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    ashley furniture tv stands porter

    previously on "revenge"... (aiden) on my way to youwith david clarke's original check to nolan ross for nolcorp's start-up funds. nolan, your company, everythingthat you've worked for... means nothingif it could hurt the only real familyi've ever had. if you'll consider meas a replacement to my father as c.e.o.,we will move on nolcorp

    and triple our net worthinside a year. meet my brother nate.jack's my partner in the bar. don't forgetwhat you're doing here. turns out,they're good guys. well, the same can't be saidabout their old man. how serious was itbetween you two? ♪♪♪ (indistinct conversations) dobry vecher.

    ♪♪♪ doesn't suit you. what? the bow tieor the russian accent? both. well, i'm your servant. so, uh, what do you fancy,comrade? vodka. okay.

    all right. (clears throat) so... you got a name? yeah. sergei lvovsky. you knowwhere i can find him? now that doesn't suit you. your profession. sergei's in the v.i.p. area with the other girls.

    (conrad)it's a dangerous game. when harvard finals clubsexpress an interest, you don't--you don'tkeep them waiting, especially phoenix,all right, where you're a legacy. i'd just like to excelon my own merits. daniel, embracethe opportunities our name affords you. especially since you've beenopening your wallet

    more than your books. a $600 dinner at meritage? (door opens) meanwhile,charlotte's in the alps with her grade schoolfriends. well, i am looking forwardto spending thanksgiving with my two men,just the three of us. (door closes) mr. daniel,

    there's someoneat the front door for you. he obviouslydoesn't understand that these first few monthsof harvard cast the diethat dictate his future. nonsense. daniel's a good boywith his head on straight. (woman) i see we agreeon one thing already. mother. daniel?

    i'm sorry to spring thison you now-- it was my fault. i called him a month ago... the grandsoni barely knew... who i was certainwould embrace my desire to... mend fences. the three of usmet for dinner-- grandma harper, mr. greevy,and myself--at meritage. mr. greevy?

    maxwell passed... almost a year ago. oh. well... i'm not sure whetherto offer you my condolences or my congratulations. love doesn't avail itselfconveniently, dear. i understand conradwas married when you met. mm. grandma was hoping to invitemr. greevy for thanksgiving.

    was she? victoria, certainly we can afford marionone thanksgiving. she is your motherafter all. yes, i'm fully aware. excuse me. victoria, what are youdoing in my things? nothing. i just want to look prettyfor thanksgiving.

    for thanksgivingor for thomas? i need all his attentionfocused on me this afternoon. yes, mother. do you think he's gonnaask you to marry him? he'd better.we're nearly out of money. nyet. nyet. (russian accent) you. you're trembling.

    dmitri will like this. clean off your faceand let me look at you again. the rest of you-- please, please, go, go. go, go. (sniffles) it's your first time,isn't it? (ashley) who are you? a friend,if you'll let me be.

    i don't need friends.i need money. there are other waysto make money. do you think i'd be doing this if i hadn't triedeverything else? an m.f.a. in art historyis useless in this town. at least here, i can use itto talk about kandinsky. the man thatyou're auditioning to meet is named dmitri bladov.

    he traffics in women,the younger the better. that's why they want youwith no makeup. you want to end upanother victim? i just want to pay my rent, maybe get a jobin a gallery somewhere. then do that. take this. why are you helping me? because you're gonnahelp me, too.

    find out exactly when dmitriis expected to arrive, then text the informationto that number. tell sergei that you wantto go buy a new dress before you meet dmitri,and get the hell out of here. don't ever come back. (man) they call it"protection money" for a reason, carl. i-i think i'm gonna pay. they're justcommon hoods, matt.

    don't let 'em scare you. well, rumor is,ryan's gonna use thanksgiving to send a real messageto the holdouts. that means you. let these crooks get a foothold,they'll never let go. and if you pay them, you might as wellthrow away your business. i'm trying to protectmy business. my kids could bein danger, carl.

    yours, too. (jack) whew! she's in port. let's plan that christening. hey. hey, sammy. your first boat? you picked outa name for her yet? the "amanda." my boy's first crush.

    they were kids together. my little girls aregoing through that, too, now. lucy, my youngest,is in the sixth grade. she won't let me walk herto her class anymore. (carl and jack chuckle) hey, jack, listen,i want, uh, you and declan to go overto your grandma's for thanksgiving tomorrow. i thought we were gonnado it here.

