furniture row tv stands

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    furniture row tv stands

    come on move fast.follow me. -yes, sir. i'm sangita chopra forany vision standing.. front of president's house. we're waiting for media tycoonof not just india.. ..but he gave india such aplace in internationally.. ..which wasn't achieved so far. is name is mr. naved ali. naved ali's car is here. he's here.

    sir. - sir.- morning, sir. sir, where will you takethe company now? sir, what's the secretof your success? how is the control offoreign companies? sir, how did you manage all this? whom do you give credit? what are your future plans? sir, where do you want to seeyourself after 5 years? whom do you give creditfor your success?

    it means? i was born in this land.i'll stay down to earth. for this country.. ..for its progress. do you want collaborationwith foreign companies. pm is giving lots oftime to naved ali. okay, mr. naved. see you later. thank you. he is the opposition leader.why don't you get close to him?

    i tried a lot,but he won't come close. you run such a hugebusiness empire.. ..and now you got theultimate award.. ..from the president of india. tell me mr. did this happen? my mind and my heart werein perfect sync. but how did it happenin such a small age? mr. vir, age has nothingto do with success. okay, in that case thereare many young..

    ..people watching this program. do you've a message for them? yeah, i feel they should tryand reach for the sky. dream to touch the sky! you'll find the sun! that was naved ali.self mad man. and that is the end ofthe star program. suraj! suraj! on your mark, get set..

    son, this photo has picturesof great people because.. ..goodness,virtues society and country.. ..should be explained to you. it should question youand restrain you. you can't be my younger fled from battle. you didn't think of family honor. if he had cared, he wouldn'tdied instead of fleeing. coward! brother,i can't do this bloodshed.

    you can say anything,but i can't do this. i want to be with gayatriand suraj. send us somewhere else. you've returned as a cowardfrom every place. you coward! chandhar shrivastav, you'rearrested for deserting the army. brother, i don't want to go. gayatri. help me! tread on the path of greatpeople in life!

    it means.. gayatri. telegram from army head quarter. your husband committedsuicide in lock up. brother suraj! you'll find sweetsready when you return. and for me? for you too, child. mr. mishra.a rich man has come for charity. god bless you, son!

    let's go. get me down. come, brother suraj. take this. he's in. it's not good. brother hera.. ..your sweets doesn'ttaste the same. it seems like it wasmade in hot water. sugar is very expensive.

    you're influenced by money too. your sweets have a standard. you're the pride of the city.maintain it. maintain? my foot! brother, if i maintain, doyou know what will happen? my shop will be closed! time has changed. nobody eats sweets. they eat ice cream,drink cold drink.

    and sandwiches. time has changed.. milk and snacks for me. he was born a priestbut became a grocer. your shop won't run bycriticising the society. hard work isn't enough. it's all about marketing. you won't understand. mr. mishra, is the work completeof munishi ghat?

    yes, with your grace. what is it that idon't understand? sit. okay. look.. ..people have reachedthe moon but yet.. ..that believe indonation of cow. hamburger will come and go.. ..but samosa (snack)will be for ever.

    if you want to fight with pizzaand ice cream, spend a little. take loan from bank.put board of cold drink. combination of cold drinkand samosa is a hit. and paint this shop. put color tv. clean the place. and name the shop.. pride of benaras. then see.. brother, i don't understandyour english words.

    even dhirubhai ambanididn't know. brother.. hasn't changed.. has just increasedits speed. that's why you run fast. maybe. mother. any letter for me? this must be the firstletter for you.

    no kidding today.should i call uncle? yes. but he's out. aunt, look at brother. mother warn her. i won't interfere. you decide. oh god. you make me drop the platter. now if i say something,you'll feel bad. don't be angry, i'll pick it up.

    sweaty hands. no! you'll make me take sin. son, you're big now. if you can't do good,at least don't do anything bad. look, son. this is your house. your aunt will earn for you andyour family as long as he can. mother.. -we'll serve you. what? shut up! what did i say wrong?

    if i can with love,they accuse me. i'm sorry. what happened? i got admission. i'll study where navedali used to study. brother, this is for you. and sister.. ..i'll call you there for studiesas soon as possible. look, mother.

    if you do this i won'tbe able to go. i'm not sad as you'regoing to mumbai. but it's very far. "mother ganges!" "don't forget me." be in good company. you've mr. pandey's telephonenumber if you need help. take care, son. god bless you.

    "entire earth and skyis for ganges." "i greet everyone with my heart." wow! great! "i dream of sun the aim is to do the impossible." "there are many names fordifferent forms.." "..whether ram or shyam." "my dream beckons me whilei sing merrily." brother! "i venerate my dreams.."

    " and night." "my destination may be far,but dream is near." "the path must be hard,but i've to walk." "this is all i dream of!" this scholarship is onlyfor your college fees. you've to pay for lodgingand books. okay? yes, madam. i know. 655 rupees.55 rupees for cost accountancy. only 55 rupees.i'll party as books got cheap.

    no, philip. it's not 55 rupees. 655 rupees and 75 paise. 655 rupees and 75 this is very puzzling. listen, this is 50. this is.. 426.. 650 round figure. okay.i'll take the book back. -no. take chewing gum. lucky number 3. no. madam.. -what is this?

    i'll pay. give me later. thanks, mate. madam, give the books.only 2.75 paise. hi, karan. -hi. i'm philip from goa. -i'm suraj. i'll take you to college tripin return for 2 rupees. actually mumbai isn't ahill station because.. ..the address hereis malabar hill. so it looks like tourist.

    this is our genius group. you know doctors, engineers. actually scholars type. they report to the police ifyou snatch their books. this is sporty group.all the time sports. nice energy, man! and this is muscle power group. don't look them in the eyes. what are you doing? come here.

    what's this dress up and luggage? it seems you're at railwaystation not college. i'll introduce you to a friend.dhiraj. remove your blazer. i'll take care of your luggage. dhiraj. yes, philip. how are you? dhiraj. what's up, man? he's my friend suraj.he's dhiraj. -hello.

