About : furniture consoles and stands
Title : furniture consoles and stands
furniture consoles and stands
are you sure it's been up the wholevideo today are a kind of was watching everybody else's home videos and seeingall the holes on the facebook group and despite my best intentions of being goout and not going out hole into joints day and focus on the task of sorting outthe lego when i opened it yesterday and i said iwhen i yesterday i went to a small convo so in the morning then i went out tosome charity shops and then i win immediately after those or when i pickup so many by pick up some ebay pickups that i got out from i till six something all thatliterally on the road and and about all day
absolutely shattered when i got backyesterday couldn't do the whole video obvious dead to the world so decided toput together today i have been on the lego this morning so all hope is notlost so yeah i've got a combination of charity shops car boot sales and some nearbypickup sales sharia usual self here and then down here and then the week on a soyeah as i use it with ease and was gonna jump in serbia as quick as i can let youknow what a picture of what i paid for it what i hope to get back before i willhave to get back on ebay monasteries and post your choice for free postage on mythoughts and so yeah i don't get into it just a few bits of media cds are kind ofhow different cities because i've still
got about 300 are meant to get donebefore caboose season starts but i just nevergot around to it these two were fifty peach and the ministry of sound arestill picking up the ministry of sound albums but as far as cds go it as awhole i'm not going to pick them up thisseason not just because of the amount of god so it's not really enjoy sense anyrain boots are nearly every standard cd so i don't wanna be like just goingalong the cds because there's not a lot of money in them and the ducks otherthey're always stacks kind of like a lot like this or something can you got anykind of
take them all out and see what what'swhy so apart from the ministry it's an hour from now on the ftp from the showsup this seems to understand the car boot sale who's paying for the three of thesesims expansion packs of got a couple one or two of the actual bias games and allmake some really nice big bundles when i get a few of the expansion packs a galathis week it's our heroes have to pay the bills so i picked this up solelybecause of picks up a couple of the guitars from the charity shop a coupleof weeks ago and i didn't have any stuff where to go with them and i thought iwas gonna these june women's jeans flats the only reason ipicked these are these from the charity
shop in recent pic these are becausei've had this exact same pair before the pair that had previously they were inreading on condition and they were in the box but i sold for $34.99 and theyshould be pretty quick these were from the charity shop andthey were $4.99 so i haven't research what they go for loose like this but iimagine it's going to be 24 pounds $24.99 somewhere like that no more thanan investment book just a little bit in china you know get some get somevariation in these videos so apparent not risks cherish these were four-poundsize 10 need to wash their weight down what's horrible color to a fair trial isnot for the light looks but as far as
keeping clean goes there is not as muchmoney as i thought twenty twenty pounds $24.99 anybody so not tons of money butthe some money in that i will give them a klan intend and also always tellmyself it's quite common it's always so i don't think i'll ask any troubleselling those these mr mann library got this in the booth south three parentsreally not pick up the box is absolutely be but it's not the this is the kind ofbucks at the having the stores in the shops on this album it's not like theactual collector's box cause is one where the front doors open it's reallynice but this is just a bonus cut the bucks i don't know
it is be a mean i don't know i think i'mgonna sell the books just like this of having scored a few times of soldthem and of undersold have sold for twenty $24.99 mark now i was rushinggame things listed an address on the process of 1.0 but yeah we're puttingthese aren't runabouts $24.99 mark so yeah i was good people three-pound nosurprise that they were still there when i got there because he's one of thesestands there wasn't a lot there was a school hole so there's not a lot thereand it's really targets in these things anyway because i was a failed way for amass amount of space to spread out your o'connor compacts and this one standardcome up you know as soon as the doors
opened evans went there and didn't really payattention to it so i got that these from the charity shops and each for theseseries of unfortunate events the corner of max and paddy it's the only ones icould say to pound on the lighter additions like 10 11 12 13 a study in aset of had a complete set for and sold for $33.99 and in my experience thedelights i issues of the heart and once again hold up so high up on them when isee them but for the earlier ones i mean parent top end up a two-pound for thishaha back this is the economy adult style harry potter books not yetcompleted a set of these i am to the