    the turkey's alreadybeen thawed. yeah, well,there's a change of plans. some things come up. all of a sudden? yeah. you gota problem with that? you didn't payfor your drinks. (sighs) put iton sergei's tab. you don't know sergei. you didn't speak to him.i watched you.

    keep your observationsto yourself, and there'll be a big tipin it for you the next time i see you. and when will that be? (cell phone buzzes) tomorrow. (takeda)your father would be proud. (siren wailing in distance) i don't likethis time of year.

    then your missionshould provide needed distraction. (sets down frame) are you afraid? no. i'm ready. ladies and gentle-mensas... (scattered chuckles) thank you for giving upyour thanksgiving plans

    to join me herein the office today. i was thinkinginstead of working, mm, let's play a game. (staff murmurs) now who can figure out... the rest... of this equation? anyone?

    really, people? (clears throat) mr. romero, care to take a stab? sure. let's see. what--what's that, a "p"? so long as that's an "i." but that spells... "i.p.o."

    we are going public, people! (cheering) we all have everyone's favorite o.c.d.c.f.o. to thank-- mr. marco romero. (cheers and laughter) (under breath) well, i couldn'thave done it without you. (normal voice)what's wrong with you freaks? it's thanksgiving.

    go be with someone special.go home. oh, and, uh, grab a bottleof champagne on your way out. on your way out. gotta say,i'm impressed with mom. grandma told methey hadn't spoken in 35 years, and now mom's breaking outher favorite china pattern. oh, your mother's always been a big believerin second chances. what do you have there?

    i-i don't... i don't want to bother youif you're busy. it's-- holidays and weekends area luxury the rich can't afford. it's one of the many thingsi imagine you'll change when you join the company. um... the thing is, dad, i... (inhales) i may not major in business.

    oh. what then? poli-sci, prelaw? actually, i'm takingthis freshman workshop in creative writing. poetry, specifically. and my professoractually thinks i should considerpursuing it. huh. i-i don't know.

    i-i just thought maybeif you wanted, you could take a lookat what i've written. help me decide,you know? i'd be honored. daniel, of course. anything i can doto help support your dreams. how are your plansagainst the graysons? on schedule. i've severed all tieswith nolcorp,

    closed all my bank accounts,set up six dummy fronts, one of which just boughta building on 57th street. turns out conrad grayson is sleeping with one ofvictoria's best friends-- lydia davis. i was working on a strategy to turn their infidelityinto my entree. that was... before you gave methis diversion.

    (sets down photos) her name is colleen. she was kidnapped and soldby dmitri bladov--1993. did they find her? with this device, we will bein constant communication. get dmitri aloneand find me access. and then what? then you're free to returnto your true cause. nice touch, mother.

    so this reunion, it's just a charade so that you can ensnaremr. greevy, isn't it? ben loves me, victoria. when he insistedon meeting the family, my heart couldn't deny him. so he can confirmits existence. i think you'll find my benis a man of class and means, much like conrad.

    and i hope that your heart,as mine, cannot deny him either. when have i everdenied you anything? (doorbell rings) that's ben. do not disappoint me. (man) you sure area pretty little thing, vicky. a little glimpse of whatyour mama must have looked like when she was around your age.

    what are you now, 20, 25? 15. victoria. would you pour the coffee,please? thomas and i will take itin the living room. yes, ma'am. allow me to introducemr. greevy. oh, call me ben,of course. marion, your daughteris even more radiant

    than you described. thank you so much for welcoming meinto your home. the pleasure is mine,i assure you. (dishes clattering) (men speaking indistinctly) you look transformed. everything looks differentin the harsh light of day. which makes iteven more evident

    why a girl like youshouldn't be here. i'm serious. you shouldn'thave come back here. not today. don't worry.i know what i'm doing. are you sergei? da. i'm sorry to bother you. my roommate, um,she's not feeling well, and she wanted tell you that she won't be ableto meet with dmitri today.

    i hope this doesn'tscrew things up for you. but it does screw things up for me. i don't know what to tell you.she's sick. tell me you willfill in for her. it pays $3,000. how old are you? for $3,000, how olddo you want me to be? put your handsover your shoulders.

    dmitri is here. bring the the table. and don't be drunk when hetakes you to the back room. (lowered voice)takeda, can you hear me? yes. what do you see? at least five armed guards.possible russian militia. dmitri's on his way infrom the back entrance. good. let him take youto the safe room. when you're alone with him,i will come.

    you need to get out of here. it's not safe. i can take careof myself. go. mr. bladov... this is from colleen. who? my sister. (emily) gun!

