broyhill furniture night stands

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    broyhill furniture night stands

    [ crow caws ] previously on "the middle"... wow, darrin,you're a homeowner. congratulations. actually, sue,there's one more surprise. sue heck,will you marry me? [ whistling ] hey, what are you doing homeon valentine's day? oh, i guess you decidednot to celebrate with devin?

    we "celebrated" last night,if you know what i mean. [ sighs ] axl, no onewants to know what you mean. brick:i've been thinking about it, and now that i'mthe make-out king -- kissing a hillbillyin north carolina and your giraffeof a girlfriend does nota make-out king make. i'm sorry, how manydifferent states haveyou kissed girls in? 'cause i'm currentlyat three.

    brick, it's not verygentlemanly to bragabout your conquests. the point is,i'm a man now, and since cindy and i have officiallytaken it to the next level, i've decided it's time for me to give upmy childish affectations -- the whoops,the whispers, eating an entire pencilover the course of a week. [ door opens, closes ]

    hey! so, did youfinally make it to the end of darrin'sbig scavenger hunt? yep. yep, i did. did he get youthe red sweater? 'cause we told himyou wanted red. nope. no sweater.

    i think i'm justgonna go lie down now. anyway, since deciding to give upmy tics a half-hour ago, i've whooped five timesand whispered three. by the way,i'm counting them now, so i'm scaredthat might be a new one. don't be discouraged,brick. being aware of the problemis half the battle. axl: don't listento her, brick.

    that's mom speakfor "i got nothing." fortunately for you, i'm taking intro to psychthis semester, and we're learning aboutthis guy named sigmund freud. uh, you guys might wantto pay attention here, too. [ chuckles ] we've heardof freud, axl. yeah, 'cause i just said it.nice try, though. so, this freud guy,

    he had the hotsfor his own mom. [ shudders ] but it's all good 'cause he figured out a way toturn his perviness into science. he invented these things called the ego,the superego, and the i.d. so, what i'm saying, brick, is,i'm pretty sure i can fix you. can you fix meby tomorrow? i'm meeting cindyat the library at 3:00.

    i'd betmy c-plus on it. frankie:i made dinner! [ monotone ]coming. dare we ask? brick:oh, this? axl swaddled mebefore i went back to school. he said my ticsmight be caused because my nerve endingsare too exposed, so he suggested a good swaddlemight comfort me.

    i think he mightbe onto something. it's very soothing. kind of like a --a hug for my psyche. [ sighs ] sue,would you mind? [ slurps ] hey, what's that? oh. oh, this? oh, it's -- it's's nothing.

    it's just somethingdarrin got for me. mm, wow. first, he gets youa necklace and now a ring? what, does he have an accountat pioneer galaxy jewelers? sue: [ chuckles ] don't feel bad, mike.i told you, i love my tweezers. brick:nice ring, though. the diamond thingyalmost looks real. mm.let me see. mm.

    come on. oh, wow, fancy. sue: yeah. but, geez,doesn't it look a little too muchlike an engagement ring? [ laughing ] mike. let me see that. i don't knowhow it happened!

    ah, i was just doingthe scavenger hunt, and then suddenlyhe gets down on his knee, and there was a tiny house, and i think he might haveasked me to marry him! what?you think he what?! she said "might."she thinks he might have asked. no, he did.he definitely did. whoop! oh, my god.

    oh, my god! i'm gonna kill him. kill him. uh-oh. i've never whisperedsomeone else's sentence before. that's concerning! so, darrin actuallyasked you to marry him, and you're telling meyou said yes? no, i didn't.i definitely didn't.

    what did you say,then? i said, "sure." "sure"?! oh, my god,she said "sure"! yeah, but not likea "yes, sure," like a casual, like, you know,like, "sure, sure." i didn't thinkhe'd think i meant "sure!" how the hellcould this happen?! would you let her talk?

    i didn't knowwhat to do. i just felt bad 'cause hebought me a tiny house and i -- he bought youa house?! stop yelling! hey, you want meyelling. every minute i'm yelling is a minute i'm notkilling her boyfriend. stop it --we're not killing anyone, not untilwe have all the facts.

    facts. damn it.did it again. oh, that's new. apparently, in additionto whispering, i'm cursing now. sue:i am so sorry! i don't knowhow any of this happened! well, you got to know. you're not a little kidplaying barbies, sue. a man has asked youto marry him.

    do you understandthe situation you're in here? uh, maybe it would justbe easier to get married. are you nuts?! marriage is hard!we just make it look easy! i don't know!i don't know anything, okay? i am confused. i just needto be alone. uh, i justneed time to think, okay?! could somebody pleasetighten my swaddle?

    what's the holdup? what's she needto be thinking about in there? i'm gonna go in there and tell her what she's thinking. you can'tdo that, mike. you go in thereand start badmouthing darrin, you're just gonna drive herright into his beefy arms. it's your fault,you know. i been telling youall along we got to watch outfor this dummy,

    but you kept saying, "no,don't worry. it's just darrin." "he's harmless." well... oh, please. since when do you listento anything i say? don't act like i'm suddenlythe boss around here. yeah, well, somebodytook their eye off the ball. yeah, look, what does it matterwho said what? our teenage daughterhas a ring on her finger...