    dhiraj, take this luggage. but what if managercomes and shout? exactly. say so what? hold it. this is principle's welcomingspeech for you. come. come on. let's hear the work.-no, i better work. okay. take this too. but my luggage. -no problem.he's my friend. don't worry. i'll see you, dhiraj. bye. don't worry about the luggage.dhiraj is a good friend.

    he works in canteen andstudy in our college. he's a very enterprising boy,man. saint andrews college.. ..welcomes all the new students. and we wish them all the lovefor this new session. i would like the new studentsto introduce themselves.. their names arecalled out loud. now your turn will come too. ready?

    ready, man. gaurav gopal. hi. i'm gaurav gopal from mumbai. all the girls have hisnumber and me.. akhilesh mishra. 92 percent. hello. i'm akhilesh mishrafrom mira road. miss radika kulkarni from surat.94 percent. she's a brilliant student.-she'll be college prefect. radika talked in ssc examall over maharasthra.

    she's also junior chesschampion of the state. pradeep chatterjee from kolkatta. suraj shrivastav from benaras.72 percent. hey. -champion at athletics. suraj. -suraj shrivastav. suraj shrivastav. suraj? -mr. suraj shrivastav. suraj shrivastav benaras. i hope you've a more attentiveyear in this college.. shrivastav. i wish all, all the bestand a wonderful year. suraj, i told dhiraj to takecare of your luggage. but it happens withevery new students. you can't help it. have some sweets.they're really hot. pooja. not that one. return the books. return it.

    come on. hey.. angry man from benaras. take it easy, man. chill out! what's in this book? it's none of your business. just now the principalsaid you're sportsman. want to race? you've to rind the bell onthird floor and come back. if you win,you can take your book.

    but if you lose,i'll put it on the notice board.. ..for the college to read. fine. that's it man, come on, suraj. come on, man. yes. -why are you running likethis? have you gone mad? hey, champ. where are you going, man?come on. this way. come on. come on.

    hey, man. come on. this way. professor. - hey,what is this nonsense! hey.. mind blowing, man. really good. i thought i was thechampion here. welcome to the gang, man. all right guys, everybody tothe canteen. drinks on.. come on. let's go. come on, man. -let's go.

    well done, suraj. -very good. congrats. my dreams. this is our palace. rent is 1200 rupees. do you agree? i don't mind. man,i knew you're the correct man. there is a restaurant downstairs.

    for 1000 per month, you getbreakfast and dinner on time. what more do you want in mumbai? one part time job. part time job. how much do you've? 321 rupees. oh no. listen. buy a ticket andgo back to benaras. why did you come here?

    why? this is's not so easy here. mother's blessings can'tget you everything here. do you understand? yes. i need a brother's help too. i'll think something. you fool! i think you got a brother's help.

    do you hear this voice?it's sweetie uncle. he's the owner of theplace and ten taxis. he's as soft as his hard voice. come on. i'll fix you up. hey, come. can you drive? -yes. i thought you were likemy son and you.. it's our greatness that youlet you joke on you. but you think we're a fool.-sorry. don't think we're fools. andespecially sardar sweetie singh.

    sir. if you needed money,you should've asked. why steal? we keep you like children,yet you swindle. you should be ashamed! hello, sweetie uncle. i'm angry now. meet me later. sir, tea. -you came again. i told you to cut your hair. you look like a thief nota driver. get lost.

    eat this with tea. sweets. my mother made it. you came from out of town. i've no room no job. you brought him.i'll fix you up later. sweetie uncle,please listen to me. how much does a driver earn? i don't want to hire a driver.

    i just want to know.-he earns 250 a day. 250. 7500. you give me 2000. yes. look uncle sweetie. if the taxi is free evenfor 2 days a week.. lose 2500 a month. if you don't like my work,fire me within a week. uncle, i'm won't have complains.

    i'm a good driver. look, my driver license. i heard punjabis are big hearted. any doubt. you came to study or drive. i'll drive at nightand study at day. you'll die in four days.when will you sleep? i don't sleep much. you talk a'll become a leader.

    listen,if anything happens to my taxi.. don't worry about it. eat this. take this. desphande. he's yeshwant. -come. this.. what? -list. how are you, yeshwant? -fine. are you students joiningour party?

    yes, but in less numbers. i mean..half are busy with computers.. ..and other stay awayfrom politics. good. if you keep dangerous boys withyou, who will listen to you? world is like sheep. if you keep a beautiful leader,one will follow. got it? that mello.

    hello. -how are you? hi. -that'.. pooja! pooja! good timing, pooja. if you improve take off,timing will get better. bye. you run very fast. you must've problems with police. are you his friend?why do you make such cheap jokes?

    sir.. -apologize. apologize fast. let it be. apologize. yeshwant. yeshwant rane. i never saw you before. are you from a village? not village,but from benaras city.

    okay. out of mumbai everythingis village. suraj,every student from out of.. is like myyounger brother. don't get trapped bythose rich brats. join our party. you'll succeed. come and sign in the office. we've to be together forthe struggle of life. with the blessing of elderbrother, you'll be happy. okay?

    everyone has to struggle in life,brother rane. but i want to fightmy battle alone. my fight! my defeat or my victory! as for blessings.. ..i've blessings of ganges. yes, thanks for the support. as shown in the diagram.. ..we get the equilibrium price..

    what is he saying? equilibrium. equilibrium. -equilibrium! so the consumer's demand.. equili.. -if i understandwhat he's saying.. ..i'll understand the entirelecture. -equilibrium means.. don't say.. you'll find the good supplyis equal to the demand.. ..which then decided theequilibrium price..

