About : furniture stands at ideal home exhibition
Title : furniture stands at ideal home exhibition
furniture stands at ideal home exhibition

welcome to the second programof my mini series "sew simplewith rectangles and squares." during thisthree-part series i'm featuring streamlined,yet modern projects that take one,maybe two hours to sew. the hold-it sacks are my first"sew simple" projects. prop up your cell phoneor electronic tablet in the cradle areaof the fabric sack. made from laminated fabric
it's ideal to usethroughout your home or office. the unique finished shape appears as if it was madefrom a complicated pattern. but not this gadget holder. it's all madefrom rectangular shapes. "sew simple with rectanglesand squares," that's what's nexton sewing with nancy. sewing with nancy tv's longest-airingsewing and quilting program
with nancy ziemanis made possible by baby lock, a complete lineof sewing, quilting and embroidery machinesand sergers. baby lock,for the love of sewing. madeira, specializingin embroidery, quilting and special-effectthreads because creativityis never black and white. koala studios fine sewing furniturecustom-built in america.
clover,making a difference in sewing, quilting, crafting,and needle arts for over 30 years. amazing designsand klassã© needles. the hold-it sacks are made from threedifferent types of rectangles. laminated fabricfrom the very large one filled with rice and fiberfill so that an electronic tabletcan fit right in the cradle.
the cell phoneor the tablet can be held securelyhorizontally or vertically. it's kind ofa conversation piece. they're funny lookingprojects but yet greatfor techie projects. laminated fabricis my fabric of choice because it's easy to cleanand has a nice finish to it. it's 10" x 12"for the smaller size 12" x 18"for the larger size
just one layerof the rectangle. then there aresmall little pieces that you're going to be cutting,smaller rectangles. i'll show youwhat they are. the cording is the cordingthat is used for pillows. it's a fusible cordingand a 3" rectangle. the little tabat the top is 2" x 3" that has the perforatedstrap fabric fused to it. you fold it in halfalong the perforations
and create the tab,pretty simple. the baseis much the same. there's a base here made with a larger strip,a longer strip with the fusiblestrap material for interfacing. those are some of the piecesthat you'll need to create this. to makethis unique shape i'd like to show youhow it's accomplished. the rectangleis folded in half
so that the short edgesare meeting. just stitcha 1/4" seam allowance which is done here. then, sew the top edge,but before doing it wrap the corner,folding it along the seamline. you can "pin"on laminated fabric using clipsor fabric clips. then sew across the top,but leave an opening. this is where the riceor the bean bag pellets
are going to be inserted. now, if you takea close-up look at this we left an opening and then stitchedto the cut edge at each opening so when i turn thisright side out that edgeis very easy to turn. you'll see thatin the very last step of this. so far,it's pretty simple. now we'regoing to fold this.
fold it so that the trianglesare predominant at the corner so that you'recreating this shape. the seam is stacked,one on top of the other. you get a triangular shape,and "pin" across the end. do the sameon the other side. now, the other sideonly has one seam. it's straight,and then the fabric. you take thisto your cutting mat. it doesn'thave to be exactly 3/4"
although that'sthe measurement i used. trim off 3/4"from each corner. i'll flip this overand do the same. trim off 3/4". in this opening we're going to be placingthe little tab piece so thatyou can easily move your hold-it sackaround the house or whereveryou'd like to put it.
then on the end thatdoes not have a vertical seam it just has one seamat the very top put your littlepiece of fabric for the tab. sneak it in there, pin it,and then sew the seams. sew both of these little seamsthat i am pointing at. on this particular sample,it's already been stitched. now you turn thisright side out. if you're not workingwith laminated fabric just cotton fabric,i would recommend
that you add fusible interfacingto the back of it to give ita little extra support. you can seeit's got that shape now. it looks like some of thosecontainers that hold sour cream when you order a baked potatoat a restaurant that's howwe got the shape. then, align the seamthat's in the fabric so it's in the center. it's startingto look like a hold-it sack.
the base is formed by measuring3-1/2" from the cut edge. i'll justmeasure up 3-1/2". i would pin this baseinto place. this is not complicated sewing,so if you make it 3-1/4" it's not going to matter,just approximately 3-1/2". my next samplehas this stitched into place. here it comes,it's stitched. then i pressed the 3" fabricaround the piping. this pipinghas fusible web around it
so that when you press it,it sticks. we have extra fabricat the ends that are folded. that's placed at the base--let me get some pins-- placed at the baseof the little stand. now, the last stitchingby machine is to stitch the remaining tailor this section. you fold it once,you fold it twice so it meets together,and stitch. here's a close up.