seasons ago completes together of thosei don't even know if there is a complete sets of any such as presuming that thereis but i don't know what yet cheap and for that i will always pick up hope ourbox and when i see them as you know we will see them all the time and for goodreason i got my first ever really pretty epic nerf guns in the past couple fromthe charity shop appendage 50 and i told them before really goodmoney but there was one that was struck 1 $21.99 for that drink smaller ones in1999 so i thought young and i double in thesewere nearby pick up and got the lot 444 parent which i thought was pretty goodcouple of assets actually how many guns
ahead but yeah there's a few of thelarger ones i really calm and the barrels as well because i really likesize of my first ever pick up and it's going to be my first time selling nowwell on this scale and i know that some people part these magazines out thelarger drums because you know i've seen that there's good money in those alivebut i dont wanna party want to do it that way it's gonna leave any of theguns without any magazines because i'm thinking who's gonna go and she can'tput bullets in there are more comfortable with where i am and handlercells but also offer 44 parent it was a no-brainer to shop without really stokedto go and collect that haven't tested
them yet but a couple of bullets whichwas about to decide there's no bullets and talking after boys and to test thembecause i have overheard somebody saying that these lose their you know over timeand i dont solid he shoots in this car going to trip this political troubles atthe end of the current so i will test them and will we ever see what i can dowithout but which reaches about the boots sale i got these this is myteletubbies bag of books like these little things really cool and thus thisfor books in there i didn't check to see what they go for sure when you're payingfor it i just thought you how to prepare for and on ebay they run about $8.99free postage so yeah actually that the
thing that really drew me over with thedancing tell it's ok this is the dip say whether it works or not i don't know shedid say he works book sales i was always i was chuffed and disappointed the sametime because there was tipsy and power that the three and i recognize that theywere the dancing talents or because you know just how you are brilliant i knowthat this law $19.99 each of these things and she said she wants to poundeach was about to just literally at the mall in my arms right yeah i'm gonnatake them but i noticed that and tinky winky and power to impose on the otherone i think i've got this right the foot was broke here i don't know what hewants it was flying around and also you
can always just keep on somehow what'sthe deal with our android on the on the poet the actual fabric transfer wasloose leaf tea and he's the fabric opening just snapped the joints from theleg to the fore and it was snapped and a presumed it was gonna be the same withthe team can win key at corner on whether kids grabbed a travel agencylost so they were broke of stuff with myself aspiring but i was disappointedbecause there was a lot of money potentially there so put the other twodancers took the tv did say but yeah hopefully it works and if it does 1999free postage back on ebay sylvanian regency hotel you gonna be bored todeath of these and then again i always
show them because the money is fantasticand i just think i can talk about it enough this is a third one of these are had hadto sort 191 four hundred and sixty-five that there were picking up in the worldtalking about no i meant to post i will say that they are not meant to post butfingers crossed i haven't heard anything back from the other soldier this one wasa nearby pickup i got this auction for 33 pound not as much furniture as theones i've had before but it does come with this nice car the car before and itdoesn't come with as many figures but i like it i do what i did last time i'llbe on the front about without actually
saying i think i'm going to 499 mark myphone book the post the postage on this was 11 pounding something between 10 and from parent to post i got a big bucksfrom work roughly actually crap out of it and yeahthat was it possible to drop off to a post office and drop that off goes on atthe heart icon across it in after passing over the cancer and god blessthis this lady's life she's not going to make sure she's looking at it like a godthis is gonna cost me so hopefully i want peace and anything back but yeah imean definitely look out for these just just because i see them aboutyourself so it's just you know survey
results are not even log local pickupbecause some people post there's loads on facebook on ebay where the localpickup and you know i started playing with just as much furniture but it'sseen as a newcastle way so i know chris cultural there so you know my fatherthat over to him because it is stephanie if you've got the box and what i via youcan if you got a big enough box me to you bear happy please open a really wellfrom the tact had this exact moment before before it looks exactly the samecondition taxing authority 1999 so i picked out ofmy car besides two-parent and i'll released the one of god because the tideis exactly the same this there's no name
