standard furniture company

standard furniture company - Hallo friend furniture stands lover, At this time sharing furniture stands entitled standard furniture company, I have provided furniture stands ideas. hopefully content of posts that I wrote this home design, Furniture Decorating, interior, furniture stands can be useful. OK, following its coverage of furniture stands ideas..

About : standard furniture company
Title : standard furniture company

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    standard furniture company

    snake. oh god! snake. balaji, a snake is about to biteyour friend dhana lakshmi. dhana lakshmi. snake. - dhana lakshmi, go away.yes, you, go away. dhana lakshmi, listento me. run away. l said run away. go away,dhana. go away. go away. dhana dear.

    lt's too late. havesome meals, girl. you are my sweet girl, aren'tyou? have some meals, girl. where is father?- he is on terrace talking on phone. have it, dear.- l will eat only when father comes. your aunt (stepmother)might beat you. - subbaiah yes, ma'am. - leave her. shewill eat when she's hungry. rajeshwari, what's the matter? what is my sweetheart up to there? oh ! what happened! lt seemsmy sweetheart it angry there.

    my sweetheart never gets angry. she never gets angry no matter what. my sweetheart is such a nice girl. here is your new pen. thank you, father. balaji. who is this balaji? he is miss. dhana's classmate. ''lullabies, fun gamesand affection.'' ''an honest laugh andspotless heart.''

    ''a child's heart knows nothingother than that.'' ''that's what brings a smileon a child's face.'' ''o love!'' dhana, why are you crying like that? lf my father was alivehe would've lifted me.. ..and played with me, you know.. hey, put her down. lf you step inside the fencel will break your legs. get lost from here. get lost.

    dhana, why are you standing here.. ..when everyone is goinginto the class? l am waiting for balaji, teacher. his father has got a transfer.he left this city. balaji won't come to school again. balaji. balaji. balaji. girl.- where is balaji? they left to city. he wantedto meet you once.. ..but his father has beatenhim up and took him away.

    dear.- yes, coming. dhana's state-first rankin tenth standard.. not an ordinary achievement. l heard that you arestill not very keen.. ..on sending dhana to college. she lost both her mother and father. you are the one who has to takecare of her. - alright. goodbye.- goodbye. did you see that, brother?

    that scoundrel left mere50 lakhs for me.. ..and left 50 croresfor his daughter. that fact is alreadygiving me heartburn. and to add to my worrieshere comes a new problem. what's the big deal, sister!lf we get her married.. a man who'd follow our ordersshe'll be in our hands. dhana lakshmi. letter. balaji. 'dhana lakshmi, how are you?'

    'lt's me. balaji.' 'l read it in papers that you gotstate-first rank in 10th standard.' 'congrats! l am so veryhappy for you.' 'right now l am in hyderabad..' balaji. balaji. balaji. youdidn't forget him yet? aunt, please don't tear it. please. aunt. aunt, please give it to me. l'll kill you. yes, we had to arrange dhanalakshmi's engagement..

    team dg yes, l will personally cometo your place to invite you. greetings.- greetings, madam. subbaiyah, is dhana back? dhana lakshmi didn'tgo to college today. l searched her everywhere, butl couldn't find her anywhere. dhana lakshmi ran away. hello everybody! l welcomeone and all.. ..who came to the felicitationceremony..

    ..of the top industrialistmr. narayana rao. lt's a proud moment for us thatwe got an opportunity.. felicitate him. our narayana rao who started out.. just another mechanic hastoday reached great heights.. ..whom all of us look up to,and the reason behind it.. his untiring efforts, hardwork, focus and determination. now notable industrialistmr. sharma.. ..will felicitate narayanarao with a garland.

    greetings to hard work is not.. ..the only reason behind my success. but the credit also goes tomy family who stood by me.. thick and thin. thank you. they too havea share in this success. that's why l want to introduceyou to them.. ..through this screen. she is my wife kamala. shedoesn't know anything.. ..outside the family.

    he is my elder son shekhar.after completing m tech.. ..he is working as chiefengineer in bhel. that girl is my daughter-in-lawkrishnaveni. not just my daughter-in-law,but my niece as well. this girl is my onlydaughter surekha. come in. how are you?- l am fine, but the rice.. gave me last week fordosas isn't find, mom. oh no! l will give youbetter rice this time. mummy, bye. l'll come next week.- ok, take care.

    the man following heris my son-in-law. don't underestimate himas he is carrying goods. he is also a software engineer. he is my grandson daughter's son. he stays with us. uncle. uncle. ask your sonto study well. - why? only if he studies welll would be able to.. ..copy from his paperand pass the exams. he's a bit active.

    this is my family.- sir, he's lying. he has another son. the nextshots were his shots. that's not true.- then continue it. why are you hesitating? continue it. because it would be insultingto him we know about him. switch it on. hey! hey! aravind. he's running away with my bag. he looks like a good fellow. hehas got helping nature as well.

    watch it completely, sir.- continue, mr. narayana. excuse me! l have been following youfrom the restaurant. you set out to help that girl,but you came here? what about that girl?- ls it that girl? aravind, three will be enough? my, he's running away with my bag. and the thief? ls it him?- buddy, we got the tickets.

    hey, you ! all of you arefrom the same team? - ya. but why did you do so?- that hotel bill was 3,500 rupees. will your dad pay the bill? narayana, you gavesuch a major shock? did your wife conceive himwhile watching crime watch? you have got such a son? - we give him foreign carsfor repair and his son.. ..goes out with his friendson them as if he owns them. those who see that think thatwe are using his car.

    you who can't even putyour son in control.. ..don't deserve this garland andthis felicitation. cancel. sir, l have four daughters. l had to move out of thisarea as l wasn't able to.. ..put up with him and his idioticgang's idiotic deeds, sir. stand up.- l am already standing. stand up on the bench. ls that so? coat canceled. tie cancelled.

    shirt cancelled. pant cancelled. underwear cancelled. thank god, l have stillgot my clothes on. his son goes out with hisfriends on our cars.. if he owns them. thosewho see that think that.. ..we are using his car. oh god! he gave hiscar for servicing. thank god the car's here.

    kamala. kamala.- oh god! - where's your stupid son? l am worshipping here andyou are ruining mood. you take a bath andgo to the workshop. lf you wake up at 7 and go towork we will shut shop soon. l praised you so much in the dreams. dear, how's the upma?- lt's great. pour some more. pour some more? good morning, father.- good morning. the taxi owners' associationwas about to..

    ..felicitate you today, right?- that's what l am tensed about. tensed?- l mean it's about aravind. l feared that he might havefled with the car.. ..l park outside whenl was in sleep. what's there to getso tensed, father? lt's not an ordinary car.- ls it a secondhand one? shut up! lt's a new benz goes on high speed. you know how muchit costs? 50 lakhs. lts owner gave it to me forservicing with great fear.

    l have to hand it overto him in flowers. you know what would happen ifaravind gets such a costly car! we will have to sell itto the garbage-vendor. you take a bath, uncle. lwill serve the breakfast. alright. alright. andwhere is my grandson? l am here, grandpa. lam watching tv news. very good. and why are youwatching news channel.. ..instead of watching cartoonslike other kids do? ln weather report theyare forecasting rains.

    they would announce it ontv if we get a leave. that's the reason. mom.- where are you? the old man has woken up?- you come fast. ok. ok. l'm coming. look how the top tenfigures of our area.. ..are revolving around him. my blood starts burninglike acid when.. ..that ordinary mechanic's sonhangs out in a new car..

    ..with a new girl everyday.- cool, buddy. cool. we will get him some day. who locked the door? kamala.kamala. open the door. centipede. centipede. there'sa centipede here. coming. l'm coming.- open the door. where's the centipede, uncle? forget the centipede and firsttell me who bolted the door. hey, good-for-nothing fellow,you are out of your mind? what do you think you are doing!

    hello!- ls this mechanic narayana's house? yes, it's me. tell me.- sir, we are talking.. ..from l & t company. weare thinking of giving.. ..our company's 50 carsto your service centre. what did you say, madam?say it again. you heard it right. we arethinking of giving.. ..our 50 cars to your servicecentre. - 50 cars? how did you find outabout our company? oh come on ! your servicingcentre is very famous.. the city, you don't know that?- l don't know. yes, l know now. you just said it. ok. ok. how much do you chargeto service one car? how much? 500 rupees.- 500 rupees. 500 multiplied by 50 makesit 25,000 rupees. ok, take 50,000 rupees instead. how do you accept payments?by check or cash? l accept both. - then we willhave to close our company. no, no. l didn't mean that.we accept payments..

    ..through both cash and checks.- then l'll pay in cash. 25,000 in cash? madam,is this for real? of course, it's are not my uncle.. ..that l would joke with you.- that's not what l meant. by the way when areyou sending the cars? when we buy them. no. no. we are thinking ofbuying another 50 cars. we will send all of them together.- thanks, madam. get lost.

    what happened, dad?- we got a nice order.. ..from l & t company. - your hardwork didn't go waste, dad. now all the orders inthe city will be yours. soon we will become the richestfamily in the city. hey, cut that crap! dad,before you got the call.. were reprimanding him. that car was worth 50lakhs, wasn't it? stop it! l am not wandering incity on your cars like a nomad. l charge 50 rupees from everyonewho sits in the car..