i'm using the zipper footto stitch along the edge. if the foot sticks, you maywant to line the fabric with some tissue paperto help sew this area. here's this funny lookinglittle project. it doesn't haveany rice in it yet. but you'd fill the bottomwith about two cups of rice then add the remainingstuffing or fiberfil and hand sew the hold-it sackclosed at this end. put it on your counter,on your desk
charge your cell phone,view your electronic tablet and you have a clever home decoritem made with rectangles. toss them in a game or use themto hold down pattern pieces these mini sacks can beboth fun and functional. you can easily make threemini sacks in an hour or less. this has to bethe simplest technique i've ever shownon sewing with nancy. but i'm sittingat the sewing machine.
i can sew one for you. i like to use themas pattern weights. just to give you some ideas on how to workwith laminated fabric it's notvery difficult at all. you'll usea traditional needle, maybe change to a sharp needleto go through the layers. it's cotton fabriccovered with a light coating the laminated coating.
this piece of fabricis a rectangle, 4" x 6". fold it in half,meeting the short ends and kind of doa finger press or crease so thatyou can center the tab. this is the same size tabas i used earlier a 3" strip,folded in half. then "pin" or clip. with laminated fabrics,you're going to want to use some clipsfor positioning.
fold this in half. i'm going to center thata little bit better. fold this in half and clip againto hold it in place. now we're going to dothe stitching. a 1/4" seam allowanceis all that's needed for thisparticular technique. if you goover the center it's easy, easyto sew that seam. then we'regoing to wrap the seam.
when working with vinyl,it's hard to turn the corner so wrapping the seammakes it so much easier. just fold the fabricalong the seamline. then i'll start to sew, tackingdown the seam allowance holding downthat seam allowance. so it's two seamsat the sewing machine. i'll lowerthe presser foot. and really,i'm not pinning right now i'm just holding that down,kind of finger pinning it.
that's twoof the three seams. then you can turn thisright side out. it's slightly tacky,so i'm going to show you one i've already turnedright side out. get the corners pointy fill it with a little riceor some pellets. this point is where youcenter the remaining seam. oops, i've gota little rice coming out. fold underthe seam allowances.
now, move your needle on your presser footall the way over to the left side. i have the seam allowancespressed under finger pressed under. i have a few rice pelletsmoving out! then stitch the seam. now, you may find,i'm not finding it right now but if you find that the footdoes not glide along the edge
you can place downsome tissue paper. but because i'm sewinghalf on the fabric and half off the fabric,it really doesn't matter. maybe a bar tackat the end. in that short of time,you've created a sack to use to hold downyour pattern pieces and you've learned howto work with laminated fabric. don't settle for tanor black bins for your shelf. customize fabric binsto accent your home decor
by selectingcoordinating fabrics. made, you guessed it,from rectangles and squares. the sewing is enjoyableand the end result is as fresh in appearanceas it is functional. we chose a coordinatingfabric group to makeour three sizes of the fabric binswith grommets. you can see the funlining color that we chose for all the designs,to carry the look through.
the grommetsare small to large and are insertedin the side ends. they're really speedyto put together. i love the fabric optionsthat you have because you get tochoose fabrics. the square and rectangle sizesare on the table. first, the rectangles. this small rectangleis 12" x 8". then you see a lineacross the top.
one inch from the top,you place a line because that's going to bethe line to cut. there's a craft interfacing and a liningthat's cut one inch shorter. the square portion comes from cutting out squaresin the lower corners. from the small one,a two-inch square. for each bin, you'll needtwo pieces, two sides. and for the medium size,we have a 16" x 9-1/2".
remember, all the dimensionsare given in the book that accompaniesthis program. then the three-inch cornersare cut out. the third one hasa 21" x 13-1/2" rectangle with a four-inch cornerremoved from each area. you possibly can see, as you'vebeen looking at these pieces that we basted the craftinterfacing to the outer fabric. you just have tobaste it quickly along so it stays in place.
the lining is cut outthe same size as the craft interfacing,shorter. we're not going to be doinga lot of sewing. if you look inside,that one inch the reasonto have that extra one inch is it's folded overand pressed into place. this edge is cutwith a pinking shears or a decorative bladeof your rotary cutter. sew the lower seam first.
