About : standard furniture and appliance
Title : standard furniture and appliance
standard furniture and appliance

hi my names adam gudger and i'm the nationalsales manager here thor motor coach and i'm here today with mister davidjones the district sales manager for southeast region here to talk about the 2016 fort st.david welcome glad to be here at i'm certainlyexcited to talk about the new changes in all the right things that we've done tothis goes let's go take a look out a list do it you know one thing ireally like about the tuscan is always had a very distinctive look i cantell we've added some new graphics and colors forthis year and also quite a few features
that there's to talk about absolutely imean starting starting first with the panoramic thewindshield is gonna give you a great visibility as you drive down the road wealso have the chrome errors with then we integrated the side camera and with the chrome era so on your drivein and you turn the blinker on you can see in the blind spot another thing i'm really excited aboutthose a 10,000 watt generator with the 10001 generator were able toput three 15,000 btu air conditioners with the bumps on the roof as well as weput an electric slide out the slide out
so it's easy for the customer to service the coach r the generator butbehind the scrum piece we also have a tuscany logo light lights up as well as the led running lights foruse in the best playing out there my opinion isa second thanks got more elasticity us you're not gonna have to worry aboutit check in our spotter weapon down the road because it just has a lot ofelasticity never hardens i can tell you know withthere's been a lot more emphasis and labor
to really make the pain itself you know fully cut in boston i'm you can reallysee the difference in the paint quality in terms of how we've invested their it also appears that there's a film onthe front other coaches well as their yeah there's a family put a 3m childrenall of our diesel saw that where you can protect against rock chips are love bugsand you don't have to worry about it eat and you're paying fantastic well why don't we go aheadmove on around the side the coaching look at some of the other features
great you know as we make our way aroundthe side the code should be one of the first things i noticed is that we're using a freightliner met on board for the freightlinerchassis a cake n i'm is there anything special that we'redoing with this rule under chassis that we're building this tuscany platform on absolutely amber i'm glad you broughtthat up because we we buy the chassis for freightliner and then we got a greatrelationship one more ride and what they do is they will
13-inch beam separate fee throughout ourmotorhome so that way we can have things like the full of like this right behindyou not not only that is we're using allabout tuscany's have independent front suspension which give you a 60 degreewill cut where a lot of competition out there are othermanufactures i should say have a 55 degree will cut with astraight axle you know the independence gonna give youa better ride on a bumpy road as well as we're using up big tire 295tire all the way around i noticed how big they are in there
there on all the actual rather than juston the front axle like you see in some other manufactures at the right you seea lot you see a lot of manufactures have a 295 tire on the front to 75% on theback and speak in a big is this a normal size into your existingthe enormous how big a suspect this is thirty two and a half inches wide and another great thing that we've donefor this year's you'll notice this this great step coverage is a greatentryways easy to get an easy to take things at it now as well as official come up in and coverthis whole when you're traveling
what i like about it is that my fearlove a bigger i miss an open step so you know it appears that there's a lotmore room to set your foot on as you walk in and it looks like it's reallyeven to so nice all putting on another thing you know as as you're gone by this is qessentially and not just keyless entry on the doris got keyless compartmentdoors as well in your tailgating on game day or what have you you can you can the lock everything and i looklike everything here as well as on the dash
and where the key fob really greatfeature you're pointing to the fuel tank is well this is a one big thing that we haven't been ableto do is we put a 150 gallon fuel tank on the coach and as well as we put itabove the belt line so it's easier to fill the as well and speaking to beltline now correct meif i'm wrong here but when i'm looking at this coach it'sgot a straight bell and all the way through that a new feature cuz are seen touch his report i've neverseen a straight line on
and i were really excited about this imean because it really gives it a much cleaner look not to mention we gottalotta exterior storage we've increased the base my height four and a halfinches by four and a half inch or pathogen oh my goodness i mean look atthis adam i mean i couldn't believe it when i first saw all this coach i mean you look it not only these areupgraded compartment doors that's incredible but you look at howmuch more storage we have in there for this year i mean this is this is one thingcustomers are really i'll