    ..and earn 500 rupees everyday.. ..and hand over that money to mom. to me? - what! he givesyou 500 rupees daily? that makes it 15,000rupees per month. what do you do with that money?- actually.. why are you panicking, aunt? you donate 1,000 rupees in lordvenkateshwara's temple.. ..on his name every nowand then, don't you? yes. yes.- worship. donation. 1,000 rupees.

    l donate 1,000 rupees..- 1,000 rupees? that's the reason we got 50 cars. l too have responsibilities.- good joke. good joke. good joke? don't youknow anything else.. ..other than creating rifts?go away. go to office. carry on. carry on.- why are you shouting at him? aren't you ashamed to earnon someone else's cars? dad, if you abuse me in that way.. ..l will run away from the house.

    don't worry! no onewill miss you here. of course you will, as l willflee in that benz car. what's the matter? whyis everyone so dull? this morning a terribleincident took place.. banda ganesh's life.he ditched us all.. ..and went to jogging thismorning to chase skirts. what happened then was.. would you like to join me? will you have biscuits?

    excuse me! will you comehere tomorrow as well? we would jog together.- that's not possible. why?- l jog only with my peter. that rascal fell ill today. that'swhy l asked you to join me. so l look like your peter?- you look just like that. but the only thing is thatit's my dog. - your dog? and right now you are eatingdog biscuits, you dog. dog biscuits? excuse me! who is subramaniamamong you?

    two. three. four. five. six. hey, l think he doesn'tknow our subramaniam. l will tell him thatl am subramaniam.. ..and pocket that money.- don't do that. - get lost. yes, l am subramaniam.- ls that so? - yes. how dare you to writelove letter to my wife! you rascal! how dare you ! l am scared to even giveelectricity bill to my wife.. ..and you give her love letter?- not just to your wife..

    ..but l won't write love letterto my wife as well, sir. - hey! beware! or else you'll die.- o god! my mouth is bleeding.he broke my teeth. why are you staring as ifa movie is going on here? someone come forwardand give me a hand. hello!- l am subramaniam speaking. - yes. lf someone comes there andasks for subramaniam.. ..while counting money don'tsay you are subramaniam. alright.- you are too greedy.

    that's why l'm telling you.- alright. alright? l have seen everything. ''what a fun ! what a delight!'' ''our lives are filled with fun.- every hour is filled with joy.'' ''lf we miss these moments..- we will suffer all our lives.'' ''let's not stop this joyful ride.'' ''jump in joy. jump in joy.come on, jump in joy.'' ''let's spread the reviewof the movie..'' ''..even before the first show ends.''

    ''before a movies leaves thetheatre let's rip it apart.'' ''before they file a case againstus let's file a complaint.'' ''before our names come out let'sthrash the rival gang.'' ''before the final list comes outlet's fill the subject fee.'' ''before we fall in the trappingsof life let's catch a figure.'' ''before we leave the collegelet's sell the library.'' ''before we spend that moneylet's sell our lab.'' ''before the principal catchesus let's leave the college.'' ''lf we get caught we can fallback on our parents.''

    ''before we cross this agelet's never face boredom.'' ''before this vow comes to an endlet's see the whole world.'' sir, no one can play in theground for a week. - why? ln the nearby rto themeditation classes.. ..are about to start from tomorrow.- so what? lf you play here the classmight get disturbed.. the colony association'ssecretary barred everyone.. ..from the ground.- who's that secretary? hey, that's the biscuit party.

    that means he's that secretary? hey, get lost.- who are you? we are celebrity figures, you know.. your faces say that you aregood-for-nothing fellows. l see.- why? does that sound funny? - ya. l heard that you passedorders to stop us.. ..from playing in the playground.- yes, l did. to run the meditation classes?- what the heck can you do.. ..if l run those classes?

    darling.- yes. - l will bring biscuits. not today. - no, no, no. you canjob only if you eat biscuits. l am eating everyday. spareme today. - you have to. ok? hey, he eats dog biscuits everyday. how did they find it out? that's enough for us torip you apart, buddy. lf you conduct meditationclasses you're a dead man. hey, let's go. that secretary startedmeditation classes..

    ..even though we warned them. ganesh, your mom and dadare coming this way. just look at my son, howwise he has become. you are my sweetheart.l am so proud of you. are you learning yoga, dear?- yes, mom. take care of your health. l took after my mom. that'swhy she loves me so much. hey, come here. you may go. hey, come here.- hey, what's that shirt..

    ..and what's that appearance?- they will allow us.. the meditation classesonly if we wear this. meditation? what's that? meditation means we have toset our eyes on one point.. where? on that girl?- stop it. he's saying something. carry on, sir.- we have to breathe in.. ..and breathe out slowly.that is it. are we doing anything differentnow? - you're right. that's the reason l nevertell you anything.

    hey, come here. rascal. you want meditation? get lost. l'll hit you. get lost. hey, do you really need meditation?stand there. hey, you thought ofleaving us all here.. ..and going there alone, rascal? what do we do with these sages now? there's a bike in our shedwithout a silencer.

    can they conduct meditationclasses.. ..if we ride that bike here?- superb. where must be she gone?- nitu, you're friend is.. ..not at home. she gave methe keys. - thanks, aunt. nitu, it's been a week sincethat girl came here. she doesn't look like a girlwho mingles with everyone. ls that so? - nitu, listen,is she your childhood friend? yes, aunt.- her mother and father.. aunt, please. please. lam a bit busy right now.

    l will tell you everythinglater, ok? - alright. sorry. l'm really sorry. please don't mind.- lt's ok. where are the meditationclasses going on? over there. meditation? hey, what's that rush? stop there. what's that?where are you going? to meditation classes, mom.- and you need..

    ..your father's shirt for that?- father's not important here.. ..but the shirt's important.- what happened to him? why didn't he return yet?- yes. he said he would bring thebike with broken silencer. what happened to him? who is he roaming in our arealike jawaharlal nehru? lt's aravind.- right. - bye. aravind.- bye. aravind.- bye-bye!

    l am strict regarding many matters,you know.. hey, stop! good morning, sir.- good morning, sir. - ok. hello! go inside. why is this idiot coming this way?- greetings, master. you said you would cometo meditation classes.. ..and do something, right?- l will do meditation. 'and he wants to do meditationnow. l know him very well.' 'he must have seen some girland must have come here..'

    ' impress her.'- 'you got it, didn't you, dog?' 'send me inside or else l willtell everyone in the city..' '..about those dog got it?' yes. go inside. go inside. he's the no. 1 scoundrelof their gang. greetings, uncle.- greetings. how's your health now, uncle?- l'm fine. that's good news, uncle. l shallgo inside. - carry on. you know who he is? scoundrelno. 2 of this gang.

    he made a great sketch and istrying to impress my girl. she won't fall so easily.- she fell. what happened?- last evening l saw your daughter.. ..sitting on his bike and holdinghim tight at the signal. oh ! come on ! you must'vemistaken her. l too felt the same way, but yourdaughter looked and said.. uncle, how are you? did she wish you?- yes. my daughter?- yes. - you saw her? my daughter?

    she fell in his eyes. hey, sit down. excuse me! hi! dress change. hi! hello! l love meditating. ok. serious. sir, why are you staring at me? let me meditate.

    sir, he is.. sorry. sorry. sorry. 'she asked me to wait forher at the bus stop..' '..but didn't come yet.' hey, you ! didn't you get any othercar to lean on? get lost. oh no! hi, darling! l forgotthe phone in the car. so l couldn't receive your call.honestly, trust me.

    l'll be there in a while, darling.l'll about to leave. l will be there in halfan hour. trust me. l will definitely be there,darling. take my word. bye. did it rain on such a hot day? l am so small and the car is so big. oh god! new kerchief. lt cost me 50 rupees. l hope no one saw me. filthy smell.

    hi, l am aravind. yourgood name please. lt's dhana lakshmi, right? l foundit out in meditation class. what a nice name!- hey, rascal! what! what's that dress! l'llhit you with a sandal. what do you think of yourself!you won't leave any girl? scoundrel. l'll teach you alesson when l'll meet you. where can you escape!l will see you soon. why are you lookingat me in that way? you felt they were scolding me?

    l too felt the same way.lndecent fellows. hello! - where are you? how longdo l have to wait for you? l got hooked to this book andcompletely forgot about you. l'll be there in a while.- no, no. - why? lt's just nearby. lknow it. l will come. ok, then, bring something frommoonlight restaurant to eat. where is moonlight restaurant?- restaurant? lt's on the way to our colony.bring a parcel, ok? bye. - bye. thank god!

    madam, please sit here.- rascal! lt's reserved? - lt's not reserved.there's no one here. some fool must've placed them there. you sit there, madam.- thank you. one minute, madam. hi, miss. dhana lakshmi!- what a surprise! what a co-incidence that weare bumping into each other.. ..again and again. o god! - what would youlike to take, madam?

    one vegetable sandwich and pepsi.- no. the sandwich tastes likecrap in this restaurant. hey, come on, buddy!- then one pepsi will be enough. ok, madam. what do you want? we came together. first of all bringwhat dhana ordered. just for fun. miss. dhana lakshmi. miss.dhana lakshmi. - what? look there. over there.

    oh ! what a funny thing you know! whose house did you come as a guest? who told you that l am a guest? l never saw a fairy likeyou in this area before. l see. so you don't like itwhen l talk like that, right? ok, then, l never saw such anugly face in this place before. 'oh god! lt seems he won'tleave me so easily.' yes, l came to my friendnitu's house.

    nitu?- you know her? and you..- to tell you about me.. l am like a king in this put it simply l am aravind. born in 1984, on sep 4th,my father have you know.. ..very famous, good mechanic mother kitchen-wife. my brother chief engineer inbhel. we live in h-block. l don't like taking risks. that'swhy l am finishing my studies.. and doing nothing. what! you will do nothing.what else can you do?

    l'll hit you. what doesthat stare mean? excuse me! gentle boy. you, you.. come here.- myself? - ya. ya. come. come, sir. talk slowly. what youare talking suits us. you can go outside and talkas much as you want to. carry on. please. you already got up?- l need to go now. you know when l talk to youl feel like l am talking.. my childhood classmate.- classmate?

    what's that girl's name?- name? what shall l say? meenakshi. - for how longwas she your classmate? 'the matter is divertingto some other direction.' till fourth standard.- and after that? she left. - where? - shegot married and went to.. ..her in-laws' place. ok, bye. - what's this! we arehaving so much fun here. you want to leave?- l will come tomorrow. we can talk then.- tomorrow we shall talk.. least for an hour.- alright. alright. bye. ''she's so beautiful.she's so beautiful.'' ''l just can't believe my eyes.'' ''even after l see you for so long.'' ''l still can't keepmy eyes off you.'' ''she comes, she looks at me..'' ''..and she takes away my heart.'' ''l don't understand if it'sa dream or it's for real.'' ''o my beloved one! how canyou be so beautiful?''