    ..resulting in the furtherrise in price. understood? any fluctuation in thiscauses inflation. demand is equal to supply. equilibrium means balance. balance..-from the purchase of goods. why are you looking in the book?i'm explaining. stand up. i said stand up.

    sir, i..was looking for the meaning. meaning? -you said in this book.. equi.. -equilibrium. -that.. in economy class you werelearning english. sir.. -why are you afterwhat you can't get? why don't you join hindi medium? sir, i know hindi.i had to learn english. so i joined it. but i'm in attention, sir.

    what you're saying,i'm taking in my mind. i'm always attention, sir. i know economics. only english.. it gets difficult. but i'm learning. then i'll also be in.. equilibrium, sir. it's nothing.professor do give us tension. hi, pooja. -what are you doingin the evening, rohan?

    evening? i'm free. i'm free too. let's go out. i'm ready.want to ask someone else? i'm doing that. but i guess nobody is interested. see you at eight. bye. -see you. don't take tension. she's likethat from her childhood. come at evening.we'll go for a movie. no, i've work. i can't.

    why don't you come, philip? there is an earthquake in kuchh! naved ali took the responsibilityto settle the victims. what are you watching in the tv? it's about naved ali. it's unfortunate. anyway,i'll do everything for the.. ..bright future of these kids. he's great.

    people can't take careof families.. ..he took responsibilityof the entire village. why don't other people like him? they'll. sure. they need just one chance. let's go and have a coffee.-okay. excuse me. -yeah. hi.

    i'm pooja. i know. why are you so scared of me? scared? look,you're still standing in fear. okay, can you help me? what? i'll come on tractat 6 am like you. you can finish your practice,i'll wait for you. okay?

    why do you want help? i run 100 meters too. my take off isn't good. if i improve it,i can beat anybody. so will you help me out. please. okay. -thanks. what are you doing? this is the time to savemoney not waste it.

    you won't understand, philip. i too understand that it'stime for family planning. you would need money. tell me, did you propose toher or she proposed to you? who? i heard you both talk morethan you practice. it's nothing like that. ..if there is nothing betweenpooja and you tell me. i'll tell the college you'renot interested.

    or else tell me.i've to do lots of work. from your hairstyle to lifestyle,i've to change everything. shirt, shoes.. -philip. it's not nice to jokeall the time. i'm here to study. i don't know who saidwhat to whom. if a girl and boy talk,there is commotion. i thought this happensonly in small town. but everybody thinks the same.

    what does girls haveto make you crazy? nothing. -hi -hi. do you remember, tomorrow at 6? yes. sharp. bye, philip. -bye.- bye, suraj. you've to wake up at 5.30to reach at 6 am. what did you say about the girls? hey, shut up! come on. how much?

    50 rupees. -take this. sexy shoes man. it seems your lifestyleis getting better. i'll take a nap. wake me up when pooja is here.okay? whom were you looking for? i was only exercising. you can't lie. you were looking for me, right?

    you said you would come. so you got restless. no. i was exercising. if you hadn't come,i would've practised and left. in college wouldn'tyou asked me.. ..pooja, what is the matter? why did you come to theground for practice? right? after all i'm your friend.

    okay, let's go. it's because you gotsaved that time. come. one and a half step behindthe starting line. ok. like this. like that. body weight to the centre. now close your eyes.

    close the eyes. and what you love the most.. ..should be visualized behindthe finishing line. now open your eyes slowly. feel it. it's your destination. now just run.. get it. "what has happened? and why?"

    "it was mine,but now my heart is lost." "to whom should i say?" "how should i say it? tell me." "what happened?tell us, my friend." "tell us, don't hide from us." "after coming so close,she didn't say anything. yet i heard her feelings." "did she heard my feelings too." "..that i felt for her."

    "after coming so close,he didn't say anything. yet i heard his feelings." "did he you're mine, beloved?" "is she a fairy or my dream?" "with close eyes,i see her again and again." "for the first time,what am i feeling?" "all the moment,my heart waits for whom." "what should i do? i'm restless." "i can't sleep at nightin restlessness."

    "you are in love, my friend." now i would like to all up uponour most prestigious student.. naved ali. welcome. -thank you. thank you so much. please sit down. i'll always remember this day. just a few years agoi was there.. ..fifth row and eleventh seat.

    i used to sit there all the time. i heard many big personalitiesfrom there. today when i'm talking to youfrom the college dais.. ..i feel that i've achievedsomething. the way students dream.. ..i too had a dream. but i had no means to get it. with just hard workand little luck.. i'm here in front of you.

    i came as a means for you. i've a small ladder. a scholarship.. ..for the best all roundstudent of the year.. assist them in theirfurther studies.. the harvard universityof the usa. i hope all of you'll work hard. and make most of thisopportunity. when i used to siton that chair..

    ..nobody gave me this chance.. ..which i'm giving to you, suraj. when you dream big,have courage to fulfil it. or else stop dreaming. i want you to win.. ..that scholarship. all the best, suraj. all the best. suraj. suraj.

    come. everyone left. let's go.-come on. come on let's go, mate. come on, dhiraj. bring him out.-i want to meet him. what? -i've to meet him. -suraj. we're making a new wingthis side. do come. and there.. thank you so much.-this new wing.. excuse me, sir. if you need any help,i'm always there.

    definitely.-okay, bye. thank you. thanks for the scholarship. i'll win the scholarship.only me! so we'll surely meet. dear mother, since i camethis day was the best. i shook hands with mr. naved. he announced a scholarship. best all rounder willbe sent to america. i'll go, mother.i promised naved.

    everything else is fine.i'm preparing for exams. your son, suraj. aunt, how many times willyou read this letter? brother's result must'vebeen out by now. suraj shrivastav.86 percent. -damn good! rohan, you got 86.5. damn it! philip, what about you? -philip. philip, you passed. dhiraj.. what about him?what's his roll number?

    i don't remember. look.. -okay. dhiraj. dhiraj, where is he? this.. dhiraj. oh my god! hey, guys. we need to dosomething for dhiraj. exactly. i'm sure i can arrangefor his lodging. i'll pay his next semester fees. okay. i'll tell principalto get his job back.

    that's very nice. we'll help him out. -oh no! dhiraj! what did you do? call the ambulance! nothing will happen to the ambulance! suraj! nothing will happen to you. dhiraj! -dhiraj! suraj, he's dhiraj's father.

    and he's his youngerbrother anand. that's his mother. they spent their entirelife's saving.. send dhiraj herefor studies. so that he can bring his youngerbrother here one day.. ..and teach him too. to become support ofhis old parents. before 1947 britishwere taking lives. after 1947 englishis taking lives.

    i told him to agree.. ..and join the brothers. but he didn't listen.he had to learn english. what is the result? after all english killed him. let's go. come on. look, i'm sure dhiraj knowswe're sad because he left. come on.-i don't think you're in grief. i'm not in grief.