    ...and it's both our faults. and you knowwhy that is? 'cause we suck. we're lazy parents,and we suck. [ door opens ] guys? i've beenin my room thinking, and the truth is,i don't want to marry darrin. [ gasps ]oh, thank god!

    we don't suck. oh, my god.we're good, mike. we're good, good parents. i can't be engaged now. i mean, i'm not readyfor anything like that. but it's, you know, it's really hard. well, of courseit's hard. oh, it's notthat hard.

    and i do really love him. of course you do. of courseyou think you do. [ sighs ] i mean, mom,you should've seen him. he got down on one knee,and he looked up at me, and he did the thing where his eyebrows go upwhen he's hopeful. and then he said [deep voice]"will you marry me?" aw.

    and it was so cute,and he was so happy, and now i have to tell himi don't want to, and i don't even knowhow you say that. i got a couple phrasesi think will do the trick. [ scoffs ] i thinkwhat your dad means is, you just needto be honest with him. [ sighs ] i know. you're're totally right.

    i knowthat's what i have to do. i just have togo over there and try not to lookat his eyebrows and just tell him my "yes, sure"was really more of a "no, sure." you want meto go with you? i'd be happyto go over there and personallymake sure that he gets it. hell, we can goright now,

    or i can just go. aw, dad. that is so sweet, but i amgonna be 18 in two weeks. i am too old to have my daddyfix my problems. i'm the one who said "sure."i'm the one who has to do it. you mind if i sleep in herewith you guys tonight? oh, of courseyou can. are you hungry?you didn't eat much at dinner. kind of.

    what do you want --sweet or salty? ooh. both. frankie: that night, sue slept in our bed for the first time since she was a little girl, but the next day, it was time for her to step up and be a woman. hey,there's my fiancã©e. i'm glad you're here.

    i'm just tryingto figure out how to fitall my stuff in the house. of course, i'm gonnaleave space for your stuff, too. yeah, about that... darrin, i wanted to talk to youabout something. honestly, i couldn't have beenmore thrilled and flattered when youproposed to me. oh, i know. i've neverseen that look on yourface before. [ chuckles ] oh, and i don't mean to stepon the toes of the bride-to-be,

    but i booked a dj and puta soft hold on the vfw hall. unless you wantto consider the business centerat the cozy suites. what do you think? vfw's fine,but here's the thing -- darrin, honestly, i couldn't have beenmore thrilled and flattered when you proposed to me, but i am stillin high school.

    i mean, i don't even graduateuntil june 5th -- oh, don't worry. the hold i put at the vfw hallis for the 6th -- a saturday. or would you ratherhave it on the sunday? saturday works, but listen --darrin, honestly, when you proposed to me,but here's the thing -- oh, boy. uh...uh, darrin, honestly,

    i couldn't have beenmore flattered and thrilled when you proposed to me,but -- what are you doing? s-sometimes i just like to talkwith my back to people. [ laughs ] sue. i knowyou're a little stressed 'cause there'sa million details, but you don't need to worryabout this one.

    for our honeymoon, i'm taking youto weeki wachee, florida, to see the mermaids. i want to startour life together by giving youeverything you've ever wanted. so, whatdo you think, sue? floridafor our honeymoon? sure. night.

    [ rubber band snaps ] brick? what's withthe rubber band? oh, axl told me wheneveri feel the urge to whoop to just snap the rubber bandinstead. it was kind of annoyingat first, but nowi kind of like it. so much, it's possibleit's become a new tic. sue: night.

    whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa.get in here. how'd it go? how did he take it? right.'s the thing -- you didn't do it. sue! i'm sorry.i-i tried. it's just, he didthe eyebrow thing again, a-and if you saw it, you'd's really hard.