meet right sidestogether with 1/2" seam allowancesis what i'm recommending. you sewthat lower seam. this is a pretty springy seamand has a lot of bulk. so, to hold that seam flat stitch witha multiple step zigzag design i'm doing right now. just sew across that seamto hold all the layers flat. if you want to givethe bottom of your bin
some extra support you could cut a small rectangleof that craft interfacing 1/2" shorter thanfrom each side than the base. just topstitch that in or even use double sidedbasting tape to hold it. this is a bin. this is not somethingyou're going to be wearing. now, the top, to make thisreally fast and easy use paperbacked fusible web,1/2" wide.
place itor fuse it to each end. this happens to bepressure sensitive. you don't have to fuse itthe first time around just press it down firmlywith your finger. at this point,do some trimming. with a decorative blade, justtrim off the excess fabric. now you havethe edge finished. i told you, this is a programcalled "sew simple." then some sewingof the side seams.
in this particular samplethe side seams have been sewn. you seethey're kind of springy. to press it,use a dowel or a seam stickthat is flat on one side. it is rounded so that you canpress open along the curve. it helpswith the shaping. give plenty of steamalong this area to press open the seams. then to sew the cornersis what's left.
the cornersreally shape by themselves. the side seamis met to the lower edge. sew across that end,simple as that. you may want to trim offthe excess seam allowances with a decorative blade just to get rid ofsome of the bulk in this area. then you can turn thisright side out and makeyour lining piece. rather than using1/2" seam allowance
make it just a little deeper,5/8" would do the trick. let meget my pieces. here'sthe lining piece meet wrong sides together,tuck it in. take some timeto pin the lining and the craft interfacingtogether. i've already removedthe paper backing. then just wrap it around. you're going to take more timethan i'm doing right now.
make it smooth and then pressall these layers together. press them on the insideand here you go. that's all that's to it. now, you'd finishall the way around the edge but that gives youthe general idea. the finishing pointfor the bags and bins-- these aren't bags,these are bins-- are the grommetsat each end.
i recommendto make sample before puttinga grommet in your bin. piece some fabricso that it has seam just the way your fabricin your bin has a seam. truthfully,the larger grommets are easier to put inthan the smaller grommets. in the packaging,there will be a template. you'll measure down the distancethat you'll like the grommet and trace the opening.
you can see i've alreadycut the opening. take some time and trim offthe raft interfacing. trim that outa little further. then place the grommet on theright side and the wrong side. kind of wait untilyou hear them nap together or kind of click. then press it downand click. you'll hearthe two going together. then you can see how muchpressure you have to apply
to put it into place. add a grommetat each end, large or small the choice is yours. what's good for the shelfis good for the wall. with a little tweakingof the instructions fabric binsturn into wall pockets that provide organizationand style to any home or office. again, i've chosensome fabric coordinates to create the three sizesof the wall pockets.
these sizeswere just kind of determined by what we thoughtlooked good. the grommets adda little interest to the front plus some trim. then, two grommets in the backso they can be hung by the mountable clipsthat you can place on your wall. the sewing is identical to the constructionof the bins with the additionof the trim
and a number of differentgrommets that we put into place. the sizesof the bins. you can really make theseany size you'd like. the small the pattern rectanglestarted out 9" x 10" with one-inchcorners cut out. all three wall pocketshave one-inch corners cut out. the mediumis 11" x 15". and the large that i haveright here is 15" x 14".
like before,the craft interfacing and the liningis cut one inch shorter for all three sizesat the top. just mark one inchand fold it down. that's the size that you cutthe craft interfacing. if you'd liketo add some trim, which i thoughttied the three fabrics together you can usethe pressure sensitive adhesive or fusible web and placethe trim for the large size
2-1/2 inchesdown from the top. you stitch this on firstbefore you sew the side seams. then constructthe wall pockets just as the bins,simple as that. so, once you learn a technique,you have several options. in workingwith the grommets i want to spend a little timetalking about this. the front grommet is totallya decorative accent. the small grommet has to gothrough many layers of fabric.