    i'm angry. he fled the battlefield. i'm poor. have pity on meor i'll die. he died. rohan, a man can be poorbecause of food.. ..clothes.. ..but if he's poor of thoughts,it's is fault. he should die. he died! pooja, a human is bornwith great difficulty.

    and then one day.. finished! i know the deep impactof suicide. because just like dhirajmy father too.. ..committed suicidebecause of society. dhiraj should've fought. if he had died in the struggle,i would've mourned his death. not like this. he should've fought. rohan kaushal 86.5 percent.

    and suraj shrivastav, 86 percent. mr. naved ali saidthis scholarship.. for best all round student. so now..sports days 100 meter race.. ..will decide who is the best. good luck. -thank you, madam. good luck to you.-thank you, madam. bye, soniya. -bye, pooja. hey, pooja.

    hi, rohan.-i wanted to talk to you. -sure. look, pooja. not everyone gets chance togo to harvard university. and it's as importantfor me as it's.. ..for suraj to win this race. but i'm scared ofhis confidence.. ..what if he loses? so? he'll shatter for ever.

    rohan, you're facing suraj. he's not weak like dhiraj. suraj is a friend. but i won't think ofthat in the race. because i'm used to winning. and winning is suraj's need. sweetie uncle,i'm going for the race. coming, son suraj. help!

    he's there. get aside. take him.stop! why are you hitting this boy?get lost. sir, this is our personal matter.don't interfere. hey, i'm a sikh. we're born to help others. you think i'll betray mycommunity fearing you. if you touch the boy,i'll thrash you.

    hey! -get them out! no, sir. you don't get involved. it's an important day for you. you go to college. -but.. go, son. go away i say. hey, get them out! don't leave me. they'll kill me! i'll die.

    nab them. hey, listen to me. take him to the hospital! participants for the 100 meterrace have taken their position. lane one. shafi shaikh.lane two vinay shastri. lane three amit ghoraiya.lane four rohan kaushal. lane 5 suraj chandra shrivastav. what? has he come? -no. lane 8 uday.

    we welcome mr. naved ali. the sponsor for the harvardsponsorship. mr. suraj shrivastavis requested.. take his place in lane five. mr. suraj shrivastav! on your marks. get set. doctor! take him in! carefully.

    congratulations. -thank you. welcome. philip, are you sure the trainwill come on this platform? philip, look there. greetings. -i'm pooja. how is suraj? he's fine. i'm coming fromhospital. philip, take the luggage. mother.. in mumbai the one responsibilityfor..

    ..arrest of underworld people.. in ward fourof city hospital. sub inspector arun jhadhavwho stayed.. ..with underworldfor four months.. ..undercover, got all theinformation of the gang.. with this heroic, the policeimage will get a boost. sangita chopra,any vision mumbai. don't worry. he'll recover soon. brave boy.

    did you hear? no need to worry. mother, a man came with me. he's fine. his mother is there. she's crying. he'll get well soon ashis mother is here. no need to appease me. doctor says you're fit. mother, my friend philip.

    i know. i met them. suraj,someone is here to meet you. god knows who he's. -this way. how are you feeling, suraj?-fine, thank you. my name is lara oberoi. i work for mr. naved ali. that day you saved policeofficer's life and did a big thing. he was a police officer? by the way..

    this is my card. mr. naved ali wants to meet you. whenever you get time, phone me. get well soon. -thank you. -bye. son suraj! you're awake. son, you did a great feat! this is hospital not garage.don't shout. i should talk softly. -yes. or else patients will get moresick? -yes. -shut up.

    sister, don't worry aboutanything. your son is great. son,kailash yadav from milk dairy.. ..wants to start gymin your name. he wants your permission. gym? gym! this win was incomplete.i couldn't defeat you. see you, pooja. -see you, you take care of her. okay?

    take care of yourself. -will. bye.-i'll drop him to the airport. have a good flight. suraj, where is the card? talk to her. hello. -good morning, any vision. good morning. is banerjee there? may i know who is on the line? everything should be done ontime. -excuse me, madam.

    please make sure that doesn'thappen again. -call for you, madam. thank you. -hello. there is some mr. surajshrivastav for you, madam. yes, please put him on. thank you, madam. hello, suraj. miss lara, greetings. i thought you would phone today. was arrangement fine for rohan?

    yes, first class.thank you. -good. mr. naved ali wants tosee you tomorrow. come to the office at 4 sharp. yes, madam. -please be on time. yes, madam. what happened? what? "let's make a world whereeverything is new." "first clouds of rain.first floating drape." "first singing bumble bee.."

    "..and first love." "what did the first bud saidto the first cloud?" "you are the first drop of rainand first ray of sun." "and you're my first love." "first desire, first wish.." "..that's only you." "you are the first dreamof eyes and love." "you are the first tear of joy." excuse me.

    whom do you want to meet? lara oberoi! connect to madam lara. hello. madam,mr. suraj wants to meet you. ask him to sit. i'm coming. okay, madam. please wait. madam is coming. okay. fine.

    send from gate number two. okay? yeah. lara. how are you, madam? -good. i see you're right on time.please come. shall we? come in. i rewind and see mypast every evening. for many days nothinghappened to..

    ..make my heart struck with awe. after years i saw.. ..these eyes. it has an obsession. that day when you said to me inthe college only i'll win.. ..there was a passionon your face. seeing that i feltyou'll surely win. but you didn't reach the ground. i thought how is it can i be wrong?

    i'm a connoisseur of eyes. you made a mistake. you went tosave a life of a stranger. you lost a chance. it could've changed your life. your dreams could've come true. at that time that strangerneeded me more. as for the dreams.. will still come true. great!

    you surprise me! at this young age,you think so big. what happened wasn't great.. ..but the one who did it's great. you! but everyone should know.. it's my work. i'll make you. this country lacks heroes.

    i'll give them their own hero. suraj shrivastav! madam, here.. prepare the papers assoon as possible. yes, am. -thank you. do you want to ask anything,suraj? there are lots of questions. you would be enjoying it a lot. good evening, madam.-good evening.

