dvd furniture stands

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    dvd furniture stands

    [female voice] long ago, in ancient china, the peacocks ruled over gongmen city. they brought great joy and prosperity to the city, for they had invented fireworks. [pops, whistling] but their son, lord shen, saw darker power in the fireworks. what had brought color and joy, could also bring darkness and destruction.

    shen's troubled parents consulted a soothsayer. she foretold that if shen continued down this dark path he would be defeated by a warrior of black and white. the young lord set out to change his fate. but what he did next... ...only sealed it. shen returned to his parents, full of pride. but in their faces, he saw only horror. he was banished from the city forever.

    but shen swore revenge. someday he would return, and all of china would bow at his feet. [chains clanking] [grunts] it's almost done, lord shen,but we've run out of metal. search the farthest villages!find more metal! china will be mine. and then the dragon warriorjoined the furious five!

    and they became the mostawesomest kung fu team ever! enough talk. let's fight! - yah!- hi-yah! listen, listen. you can hear the dragon warriortraining right now! - [viper] 33.- [mantis] stop him! - it's too dangerous!- [tigress] 35. - stay focused!- [viper] 36, 37! how is he doing thatwith his face?

    [strains] [muffled] 38 bean buns! yes! new record!you monster! - keep going! hit 40!- he'll never hit 40. [muffled] you guys wait,we'll get to 40! do it. no problem! yeah! yeah!!

    [muffled] give me a minute. - [laughing]- yeah! - yes!- he did it! well done, po! - [laughter]- your training has paid off. - [distant gong]- oh, master shifu! - gotta go. see you later!- ooh, yeah! you'll save those for me, right? [po grunting]

    [grunting] [water dripping] [exhaling, inhaling] inner peace. [exhales] - inner peace.- [approaching footsteps] - [splashing]- [po grunting] [shifu groaning] inner peace. master shifu.

    master shifu,what do we got? pirates?vandals of volcano mountain? whatever it is, i will take themdown, 'cause i am in a mood. i need to get something done,you know what i mean? uh, what are you doing? one of master oogway'sfinal teachings. [gasps] whoa! [chuckles] awesome! how did you do that?

    inner piece. that's cool. inner piece of what? it is the next phaseof your training. every mastermust find his path to inner peace. some choose to meditatefor 50 years in a cavejust like this... ...without the slightest tasteof food or water. [stomach grumbles] or?

    some find it through painand suffering as i did. po, the day you were chosenas dragon warrior was the worst day of my life. by far. nothing else came close. it was the worst,most painful, mind-destroying,horrible moment... - ok.- ...i have ever experienced. [shivers]

    but once i realized the problemwas not you, but within me, i found inner peace, and was able to harnessthe flow of the universe. so that's it?i just need inner peace? my innards are alreadysuper, super peaceful, so all i need to dois just get this thing going. inner peace,you're going down. now show me what you weredoing there with your feet. i saw you do sort ofa fancy foot...

    po! bandits! approachingthe musicians' village. danger.tell those musicians to start playingsome action music, because it is on. don't worry, shifu,i'll master inner peaceas soon as i get back. - no snack stops this time.- [laughing] snack stops.[blows raspberry] wait, are you serious?

    [bell gongs] [shouting] - [yelling]- [growling] get all the metalyou can find! grab the metal! - [sobbing]- help, help, help, help! [shrieks] that's everything!let's get out of here. ok.

    - oh, no.- [grunts] [high-pitched cry] wings of justice![yelling] [screaming] po! yee-hah! - [all] hah!- hmm? ha-ha! - [cheering]- the dragon warrior!

    the panda?that's impossible. my fist hungers for justice. [grumbling] - that was my... fist.- [groans] get 'em! - come on!- yeah! [all] ooh! - [clanging]- [all] yay! [groans]

    [plays stringed instrument] take that! [clattering] po! incoming! thanks, mantis! [growling] [yelps] [growling and snarling] tigress, double death strike!