    (grunts) (takeda)emily, abort the mission. get them out of here! go! emily, go! go now. i can't. quite a bold actfor such a young girl. my daddy was in the service. he taught mehow to protect myself.

    your daddy, huh? (knock on door) seichas. business before pleasuretonight. (beeping) (buzzer sounds, door unlocks) (door closes, door locks) (lowered voice)takeda, are you still there? i am. where are you?

    in dmitri's safe roomat the west end of the hall. the entry codeis 5-3-1-9-5-3. door locks on both sides.everyone is armed. do not move.i will come for you. the bartender with the gun-- he's colleen's brother. your safety must beyour primary concern, not this boy. he tried to help me.

    i can't just let themkill him. i'll contact youwhen i find him. (knocks) you called me? yeah, i thought, uh, you were spending the holidayswith someone special? oh, no, i plan to. oh, well, in that case... happy thanksgiving.

    (laughs) well, admittedly, a little untraditional, but, uh, so are we. (sighs)what do you got there? (chuckles) you're always looking outfor everyone else, and it's time someonelooked after you. zoltan, galaxy defender?

    this little guy's the reason i started codingin the first place. i know, i know. you told meon our first date. (cell phone rings) i am's our new accounting firm. really, on thanksgiving? (ring) (robotic voice) do not answercommunicator device.

    mwah.(whispers) i'm sorry. (normal voice) hello? yes. have you ever been married,mr. greevy? i am a widower. oh, i'm so sorry. it was the first thingwe bonded over when we met on the cruise. maxwell and ihad the trip planned

    a year before he died, and... i was sure he would'vewanted me to go. what a noble gesture. (conrad)and what brought you on to that boat, ben? you seem more of a yacht manthan a cruise liner. mm. quite so. i just thoughtit would be nice to let somebody elsesteer the ship for a change.

    (all chuckle) and so there was benjaminin the owner's suite, next to mine... like it was fate. well, it does soundalmost preplanned. (instrumental jazz playing) where is that maid of yours? oh, allow me, my dear. i'll walk youto the bar.

    in spite of what you think,victoria, i have genuinelyfallen for him. oh, the same way you fellfor your last husband? maxwell was different. a means to an end. oh, you don't have totell me that. was it worth it? the 30 yearsi spent with him? of course.

    i mean what you had to doto keep him. if you're askingwould i change anything, the answer is no. look at you now-- the matriarch of one of the wealthiest familiesin the country, a man who adores you, two beautiful children. some would say you oweall of that to me.

    you may thinki knocked you down, but you landed on your feet. (conrad) ladies. dinner is served. (sighs) are you all right,victoria? you don't have togo through with this, you know? i can send them awayright now. oh, you're wrong, conrad.(inhales)

    i absolutely have togo through with this. dad? what the hellare you doing, jack? i told you to keep awayfrom here tonight. where's your brother? i left him at grandma's. what are you doingwith a gun, dad? i'm protecting what's mine. i'm gonna fight for my boysthis time.

    fight who? (flames whoosh) son of a bitch!get the fire extinguisher. (hissing) what the hellis going on, dad? one more time.who sent you? (spits) (inhales deeply) we'll give you five minutesto consider your situation.

    (dmitri, muffled voice) then wetake you somewhere special where my comrade's wishcan come true. (grate clatters) i know why you're here. i know what they didto colleen. who the hell are you? an ally. if you were, you would'velet me kill him. killing dmitri is not gonnabring your sister back.

    what do you know aboutthe downing of flight 197? it happened a week aftermy sister was taken. what else? there's gotta bea bigger connection here. my father workedas a baggage handler at heathrow airport. he worked the nightthe plane took off. (pants) that's how they gotthe bomb on the plane. no, there were the rumors,but he wouldn't have done that. you didn't know him.

    i didn't need to. they used your fatherthe same way they used mine. move, and you both die. (aiden grunting) looks like you get to use those self-defenseclasses after all. make your daddy proud. we should be callingthe cops. no cops.just help me fix the window.

    it's chilly in here. heard a bunch of placesup and down the dock got hit tonight. and on a holiday like this. it's almost like someone wastrying to send us a message. you know, i got two boysof my own. accidents happen on these docksall the time, especially the kids. where's your little onetonight, carl? declan, is it?

    hey, don't youever mention my-- dad, dad, don't. don't. we'll pay. jack, what are you-- we just need a couple hoursto get the cash together. but we'll pay. (clatter) smart kid. i'll come back in an hour,and we'll make it official.

    break out a bottleof something. let's celebrateour partnership. me--i likeblue label scotch. rich man's candy. jack, don't ever, ever speak for me again. (whirring) hey, the, um, the accountantsfound a problem.