look for reasons to get into this coachis simply for the extra storage another thing that we've done in the basement as we donot have carpet in the basement so we've landed with the frp fiberglassis easier to keep it clean versus having cheers knitwear haps and on and have mold ormildew in the basement but if you look at not only that the apartment but we didthis were so far stalled or and this is what i put it that way oh mygosh this is a
unbelievable that over 60 inches wideand absolutely taylor speak in a flight outyou know i noticed you not only is this %uh taller base rather than i ever seenbut this is the full water is this like a28-foot slimy this thing is enormous is the biggest i've ever seen that's why we have more square footagein any other manufacturer out there in the market place not to mention i loveyou brought up sludge is one thing i really excited about thisoliver tuscany's are all the slide mechanisms arehydraulic for all hydraulic
all hydro i never heard that before oursauce you don't have to worry about that you know any slight issue with thishydraulic system for use in they have the door and up push a button this and that's why thefastest slide rooms in the in the industry more square footage and theonly coach in the industry have hydroxide absolute amount of anything else forthat and that all brand new for 16 brandy for sixty heart fantastic but onething on game day that i got a mention we've weekly added four thx to your tv
so it's much bigger tv not to mentioncheck out the song yeah as a huge honour and it isn't onething i like about it as it and i don't know if they're allthis way but this song is mounted to the firebox 0 with this really deep slide out you'renot actually losing the debt that aria you're exactly right now another thing iam excited about this we got the led strip light say that yeah i like that then ha andyou don't even have to the awning else if you just wanna
paul up the look cool you can do thatcool and then there's another awning above 90 torsten there's a cover on it which you knowi've i guess i've seen slide toppers before but i don't usually see thatcovers that something special for this one that is something we've added becauseyou know on a windy day he really needed it protects your awning i'll we spent a lot of extra money to dothat it looks better plus its gonna its gonna protect that owning from up
leaves and things of that nature gettingand on top i hear also when you're driving down the road i have not cover on their actually keepsthe wind from getting and so it's not gonna route where on you when you're traveling so thatthat would probably be a smart thing to have on on most coaches i know there's a lot ofcompetition that that doesn't do that so that's fantastic day i can't believe hownice and and the colors and the graphics while this is
this is the best i've seen us do so howexciting is that now an also since we're talking about theoutside the coach to i miss anything special about the roofon this year they were yours and i molded fiber a one-piece moldedfiberglass cap a you know that's thats as a great thingand about the roof in another thing on the roof is we went to three 15,000 btuair conditioners on the roof not to mention solar we have somecustomers asking for solar chargers is pre-wired for solar charger up on theroof as well has a new connector now on it doesn't itthere you can just hook that up so the
techs are having to search for that'sgoing to be well that's fantastic well one we i headback to the rear the coaching you can show me some the other features backthere be great you know i know we've begundoubt a lot more residential features is good for one of the concerns i have is how you power everything what youbrought that up i get a lot of customers buyer product that don't quiteunderstand and and i would like to go over thatwith you this is where use in a 2000 watt pure sine wave inverter
up because all of our refrigerator todayour electric in with this inverter pure sine waves a great benefit what that's going to do for your as it'sgoing to help your classes last longer plus you're gonna have cost power if youlike to use a laptop for whatever if you're camping with this feature we tried this with oursix volt batteries we have four six volt batteries tied together with this with all thegenstar and are also jetstar has a lot a great features a
you can set by time temperature andvoltage so you can run this coach for typicallyi would say 17 to 24 hours depending on what all your running and then set the voltage to 11.92 isyour free trader needs you know 12 most operate therefrigerator we're using is a 3 is a twenty cubits but 3-door at the french doors on it very nicerefrigerator and then we you can set the setting on the inside ican show you that so with this inverter than you know myoutlets than my gv