    ''o my beloved one! how canyou be so attractive?'' ''o my beloved one! how canyou be so gorgeous?'' ''o my beloved one! howcan you do this to me?'' ''have you come to earthfrom the sky for me?'' ''will you take me to theend of the earth?'' ''o dear! o dear! youare my princess.'' ''you are the cynosure of my eyes.'' '' would look like you.'' ''o baby, you are my life.l can feel you every time.''

    ''you give sunflowers anddaisies a huge complex.'' ganesh, your mom and dad. son, did you have meals? lf you don't have it you willbecome weak and thin, son. son, go and have meals.- won't your mom and dad.. ..sit at home? do they roamon scooty all their lives? who is he? he is dominatingthe stars of our area. he is going a bit overboard, right?- very much. hey, shekharam, it's me malli babu.- hey, malli!

    where are you these days?what are you doing? l have become a marriagecontractor in kolkata. marriage contractor means..- we do everything.. ..that is needed in a marriageceremony. a to z service. l see.- and why are you so dull? what shall l say?- l am neck-deep in debts. l don't feel like living anymore. how can you talk like thatwhen your friend is here! you want to insult me? tellme how much you owe people.

    one lakh rupees.- you are becoming so dull.. ..for after all one lakh rupees?you need one lakh rupees.. ..urgently to become happy, right? will you become happy if lgive you one lakh rupees? just smile once. forty. seventy. here's your one lakh. why are you staringat me in that way?

    can't l do this much for a friend?here's you one lakh. throw it on their facesand clear their debts. but never ever appeardull in front of me. who is he who gives one lakh rupeesto his friend just like that? he looks like a very rich man.- l will also tell him.. ..a sorry tale and extract somemoney from him. - no, buddy. do not be greedy. you alreadyhave lot of flashbacks. you have always been like that. hey!- take it. take it. - stop.

    hey, bring a hot pizza and a largepepsi for mr. malli babu. alright, sir.- who are you? you look like an over-burnttandoori chicken. sir, l became your fan afterl saw you helping your friend. you are my fan?- yes, sir. and l want to sponsor.. ..for such a rare scene, sir.hey, bring it fast. also get me two king size packets.- ok, sir. the taxi's standing the fare. and when you return bring backthe bag that is there in it.

    what are you still doing here? go.- ok, sir. hey, buddy! pay thetaxi fare. please. fan.- sir. - lt was a great treat. thank you, sir. - l shall gonow then. - wait a minute. basically you are very scaredof debts, aren't you? - yes. then how come you haveone lakh rupees debt? you know our kishor, don't you?- yes. when he was going to dubai.. ..l got him one lakh rupees oncredit from a money-lender.

    he disappeared with that 50 lakhs.. ..and l got trapped with thismoney-lender. - shut up! you forgot your status and gotsomeone else 50,000 rupees? hey, you don't know thevalue of money at all. this malli babu can forgivesomeone who doesn't know.. ..the worth of a human being,but doesn't forgive someone.. ..who doesn't knowthe worth of money. l don't take any responsibilityin this 50,000 rupees. 50,000 rupees cut.- what a twist!

    now give me the accountfor this 50,000 rupees. three months ago when lwas going on my scooter.. ..l met with an accidentand got a fracture. l lost 10,000 rupees there. - l'llhit you with this plate, idiot. have you completely lost it?you can't even cycle.. ..a bicycle properlyand bought a scooter? again you behaved withoutknowing the worth of money. listen, malli babu might forgivesomeone who doesn't.. ..know the worth of a human being..- ..but doesn't forgive..

    ..someone who doesn't know theworth of money. - exactly. you lost this 10,000 as well. next. l told you right in the beginningnot to get into this. how do you owe the remaining10,000 rupees? 'why? you want totake back that as well? l won't let himtake this 10,000 back.' no, malli babu. l am givingyou a huge trouble.. telling you about my problems. now l understood one thing.- what?

    lf one has a friend likeyou one can solve.. ..any problem very easily. you boosted my confidence. l will solve my problem on my own. say it again. say it again.- l'll solve my problem on my own. great. did you get it at least now! malli babu rescues thosewho are in trouble.. ..and appreciate themwho have confidence. when you would solve yourproblem on your own.. won't need this 10,000 rupees. does anyone among you needs help?- o god! hey, what happened?- don't go there. don't go. aravind.- cousin. - cousin. cousin.- cousin. hi and hello to my sister's family. brother, how are you?- l am very fine, dear. when did you come?- l came here just now, uncle. how is everyone?- just a minute. l'll bring coffee.

    no, aunt.- why? - l want boost. boost is the secret of his energy. uncle, don't tell secrets outside.- ok. ok. what's this nonsense! what's thisfurniture and what's this hall! lt's pretty cheap. ls this howa chief engineer's house.. ..should look like? a plasmatv on that side.. ..a 5.1 surround system here,stand-less sofa set this side.. ..a classy dining tableand a costly carpet.. how would it look then? - l willbe left with 50,000 rupees debt.

    what are you saying! you won'tget all these things.. ..for a paltry 50,000 would cost minimum one lakh. where would l get onelakh rupees from now? you need one lakh rupees, right? brother, please. brother,l am very happy here. please don't take out thatone lakh and ruin my life. please. please.- what are you saying, sister! no. l have been watching thatone lakh rupees with you.. ..since seven years. pleasedon't show me that again.

    please.- at least tell me what l should do. lf you drink boost here youwill get late for your train. so leave immediately. sister. - alright. - what?what's the matter? uncle, actually what happenedis that.. - nothing, uncle. just a small talk between brotherand sister. - l will.. are you talking about his onelakh rupees? - yes, uncle. l'll kill you, scoundrel. lf youbring that one lakh rupees.. this house again lwill cut you into pieces.

    get lost. get lost. hello!- nitu. - what are you doing? l can find out what iswhere in this kitchen. why do you bother? l willcook after l return. nitu. nitu. excuse me.- yes. - where is the lcu? on the right. sister, nitu.- there's nothing to worry about it. she will be shifted into theroom in a while. - thank you.

    who admitted nitu in the hospital?- we admitted her. thanks a lot. how did thisaccident take place? accident? lt's a caseof eve-teasing. do you know who did it?- lt's alright. tell me. lf we tell you about them youwill file police complaint.. ..about them and then wewill be in deep trouble. we are not on good terms with them. please tell me who it is.- lf you assure us.. ..that you won't tell anyonethat we told you this..

    l won't tell anyone.tell me who it is. lt's aravind, subramaniam,venkatesh, ganesh.. ..raj babu, karri raju, bobbyof h-block. lt's their batch. buddy, you got aravindtrapped in this? lt wasn't preplanned. lgot idea all of a sudden. l wanted to get even with sincea long time and today l will. hey! who is aravind among you?- lt's me. you think you are some goon?l heard you are eve-teasing.

    you know a girl was admitted inthe hospital because of you. ln the hospital?- you are talking as if.. don't know anything.- sir, even if you are policeman.. doesn't give you rightto hold our collars. what's your name?- subramaniam. yours was the first name in thecomplaint. take him inside. yes, sir. - what's your name?- raja babu, sir. what's your name?- venkatesh, sir. what's your name? hey!

    ganesh, sir.- what's your name? karri raju.- take them away. - yes, sir. hey!- sir. - come here. sir.- who is he sitting there.. ..even when so much isgoing on over here? he is our gang's leader, sir. what? they already discharged you? did you file a police complaint?- yes. why? who told you thatthey eve-teased me?

    the guys who admittedyou in the hospital. along with the help they createda problem as well. what happened?- there are two gangs in this area. they are arch rivals. so theymade up the eve-teasing bit.. ..and gave other gang's names.police bashed them up. you know what happened after that? look, girl, who among them.. who among them teased them? l will break their remaining bones.

    why are you standingthere? go there.. go there and show your uglyfaces to that girl. come on ! stop it!- so it's him? girl. - shut up! what'sthis harassment, sir! did l tell you that theywere eve-teasing me? l don't even know who they are. l never even saw them before. we were waiting for thatone word, mr. sl. police's atrocities on students.

    youth manhandled in the cell. we will file hundredcases against you.. ..for beating us studentswithout valid evidence.. ..and send you behind bars.- hey, my uncle is mla. what's this, madam? when youdon't know who they are.. ..why did you make your friendcomplain about them? complaint? friend? - so yourfriend complained about us? who is she? where does she live? how can she file complaints againstcelebrity figures like us!

    he had hurt us. tell us wherethat girl lives. which city? ask her. bring her herein half an hour. one. two. three. four. five.without giving a gap.. ..from court to the station.- from station to home. from house to court.- from court to station. we will drag her and tortureher. come on, tell us. my uncle is mla, you know that? o my god! what happened then? l hit upon a superb idea right then.