    (groans) they found the cayman accounti set up for you in 2002. oh. god, that was so long ago. oh, well, let me--let me refresh your memory. it containednearly $500 million. and as of six weeks ago,it's empty. (clears throat) i...

    it's gone. but i-i didn't take it. where is it? see, i'm your c.f.o., and you can't tell me where nearlyhalf a billion dollars went. that doesn't work for me. marco. marco. daniel, how goesthat creative writing class

    you were so excited about? i don't know. dad, did you get a chanceto read what i gave you? i did, and i thinkyour professor was absolutely rightto commend your talents. in fact, if you don't mind,i'd like to send them to some publishers i know. thank you. we're so proud of you, daniel,no matter what you choose to do.

    always know that. mr. greevy,do you have any children? sadly, no. we never foundthe right time. ah. it's a good thing, knowing when to start a familyand when not to. i certainly wasn't readywhen victoria came along. not that i... would changea moment of it.

    vicky is my greatest blessing. well, that's notwhat you said the day you threw meout of the house. what on earthare you talking about? mr. greevy, would you liketo hear the story of our last thanksgivingtogether? i think, we...may have made a mistake in coming here. we should go.

    no, i-i-i'd liketo hear the story. you heard what he said,mother. sit down. (thomas) i am notmarrying you, marion. that is not what this is. you can't leave me!how are we gonna survive? nobody promisedto take care of you, and plus a kid. well, if it's because ofvictoria, i can send her away.

    yeah, you would do that,wouldn't you? or is she the reasonthat you come by at all? you are a sick woman,you know that? good-bye, marion. no! you are not leaving. get out of my way. thomas, please. get out of my way! thomas!

    (drawer opens) (gunshot) (thud) (panting) victoria! come here, quickly. (footsteps approach) you just couldn'tcontrol yourself, could you? batting your eyelasheslike a little whore.

    come here. come here! take the gun. aim for his chest. (crying) no, i can't. we'll tell the policethat he attacked us, that you shot himto protect me. no jurywill ever convict you. you'll be hailed as a hero.

    my god, victoria,if you don't do this, they will take me awayfrom you forever. you will be all alone. for god sake,do as i say. (continues crying) (crying) well... and she was right. the grand jury failedto indict me,

    though i was hardlyhailed as a hero. the judge sentenced meto a 6-month in-patientpsychiatric evaluation. by the timei was returned to her, she had already met maxwell. and then one night, she saw himsneak into my room. and the next morning,she threw me to the curb. by that spring,they were married.

    it's lies. every word of it. you threw me outon the street. i was a child. i was 15! you drove a wedge between meand every man i ever loved. i should've listenedto your deadbeat father, gotten rid of youbefore you were even born. (conrad) marion, that's enough!

    you will not say another wordagainst my wife in this house. (marion)where are you going? as far away from youas i can possibly get. (oakenfold featuring brittany murphy) ♪ faster kill fast ♪ ♪ it's a pussycat ♪ ♪ i can't stand to see you cry ♪ ♪ honey, you know where the world is at ♪ ♪ you get what you want with your lucky eyes ♪ get ready.

    (grunting) dmitri! go. go! out the back. (woman screams) (takeda) emily! aah! stop! bladov! (groaning)

    get up.get up and face me. tell me who hired youto take my sister. (pants)girls come to me willingly. not colleen.i was there. (emily) aiden, no! i remember. you were just a boywhen we took colleen. she called your namewhen you chased after us. don't do this.

    no good will come of it. listen to your girlfriend. she speaks the truth. you tell me where she is,you son of a bitch. probably dead. if you pull that trigger, you'll never knowwhat happened to your sister. (pants) please. don't move!

    you saved me twicein one day. (pants) maybe your sisterwas strong like her. but mostly,they break quickly. if i remember correctly, the girl you called colleen-- she even grew to like it. shut up. no!