    [po] ye-aargh! - feet of fury!- aaargh! [all cry out] tigress! monkey! viper! mantis! - bunny! what?- [continues playing] oh, sorry. [howls]

    (screams) help! - crane, go!- i'm on it! ahh! hoo! whoa! [straining] is everyone ok? - [cheering]- awesome! i got this.

    [crying] oof! chew on that, tubby! ha-ha, ha-ha-ha! [grunts and groans] - are you ok?- what happened? i think i saw... i think... i gotta go. thank you.thank you for coming

    to dragon warrior noodlesand tofu. - more tea? lemon sauce?- no. if you need anything, just ask. - thank you.- feet of fury! ah, the dragon warrior's mop. he mopped these very floors! uh, uh... no touching!you'll get the mop dirty. - he once waited on me.- awesome! yeah,i have the stain to prove it.

    hey, where isthe dragon warrior? he doesn't work here anymore. he's busy out thereprotecting the valley. - [gasps] the dragon warrior!- there he is. - po!- wow! uh... uh, here. - [giggling]- ok, ok. you should havetold me you were coming. hi, dad.

    i would have saved you somestinky tofu. uh... uh... - dad, can i talk to you?- of course, son. in honor of my son,free tofu dessert for everybody! - [cheering]- with purchases. [all groan] oh, it's so goodto see you, po. have you lost weight? i canalmost put my wings around you. ah, well, maybe a little.

    poor you, you must feel weak. - let me get you some soup.- no, that's ok, dad. - i'm not hungry.- not hungry? po, are you all right? yeah. no, i'm fine.i just... earlier today,i was fighting these bandits. - uh-huh.- nothing too dangerous. - they were just, you know...- yeah. and then the strangest thinghappened.

    i had this crazy vision. i think i saw my momand me... as a baby. what? huh?mom? a baby? - um, dad?- what are you talking about? - what...?- how do i say this? [whimpers] where did i come from? well, you see, uh, son, babygeese come from a little egg. don't ask mewhere the egg comes from.

    dad, that's not what i meant. i know it's not. i think it's time i told yousomething i should have told youa long time ago. you might have been kind of... ...a... a... a... ...adopted. - i knew it.- you knew? - well, who told you?- no one. i mean, come on, dad. but if you knew, why didn't youever say anything?

    why didn't you say anything? how did i get here, dad?where did i come from? actually, you came from this. it was just another dayat the restaurant. time to make the noodles. i went out to the back where my vegetables had just been delivered. there were cabbages, turnips, radishes. only there were no radishes...

    ...just a very hungry baby panda. whee! there was no note. of course, you could have eaten it. i waited for someone to come looking for you but no one did. [po gurgles] [gurgles] [ping] i brought you inside. fed you.

    gave you a bath. and fed you again. and again. [playful whine] and tried to put some pants on you. [sobs and whimpers] and then i made a decision that would change my life forever. to make my soup without radishes... ...and to raise you as my own son.

    xiao po, my little panda. and from that moment on, both my soup and my life have been that much sweeter. and, little po,that's the end of the story. ha! look at me. no, don't look at me. that's it? that can't be it. there's gotta be more, dad! well, there was the timeyou ate all my bamboo furniture.

    it was imported, too. one dumpling, please,dragon warrior size. oh, po, your story may not havesuch a happy beginning, but look how it turned out. you got me. you got kung fu. and you got noodles. i know. i just haveso many questions. like, how did i ever fitin this tiny basket? why didn't i like pants?

    and who am i? [male voice] good.watch your form. good. better. elbow. straighten it out! [all grunting, shouting] [all cry out in pain] shen? good afternoon, gentlemen.

    now we've got thepleasantries out of the way, please leave my house. - your house?- yes. didn't you see the peacockon the front door? ah, there you are, soothsayer. it seems your fortune-tellingskills are not as goodas you thought. - we shall see, shen.- no, you shall see, old goat. - where were we?- what do you want, shen? what is rightfully mine.

    gongmen city! gongmen is under the stewardshipof the masters' council and we will protect it. even from you. [chuckles] i'm so gladyou feel that way. otherwise, i'd have draggedthat here for nothing. what's in the box, shen? you want to see? it's a gift. it's your parting gift.

    in that it will part you. part of you here,part of you there and part of you way over there,staining the wall! you insolent fool! show-off. that is a warning. you are no matchfor our kung fu. i agree. but this is.