    how long have you been working? it's been ages. hello! can i call you back?thank you. what happened today neverhappened before. now it will keep happening. it happens with very few. shall we? -yes. after you. -thank you. greetings, madam. -greetings.

    greetings. -greetings. come, suraj. please have a seat. some tea? what do i've to do? nothing. just follow your dreams. mumbai police has organizeda function for you. this will be your very firstpublic appearance. get ready for it.

    how will this tie look? it will be like a child's bib. what a friend! you only taunt. don't help me.-friend, i'm already tense. i won't go for the function,mother. why? -for an hour he'slooking for tie.. what will you do when you'llstart working.. ..and have to take difficultdecision? you should wear a tiethat suits you.

    don't lose yourself tryingto be someone else. because whatever will happen willbe because of this suraj.. ..who is my son. always trust yourself. just a minute. i know you've big dreams for me. the way you feel i'mworthy of it.. ..put my photo in this book. the virtues you inculcatedin me is very strong.

    i won't let it break. trust me. and today's last award.. for such a young man whoisn't from our department. police is for serving andprotecting the people. but our attempt is only becauseif.. -mr. naved. myself deshpande. we've met in delhi. suraj shrivastav proved it.

    the courage this man showed.. ..will always be remembered. congratulations, son. thank you. -well done. congratulations. thank you. thank you very much. suraj. -sir, you? congrats. -thank you. she's my wife. -greetings.

    the country is proud. you saved his life. i had told you about this uncle.say hello. hello, uncle. -thank you. you saved his life.we'll forever be indebted to you. do call us if you need us.-thank you. excuse me. sorry to disturb you. suraj, can i take yourmoment please? -yes. okay, bye. -bye.

    mother, this way. come on. -okay. by the way,i like what you're wearing. all yours. sir, can you please tell us.. good job, lara. thank you, sir. thank you. did you know varun yadav? -no. what was your aim?- means?

    why did you help a stranger? because many strangershelped me in the city. how do you feel after thisfelicitation? -very good. i heard you're going to joinpolice department. -no. life has just started. let's see. he's from our family. he wanted to do somethingbig from childhood. he's my brother. -mine too. suraj is famous in the country.

    he's international figure. this isn't the pride of benaras.. ..but it's our suraj. suraj, the day you savedarun jadhav's life.. had a competition.. ..if you had won that youwould've got a big scholarship. despite that you let thisopportunity pass. why did you do this? mr. sanghvi..

    ..i don't feel scholarship isbigger than anyone's life. if i had won the race,only i would've been happy. but i would like to believe.. ..if this incident in anypart of this country.. ..gave courage to any child.. ..that means a lot more to me. but suraj, after this incident..'ve a start does that feel? i feel nice.

    i'm still gettingused to it but.. feels very nice. that's the end of.. i'll bring biscuit. what happened? all of a sudden.. suraj, don't you feel strange? the way press is giving differentcolor to this incident. arun jadhav fought and exposedthem without fearing his life. nobody is asking about him but..-what?

    suraj,why are they making into a hero? is true you saved his life,took him to hospital.. ..but don't you feel,it's too much. i think they're overdoing it. i didn't think about it. but i want to ask you a question. the people whose photos wesee in newspaper and tv.. ..and we read about them.. ..they've some status.

    they've done something.they deserve it. when they can be, why not me? or you don't thinki'm worthy of it? suraj, i didn't mean that.-brother suraj. madam lara has phoned. here. suraj, lara.- yes. naved wants to meet you. when?

    right now. i'm coming there. how are you? i've important work.come sit in the car. naved sir wants you to attenda conference with him. and there is party with theinvestors at night. good evening, gentlemen.please be seated. good evening, madam. -goodevening. -good evening, gentlemen. i've called this meeting fora very special reason. we're planning to launcha new channel.

    in india,they're five crore tv sets. and there are at least fourmembers in the house with tv sets. it means 20 crore peoplewatch tv every day. i want to talk to thesepeople at one time. private channel has reach onlylimited to the cities. and they keep the people so happywith their programming.. ..that they've no clue ofthe imminent danger. i want to get into the heartof this country.. ..and its mind and soul.

    i want to give voice to theproblems of our youth.. ..with this channeland present it. and channel will be named.. awaaz (voice)! perfect. i think your idea is great, sir. wow! i don't know whom to praise. diamond or the mentor!

    for doing such a work.. has to fall inlove with the work. this is just the start, sir. may i've your attention please. i'm thankful to all of you,for this evening. this evening.. for a new beginning. "every charm is intoxicating!you can woo anyone." "listen to the charm is unique."

    "my magic has started working" "i can even tie down wind" "this heart is yours,but you don't know." "this live is you,you don't believe it." "why are admirers following me?" "don't make excuse now, dear." "save yourself from theenticing glance." "you steal my peace." "i won't stop following you."

    "your magic won't work." "you have made me intoxicated." "i don't know howto steal heart." "my magic can evenstop the breeze." i feel like walking on theroad after a long time. you know something. seeing you, i think of my past. at that time i had nothing. i used to roam with big dreams.

    and today.. let's talk about do you feel? everyone is talking about you. what else do you want? sir, i.. i want everything. that's the dream i'vein my pocket. you know,that's why i like you so much. suraj.

    the channel i'm going to start.. ..i want you to handle it. you won't get suchopportunity again. and.. this opportunityword is very small.. ..and it lasts for a short time. you did a wise thing byaccepting sir's offer. now look for a story tostart our channel. naved sir thinks yourplace is at the top. right at the top.

    so with a new job,you got a new house. house? and he gave me a big job, mother. and this house. ..can we call mina from benaras. we'll get her enrolledin the college here. we'll live's a big house. first give the keys to thelady of the house.. ..who will take careof the house..

    ..and i like her too. go.. and meet pooja. she'sangry with you. art is life. not something to becauseplaced in a shrine and.. actually art is aneffort to create.. ..the real world and.. a true work of art is.. no.. is this mine? it's's beautiful.

    i can't believe it. hey.. we've to do a lot here. we'll have white andblue curtains there. and here will be our sofa set. and there our dinning table. and there mother's temple. but suraj, no matter how busyyou get, we'll dine together. most importantly, don't buyfurniture. your taste is very bad. and on that wall,we'll put a beautiful painting.

    and in the middle of the room,a lovely chandelier. can i tell you something, suraj? today i feel as if all mydreams have come true. all the desires.. "the breeze plays withyour tresses." "they caress your eyesand kiss your drape." "they take you in their armsand make me restless." "the breeze playswith my tresses." "they caress my eyesand kiss my drape."

