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standard furniture diana bedroom set

you're watching invisibleempire: a new world order defined. i'm alex jones, the producer of this film. i have produced five of the topten films in internet history, whether it's loosechange: final cut, endgame, the obama deception orfall of the republic. yes, we've made informative,well-documented films, but the real credit for thesuccess of these documentaries lies with you, the viewers. my friends, invisibleempire is so important

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hi, my name's jason, and i used to be just a good oldaverage american kid, living in upstate new york. there's me! i played baseball, mastered mortal kombat, went to the prom, said the pledge of allegiance every day, and loved my country.

i even lived the dreamof every american youth, college. sure, it was a state school, but it also happened to bea party town. great times all around, right? well, sort of. i still had to work hardas a pizza guy to make it, and of course there was school. i had to figure out the computergraphics programs i was working with, as well as attend classesi didn't care about.

i certainly didn't know muchabout geopolitics. then 911 happenedand everything changed. i was pissed. how dare the muslim extremistsmassacre all those people? but was it all true? prior to the invasion of iraq,something didn't seem right. i then did a startling thing: i actually took a look at what happenedthat terrible september day. what i found horrifiedand angered me to such an extent...

that i took action. we were lied to, and lied to big time. before i knew it, i wentfrom a normal college student, to the political guy at the party, to one of the guys that brought to youthe first internet blockbuster... loose change. the film would not onlychange my life, but countless others as well.

so if you've ever seen loose change,the documentary about... september 11th... it's a conspiracytheorist documentary... it is fucking riveting. - oh, yeah.- like, you watch it and by the end... not even the end, 10 minutes in... - you're like...- you've got your car packed. you're heading to canada. you're just like,oh my god, it's all true! so every place there's questions...

coming from this documentary. and you don't have to believe... everything in the documentary... to still have questions come up. and you look backand you remember what you saw... and what you were toldand now you have questions. we got the bogeyman out there. see, for many yearsit was communism. then it was the war on drugs.

now it's the war on terror. all through our lifewe've had to have a bogeyman. loose change took the truthabout 911 into the mainstream with over 100 million views and allowed me to travel the country and even take on some of my detractors. the answer is, no, they can not. i think it's telling that every timeyou disagree with something you call the people a liar.

i am not calling anybody a liar, sir. i'm calling you a liarbecause you are a liar. but if we were lied to about 911, then who was really behind it? a lotta people on the web were pointingtowards the new world order. but that was impossible. i mean, the hulkstercouldn't be involved, could he? the nwo is the only way to go,and whatcha gonna do? so i set out to find outif the new world order really existed,

and if it did what was it? who was involvedand what were their goals? the very word secrecy is repugnantin a free and open society... and we are as a peopleinherently and historically... opposed to secret societies,to secret oaths... and to secret proceedings. for we are opposedaround the world... by a monolithicand ruthless conspiracy. it is a systemwhich has conscripted...

vast humanand material resources into the building of a tightly knit,highly efficient machine. its preparations are concealed,not published. its mistakes are buried,not headlined. its dissenters are silenced,not praised. no expenditure is questioned, no rumoris printed, no secret is revealed. some cringe when they hear the termnew world order... despite all of theseprominent people using it: the world thatmaybe some people dreamt of...

at that conference backin bournemouth when... it looked as if maybe historywould end, that liberal democracywould triumph, that free market economicswould... slowly progressand we'd have a new world order. and togetherthey helped to create... were the principle leadersin creating... a new world order and a winningstrategy in the cold war. we are partof a new world order...

and as the recently departedadmiral william j. crowe once said, it's long on newand it's short on order. walter isaacsonwrote a wonderful book... about some of the wise men whohelpled shaped the new world order... following the second world war. as we devise a way forward in iraq, i urge the international communityto embrace its responsibility... for creating that new world order, a new world orderbased upon collective action.

the transatlantic partnership... was never just the foundationof our security, it was the foundationof our way of life. it was forged in experienceof the most bitter and anguished kind. out of it came a new europe,a new world order, a new consensus as to how lifeshould and could be lived. and just like that it was gone. it was the... it was a new world order, that's whatpresident george h. bush said.

harvard historian francis fukuyamapronounced... the end of history. in fact, when it is used, that personis often dismissed out-of-hand... because of the perception that it isnothing more than a conspiracy theory. actually, the idea of global governanceand a one world order... has been around for centuries, and the term new world order has beenused frequently in recent history. the new world order meansdifferent things to different people, but to those who expectto be in control of it, it means the same thing.

it means all the worldunder their control. they believe that somebodymust rule. after all, people are too darn dumbto know how to rule themselves. they figure that that's their role. the first in-depth publicationof note... was samuel zane batten's workthe new world order, which was published in 1919. under the cloak of christianity, this order speaksof a new world rising,

and advocates social controlover all people and all resources. it promotes a world federationwith a world parliament, an international courtand a global police force. some of its goals are as follows: community. the danger and loss in crimeand degeneracy. the determinationto make community life safe, sanitary, wholesome and moral. industrial.

the disappearanceof class distinctions... and the solidarity of all interestsin the economic process. national. the conception of the nation'swelfare as the supreme concern, with the policy that everythingshall contribute to this end... and every personmust do some useful work. international. the creationof an international mind... with a world consciousness...

and a world patriotism. the destructionof every arbitrary power... that can separatelyand of its single choice... disturb the peace of the world. world government is good. right? it put an end to war. well, it could put an end to warbecause you only have one dictator. i think adolf hitler had that in mind. he wanted a world government too,

with himselfas the master leader. many have regarded hitleras the apex of evil, a true heart of darkness. but how many people know that... hitler had his own visionof a new world order? hitler had been promotedby the establishment. he graced the cover oftime magazine many times... and was theirman of the year, twice. his vision was simple:unify europe and then the world.

the only real difference wasthat his order was racially motivated... instead of being basedsolely on religion. he even wrote a lesser knownfollow-up to mein kampf in 1928... that many have dubbedmy order or new world order. president roosevelt would condemnthis order prior to world war ii. nazi forces openly seekto establish... systems of government based on theregimentation of all human beings... by a handful of individual rulerswho seize power by force. yes, these men and theirhypnotized followers...

call this a new order. it is not new and it is not order. the idea of globalizationwas so prominent in nazi ideology... that the 1936 berlin games... would be the first timethat the olympic rings... would be displayed prominently... and promoted in orderto glorify the third reich. this symbol represents thefive major regions of the world: africa, america, asia,europe and oceania,

interlockingand coming together as one. this one-world philosophy still definesthe olympic games today. hello, my australian friends! australia, hello and welcome. one world, one dream. hitler's methods of youth corps, concentration camps, eugenics... and military aggression...

were so visible to the restof the world, he eventually failed. however his vision of anew world order lived on. author h. g. wells, the manbehind the time machine... and war of the worlds, would writeabout a planned world state... in which there must be a common faithand law for mankind. in 1939, he would publisha full book on the matter... called the new world order. wells again has a similar visionstating that... national individualism has to go...

and that sovereign states must end. he then goes on to write: in the great struggle to evokewesternized world socialism, contemporary governmentsmay vanish. perhaps his most chilling prediction... is that countless peoplewill hate the new world order, be rendered unhappyby frustration... and their passions and ambitionsthrough its advent... and will die protesting against it;

many of them quite gallantand graceful looking people. collectivism is thatconcept where individuals are considered to be discardable and that the group ismore important and that the ultimate group,of course, is the state. and so it boils down eventuallyto the fact that the state is the all-important unit of society and citizens exist onlyto serve the state. other men of prominence would also promote

a new world order during the 1960s, including industrialist andformer new york governor, nelson rockefeller. these are some of the reasonspressing us to lead vigorously towards the true buildingof a new world order rockefeller would also becomevice-president under gerald ford. religious leader pope paul vi: delegates to internationalorganizations, public officials, gentlemen of the press,teachers and educators:

all of you must realize thatyou have your part to play in the construction of a new world order. as well as former president richard nixon: ...and the hope that each of ushas to build a new world order. however, nixon was largely a mouthpiecefor his most dominant adviser, secretary of state henry kissinger. kissinger may be the most vocal proponentfor a new world order of his era. he has called for it time and time again in policy papers, meetings and interviews.

time magazine recognizedboth nixon and kissinger as men of the year after announcingtheir new world order in china. however, they wereworking on it long before. in these once classified documents, they both discuss the new order with the president of indonesia. mainstream media was evencritical of kissinger's vision in the early seventies. in ragged, spasmodic fashion a newworld order is coming into being,

but it looks less and less likethe world order that mr. kissinger had constructed in his own mind. kissinger's new world order wouldfall under the radar for some time. however, it saw a vast revivalduring the first bush administration. here is brent scowcroft, formervice-chairman of kissinger associates, and former national security adviser under both ford and bush senior as he discusses the new world order: looking at the subtitle this morning,

are we ready for the new world order? gives me something of the shudders, that phrase new world order i'm afraid i'm partly responsible for resurrecting. to me, what that symbolized was perhaps a fundamental change in the character, character of ourresponse to national security issues. here charlie rose asks scowcroft, kissinger and former nationalsecurity adviser zbigniew brzezinski,

if we are living in a new world order. where are we as we think about thistime in american foreign policy? are we at a special momentwhich is being redefined, or are we creating a new world order? we're at a moment whenthe international system is in a period of change like we haven't seen forseveral hundred years. in some parts of the world the nation-state on which theexisting international system was based

is either giving upits traditional aspects, like in europe or as in the middle east. george h. w. bush wouldcampaign for a new world order like no other president before him. he would openly discuss it duringhis state of the union address. what is at stake is morethan one small country. it is a big idea: a new world order where diverse nations aredrawn together in common cause to achieve the universalaspirations of mankind.

again, a unified europe was amajor goal in creating this order. with few exceptions, theworld now stands as one. a year-and-a-half ago, in germany, i said that our goal wasa europe whole and free. tonight, germany is united. europe has become whole and free. the world can thereforeseize this opportunity to fulfill the long heldpromise of a new world order. we can find meaning and reward

by serving some higherpurpose than ourselves. a shining purpose: the illuminationof a thousand points of light. bush senior and his administration would tour and promotethis agenda across the board at any given opportunity. the president has spokenoften of a new world order. ...and we have anunprecedented opportunity to build a new era of peaceand prosperity here and abroad, to build a new world order.

it's my understanding. ithink that the president and i don't knowthe context of how it came up in his speechlast night in new york said that china must be a partof the new world order. i guess i would like toask you how you envision china fitting in to the new world order. it is a country that we are going to have relationships with by virtueof its geopolitical importance. american officials say breakingdown regional and national barriers

to the flow of goods and services would represent a spectacularbenefit to economies around the world. we are building a new world order. bush would actually makea commencement address at maxwell air force basedeclaring the birth of this order. and that's why i wantedto speak to you today about the new worldtaking shape around us, about the prospects for a newworld order now within our reach. in the coming weeks,

i'll be talking in some detail about the possibility of a new worldorder emerging after the cold war, but today i want to discussanother aspect of that order. you see, as the cold war drew to an end, we saw the possibilities of a new order in which nations work together. it refers to new ways of workingwith other nations to deter aggression and to achieve stability. as old threats recede, new threats emerge.

the quest for the new world order is in part a challenge to keepthe dangers of disorder at bay. we must build on thesuccesses of desert storm to give new shape and momentumto this new world order. only when this transformation is complete will we be able to take full measureof the opportunities presented by this new and involving world order. the new world order reallyis a tool for addressing a new world of possibilities.