is my my appliances pretty much it'lltake care my says i dont around the generator all the time absolutely andyou don't have to count the hours you can set it by runtime: lower temperature time a manycustomers talk about their dogs if they're going travelling they wanna setsaid set the coach but temperatures are going to be gone for a while come backto the coach they can at the generator turn on thatway not to mention to we have energy management system as well so if you're in a shed the power foryour another nice feature
on the inside great to david here arethe rear cabin owners and as a few things you like to point out back hereas well absolutely starting up top but i'll thedocking lights we put docking lights not only beside the backup camera forwhen you're back in la tonight but also on the side of the coach with located the dot lights right frontto the rear axles so that's a nice features easy to seewhen you're back in late at night not to mention we were to the led taillightswhat we've added these lies with playing a bigger
plus we praised them up so that way whenyou do have a tool vehicle you can see over the tow vehicle is easy for peopleto see a stop in our current and what have you and the led ledfantastic another big feature is we we have up tofifteen thousand pound pitches on these this is a fifteen thousand found it'sbecause it's a tag are forty is a ten thousand but you can pull a lot away sun some abar some other manufactures use a 10,000pound has remained not really built up all 10
if we have a 10,000 pound her chart askany important at all of our forty over anything over 40 will befifteen thousand so david earlier we're talking about the web andyou mentioned aqua heating system what can you share with me about that absolutely i'm glad you brought that upbut this basically takes a place this is an all in all your high linecoaches and and in this price point you don't see a lot of the many factorsbut this anand because it's an expensive system anybasically what this does it takes it gives you unlimited supply of hot water
in love having a 10 gallon water heaterand it also offers you even heat mechanism so it's not youdon't have the hot cool spots in the coach it you know it's gonna hate the coachevenly and it's not gonna give you the dry heat the unit with propane not dry heat that sounds like somethingi'd be interested in cuz i know that if however wanna go to cold weather i want to be comfortable and you'resaying this is going to be much more comfortable to be hitting situationabsolutely you're gonna love this one so
once a customer has aqua they never wanna go to the i likehearing that i anything else you wanna share on theouter this coach before we go inside yeah the bill paying windows i mean we've wereally emphasize it looks better it it said dual plane again if your cat tryingto keep the coat warm or cool is gonna help you up you know get accomplish that as well aswe put the all innings over the top and then wemounted
the windows to access the windows thoughpush out from the bottom so you don't have to worry about raincome in and if you don't have your window awnings yeah i know is that the hinges on timeso it's almost like the air flows gotta be better because the whole peacefulcrack versus you know i think somebody's famouswindows where where there's a bar across the center and you know with this barbut i could see where ventilation would be improved absolutely right you know walking intothis
new 2016 tasking i really feel like i'mhome what are some of the new features totalk about well i mean if you just look right above us and we have a new ceilingplanned for 2016 i'm really excited about scott the led lights behind it but evenbetter let's get help distribute the air buttera when you look over here look at the height these new cat senate hundred-person amish bill caton with a high gloss on it we didn't justmay come
taller but we also made on deeper lookat that may be a lot more storage that's impressive i mean these customerstell me all the time we can never have enough storage absolutely after the furniture looksbeautiful this is a hunter the sale 102 also for both is themanufacture this furniture i mean we're using the best forthroughout their spill i'll you know we get the villa furniture and with the halo otherand then we also offer a sleeper underneath here
and then look at the tile we get the upporcelain tile with in a herringbone pattern that goesthroughout the coach really looks good underneath that we usea hearty backer so we don't ever have not ever heard on the issue cracked i'llbut it looks good and it's a high and residential you can see how thefurniture and countertops gotta go together all call sir don't see anything but sawservice in here as well everything solid service and look at the60 inch tv i mean if you can make this feel likeall my man this is this is definitely a