    "they take me in their armsand make you restless." "now don't make me yearn.stop weaving dreams" "look into my eyes theobsession for love." "the desires have arousedin my heart." "this breeze has brought yourmessage to this heart." "this naughty breeze hasspread your aroma." "there is a plethora ofcolors all around you." good morning. -morning. congratulations.front page again.

    maybe i'm really lucky. now the time has cometo start work. 'awaaz' is being heavilypromoted. and expectations are goingto be high. very high. you should hold your placeon the front page. and it's not going to be easy. what we need, suraj, is a story. but i don't know whereto start from. it's very simple.

    from here. great work.. come, sister-in-law. mina. brother. brother. how are you? -fine. aunt. bless you. good house! mother, where is philip?-he's bringing the luggage.

    you've decorated thehouse very nicely! pooja did it. who is pooja? -later. she's myfriend. come. -don't tell me. i'll find out. -i've kepta party for you tonight. come. your room is right here. party! i've only two saris.what will i wear for the party? sweetie uncle. i'm so happy you came.-why won't i come?

    son,you made my dreams come true. or else none of my taxidrivers got success. yes. yes. careful. -how do i look? aunt, i'm sure, if i hadn'tbought this dress for you.. ..i would've thought you werean actress. -stop it. seriously, aunt. hi. leave her. is salman here? i was interested ininterior designing.

    i might peruse it as my careerafter graduation. and this is my favoriteitalian kitchen. pooja! mina. -yes. -suraj's sister. amazing. great. so mina, do you like my pooja? hi. i'm lara. hi. -nice to meet you. hello. -philip, it's are.

    rohan,you phoned at the right time. where is pooja? -she's here.wait. pooja, rohan from usa. rohan. -hey, suraj. how areyou doing? -good. good. i got pooja's mail. you becamea big man. -i've become a man. where is pooja?-she's right here. let me speak to her. okay. rohan. rohan.we were college mate. -hi, rohan. we all are big gang.pooja, rohan..

    come with me. how are you doing otherwise? what's happening with youand everything? -come on. pooja, are you happy with suraj? yes. -i got a story. we had a friend dhirajin college. he didn't know english sohe committed suicide. he had a brother. anand.

    kids. move. hurry.. i'm anand. dhiraj's brother.-i recognize you. did you get my letter? -yes. start setting up here. we'll start from your house.-okay. your name. when dhiraj went to the cityto study, he was our hero. there are more named after him.

    but now they won't goto the city to study. come home. my father. after brother dhiraj's death,he doesn't talk much. come inside. mother. mother. who is it? -suraj. our dhiraj's college mate. he came to our villagefor shooting.

    he wants to ask yousome questions. just answer them rightand listen.. let's talk mother in the sun. please, aunt. come. is it fine here? -please. yes, come here.-is it fine? -yes. mother.-ready? -don't worry. -roll! mother,i used to study with dhiraj. i knew him too.

    but you tell us about dhiraj. he was good. he was very good. there was no boy likehim in the village. do you know the village head.. ..used to come totake his advice. but when pawle's wife got ill.. ..her doctor wrote aletter in english.. dhiraj couldn't read it.

    she died. she died. since then, dhiraj used to say.. i want to learn english. i'll go to the city. hey..why do you cry in front of them? our boy died.will he bring him back? don't you know thesepeople killed him? they want to suppressthe villagers. suppress us.

    we'll because exploited.but don't kill us. i'm standing at a place fromwhere something will happen.. ..which will give a new directionto our country. business tycoon and socialworker naved ali.. ..will take his next stepin that direction. and the entire responsibilitywill be on suraj shrivastav. you can do that.. ..but please don't kill us. what is this?

    animal? how dare you come here naked! who played this mischief? someone is laughing at us. who is he? who are you? tell me. future. whose?

    of this country. i can see that india'sfuture is bright. you're a bad dream. you were.. ..but you're not. we don't know.. ..that it's not a sin even todayto kill people of low caste. when people can't make ends meet,they commit suicide. you don't get job if youdon't know english.

    are we still proudof being an india? because this is our india. naked, hungry and ugly! our people make the government. so why they fight to makethis government. so the country shouldcry like this kid. who will make him quiet now? whose responsibility is it? we're population of 100 crore.

    whose work is it? we take up this responsibility. because it's enough! now no dhiraj will die. and this kid's sobbing willturn to one slogan. in one voice. 'awaaz'!a responsibility channel! philip.. -is everybody all right? wow, brother! you were great.

    everyone was were looking great. suraj, i'll go now. i'll drop mina to college. suraj. i'll go too. you stay. drop mina. -okay. but brother. -good night. -bye. oh. -off you. -come on. what, philip?

    suraj, what will i do all alone? party has just started. i'm here. relax. enjoy yourself. what happened? why did youleave the party so soon? brother was giving a speechlike a leader. congratulations, suraj. all thebest. -thank you very much. pooja. right? please can i? -hello. yes, sure. -thank you.

    suraj's friend. the best friend. i too like suraj very much. do you know why? because he knows whathe wants and when. he knows what he wants now sohe's running towards it. hello, suraj. -mr. khanna.-thank you very much. that's why i like the boy. do you know what youwant from your life?

    mr. sighaniya.excuse me. have a good time! how are you, mr. singhaniya.i was hoping to see you. they're so importantfor mr. naved. it's been wonderful workingwith you all. where are you going? home. home? leaving me alone. you know what this nightmeans for me. you're not alone, suraj.entire party is with you.

    everyone knows you. oh.. so you can't get boredfor a while for me. you were even talkingto mr. naved. yes. your naved talks well. and he has taught youtoo to talk big. you've sold your friend'sdeath very nicely. do you know pooja, that's not it? the thing is you're nothappy with my success.

    but you feel very bad. because now i don't meetyou on your time. i don't meet your friendsand don't.. ..wear clothes of your choice.-i don't walk with you that much. because now i'm not the boy you liked.who was simple and fool. look, pooja.. pooja, don't cry. you've to understand.right now i.. look, i'm really sorry.

    but can't we talk franklywithout crying.. suraj. where are you my hero? sir, i'm downstairs.i'll be there. come soon.champagne is waiting for you boy. yes, sir. i'll just be there. "my wee heart holds mybeloved's image." "but he's just a dream." "it's only a dream." "is this love?"