    without getting aggressivekindly listen to me. l can call that girl hereif you ask me to. but the problem is that shewon't remember any of you. why? - she is affectedby specified amnesia. my uncle is mla. - rascal, youdon't understand english. nonsense. girl, talk in telugu. last year on 14th dec whenshe came to meet me.. ..her car met with an accident.poor girl, she lost her parents.. ..right there and then, but shesurvived. but what's the use!

    as she got a majorblow on her head.. ..a part of her mind damaged. since then she can'tremember anything. ls that so?- she remembers everything.. ..that happened till dec 14th.but after 14th dec.. ..whatever happens sheforgets the next day. every day is a new day for her. oh no! you say she forgetstoday's incident tomorrow. then how does she remember you?

    actually.. actually we arefriends since childhood. that's how she remembers me.after the accident.. so she forgets everything shesees after the accident. you have got a sharp mind, sir. lt sounds like 'gajini' movie.- no, sir. ln that story hero surya forgetseverything every 15 minutes. am l right? - yes. - but inthis story she forgets.. ..everything every 24 hours.- so this is a story? - yes. hey! - lt's not a story,sir. lt's for real.

    lf you wish you can checkher x-ray report. x-ray? when did they take my x-ray? they took my leg's x-ray yesterday.l showed them that. you showed the leg's x-rayas brain's x-ray? couldn't they find out?- they are not that smart. they are idiots. you should'veseen their show off.. ..when they were looking at it. what's this! the brain is so long. the brain has split into twopieces. lt's some juice.

    my heart weeps when lthink about that girl. so do we reach a compromise here?- no, my uncle is mla. forget it. lt's not sir's mistake.- thank you. son.- yes. - what's your uncle's name? mla. - what's his name?- metta lingachari. mla in short. ok. ok. what happened has happened. at least from now onwardstake care of your friend. don't leave her outsideevery now and then..

    ..and create problems for me. lf this happens one more timeyou know about us, don't you? yes, l do.- be careful. let's go. hey, my x-ray.- will you give me your x-ray? l need to explain myfriend about brain. aren't you going a bit overboard?- right. keep it there. that's why l am warningyou right now.. don't talk to anyonewithout knowing.

    even if you talk to someoneyou will have to pretend.. the next day as ifyou don't know them. especially to the guysof this college. lf they find out that we liedto them we will be in trouble. be careful, ok? dhana, you rememberwhat l said, right? come back straightto home as soon as.. ..the meditation classes are over. don't talk to anyone on the way.- ok, bye. - bye.

    dhana, come here. what? - l told you that agang came to the hospital.. ..and created a scene, didn't l?he is the biggest scoundrel.. ..of that gang. lt's him? he came to me yesterday.. ..and gave me a hard time forhalf an hour with some crap. god! we need to be careful with him. when you are in front of him.. ..behave as if you havegot memory loss problem.

    pretend to forget everything.- ok. but he doesn't know that l am thatmemory loss patient, right? l will take care of that. you go.- ok. bye. - bye. good morning, miss. dhana lakshmi. you know since how long lhave been waiting for you? why were you waitingfor me? who are you? what's the matter youare talking as if.. don't even know me!- and you are talking.. if you know me.

    what a funny joke! what's this,dhanna! you and l were.. ..talking in the restaurantyesterday itself, right? didn't my friend tell youabout me that l do nothing? shut up! what's this nuisance! l don't know who you are.lf you disturb me again.. ..l will file a police complaintagainst you, ok. ldiot. nonsense. hello! she's the girlwho filed a complaint.. ..against you yesterday. l toldyou about that girl's accident.

    dhana lakshmi? amnesia? girl, so according tothat she would forget.. ..whatever we talked yesterday? yes, she forgot it. willyou forget tomorrow.. ..what we talked today? how about photographingtoday's incidents.. ..and showing her tomorrow?- she's slap you. lf she knows about her illness..

    ..she will also remember the factthat she lost her parents. and it might put her life at risk.- you are impossible. stop scaring me. cool. cool. why are yougetting so emotional? don't get me wrong, girl,but dhana talked to me.. ..very well yesterday.- look, mister, l'm telling you.. ..again and again. don'tassume things.. ..and trouble dhana. lt's not good. you will have to forgetdhana from today onwards.

    lf l come to know thatsomething happened.. dhana lakshmi because ofyou l won't spare you. bye. hey, lit it! lit it! rascals! don't get scared. don't get scared. listen to me. look at this, sir, whatthese kids did. why is he staring at me in that way! he looks like a police officer.well, who cares!

    you are..- lady gajini. l am aravind.- you did a great job. - thanks. dhana, what's this! you appearand make me happy.. ..and disappear all of sudden. you are such a waste-fellow.- what are you saying! what else should l say? she'sthe one who came to you.. ..and introduced herself toyou, didn't she? - yes. you should've talked smartand befriended her.. ..and got her on your bikeand painted the town red.

    ok, using my talent if l hadpainted the town red.. ..with her on my bike,still what's the use! she would've forgottenme by the next day. so what! save similar guy infront of her again tomorrow. she might be impressed andintroduce herself to you. that's her character, isn't it?- wow! lf l save a similar guy everyday l can follow her. that's your character.- well-said. the idea is fine, but where willwe get such a guy everyday?

    that's not a big about someone.. ..from our gang actingas that helpless guy? who has such got such a destituteface in our gang? hey, l will kill you think l am some fool. have you seen your faces in mirror? everyone shares the same view.- what view! look at your face in the mirror. - hey, stop it! what do youthink of our ganesh? he's the one who standsfirst in our gang.. looks, talent and personality. aravind.- am l right or wrong? - yes, but.. that's why l say you shouldplay that part. hey, they are better than least they are direct. you won't play that part?- no, l won't. you asked me for 5,000rupees to go to.. ..ocean park next sunday withyour girlfriend, didn't you? l was wondering how toarrange that money. mom said she doesn't have anymoney. lt's of no use asking father.

    that means your programis cancelled.. what shall we do now?- aravind, l'll play that part. l will kill anyone whotries to stop me. you are my real real friend. what, brother? yesterdayyou thrashed us.. ..and today you are giving usmoney to do the same thing? hey, do what you are asked to do.- hey, are you ready? hi! hi! hi!- hey, who is this new guy? hey, l know him very well.he eats leftovers.. wedding buffets. forget it. come on. you goteverything, right? - yes. we are getting late. carry on.- come on. what? 2,000 extra.- buddy.. help! help! they are burning me.they are burning me. 'you all were thrashed yesterdayitself, weren't you?' 'still you didn't mend your ways?'

    'you all are in deep trouble.l won't leave you.' o mom! you shut your mouth.l knew it long ago.. ..that this would happen to him. aravind, the fatso is coming.- the girl is also coming. 'this policeman is heretoday as well?' 'he will rip me apart if heknows that this is an act.' 'then l would never getdhana lakshmi again.' 'what shall l do now?l think l should..

    ..cancel the program.' hello, sir. hello again, sir.- aravind. fatso ganesh is coming.- police. police? run. run. hey, you ! come here. you caneat the chips later on. hey, the girl is coming. let'scarry on with our plan. policeman is here.- policeman? l'll run. o god! hello, sir.

    dad, shall we go now? 'the girl is coming this way.the policeman is gone.' 'now l can continue with my plan.' 'aravind, go and save him.' hey, stop there! why are you all troubling him?- sister. sister. lf you do this again l am goingto.. sister, l don't know anything. he's the one who gaveme money to do this. sister, he is also a set-up.

    o god! what's the big deal everyoneis so depressed? dhana found out my do l show her my face? that girl doesn't remembertoday's incidents tomorrow. what happened?- you are right. what a great brain !what a great brain ! now you will see how l willbefriend her from tomorrow. ''o dhana dear, how longwill this go on?'' ''what will l have to do today?''

    ''you forget the past everyday.'' ''don't kill me this way,o lady gajini.'' l'm aravind. ''when it's raininglike an umbrella..'' ''..l want to be caged inyour hands.'' l'm aravind. ''when you are moody l'llbecome a movie-ticket..'' ''when you are leisurely l'llbecome a tv channel..'' ''when you are worried l'llbecome some good news..'' ''..and follow you everyday.''

    ''tell me what l shall doto make you remember me.'' ''l shall bump into you atmorning like a coffee..'' ''..and wish you good morning.'' ''when you switch on the cell-phonel'll become network..'' ''when you are drivingl want to be helmet..'' ''l want to be the bed-lightwhen you are asleep..'' ''l shall be everything you need.'' coffee. - hi, l am aravind.your good name please. l'm going to..

    mom. what? - you will roll on floorlaughing if l ask for something. what's that?- leave it. l too have comedy sense. l willalso laugh. - leave it, mom. tell me.- l need 500 rupees. mom, please. give me themoney for one last time. get lost. get lost from here. came to trouble me soearly in the morning. 'my time is not good today.'- hi!

    uncle, l will give you 500 rupees.- hey, rascal! we are giving you pocketmoney as you are.. ..going to school regularlyunlike this idiot.. ..and you gave that moneyto him? l am going to.. granny, don't talk withoutknowing the subject. uncle badly needs money right now. really? why does he need that money? uncle got a girl.- oh no! he put me in trouble. aravind. aravind. lntroduceme to that girl once.

    you don't finance me butyou want to meet my girl? hey, please show us the girl. you can't see her just likethat. lt will cost you. we are ready to pay.- ok, get ready with 1,000 rupees. l will show her atameerpet bus-stop. does she sell fruits there?- jealousy? hey, don't disturb me.- alright, brother. mom, look at him.- aravind, stop there. hey, you are giving such abuild-up in front of them?

    you put so much effort eachday to meet that girl. how will you manage them all now? tomorrow l will talk to thatgirl with their help itself. mom, she's coming. 'lt's him?' who are you? why aresitting next to me? talk slowly. you are ingreat danger right now. l sat here only to save you.- what's that danger? l'm aravind. your good name please.