this order gains its mission and shape, not just from shared interests, but from sheared ideals. after the gulf war had ended, bush was so obsessed withthe idea of a new world order, that he had a series ofglocks imprinted with the term that he would give tomembers of his administration, including colin powell, brent scowcroft, dick cheney and generalnorman schwarzkopf.

cheney would even approve policypapers regarding the new world order. defense secretary dick cheneyhas approved a revised draft of a policy documenton the new world order. the pentagon is backing offa controversial earlier draft and has abandoned aone-superpower strategy. the final document puts more emphasis on international alliancesand organizations. this would become anunprecedented time period for people all over theglobe to discuss at length

what the new world order meant to them. people within the media: does anybody want to talkabout the new world order? is there a new world orderout there or is this a, a vision that exists in the...he does have his vision; there's no doubt about that. but does that existin the president's mind or does it exist out there in reality. this president sees thisepisode as the first test case,

as the first example for the newworld order he is trying to organize. some people have calledit the new world disorder and there's a lot of truth to that. university and institutional chairs i mean, we're talking a newworld order at georgetown, and we'd like to very much be apart of it and continue to live. this is a world that that is likelyto be dominated in the near future, and perhaps longer, by the gulfwar and the new world order, which is the buzzword of the moment.

so the secret of a new world order...and at this point it's just a slogan but it does have somehistorical background in terms that orders havesucceeded each other over time the secret of this is to learnhow to use coalitions. we are effective in the united nations. people within government george bush has invoked a new world order without enunciating anew american purpose. the president has still failedto articulate clear goals

for our nation's foreignpolicy in this new age. i find the term new worldorder very revolting, and not only historicallybut politically today. i think hodding is absolutelyright and the actions of the administration just afterannunciation of the new world order put the lie to the factthere is any real substance behind what they say is new world order. the first act of the newworld order was a.) to make war and then b.) was tosell arms all over again.

is there a new world order? we know certainly that george bush has copyrighted the term at this point. in the aftermath of this warthough, is it an empty vessel into which something will be poured? is it the appropriate term to use? is it going to be a new world order or will disorder be just as significantin this process as we look ahead; and let's start with madeleine.

i think that we have, in fact,kind of had this term thrown at us and many of us have not liked it, partially because of theprevious historical connotation and partially because i think it doesn'treally deal with the way the world ought to be or is at the moment. but we are far from seeing a world order and i'm not sure that it isin best u.s. interest to have a new world order inwhich we are the policemen. while many began to becomecritical of this order,

the term began to evaporateinto the background. we are very, very skepticalof an international order if we are not sure how the ruleswill be made, because thus far, the international order has been made with rules that we had noinput into and that affect us; and even when on the few occasionswhen the rules will seem to favor us, then they get changed. a unipolar world, aworld of one superpower, may be quite dangerous for us.

a new world order under theunited nations would mean, among other things, an end of our god- given rights, given us and secured by the constitution. the new world order which now has, has been called by somethe new world disorder and by some people of amore liberal persuasion the taking over of the world bythe council on foreign relations, the trilateral commission and theu.n., to put us all in slavery. but what are these organizations?

who founded them and whatare the stated goals of each? before we begin with thecouncil on foreign relations, let's delve further into history to understand round tablegroups and their origins. its roots go way, way back in history. and they go back to theformation of a secret society, a secret organization thatwas created by cecil rhodes, a very powerful andvery wealthy individual. and people have heard about him in history

and they know about the rhodes scholarship and they think, well, isn't that nice? but they don't understandat all what that's all about. cecil rhodes, when hedied, left his great fortune not to his family, not to his heirs, but for the creation of a secret society. and we know about this because there were some peoplevery intimately involved with this organization who wrote about it.

one of the best authors on thistopic is professor carroll quigley. he wrote several books and tragedy and hope is the best known of his. he described in detail the secretorganization created by cecil rhodes. and he explains in these books,he knows about them because he was invited by theorganization into its inner circle. he was never a member of it, but he was invited in as their historian. and he was allowed to seetheir secret records and papers

and study them for several years. and he knew all the important players and he understood what it wasabout and so he wrote these books. and it's an amazing thing becausehe laid out in great detail what the purpose of the organization was and how they were the major players in all of the big international events since and including world war i. the bottom line is that you takethe roots of that organization

and you find out that they createdin all of the british dependencies what they called round table groups. and then around thoselittle round table groups they created front groups. and the purpose of these frontgroups and round table groups was to penetrate into the governments of all of these different countries, to penetrate into the media centers, to penetrate into the educational systems.

in other words, to penetrateinto the social fabric, the power centers of society, and literally take them overfrom the inside without anybody being aware thatthey were controlling influence. after world war i theinternational league of nations arose as a precursor tothe united nations in 1919 under what seemed to be thevision of president woodrow wilson and his fourteen points. the league of nations was the firstattempt at the new world order,

the first attempt at a global government based on the model of collectivism. and it was the brainchild of the elitists, the ancestors of the very people whoare still working on this project. they're collectivists.they're very wealthy people. they're the ones in thiscountry who dominated the powerful tax-exempt foundations like the carnegie endowmentfund for international peace, the rockefeller funds,

the ford foundation and groups like that. these people were onrecord, even way back then, that they had to havea new world government and they dreamed of that beingembodied in the league of nations. and they were solidly behind it. and that was one ofthe reasons those people encouraged the unitedstates into world war i, was because of the crisis of world war i, and that would also condition americans

into thinking of making bigchanges in their system because, we certainly don't wantanother war like that, do we? there's that fear angle again. and they thought, well, by beingin world war i then we would be a major participant at thetable to carve up the world and create a new world government. and that was to be the league of nations. well, what happened to it is that theamerican people didn't really go for it. wilson was aware of the eliteand their control over society.

in his book, the newfreedom, published in 1913, he discussed such a group. since i entered politics, ihave chiefly had men's views confided to me privately. some of the biggest menin the united states, in the field of commerce andmanufacture, are afraid of something. they know that there is apower somewhere so organized, so subtle, so watchful, sointerlocked, so complete, so pervasive, that they better notspeak above their breath

when they speak in condemnation of it. ultimately, this insight did not spare him from becoming yet anotherpuppet of the global elite. in all of the british dependencies,these organizations, the front groups, were called the royal institutefor international affairs. in the united states theychose a different name. they chose, the councilon foreign relations. but it held exactly the same relationshipto this inner society of cecil rhodes. among the charter members were w.averell harriman of union banking,

then president of the united stateswoodward wilson's main advisor: colonel edward mandell house, john d. rockefeller thefounder of standard oil, banking mogul j.p. morgan, and prominent bankster paul warburg. well, the council on foreignrelations exists today. it's probably the most powerfulsingle organization in america. many observers including myself believe that it is the hiddengovernment of the united states.

these people are not elected to office, and most americans don'teven know who they are. but they are holding all of theimportant positions in society. there are only about 4000of them in the united states, but i don't care whatorganization you want to look at, whether it's government,or whether it's universities or the large mediacenters, or whatever it is; you look at the people at the topsof those organizations, the owners, the managers, the ceos,the board of directors,

and i'm going to say probablyeighty to ninety percent of the great power centersof america are dominated by just those 4000 people who are members of thecouncil on foreign relations. throughout its history it wouldcontain extremely influential and powerful individuals in finance,business, media, and politics. former presidents of the unitedstates include richard nixon, gerald ford, jimmy carter,and william jefferson clinton. currently barack obamaclaims not to be a member,

but has spoken in front of thecouncil, and has had his writings published in the council'smagazine, foreign affairs. it's been reported that you andyour wife are in the globalist cfr, which is the council on foreign relations, and i'd like to know if that is true. well, first of all... i'm, i'm not... the council on foreign relations, idon't know if i'm a official member. i've spoken there before. it basically is just a forum where abunch of people talk about foreign policy.

and... so there's nothing...there's no official membership. i don't have a card or, you know, aspecial handshake or anything like that. now why is that important? it's important because the avowed purpose of the council on foreign relationsis to create a new world order, a global government, basedon the model of collectivism. and that includes the elimination ofthe united states as a sovereign nation. that's why it's important. the people running this countryare determined to destroy it.

the council was heavilycriticized during the 1980s for being an organization hell-benton destroying national sovereignty, in favor of a world government. so many of its members hid theirassociation with the organization. dick cheney had this to say in responseto a question by david rockefeller, who became the cfr'syoungest director in 1949 and was chairman of theboard from 1970 to 1985. he remains an honorarychairman to this day. it's good to be back at thecouncil on foreign relations.

as pete mentioned i've beena member for a long time and was actually directorfor some period of time. i never mentioned thatwhen i was campaigning... for reelection back homein wyoming. now, you are the president of thecouncil on foreign relations, alright? yes, sir. you guys toy with, uh...with countries of the world like, uh... like, well like toys, don't you? you're like the illuminatiyou're the masons,

you control everything,don't you? that's the wrap on you guys. what's so interesting now, though,is well, who's on the chessboard? the toys, if you will,are a lot more then states. notice that mr. haasdoes not deny... that the cfr has massive controlover the geopolitical arena, and instead tries to focuson the separate entities... outside of nation states. current secretary of statehilary clinton...

also reveals theimportance of the cfr here. but it's good to have an outpostof the council... right here down the streetfrom the state department. we get a lotta advicefrom the council so this... will mean i won't have this far to goto be told... what we should be doing and how, uh,we should think about the future. you have these private groups,that are run and created by the elite, by the ultra-rich, wealthy familiesthat have been manipulating... global markets frombehind the scenes for generations.

they create these private groups... that then feed informationto the government, to senators, to congressmen;their recommendations, their policy... papers,what they think should happen. and, it's fascinating becauseif you actually read... what it is that they're doing, uh, the recommendationsthat they make, they're very ableto get them put in place. the discussions that are going onin these private groups are really

talks that should be goingon in senate committees and in the halls of congress, but they're happening with theseultra elite groups that are then pushing their propagandainto the political mainstream, and then it's becoming enacted,it's becoming put into law. still not convinced the cfris promoting a new world order? listen to what leslie gelb had to sayupon leaving the new york times... to chair the organization,as its president, in 1993. i loved it.doing a column is a great job.

i'm going to an equally greatbut different job, in a way a job that, that caps everythingi've been doing in my life, in government,in academia and in journalism. i think that's what the council onforeign relations will allow me to do. you know for example, you had meand three or four other folks... - on this show a few months ago to...- colonel house... - talk about the new world order, right?- right. exactly. - and i talk about it all the time.- [inaudible] exactly. i talk about it all the time.

the new world orderwants a global system where one... small central authority of individualscan then dictate a policy... that's gonna be distributed downto the rest of the world, everywhere, in the smallest little town in the middleof nowhere in some remote country. i now think it's safe to say thatthe council is extremely influential... on the world stage and openlypromote global governance. the council and the globalistswere able to take this agenda... to the next levelfollowing world war ii. the united nations was bornout of the ashes of this conflict.

unlike the league of nations, the united states not only joinedthis organization, they championed it. the first book i wrote was... the fearful master:a second look at the united nations. it was written at a time when it wasnot popular to be critical of the un. i mean the united nationswas viewed by almost everybody... as our last best hope for peace. it was a means, we were told, to bring humanity togetherand put an end to war,

and live in peace and harmony,and promote trade and... all of these good things. i wish it were any of those things,but it's not. the original charterfor the united nations... was drafted in san fransiscoin 1945. and the united states became apermanent member of the security council, along with france, the united kingdom, the soviet union,and the republic of china. the process by whichother nation's belief systems...