    "love is a flowing river." "love is a dream thatnever comes true." "if love is god,why does god give us pain?" "this is love. is this love?" "the dream these eyes woveseemed to be mine." "it was a part of mybody and soul." it's very late. can i go now? it's not late. we're right on time.

    sir, mother must be waiting. thank you. good night. mr. naved. you invite everyoneto your party. but you call us after the party. party is for the friends. i consider you acquaintance. now i want to be your friend. why do you need us?we didn't do anything big.

    even i didn't think ofdoing such a big deed. and as for why i need you.. we need someone for everything. i needed you for this. what's the work, mr. naved?tell me. don't scare me. this is the work. -what? to scare! whom? entire country.

    hey, suraj. saw you on tv last night, were amazing. hi. -congratulations. thank you. -congratulations,man. you were great. mind blowing. you were amazing. that's ial. pooja, i'm sorry.. ..for the last night. look, pooja. i too don't like it.

    pooja, i love you. i want to marry you. do you remember, suraj.. taught me to weave dreams. close your eyes. what you love the most.. ..visualize it beyondthe finishing line. we both.. ..saw different things.

    i saw both of us. but you.. you saw only naved ali. our dreams are different.our destinations are different. but it's not your fault. you always knew whatyou wanted in life. but maybe.. ..i've to understand now.. ..what i want from life. i love you very much, suraj.

    i love you very much but.. "this life was for was a message of joy." "today there is neitheryou nor your support." "only your memories are with me." "but she's just a dream." rane! hey.. suraj! our hero. -what's going on! you asked us who will takeup this responsibility.

    so we're here for theresponsibility. really, suraj. you were right. you had much respect to english. it's enough! with your anddeshpande's support.. ..we'll stop encroachment offoreign values on our customs. take this lock and closethe college gate. you're the commanderof our fight, suraj. rane, stop all this. you're deducting wrongmeaning of my words.

    it's difficult now, can't happen now. now it's difficult. don't you see howexcited they're! hail suraj shrivastav! hail our hero! at least there willbe 5 lakh people. we'll bring a film star topull 3 lakh people more. this rally will be a big one. and then the governmentwill shake.

    what will you say in the rally?do you know? there is a lot to say,brother naved. not a lot. you'll only demand 50percent reservation. 50 percent reservation. this will be the focusof your rally. government won't shake easily. people makes it. and people..

    yes, brother naved. i've 30 yearsof experience. don't worry. suraj, welcome my hero. i didn't know launch of 'awaaz'will be so successful. this is a gift for you. my car. sir, i'm coming from college. students are threateningto burn the college. what's going on? this is your own collegeso the students..

    ..are getting more emotional. there is news fromother places too. the issue is getting heated up. sir, people are deductingthe wrong meaning of.. ..what i said at the launchof the channel. with this channel wewant to explain.. people not incite them. this public is incited now,but it will calm down. who will do it?-obviously, you'll do it.

    don't you like that so manyare listening to you? by the way,your dreams are bigger. give the people.. ..what they want. and take from them.. ..what we want. there is a rally after two days. deshpande will raise issueof 50 percent reservation. i want you to be there.

    our media and politiciansare bribed by them. foreigners.. -welcome, leader. suraj shrivastav.. ..our upcoming youth leader,is with us. -come. come, suraj. i'm happy to announce.. ..there our party will demandthe parliament.. ..for 50 percent reservation.. every sector,whether public or private.

    50 percent reservation. not less. hail india! hail democracy! hail 50 percent reservation! hail nationalist party! hail democracy. hail 50 percent reservation. mr. balkrishan deshpande.. ..important leader of maharashtramet prime minister today.

    he demanded 50 percentreservation. pmo said that prime ministerrefused him. the fight outside thecountry is serious. this internal fight has beenstarted by our own people. we're running the country notgetting into disputes. now you see what happensin the country. i'm shivani shah in front ofbenaras hindu university. there is chaos.situation is tense. our rally has succeeded.we'll rule now.

    in assembly the issue of dalits.. ..which was started bymaharashtra leader balkrishna.. ..deshpande has reacheduttar pradesh. no. their rule is over. reservation agitation willget more intense. since naved ali decided to jointhe nationalist party. why did you take the decisionto join the party? we can serve the countryby entering politics.. ..not in air condition office.

    hail naved ali! hit! this government canfall any time. then we'll get the responsibilityto run the country. we want you to becomeparty president. i'll fulfil this responsibility too. hail union! fulfil our demands. it hurts in the start.

    but then you get used to it. i guess.. get all theanswers by then. now look at you. till yesterday,you were just a good boy. and today, you're a rich.. ..wise.. ..and powerful man. you wanted everything.

    this was your only dream! for this dream.. ..i had to pay a heavy price. i didn't know it. i'll shatter this dream. it's very difficult, suraj. you can't do this. not from here.. ..but now think from here too.

    sorry. i came without informing. no. please come in, pooja. suraj, i want to talk to you. i'll see you some coffees.excuse me. yes? i don't know if you thinkit's important or not.. ..but your own sister mina.. ..whom you brought to mumbaito give her a better life.. in front of yeshwant rane'srally shouting your name. stop her if you can. if prime minister.. ..doesn't give us our rights.. ..then everyday one studentwill give his life here. we'll start right now. hail students union! come on.. show them that you'resuraj's sister.

    show them, mina! mina! mina! mina! mina! mina! mina! mother,nothing will happen to mina! four doctors are here. this is the biggest hospitalof the city. every facilities are don't need to fear. do you think.. treating herin the biggest.. you'redoing your duty? your responsibility is over.mistaken is forgiven? how many students willdie because of you.. ..after which your dreamwill come true.. ..that you and navedhad woven together? mina was happier thanme on your success. look at her condition becauseof your dreams. this book..

