell you things willsettle in half an hour. i tell you,mukhya, our cm is such a cunning man. he's very smart.- he's very calculative. you think he'll lose his power? see how he makes a political move now. with severe politicalmovements in the state..'s been clear thatthe opposition party.. unable to form the government. ex chief minister mr.ranade's trustworthy.. mr. buddhdaskamle is getting the support.. ..of the rest of the ex-ministersand the non party mla's.. the young leader mr.bddhdas kamle.. ..has shown interestin forming the government. and he has given the application.. the high command.

    mr. buddhdas kamle gavehis statement to our reporter. no, your statement is baseless. because, mr.ranade wanted the leadership.. go in the handsof backward class. when i've got the opportunity,how can i refuse? you see what?i'm not greed for the power. if i've got an opportunityto serve the society.. ..then i'm always readyand this is mr. ranade's order.. ..that i'm following. that's all.

    tell us the new ministry..- do one thing. get some garlands. arrange for the welcome ceremony. ..will involve theold ministers or not? yes, 100%.we'll have all the ministers. all the ministers will be included. i've no personal grudges with anyone. if mr. ranade refused then.. ..i can't say anything at the moment. i'll talk to you later on this.

    yes, you do one thing. come there. live telecast of the pledge.. ..will be seen tomorrowmorning at 11 am. 'to hell with the politics.' did they watch everything?did they realise it or not? they've clearlyannounced it on the tv.. ..that all of you are safe and sound. who told them? at least now you tellthem about your whereabouts.

    do you want us to tell them? c'mon, let's go and inform them. c'mon! - just a minute. don't you dare anyone move from here. betray! you've betrayed us! we didn't know we'renourishing an enemy. mrs. avantika, why do you blame me? what's my fault in this? i knew about all this.

    that's why i broughtyou all for the picnic. that means this picnic and all..- oh god! so, this was your game plan! that's why you wantedus to hide the identities. so, you wanted to keep us busy here.. ..and save your husband's position? still you lost the power. and now you too must make a move. and according to the protocol..

    ..mrs. anahita is our leader now. she'll take the front seat now. now, your husband donot have any department. so, you better don't board the bus. come to mumbai on your own expenses. if you don't have money, come walking. c'mon, sister. we must reach mumbai.. ..before the pledgeceremony takes place. yes, we must reach mumbaibefore pledge ceremony.

    but.. - but what? to stop the pledge ceremony. in the history of the election,this is the first time anyone.. ..with kamle surname isgoing to become a chief minister. and that too your husband. and why do you refuse?let her politics be with her. i'm tired of this politics. you seriously tell me. do you like this?

    is it a game to run the state? someone comes bribesand flatters them and.. ..that's why our husbandsbecome ministers. tell me one thing, mrs. avantika. remember your god and tell me. was your husband worth for a.. ..chief minister's position till date?- anahita! wait! let her speak. yes, you must.

    even my husband isn'tworth for that position.. ..who gave me so many children. the person who can'tgive justice to his wife.. will he bringjustice to the public? i've seen his battle in the politics. he can't even speak proper marathi. and what's his merit? number one in luring the mlas. he's best in dealing with people.

    best in calculations. he can easily show hispower on his volunteers. and get good collection for the party. mrs. malvika! you proudly say that your husband.. ..keeps changing the parties. but actually, it's your husbandwho's betraying the citizens. and our ayesha. she's dumbfounded to knowabout his husband's affairs.. the forest department. is he worth enough to be a minister? peep into your houses and see.. ..who's worth fora position of ministers? in your motherlandsand also in our own area.. ..there are so many noble,well educated and.. ..well informed people.. ..who can't say a wordagainst this political power.. ..even if they wish to.

    read a newspaper daily,go through the ups and downs.. ..of the state and gulpthe injustice along with the tea.. ..and get back to our respective jobs. who gives this speechlesssituation to them? tell me who makes them mute? we do the get togetherfor our self identity. but does self identitymeans organising.. ..a get together in our names? today..