    [metallic snarl] are you familiar withthe master of gongmen city? - master thundering rhino?- yes. - son of legendary flying rhino?- yes. and slayer of the ten thousandserpents in the valley of woe? - he's dead.- whoa. [crane] that's impossible. rhino's horn defenseis impervious to any technique. it was no technique.lord shen has created a weapon.

    one that breathes fireand spits metal. unless he is stopped, this could bethe end of kung fu. - but i just got kung fu!- and now you must save it. go! destroy this weaponand bring lord shen to justice! ok, here we go!here we go! whoa, whoa, whoa.wait a second. how can i do this? i mean,how can kung fu

    stop somethingthat stops kung fu? remember, dragon warrior, anything is possiblewhen you have inner peace. [cheering] inner peace. inner peace.inner peace. [exhales] peace on. - [ping] oh, po?- peace! oh, po, i got youa travel pack. i packed you food for weeks.cookies, buns, vegetables.

    i even packed all youraction figures. see? [guffaws] oh, uh... hey,i don't know what those are. never seen them beforein my life. dad, you got scratcheson my tigress. i also packed your paintingsof our best time together, just in case you get lonely. that's me and youmaking noodles. and that's me and youeating noodles.

    and that's me givingyou a piggyback ride. isn't that cute?on second thought,i'll hang on to this one. hey, uh...they're waiting for me. of course, of course.you have a job to do... ...far from home, in a strange city,filled with strange people, and strange noodles, facing horrible danger from which youmight never return!

    don't go, po. i gotta go.i'm the dragon warrior. it's kind of my jobto save kung fu. and if i don't...what am i? you're my son. right? - [tigress] po, it's time.- um, goodbye. don't worry, mr. ping. he'll be backbefore you can say "noodles".

    noodles. come on, guys, let's go! [panting and groaning] yeah, yeah. yeah... [po] oh! [po howling] [grunts] ooh. [exhales and strains]

    [sighs] [chuckles] mama? mom? dad? is that you? mom! dad! oh, hi. hey, son.you're back. huh? honey, what are youdoing here?

    but i thought... we've replaced you, dear,with this lovely radish. radish? it's quiet, polite,and frankly, does better kung fu. - [squeaks]- no. no, no, no. wait! [grunting] - [groans]- [squeaks] - hi-yah!- no!

    [cries out] radish, radish, radish. [growls] yah! inner pea... [grunts] pea... [clears throat] p... [dripping] aaah! [yells]

    [prolonged yell] inner peace! inner peace!inner peace! inner peace,inner peace...! [tigress clears throat] oh. uh, i'm, uh, training. the mast is nota worthy opponent. - i am ready.- ok. so serious. [impact echoes] ha-ha-ow!

    - i think i prefer the mast.- apologies. i used to punch the ironwoodtrees by the palace to train. now i feel nothing. that's severely cool. again! hah! so, uh, thispunching ironwood trees, how long did youhave to do that? - twenty years.- oh. twenty...twenty years? [groans]

    is there any, uh,you know, faster way? you know, until you, uh,you know... don't feel anything? no. - besides...- [shouts] i don't think hard styleis your thing. oh. po, why are youreally out here? i just found out that my dad...isn't really my dad. your dad? the goose.

    that must have beenquite a shock. yeah. - and this bothers you?- are you kidding me? we're warriors, right?nerves of steel. souls of platinum. like you. so hardcore youdon't feel anything. [chuckles] yeargh! yo. wow.

    - i was...- [mantis] so, what areyou guys talking about? nothing. nothing. po's having daddy issues. i'm so lucky. i don't haveany problems with my dad. maybe it's because mom atehis head before i was born. - i don't know.- mantis, this isn't about you. po is the one freaking out. - i'm not freaking out.- po. - i'm freaking in.- po!