    'he got started all over again.' dhana lakshmi. - miss. dhanalakshmi, look back once. who are they all? whyare they smiling at me? l'll tell you. nowlook in the front. hi.- who is she? they are a chain-snatching gang. the moment you get down the busthey will talk to you nicely.. ..and then they will drug youand then snatch your chain. how do you know that?- theirs is a big gang.

    l know this area very well. 'ls he telling the truth?' 'what if they are real thieves?'what shall l do now? not too much. when you get downthe bus just hold my hand. they will think you camehere with someone known.. ..and stop chasing you. l'm gettingdown at the next stop. l will also come.- hold my hand while you get down. only then will they understandthat we are pretty close. bye.

    mother-in-law. 'these chain-snatchers cameto the temple as well.' 'other than buses and trains theysteal in temples as well?' oh no! my chain?- 'chain? they must've stolen it.' mom. - yes. what? - mom,l can't see my chain. where did you drop it?- somewhere around. oh no! lt's 44 gm chain.- did l say it's 22 gm chain? aravind. - yes, sister-in-law.- sister-in-law? your brother lost hischain somewhere around.

    search it for him.- he doesn't know anything.. ..except losing thing, mom.- mom? 'rascal, you call your momand your family thieves?' 'you will rot in hell.' sister-in-law, here's the chain.- thanks, aravind. l would've been in deep troublehad l lost the chain. l know very well why youcame to the temple. to search the chain?- stop kidding. you called your darling here,didn't you? - darling?

    you finally found it eventhough l acted ignorant. lntroduce us to her at least now.- lntroduction? lntroduction?- yes. - ln a moment. excuse me! l am aravind.your good name please. what's the matter?- both good people and bad people.. ..come to a temple. somegood people lost this.. ..good chain at a good place anda good person like me got it. so l guessed that some good personmust've dropped it here.. ..and thought that it wouldbe yours who look best..

    ..among everyone present here.check if this good chain belongs.. your good neck. 'rascal, you are tryingto talk to me..' '..with the excuse of this chain?' 'l don't even get properabuses to abuse you..' '..who calls his familymembers thieves.' 'l will definitely teachyou a lesson.' yes, it's mine. hello.

    what's this, aravind, yourdarling is leaving? you won't introduce her to us?- god is dying with hunger.. ..and the priest wants the holyoffering. - holy offering? what happened? ls sheupset with you? - yes. alright. alright. give me my chain.- which chain? the one you took from me just now. do you have any evidence?- evidence? hey, you think it's funny.- your husband lost it.. ..and you are asking forthat chain? - l see.

    so you are coming in that route? alright. alright. let it be.that chain is not mine.. ..but it's your sister's chain.she will come here next week. lt's sister's chain. where is it? where is my chain? will you give me the chainor will you die? enough of that. stop body starts burning.. ..when l think of the cheaptricks he does to talk to me. does anyone call hisfamily members fraud?

    he will come. he will definitelycome here for the chain. here he is. give him a harshwarning and tell him.. ..l am not here andsend him away, ok. hi, miss. nitu ! how are you?- what's the matter? tirupati's holy offering.- give it to me. we shouldn't offer it to someoneoutside. - ok, come in. wow! what a beautiful home!- and then.. your friend took a chain from me.- ls it a gift? lt's not my chain to gift it.- so it's hers?

    lt's not hers as well. she tookit assuming it to be hers. the person whom that chainbelongs to is torturing me. l already told you oncenot to follow her.. ..but you didn't listen to me.- please, girl, my chain. alright, l will give you thechain, but one condition. you shouldn't see her, youshouldn't follow her.. shouldn't talkto her. ls that all? so you don't want the chain.- from now onwards l won't.. ..look at dhana lakshmi,l won't follow her..

    ..and l won't talk to her.hi, l am aravind. - hey! who is he?- you don't know him. you go. please give me my chain back. leave this place anddon't turn around. lf you don't mind will youplease come here once! what for? - please. tell mewhat for. - please, please. tell me what it is.- please tell me. what is it?- please come, madam. tell me why you called me out.

    what's the matter you aretalking about rules! you want me to stop following dhana? should l follow you then?l'll hit you hard. look, l love dhanalakshmi sincerely. for l have love, pyar, kadhal,everything.. l want to marry her and l will. you can do whatever you cando to stop me. get lost. you love me? you want to marry me as well?

    sorry, l don't like all thesethings. - but dhana lakshmi.. you must be thinking thatthis girl with amnesia.. ..would talk just like that.- no, that's not the thing.. as you think l don't haveany short term memory loss. l remember all the stupid thingsyou did all these days. l don't want to talk to you anymore. get lost from here. hey, you ! have you gone mad or what! why did you tell him the truth?

    don't worry. except in my matter.. ..aravind is a good fellowin the rest of the things. l will convince don't worry. oh ! brother, what's this! what did l tell you andwhat are you doing! l ask you to turn it that side andyou are turning it this side. lt's after all a luna, brother. you are taking one weekto put a chain to this. l don't understand when you willgo to a scooter from luna..

    ..and from scooter to carand maintain this shed? no, brother. l really don't get it.- hey! l am already not in a good mood.lf you shout too much.. brother.- what? - look, someone's there. where has he gone? hey,ask her what she wants. excuse me, any problem? l will talk to the chief mechanic. she wants chief mechanic. what's the matter?- l need to talk to you.

    l don't need to talk to anyone. what's the problem, girl? the scooter stopped all of a sudden. hey, did you drop some change here.. ..that you are searching here.- no, father. l am just checking the engine.- what! you're checking the engine?rascal. scoundrel. ldiot. since a week you couldn't evenput a chain to that luna.. ..and you are checkingthe engine. you rascal.

    father, talk slowly.- you want me to talk slowly? you are raising your voiceat me? what's that look! customers are waiting thereand you are standing here? go and deliver that lnnovato mr. acharya in ameerpet. go. go.- ok. - go l said. uncle, l too need to go toameerpet. lt's very urgent. please tell him to drop me there. hey, you are going to ameerpet,aren't you? drop this girl there. - lt's notour vehicle, but it's customer's.

    we can't drive people around in it. and you are telling me that? shut your mouth and do whatl say. you go with him, girl. look, aravind, did l tell youthat l have got memory loss? my friend told you so. howcan you blame me for that! my only mistake is hiding her lie. think about it once. whenwe go to a new place.. ..we don't know howpeople are there. we should behave how our friendstell us to do, right?

    that's what happened in my case too. please, aravind. lf l hurtyou without my knowledge.. ..l am extremely sorry. let's forget this matter hereitself. we are friends, ok? look, l don't love a girlwhom l call friend. and l can't be friendswith a girl l love. l love you. talk to me if it'sok with you, or else goodbye. ok, goodbye. hey, there's dhana. stopthe van. stop it.

    please, please start the car.- l don't want to hear 'please'. l will start the car onlyif you agree to love me. hey, stop there. get her. get into the van. everyoneis tensed for you there.. ..and you are enjoying here?get into the van. sir, sir, sir. sir, who are you? why are you dragging the girl withyou? - who are you? kill him. leave me.

    aravind. who are they all? what's the relationbetween them and you? marriage against my wish.l don't know where balaraju is. l fled from my home and cameto my friend's place. now they found out that l am here. l don't know what l should do. ever since childhood therewas balaji in my heart. that's why l'm telling you. please,aravind, forget me.

    please. where is balaji?- balaji? there is no one here with that name. listen, your son kidnappedmy daughter dhana lakshmi. ask him to leave her or elseit would be very bad for you. madam, l don't understandwhat you are saying. balaji? kidnap? we are not thatsort of people, l swear. even if you swear a liedon't become true. weren't you living innellore 12 years ago?

    l in nellore? we are livinghere since last 30 years. no, sister. lt's his sonwho has beaten up. and that girl is roaming with him. listen, we didn't kidnap dhanalakshmi as you think. she lives with her friendin lv-block, house no. 17. what's the matter you gota shock? how dare you ! you fled from thereand reached here? get ready.- l won't come. come.- stop. stop.

    madam. madam, she doesn'twant to come. please leave her.- get lost. hello! hello! hello!what's the matter? where are you talking that girlto? who are you by the way? sir, sir, sir, she is my daughter.she is eloping with someone.. ..and l am trying to stop herand take her back to home. she's lying, sir. l am a major.she's trying to get me married.. ..against my wish.- we won't force her this marriage.. ..if she doesn't want to, butsince she left the home..

    ..people are saying differentthings about me. l will do the enquiryand solve the problem. but if you try to forceher against her wish.. ..l will have to take serveaction against you. beware! you go inside, girl.- come in. - thank you, sir. sister, he's the onel was talking about. ok, sir.- lt's alright. stop there. you can't come to thishouse from now onwards.

    father, l haven't done anythingwrong as you think. l just helped a girlwho was in trouble. why don't you do that muchhelp to us as well? lf you stop coming home we willlive with some respect. what do you think of this house! this is a house wherewell-respected women live. father, please listen to me. noone will come to out house.. ..from now onwards. we won'tface any problem from them. you shouldn't be staying here.

    go to kolkata immediatelyand stay with malli babu.. ..and find some job.- father, all of a sudden? few good things happen inlife all of a sudden. that's not the thing, father.- just do what l said. aravind, come and have dinner. what? why?- l can't bear the fact.. ..that dhana lakshmi loves someoneelse, sister-in-law. hey, are you mad or what! love?you know what love is? one doesn't even know the meaningof love in fourth class.

    she lost her motherwhen she was small. she didn't get mother'slove since childhood. due to fear of her aunt herneighbors must also have.. ..kept her away. and she musthave become friends.. ..with balaji at that time.he must've shown affection.. ..and she must've mistakenthat affection for love. so that is not love?- definitely not. you need not go to kolkataas father-in-law said. continue with it. dhanalakshmi is yours.