written in the child's condition exactlythe same so i have no problem interest released in that one and hopeto get back on that i have had them without the tax if you get there withoutthe tax law you know fifty p apparent dependence or is there still was goingon but as you see them with the tac definitely go for it cuz that peoplereally do stop them up quick this is a first this was one of theselittle tease maids to saudi bad and when he went to waco 3146 thing it was out ofthe box and then it was its it does sigh on the bucks gift never use i alwaystake the pinch of salt but it wasn't i was on top of the box and it had all itsoriginal state just haven't been used at
the plug was still ok able to avoid theplug protects are on there and the united 140 pound for it i didn't buyinitially didn't look at my phone i don't want to do in the company of youknow the people the silence is just it's just not my thing so it kind of justwalk up a little bear had a look and then in this condition or someone whileforcing one it was exactly the same same box and it was in the same conditionwith the stickers and that went for 34 $33.99 $34.99 so quickly went back inthe morning and took that away and yes that was my first kind of teacherelectronical saying so aleksandr strong variation in what hasbecome a star and become president
without book 101 now it's time to startgetting things that i don't know if that makes sense so yeah south happy withthat china shop monopoly that was three-pound 54 games have been checks ofcharity shops and board games is a big some people are just avoiding . becausethat the soil stay down you never know if it's complete book fifty even if it'snot complete parts so a second chance and he's board games i'll see how 5358complete me by this risk was not pick up this was to pound notify if if it'scomplete 1999 $23.99 somewhere around that area this masterminds account again $14.99 incomplete romakov it's always agood pickup that was cheap and fourteen
i $14.99 $13.99 mark mister mission wasaccomplished a pic of that was a pound of salt up 44 4099 run amok and partially mousetrap ido tend to avoid these because there's not a lot of money in them but it was inthe shower sharp it was cheap and i had a look at the chart topper go for morevintage style like this one here goes for around about eighteen ninety-nineninety-nine cinemark so so the vintage one book there's the new version in thewhite box and there's not a lot of money in the short and stay clear of that onebut i will pick this vintage so the whole video would be complete withoutsome bowls of some kind of crockery so i
got the last one was from thebooksellers twenty-page really frustratingly that was the one i neededto complete a set that had that i was knocking lancelot two months could findits marcy went anywhere soon shift the shifty others just get rid of them marcia ball but i'll just pick them upagain and a complete set six of these selfless $24.99 so are just are buildingup a bundle again this one almost left in the shower shop for 99 p it's aspecial cable unless i was gonna leave it because it's just like its boringthere's not really much to it and it was only when i was praying for my otheritems that i quickly looked it up and
not great many in the book isn't easy$9.99 there it's a samsung limited edition one awesome think i'm gonna copythat guys the guys choice of the accuracy you know he he manages 54 thatanybody at the moment but yeah we're just gonna leave because it's booked yetso this one a picture of had this before so this for $13.99 and he sold it in thediaspora sure enterprise day because of research to again and are seen one soldrecently for $16.99 and that one was not in our peers well yeah these are logspoles got a nice life here as well i always pick up kellogg's polls even theplastic ones of the plastic ones and don't want them before so you know itdoesn't matter what it is whether it's
frosties or you know we two weeks withyou because once look out for but any football ones as well where it's alwayslooks like a football on the bomb there really got us all to those for $24.99always although picking up these goals and these ones were an absolute stealthis is a charity shop owners or 64 bit of a moscow could because of looks andtwo of these go flood $14.99 so i don't know what to do a three and a 2011asylum single and i don't think someone's gonna push forward looking forlove for you quit arduous but yet he's definitely was looking out for 70thanniversary weetabix surrounding pole shift for good money you know peoplejust people are under the impression abu