make certainthat you trim away that inside layer,that craft interfacing before yousnap the layers together. then align two grommetson the back so that you canhang them on the wall. so, whether it's fabric binsor wall pockets the sewing is simplewith rectangles and squares. african communities are richwith artistic traditions. we may be familiarwith their history
and artistry of african peoplein the americas but we knowlittle or nothing about africans in other partsof the world. we sharethe fascinating story of siddi women'squilting cooperative of india with henry drewal. welcome, henry,to sewing with nancy. thank you, nancy. i saw your exhibit fromthe women's cooperative quilt
on displayat a quilt show. i was drawn to themby color. you have createdexhibits from these. share with our viewershow you became interested in workingwith this group of women. well, my careerhas been on learning about and studyingthe history of artsof african peoples, both in africaand in diaspora
in the places where africanpeople have found themselves. my wife was going to dosome research in india and she said if you want tospend some time with me you might want toget a grant to come. so, i followed herand went to india and got a grant and began to research africancommunities in india people who had lived therefor centuries and now and theseare their descendants.
the quilts that are madein india by the women there you'll see a close upright now of the quilt that i'm holding,it has great color. tell us how they begincreating the quilt. well, in these communities,they are relatively poor. these are independentcommunities that live in the forest areas,the western ghatts. they'll use their clothinguntil it can no longer be worn. so they take remnants
from the clothingof their family members. then there are periodic marketsof secondhand clothing that they'll alsopurchase things from. they'll get a sari that they putas the backing for the quilt. once they have enough remnantsand the sari backing they beginto make the quilt. it's a kind ofvisual documentation of the fashionsof family members over a periodof two or three years.
i'm specifically holding thiscorner to remind myself for you to tell the storyabout how they begin quilting. right, okay. well, actually,they begin the quilting by going from a cornerall the way around with a continuousrunning stitch until they reach the centerto finish these quilts that you'relooking at now. the center motif is just that,it's a show stopper, usually.
yes it is,usually. i like to think of itas a kind of design flourish where the womanis coming to the conclusion of this wonderful work and will putextra time and effort into the patternat the very center. the maker of this quilt,we need to recognize her. yes, her nameis khatumbi musawar. she lives in the villageof mainalli.
this is where the quiltingcooperative began. the second quilt thatyou brought along with us has a great focal pointin the middle that purple frame area. but in the corners,there's interest. talk about the motifthat's in most corners as in this quilt. oh, right, yes. in most quilts, there are twomotifs that usually occur.
a seriesof shapes multiplied and in the very cornerof the quilt, as you have here three of them,these are phulas, they're called phulas,which means flower. it's a piece usuallywith a distinctive color that is folded two or threetimes and then sewn. now, this is where the quiltbegins, at the corner. this isalso where it ends because as i askedthe quilters,
i said, why do you put thesephulas or flowers in the corner because this isthe final thing that is done. they said, huh, you know,if we didn't put the flowers in the corners of the quilt,either one or multiple ones, like here,the quilt would be naked. that is, unfinished. well, maybe we have to startdoing that in this country. i think so. adding flowers to the corneradds a nice detail to it.
you bring these quiltsto this country. they are sold. they help supportthe people who make them. right. i've done two, actually severalexhibitions of the quilts. one in new yorkat the schomburg center. another one was held at the museum of the africandiaspora in san francisco. i've held an exhibitionof the quilts here at uw-madison
then you saw themat the quilt expo. yes,they're stunning. thank you for sharing this greatprogram with us, henry and for bringingthis information to us. there's something we can learnfrom every culture. thanksfor being with us. thanks, nancy. if you'd like to havemore information about the siddiwomen's cooperative
you can goto nancyzieman.com where you'll find allthings sewing with nancy. you can re-watchmy interview with henry re-watchthe program of today. go to nancy's corner and click on henry's namefor more information. thanks for joining me.bye for now. nancy has written afully-illustrated book entitled "sew simplewith rectangles and squares"
that includesall the information from thisthree-part series. it's $14.99,plus shipping and handling. to order the book,call 1-800-336-8373 or visit our website at:sewingwithnancy.com/2801. orderitem number bk2801 to pay by checkor money order call the numberon the screen for details. visit nancy's websiteat nancyzieman.com
to see additional episodes,nancy's blog, and more. tv's longest airingsewing and quilting programwith nancy zieman has beenbrought to you by baby lock; madeira threads; koala studios; clover; amazing designsand klassã© needles. closed captioning fundingprovided by pellon.
sewing with nancyâ is a co-production of nancy zieman productionsand wisconsin public television.