house on 3 yes and a fireplace and a fireplace a and you don't have to have it on it evengot in on the on switch if you'd like to have us a line and not have the heat onbut customers love the especially onchilling orange i don't i don't doubt it notes that the fantastic future units niceeee you get the euro kleinerthe else over so really just feels very homey i mean i inoticed earlier when we walked and there's a work station here so
if i wanna set out and and pay somebills or whatever i can do that it just makes me feel like i'm at homeon just an unbelievable look up front heredavid on so one would go and take a look at thegalleys well absolutely you know one of the things i like mostabout this 4584 plan specifically is the galley onthis unit absolutely a and this is a great galleywith a lot of stores but one thing i want to point out the before i show you even some other greatthings about the scalia's all over
tuscany's are all electric to have anelectric cooktop with the dishwasher and all even the 40 42 all over for plans willhave that but with this particular floorplan thisgives you tons of storage we have this countertopextension that comes up but look at the stores are i mean ifyour talk about storage me that take 7 a.m. the slides are hugewe have a lot of square feet footage here so that's gonna get me a lot extra storageplus
you know when you're cooking you have alot more we also went to new faucet a you know it's easy to fall out easy easyto utilize up but the kitchen area we addedfantastic fans with the remote sensor throughout through the bathrooms all theway through out the coach on or mentioned on the outside about theair conditioners but you notice that we have filters herewe use a whisper-quiet just that's why i came here the airconditioner now even though we have all 3 i'll up we had the intake on the outside withthe filters and the outflow in the
centres india much water coach one thing i wantto point out over here at a mess this is a free standing table or when weput a free-standing day wanna coach we give you four chairs this will thiswould stand out but we also offer a boost because i have had a cup couple customers walkmore sleeping area and arbors will also tell scope down and makin that so youhave two options you can this is thefreestanding computer desk horrible it's great having the versatilitybecause it she's like every other
customer wants to have a booth dine at sometimes this from the comfort aspectof it but to be able to offer either or on every floor plan that we have that'sgonna really be a game-changer for saving absolute i can tell you how impressedthem about all the residential appliances are you mention thedishwasher and microwave oven appears that windstopper therefrigerators well absolutely we're using whirlpoolappliances and we is a 20 cubic foot refrigerator alsohas a lock on the door which is very
nice that new isn't this is this is brandonyou know last year in the previous year at a fewcustomers at the said that we need that that when we listen to our customers adoor motor coaches for sure so a but yes a french-style french-style withthe bottom freezer great look in the refrigerator and theonly in standard in all over tuscany's we have the stock stockwell washer dryeris not an option is gonna come standard what i really like about this washerdryer that it set down low i know summer these
they're not aware but the top in my momshe's only five foot tall on it's really difficult to get to the topappliance but it appears from being in the location that we have here it's much more accessible for for you inthe vertically challenged absolutely up in short all my life adambut another thing about location you brought up this important is you know it's really nice if you canhave company you can shut this this all of close up the bedroom hadsome asleep in the car wash clothes get to the half but because all abouttuscany
i and you ever floor plans gonna giveyou the back to which is what customers asking for todaywe also have central that standard so you have the attachment that comes with thecoaches well as the kit played in the have massive penis once we get to that ilike the pocket doors cuz i noticed that theyhave the same design is that new ceiling plan that we have so it reallyis nice because it's almost like everything is getting you know incorporated together
really gives it a good luck andeverything's hi will also mean you can see we're using a hundred percent veneeraround everything and she is really get great look and really well put together really beautiful well let's go take alook at the better great for david here we are back in thebetter man i cant i it looks comfortable all it'sgreat i mean we've done a lot with a dollar for planshave king beds and not just in a king bed though we have a denver the number also a mattress memory foamvery comfortable we've added a ceiling
fan to make it feel just like your home and not to mention we put the the dayand night shades beside both windows beside the bed because lotwe have a lot of customers want the air ventilation side that a again solid surfacecountertops throughout beside the bed over here throughthroughout we've added a lot of storage in our cabinets i mean even though this isn't a slide room youcan see that we have all the drawers very d nice fit