could be used to erodeand eviscerate... our constitution and bill of rightshad taken a giant leap forward. the united nations is one of the mostwell-known sorta globalization attempts. it's primary goal is to streamlineall the governments of the world... to create a global counciland to unify all the rules... and all the regulations for the world. so it's essentially the precursorin an engine of this new world order. the united nations is made up of allof the countries of the world, most of which are dictatorshipsof one kind or another.

and you don't take a bunchof dictatorships... and put them into a bagand shake it up and come out with... a freedom loving governmental come out with a global dictatorship. this was the public faceof global governance. however, many other organizationshave been birthed since. even more suspect is a private groupcalled the trilateral commission. david rockefellerand henry kissinger are among its some300 influential members. the trilateral commission, rich andpowerful business and political leaders...

from japan, europeand north america, the new york based policy groupwas formed in 1973... by chase manhattan bank chairmandavid rockefeller. in addition to rockefeller, there aremany other noted american members, among them,economist alan greenspan, former defense secretaryharold brown. george bush was once a memberbut resigned last year... before his unsuccessfulpresidential campaign. back then it wasn't politically wiseto be aligned with what...

his party's right wing considereda shadow world government. the united nationswould take over america, the trilateral commissionwould control the world. just look at its membership, they say. current and former members includepresidents clinton, bush and carter. names like brzezinski,christopher, kissinger, and shultz. and top executives of itt,xerox, exxon and nationsbank. although this groupwith only 300 members... seems to be at the apexof the power structure,

there is yet another group formedin 1954... that is even smaller in number and hasa greater influence on world events. meet the bilderberg group. this elite group meet annuallyaround the globe. there is a core group of members whohave attended every year for decades, such as david rockefeller,henry kissinger, and queen beatrixof the netherlands. these members invite others, who are politically and sociallyrelevant at the time.

each year around 140 peopleare in attendance. real quick, i asked hillary this question: in 2004 you attended a meetingin italy called the biderberg group. i just wanna know what you were doingout there and what that was all about, because she lied to meand told me that she didn't go. i figured you might tell me the truth. actally all i did was go.they had a republican and a democrat. the republican was...what's that guy's name? i gave, i gave like a 20 minute talk on,on the presidential election.

did it have anything to do withbeing john kerry's running mate? did you talk about that at all? no, because i wasn'this running mate yet. okay. i happened to be in europe thenon my way to russia, i was invited to go to bilderbergby vernon jordan, a friend of mine, and a genuine hero ofthe civil rights movement, and to the best of my knowledgenafta was not discussed by anybody in my presence.

documents released by the group in 2001 reveal that in september of 1955,the group met in germany and covertly outlined theidea of a european union. section e, european unity,discusses the general support for european integration and unification, and the idea to unify germanyonce again with the rest of europe under a common market place. belgian viscount andcurrent bilderberg chairman, etienne davignon, toldthe euobserver in 2009

that the next bilderberg meeting could improve understanding on future action, in the same way it helpedcreate the euro in the 1990s this illustrates the patience,vision and reach of this organization it was able to promote andestablish both the european union and a european currency over the courseof just under 40 years, incrementally. one of the things thatthe elitists discussed, back at the turn of the centurywhen they were talking about, how do you convert the unitedstates into a collectivist system?

was the fact that you can't do it quickly. you have to let people getused to it incrementally, because any majorchange would be rejected. the 1957 conference of rome, where the common market treaty, providing for free trade in allproducts, was at last signed. six nations... france, germany, italy,belgium, holland and luxemburg... agreed to remove all mutual barriersto trade within twelve to fifteen years. the embryo of a political union

which they proclaimed tobe their ultimate objective. in that fashion it's possible forpeople to get used to this process and even to think it's a good thing. people will accept thegradual growth of government, the gradual loss of theirpurchasing power, they'll accept almost anythingif it's done gradually, and we have to be very alert to that. 2008 and 2009 attendees includeworld bank president robert zoellick, treasury secretary timothy geithner,

former head of british secretintelligence richard dearlove, donald graham, ceo of the washington post, cnn host and author of thepost-american world, fareed zakaria, and many other giants ofbusiness, politics and media. you just came back from meetingwith the bilderberg group. the bilderberg group are, you know... when, when people who areconspiracy theory, theory people, they send me mail, it's usuallyabout the bilderberg group. and i get these books on my front door,

which i'm uncomfortable with, but... and it's all about the bilderberg group,like they're the modern-day illuminati. are you a member of the bilderberg group? i don't think we'resupposed to talk about this. many have identifiedthem as the king makers, the puppet masters that pullthe strings behind the scenes. perhaps there is no better example of this than what occurred duringthe 2008 conference. immediately after obama hadbeen selected as the democratic

presidential nominee, the pressurewas on to choose a running mate. we've put together a committee. we are going to be equallydeliberative in how we move forward. and we're not gonna do it in the press, and we're not gonna doit through surrogates. he then tricked the presscorps into staying on the plane as it took off from washington. he was whisked away toan undisclosed location. obama was supposed to fly home,he'd been here in virginia,

he was supposed to fly home out of dulles, as you know outside washington dc. the press corps was waiting forhim on the plane and the pilot announced that they were leaving andbarack obama was not on the plane. presumptive nominees in thepast, it's always been that they have at least a presspool with them at all times, is there a reason why we didn't gowith him in the motorcade all the way? this is what we're out here for and nowwe're on this plane with no candidate. again, you know, he... look,these... i, i understand. he, he...

there was a desire to do thesemeetings obviously in private. the press then began to report that obama and hilary weremeeting secretly in her home. well, we continue tofollow our breaking news. barack obama, hilary clinton meetingtonight at her house in washington, dc. however, it was later revealed that theynever actually met at clinton's home. and we're following this breaking story. candy crowley, we understandhas new information. candy, what have you learned?

we are hearing, actually, fromchris welch who is our embed with the obama campaign... thoseare the people that took off without obama and went to chicago. the spokesman there is, infact, confirming that the meeting did take place. they'retalking in past tense now, but saying that the meeting did nottake place at the clinton's house. it took place at, at this pointat some place, i don't know where; some undisclosed place in washington, dc, not at hilary clinton's house.

remember gibbs mentioned that obama had a desire to have severalmeetings, not just one. is there more than one meeting? is there more than oneperson with whom he... i'm not gonna get into allthe details of the meetings. i don't know that i've got a ton more different answersfor all of your questions. the truth of the matter is that bilderberg just happened to be in theneighborhood at the time.

they were holding their annualmeeting just down the road in chantilly, virginia.what are the chances? what's interesting and dangerousabout the new world order is that it's not a naturalprogressing idea. it's just not civilization naturallyevolving and organizing into this system. it's the group of extremely powerfulpeople that are manipulating the system to get it to this status from behindthe scenes without anybody's knowledge. you have to ask yourself: ifthere isn't an agenda going on to keep those organizations quietand to keep them out of the news,

to keep the discussions aboutthem behind closed doors, then why is it thatthese supposed experts, on the left and on theright, never talk about them. this has been a condensed history of the globalist organizationsand their rise to power. but is there a reason theymeet behind closed doors? a shadow world governmenthad been mentioned, but to truly understand what that means, let's go back to this iconic warningfrom president dwight d. eisenhower.

progress toward these noblegoals is persistently threatened by the conflict now engulfing the world. it commands our whole attention,absorbs our very beings. we face a hostile ideology, globalin scope, atheistic in character, ruthless in purposeand insidious in method. unhappily, the danger it posespromises to be of indefinite duration. the need to maintain balancein and among national programs, balance between the privateand the public economy, balance between the costand hoped-for advantages,

balance between the clearly necessaryand the comfortably desirable. we have been compelled to createa permanent armaments industry of vast proportions. we annually spend onmilitary security alone more than the net income ofall united states corporations. the total influence... economic,political, even spiritual... is felt in every city, every state house, every office of the federal government. yet we must not fail tocomprehend its grave implications.

our toil, resources, andlivelihood are all involved; so is the very structure of our society. in the councils of government,we must guard against the acquisition of unwarranted influence, whether sought or unsought, bythe military-industrial complex. the potential for the disastrousrise of misplaced power exists and will persist. america went into a major mobilization, revived its defense industries,

and we saw the civilian economy of america more and more skewed through the '50s. already in eisenhower'stime he could see it coming that you were getting a larger and larger defense-military component of the economy which, unlike the rest of the economy, was very, very centrallyorganized about lobbying for more and more new weapons. it was the political skills ofthis military-industrial complex

which i think eisenhower was reallywarning us about, and rightly. there is a military-industrial complex. today we see a situation where thecivilian economy is really in tatters and most of our civilian production isgone overseas to third world countries. what do we export? our biggestexport, practically, is garbage, but apart from garbage weexport military equipment. we have a special act which subsidizes, makes it possible for countriesabroad to buy our armaments because it's too expensive toproduce them for one country only.

so we have become a very efficientmilitary-industrial complex but the civilian economy is only a ghostof what it used to be and this has terrible consequences for democracybecause it means that the power of this lobby is now sort ofdominating what goes on in washington. through multi-national corporations,global intelligence networks, out of control banksters, all under the veil of nationalsecurity and black operations, the global elite have consolidated power on a massive scale overthe last several decades.

you see, global corporationsnot only fund and develop large technological and militaryprojects here and abroad, they also own the consumerindustry and production, as well as all of the important media. by owning the vast majority of whatwe hear and see on a daily basis, we have been manipulated on a mass scale, as to regards to what we believe anddesire, both socially and politically. edward bernays, the nephew of worldfamous psychoanalyst sigmund freud, would study group dynamics andbecome the father of public relations.

he authored the book propaganda in 1928. in it, he described how tointelligently and consciously manipulate the habits and opinions of the masses within a democratic society. he went on to state that those whoharness this unseen mechanism of society constitute an invisible governmentand are the true ruling power. it is they who pull the wireswhich control the public mind, who harness old social forces and contrive new ways tobind and guide the world.

the average americanis distracted, mindless, worried about minuscule things, celebrities, as if it wastheir own family members. and this is by designbecause the powers that be, who own the media, knowhow our brains work. they know scientificallyhow the human mind functions, they know about sociology,and they are using the media and have used the media for decades now, to entertain people withissues that don't really matter.

when you have the big newsnetworks covering celebrity issues as if it's the most important thing,it becomes the most important thing. and this is not by accident;this is to keep us out of the way. because if you're worriedabout the latest celebrity death or the latest celebrity couple,or the celebrity brake-up, or your sports team having a shotat the superbowl or the world series, there's so much information aboutthose issues that can be discussed that will mesmerizepeople and they won't know or care about the realissues that are out there.

well i think this is justone more piece of evidence of the degree to which themedia, supposedly the watchdogs, has become the gatekeeper of the system. mainstream media are first of all,nearly all of them, corporations, nearly all of them now,publicly held, part of the whole wall street financial system thatthey're supposed to report about objectively, but they can't. they... right now, in october of2009, they are celebrating the recovery of the biggest banks in new york andsaying that the recession is over.

of course there are a few problems,like foreclosures are going on, unemployment is rising. all of thisis affecting the american people, but it's not affecting the financialelite who also control the media. bernays successfullyidentified the invisible empire, which controlled the minds of men. so as the populace ismesmerized and hypnotized by powerful behind-the-scenes forces, as they are distracted bythe latest celebrity scandal, the newest cell phone, andtheir favorite sports team,

this network disguises itself,remaining in the shadows. despite the eliteutilizing bernays' methods, in conjunction with the militaryindustrial complex they had erected, a modern arm of thisorganization was exposed, in what came to be knownas the iran-contra scandal. essentially, black operations werenot only caught dealing arms illegally and supporting south american dictators, but also smuggling drugsinto the united states. iran-contra was really themerging of two different programs.

the first one was support for the contras who were, let's face it, aforce of terrorists in nicaragua trying to overthrow thesandinista government. they were being secretlysupported by the cia and at the bottom of thewhole thing was drugs. iron-contra was openly exposedby massive network coverage. how was it that in three yearsa network washington set up to run arms to the contras woundup running cocaine into this country for the most viciousdrug cartel in the world?

at the same time we were supposedto be fighting a war against drugs. but by the same token i alsosmuggled my share of weapons in exchange for those illegal substances, with the full knowledge andassistance of both the dea and cia. betzner says that in 1983 he flewweapons from florida to el salvador, and drugs from colombia tothe bahamas on the way back. in 1984, he says, he flew twicefrom florida to costa rica and back. we could bring back our owncargo and they would arrange it, or we could bring back their cargo without

ever having to worry about interception, arrest, anything like this; thateverything was taken care of. - what kinda cargo were you talking about?- drugs! tolliver says he had twomeetings with this man: cia veteran raphael quintero. then, in march of 1986, he sayshe flew fourteen tons of weapons down to honduras, to this contraresupply base set up by the cia. we take off from tegucigalpa,honduras and we leave. - to?- south florida.