    [ whimpers ] no, no, no!no snugglebed for you. oh, please!please! please! we gave you snugglebed lasttime, and it led to nothing. no! ow! ow! ow!ow! ow! ow! what the hellis going on?! why is darrin calling measking me to be his best man? 'cause apparentlyyour sister's getting married.

    and you two guys are just sitting hereletting this happen? why aren't youstopping this?! my god, i have todo everything around here. i have to fix the sink,i have to fix the brick, now i got tofix the sue? you are not getting married,all right?! you've got too manydorky dreams to fulfill! i know, axl!

    i don't wantto get married! see? i've been saying thisthe whole time -- this darrin thingwas a trainwreck, but you guys are all like,"oh, he's harmless. "be supportiveof your sister. stop making vomit noiseswhen you see them together." okay, who'sreally to blame here? you're the one that broughtdarrin home for a play date when you were 4.

    i didn't even like himback then, but you said, "you betterfind something to like 'cause i likemrs. mcgrew." [ gasps ] her name is gonna be"sue sue mcgrew." axl: [ clapping slowly ]nice parenting. classic. tension's a's getting worse, axl. just keep snapping, brick.

    i'm jugglinga million balls here. look, i willhandle this, okay? [ sighs ] it's just that darrinis not making it easy. there are a lot of dynamicsat play here, axl, that youare not aware of, dynamics that involvesoft holds on hotels and eyebrowsand mermaids -- he's notmaking it easy? that's it --i'm gonna go kill him.

    hey, i'm the dad. if anyonegets to kill him, it's me. oh, no. you had your chance,and you blew it. oh, no, i didn'ttake my chance yet. i still -- frankie: no, no, listen.nobody's killing anybody. yeah, well, you should've takenyour chance. you had the -- hey, hey, stop it!stop it! nobody is doing anything. in less than two weeks,i am going to be 18. that is old enoughto get my ears pierced

    without a signed notefrom my parents. i can do this. please promise meyou will let me handle this. thank you. frankie:whoa-ho-ho, hold it, sister! you'll snugglewhen the deed is done. okay. [ knock on door ] hello, sir.may i come in?

    it's your funeral. [ chuckles ]good one. i love your humor. i had something i wantedto talk to you about. mr. heck, i know i might've donethings a little out of order, but i wantedthat element of surprise. i hopeyou can understand that. but i'm a sucker for tradition,so here goes. sir,i love your daughter

    more than anythingin the whole world, so i would be honored if you were to give meher hand in marriage. no. okay, i get it -- you're giving me a hard time,making me sweat. i guessi expected that. but listen, dad,i know -- listen who?!

    [ nervously ] too earlyfor the "dad" thing. got it. uh, uh, the point is, sue and i are super-psychedabout our future together -- actually, darrin, about that --the thing is, sue isn't -- mike? do you want cheeseon your burger? i always leave that decisionup to you because you're the oneeating the burger, so it'snot really my place

    to tell youhow your burger should be, you know, espec-- i get it. cheese. you know what, darrin? you don't needmy blessing. you only need sue's. she already said yes. well, you mightwant to check on that.

    oh! oh, hey, darrin. hey, sue. can i talk to youfor a second? not my -- it's dad's fault. you --after dad talked to him, he thought maybe i didn't wantto marry him. you don't. i know! and i had a whole planof how i was gonna tell him,

    but then he showed up and itthrew me 'cause he was all sad. and he didthe eyebr-- don't you say"eyebrows," sue. i swear i'll go over thereand shave them off! [ groans ]i just didn't know what to say. you say no. i set it up for youperfectly. then you come backwith another "sure"? it was hard, okay?

    it wasin front of the trash. our first kisswas in front of the trash. he even wrote mea song about it. well, the next songhe's gonna be writing is "who's that giant guyat my door?" 'cause i'm gonna -- no! no. dad, please. promise i can do this. okay, you're gettingpretty hard to believe, sue.

    you're the girlwho cried, "sure." get. it. done! it's justso frustrating. it's been three days,and nothing's worked. how messed up am ithat my brother who's taking an "introductionto psychology" class can't fix me? brick,three days is nothing. some of your more famouspsychological breakthroughs

    took up to a week. now, what we've been doing sofar are simple band-aid fixes, but clearly, we needto go deeper -- much deeper. the question is,are you willing to do the work? i am. cool. and remember,this is a safe space. now, why are you such a freak,what made you a freak, and what's the firstfreakish thing you ever did?

    [ gasps ] there she is,my future daughter-in-law! [ door closes ] sue, meet my sisterand your new auntie, rhonda. you're gorgeous --absolutely gorgeous. i'm sorry -- i wasjust looking for darrin. oh, you just missed him,but you've got perfect timing. i was justdropping something by. this! oh, wow.

    that is just... wow. now, i don't wantto presume anything, and i completely get it if you want to pick outa new dress with your mom, but every mcgrew sisterhas worn this dress. i've worn it three times. ooh, try it on. no, no, no. i just had gymlast period,

    so, i'm sweaty. oh, come on,it'll be fun. probably gonna get your dressall dirty. no, no, no, no. i'm all sweaty. oh, it'll be fine. now, darrin says youpicked out the vfwfor your reception. well, everything isn'tcompletely nailed down. oh, it's a great space.have you seen it?

    i think i went toa birthday party there once. i think they hada pac-man machine. [ zipper zips ] sue:that's really tight. oh, what is...that? oh... oh, sue,it looks beautiful. you're gonna bethe prettiest bride in orson. and then come the babies!