    - what?- we're here. gongmen city. [growls] [shen] my father's throne. he used to let me play herebeside him, promising somedaythat this throne would be mine. a little to the left. oh, but it's so heavy, master! thirty years i've waitedfor this moment.

    everything must be exactlyhow i envisioned it. and i envisioned ita little to the left. - [gorillas grunt]- perfect! with the weapon by my si...a little bit more. with the weaponby my side, all of chinawill bow before me. we move out in three days, when the moon is fulland the tide is high. now, you old goat,why don't you tell me my...

    fortune? f... future. i was going to say future. look into your bowland tell me what glory awaits. if you continue on yourcurrent path... [gasps] ...you will find yourself...at the bottom of the stairs. i see... i see pain. - ow!- and anger.

    how dare you?that is the finest silkin the province! - followed by denial.- this is not fortune-telling. - you're just sayingwhat's happening...- now? - [sighs]- the most importanttime is now. but if you really wantto see the future... oh, what do you see? [soothsayer] a peacock... ...is defeated by a warriorof black and white. nothing has changed.

    [shen chuckles] that's impossible,and you know it. it is not impossible,and he knows it. - who?- lord shen! i saw a panda! - a panda?- [grunts] a kung fu warrior.it fought like a demon! big and furry. soft and squishy. ugh.kind of plush and cuddly. there are no more pandas.

    [soothsayer] even with his pooreyesight, he can see the truth. why is it that you cannot? find this pandaand bring him to me! yes, sir! one panda lives.that does not make you right. you're right.being right makes me right. then i will kill himand make you wrong. [crunch] will you stop that!

    [po grunts] [po scatting] oh! that must be shen's palaceon the other side of the city. great. we'll march intothe tower and proclaim, "we are the dragon warriorand the furious five, and we are here tobring you to justice!" what are you doing? this place iscrawling with wolves. [chatter]

    hey, isn't that the guywho hammered you in the face? oh! i do not like that guy. we need to get to that towerwithout being spotted by those wolves. got it. stealth mode. - ow!- [clattering] - [snickers]- [chatter continues] - [wolf] ah, get out of the way!- [po] foiled again.

    hmm. where did those noodles go? ooh. oh! [giggles] [girlish voice] hello.i couldn't help but... yeah, ok.anyway, where was i? - where's po?- how can we losea guy that big? ooh. ok. [screams] [fireworks fizz and whistle]

    guys! guys? - hey, po.- what? sorry. so that was stealth mode, huh? to be honest,not one of my stronger modes. ...gold in there, come on! - [gasps]- [wolf] this rice is raw! you stole all my metal potsfor lord shen! - either you cook my rice,or i cook you!- my apologies. po, do something.

    how am i supposed to help hercook rice without gettingcaught? - wait, i have a better idea.- [wolf] ...two... one. - hey.- hey. [wolf] ooh! aargh! [groans] - aaargh!- [blows thud] ooh. ah. yuck! we're here to liberate the cityand bring shen to justice.

    - you will need help.- thank you, brave sheep, but it's too dangerous.i can't let you. oh, no, not me. it's not safe to speak here. right. i'm talking about masters oxand croc. they're in gongmen jailon black dragon alley. what? they're still alive? they must be in that jailgathering intelligence,

    hatching a plotto use their awesomenessto defeat the weapon! ok, let's go!thanks, sheep. hey! stop that costume! - hold it right there!- get them! - get them!- ooh, sorry! take... that! - keep going!- faster! hey! [wolf soldiers cry out]

    ha-ha. surround him. - [wolf leader] now!- [others] yeargh! gotcha! huh? where'd he go? spread out!search everywhere! - [wolf] what about over there?- [wolf leader] is therea part of everywhere? - i... i guess.- then search there! they must be close.i can feel a kung fu chillriding up my spine.