- where in south florida?- we landed at homestead. - homestead?- air force base. this is the plane tolliver says he used. the plane traces to a company thathad a state department contract to fly humanitariansupplies to the contras. in addition to that, three dozensources confirm the basic scheme. we can now report that longbefore that operation began, there was another operation toprovide guns for the contras, which was also against the law.

in this operation, americans and israelis provided arms to the contrasand then the same network smuggled drugs into the united states. the operation was launched in springof 1983 at washington's request with at least twenty milliondollars of israeli government money, later reimbursed, we're told,from us covered operations funds. for about five years, peoplewere flying arms into iran, and most of them came from israel. the israelis purchased the weaponsfrom poland and czechoslovakia,

and began shipping themsecretly from yugoslavia to bolivia and then to panama. the israeli liaison man therewas this man: michael harari, until recently a closeaid to panama's strong man, general manuel noriega. you'd bring the ship into would load drugs aboard it, and you would bring thosedrugs back to panama with you. but bringing that stuff into theunited states, that was something else. i've never been so thoroughlydisgusted with myself in my life.

this network would also beinvolved in the october surprise. we really can't understandthat unless we understand the so-called octobersurprise in the 1980 election, which is, i think, unquestionablyrepublicans, including william casey who later becamereagan's head of the cia, negotiated with the iranians forthem not to release the hostages which were being held in iran tocarter, but to wait until the... carter was defeated andthe republicans were in. that is what actually happened,that the hostages were only released

on the day that carter leftoffice and reagan came in. unbelievably, this same network would even be linked tothe bcci banking scandal by journalist danny casolaro. casolaro was probing aconspiracy he called the octopus. which involved the iranian hostagecrisis, the iran-contra affair, with, believe it or not, allfunds channeled through bcci, the international bank charged witheverything from money laundering to fraud. bcci: it's a shadowy international bank

linked to terrorists,drug runners and dictators. little was known about bcci until6 of its top officers were arrested... in tampa, in october of 1988,on charges of laundering... drug moneyfor colombian cocaine bosses. the bcci men were convictedand the bank itself pleaded guilty. but for some reasonthe bank was allowed... to continue to operateall over the world. there were indicationsthat some of the reluctance... to prosecute this bank stem for the...from the favors it did.

for? the favors it didfor intelligence services everywhere. too many secretsof too many countries, too many prominent people,too many hands-on, and that makes it desirable thatthis entire affair be forgotten. it began to become clear thatthe global traffic of drugs were funding violent dictators, riggingelections, supporting the arms trade, and enforcing the assassinationof anyone who got in the way. casolaro was found dead for hisefforts in exposing this network.

his death, of course, ruled a suicide. he was meeting a source in west virginia. he was about to discover all. instead, his body wasdiscovered in a hotel room, with 12 slashes in his wrist. but when the localauthorities ruled it suicide, the family said, no way. the housekeeper had takencalls threatening his life. and i pick it up, telephone. i say hello.

and he say to me, you sonof a bitch, you's dead. casolaro would not be the only person involved in the scandalto wind up in a casket. meet barry seal. at first, the media portrayedseal as a drug dealer gone good, who was assassinatedby the colombian mafia. authorities believe lastnight's machine gun killing of top drug informant, barry seal, was ordered by drug bossesin medellin, colombia

who sent five men tobaton rouge to kill seal. sam dalton was the lawyer that represented the colombian hit menconvicted of his assassination. we were trying to subpoena the cia because we felt like that they haddocuments, exhibits and evidence that would indicate complicityin seal's assassination. when they were able to gain access of barry seal's trunkthe night of the murder, the personal phone number of none otherthan george h. w. bush was present.

lewis unglesby, the formerattorney for mr. seal, also confirms that he once calledthe office of the vice-president after seal had given him the number. you see, the black ops drug smugglingoperation had not yet been exposed, and intelligence couldn't takeany chances. it was later revealed thatseal was involved in smuggling cocaine into mena, arkansas,while bill clinton sat as governor. 1983: ronald reagan was president.bill clinton was governor. and little mena, arkansas,changed from a quiet town

to a center for drug smuggling andreported contra support activity. in the middle of it all, this man,admitted dope smuggler barry seal. arkansas state trooper russel welchinvestigated seal's organization. each trip would have 250to 350 pounds of cocaine. according to the london telegraph, arkansas state trooper larrypatterson testified under oath, that he and his officers discussedrepeatedly, in clinton's presence, the large quantities of drugsbeing flown into mena airport. large quantities of money.large quantities of guns.

hot springs police officerswould also record roger clinton, bill's brother, during acocaine transaction stating, gotta get something for my brother.he's got a nose like a vacuum cleaner. there was also a large amount ofmoney laundering going on in mena. former irs agent william duncan traced some of seal's drug profitslaundered through mena banks. we had direct testimony from people who were involved inthe money laundering operation. we had testimony from people atbanks who observed the transactions.

what happened when you tried tomake this case before a grand jury? i was never asked to present theevidence to a grand jury, ever. this very same network usedbcci to fund the afghani rebels. the deputy director of the cia,richard kerr, said late today that the cia did use the bank ofcredit and commerce international (bcci) to support cia activities overseas. most people still believe that the soviets hadmaliciously invaded afghanistan in order to spread their communist agenda.

the al qaeda was essentiallya kind of a by-product of brzezinski's campaign to embarrassthe soviet union in afghanistan. they weren't in afghanistan at that time. brzezinski boasted later that he was responsible for drawingthem into afghanistan. he did this extraordinary interviewwith le nouvel observateur in france, and they said, but aren'tyou worried that you've created this whole new force of al qaeda? and he said, oh, what'smore important, a few crazed

islamists or the fall of the berlin wall? and they said, but you know, is thereno danger... aren't they dangerous? and he said, nonsense.he said all this in 1998. so i considered... i knewbrzezinski at mcgill university. we were students together, tookvery small classes together. and in some ways he's bright, andin some ways he's kind of nuts. and he had the kind of nuttiness that made him attractive to the rockefellers. bin laden and his network

were actually funded by bccithrough us covert operations. well the reason i bring it up: if youever heard any of our call-in shows, you know that we have people that - think about the conspiracy theories...- um hum. ...of people like you. you would be a posterchild for these people because you have served on the boardof the council on foreign relations. you started... helped startthe trilateral commission and you've been to the bilderberg group.

are people too close in this world... ...people in business tooclose to the governments? well, you know, there is such a thingas insidious influence. and the question is,how does it operate? does it involve bribery? does it involve some sort ofpsychological domination of individuals? i don't believe in this notionof some sort of secret societies... controlling people. but of course, in any political system,there are sort of,

over-the-table andunder-the-table arrangements. arrangements that involve ruthless,illegal and immoral activities... in order to dominate humanity. despite all of the evidencethat has just been presented, this network would fall downthe memory hole, even though 14 convictions were madein the iran-contra scandal. the continued cover-up would be madepossible by george h. w. bush. these documents that came forwardin the north trial... clearly reveal the involvementof the vice-president...

to a greater degree, i think,than he has acknowledged heretofore. this, of course, did not stop himfrom pardoning those involved... during the twilightof his presidency... some new reverberations today topresident bush's christmas eve surprise: the pardoning of formerdefense secretary casper weinberger... and several others in connectionwith the iran-contra allegations. well, now the special prosecutorsays it's the president... that needs to explain some things. the real issue is why the notesweren't produced five years ago...

when the congressional investigation... and the independent counsel'sinvestigation had requested them. because high-level political officialsscrambled to limit the investigation... and establish plausible deniability... for the upper echelons of the network,including bush himself. so who is this guy,and how did he come to power? to understand that, we must firsttake a look at his father prescott. prescott was born into privilegeand became extremely influential... in business, intelligence and politics.

he helped establish the cia out of thearmy's office of strategic services... with the dulles brothers, and served as a senatorin the state of connecticut. however, during his time servingas one of the directors... of union banking corporation,he was doing business with nazis. the bushes had been, sorta, at the heartof the military-industrial complex... since its very beginningand that prescott... was involved in a firm that actuallyfronted for nazi firms in america. in fact, union bankingand its subsidiaries were seized...

by the united states governmentin october of 1942, under the trading with the enemy act. after the war the assets were returned,a few fines were paid, and it was swept under the rugof forgotten history. these nazi tiesshould not be all that shocking, seeing as it has been declassifiedthat the office of strategic services... recruited nazis into its ranks, throughproject paper clip, in august of 1945. george bush seemed to followin his father's footsteps, using prescott's business connectionsto move to texas...

and get into the oil industry. he would first attain political officeas a texas congressman in 1966, but then lose his bidas a texas senator in 1970. it was at this timethat nixon appointed bush... as an ambassadorto the united nations. according to official accountsbush then began work... with the cia,as its director in 1976. evidence suggeststhat mr. bush and the cia... actually had a muchlonger-standing relationship.

there are indications that he hadrelations to the cia before. there is a very strange memoand the... names a george bush. and when this was publishedthere was a lotta fuzzing of the issues, but given george h. w. bush's strongconnections with the cuban community, i think there is a good chance that it wasthat... the george bush we know, so that he did have a cia connection. bush left the cia just under a yearafter his appointment. he is credited with restoringthe agency's morale, as its image was being shattered bythe church committee's revelations...

of the cia's unauthorized activitiesinvolving assassinations and corruption. in reality, bush was responsiblefor denying... the church committee many ofthe documents it requested... and making it impossible for themto do a thorough investigation. after his time as cia director, he devoted himself to becomingthe next president of the united states. many people within his own partydid not like his globalist ties. on the campaign trail, bush continually had to explainhis association with the group.

you know, j. r. ewingin the show dallas? j. r. is a member of thetrilateral commission, i think. it's gotta be 'cause it's so bad. let me tell you something. i... i used to be a member of it. i resigned as i didfrom every business thing i was in... to concentrate on one thing: runningfor president of the united states. ronald reagan initially had no interestin having bush as his running mate. even then, presidential candidateronald reagan had questions.