    ..that you used to look atwhen alone as a child.. ..had photos of great people.. that you can understandbetween good and bad.. ..society and country. it should ask you question.. should restrain you. but the day you put navedali's photo in it.. ..i was scared.. ..but i trusted my maternal love.

    you're not your mother's son. as the party president.. ..i promise you all that.. ..i'll do my workwith sincerity.. no, no, no. with my heart.for the kids, something.. ..for the kids and the country..-sir. suraj. it's good you're here. i wasn't getting it..

    every leader says the same line. i want to say something whichpeople should hear.. ..and keep hearing it. how do you like this? i want to do something for kidsof our country.. -sir. which no leader has.. -sir. i want to talk to you. i know your sisteris in hospital. she'll be taken care of.

    you've to come to delhi with me. i'll be sworn as party president.and then.. minister. sir, this.. what?-sir, i didn't want all this. either you were lying then.. ..or you're lying now. everything. and now when you're gettingeverything if you stretch your hand..'re scared. -you're scared! sir,it's not about getting scared. so you're sad?you feel like crying? why?for the people of this country.. ..who are so fool andso much in numbers.. what if few of them die? suraj.. ..we'll put statuesof those who died.. every corner of the country.

    they'll be called martyred. there will be electionin five months. you'll contest electionfrom benaras. youngest mp in parliament. you don't believe wecan play politics? politics is a business. buy two from here.. ..sell three there. and then i.. i'm a businessman.

    and politics is the mostlucrative business. i don't believe in any country. i believe in money. i want there should be onlyone currency in the world. all the bills should be with me. with me! only me! dream of getting the sky! you'll get the sun! i too have only sucha small dream!

    let's have it.. "the earth and sky sway.." "both are in my grasps." "what kind of intoxication isthis? i seem to rule the world." "i got what i wanted." "today i drink to success." "i got what i i drink to success." "your small dream to rulethe earth and sky." "the world and sky is the same..

    ..but when you open youreyes it's not yours." "return for this isn'twhere you belong." "that's all your dream." "o ganges!" take this, aunt.- god bless you. suraj isn't here. i came to meet mina. how is she? pooja, did you meet suraj? he isn't worthy of meeting..

    ..maybe i'm not worthy of him. suraj is so tall. he'll suit you. no, pooja.i was only doing my work. i never tried to get suraj. so why did i feel that someonesnatched my dear one? why did suraj's voicechange so much? instead of love why do isee anger in his eyes. i never saw so carefullyin his eyes.

    i saw. they speak. pooja, i was responsibilityfor showing.. ..a new world to surajand to allure him. but i never tried tosnatch your love. maybe you don't believe me today. but suraj will make you believe. he has braced himself, pooja. anyway..

    ..i've taken my eyes off him. pooja.. suit suraj. whenever you'll talk to him,you'll lift your head.. ..and he'll listenwith bowed head. what more do you want from life? and what you like the most.. do you pooja.. ..i don't need to close my eyes.

    because today what i love themost is sitting in front of me. i wanted everything from life. but even after gettingeverything.. ..if i can't get mother'sblessing and your company.. dream will be incomplete. not just my dream.. ..but i'll be incomplete too. in this struggle of life,i can't alone now. not without you.

    if possible forgive me. in reality the race hasstarted now, suraj. i want you to run.. ..and we should win. keep students away from violence. we police should fightthe terrorist.. ..drug dealers or these leaders. through the cable operatorsgive news to every house.. ..that they should keep theirchildren away from it.

    if they still don't listen.. this tape has naved ali'sheinous dreams. who is he,what he's and what he wants! everything is in the his own words. in 15 days seeing people'sdissatisfaction and anger..'s proved that theywant such a leader.. ..whose image should beclean and who think.. ..of their welfare atgrass root level. we once again wait formr. naved ali..

    ..who has become the voiceof the entire country. and who is being made presidentof nationalist party. this political move suggests.. ..this country might get a newprime minister very soon. come, mr. naved. i'm happy. come.we'll talk to the press later. priest. this is from brothersuraj for you! play this half an hour tape! how many houses are under you!-1000. -everyone should see them.

    india will tread in a newdirection of progress. we'll rule now. you're not doing anything forme by playing this cassette.. ..but this is your chance to dosomething for india, thomas. show this cassette quickly. you'll be ablution and thecountry will be benefited. i don't say this,but the public is. and it isn't just saying it.. ..but it's sacrificing itselfto make a point..

    ..that they want a newand better government. are you going to create trouble? what's in this bag? rane,i swear don't touch this bag. today our party has takenthe responsibility.. give voice to the public. and on this historicday i request you.. choose our newparty president. i'll suggest the naved ali.

    bring the bag. i think there isn't needto count. it's evident. come, mr. naved. our party needs your blessingand guidance. come. first of all, i want to thankall the party members. no because you vote for me. but because.. aroused the feeling ofrevolution in this country.. ..which is exemplary.

    and i thank all the collegestudents will all my heart.. ..who took such a bigresponsibility on their shoulders. in a few months therewill be elections. and i believe we should givestress to the youth. every child above the 18 shouldsee his future in our party. and every child should votein the polling booth. because if we encouragethese youths.. ..we'll make thiscountry's future. that day isn't far when..

    deshpande. what is this? party president resolutionshould be cancelled. deshpande. -deshpande. we'll get extinct becauseof naved ali. what news has createdthis commotion? you boy has erred. one tape.. -which one? the one in which you criticizedthe country has been telecast. because of you do you whatwe'll go through.

    entire country will mock us. what did you do? you ruined us! you're a traitor! you should die in shame! you toyed with the public! we trusted you butyou betrayed us. mr. naved! how do you like this earth? tread the path of great men!

    for me you were great. but you turned out tobe a cheap trader. my hero turned out to be a thief. he thought my values andtraditions were my weakness. and that's where hemade a mistake. virtues are very strong. it's given by love,family and country. but you don't value it. that's why you lost.

    i too stumbled.. ..but i braced myself. now i won't stumble again. thanks for making me stumble. so.. do you like this land now? learn to walk on've flown in the sky for long! o ganges! don't forget me!

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