    sorry, po. it's just me. look. gongmen jail. aw, it's cute. cute, huh? [shouting] - yah!- pi-yah! - ohh!- nice work, po. at the first sign of trouble,i'll give you a signal. ga-gah, gi-gee! - you mean like crane does?- yeah.

    excuse me, when have iever made that noise? master ox! master! [gasps]the ferocious master croc! and master storming ox.[chuckles] i can't believe we're rescuingactual legends of kung fu. we're gonna free you from thosebonds of injustice. no problem. gotta be a key around here.no, they wouldn'tleave a key around here. yah! oh, good! you found it.come on, you guys! yeah!

    we're coming for you, shen!wah-how! wah-hah-hoo-hoo! whoo... guys, are we going or not? do you want tomeet us there later? you do want to takeback your city, right? of course we do. but if we stand up to shen, he will turn the weaponon the city.

    listen to yourself.you're protecting gongmen cityby not protecting gongmen city? - if we all fight together...- then the weapon would killeveryone. oh, would it?then we use... a sneak attack! - we get inside and then...- and then you will bestopped... ...by the unstoppable weapon. nothing's unstoppableexcept for me when i'm stopping you fromtelling me something'sunstoppable! master ox, i'm not letting youstay in this cell. i'd like to see you get me out!

    you guys see that?it's called being awesome. come on! whateverhappened to being heroes? the only hero in this townis a dead one! aaargh! like i said, you are notgetting me out of this cell! [master ox] oh... yes! ha-ha! whoo! all right, let's go! i get the top bunk.

    it's time to surrender, panda. kung fu is dead. i... ooh... [stammers] you, you... kung fu is dead? fine! you stay in your prison of fearwith bars made of hopelessness. and all you get are threesquare meals a day of shame! with despair for dessert. we'll take on shen

    and prove to all thosewho are hungry for justice and honor that kung fu still lives! ka-kaaa! you! you're mine! i'll tell youwhat's gonna be yours! my fist in your plush,cuddly, super-soft face! [both] yah-ho! uh-oh.

    get him! - get me out of here!- yes, sir! [mantis] stop him! ya! faster! go, go! - lose him!- yes, sir! - viper!- hang on! oooh-waaah! whoo-hah!

    [whimpering] what? watch out! whoa! waargh! uncool, very uncool! ah! try this! [laughs] guys, guys, guys! ha-ha-ha! maybe something smaller!

    no, no! oh, no, no. [bunnies laugh] ha, ha-ha, ha-ha, ha! cute bunnies off the face!excuse me! ok, pardon me! aaaargh! [bunnies] fire! fire! we've lost them. ah! [bunnies] whoa!

    [bunnies] again, again! crane, catch! wheee! - gotcha!- yay! whoa! ow! guys, guys, guys,give me a shove! mantis, now! [tigress] heh-yah! [howling]

    is that all you've got?'cause it feels like i'm fighting a big,old, fluffy cloud! well, this cloud isabout to bring the thunder! - [clanging]- ooh! ow! ow! - your turn!- huh? ah! ooh! - why are there...so many signs?- [clanging] ow, ow, ow! ow, ow, ow! [both cry out] come here!alakasquasho!

    yes! taste the defeat! let me tell you something. next time you mess with a panda,you better bring a whole... [snarling] i guess nobody told you,if you mess with the wolf, you get the fangs. - ooh!- i've hit you twice. what are you going to do now? we surrender!

    ha! you can chain my body,but you'll never chain my... ...warrior spirit. hey, don't forgetthe little guy. did you just call...? po, what are you doing? trust me. i got a pl...aargh! ow! no way. eight-pointacupressure cuffs? just like the onesthat held tai lung.

    the more you move,the tighter they get. [howls] these are the best cuffs![grunts] greetings, panda.at last we meet! no, no.no, no, no. we meet at last!yes, that's it. greetings, panda. we meet at... [gasps] - you are afraid for a reason.- i am not afraid. he is coming to me in chains.

    - if anyone shouldbe afraid, it's...- you. don't even think about it. i hope this turns outbetter than your planto cook rice in your stomach, by eating it rawand then drinking boiling water. this plan isnothing like that plan. - how?- this one's going to work. keep moving. ah, my old enemy. stairs.