i would suggest that maybemr. bush clear the air if... if he'd tell us why he resigned. reagan's backers then forced himto choose their intelligence front man, george h. w. bushas his vice-president. but in spite of last year'scampaign rhetoric, all seems to be back to normal betweengeorge bush and his old colleagues. and president reagan, who is relyingon many of these powerful... business leaders to makehis economic package work, will host commission representativesat the white house, monday.

after reagan's electionthere was an attempt on his life... just sixty-nine days into office. astoundingly, bush would againbe connected. well, just who is john hinckley, jr.? when he left this neighborhood8 years ago, he was by all accounts... well-liked and seemingly normal. this doughnut shop near the motelwas visited by hinckley, who reportedly waitedfor a phone call here each day, even though he had a phonein his motel room.

the nature of the calls is not known. a touch of irony: the young manwalking with the elder hinckley... is thirty year old scott hinckley,john junior's brother. he and vice-president bush'sson neal are friends. they had planned to have dinnertogether in denver, tonight. the plans have been cancelled. we were told hinckleywas a madman acting alone. if that was the case, why was he making phone callsfrom a payphone down the road,

instead of his hotel room? why was thewould-be assassin's brother a... family friend of the manwho stood to gain the presidency? while reagan led the nationin the public eye, bush exploited his power... through the largely unknowncontinuity of government directive. in the united statesfederal government... there is a super secret agencywhich controls this shadow government. the national program officeallowed bush and his network...

to attainexecutive emergency powers. ronald reagan authorizedthe national program office... when he signedthe top secret directive in 1982. oliver north was oneof the key officers... responsible for the program's startup. under the npo's direction, four agencies were chargedwith execution of the doomsday plan: the cia, the departmentsof state and defense, and the federal emergencymanagement agency.

an effort was being madeto consolidate... continuityof government programs... across several major departmentsof the government under one office. after eight years of secret wars, covertly sponsoredrevolution and assassination... had advanced globalists' interests... and allowed bush to achievehis lifelong dream... by becoming the 43rd presidentof the united states. the fall of the soviet unionleft the united states...

as the sole superpower in the world. the wolfowitz doctrine stated,we must maintain the mechanism... for deterring potential competitors... from even aspiring to a largerregional or global role. the new world order was on displaywith the first gulf war... and the creationof a european union. after losing to his crony, bill clinton,he faded into the background... as the agenda for a new world ordermarched forward. after 1989, president bush kept...said... and it's a phrase...

that i often use myself,that we needed a new world order. we have just exposedmany of the globalist operations, including drug dealing,funding terror, dealing arms... and taking over theunited states government by stealth. whenever these agendaswere threatened, those who opposed themended up dead. we've got some difficult days ahead. but it really doesn't matterwith me now, because i've been to the mountain top.

my thanks to all of youand now it's on to chicago... and let's win there.thank you very much. ...gave a paper about all threeof the big assassinations of the 60s, which was john f. kennedy,bobby kennedy and martin luther king. and there arecertain common denominators. i call these events deep events. we've become accustomed to the ideathat every now and then... something is going to happenand we just know from the beginning... we're not gonna getto the bottom of it.

and the more they happen,the more... reconciled we becometo this state of affairs. in 1978, the house select committeeon assassinations... could not ignorethere was a conspiracy... in regards to the assassination ofjohn f. kennedy and martin luther king. good evening. a congressionalcommittee has concluded... that president john kennedyand civil rights leader, martin luther king, jr.both of them, were probably killedas the result of conspiracies.

the house assassinations committeewound up its two year study... by recommending that the justicedepartment look into both cases. in the assassinationof dr. martin luther king, the committee concludedthe likelihood of conspiracy. the committee's summary of findingssays president kennedy was... probably assassinatedas a result of a conspiracy, that it's evidence establishesa high probability... that two gunmen firedat the motorcade. the committee concludedthat president kennedy...

did not receive adequatesecret service protection in dallas, that the cia was deficient in sharinginformation before and after, that the justice departmentand warren commission... failed to pursuepossible conspiracies... and made their conclusionstoo definite. there seems to be no debatethat the cia and secret service... were involved in the assassination. as you can clearly see, 2 secret service agents beingtaken away from their positions...

at the back of kennedy's vehicle... just moments beforethe assassination. and no matter what you believeabout oswald, it has now been declassifiedthat oswald was trained by the cia... in 1957 under the coverof the office of naval intelligence. these political assassinationscontinue to this day. the eleven person jury in the inquestmust decide if these stills, never before seen of dianain the mercedes and then the crash, are the frantic momentsafter a tragic accident,

or the aftermathof a calculated murder. - mr. al-fayad.- mohammed al-fayad, dodi's father, has long since made up his mind. i believe that my sonand princess diana... have been murderedby the royal family. he claims diana was pregnant... and about to announceher engagement to his son. an embarrassment so great, he says,that prince phillip... commissioned british secret serviceto kill the couple.

assassination is an optionwhen the ruling class... can identify an enemywho cannot be compromised. but how do they bend thepopulation's will to do their bidding? well, a false flag operation is onein which the attacker... carries the flag of someone else. it's usually a military operationand the purpose, of course, is to create the impressionthat the attacker is someone else. they want to createnegative public opinion against... the nation whose flag was being used.

or they may even not use a flag at all. this sort of thing is done all the timeand it's certainly not unique in history. i think we've been seeinga lot of it lately. americans are easily motivatedby false flag operations, and i think... it's inevitable that we will seefalse flag operations in the near future. it is used in order to seize powerat an accelerated pace. a very well documented modern exampleof this, is the tonkin gulf incident. there were 2 sets of tonkin gulfincidents, the 1st one on august 2nd... were real but trivial. the secondon august 4th, two days later,

were the ones which we actuallysent planes off in retaliation... and were, in theory, much bigger:a torpedo attack on a us destroyer. but, in fact, it never happened. when mcnamara visited vietnam,he confirmed... the tonkin gulf incidentnever occurred, and once again,we were lied into war. to this day,i don't know what happened on august 2nd and august 4th,1964 in the tonkin gulf. the general provided the answer,

saying his navy attackedthe maddox on august 2nd, but on the 4th, nothing happened. there was absolutely nothing, he said. we know for a fact now that nsaand cia both falsified their reports up... to johnson on that day, to make it lookas if there had been an attack. upon the fall of communism,a new threat had to be established... in order to maintaintheir military-industrial complex, and keep the people in fearof invisible enemies. more modern examples of this...

have been used not onlyto start conflicts abroad, but to instill fearin large populations, in order to demonize groupsand further erode civil liberties. the majority of people still believethat timothy mcveigh... was a right-wing extremist who bombedthe oklahoma city building... with a ryder truck because he wasupset with the government. people close to the eventtold a very different story. a local congressman believes thatconvicted bomber timothy mcveigh and his accusedco-conspirator, terry nichols,

are not the only ones involved. the oklahoma state representative,charles key, produced a videotape featuring witnesseswho claim to have seen... timothy mcveigh with another manthe morning of the bombing. he was wearing a ballcap. timothy mcveigh had his onbackwards which... just like this... it was on his head. the other gentleman had his onlike this. in fact, the fbi had actively pursuedjohn doe #2 in its initial investigation,

then denied his existence altogether. there were also multiple reportsthat explosives were found... inside the murrah building. the justice department is reportingthat a second explosive device... has been found in the a. p. murrahbuilding in downtown oklahoma city. mike you're still with us, aren't you? yes i am, and i might tell youin addition to that, that in fact, what we were told at the scenea few minutes ago was that, in fact, two different explosive deviceswere found...

in addition to the one that went off. the second explosive was foundand defused. the third explosive that was found and they are working on right nowas we speak, i understand... both the secondand third explosives, if you can imagine this,were larger than the first. bomb squads were actually caughton video... pulling into the buildingto retrieve these devices. they'll back that trailer down there,and the bomb squad folks will go in...

and they will use that, that trailer. you see the bucketon the back there, sort of. this is how they will transportthe explosive device... away from this populated areato try to do something with it. i just took a look down the streetat the murrah building again. i see another bomb truck goingso apparently they're gonna... try to get out that third bombthat's been talked about. this was even confirmed by thegovernor at the time, frank keating. one device was, was deactivated.

apparently there is another deviceand obviously whatever... did the damage to the murrahbuilding was a tremendous, very sophisticated explosive device. members of the atf who would havenormally been in the building... were tipped off prior to the bombing. he saw what appeared to bea police bomb squad truck... near the murrah buildingtwo hours before the blast. it had a shield on the side of the doorand it said bomb disposal or... bomb squad below itand i really found that interesting.

another witness who spoke to abc newson the condition of anonymity... will tell the grand jury tomorrowhe was told by an atf official... agents working in the buildinghad been warned in advance... not to come to work. he just came out and told me thatthe atf wasn't in the building that day. they had been tipped by their pagersnot to come to work. which i was flabber...i was flabbergasted. mcveigh would even claim in a letterwritten to his sister, which was publishedby the new york times,

that he was actually recruitedfor black operations, which included smuggling drugsinto the united states... as well as assassinations. one may brush this offas the ravings of a madman. however, mcveigh was filmedat the camp grafton military facility... in north dakotaon august 3rd, 1993. mcveigh's official record statethat he was discharged... over a year prior fromthe army reserve in may of 1992. perhaps even more interesting is thatcamp grafton was specializing...

in training troops in explosivesand demolitions at the time. when all was said and done,the security tapes reported to have... captured the entire thing on videowere rounded up and classified. in 2009, they were finally released and magically none ofthem caught the bombing, the excuse being that they wereall having their tapes changed at that exact moment. this event would belabeled domestic extremism, which was used to demonizecritics of world government,

militias, and createfear within the populace. muslim extremism seemedto show its ugly face... in then unprecedented fashionon feb 26th, 1993. a truck bomb had gone off in theparking area of the world trade center. luckily the bombers failedto follow instructions... and parked the truckcarrying the explosives... against the main support column. what is not discussed, however,is the bomb was actually built... by an fbi informantunder the supervision of the fbi.

emad salem,a former egyptian army officer, who had been doingundercover work for the fbi... was the manwho actually built the bomb. when he was told that he would haveto use real bomb making material, instead of harmless substitutes,he became suspicious... and began taping his conversationswith fbi officials. last winter the fbi was praisedfor its speed in cracking the case of the world trade center bombingand bringing four suspects to trial. now, there is some evidence thatthe fbi may have known the plot

in advance through an informantand might, might even have stoppedthe bombing that killed six people. notice the media emphasizes thatthey might have been able to stop it. they then gloss over the fact thatthe bomb was built by their agent, under fbi supervision, in conjunctionwith the district attorney. fbi agents might have been ableto prevent last february's deadly explosion at new york'sworld trade center. they discussed secretly substitutingharmless powder for the explosives, but they didn't, according to thefbi's own informant, emad salem.

unbeknownst to the fbiat the time, salem recorded many of hisconversations with his handlers. the actual recordingwhere salem discusses this... with his fbi handler john anticev,was released years after the trial. you got paid regularlyfor good information. i mean the expenses were a little bitout of the ordinary... and it was really questioned.don't tell nancy i told you this. well, i have to tell her, of course. well then, if you have to,you have to.