salim javed who have these you know it'sit's a really old cereal bowl and there's not going to be as much money inthere as there actually is so you can pick them off a dirt cheap pick them upbefore i had a way to be fun for tempe the last night crazy people just youknow it's always a big small but definitely pick him up look at frompicking up to good morning them to close the only person i stay clear of clothesif i'm ever going to church with my girlfriend she's a bit more like youknow clued up with clothes while cycling of homes completely useless was closedi'll boil game and shirts and stuff like that was rolling around in dolce andgabbana stuff is just not my thing so
close i don't know what's what thesechildren's shirts were being clear that twenty peach pick this one of itsofficial on bro 167 england sure i thought okay twenty people gone now andthen i did a bit of a good this was made by apple looked in there and i know babygot was good my as you can see the gap and i thought yeah you know let's talkabout his first year it's creepy $4.99 or something but i was just showsthat i actually went over to close in trial started flicking through and ipulled out something fairly decent so yeah sure that twenty peach even ifthere was nothing for you pay its not a great deal of it but it's not it's not ahuge loss
branch and now so you know before youtoday yeah we really funny story about thisweek actually it was a pickup on schmuck i've never you spoke before but mybrother is he should park and a wedding planner spark spark but he uses anasset's unlock if you ever see anything families or plan to build a lego willjust give me a shower and he sent me the link to this one though he said go andcheck it out you know they wanted fifty pound on this app you can send us yourbest offer i sent a best offer 34th and i got accepted went to collect ityesterday she sent me the address and all recognize the the streets becauseactually offered a house on that street
that our rent out i didn't really thinkanything of it because the street is huge one of these streets where stars 1and ends at like three hundred don't think anything of it and then i went tothe highest was actually my house you know i want to pick this up from he'sreally really weird walking up the path and knocking on the door and craftswhat's what's going on here in london sure you know what i mean you've got theway he put it on his ok no problem over there was thinking you know clean updrug devil you know but it was all it was a good and if it was just a reallyjust shows how much of a small world that we live in the mountain even noticethat i was the house number you just
looks like the street so big it's youdidn't think but anyway so far panagopoulos this bag apart it all outyou've seen me do this before all the wires there this is like tennis racketsand stuff there's four controls on foreign insurance dance or didn'trealize was two of the controllers about fake one off they were not officialthese two hear somewhat superficial ones all of these are official that isnunchuck skills of online in 10 adapters so i've got for free storagecontrollers and games or call the newsroom and see where they're almost 10mario games mario games sell really well they're all on 10 11 games the mariokart 1 i'll do with the whales have
never sold it was three weeks before iactually got one of these wheels down stairs on her do that the game with fourwheels have never sought four wheels i imagine it's going to be around aboutthe $27.99 mark $28.99 mark for that but i do really well on these were breakingthem down and they sell quick and you know it it's it's it's an easy flipmundo book on this much more money right at the time breaking them down and thebeauty is langer's give the control as a clean and and all the wires and stuff aslong as no pains on them or anything you can reuse the same pictures that youtook previously you know it is a bit of a nightmare thatthey're obviously the one thing that is
the dance or that for me anyway i hatetaking pictures and listening that's the worst fire of this whole process fromease the list inside and if we can just take that i it's it's really quickrelease realist and have done that a few times so you clean them up and there'snothing like you know major wrong with anything you've got visually you should be good have neverhad that case before dinner with its official now but so yeah but i'm butyeah that's ever think that the only thing i was gonna put it away and crackon with the lego cuz i'm really trying to get that done as quick as possiblebecause if i don't you just gonna sit
there and he's taken over the wholehouse i don't have my girlfriend is putting up with it but i mean it'severywhere the living this i took in the living roompermanently in the living room of got lego models on top of the fireplace onthe dining room table in our bedroom across the floor in there and she hasn'tsaid nothing which is more now she be given me some real but i'm joining anysuch as quick as kind of things you can see that i'm just trying trying to makethe best of it i'm doing the best i can to get it sorted so yeah that'll be astory for another day of getting there that's all we need to say about that andyes i thanks for watching guys any
questions as usual for awhile be happyto help out where i can and i will speak in exile by