    [ squeals ] oh! [ laughs ] ♪♪♪ mom, dad, get in here!i cured brick! what's going on? i give youa de-freaked brick heck. it wasn't easy. i had to hit the bookspretty hard. i'm not gonna lie --

    i took brickto some pretty dark places and he had to facesome demons, but in the end,it all came down... to this. the chair? not just any chair, the rickety, rustylawn chair you forced brickto sit in for years. while we've all sat like kingsin our matching broyhill chairs,

    brick has been forced to sit in a lawn chairyou pulled out of the backyard. hence, he's never feltlike a part of the family. he's been trappedin a nylon cage. really?so, you're saying that all your ticscome down to a chair? i know it sounds crazy,but the weird thing is, i've been sitting herein an inside chair all day and i haven'twhooped or whispered once.

    maybe it'sthe height -- i just feel... empowered. included. it's kind oflife-changing. so, in summary,you people screwed brick up, i fixed him,you're welcome, my work here is done. [ panting ]

    oh, crap. mike: the hell? frankie: oh, my god. tell meyou're not married, sue. i can explain. say the words, sue! i needto hear the words. i didn't get married. i went over to darrin's, andthen his mom and her sister.

    oh, and then -- then -- thenthey're like "have babies"! it's been three days, could you not tell him? well...[ sobbing ] i'm little, and want my daddyto fix my problems. that's it. no, mike. i'll're too angry. actually, i'mthe perfect amount of angry. trust me, this is bettercoming from a woman.

    don't -- we tried a woman.she's 0 for 3. get -- no, no, don't go. frankie, this is a dad'sjob, and i'm gonna do it. no. no,you can't do this. gimme the keys. no, no, can't do it. stop it. no, no, no!don't take the keys don't try to fight me on this.

    no, listen, i'm telling you,you're making a big mistake. stop it! please! i can't standwhat this is doing to us. as much as i would likefor you guys to fix my problems, it has to be me. quitting, for me,is not an option. i am going to take offthe mcgrew wedding dress and get this done. [ groans ]

    [ grunts ] okay. can someone help mewith the zipper? sue: [ sighs ] hey, sue.are you okay? my mom said you came byand then you ran off. i was gonna call you, but she told memost people get emotional when they see themselvesin a wedding dress for the first time.

    yeah, little bit. darrin, there's somethingi've been trying to say to you for the past few days, and i have been doinga terrible job of it. that's okay, sue.i-i totally get it. i've been tryingto say something to this guy, dan,at work. he always whistleswhen we're on jobs together, and when people'sair conditioners are broke,

    the last thing they want to hearis some guy whistling. that's true.that totally makes sense. darrin,i don't want to marry you. you don't? i'm so sorry, but this whole engagement thingcame totally out of the blue. i-i didn't knowwe were heading this way. well, where did you thinkwe were headed? i-i don't know -- prom?

    i-i-i'm not readyfor marriage, darrin. i am only 17. i justgot my braces off. there's a very good chancei might still be grounded! but you seemed so happy. we chose the vfw hall, and we were gonnago see the mermaids. oh, is that it? do you notwant to see the mermaids? no, darrin.

    obviously,mermaids are awesome. it's just, my life right nowhas all these questions -- where am i gonna live?what am i gonna do? and i don't knowif i'm ready to have those questionsanswered yet. i have all these dreamsand things i want to do. i've never seen california, i have never livedin my own apartment, i've never eatena truffle.

    i mean, i've hadthe chocolate ones, but i thinkthere's another kind. i want to travel.i want to learn to paint. i want to cry when my parentsdrop me off at college. i want to live in a dormwith a really weird roommate and meet another girlwho lives on my floor that i love and move inwith her the next semester. there's justthis whole list of things, and getting marriedis not on that list.

    i love you, darrin.i really do. and you might bethe person that i'm supposedto be with forever, but i don't want my foreverto start right now. but that doesn't meanthat it's never gonna happen. we can still date. you can come visit meat college, and i can come homeas much as i can. i don't wantto date you, sue.

    i don't have any questionsabout my life. i've got a good joband a house, and i'm readyfor a wife. i don't want to wake up wheni'm 24 and not have kids. [ sighs ]i want to get married. [ the chevin's"beautiful world" plays ] but do wehave to do it right now? i love you, sue, and i'm readyto start a life together, but if you're not...

    uh... this is just really sad. [ sobs ] goodbye, sue heck. ♪ look at the worldas it's turning ♪ ♪ look at the lightas it shines down on me ♪ ♪ every starsoftly burning ♪ all right,here it comes. [ indistinct conversation ]

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