yeah, because, i mean, the lady wasbeing honest and i was being honest, and everything was submittedwith a receipt... - yeah, i know.- and now it's questionable. it's not questionable,it's like a, a little out of ordinary. - okay. alright.- you know. i don't think it was; if that'swhat you think, that is fine, but i don't think that, because we wasstart already building the bomb... which is went offin the world trade center. it was built by a, a supervising...

supervision from the bureauand the da. and we was all informed about it, and we know that the bombstart to be built. by who?by your confidential informant. what a wonderful great case. following the convictionsof the muslims... who were too ineptto make their own bomb, and park the vehiclein the proper area, salem was pulled into thefbi's witness protection program...

where he has neverbeen heard from again. prior to the largest and most devastatingterrorist attack on us soil, the united states was poisedas the first truly global superpower. brzezinski would muse in 1997that geo-strategic success... would represent a fitting legacyof america's role... as the first, only and lasttruly global super-power. and that the only way to mobilizeamericans was a truly massive... and widely perceiveddirect external threat. in september of 2000,a neo-conservative think-tank...

called the projectfor a new american century, echoed brzezinski's statements. saying, the united statesis the world's only super-power, combining pre-eminent military power,global technological leadership, and the world's largest economy. an engine for new world order ideals, members of pnac includeddick cheney, donald rumsfeld, jeb bush, scooter libby,william crystal, and paul wolfowitz. describing the difficultyin projecting force,

they write: the process of transformationis likely to be a long one, absent some catastrophicand catalyzing event, like a new pearl harbor. this takes us full circle to theseptember 11th attacks of 2001. in my previous film, fabled enemies,i expose in great detail, the saudi arabian, pakistani,and israeli connections, in conjunction with thisinternational intelligence operation. in the early 1980s, bin ladenworked with operatives... from us intelligence,the pakistani military, and arab states.

they ran a wide rangingcovert network... that recruited and financed muslimfightersto battle the soviet army. the hijackers that were trainedat us military installations... and protected by the fbi and cia. the military exercisesleading up to 9/11, and those that took placeas the attacks occurred. - open line.- [inaudible] i'm sgt. richmond. sgt. richmomd, sgt. (inaudible)in cheyenne mountain test control. - how are you?- i'm doing fine.

okay, i need you to terminateall exercise inputs coming to... - cheyenne mountain at this time.- copy. and stay on loopuntil i verify that you've dis.. or connectivity's disconnectedon the exercise side only. okay, do not do anymore inputson the exercise side and standby. i got cheyenne mountain on the line, terminating all exercise inputs. - [inaudible] exercise.- oh yes. the black ops program, able danger,

and the shadow government involvement. this morning we learned that thevice-president wasn't the only one sent to an undisclosedlocation on september 11th, that an entire backup governmentwas, and is, still there and may be there for as long asanyone now, at least, can imagine. as well as as much, much more. the government has liedabout 911 repeatedly and used it to dominate the middle east while creating an evolvingpolice state here

encroaching on civil liberties at home. and of course, building a new world order. there is a chance for thepresident of the united states to use this disaster tocarry out what his father... a phrase his father used i think only once and hasn't been used since,and that is a new world order. we know now that september 11th of 2001 was the beginning of what wemight call a new world order. the new world order thatthis president's father

talked about with such great enthusiasm seems to be high on theagenda of this administration. under the second bushadministration, massive amounts of civil liberties were openly andbrazenly taken away following 911. the passage of the patriot acts,the military commissions act and other horrifyinganti-constitutional legislation, was enabled by theincredible amount of fear generated by the media, all in the name of keepingus safe here at home.

the war itself would create huge profits for the military-industrial complex and the globalists would seizeeven more power and control over middle eastern resourcesin what they planned to become a eurasian union under their control. although the establishment claimedto be fighting for our freedom abroad, they were destroyingour sovereignty by stealth. expanding on nafta... they were able to consolidate poweron the domestic front...

by deindustrializatingthe united states through cafta, the central american free tradeagreement, as well as the spp, the security and prosperity partnership. opponents however saythe initiative is nothing less... than a plan to create anorth american union that would... eliminate sovereigntyfor all three nations. building on the north americanfree trade agreement, the nafta sectionof the commerce department... is busy drafting laws and regulationsfor a north american union,

a union of canada,america and mexico. the president has attendedsecret meetings... and signedat least two agreements... under the securityand prosperity partnership program. the stated goal establishedby presidents bush, fox... and prime minister paul martinis integration by 2010. it's a plan from the business elites,the political elites... that will cost more american jobs,cost american sovereignty, but it would fulfillthe president's father's vision.

now former united statestrade ambassador robert zoellick... is talking about it againwith renewed vigor. this time a new world orderwith business... at the helm of tradeand economic policy. it's an agenda that goes hand-in-handwith the united states, mexico and canada working quietlyand behind the scenes... to promote a common marketwith common deregulation... for the benefit ofmultinational corporations. it's remarkable to me the arrogance,the idea, just simply...

throwing awaythe nation's sovereignty. but they're trying to do so,in so many ways. people better understand that they meanexactly what they're saying. it's a new world orderthey're trying to create. dobbs, the only mainstream anchorto expose the new world order, resigned shortly after bulletswere fired into his home. the elite do not plan on waiting aroundfor these unions to be formed... before implementing the next stepin global government. through the vast global economic crisisof the last few years,

they have been able to devaluethe dollar and undermine it... as the world's reserve currency. they have allowed the federal reserveand imf to consolidate power... by taking control of thesecurities and exchange commission, as well as issuing a global currencyinstead of the dollar... disguised as aspecial drawing rights unit. this aspect of the new world orderwas announced at the g20... in april of 2009. there is a big thing that's gonna happenin london at this g20 and then...

they're hiding it. they camouflaging it.they're not talking about it. coordinationof international regulation. what they are going to dois to put our fed and our sec... under the control,n effect, of the imf. world order, that's whatthey're planning in there is, is to undermine the u.s. currencyand it's just, it's just really sad. what it really is,is putting the american economy... - under international regulation.- yeah. and those peoplewho have been yelling:

oh, the u.n.'s gonna take over... - global government.- conspiracy theorists. they've been crazy,but now, they're right! there's twenty, or whatever,people in the g20... say there's twenty ministers... thousands of us,and we can't get our voices heard. when geithner saidhe would be open to the idea... - of a global currency last year...- exactly. yeah. those conspiracy people had saidand suggested that for years,

- you're not wrong.- that's right. cash is becoming weeded out. cash will most likely be eliminated or, or extremely difficult to usein many situations, so that you'll have to use the globalcurrency or the electronic currency. even though a physical global currencyis yet to exist, groups such as bric are openlypromoting a new reserve currency, which is a conglomerate of brazil,russia, indonesia and china. get everyone in the whole worldusing one currency,

which some people thinkthat's a good idea. russian president dmitry medvedevrecently showed off a sample coin... of the new world currencyat the g8 in july of 2009. we have also agreedtoday additional resources... of one trillion dollars that are availableto the world economy... through the international monetary fundand other institutions. this includes 250 billionsfrom special drawing rights, the reserve currency of the imf. drawing rights that will be issuedto countries...

who are partof the international monetary fund. i think a new world order is emergingand with it the foundations... of a new and progressive eraof international cooperation. the head of the european unionis also calling for global government. 2009 is also the 1st year of globalgovernance with the establishment... of the g20 in the middleof the financial crisis. gordon brown has calledfor a world constitution. we now need nothing shortof a world constitution... for the global financial system.

both gordon brown andbarack obama had been groomed... to be the next anglo-americanspokesmen for this new world order... after bush and blair stepped down. here's gordon brownin front of the cbi... prior to him being chosento become prime minister. and it's only now that we can beginto understand that the world order... that globalization brings andwhat it's going to look like. but what does the new worldorder mean for countries like ours who are looking to succeed.

and the question for usis how we meet and master all these challenges toensure that britain enhances its competitiveness inthe process and realize, realizes what i believeis our destiny of success in this new world order. a new world is emerging. it is a new world orderwith significantly different and radically newchallenges for the future. president barack obama has alsoespoused similar views on globalism.

here he is in berlin,germany, in july of 2008, in what media have dubbedhis new world order speech. well, there have been extraordinaryscenes in berlin tonight as thousands of peoplegathered to hear barack obama deliver key foreign policy speechon his current european tour. the democratic presidentialhopeful laid out his vision for america's place in a new world order. in this new world, such dangerouscurrents have swept along faster than our efforts to contain them

and that is why we cannotafford to be divided. no one nation, no matterhow large or powerful can defeat such challenges alone. but the burdens of global citizenshipcontinue to bind us together. in this new century,americans and europeans alike will be required to do more, not less. partnership and cooperationamong nations is not a choice, it is the only way, the one way to protect our common security andadvance our common humanity.

that is why america cannot turn inward. that is why europe cannot turn inward. america has no better partner than europe. now, now is the time to buildnew bridges across the globe as strong as the one thatbinds us across the atlantic. now is the time to join togetherthrough constant cooperation and strong institutions, andshared sacrifice and a global commitment to progress to meetthe challenges of the 21st century. barack obama also becamethe first sitting president

to ever become the chair of thesecurity council for the united nations, which only further cites hisallegiance to world government. in an era when our destiny is shared,power is no longer a zero-sum game. no one nation can or shouldtry to dominate another nation. no world order that elevates one nation or group of people over another will succeed. no balance of poweramong nations will hold. the traditional divisions betweennations of the south and the north make no sense in an interconnected world.

i think his task will be to developan overall strategy for america in this period when really anew world order can be created. it's a great opportunity. the globalists, who know thatobama is going to promote their plan want to make him such a superhero that nobody will question what he's doing. he is very much a product of the system that he is now technically in charge of. obama alone or the democrat party alone,

is not responsible for hismassive rock star status. it's been done by the media. this establishes that obamais an unapologetic globalist who holds no one nation aboveanother despite its policies. perhaps we should move towards a societymore like china, if that's the case. after all on the 60th anniversaryof the communist mao regime takeover, the empire state building, once aproud symbol of the united states, was lit in the colors of the communistparty, halfway across the world. in fact, following the unitednations copenhagen conference

in december of 2009, thewashington post ran the headline: copenhagen climate deal shows newworld order may be led by u.s., china. the copenhagen conferencewas disguised as a summit that would save the planetfrom man-made global warming by cutting carbon emissions. when taking a look at the almost200-page document that was being proposed, it becomes evident thatthis was yet another attempt to establish global governmentand set up a global tax. in section 38, it states: the schemefor the new institutional arrangement

under the convention will bebased on three basic pillars: government, facilitativemechanism, and financial mechanism. in section 47, subsection f, itdiscusses cap-and-trade schemes and carbon taxes and theuse of new and existing flexible carbon market mechanisms. these cap-and-tradeschemes were just that, a scheme to further transfer thewealth from the poor to the ultra-rich. one of the ways it willdrive the change is through global governance and global agreements.

the fact that our president evenattended should be considered treason. just weeks before the conference,climategate hit the media. secret emails confirmed that many ofthe united nations' lead scientists had engaged in fraud inorder to promote the idea that man-made global warming was occurring and that carbon dioxide was a toxic gas. in reality they admitted the earthhad been cooling for the last decade and that they haddestroyed the source data in order to ensurethe scientific community

would be unable to review their findings. phil jones was forced to resign fromhis position at east anglia university and penn state has launched aninvestigation into michael mann. because of the scandal many countriesrefused to sign the agreement... and instead onlytwenty-five heads of state, including rock star presidentand savior barack obama... signed a much shorterand broader accord. the document states that a high levelpanel will be created... and that parties will be subjectto domestic auditing,

supervision and assessment. the climate conferencein copenhagen... is another step towardsthe global management of our planet. the idea that carbon dioxide,the life force for plants here on earth, is a toxic gas and should be taxed,is laughable. there have been numerousperiods of time in which the earth... has had vastly more carbonin the atmosphere than present day. in areas where there therehave been volcanic eruptions... which emit large amounts of co2,plants have benefited...