    (gunshots) go.take him away from here. (continues panting) (nolan) marco, wait. about the missing money... it all went to the daughterof our first investor. what investor, nolan? who are you talking about? david clarke.

    after the conviction,i set up the account so his daughter could getwhat was rightfully hers. after the con--are you insane? you don't knowthe whole story. david was innocent. okay, you are insane if you believethose conspiracy theories. think about how this looks,nolan, for you, for the company.

    you are nolan ross.that name means something now. there would be no companywithout david, and look, i wasn't aboutto screw over his daughter after everythingthat she had been through. oh... if you don't... get that, then i don't thinkwe have a future together. wow. okay, you...

    are choosinga convicted terrorist over me. i'm choosing a manthat took me at my word over my name. and, uh... you're fired. and... here's your shareof the company. oh, no. no, i want no ties with you

    or your blood money. go to hell, nolan. why, victoria? this was all i had. this was my last chance. you had many chancesbefore this one. when maxwell died,we were nearly penniless. i sold the house,liquidated my savings. i have nothing.

    but the fur on your back? it serves you right for choosing a pedophileover your own daughter. i thought at least you'd enjoytaking pity on me. pity's not a qualityyou've taught me. i have nowhere to go. we do have a good numberof rooms here. pity, as you say, none of them are for you.

    you vindictive bitch. oh, i learnedfrom the best. good-bye, mother. i have no doubt thatyou'll land on your feet. is that daniel's poetry? merely copies, i imagine. well, surely,it can't be that bad. oh, on the contrary. "we speak in hushed voices,

    "so as not to wakeour memories, "the things we've done, "the thingswe'll continue to do, "for fearof breaking the cycle, "how fierce we werewhen we were young, when we were unafraidof coming unhinged." (paper rustles) it's for his own good,really. you know,i'll have some publishers

    send danielcourteous rejections, and our son will go on to take his placeat the head of grayson global, where he belongs. "for fearof breaking the cycle." well, you certainly didwith your mother. i just wired mr. greevya sizeable sum, and he thanked usfor giving him "the role of his lifetime."

    hmm? staging their run-inon the cruise and orchestratingyour mother's demise? has the darknessfinally been lifted? ask me tomorrow. (boat horn blowing in distance) glad you cameto your senses, porter. take it, and don't everthreaten my kids again. you know,you might want to share

    your newfound peace of mindwith the rest of your pals before it's too late. for some, it already is. matt, what the hellare you doing? gutter rat put my little girlin the emergency room. hit and run right outsidemy front door. give me the gun. it belongs to you anyway. i followed him down here.

    broke in and stole itfrom behind your bar. i'm sorry. but ryan had it coming to know that. we're in this together,right? (jack) dad?! wait here. (motor starts) mr. duncan. hey... jack.

    hey, how's it going? what's going on?that sounded like-- engine backfired. just showing mattyour new vessel. that's a hell of a boat. hey, jack, why don't yougo back inside? it's freezing out. yeah, i know that. you coming?

    yeah, right behind you. is this your father? what was he like? he was kind... generous, funny... (chuckles) humble but strong. he would've died for me. like my sister.

    she didn't deservewhat she got. if your sensei will have me, i want to learnhow to save her. what if she can't be saved? then i want to learnhow to punish every personthat helped destroy her... so that no family has tosuffer the way that mine... that waythat our families suffered. if you would have told mesix years ago

    that i'd be here... (kisses) in this bed...(kisses) with you... (kisses) i would neverhave believed it. you fought for mewhen nobody else would. and somehow you convinced takedato take me on. i blackmailed him.

    told him it was both of usor neither. well, it makes you wonder, a guy that smart-- maybe this was takeda's planall along. you better notdisappear on me again. i won't, amanda. (man) thanks, man. you get your brother's boatall tied up? well, thanks againfor letting us use your slip

    to bring the booze in. yeah, i mean, it shouldsave us some money, right? which we could useto spruce up the place. maybe get people ordering thisinstead of the usual swill. that's blue's expensive. yeah. my pop's drink. you knowwhat he used to call it? all right. (phone rings)

    (switch clicks) (beep) hello? (daniel)is this marco romero? who is this? do you knowwhat time it is? oh, it's apologies. my name's daniel graysonwith grayson global. i have a business propositionfor you-- one that involves nolcorp.

    i'm listening. age-old cure... for anxiety. mm.well, i'm quite certain this won't bring methe solace i need, now that danielhas made himself a target. you have to help meprotect our son. well, thenwe have to block him from taking controlof the board,

    no matter what it takes. i never thoughti'd see the day where i wouldn't want himto have the job. never thought i would see so many thingsthat have come to pass, but here we are. perhaps daniel should've beena poet after all. where'd yousneak off to? i wantedto show you something

    since you're not going anywhereanytime soon. everything aboutmy father's conspiracy is in this box. everything... about the girli left behind when i startedon all of this. (handles rattle) (exhales) god, it feels likea lifetime ago.

    for me, too. double infinity. (huffs) a journey with no end.

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