    ''o my love! o my love! o my love!'' ''don't keep your eyes off me.'' ''my heart is filledwith my desires..'' ''..and make me lust after you.'' ''light is far away.'' ''darkness is about tocover this place.'' ''hey, moonlight is falling on me..'' ''..even though the moonis covered with clouds.'' ''my shadow is with you.''

    ''lt doesn't want to come with me.'' ''the eyes that look at the shoreare stuck in the sea.'' ''the heart floating on theflowers is stuck in doubt.'' ''the breeze that touchedyou is making me crazy.'' ''your beloved one isentirely yours now.'' aravind. aravind. sorry. you fell in troublesbecause of me. - forget it. you look very beautiful inthis orange color dress. so you are still in love with me?

    o god! l love orange color. not just you, but l like anyonewho wears that color. look even the drink l am drinkingis orange in color. subbu, bring two pizzasand one coke. - for whom? for you, of course. why are you laughing?- no, there's nothing. tell me it's ok. lf it was balaji in your placehe would've first asked me.. ..what l would like to takeand then he would've ordered.

    you missed such a great chance. what an interesting character! tell me more about balaji.- about balaji? balaji was very active.he's a very nice boy. such a sweet guy. heused to die for me. he used to be so stylist evenat that age. - got it. l got balaji. who else does havethat energy and that style? lt must be style-star allu arjun. lt sounds funny to you?- sorry.

    allu arjun is a movie-star, right? dhana. dhana. dhana. please, dhana. dhana, stop there. buddy, we went to sscboard as you told us. ln five days we will get thedetails of all the balajis.. ..who wrote ssc exams in 2002and in which colleges.. ..they are studying now.- tell that to that girl. now what's that look. l amnot doing that because.. ..l don't have anythingworthwhile to do..

    ..but because l want tounite you with balaji. l'm sorry, aravind.- you don't worry about balaji. l will find out very soon wherehe is. - thank you, aravind. you are taking so muchtrouble for me. that is the least l coulddo for you. you carry on. ok, bye. bye. buddy, we lied to her that wewill be searching balaji. what if she asks us tomorrowwhere that balaji is? pretty simple. l will weavesome stories and tell her..

    ..that he is here and there andin that time l'll impress her. then one day l will tell herthat he became a sage.. ..and make my love a success.she wants balaji. so you have such filthyideas in your mind? even after knowing that l lovesomeone else you love me? aren't you ashamedto think that way? ok, l won't let mymind contaminate.. ..with such filthy thoughts. lwill directly find a place.. your heart.- that won't happen till l am alive.

    don't talk like a fool. lf youtalk and play with someone.. ..when you were a kid thatdoesn't mean you love him. think about it for a momentand you will realize.. wrong you are in thinking so. l might me wrong. lmight not get balaji. but l won't love a fraud like you.. ..who plays such games with people. stop there. don't say justanything and everything. not just you, but evenl have a mouth.

    l am not a fool to marrya mad girl like you. buddy. - stay out of this.go and chase balaji. you will see what will happento you at the end of the day. lt's my fault to talk to you.- then what are you waiting for? don't talk rubbish. you talkas if you are the only one.. know about love and you arethe only lover in this world. lf we try to find a match for you.. ..we won't even get a girlwho's seventh pass. so you ask me to goto that med girl..

    ..and beg her to love me.all the times she is like.. aravind, you know balaji is anice guy. such a sweet guy. such a great guy. myheart starts burning. o god! when she talks abouthim she's floating in air. from this moment onwards thereis no love, no dhana.. ..and no balaji at all. mother, l am going to kolkata. bless me that l return likethe top industrialist ambani. may you get dhana lakshmivery soon ! - mom.

    hey, listen to me. dhana lakshmiis a very beautiful girl. mother, if you wish l will bringa more beautiful girl.. ..from kolkata. - get lost. ldon't want a more beautiful.. ..daughter-in-law. l wantdhana lakshmi, that's all. father.- what? - they are asking me to.. shut up! what's going on there!- go to hell. let's go. go to hell. dear dhana lakshmi.

    grandpa subbaiah, it's you? when did you come? how are you?- l'm fine. how are you, girl?- fine. l heard that your aunt cameand created a scene here. nitu. - l know didn't even ask him.. come inside.- lt's alright, girl. l need to tell you somethingvery important. that's why.. ..l came here without tellinganyone back home. we received a letterfor you last week.

    with the fear that she mightread your letter.. ..l didn't tell her about it. sincewe don't get too many letters.. ..addressed to your namel came to give to you.. l thought it mightbe very important. 'hi, dhana. lt's me, balaji.'- dhana lakshmi. 'l miss you everyday. thesedays l miss you even more.' 'that's why l am writingyou this letter.' 'l completed my studies. aftergradual progress in business..' '..l am earning good money now.'

    'whenever l think of our childhoodl get teary-eyed.' 'when l think of you now my heartflies like a butterfly.' 'l think this is whatis called love.' 'lf you too have such a feelingfor me will you meet me once?' was that balaji? - didn't ltell you that l will meet.. ..balaji sooner or later?thanks, grandpa. you got lord's blessings, girl. you will reach your belovedone. goodbye, girl. you will leave so soon?- l lied to your aunt..

    ..that l am goingto my native place. that demon shouldn't knowthat l came here. goodbye. take care of dhana lakshmi.- ok, grandpa. 'she came here as well? l willget mad if l sit next to her.' excuse me, sir. myberth number is 34. facing problem. as per vastul can't sit there. what will happen if you sit there? nothing will happen to me, butthe train will be in trouble. did you laugh?

    give it to me. sir, l need to goto toilet urgently. keep an eye on my bag. no, just keep an eye on my seat. don't finish it. leave somefor later. - l know. sir, there's some disturbanceover there. will l get another berth? they have no common sense at all. l think my time's not good today.

    'what's this now! she's appearingwherever l go..' ' the moon in the sky.' what's this! he is followingme like the monkey's tail. uncle, you tell who sat here first.- who are you? excuse me! l too gave an order.- lt's not written here. ok. dhana. take it. no, thanks.- you look very hungry. take it.

    did l ask for it? what happened? tell me fast.the train stopped here. sir, do we get any eatables here? no, you don't get anythinghere, girl. check what the problem isand send a message, ok? hey, stop! stop! ''a slim, beautiful girl is here..'' ''..with a smile on her face.''

    ''a slim, beautiful girl..'' hey, who pushed me? ''a slim,beautiful girl..'' why are you following me? you won't follow me if youhave even a bit of shame. l brought the biscuit packet foryou with so much difficulty.. ..and you rejected it. l amso angry right now that.. carry this as well. hello! hello! where? he has got the dog and l got you.

    get lost, rascal. you get angry? you don't?that's better. follow me. still how far?- till kolkata. you got down at a great train stops here. dear, take 50 from them. saroja, give two biryanis here.- yes, coming. dear, take 100 from them.- ok. your wife will take moneywhen there is no mutton.. the biryani? whatdo you sell here? sir, no fights here.- no fights? you know who l am? l am thebig brother of this area. you dared to ask money from me? you want money? you want money? saroja, no. no. you are saying 'no' to her.- sir, no. please no fights here.- no fights here? saroja, no. - make her touchmy feet and apologize to me..

    ..and then send her with me,or else l will kill you. what did you say! scoundrel.. sir, didn't l tell you?did l warn you? but you didn't listen to me. saroja, no.. saroja, no.. when he was saying 'no,saroja' l didn't get it. so this is it for? you are not a human being. my blood starts boilingwhen l see you.

    l am not coming back forlove or anything.. ..but l am coming back to savemy father's reputation. rajamma, l am driving the carhere. what's that noise! l am making noise? butwhen my sister talks.. hear with a wide grin, rascal. rajamma, l told you thousand times.. ..not to hit me when l am's a very bad habit. sir, we missed the train. willyou please give us lift? not possible.- possible. - possible.

    thank you, madam. madam looks just like eliyana,doesn't she? yes, she is eliyanaand l am mahesh babu. both of us are going tokashmir to sing a duet. shouldn't l be cracking jokes? earlier you used to askme to crack jokes. l gave you lift and youput me in trouble? sir, fights are common betweenhusband and wife. sir, l will give you a formula.lf you follow that formula..