and there is no negative impacton the surrounding environment, as well as indigenous people,from the excess carbon dioxide. the globalists promote this theoryto keep mankind in fear, not only for the establishmentof a global government... and a global carbon tax, but the literal controlof the entire planet. an even darker side to the scamof man-made global warming exists. in reality, it's about population control. ted turner reveals himself herein this interview with charlie rose.

we've got to stabilize the population. - when i was born there were two...- so, what's wrong with the population. - i mean...- we're too many people. that's what, that's why we have global warming. we have global warming because toomany people are using too much stuff. we've got to stabilizepopulation on a voluntary basis. everybody in the world'sgotta pledge to themselves that... that one or two children is it. not doing it will be catastrophic.

we'll have eight degrees... we'll be eight degrees hotter in ten,not ten but in thirty or forty years and basically none of the crops will grow. most of the people will have diedand the rest of us will be cannibals. civilization will have broken down. the few people left will be living ina failed state like somalia or sudan and living conditions will be intolerable. the droughts will be so badthere'll be no more corn growing. it will...not doing it is suicide.

unbelievably, when turnermet with other globalists david rockefeller, warren buffett, bill gates, michael bloomberg and even oprah winfrey, todiscuss population control, they were portrayed as superheroes. behind closed doors onthis new york campus, a secret gathering of some ofthe world's most powerful people:

gates, buffett, bloomberg, winfrey. it was like... well, it was likethe super friends. in the great hall of the justice league, there are assembled theworld's four greatest heroes. together with othersat the meeting including... george soros, ted turner,david rockefeller, they're worth morethan 125 billion dollars. the new supermen and wonder woman,the super rich friends, not fighting bad guys,but fighting for good, nonetheless.

would a superhero callfor a one-child policy? would a super hero callfor population control? in a recent interview, he claims thattwo billion people would be ideal. that means four billion-plusmust die... to accommodate a manwho owns more acreage... than anyone else on the planet. let us not forgetthat ted turner is the... president ofthe united nations foundation. there are countless examples of howwe are being indoctrinated to accept...

these kinda conditions and believe thatman and his activities are the problem. from the promotionof climate cops... we're the carbon cops who areon the lookout for energy wasters. to phony liberalsand conservatives getting together... to promote climate change. now let's face it,we're polar opposites. we couldn't be further apart.i'm on the left. and i'm usually right.and we strongly disagree. except on one issue.tell them what it is, reverend pat.

that would be our planet.taking care of it is extremely important. we all need to work together,liberals and conservatives. so get's the right thing to do. now there you go again. the new world order will stop atnothing to achieve planetary dominance, whether it be assassination, wars based on lies, and even a phony environmental movement. so it should come as no surprisethat they have been tracking,

tracing and databasingour lives for years. many people are aware thatthe bush administration engaged in warrantless wiretapson american citizens. what they don't understandis that it's come out in court that all the majortelecommunications companies have been secretly storing everypiece of data received from our phones and our computers and handing themover to the national security agency. you've heard about thegovernment secretly listening in on phone conversations without a warrant?

but there is evidence thatyour email is also being tapped. the government has beenintercepting most emails, as part of its terroristsurveillance program. that program has beencriticized as illegal because it's missing an importantingredient: search warrants. several years ago kleinsays he came to suspect that at&t had installedsecret computer gear designed to spy on internet traffic, at the request of thenational security agency.

this is just a small part of the picture, as at&t was not the only company involvedand emails were not the only issue. the nsa was installingnarus insight systems which are capable of monitoring billionsof bits of internet traffic per second. it was also able to monitor anycalls trafficked through its system, all websites visited,all instant messaging, and separate types of transaction records. the secret room at at&t containsgear which enables the government to look at every individual messageon the internet...

and analyze exactlywhat people are doing. here's another mentions a company called narus. narus makes computer softwarethat can swallow and analyze... ten gigabytes of informationevery second. that means it could go through allthe information in all the books... in the library of congressin a little over 15 minutes. the documents klein and otherswere able to produce... were then censored by the nsa. bankston isn't allowedto talk about the documents in detail...

the government has sincehad that them sealed... but he says what is in thereboggles the mind. we are talking abouta substantial portion... of all of the communications trafficin the united states. the policies have been shieldedby the obama administration and continue to this day. attorney general holder has publiclystated lawsuits be thrown out of court, and after several attempts klein andother cases were thrown out as well, once again citing the national security ofwhat used to be a constitutional republic,

not a massive corrupt slave state. living in the new world orderwhen it's close to completion, for the average citizen,for people like you and me, is gonna be essentially slavery. we're never gonna be able to get ahead. were never gonna be ableto amass enough wealth essentially to retire or todo what we want to do in life. we're gonna constantlybe working for the man. they're creating. essentially,a two-class system.

so it's gonna be an inner rulingelite and then everyone else. and i've got news foryou: you're everyone else. the new world order that is currentlybeing built revolves around creating a global technopoly ruled by the elite in which they dominate andcontrol a severely reduced populace which they treat as their pets. in the new world order,the people are the enemy. internal documents releasedin march of 2009 reveal that the department of homeland securityis targeting citizens who discussed

the new world order: peoplewith a christian identity, or sovereign citizens who arguethat the government has gotten away from the intent of the constitutionand are strong states' rights advocates; people who are anti-immigration, stating, extremists will argue that immigrantsare taking the jobs of u.s. citizens during times of high unemploymentand without paying taxes; people who oppose the federalreserve banking system; people who display constitutionalparty or libertarian material; people who support ron paul;

and those who have bumper stickerscontaining antigovernment rhetoric. this document is oneof literally thousands that make everyone a possible terrorist. this establishes a pattern ofdemonizing ordinary citizens while giving draconianpowers to the state. you are considered guiltyuntil proven innocent. as technology is developed, separate parts of their command and control systemare beta-tested around the world. here at home, boy scouts are beingtrained to take on returning veterans

and disarm domestic extremists. while national programs such as city year are training young peopleto serve the government. i am change. i am fierce. in the united kingdomit has been established there are over four million cctv cameras. that is around one camerafor every 14 citizens. their purpose is not to solve crime,

as it takes 1000 cctv camerasto solve just one crime. it is to create a tattle-tale society in which everyone isunder constant surveillance by the state and those around them. the company internet eyes is nowpaying people to log onto the internet and watch cctv cameras in real-timeas they turn in criminals for cash. families deemed by thestate to be unfit in england have now been put under 24-hourcctv supervision in their homes. this program has plans for20,000 families in england,

which is to double in the next two years. your every move in both yourhome and the outside world is under constant surveillance, by a criminal elitewho operate above the law. as we are constantly under the microscope, their activities remain in the shadows. obama extended diplomaticimmunity to interpol with the executive order 12425, further empowering criminalbehavior within our own government.

in the middle east,endless wars will continue. under the obama administration, we have sent tens of thousandsof more troops into afghanistan, all while the same network exposed inthe iran-contra affair discussed earlier controls the opium trade. it was revealed in october of2009 that the cia had been funding puppet afghani leader hamid karzai'swarlord brother for the last eight years. he is the lead opium dealer in the region. it seems the same cartelthat was dealing drugs

in the eighties andnineties never stopped. after all, how elsecould the government fund black operation programs across the board. the karzai regime has whole sections of it which are drug supportedand we can't touch it. we turned afghanistan into the majorsupplier of heroin for the world. it happened under cia supervision. this continues while many of thetaliban are literally on u.s. payrolls. is there a possibility thatwe have taliban employees?

the commander in the field, or the...i should say the cocom commander, general petraeus, has madeit a conscious effort to, as part of his coin strategy,to hire local nationals. i can't talk in this, in this forum, noram i the qualified guy to talk about it, but there is no doubt in my mind. one day you're on one side of the ledger, the other day you may be onthe other side of the ledger. biometrics have been institutedin both afghanistan and iraq where individuals are subject tofingerprint devices, iris scanners

and electronic databases,to screen local residents, as well as dna tests. this includes anyone withinthe populace of a combat zone. someone has to go out there withthe biometric registration equipment, take your iris scans,take your, take your scans and get you registeredin the system like that. as scary and tyrannical asthese systems seem to be, none may be as dangerous asthe implantable rfid microchip. through various pretenses, includingterror, security, and entertainment,

the chip has been promotedand integrated into society. in 2001, following the911 terrorist attacks, that jacobs family became the firstfamily to be injected with microchips, in front of a live television audience. we have a florida family who arereally pioneers in a brave new world. they have volunteered to be the first ever to have microchip identificationdevices implanted into their body. after 911, i was really concernedwith the security of my family. in 2004, the fda approvedthe use of rfid technology

to be implanted into human beings. however, studies dating back to the 1990s show the implantable microchip hasbeen linked to cancer in animals. but this has not slowedthe agenda of control. in barcelona, trendies get chipsin order to receive vip status at the exclusive baja nightclub. a simple swipe of the armget them in without a line and it pays for their drinks too. the mexican government also chippedemployees for security measures in 2004.

we were interested today tohear that more than a hundred law enforcement officials in mexico are having microchips implantedin their arms. the chips allow a person to be scanned, sort of like a cereal boxat the supermarket checkout. mexico's attorney generaland 160 of his deputies have had microchips implantedin their arms. it is to provide access,said the attorney general, to the right people in exclusive areas.

today aside from being promotedas a device that can save your life by storing all of yourmedical information in it, it is being promoted as thenext-generation tool for video gaming. sega developer yu suzuki plans on developing gamingtechnology using implantable rfids. he states: people that have somesort of chips in their bodies to be able to keep track of vital signs,so it doesn't have to be a scary thing. but you could put a sensor here,you know, a bit like the matrix, as he points to his arm.

it's not really somethingonly in the future. some people already havethem, chips in their bodies. suzuki is correct, it has never beeneasier to order a microchip online and implant it under your skin. microchips implanted in your hand,arm or shoulder is just the beginning. some have already takenimplantable brain chips that may enable the blind tosee again, the deaf to hear, and much, much more, includingthe ability to download information directly into the brain and instantlycommunicate with anyone in the world,

creating a worldwide mind. it's very interesting that the waythat the new world order is going is moving towards a systemthat is identical to that, whether it's gonna be an implantablemicrochip, an rfid, a thumb scan; whether it's gonna bein some sort of a tattoo. imagine, a planet where every humanbeing is required to be chipped at birth. this would be the final tool implemented in a command-and-controlworld government system in which the elite rule the masseswith total control of their lives.

this is, of course, a terriblepredicament for those of us who are convinced that thissystem is slowly, but surely, destroying this countryand has to be changed. but we can't count on theelected presidents to do it and we can't count on theelected congress to do it. we somehow have to mobilize thetechnological resources of the internet to create some kind of newpolitical force in this country. so is there anything else aboutthe ruling class we should know? politicians, businessleaders and media figures

are often portrayed as pillars of morality while they describe themselvesas christian conservatives. nothing could be further from the truth. in reality many of the eliteare groomed at a young age to take part in occult rituals. those who attend yale are indoctrinated into the order of skull and bones, an elite secret societycloaked as a fraternal order. yale university is 300 years old thisyear and were you to visit its campus,

you would see that it still hasexotic clubhouses which look like tombs where yale's legendarysecret societies meet. their prestige and importancehave largely evaporated but the rituals are still a secret. and so when we heard that someenterprising camera crews had managed to spy on the famous skull andbones society, we couldn't resist. skull and bones, people say it'sa fraternity at yale university but it's really apostgraduate organization. so it was founded in 1832 andit's not like a normal fraternity.