    [thudding steps] - [thudding]- [grunting] [po groans] thanks for carrying methose last few flights. ok. i threw up a little biton the third floor. someone mightwant to clean that up. is there some sort ofevil janitor or something? - we meet at...- hey, how you doing? hey.

    you've grown upbigger than i thought. hey. enough withthe poking around. strong, hmm? healthy. look, i don't know who you are,but please stand aside, sir. - [whispers] that's a lady.- oh! sorry. the beard threw me.it's kind of misleading. - false advertising.- enough of this nonsense! bring the prisoners to me. sorry, ma'am.get ready, guys.

    keep your eyes peeledfor the... weapon! yeargh! hah! yah! sparrow kick! wyy-yah! we did it!i just kung fu-ed it! did you guys see that?i was all like... waaargh...! [shen laughs] do you actually believethis is the warriordestined to defeat me? i do not.i know he is.

    [laughs] oh, look at him. a lifetime to plot his revengeand he comes to me on his knees. what? a lifetime?whoa, whoa, whoa. i did not have a lifetime. we only heard aboutmaster rhino a few days ago, and we cameto avenge him! you've come to avengenothing else? well, yeah. all the potsand pans that you stole. - i'm gonna want those back.- nothing else?

    you probably did some otherevil stuff along the way,i don't know. - what else did you do?- you don't know? - know what?- [laughter] what's so funny? the very thing thatyou clearly do not know! ok, enough of these riddles!would you guys spill the beans? first we come in and the weaponis tiny. surprise, it's big. then the lady over here,i think it's a guy. 'cause he's got... whoa!

    the only reasonyou are still alive is that i find your stupiditymildly amusing. well, thank you. but i find yourevilness extremely annoying. who do you think you are, panda? who do you think i am, peacock? [both laugh] why are we laughing?[sighs] take aim. fire. [laughs]

    well, light the thing! i did! fear the bug! [po] get the weapon! [continues screaming] you... you were there. yes. yes, i was. you just let shen get away! at least we destroyedthe weapon.

    fire! oh, no, he's got way more. aargh, aargh! - my wing!- help, po! coming! aaargh! - watch out!- po! whoa. wow! - help me up!- no. get him down. use the ropes.

    waaargh! run, run, little panda! whoa! [screams] [screeches] [panting] po, come on.we need you to focus! - i got it, i got it!- bring it down! - we're trapped!- this way! [rumbling]

    [laughing] goodbye! get back! hah! hah! - the only way out is up.- aaargh! [all] what? [screaming] whoo-hoo! follow me! come on! - where are they going?- to the top! come on! keep going!

    here we go! whoa-aahh! you idiot! ow! my nose! call in the wolves! all of them.i want them ready to move! the year of the peacockbegins now! right now? 'cause it's the middleof the year, so you'd only get,like, a half of theyear of the peacock.

    and this is the year,of course, of the peacock. happy new year, sir. get the wolves ready.we're loading the ships now. now! now, now, now, now! move! move, move, move, move! [tigress] this way. - [howling]- let's go. oh, you! what did you do?it's chaos up there.

    what happened to stopping shen? guys, come on.give me a little credit. i meant for him to get awaybecause, uh... ...it was a trick.it was a plot. i was thinking...i'll figure out his plot more. that makes no sense. - what do you mean?sure it does.- po, the truth. - you had shen. what happened?- what are you talking about? i don't know what you're talkingabout. i... yeah...

    ok, he caught me off guard. the truth. fine. they will keep youfar from danger. - real far.- what? you're staying here. w... wait! i have to go ba... you're staying here! i'm going.and you can't stop me.

    ok. i wasn't ready that time. guys? don't. ready. look! - aaaah!- [thudding] stay down. - i have to get to him.- then tell me why! he was there! ok? the peacock was therethe last time i saw my parents.

    he knows what happened.where i came from. who i am. look, i'm going. i have to know. - the hardcore can't understand.- tigress, no! the hardcore do understand. but i can't watchmy friend be killed. - we're going.- maybe you can'twatch me be killed? - stop being a wimp.- and she's back.