    ..that love will comeback into your lives. what's that formula?- that is called the one and only.. ..the great flashback phobiatreatment. - that means? whenever there is a problembetween you two.. ..think about some beautifulmemory of the past.. ..and rewind it and play it again.- lf we do so? then those beautiful momentsof the past will be back. lt's ok with me. lt's ok with me too.

    where were we five years back? kodaikanal. - at that timeyou were looking at me.. the restaurant with lustfuleyes and bit my father's hand.. ..assuming it to be a sandwich. that was at afternoon.- that evening you were coming.. ..along the path across thepond and l winked at you.. ..and you got a jerk andbumped into an old lady.. ..going on the road and fell down.- that was at evening. and at night? - o come on !you are making me blush.

    shall l narrate that incident? that night it was very coldand l was waiting for you.. our room withfire of separation. and the electricity goes off.- yes, l too remember it. at that time you open thedoor and come inside.. ..with the fragranceof jasmine flowers. you looked like goddessin that moonlight. and then unable to resistmyself l.. - hey! that night l went tobed at 7 o' clock.

    lt was my sister who broughtmilk for you then. scoundrel, l will notcome back to you again. rajamma. rajamma. rajamma,don't leave. stop it. - rajamma, it's a lorry.don't get into that. please, rajamma. rajamma. rajamma. rajyam. l will be indebted tothe advice you gave me. will you do me a small favor?

    what, sir? l don't have energy to do that.there is a gun in my car. will you bring it for me?- what for, sir? so that l could shoot that l could shoot you. hey, l will shoot.. you fool! you could've stayed silent there. l didn't know that he wouldgive such a twist. ldea. - what? - look there,it's a guesthouse.

    sir is about to take rest there.- l won't come. but who called you? yougo on some lorry. bye. you are doing this only withpride that l will have to.. follow you no matterwhatever you do, right? ya. no, no, no. follow me. madam. sir. madam. am l the only one who shouldcall out? you too call them.

    sir. madam.- who are you? what do you want? we are coming from hyderabad.our car broke down. we want to sleep here tonight.we'll leave tomorrow morning. l see. come in. come in. thank you. so you know oriya as well?- not just oriya.. ..but l know hindi, punjabi,gujarati, tamil, tulu.. ..german, chinese, japanese andgirl, l know telugu as well.

    but you can't repair a luna though. l need to change the wait here. - evil girl. madam. madam.- what? - l will sleep here. ask him to sleep outside.please. please. what are you saying?- he is mad. mad. yes. son.- can l go inside, madam? you sleep outside and thatgirl will sleep inside. lt's so cold outside.- you have to sleep outside.

    have mercy upon me.- don't irritate me. go away. madam, please.- go away. madam. madam, please. boy, it's very coldout there. take care. so it's your deed? l'll tell you. l can sleep happily now. who are you? why areyou sleeping here? we missed out train. so we are.. you are telugu? and why are youstanding next to this house?

    why, sir? - a lady who usedto live in this hut.. ..committed suicide two years ago. they say her spiritstill lives here. what! what are you saying?- yes, son. a few days ago a couplestayed at night.. ..and died the very next daydue to blood vomiting. only those who sleep insidewill face the problem, right? lt won't affect us, sir.- l told you what l needed to say. now it's up to you.

    aravind, whom were youtalking to till now? some idiot. don't disturb me. ls that old lady really a spirit?- hey, don't believe it.. ..just because someonesays something. don't irritate me by talkingabout ghosts and spirits? go to bed. we need to wakeup early in the morning. lt's very cold out here. why don'tyou come inside to sleep? go away.- aravind, please come inside. l am feeling scared. please.

    please.- ok. alright. aravind.. what! - that old lady.. no,she has become a ghost. sleep quietly. ''a thunderbolt reached the heart.'' ''a lightening entered the heart.'' ''my girl's touch set me ablaze.'' ''my heart is set onfire every now and then.''

    ''you are the one who issetting me on fire.'' ''my age is restless age.'' ''and you're the reason behindmy restlessness.'' ''my heart is set on fireevery now and then.'' ''your hug is most previousthing for me.'' ''l am desperate for you.- when did l say no.'' ''you are my final destination.'' ''when l reach you..- l spread my hand for you.'' ''your lips and my lips..''

    ''when they unite..'' ''l am looking for such a chance.'' ''don't waste any further time.'' ''come to me, baby.'' ''your touch gives methe greatest joy.'' ''l get great joy ischasing your shadow.'' ''the separate bodies..'' ''..burning with desires..'' ''..will unite today.''

    ''whatever hurdle we face..'' ''..we won't separate..'' '' any cost today.'' liter? or half? 'so you fooled me withyour spirit-stories?' 'ldiot.' hello!- ls that dhana lakshmi? - ya. dhana lakshmi? - ya. - dhanalakshmi, it's me balaji. bala..- l'm balaji. - ya.

    hi! what a surprise!- yes, dhana. l too feel the same. by the way who gave you thisnumber? - your friend nitu. nitu?- yes. - hey, l missed the train. oh no!- lt's alright. l will come. and your phone call made meforget all the trouble.. ..l faced in this journey,but by calling me.. spoiled the thrillof our meeting. so when are you coming?- l am leaving just now. - ok.

    ok, bye.- bye-bye. dhana, is it balaji?- didn't l tell you that balaji.. ..must also be waiting for mejust like l am waiting for him. did you see my belief was true! we are about to meet. aravind, l need to go to kolkataurgently. please help me. you helped me on time. thanks. bye. one ticket to kolkata. come on !

    sorry. check it. what is it? what is it?- l don't know, sir. who are you? where did youcome from? - l don't know.. ..anything, sir.- from mumbai or delhi? you look so beautiful and thisis what you do for living? sir, she is innocent. he is theone who put that bag there. that girl came with me. tell them. he's the convict inram singh's case.

    we are searching himsince six months. so where were you hiddentill now? take him away. take him away. and you?- we came from hyderabad. here's my ld card. take it. sorry for theinconvenience. you can go. come on. beat him tillhe tells the truth. you leave urgently.- and you? lf the police come backthey will stop you here.. the name of interrogation.l have some other work. you go. you go, dhana. please, dhana. go on. please. thanks a lot, aravind. bye. please stop. check the bp frequently.- ok, sir. - doctor. there's no need to worry, girl.he lost some blood. he needs some rest. makesure that he doesn't.. ..get tensed. did you completeall the formalities?

    everything is ok, sir. sorry. l disturbed you. yes, you are disturbing me a lot. what if l hadn't seenyou losing conscious.. ..and something would'vehappened to you? nothing would happen tome. you don't worry. ok, give me your home number.l'll inform your parents. no, no. - why? - my mothercries for two days.. ..even when someone diesin her tv serials.

    lf she knows about this shewould.. l will manage it. why are you so upset? diddoctor say that my life.. in danger?- no, he didn't say that. tell me how many hours l havenow. did they tell you.. ..that even doctors fromabroad can't save me? l don't fear death, but l havea small wish before dying. what's that? - l want to bephotographed in this dress. aravind, are you mad or what!you joke even at this time? mental.- saroja, no. no, saroja. no.

    no, saroja. saroja,..control yourself. saroja. no, saroja. laugh.laugh. laugh. what are you saying, uncle,aravind left to kolkata? then why didn't he reach here yet? alright, you don't worry. he isnot a kid. he will come here. hey, pack everything properly. sir, you are.. you.. you didn't recognize me? l am busy in my business fromsoftware to real estate.. import to export,but that doesn't mean.. would forget me.- l forgot you? ok. ok. ok. my monthlyturnover is 100 crore. that doesn't mean youwill not recognize me. l didn't recognize you? sir.- sir. sir. sir. sir. l came to buy howrah bridgein kolkata. ls it my fault? that doesn't mean you will callyour childhood friend 'sir'. 'my childhood friend?business in crores?' 'lt seems he might kill meif l do not recognize him.'

    hey, it's you? how are you? leave that aside. whatare you doing here? l feel very bad, l say. nilu. nilu. nilu. neelambari, my secretary. how much? 50 crore rupees? l will send it immediatelyonline. ok, bye, nilu. how are all our childhood friends? oh no! battery down. doyou have laptop charger?

    l didn't buy the charger asl don't have the laptop. oh no! oh no! take this. from today onwards l willchange your life. note down my number. 999999999.. this is your phone? l-phone!- no, sorry. from today onwardsthis is your phone. ok, which car are you using?- since l am in this business..

    ..l have a tcm lorry.- what! when you have to go out.. ..somewhere with your familywill you go out on tcm? no, no, no. take my benz car. no, buddy. so how areyour wife and kids? l am not married yet.- you are not married yet? what? you will giveme your wife as well? you naughty guy! one sec. yes, nilu. tell me. cancel. 50 crore rupeesbusiness cancelled.

    no, when l say something oncel mean it hundred times. cancelled.- brother, why are you tensed? they are torturing me as it'sjust one lakh rupees is less. they cancelled 50 crorerupees business.. ..just because one lakh rupeesis less? - hey, no big deal. nilu, cancel that project.. no, no,no. - nilu, l'm his friend. l will give you that one lakh.l will give it now. - stop it. okay that 50 crores business.bye, nilu. - oh no! lt's after all one lakh rupees.l will give you that money. - no.

    here it is. take it.- no. no. lf you don't take this moneyl won't let you go. hey, he's my friend, my friend.sorry, security problem. call the taxi.- hey, why do you call the taxi.. ..when you have the benz car?- lt was mine till a moment ago. but from now onwardsit's yours. bye. god does exist.- ls malli babu present here? lt's me. - hey, check allthe properties. - yes, sir. who are you? - lf you wantcars for your ceremonies.. baburao properties.benz, bmw or maruti.. ..bikes, cycles, auto-rickshaw,we give everything on rent. then what about this laptop?- for single episode tv serials.. ..and film shooting wesupply costly dresses.. ..chairs, telephones. lfyou need these contact.. baburao properties! baburaoproperties! baburao properties! where is my l-phone?- l-phone? l don't have any damn phone. ls that all?- what more do you want?

    lf possible a small chat and..- l'll kick you. what happened? lt is too painful?- no, sit down. you carry on, dhana.- what? you left home to see balaji,but after this happened.. ..l forgot that matter carry on. l will call my friends andthey will take care of me. there's a train to kolkata at 7 pm. you can reach kolkataby tomorrow morning. l will get the don't worry about me.

    madam, here's the ticket you askedfor. the train's at 7 pm. we got this ticketin tatkal service.. you had to leavetoday at any cost. sorry, aravind. l was aboutto tell you, but.. hello! balaji, please.. l will be there by tomorrow morning. l told you, didn't l? sorry, aravind. pleasedon't get me wrong. we are about to meet after 15 years.