people don't pledge. these peoplechoose who they want to come. so they do their recruiting. theyrecruit fifteen people every year. people who they see are gonnabe powerful people in the future. so they're recruited whenthey're a junior in college. a lot of these people come fromreally wealthy and influential families because they know that thisperson has the resources to then elevate them to a positionof power that can benefit the club. the video shows the neophytes,or initiates, kissing a skull, then performinga mock human sacrifice.

horrific screams caughton tape include chants of the devil equals death,death equals the devil. true, famous alums include senatorsjohn kerry and john chafee, to name 2, cabinet secretariessuch as averell harriman; and 3 presidents: william taft,george bush and george w bush, who's been reluctant to talk aboutskull and bones. does it still exist? the thing is so secretthat i'm not even sure it still exists. former skull and bones membersand current members have been...

presidents, heads of the cia,senators, heads of business...i mean huge, huge corporations. these people have the networkthat brings them to... such a position of powerthat most people could only dream of. bush would runagainst his fellow bonesman... and distant cousinjohn kerry in 2004. you both were members ofskull and bones, a secret society at yale. what does that tell us? not much, 'cause it's a secret.

is there a secret handshake?is there a secret code? i wish there were something secreti could manifest. 322, a secret number? there are all kinds of secrets, tim. you were both in skull and bones,the secret society. it's so secret,we can't talk about it. what does that mean for america? the conspiracy theoristsare gonna go wild. i'm sure they are.i don't know, i haven't seen the...

- number 322?- i... uh... this is an elaborate,occult, ritualistic... entry into this group that they are nowa member of for life. this culture of death and the occultcontinues long after college. later on in life,these pagan rituals... carry on in the redwoodsof sonoma, california. what is the bohemian grove? well it's a kind of summer campfor the powerful. an all-male gatheringin great secrecy.

this group was formedin the late 1800s... by artists, industrialistsand politicians. bohemian attendees worshipthe owl as their deity. the aztecs, mayans and other nativesof mesoamerica... consider the owl a symbolof destruction and death. this is why the opening ritualfor the club is the cremation of care. during the ritual, the effigy of a babyis rowed across the water... by the grim reaperand given to a high priest... who then tosses it on a fierysacrificial altar of a 40-foot owl god.

it is an earth-based ritualin which care is burned away. the conscience is symbolicallycast aside... so that they may ignore the painthey have inflicted on others: the advancementof their own agendas. with this ceremony calledthe cremation of care... that begins the two-weekencampment where... the body of dull care,symbolizing woes and concerns, is burned on an altar in frontof a big owl statue. when that ceremony ends,they all start to cheer and yell.

you have to ask yourself why, why it is that somebodywould want to do that, let alone these elite people? and if you look at the elitethroughout history, many of the people that achievepinnacles of power are into the occult. they seek a supernatural wayto gain power. why are christian conservatives suchas the bushes and newt gingrich... attending the grove? and i, i recognize i'm not going to beinvited to renaissance weekend...

or that bohemian dealwere newt, rush and dick... all sit in a teepee, naked,beating on tom-toms. why does the mediabarely mention the grove? because many of themare in attendance. late political cartoonist phil frankof the san francisco chronicle, draws a reporter thinking abouthis loyalties to bohemian grove... as he takes notes for a story. stories about what happens inthese redwoods are hard to come by. a campground statuereminds bohemians...

to keep their mouth shutabout the grove. many world eventshave been shaped at the grove, including the creationof the atomic bomb. discussions at the grove in the 1930shelped lead... to the development of nuclear powerand the atomic bomb. every republican president sincecalvin coolidge has been a member, as well as many democrats,including jimmy carter. if you look at the membership listsof the bohemian grove and the council on foreign relations,the bilderberg group,

a lot of the key-level peopleare overlapping... and are involved in numerous groups. in addition to pagan ritualsthat take place there, this all-male club also dealswith darker themes... through the plays montezuma,which feature aztec human sacrifice... and faust, which feature mephisto. some of these playsare disturbingly flamboyant. many of the elitists have a penchantfor cross-dressing... and singing show tunes.

perhaps that is why muchof the all-male staff... also happen to be homosexuals. well, each year many of themseemed to have a stunt, or try to come up with a stunt. last year, 1980, the popular buttonwas free the fortune 500. the bohemian grove that i attendedfrom... time to time... it is the most faggoty goddamned thingyou will... can ever imagine. in 2004, the new york post reportedthat gay porn star chad savage... would be servicing mogulsat the bohemian grove.

in recent years, several politicianshave been outted in scandals... including senator larry craig, who tried to solicit sexfrom an undercover officer in 2007. even more shocking,it was revealed in 2004... that right-wing bloggerjames guckert, who had unprecedented access tothe white house during the iraq war, was actually jeff gannon,a madam... and male prostitutefor militarystud. com. during his two years writingfor gopusa and talon news,

gannon officially made over200 appearances at the white house. oddly enough, over two dozenof these visits... would take place when there wereno scheduled briefings. he failed to check in or outwith the secret service... on many other occasions,coming and going as he pleased. these type of activities are not newto the white house. in 1989, headlines involving call boysin the white house... rocked the coverof the washington times. the washington times reported todaythat unidentified white house aides...

in the carter, reaganand bush administrations... now are being investigated for usingthe services of a call boy ring. the paper reportsthat 2 of the male prostitutes... were given a late night tourof the white house last year. hundreds of credit card receiptsobtained by the washington times... confirm that its clientswere key officials of the reagan and bush administrations,military officers, congressional aidesand u.s. and foreign businessmen, with close social tiesto washington's political elite.

this ring extended beyondthe white house... and into congressmanbarney frank's bedroom. barney frank, one of two openlyhomosexual members of congress, acknowledged having useda male prostitute, whom he then hiredas a personal employee. the man had keys to frank'sbasement apartment on capitol hill. frank paid him approximately$20,000 out of his own pocket to be his housekeeper and driver. but as first reported in today'swashington times,

the man was on probationfor sex crimes and a drug conviction, and he ran a prostitution businessout of frank's home. although frank tried to claim ignorance,stephen gobie, the prostitute in question, claimed thatfrank was completely aware... of what was going on,and was even receiving... free and discounted sexual services. the fix seemed to be in. frank was threatening membersof congress to remain silent prior to being exposed in this sex ring.

massachusetts democratbarney frank, a homosexual, threatened to exposefellow congressmen he knew to be gay, unless they stoppedspreading rumors. questions stopped and frankwalked away with a slap on the wrist. some members of theethics committee were disgusted. do we tolerate, do we condone... a member of this body... who knowingly permits... a house of prostitution to beoperated out of his residence.

you have just heard... one of the most edited, selective garbage... that has ever been put forth,in my opinion, in this house. again we see peopleof the highest levels of power... involved in the most repulsiveand decadent of crimes. they couldn't care lessabout the code of conduct... that's taught in allmajor religions about... treating others the waythat you want to be treated.

and then they masquerade, they putthis false front on that they're like... everybody else because youraverage person wants to do right, believes in some sort of a karma, believes in some sort of a divinejustice in the universe. and so these people need to put onthis front... that they're like the average joeand middle america, that they go to churchevery once in a while... and that they believe in an afterlifeand a divine justice... and so they have to put on this frontthat they're like everybody else...

in order to get electedand to be accepted... and to not have peoplelook at them suspiciously, because if somebody goes aroundand openly admits... that they were an atheist orthat they were some obscure religion, people aren't gonna throw their supportbehind them as much... and they're not gonna trust themas easily. the reality of this behavioris never revealed to the public... as the media keepsany revelations quiet. unfortunately, these type of activitiescontinue to this day.

florida congressman mark foleychaired the house caucus... on missing and exploited childrenand went on television... praising chris hansen'sto catch a predator series. the dateline piece has probably donemore than any law we can create. foley was later caught attemptingto have sexual relations... with numerous underage pages. congressman mark foley,the man who championed... the child protection act of 2006,resigned after inappropriate emails and... instant messages surfaced that he sentto former congressional pages.

once more, no charges were even filed. foley, himself, has checked into rehab. no one has been chargedwith any crime. the predator class acts likeroman emperors, indulging in excess that includessex with young boys... while portraying themselvesas men of the lord. the insanity is that we have allowedan interwoven elite criminal class... to rule over us while posingas the saviors of the planet. we have learned that they will stopat nothing to achieve their goals...

and are not held accountablefor their crimes. they prey on the systemrather than protect it. this is not a new world orderof peace and prosperity. it is not a world governmentto save the earth. during difficult timeswe must remain ever-vigilant... against seemingly positive solutionsimposed to suit their aims. crises there will continue to be. in meeting them, whether foreignor domestic, great or small, there is a recurring temptation...

to feel that some spectacularand costly action... could become the miraculous solutionto all current difficulties. we are threatened by a super classthat control the flow of information... and hide technologyfrom the public. the prospect of dominationof the nation's scholars... by federal employment,project allocations... and the power of money is ever presentand is gravely to be regarded. we must also be alert to the equaland opposite danger... that public policy could itself...

become the captive of a scientific,technological elite. it is time to put downthe remote control, to turn off your xboxand start paying attention. it is time to step away fromeveryday luxuries and pop culture... and take action against a monolithic,concentrated evil... in order to savewhat's left of humanity. we must now tradein our apathy for action... in order to defeatthis invisible empire. how set up are we to dealwith this new world order?

i think we're gonna hear a lotabout that today. take the new world order,it's an interesting phrase. i've been thinking a little bitabout the structure of the world, right, the new world order,as everybody says. the peace could yield to thepernicious new world order. the new world order. the new world order of... this new world order. stay fixed on your goal of imposingthe new world order.

but he kept talking abouta new world order. a new world order! that's what we need now,a new world order with swing. one war and one victory dothnot a new world order make. conservatives used to believein the united states of america... rather than the united statesof the new world order. the ambition to createa new world order. whose world order is this? and of course, what he called itwas the new world order.

respect for a new world order. we can see a new world cominginto view, etc... etc... that's the core of the new world orderthat we want to try to build. with a sole superpower,a new world order. a new world order. to a new world order of peace. i'll say a new world order,for want of a better term. ...entities of the new world order. the whole concept of new world orderis something else.

it really says that the state is god. the state will play a bigger rolein the economy, new order. what wilson wantedwas a new world order, not just a new world order. in order to competein the new world order. compete in this new world order. this is the third legof the new world order. we had the world bank,we had the imf, and now we had theworld trade organization.

the rigid new world order. this hoped-for new world order. constructing a new world order. in the new world orderof the 21st century. the new world orderwe are going to put in place. in this new world order. the patriots in this countryare not gonna see their rights... diminished in order to createa new world order. that president bush has describedas a new world order,

which i share that...we all share that same desire. a new world order is surelyin the making here. are we readyfor the new world order. it's a timely and oftencontroversial question. you don't hear a politician speakthe way you do in america. it's about the future of europeand a new world order. mr. president, thank you so much... and i hope to have you againand i hope to see you again.

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