we've even put a pull-out paying closet over here because again thismight be your closet brother will be ibero and with with the tv we put a flatscreen tv over here that lifts up so we we can have morestorage and your dvd player as well as many customers are put in there because we have a wind are travelersatellite dish on the roof many customers are putting a directv boxers usually people up to you and i know idon't watch the same programs my wife doesn't
thankfully there's two locations for andlike you said before mean the thing it just keeps coming back over and over again as it appears thatthe engineers in just tucked away as much storage for our customers aspossible on i like you said earlier i have not seena motor home where some is complain about having too much storage and this is about the best i've everseen i mean even look at the cavernous about the look at the they are i mean this they'vereally done a good job with this for
and has again one thing i i heardearlier was that i guess every single for planthat we offer in the task in is a bath and a half so for those owners are the coaches they'regonna have their own dedicated rear bathroom space no matter if it's a 40 42 or 45 so wanna go take a look at the we're about the master bath so to speakand and see some the future back there still now this is what i call a batter
absolutely we get his and her sinks herecheck you know that i can tell you're and mostservies i can stand in the shower that myshoulder being up against and this looks like this that this is enormous even gottasee check out the new oxygen shower it this is fantastic with withthis all about it's gonna it's gonna helping with thewater flow okay it's a better water pressure so i get that fight that up challenge always have never use an rv sothat that's fantastic
absolutely perfect and you know onething i noticed and they may all be this way over the word just seems enormous in here is very bigass even get a senior line your shoes spot for shoes i don't takeup your storage berry d storage area beside the told as well fantastic well looks like i can't be outfor a long period of time and not have to worry about having enough hangingspace absolutely well we go take a look at thefrom here mister i can't i am comfortable this isone of the best seats in the house and
they were using villa furniture and thisis a recliner over here and i noticed that the dash littledifferent this year you know i i know that we change the color theprevious year but and there's a brand new screen here that is larger than the ipad ahead matterfact it is this ten-point four-inch is a 10-point four-inch screen but thegreat thing about it is it offers the rand mcnally rv gps has a rb maps of theland areas where you're uncertain about hi bridges andthings like that it's got all that for you well i really like how large it asyou know i want one thing that
you know even drive these coaches forthe last fifteen years i've noticed that you know i just helloto a hair uncomfortable feeling when i get behindthe wheel and you have been something as larger this to to see the sidecameras and then to see the rear and then also have for navigation as well i'm it's fantastic this is this is thecoolest best a dash screen design that i've everseen on but there some other creature comforts alsothat the testing offers exclusively as
well you know what are the things that ireally like because again i have ensured all my life we have the automotive style petals down below thatself-adjusting you can adjust a manicure shore are further back if you're tall up but another niceeee gotta talk about it iscan't wait any longer as a new push button start 00 out to get an engine start buttonhere i like you do on that brand new
hire cars absolutely that's an issue for sydneywell as that is absolutely exact and i alsonoticed which is different from some other mao's at this as a vip smartly on it so it looks like yourwindshield wipers and and some other your cruise controlfunctions right here the at the fingertips reach easy to accessbut check out the visibility in thiscoaching over on that side it looks like they braced the mall in up and
on that window or you have greatvisibility to that side mirror okay with the cameras at a greater thani me with this huge crane and it should be easy hiscoach yeah well i know you know independentfront suspension and bigger tires in a better i'm coach in any type thiscadbury and that it was very your style i feel like i'mreally up against the fryer i while that's cool too look at that sowe gotta wait out to block the sun i but you know that nice i liked a nicewhite gauges you know very visible on know everything about this motorhomejust feels comfortable to me
absolutely i learned so much about thiscoach today and i can tell i i'm convinced that 2016 is the year thetuscany so i just really wanna thank you for yourtime and i'm looking for to learn more about the coaches we get down the roadactual thank terry thanks for your time thankyou