    today it's time toprove our existence. let's show them what we are. and let them know their existence. are you ready? and yes, mrs. avantika. my husband learn this artof betrayal from your husband. mr. kamle betrayed mr. ranade.. ..exactly how mr. ranade had did.. his chief minister in his time.

    but i'm going to break this chain now. i'll make the first attack. and second will be mine. he has got much power.i'll cut off his power now. take me along. there's no more partyleft in the state now.. ..where my husband can get an entry. except the one. - which one? i mean sit at home andtake care of your family.

    so, let's move. take up the baggage.. ..and leave for mumbai. let's reach mumbai by.. ..tomorrow morningand serve our purpose. we must reach mumbaibefore the pledge starts. c'mon! let's go. sister! - kashya! you idiot! wait, i'm coming. i'll giveyou a tight punch today. let's go. the bus is repaired.

    good! now, let's go quickly. but there's a problem. - what's that? diesel is over. - so go and get it. one more problem. - what's it now? wrestler madam! - what did you say? cash? - we don't have cash. hold on! don't worry,take the diesel from our bus. all the best! - all the best!

    c'mon, let's go. what happened?did you get the labour pain? driver, get the bus ready.we must reach the hospital. what has happened to her? will you please go? but what are the chances? boy or girl? come here. i'll tell you.i'll tell you in your ear. come! c'mon, we need to reach the hospital. no, we should firstgo to mumbai. - but..

    please, listen.your condition is serious. we'll see to it how they take pledge? and how will they? they can't even read a singleword written in the pledge. c'mon, let's go.- okay, i'll come. but on a condition. why do you put a condition now? my husband keepschanging the parties.. ..without any condition. okay, go on. what's your condition?

    oh, she won't join us.protocol will be followed. got it? - no, mrs. kashikar. my condition is thatshe should join us. should we play thesame political moves.. ..that our husbands play? after all she's like our elder sister. did you listen to her? without making a deali invite you to the bus. let's go. she has broughtyou here in this condition.

    i'll take you to mumbai safe.come! slowly. younger sister! may god bless you! c'mon, let's go to the bus. quick! tell me how much timewe'll take to reach mumbai? you see how it is.. see, if we take a full speed.. and.. - she's here.. she's here.. we'll be in mumbaisharp at 11 am. - yes. not 11, we must reachmumbai before 9 am.

    don't worry. we'll be in mumbai.. ..before the pledge ceremony begins. driver, take the bus in full speed. ''the tour is on!'' ''the tour is on!'' - god! stop.. stop the bus. if you'd stop the bus,how will we reach in time? madam, tell me how muchtime this program will take? idiot, this is the delivery process.

    it's not as easy as fillingthe diesel in the tank. is this delivery? - yes. is it? - yes. mukhya, do you want tosee the delivery process? - yes. come along. where are you going?turn that side and pray to god. okay.. ''gopal! gopal! devki's son gopal!'' it's a baby boy!

    sister! it's a baby boy! brother, it's a baby boy! it's a baby boy!- did you listen? it's a baby boy! it's a baby boy! yes. let it be.let the baby boy born every year. god! this woman is so loving. it's an overflow of poured over me. i was completely flownaway till that corner. he's so cute and innocent.

    you smarty,did you find this time to take birth? he suits as a chief minister's son. he's present for the pledge ceremony. now see.he has a small cloth wraparound.. ..but he's making movements. hey, let me tell you.. ..if you be a minister in your time,rule the state properly. otherwise,i'll tear off all your clothes. but what do we do to keephim away from the politics?

    only one thing. - what? non stop drive to mumbai. i request all the sisters. let's rush to mumbaiwith this future citizen. let's go. ''let's rush, sisters!'' it's 12 pm. the pledge ceremonyscheduled at 11 am.. ..has been declared void..

    ..because of the absenceof all the ministers. this is the first incidentin the history of.. ..united states of maharashtra.. ..because all theministers have refused.. come for the pledge ceremony. but the reason is still unknown. high command has saidthat there's no other option.. ..than to carry out election. so, this is the chancefor the citizens.. select the governmentof their choice. ajit bhure tour darshan! rajvandan!

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