    - no.- don't worry, kid. you're better off here. [shen] you were wrong,soothsayer. we sail to victory tonight. your magic pandais clearly a fool. are you certainit is the panda who is a fool? you just destroyedyour ancestral home, shen. a trivial sacrificewhen all of china is my reward. then will you finallybe satisfied?

    will the subjugationof the whole world finally make youfeel better? mmm, it's a start. i might also convertthe basement into a dungeon. the cup you choose to fillhas no bottom. it is time to stopthis madness. why on earthwould i do that? so your parentscan rest in peace. my parents hated me.

    do you understand? they wronged me. and... i will make it right. they loved you. they loved you so much that having to send youaway killed them. the dead exist in the past... ...and i must tendto the future. set the soothsayer free.she's no use to me.

    goodbye, shen. i wish you happiness. happiness must be taken... ...and i will take mine. [wolf soldier] hurry it up! if all of those weaponsleave the building, china will fall. - we bring down the building!- hey, guys. how about this?

    oh! this will work! - all right, let's go.- i can't feel my face. [gasps] aargh! [groaning] [mumbling] did you hear himcall it year of the peacock? - [scoffs]- hey. ok. keep it cool.keep it cool. [guard] you!where are you going?

    on your feet! and wipe those stupid grinsoff your faces. [wolf howling] [shen] move, you dogs! faster, faster.load them all. tell me what happenedthat night. what night? - that night.- ah, that night. yes. we're talkingabout the same night, right?

    yes, i was there. yes. i watchedas your parents abandoned you. it's a terrible thing. i believe it wentsomething like this. waah! aaaah! here's your new year's gift. hope you like it'cause you can't return it. - [chuckles]- [po] aargh!

    po? what's he doing here? return it! return it! yah! hah! [chuckling] are you willingto die to find the truth? you bet i am. although i'd prefer not to. yow! waargh! [mantis] we got them. go!

    wah! - [roars]- [snarls] [tigress grunts] whoa! oh! [po] you looking for me? um... i said that too soon,didn't i? kee-ya! ahhh! po, get away from him.

    i'll get up.here we go. no more running, shen. so it seems. now... answers. oh, you want to know so badly. [breathing heavily] you think knowingwill heal you, huh? fill some craterin your soul? well, here's your answer.

    your parentsdidn't love you. but here, let me heal you! - ah!- no! [thunderclap] [thuds] [thunder rumbling] [gasps] ohh! yeah, like you couldmake me drink that.

    aaahh! aaah... if i wanted you dead, i would have left youin that river. well, why save me? so you can fulfillyour destiny. what are you talking about?where am i? [po] what is this place? i'm surprised youremember so little. but you were so littlewhen it happened.

    - [muffled uproar]- aah! perhaps you do remember. what? it's justa stupid nightmare. nightmare or memory? [gurgling] [laughter] this was a thriving village. young shen was in lineto rule gongmen city. but he wanted more.

    i foretold that someonewould stand in his way. a panda. but i never could have foretoldwhat came next. [baby crying] get them all! take our son and run away. go! stop fighting. let it flow.

    [gasping] [gurgles and mews] shh. shh! mmm-ma. [wailing] [sighs heavily] your story may not havesuch a happy beginning but that doesn'tmake you who you are. it is the rest of your story.

    who you choose to be. so, who are you, panda? i am po. and i'm gonna need a hat. such sad, sad faces. but now is a timeonly for joy. you are going to be partof something beautiful. once we reach the harbor, in front of all the world,

    you and your preciouskung fu will die. [laughs] then china will knowto bow before me. set sail! - aargh!- [clang] [all gasp] what is that? honestly, guys,i never thoughti'd die like this. i always thought i'd meeta nice girl and settle down

    and then she'd eat my head. - so sad.- we cannot give up hope. po would want usto remain strong. hardcore.right, tigress? lord shen,what about the bridge? nothing stands in my way. [shen] fire! [shouts of panic] you coward!