    please try to understand me.- ok, carry on. there's only 3 hours left now. l will go and settle the bill. andyour friends are coming, right? ok, then.. what happened, madam?- what shall l say, son ! 10 km away from herea bridge collapsed.. ..and the train to kolkatamet with an accident.. ..and many lost their lives.. dhana lakshmi. dhana lakshmi.

    dhana lakshmi, open thedoors. dhana lakshmi. open the doors. aravind.- dhana.. here's dhana lakshmi.didn't you tell him.. ..that you didn't leave.we already have.. ..a number of tensions come with me. aravind, what's all this!- l can bear it if you leave me.. ..but if l leave this earth.. l won't send you alone now.

    l will personallytake you to balaji. ''why did you forget sleepingafter you saw me?'' ''why did you ask for my heartthat is not with me anymore?'' ''you crossed my path at once..'' wait a minute. l will check it. who do you want?- we came for mr. balaji. ya. ya. ok. sure. leave me, balaji.- hey, dhana, it's me. what are you staring at!lt's me, your balaji.

    you didn't recognize me? lhave been waiting for you.. ..since so long, you know..l am happy today. l am very, very happy today.yes, yes, l got you. hey, dhana. dhana lakshmi, you.. ''my love..'' ''my heart yearns only for you.'' ''you are my life.'' miss, someone came for you. grandpa.- l am sorry, girl.

    your aunt came to knowthat l met you.. ..and gave you that letter. she sent men to searchyou all over kolkata.. ..and finally found outthat you are here. she came here withall the relatives. what's this, dhana! ours isa well-respected family. doing such a thing is not righton your part. let's go, girl. excuse me! who are you all? we all are dhana lakshmi'srelatives. - hello, greetings!

    so you are that balaji? soyou are the one for whom.. ..she left such a nice match?- look, son. our girl staying in your housedoesn't look that good. we love each other. we are aboutto get married as well. what makes you think thatl will get my daughter.. ..married to a worthless fellowlike you? - that was then. you know what is my son'sproperty worth right now? 150 crores.- l don't want even a broke shell.. ..from your property.

    l will keep dhana in my heart andlook after her like a queen. what objection doyou have now, girl? no, she's a girl. l fearedthat she might get fooled.. the name of love. that'swhy l tried to stop her. what objection would lhave if my daughter.. ..gets a match fromsuch a big family? god is there on your side.that's why you got.. ..such a nice man as your husband. look, she shouldn't have the grief..

    ..that she is getting marriedin her family's absence. you stay here during our wedding.. ..and give us your blessings. dhana, you are gettingmarried to balaji. why are you still so dull?- she's not dull, brother. actually dhana is unable tobelieve that l agreed.. this match. look, dhana,now even god can't.. ..stop this wedding. whatare you staring at? you came here running for thisparticular balaji, right?

    aravind, this is ourwork spot. get down. hey, get down everything. there are three daysleft for the wedding. everything must be done ata fast pace. - one minute. l am leaving. l don't wantto work here. - why? l don't want to work here. l wantto leave. tell my cousin. ok, once the lorry is unloadedyou can go back.. ..on this lorry itself.- ok. aravind, why are you killingme in this way?

    l came here without knowingthis is your house. l am sorry, dhana.- lt was aravind for real. where?- aravind. - aravind? hello, aravind! wait a minute. hi, aravind! l am balaji. after bringing my heart fromhyderabad to kolkata.. are leavingwithout meeting me? that's not the thing. why did you leave withouteven telling me once?

    ok, anyhow, you camehere on right time. l am giving a treat to my must also come. sorry. l came here for yourwedding arrangements. l have got a lot of work.- no, no. you are coming. that's it. dhana, what do you want?first choice is yours. lf it was balaji in your placehe would have asked me.. ..what l would have wantedand then he would've.. ..given the order. - sir, youare doing exactly the way.. ..dhana told me about you.dhana is very lucky, sir.

    ls it? thank you.- hello! hi, tell me.. stay online for a second. sir. sir, bill.. l am sorry.. - lt's ok. l'mthe one who should say sorry. lt's ok, l will..- balaji, what are you doing? sorry.. - how can you just leavewhen the bill arrives? l'm sorry. lt's an urgent call.- what's so urgent! hey, cool! why are you blowingsuch a small matter.. ..out of proportion?- lt's not a small matter.

    lt's cheap mentality. yourpride of being arrogant. you can assume whatever you want to. can l ask you something?- ask me. leave it. - l know very well whatyou will ask, am l right? yes, what's the relationbetween you and him? l have been watching it,l couldn't see a smile.. ..on your face since l saw you,but when you came here.. ..there was a strangejoy in your face. that means you are marryingme only for my wealth?

    who needs your wealth ! l waswondering how to say this. now l am telling you.l love aravind. l love him. l love him.l love him. ok! happy birthday to you !happy birthday to you ! happy birthday to dear.. no, sir, l will pay the bill. aravind, you are my guest.- no, sir, l will pay. lt's my treat.- no, sir, please. 'what am l thinking about?l am not doing anything wrong.'

    'balaji is not in my heart anymore.' 'lt's only aravind. l will tellthis to balaji immediately.' hey, so much has happened, butyou didn't tell me anything! lt's not that great a thing.- what! l didn't ask for apple or's just a pickle. you didn't even give me the pickle.l will stop the wedding. this is not a weddingin your family. but still l have the capacityto stop this marriage. lf l reveal just one secretthis marriage will go bust.

    what rubbish are you talking!shut your mouth. look at him, madam. l askedfor mango pickle.. ..and he is talking cheaply aboutme in front of everyone. lf l reveal just one secretthis wedding will go bust. hey, mind your languageor l will bash you up. who are you anyway!- what's wrong with you ! are you too drunk?- lf l was too drunk.. ..your secret would'vealready been revealed. you should respect me fordoing whatever you told me.

    but he insulted me infront of everyone.. ..and you kept mum watching it. lf l reveal one secret thismarriage will be cancelled. hey, you are going too faras we are silent. - hey! you are raising your hand on me? everyone listen to me. asyou all think the groom.. not the real balaji.yes, that's true. he is the duplicate balajiwho is paid to act here. for the money she offeredme l lied to dhana..

    ..that balaji wrote her a letter. they are all fake people. she played this dramato swallow her wealth. you didn't give me a pickle?now this marriage.. ..won't take place. dhana lakshmi. dhana lakshmi. dhana. how did he reach here? dhana. dhana, open the door.don't do anything stupid. l know how much you loved balaji.

    you can't commit suicide justbecause you didn't get.. ..the man you loved. didl commit suicide.. ..just because l didn't get you? l tried to unite youwith your balaji.. show you thatmy love is sincere. you have to unite with balaji.. prove the sincerity of yourlove. please, dhana. please. hey, what are you doing here?- rascal, you don't know.. much dhana loved balaji.

    she will die without balaji. hey! - hey, how dare you !how did you come here? hey, remove your hand! lfyou dare to touch him.. ..l will behead you call her. dhana. dhana, why do you thinkyou won't get balaji? l will bring balaji atany cost this time. l will unite you withhim at any cost. trust me, dhana. trust me, dhana. dhana. dhana. come outside, dhana.

    please, dhana. open the door, dhana. dhana, come outside.come outside, dhana. dhana, open the door. l will find out balaji nomatter wherever he is. please, dhana. trust me. l will find out wherever he is. nita. we believed her words and came here. we didn't realize that shecan do such a thing.

    thanks a lot, son. nitu, room no. 305.stay here this night. do not disturb dhana.- alright. l will come tomorrow morning.- alright. dhana, l can understand your pain. they want your wealth andyou want your balaji. to cash your love for balajisince childhood.. ..they did this with you. even if that personwas real balaji..

    ..l wouldn't have married him. aravind is filled in my heart. l mistook my childhood friendshipwith balaji as love.. ..and fooled myself. now l understood what real love is. l saw that pure formof love in aravind. then what's the delay for? tellaravind about it right away. aravind took whatever l saidall these days about balaji.. gospel truth. you heardhow he talked there..

    have you gone mad! aravindcan understand you. no, he will lose respect for me. don't assume things andmake a mistake again. tell aravind about your love.- don't force me. l should have told aravind thatl love him before l met balaji. lf l tell him now he willthink that l am saying it.. ..on rebound as that personturned out to be fraud. lt was my mistake. eversince the beginning.. ..l mistook aravind and saida number of mean things.

    l don't even deserve tothink about aravind. for aravind l will be left as dhana.. ..who is in searchof balaji forever. nitu, will you do me a favor?- what? we need to leave this placebefore aravind comes. - why? please take me to vizagto your house. aravind shouldn't knowwhere l am. please. l feel what you are doing is wrong. where are you goingwithout telling me?

    did l become so cheap in your eyes? you don't care about me justbecause l like you, right? get down. get down l said. aravind, why are you behavingthis way! - hey, get down. what?- look into my eyes. your eyes are saying itthat you love me. - no. yes.- no. no.- yes. how did it find out! did youreally see my love for you.. my eyes? - no, your friendcalled me and told me about it. l thought you won't mend your ways.. ..unless you are given such ashock treatment. that's why.. saroja, no. no, saroja. no, dear. saroja, cool. saroja. no, dear. saroja, cool. cool. hey, are you watching some movie? you are getting late for yourtrain. get going. go. - bye-bye. you look like a nice pair.why are you so silent?

    any problem? - we are in arelationship since ten years. we are about to getmarried in two days. she sent wedding cardsto all her friends. l too have a friend. she is agirl friend since childhood. l even gave her addressto invite her. now she says that she forgot it. why do you take it so seriously? how else should l react!what do you know.. ..about our friend? l caughta snake for her..

    ..when l was a kid, you know.. the last time l wrote her a letter.. ..was when l came state-first intenth. after that l lost touch. sir, what's your name?- balaji.

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