    po? [all] po! how many timesdo i have to kill the same stinking panda? shen! a panda standsbetween you and your... [distant] ...destiny. prepare yourself for a hot... [distant] ...serving of justice.

    your reign of terrorcomes to an end. - what?- and now, free the five! disc of destruction! [wolf soldiers grunt] take aim! - ready?- oh! ohh! aargh! ow! oh, ho, ho, ho! this way and that way.that way and this way.

    you can't follow me. just get him! [chuckles nervously] - yeah, huh. here we go.- come on! ya-ha! - no, no, no, don't shoot!- don't shoot! no, don't shoot! - don't shoot.- don't shoot! i won't shootif you won't shoot.

    don't shoot! woo-woo! hah! don't shoot! crossfire! attack! hi-yah! yah! catch of freedom! impressive, dragon warrior.what's your plan? step one: free the five. what's step two?

    honestly, i didn't thinki'd make it this far. - po!- uh, stop shenbefore he gets to the harbor. woo-hoo! nice. viper, puppet of death! [master ox shouts] huh! [gasps] master ox! - cham-pah!- [po] and croc! vengeance is served.

    - why did you...?- your friend there is very persuasive. hi-yah! yoo-ha! wah! master shifu! quickly. use their boatsto block the way. aah! aah! aah! crane! wings of justice!ka-kaaa!

    woo-hoo-hoo! yeah! yee-haw! [slow motion] i love you guys. why aren't we firing? they're taking out our gunners,sir. they're getting close. fire! fire!f-f-fire at them! but, sir, we'll kill our own. i said, fire at them! [coughing]

    tigress? as you wish. let's finish this. [po] inner peace. inner peace. inner peace. aaieee! ho, ho, ho! cha, cha, cha! whoa, whoa! yeah! [grunts]

    kill him! somebody kill him! aah... oh! ha, ha! yai! - [cheering]- what? [shen] no! keep firing! aaahh! skadoosh!

    [coughs] how did you...? how did you do it? you know, you justkeep your elbows up and keep the shoulders loose. [shen] not that. how did you find peace? i took away your parents. everything.

    i scarred you for life. see, that's the thing, shen. scars heal. no, they don't. wounds heal. oh, yeah.what do scars do? - they fade, i guess.- i don't care what scars do. you should, shen. you gotta let goof that stuff from the past

    'cause it just doesn't matter. the only thing that mattersis what you choose to be now. you're right. then i choose... this! ohh! aargh! that was pretty hardcore. - po, come here! yeah!- don't ever do thatagain, please. it seems you havefound inner peace. and at such a young age.

    well, i had apretty good teacher. [fireworks pop and whistle] [female voice] what do you mean,he's not here? it's my son's birthday. all he wanted wasto meet the dragon warrior. how about some tofubirthday cake instead, huh? you know, i think we'll just tryagain another time. when do you thinkhe'll be back? i don't know.

    ok, i don't know. maybe never. i mean, i worry, ok? but that's my job.i'm his dad. at least, i was his dad. why did he haveto go and save china? i know why. but why? he's just one little panda.

    [giggles] so, how did it go? did you save china? yep. well, i knew you would. that's why i hadnew signs made. "my son saved china.you, too, can save. buy one dumpling,get one free." hey, that's a pretty good deal.

    - would you like to try one?- maybe later. there's somethingi should tell you. [gulps] while i was gone, i found the villagewhere i was born. i found out how i ended upin that radish basket. you did? i know who i am. you do?

    i'm your son. i love you, dad. i love you, too, son. ah. delicious, fat radishes! you're probably hungry.let me make yousomething to eat. what are you talking about?i'll cook. - no, no, i'll cook.- dad! it's the least i can do.you saved china. no, it's the least i can do.you raised me.

    - po.- dad. - po!- ok. let's both cook. - together.- together? no, i'll cook. [both chuckle] my son is alive! [up-tempo music]

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